/i' FARM NEWS BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE'. TUTS, . .6: Vernon Baumun & SON coon/75m MARATHON 3192.? â€Kn-gun. Phones-$075 - Vim Barley: l and 2 cw 6~row, $L- 31%; l and 2 cw brow. $128%‘, 3 cw 6-row, 312651;; 2 cw yummy, 81.19951; 3 cw yellow, 51,1755: 4 cw ti-row. £11659. 3 cw 2-row, â€25%; 1 feed, SlH5%. 2 iced. sum; 3 feed, $1 U555 -Flak: l-cw. 3 92’: , 2}; 3.3.3774; 3 cw. $3673: 4 cu. unquoted track, $3.90%. Ontario, new. Leamington, off truck, $4.40: to trade $4 (SS-$4.75. V Rvefi and 2k“; $13.4; $1.83; rej 2 cw, 1 83: 4 at erLy?ty, $1.63; truth. tlt;8'. Cash grams: Oats: 2 cw, 799s: ex. 3 an, 70%; 3 cw, 7tih: ex J feed, 7tih: l teed, 74%; 2 feud. 72‘4. 2 feed. 72%: 3 feed. 68%: mixcd {red 64, Barley: l and 2 cw 6~row, $L- 21%; l and 2 cw brow. $128%; Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade EGO QUOTATIONS REPORTED LOWER Paying prices to producers de- creased one cent an the lurec top (rides at London yeotetday. To- tome and Muntrea: reported lun- er puces for Urade A egg: at the same time. Grade A large sue ._._F. H 56 Grade A med:um sue .rFr _ 52 Grade A small 9120 _r___._. 43 Grade B tv....... . .. __... trF.t-r_rt 35-36 Grade C ..V'.trVtt_ _ " _ 27-28 Medium to good new.» ci9sed at $25-$27 with a few chcoces at $27 - so. Good heifers brought $25.50- 318 while common steer, and het- ters sold at $12-$20. Medium to good cows sold from $17-$19 with common downward to SN and tuners as low as $10. A few huvy bulls were at $l?-$$17,50 with common ugh: bulls down- ward to $12, Good to choice ted Egg Quotations S0RoNTi-Prices held about steady on moat grade, of cattle today at the Ontario Stockyards, Receipts: Cattle 1.11s0; calves 560; tuses 850; sheep and lambs 260. The estsmated holauver Pa 300 cattle. Raspberries remained at about the same price, selling generally at 35 cents a quart box Prices were. up: Extra large, dozen 65 (u a; Medium, dozen, 58 to 62; Line, dozen, 60 hr ti5, Puhitts, “an, 40 to an Cattle Steady at Toronto Corn. told on the market last “for thetiratume missu- IIII. w in greater supply at Sat- uty’; market, It sold from 30- “out I dozen with a few stands qdltmhq below 30 cents. LIVESTOCK PRICES GORDON YOUNG tom in Plentiful Supply Makes Debut at Kitchener Dead and crippled Farm Animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect Quentin - - - 3334 Potato Prices Grain Prices [ DEAD STOCK Wholesale to Retail A large size -rV? , A medxum size .__ A small size "FF- r, $1.63 ti0-62 57-60 48-49 40 35 56 52 43 35-36 27-28 Lambs were steady at $32 for good ewes and wethers with bucks at $31 Common to medium sheep sold trom 37-315 Calves sold steady " 8N-82tr for good to choice vealers with common to medium from 815-322, Hogs were $26 for Grade A with sows $16 dressed. yearlutgs sold at 82650-328. Common to medium stacker: brought $19-$23 while a few good stockers sold at $26-t25,50 Mull: Pork “we, fresh. IL. 55; Head cheese, It, M; Ram. fresh, th., 65; Ham, smoked, tb., 19 to 53; CMickens-- Young Neil- ers, Its, M; Milk fed, ib, sr, Year. old, ltr, 50; Tomatoes, large but ket, 80; Cherries, " to $1 15; Raspberries, M. 3 for M; Celery, bunch. no to Mr, Carrots, bunch, ' to 10; Cora, doa- en, 30 to 40; String beans, basket, 30 to " . qulhlu: Potatoes, bu- ket, TS; CnurtBower, Ix. tb, 9ttrbagrr, can thto Mr, 'radiate 96 King M. Souâ€- 1hll1Tllliilltlll,,,,00 STOVE OVEN WArrAOE-To bake, 800 watts upper; 3000 watts 1ower-total 3800 watts. To broil -__- 4000 watts. OVEN CONSTRUCTION --Has scientific heat distribution-insulated on all six sides, master oven size 16" a: Ir' x 20". OVEN EQUtPMENT-AIt rust-resistant shelves-with one shelf reversible for greater ftexibility of shelf arrangement. New type roasting pan, new smokeless broiler rack, easy to clean, with More Features Than You Ever Dreamed of YOU'LL FIND Ihaeasa of 4ha (ms? Fllodt THIS RANGE IS TRULY THE ANSWER FOR THE MODERN KITCHEN COME IN AND SEE IT TODAY! Butter solids: First grade " tenderable and 57-57% non-ten- denble; second grade, no price established. ' APPLIANCES l Mr. McCubbin, in Ottawa tor I routine check on departmental " hln. said the quarantine im.. posed on the untamed We area would be lifted August It). The US. required a Mi, of 00 days utter an era had 11 de- cured free of foot end mouth dis- ease, before it would consider lifting the embugo. Thun Mr. McCubbin pieced the American “all clear" acknowledgement at October Mt, mm, mini In. Io? M13- ux West und parlUmeotary aide toAhe Jystittrr. of. trieultur, lhidistattk Emlmgo lo be lined End d '52 Lays 419 Egg- in 218 Days m. - “nui- bAebMA1'-to_Aa,i aura." E'il‘dnn'w' 'itii'h1fri?h'.'.l,iiit1ft, and or" 'm . Eng. 14 "in Phqm, Butter Prices - _ liniéi " - SHIPPING Wra0h-Approor'unately 310 pounds. SURFACE tJNNB--G-E Hi-Speed Callod surface' equipment includes one It" giant size element rated 2050 watts-two 6" "utility size" elements, rated 1250 watts and one 6" raisable element, rated 1250 Watts. MAXIMUM CONNECTED LOAD -- 10,8 [133m ELECTRIC IN THE AMAZING NEW SPEED - - COOKING R A N G E Fpeytlitttlt .F..eF._..Fe__ , a 14 Hahn: Drug Show.†6 ll It City Hall (b) '_.8__"_t..__ 0 21 0 v--PUyed one tour point game b-Have dropped out of Lane PUC Following is the standing in the Waterloo Men's Recreation Bott- ball League late and including the some: of 'duy night: In. W L m StlounCYO .rF_..-FF__ u a " Doug's Recreation vm.. Ha t 30 Schiedel's Food Mart 9 ' 18 ltiteaiibeaaved, mm}; report. Way h Ontario ". "ml.†nun-u atone» in Elihu" "a. ITG gun a hop in and. “51min... Imam-noun. Win-bum; "sat-lr---.--. How They Stand Haul-03M magic! " 30 " " 16 " It _ th) No open {origin The coun~ the: of Brant, Bruce, Dufferin, Durham. Elgin, Essex. Grey, Hal- sidbs of 'Brizhton, Murray' Lik Seymor in Northumberland Coun- tr_(Se_e chute (1)). __ Noté: Bows and arrows md shot-guna only my be used dur- in this _op_en_ spoon in the town- Seimour in Rorth in thi, i Fl a]? Co9ttr. -- No.’ , Highway; 55671:; 16%.: amps or ' tighten, Myra; m4 tg) Nov. 3 to Nov. 6--The counties of Carleton, Dundas, Glengarry, Grenville, Lanark, Leeds, Prescott, Russell and Stor- mont; those portions of Fronte- nac, Lennox and Addington, Hu- tings_ang_ .Pttertrorouyrii. south of (f) Nov. 3 to Nov. 15--The Dis, Iricts of Muskoka (except the Townships of Medora and Wood); Parry Sound; that portion of Ni- pissing south of the north shore of the Mattawa River and Trout Lake and the north boundary of the '2t"tl"t of West Ferris; the counties of aliburton and Ren- frew; those portions of Frontenac, Hastings, Lennox and Addington and PeteNrorough north of No. q Higmvay; the Townships of Mara, Rama and Thorah in the County of Ontario; and the Townships of Dalton, Dixbv‘y, Lnxton, Londord and SomerVi " in the County M Victoria. (d) Nov. IO to Nov. 25--Mani- toulin Island and all other irtsu- lar portions of Manitoulin District except Cockburn, Great Cloche, Little Cloche, Philip Edward Isl- ands, and the islands in McGre, gor Bag and Bay ot_Ulands. (e) Nov. " to Nov, 2i'ardt geographic townships of Hil on, Jocelyn and St. Joseph (St. Jo, seph? Ifltutd). the French and Mauawa Rivers, the north shore of Georgian Bay, the north shore of the North Channel and 2c"fet Cockhurn, Great Cloche, Litt e Cloche, Philip Edward Islands, and the Islands in McGregor Bay and Bay of Islands. Moose Season (Continued from page 3) or Township 7F, and westerly to Lake Superwr at the southwest angle of Block 29, Range 15, (Ex- u_eptirt. therelrum the District of Rainy River and Big Island in Lake of. the Woods). (c) Nov. I ’u'ow'mv 25-The District ot Rainy River and the area-foul}; of 1b} and north of their customers," adds the Health league warning. "it's up to the homewife to protect her own family by remembering to wash all fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly, mindless of how than and who esome they may 00 _ . "At the preesnt time there are so many new insecticides on the market that safety on this score (annot be taken for granted. De-l spite intelligent handling of the many new problems arising from these chemical dltveiopitaents, there are still a number of ques- tions of safety remaining unan- swered today " "Food processors (canning com- panies and others) know 1 e po- tential dangers lurking in chemi- cal spray residues Ott' fresh pro- duce, and they are on guard for the public, well aware of their rfuPomibility fer we health ot "Thir water washing will not only remove poisonous anemic-l residue md dirt, but it also has to slow down spoilage and thou actually improve the fresh, natur- al "vor." Most fruits. with the probable excegzion of stnw'bernes md mp tries. are sprayed by the growers; and of the vegetables you buy, peas and beans are the only ones not usually ypnyed, Even lettuce and spinach may be, sprayed, and tomatoes. ot course, are almost invariably given this} treatment. The best rule of thumb is to Will: I†fruits lull “gables and pl†we. "There is IN one sale rule to toltow," wun . Health Leuue food exferu, “wash all fruits Ind regent! as carefully m water be- toFe V, --ire--v_- m “I u Hunh at Gum. A 'klttyivi','s1 you} it new uh; dmte y t-tieide mun- bctunu. food ttisteittutom and we“: dour-nub to m In -qeetirpg public poisons mum to: In. only; but "tte Ind at“; mum" run with the most Important fer-on of all. the common The den] Department of 4g't1t,'g; in ad- ministering the t Control Pro- duets Act, does ita there, but the consumer should not overlook her resmmmuity 7 T Jih"iE'afAlr;,,rit 'llrlhll'lli W, - Wird -- In waited. mum...“ ;93.mm was or an Resident Deer ..hmr.Prrrrwrs_.r.rr.r.. $5.00 Resident (camp) Deer _.. Nrrt 5.00 Farmer's Deer (restricted).. 2.00 Resident Moose .0 "r'.trt.m-m..m.mrrt 1000 Resident Hunting (gun) q... 1.00 Resident Hunting (unprw _ tected birds and animals) Summer License Trw-_ mm_'t..t. L00 'Resident - Raccoon ..r...Ftr...V i. 2.00 ‘Gulde‘s _"__"r""..'"mrt'__.'.tttt-e_rrrmr. 2.00 Resident Trapping .‘ "r'__'..r--_r 5.00 Fur Farming 'v...- _.___ ,, '-rte____ FOO NON-RESIDENT HUNTING: Bear, rabbits, birds .P.r..W.. 21.00 Deer, bear, rabbits, birds 36.00 Moose, deer, bear, “be. birds (no issue 1952) No closed season. (Licences necessary). BEAVER, FISHER, FOX, LYNX, MARTEN, MINK, MUSKRA'I‘, OTHER. RABBIT, RACCOON, SQUIRREL (Black, Gray or Fox): Open seasons as provided by regulations, - No open season. WILD GEESE, WILD DUCKS, WILSON SNIPE:, WOODCOCK: Open seasons as provided by Migratolg Bird Regulations. GROUS (Partridge). HUNGA- RIAN PARTRIDGE, WARMI- GAN, PHEASANT, QUAIL. WILD TURKEY, MOURNING DOVES: vided by Regulation. BE_AR, WEASEL, SKUNK No open season except as pro 29% by_1ttstNliation, - CARBOU (3) That portnon ol the Dusttict ot Thunder Bay lying south of a line westerly from the northwest angle of Bell Township to the east boundary of Goulet Town- ship, northerly to the line of the CNR where it creases the east boundary of Nakina Township, and westerly along the line ot the NR to the boundary between Ke- nora and Thunder Bay Districts. (4) Crown game preserves. (5) There ls no open season tor moose in the remainder of On- tario, For residents of Ontario only Nov. 26 to Dec. 24- -Aivlicatble m dtvisons la) and (b) as de- fined In the open seasons for den, excepting theretronr WOPBSL (2) The District of Rainy Rn ver; an} dimmd, Halton, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk. Oxford, Peel, Perth, Prince Edward, Simcoe, Water, loo, Welland, Wellington. Went. worth and York; the townships of Alnwick. Cramahe, Haldiniand, Hamilton, Percy and South Mo- naghan in Northumberland Coun- ty; the townships of Bexley. Car- den, Eldon, Emily. Fenelon. Mari. pose, Ops and Verulam in VIC- toria County; the townships at Brock, East Whitby, Pickering, Reach, Scott, Scugoe. Uxbridge and Whitby In Ontario County; the townships of Medora and Wood In Muskoka Dtstrict; Big Island in Lake of the Woods, Crown Game Preserves and Pro- vincial Parks :ceptgxg therefrom: tll. ig Island in Lake of the MONTREAL J, Mb 704:“ cr WOIIINO WI?†CANADIAN. IN [VIIV License Fees Bear (April 1 to June 15) 525 Wolf (March I to June 15) 525 GENERAL (Resident and Nun- Restdcntr, Dog Ito hunt deer) we cc. 2ttu Dog (to hunt racumn) H too And hunters. don't forget that a loaded gun deserves respect. even a bit of fear _ should be loaded any It} the hunting field _ . can km a fellow tGGG4ir, a mile away _ V can kill its own- er " the wrong end 15 toward lu-ree-s-rt-ag-ctr-trear-te-tr' .meoa 53.8)“ 33.04% memmwm amend; v.-. --__- _iiei_..rP-.__- MreVVW., uu-o “Ir-I'D lava-unlu, from August 24th to Mst, or Scplclnbcl Int, Incluswe. de- pending on what limo on September lst your Inseminntor receives his shipment of semen, For wrvu't- nomad: Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association - Kitchener 2-8891 SEMEN " NOW AVAILABLE from Holstein, Jersey. Guernsey, Ayrshire, Hereford, Angus, Pulled, Dual-Purpose and Bvof Shorthotns, . SERVICE FROM ANGUS BULLS Is now available. Angus bulls have Leon purchased by the Oxford Unit and their semen Is now avallablo through our mseminators. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association 102 King W. 1!l1tlltlHR1ir, FORMIRLY STEELES â€ff/12:6 ANNUAL BULL NIGHT lil? MII; u. tlflt ZISJE Kitchener Everybody welcome to come and see your bulls Guest speaker: DR MacLAUGHLIN, President of the JA C. wp ARE yum)“; DOWN run STAFF HOLIDAYS. HEADACHES Eyeslrain By Roe Farms Service Dept. Waterloo Counts and part of Wvllingtun served dorectly trom Untt. AUGUST 5th - 7:30 P.M. Causes "Where Better Buns Are Used" F. .. Phone 2-1933 "ITIS, ovm 25 YEARS up SERVlCE Entertainment and free lunch ILR. a I, Waterloo. Ontario WAbtt or 'tr' “Fact tot' Khan! MIMI... â€NM! Amo- "oHmert, MoldMbom Joan Food Mill, Linwood â€anâ€. Food Mlllo, Nevin-villa m MASH OR PELLlT FORM Wk Elk†60 Contempt for the common rules at safely m the hunting field can have due results; Just .5 con- tempt for the hunting regulation, can gel you Into serious trouble. muse tinuncial lass and ertthar, rammenl and, even if you gel away With " Dike or twice, helps Jib! another little bit to rob the children of today of their good hunung tomorrow, him when It goes on whether modem or otherwise. “LL“LI. 2'5 by