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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Aug 1952, p. 5

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Mm, James Short, Miss MaryiJuruce and Marjorie, or 1ej')iii.elirieijiii,t Kappa. M. Short and Mr Lloyd Ament laptnl Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr, Ward Sellers of Brussels were Saturday Visitor: With Mr, Harold Vogel spent a few days with his bro- 1arearet Burnett uni Mr and; Miss Maud Engelter I) spend- ther, Mr. Charles Sellers. lrs, Thomas Carwn mg two weeks With her brothers,) Mr, Moses Wilhelm of Strnth- Mr and Mr, A but Duke“ Mr Will Engelter and Mr, Eng- roy spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs James Search Kitchen, alter at Chicago, ‘and Mrs. William Kappes. ' r visited with oid utquumtuncea‘ Mr and Mrs Gordon Schleu-) Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kuhn and Irt the “Jags. Sunday ‘ter. Darlene and Douglas, spent l Brian of Waterloo spent Sunday Mrs M M Snantr, 11'utcu:oo,lsury1a,v at Linuoud with Mr with the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mr Hugh Campanl. iustowe', and Mrs John Schleuter and Mrs. William Kuhn. were Thursday attormmn tallersl Wedding bells will soon be; Mr. Stewart Vogel spent a with Mrs George Mauser ringing in our burg, lweek's vacation with his Ititnd, Mrs Albert“ Stevenson and family. Guelph. spent a few days Before a croud of 800 fans on' M, Friday nlfht, Linwood dtteatedunia Sebrintvlle 14-7 Linwood nos "totsts lends t e best of seven semriinal I Point aria 2 to l Big show of the‘ The evening was a homer in the 4thl, “my. inning bf Prank Friedman WILthe he bases ful _ "Chat" Thompson, lo. who m cal ace walked one and struck out (at 8.3 4, Gehl for Sebringvilte walked Expo! 7 and struck out l Water Febrineville (no 200 121---7 il liwheel Linwood 102 461 00x-14 H 2 mm“ ser and Janet. Mr Wesley ftorger, Kitchener A; spending u week utter m, Ste, “-r. Mr, A M Amcm and Mr Amen. [gm 1beteate, Cm’ Heigoit Vania “Km-1&3" - 7 V V seNigtgeiur [was to Leeds. Gehl and Schmidt, 'r/.otusori' and Schnnrr Mr WliJam ”APE. Bask , is quaintances m _ 54 years since “sued Linwood Mr and Mrs, Alf Tubby. Mrs Matt Kueneman. Mr and Mrs C P Vetter, Kitehenvr, were recent ttsttors twin Mr, George Man- Linwood on ’i'éihéséiy night detected Carthage 21-16 m the Yorth Perlh 1ndevrndrnt softhall Lu?” Wncent Karley for the locus struck three hunters wtule Knoblnuch for the Visitors had one. Thu game ues Lsnwood auth Envy») for first place _ Lin won Umpires Gardiner and Smith Smdord. District News From Our Correspondents Linwood : M. A" I, I. II In. 30".! _ (m Mm" TVa DOZEN ONLY . . Orlon Shim, Wind”: Collars, 3Va DOIEN ONLY . . Plain white and plain bio. California canon. . . Regular $5.95. SALE PRICE aas 2 for 6.75 French Cuffs. ' . All shades and In." Regular $6.50. . . SALE PRICE 2 for 7.75 ALL OUR SPORT SHIRTS GO ON SALE, Choice new qtaeMies, panama and 'trus. Regular to 750 - - SALE A ' One lot - Molten 1 Values ht 6.50 . . Tnppler Style Gobordme with cordu- roy mm Regular 795, _ . . SALE ass MENS BELTS Regular Regular VoluetM6.50 . . . SPECIAL d 2% DOIEN ONLY - LEISURE SHIRTS Regular Largo group . . Fund” ond phi” . . All 'tao. Regular to 2 50 SALE PRICE 2 FOR 2.75 1-39 SPORT SHIRTS a 39 ONLY iate 'tttl" 35.60 DRESS SHIRTS I ”a? HERB FORESTER a": '250 220 tH4-lti 220 (H 26x--2t ind Joe Leatham. Leger. Gravel- renewing old ac- the village It 15 Mr Ziegler last to to to 650 495 395 HERB FORESTER FOR FOR FOR ”’0an and Simcoe _ The August mung of the ,meood Women's Institute WI” ‘be held Tuesday on August 5th at who home of Mrs. F C, Schummer lat 8.30 pan Roll call-Canadian Export. Address, Mr C, Selma". Waterloo Motto, Keep the (wheels of Industry turning, The future of Canada IS for Cana- dsans, Mrs J C. McKay Mrs, lGurdun Eydt, convenor of Agn- culture and Canadian Industries, ‘wnll be In charge Contest, Mes. C W Wither Lunch, Miss J, L. eyue,r. Mrs, Wm Richardson, Mrs. J Cl McKay. Mrs, Duncan 'MacPherson, A cordial mutation Ls extended to all ladies of the :commumty to attend Mr and Mrs. Prank Klein- [ Knecht, Franklm. f'",,","'? and *otstrt speln Sunday at urkey Mr, -and Mrs, Os2ar Keller and chlidren of New Hamburg were Muss Audiey Bummgham, Conestoga IS 1i're,?1"v't this week With Mr and Mrs Wi luun Bach Mr and Mrs Georcc Bertwy Janice and Marjorie, or Hoseville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harold Vogel enet. 'ue holidaying at We home of their father Dr Irene Hun, Toronto, wt: . week-end “snot mm her pap ems, Dr and Mrs. G. R. Halo. Several from Lutwood W1. at- tended the S0th anniversary Pier me held Wednesday Uternoon of last week. In Victona Put, Knchener Mr Frank Klemknecht was a business Visitor at News Bench Instr Wednesday. _ " MeUrs 't,rgi,lh',t,tgtcti To- ronto. and John unbuch. has» with Mt John Mrs Hours Murray 0 Heidelberg ' I!) In: 1aalso,e but”. (Chrunktc Cone-panda.“ SPORT COATS A Herb Forester Sole is 0 REAL SALE. That's why they hoppcn only twice o your. Thot's why, when they do hopper» people know ovory item is horn our rogulor good quality "oek . . . and u boing eUatred or season and: o! drastic Mattias. . . . Rood our thou foot-m inn-I . . . no then one! remember you'ro ouurod oi “no quality, ”on om! “norm." for which wo ore famous. . " ass a TWICE A YEAR CLEARANCE SALE Save up to sos NOON! 1-7571 Mr, Stewart Vogel spent a week's vacation with his friend, Master Brian Kuhn near Water- 100 Mus Dorothy Wolfe has return- ed to her home after sounding a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Wm Wolfe of Cal- lander Mrs, Ivan Bank: and son Bum rm Wednesday with friends in Hemmer, Frank Pearcy ot Galt was wait- ing at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wtstsley Beauty ft? Friday, .. Miss Alma Thorns and Wm. Grimwood were visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lincoln Lichty of Kityteer on Thyysday. “it; 7.170; Quelih and childrén Patsy, Rose, Fern and Jimmy are spending some tune at the home guests With Mr and Mrs. Carl Keller on suMay -- .- -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erdman) and children were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutkey at Palmer-l stotSurytay, -- . -- . l Miss Betty Huegle ot Kitchen- er is spending her holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, wi1ruun_ktppy, - Howard Gibbon: and daughter Doreen and In. Wesley Peucy and daughter Sandra us pend- mg a VICIIIOD at Southampton, Ivan King has returned to his home after spend? several days with relatives Mt mdaw. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Vogel, Leonard and Stewart were recent “sums with Mr and Mrs Elam Bowman at Peteisurg, _ Rev, it J “at Gull - In dune at the tonic. " the Deon Unncd "ttam) on Sun- day moraine. In: whim n: "Free Yo Ranch Out”. Wino-I me wu the seem at hundred. of “than from tar AM “(our the weak-and Look their weekly " In the cool spring vu- Rueer and Pat Wotte hive re turned home the: spending tour weeks ll the home of the" MEIC Gui, ROW“; dricE to avoid an Wolfe dt thitander Rey. H, J>IAtaqothty In; Whites and fancies. Regular to 2 50 SALE PRICE 2 FOR 3.00 Regular to 3 50 SALE PRICE ONE GROUP - Broken Lots - Reg, to 295 . . SALE PRICE R, Reguim ISO Ties Regular 2 00 Ties Regular I oo to 150 Ties - SALE PRICE 2 FOR 1.35 Regular 2 50 Ties 3 Donn onIy summer lightweight Hots Regular to 350 SALE PRICE MENS sox . Men's 25.95 T-SHIRTS HE} 2 FOR 3.75 2 FOR SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 2.75 1 'Hats , AN. Boll of Toronto is trading p vacation at the home of is bro- l ther and sister, Otto Boll and [Mrs J. Bryce. Murray and Roy Gibbons. Wes- ley Pearcy and f,'itrrLu't'tti,'l,e,f spent the week-end at thamp- SALE PRICE 1.75 ton "Bun Norfolk ot Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Ross Hamilton. A _ A ,A "Tiisr-irGrrio of Toronto spent a few days with Miss Kat. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Richard Jones were Mr. and Mrs J, Cohen and two daughters of Gait. Mr, and Mrs. Ferrier and two sons of Gait highway. Mr. and Mrs J. Alfard, Mr and Mrs H. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Da- niels of Preston. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Wolfe spent a few days a! the home of their brother nod sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe of tu)uutder, of the farmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Moore of English Set- Ilement, Jos. Costellec ot Kitchener was visiting friends in the viii- on many . -- -- . . c.. .. Mrs. Hergott and sons Ronnie and Harold of Kitchener were Friday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilberl Stumpf, Pyrtqtee'yeVeJuf..'eerraa-otkh" etgt'.te'etMte=%t'N'ttttgtieeiiet menl mumuma-cyuuumm 'il'fgh".uu'.1euleT,e1t,2LeeteP2tt lull-mum“ haunt-mu 'fyut_tuPreqee_1ue9-tee-fnuiiiuiniie, 'tyoteeyt,_rpmeteety-a-aeiiu%G-c tadtm.,-Mr.u.;Ph.mWtgn, nun-gamma. mummmiummrmm. I'll vac-31.00 Att-ttrt ”MOIE 1 ss 1.95 Sth: 89¢ 1.19 Las 1.79 SSc Miss Fern McMahon of Kitch- ener and Miss Agnes Stemmler of Poole spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stemmler. Mr. Cosmas Schiebel of Elmira spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schieksel, Mr. Leo Giradot of Kitchener is spending I few days with his aunt, Mrs. Pauline Schedewitz. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haid. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kocher, Miss Ma. lina Schiebel and Mr. Wllllam Harkness spent Sunday at Mid- lngg at lhe Marty} Shrine, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and family of Stratford tr",', a few days last week with _ and Mrs Melvin Henley. Mr. John Vettentteimer of Oshawa spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. may of Prs- ton and Charles Rely r., of Tor- onto spent a few days at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Lawrence Cluthe. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schilroth and sons Larry and Alan of Kitchener were visiting at the home of Mrs, Schilroth's parents. Mr:, and Arts: Gag-gs Wavy; Mei. Fred Hobb- and durum Earle has returned to their ome alter spending: week vacation at the home of t e farmer's brother. Mr. Jack Hornblower and Mrs. Hernblower_o! Chicago. -- 7 A Mrs. Art Kaufman was hostess at a birthdc party on Thursday afternoon, {he occasion at the thud birthday of her daughter Denise, The guest of honor re- ceiytd m3ny 1ovelysittt __ - my John Heme" of Kitchener is spending a vacation " the home of her sister, Mrs. Gilbert steywt.yuiAer.ptium8. _ _ Hesson t John Fain? Gi" BEER», N.Y.. spent a few da s at his hang and yJaltints with hi; sister, Mrs. John Larry Wolfe has returned to his home in Callander after spending three weeks at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs M, Wont Cluthe Jack Skipper of Guelph spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Herb Skip- Mi, and Mrs. Norman Vouiner PLANNING YOUR OWN 'DREAM HOME'? LET RATZ LUMBER EXPERTS HELP you . sun with are“! plum-c, shied by then who have - long expeticpcg ut lbg_!ru_lldlu igl- ea..". drtartqetth - Mtg, _ '7 __-___-Hee-__ gonna-bl? banding "gut" , "mm M' Our Con-amok»! Sanka in abuduhly "" . . . There in no “It.“ on your port 00 buy 0-70“... Br II" "aruta Sci-label (Chmnklo Corn-panda!) ELMIRA ROAD H. E. RATZ LUMBER Free Consultation Service Before you deeide to build iseiFihrertisactt and family of Maryhill. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kocher were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weller and sons and Miss Shirley Kocher and William Brick all of Walker- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Koch- er and Mr. Yprrtr, Nelson of Mildmfy and T. 1mg Mrs._Her-_ A number from here attended the Goodwin-Kocher wedding which was held at St. Louis RC. Chgrch y Wateljop qn Saturday. Mrs. Pauline Schedewitz spetlt Sunday with Mrs. Christina Lo- gel Iand family on the 4th line of ea. Mr. and Mrs. John Querin spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Mitttelholtz. and family of '/g'l1'Msei,t,tegt Sunday with Mr. Joseph islng- er. Mrs. Isadore Maser and sons of the 13th line of Wellesley, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maser. Mr. Clean Knobluuch ot Kitch- ener spent the week-end with his (other. Mr. Jacob 1Cnobuuch. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knob- lauoh of Dorking spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Regina Den- stedt. ARTHY Elam Tuman, who was last year's Ontario Senior Horse. snoe Pitching Champion, was de- feated by Roy Wilkinson of the Dedarvale Club at the annual tournament held at East York's Dieppe Park recently, Mr, Toman and Mr. Wilkinson had finished in a tie tor first place in the round- robin but Mr, Wilkson succeeded in winning the final game by a score of 50-48. Ralph Fried also of this district accompanied Mr. Toman to the tournament and participated in the qualifying contest which pre- ceded the championship play-on. Another tnmlly gathering was held on Sunday at Sprmghnk Put. London, in honor of Mr and Mrs. Shanta. Ame? those from here who amend were: Mr Ind Mrs. Cameron Book and runny, Mr and Mrs, Lyle 'dat man, Abram Toma). Mr. and s, Homer Devin and (unity, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Duworth and son. Robert. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bock and (and? of Chathham were also presen , Rev. Mamet McGuire, one of the District Superintendents of the Nut-rem Church in the Mi- chignn Conference occupied the pulpit of the Bethel United Mis- snonary Church on Sunday morn- ine. Rev. Mr McGuire had been an assistant pastor at the Bethel Chum-h here M yous ago, Lester new sang a solo during the ser- to the ouiied, and, “on. ltd R'lll'S1 lvo-wuks-old clutter of Dunno" roman, lu- g: any“): of the Sunday hool and In. Tom-n. About a don-luau at the has Mr and In. Christian Shanta at this village hold a My re~ union at ictorU Put, Kitchen- er, last Thursday afternoon, The event wag p'umod in honor at Mr and Mr, Meuochton Sham: of Dugout), Alberta. who Iff) visiting relatives in the commun~ ( my picnic. Supper was served i Bruce Woods -of Waierlod was "Your Friends in the Lumber Business" - "pro-snaking will help you [all]! your building need- " lowest Our tuned and experienced WITH THEIR Mrs. Anne O'Krongli and Mr and Mrs. Otto Hermann and daughters, Giesele and Karen of Gitssen, Germany, arrived m the village on Wednesday to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. W, O'Krongli. Mrs. OO'Krongh and Mrs. Hermann are the mother and sister tst Mr._O'Kroggli, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel REane of Regina, Sash, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sararas for a Mr. and Mrs Prank Tuman re- turned home on Friday from a two-weeks wedding trip thro h the New England States to "f'] Maritime Provinces They mo- tored a distance of 2,585 miles, travelling as in east as Prince Edward Island. In Charlotte- town they visited the Parliament Buildings where the plans origin- ated for Confederation ey 'att the rich, red farming land t ere which contrasted sharply to the poorer soil of Nek Brunswick, the province better known tor its lumber industry. At St. John, (iii saw the Reversible Falls and at Maiden the Magnetic Hill. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Toman also called on Ronald Sweeney, student pastor at the United Church in Kouchi- bouguac, NB They returned by way of Quebec City and Mon- treal. In the latter city they visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kane. They also enjoyed a boat trip on the St. Lawrence River. The 'h'ktiirifiu'et,t,igtre of the UH. Christian deavor Society was held at the church on Wed- nesday night Miss Ellen Page was the leader and presented the} topic, “What Do You See?" The; scripture lesson and comments; were given by Miss Kathryn) Hallman. Miss Elaine Fiederlein played a piano solo and scripture references on the topic were read by Mrs. Oliver Bean. The buSi- ness was In charge of the presi- dent, Miss Mary Raster. but” trom Victor“ 0011939, Toronto, this 'lla/tt weaved nu appointment wi the Nation- u Roan-ch Council at Ottawa He commenced his new duties re- may, KiTMtBqrWq min. who u- lu"" - a my» lid jot " Kill. St. South. who 200. use“ “can wumoo. ONT. llMlTED 6-6771 Mr. and Mrs Prank Hunter ot Elkhart. Ind, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hallman and called on relatives here on Wednesday. Mrs Hannah Schultz of Toron- to 15 spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, o. T. Coleman. Visitors at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs Omar Snider over the week- end weer: Mr, and Mrs. J Greenwood and family, Misa Lil? May Schmucker and Robert Schmucker of Markham; Miss Katherine Nafziger and Miss Ev: Snider of Ridgeway; and Vernon Brubacher of London. Sunday guests with Mr. and. Mrs Sam E. Lets were Mr. Ind Mrs Leander Ramseyer ot Turb- tock, Mr and Mrs, Peter Leis ot Berlett's Corner and Mr. and In. Sam Bast and Mr and Mrs. Nel- son Leis of 1yelJes)ey, - 7 Mr and Mrs. Moses Gem” of Topping spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Clarence Leis. Mr. J c, s. Leis "ot Kitchener visited with Mr and Mrs. Samuel L, fichultz, fiundry, - fequayS this week Mr and Mrs, hns Gerber 'at! Sunday with Mr. and Mn. mun Kipter m Milverton. Mrs. Alvin N Roth and Chin returned home after 'ttrea.,',' tew glays with Mr. and Mrs. Bender". Rev and Mrs. David Slum of Beach City, Ohio, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Samuel L. Schultz recently, Mr, and Mrs, Wuhan You Ind family spent Sunday with It.“ Mrs Arthur Gingerich in New Hamburg Mr and Mr; Waite: u of Alden, NY, and Mr. and h Sam J 1mm and In we. who of Linwood spent In.” with Mr and Mrs. Georg. - broom Mr and Mrs John Lot: vetted with Mr and Mrs Henry 'u-l- man m New Hamburg, Sunday. mutant miied' GE; "is" Mrs. Anson Yutu on Sunday, A "BUZZ" GIVE US AT WATERLOQ Mr! sNoa.lt, Wygirr of V plum. 5-5200

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