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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Jul 1952, p. 8

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That's Why the posters and the ads exhort you to be 1arefui with your matches and butt, when And this destruction isn't ot course, coafined to aesthetic va- lues. Most of us know the cum- mercial value of lumber, but few realize the functions which are performed naturally by standing timber. Forests represent water storage basins, without which life could disappear. The water so saved brings us power and light. so needed in modern times. For without trees our water supply would surely disappear, ICs more "r-reaching than you think' These values are real and tang- ible, and they should be the con- cern of every citizen The duty extends beyond the rangers and others we employ to guard the forests, for every human being in this nation depends directly upon their safety. We have an obliga-r tion, not only to ourseies, but to eevry neighbor and to succeeding generations, For we dare not de- stroy the very thing which gives' us Life There are too many people, you know, who don't realize the function of the forest areaa. Nor do they realize their value, Which is why, we suppose, so ma. ny holidayers are flagrantly care- less with their civilized tools-, matches, fires, cigar and cigarette stubs. Most people seem too short-sighted to reallte what their carelessness can mean 1n the way of destroying the very basis of our outdoor scene. mun now the annual exodus to you're in wooded area; Because the great resort areas is in full one small spark can 2"ST, tot, swing. The heat and bustle of CV hundreds of years many mi u ot ty life has whetted the human invaluable forest. it's happened! urge to get away to quiet and,before, and it's still 1y'trgigg; peaceful scenes, which from the’And it will continue to time of our ancestors have held until everyone is aware of mm I wonderful (mutton We won- minenl danger of forest fire. De. der, though, how many people spite all the' resources of the beat have bothered to analyze this forest fire prevention service in! urge to get away, this desire to America, we still lose countless! forego some of the more twilized‘ frees every year, And every "eel conveniences for the more represents a fundamental prop " rugged lite of the outdoors Yet our everyday lite. r _ We've men-1 almost everyone craves a couple tioned before m this Korner one’ of weeks a year Without the "so/disastrous, fire which iiF'ti'e? called blessings of modern ltfe over 700,000 acres of timber Und.: . . This represents a strap of land What's the motive? What deeprone mile wide almost 1,000 miles) desire underlies this annual pll-lin length! Imagine you’re driv-' manage? What is there about Jng along a highway where noth-’ es, rivers, forests and breezes ing but devastation leer: " you} that has this Irresistable siren for a half mile on either side " call? It seems that all the works the road, for better than twice the' ot nature conspire wltmn us to distance from Windsor to Mon-l make us foresake out rrtnial,treal', The magnitude ot are de- existence for the refreshment of strut-non is almost beyond i'ial'it( the outdoors. Because only there, nation But it's a real and tar-3 to our thinking, can tired minds, Holt reality ,every year. And the and bodies be restored and rest-1great fire we mention above was ed. And intuition tells us so, only one of some fifteen hundred} whether we cunscwua'iy realize tt which were fought in one season! or not, There's detint,tely a Ina-lonlyf The fires were licked, Ci) ttic restorative in quiet, nytuTarcodrse, but not until we in Can, places, wherever they are An m- ada had paid an astronomical, tasting thing is that no matter iJrlce--a price which will weigh/ what our particular choice for a on our heads for years to come. holiday spot, as almost always Wiil this help you to realize the y a place where there are tree: it meaning of the warning signs you‘ll doesn’t seem to matter whether see in forest areas? They were they're big or small-maple, pop- l placed there to remind you ot all, tar, birch, pine, spruce, balsam or ever-present danger l larch-aut trees, which transform Be careful with fire! 'r, cooling summer breezes into com- l l farting whtspered lullabies. . r ------------------, , Right now the annual exodus to the great resort areas " m full swing. The heat and bustle of CV ty life has whetted the human urge to get away to qulet and peaceful scenes, which from the time of our ancestors have held I wonderful (summon We won- der. though, how many people hive bothered to analyze thts urge to get away, this desire to forego some of the more civilized conveniences for the more rugged lite of the outdoors Yet almost everyone craves a couple of weeks a year without the 503 called blessings of modern hie A tome: Turin City boy, he up to Kitchener m June the: hang evicted from a house m Kitchener F dmil of SIX 7(â€" [_, Forced to frv1', in‘Auto BRUNK BROS. EXTRA SUNDAY 2.30 P.M OLD, AIRPORT ROAD - No Service: - MAIMED and ENGAGED FOLKS Special Service for My Evening Evangelistic llevivdistit K Campaign REV. G. R. DRUNK Speaker Follow the Crowds The Ill-uh GUS/ML WELCOME TO EVERYONE Just North of Waterlo; Continuing 1:45 p until JULY " or héuse can" tie" w my “on Ironu) TO The thin pa ery bark rotectslWltere clover is present in the the tree from 'grill',', out 33d from ( fteld, 2,4-D shoul.d. pot be used. attack by insects and iij2iiiii,t,?,tf,,tr: these copdltgons the best When the bark is peeled off, thelTtthod of er.adicet.ing the weed Inner parts of the tree are ex- IS by r.eett.e.d cultivation, While posed to these enemies which)corrtyol of «this weed can be more "Ngo cause death, Even it thefeaéuy achieved than is the - tree does not die its beauty isrwi.rlt sfy.lte of 12ur weett Pam. it murmd forever. ctriall still require gernstence to Birch bark Its' used in crattirid our farms of Wild Carrot, Birch bark) used in craft work and if you require it tor this purpose obtain your supply Defaced n stands I do not know )nur name, Who peeled this birch-bark tree, but oh, the shame, You wanted on a bit of bark to aend A maudlm little message to a friend? To make a napkin ring or some such trash? And so with pocket-knife you needs must gash A ghastly wound, and peel a birch-bark tree, l Out of my thoughts. o you, when o'er you be! _ --Narto.ret Clark. Run-cl. i A Peeled Birch Tree LAWRENCE DRUNK Song Director bend his out“ here TQ", 3” chance ' I than in loam The relief once: And lb. would be glad to hear from ”you who Fuel? bt ablt to help And 3 home larval“ ttunily 3:5. - 7:” - 7:80 . FREE BUS SERVICE End “Tron” Loop tar another bout: Mrs Walter Morrow, Bunnie, Mr, and Mn Lorne ill and non L.- verne, Vineland, n, C Ra De- trait, In Rose ettUufer, - haw. "t'yetftg, 3.1.. Jlli ronto n rt 3 om i'iefiiairiiir Judy, than“ Mer, Detroit, In Morgan Wil. Hams, Katmai“, Ill Among out-of-town guests It 'haturfei.ur I}!!! reunion were: Mr and Mrs Joseph Lehmnnn, " Euclid Avenue, and Mr, Ind Mrs. Elon Bender, New Rumba“. returned July 7th "ter spending several days at Fury Sound. Midsummer weather is hard on summer clothes, 2g'lt earlier preparations, the sup y of was!» dresses on hand for goth mother and children never seem; to add up to enough changes It's worth a little effort to add that one an tra dress which will make all 'le difference in comfort. Sewing in1 hot weather need not be “Tn. if you follow a few simple ort- cuts, You can learn from your nearest sewing centre, for "tun- ple. which are the easiest fabrics and patterns both to sew and to wear on hot days, Choose one of those “witch and easy", "make-it-in-an-a ternoon", patterns, with the lent number of pieces to join, and therefore, fewest seems, Mike your do“? light wrap-around or tie, to " d Hot Weather Sewing Hockey ah! Bm Cherie took l Since Wild Carrot is a blennlal.’ Il does not normally produce owers and seed until the second [year of tts life, However, these) Mowers usually appear after the '.tirst cut of hay has been taken at” "t comes along so rapidly at that Hime. that the field must be? fmowed attain to prevent the plant from blooming and producing! {seed A considerable degree 0 _ lcontrol can be achieved it the ey; tested areas are clipped thus preq (venting seed from setting. If there are only a few scattered )plants In the field, it will be well worth the trouble and time to dig Ithem out and make sure they are, (killed. 1 It Is felt that in a field which is heavily infested with Wild Car- rot the best procedure is to lake on a crop of hay and the Flow the field. Once the tteld is p owed, it should be planted to clean culti- vated crops for a couple of years before it is seeded down again. ; Weed of the Week- 3 Wild Carrot Few biennial weeds are more commonly seen along the road- sides and m the hay elds of On- tario than Wild Carrot. Admired by some city dwellers under the name of Queen Ann's Luce, it is pointed out that it is hated by many farmers under the name on Devil's Maine, In any cue. its carrot-like eaves, its white an: topped clusters of Bowers and its: fltshy tap {cot-make _itany_ tary iit's'h'rd'p"%'/' 1'a'tr/t'1'lfy'"la'sr How m, of as mm thy. u weedy to Manny. and its habits mother willhnevet tf,TAg"ht _ ' I ‘- Dung. . e m - make tt one of t e worst hay and”mm " near er y _ pasture weeds. "tte, ttttn/ttYL,".'?..?, 333555333 Next tune you are m the out-ot. doors with the children, take a tew minutes and explain to them Just how serious 1 mutate it is to peel the bitches. trom I wad pile where no harm can be done Although the birch is not our most v-lunble timber tree it does have many commercial um and when its scenic beauty is also, considered, it deserves better treatment than it u getting at present. , F. SOCIAL 8, PERSONAL NOTES BY THE CHRONICLES "ROWNG “Foam" WHATS NEW in Waterloo m phone 03 V'Mmd Hill and twink-um. me were W0. - M of In John Hill, Wawloo . . . . . martian. in this column are FREE! Bend your Soda] and '.',trgtati_itty1tF.rttthliuiiiT Mrs Rose Wettlauter of Sun'- now, Mich, who attended aetur. dny's Rata Reunion in Wlmloo Pun-k. VIII a sum of Mrs. R. B Bean, M Albert Bt - quick tro Tuesday to lawn! tht- Urio eitue Re returned later the name any - 'l Plan to do you sewing It the molest time of the dog, early mor- ning if you can, and o the ttnish. ing touches utter upper in the [cool of evening. Make up I light :sandwich or soled lunch for the (children and pop it into the ice- (box before you begin your sew-l ing. Wear your coolest homer ldreu to work in, prelenblyl sleeveless or one 11tuitr Fa/ easy arm movement, ove your' sewing machine, pressing board,‘ and iron into your coolest room near a window where you can get the breeze. Draw the blinds to shield yourself from the sun. " you are fortunate enough to have a bake verandah, take some ex~ ten-ion cord and move mania: and iron board outside. Have re- freshing cologne and talcum hun- ldy, an I pitcher of icewater or ion-anaemia close by. " you hove- I area form, you will be spared] 're sticky trial of 'tting your: Go about your summer sewing this way, ind you and the chil- dren should always have some- thin fresh to put on when you needs“. f When deer are picked up in this manner the Department im, "neditttely seizes them and they are taken to large enclosure: for their protection, We ate at pres- _ent holding three fawn on the Harm of Irvin Fromm, Heapeler iHighway, who so kindly cares tor them until they are taken to Ka- ,puskaslng where deer are scarce. ‘ The minimum ttne tor taking ‘deer is $50.00. Let's hive your jco-operation at all times, work on buttonholos or zippers, Neckline and sleeves cm be tin- isth with bias binding to uvoid collar and cuff details. have the finishing touches to he added by a decorative button or summer costume jewellery. There are many patterns with good styling in the summer pattern books, an they are as cool to wear as to sew. Try cotton chambrays or ginghams or the more easily han- led sheers like organdie. And select a shade in sheer for which} you already have a matching slip or Petticoat to save making an- other one. i 2,5 fininrani King's wildlife give _ -LC. ,_ - t eir young tter care than we! humans profess to give our oar Insects children, A» _ , - if, The Kidnapping of Fawn ‘Deer hungry. I knew It was hungry His me: 7e vans toll [becnuse it continued to 1refeytlf 'l'l'dril't calllnzwfgebgymf , while I waited for the mother to net to be saved trom his aims and (return." _ leaning the Christin. to GGiri How many of us realize that u1the fulness of the Holy Spirit mother will never return while‘Over 250 answered the double man is near her young? The mo- call, thers often leave their young for " (the Ierttmoatiea hours at a time before returning,; Rev Brunk announced that on Let us not forget the mother deer, Sunday afternoon a special ser- requires food and may have tarvice will be conducted "for mar. travel a considerable distance torfried and engaged people only" henlood '"ger, On Sunday evening a group ot so Picture t e mother deer re-lo 100 boys who were "and" a‘ turning to feed her yams. ey9eerettr 880. " the Souderton Pa l the them to be at the spot she smmeetmas near Philadelphia. will‘ carefully chose Surely her heart; be here to give their persone'l tea-1 beat must quicskhen to te. geritirgnles. _ l young gone. e am I y n the last Sunda _ starts a fruitleatr.seaTh tor daysiot the campaign then-i 3555?“? on end, ever hoping that In iiiifid'ir)'ihiit)'i'll Supper" between thel way she may again be blessedlefternoon and evening-serviced with her family. .. .... . Everyone is invited. '4 Year after yen lawn deer born MI the wilds Bre stolen by people who think they h.Ve a right to do so. Their renal: tor stealinlg the deer is always the aatme-" law the deer lying helpleu, wet and hungry, I knew it was hungry because it continued to blent while I waited for the mother to return." l Rev, Chsear Burkholder of Bres- lnu was guest - " the Brunk Brothers tent revivnl ser- wees Tuesday night, He hand his scripture tending on "be " holy toct gm poly". A M Boys from. " To tiive' Testimonies at Tent Revival Buloads o? bcople from Zurich V Insects and disease are two of the worse enemies of trees. The {destructive work of insects is lvery noticeable and the public Ynaturnlly is alarmed when trees ,are detonated. Evergreen plan- ' tations are very fuseeptible, protr ably because they are usually Naposgduor pne species, _ 33%:er "the" Person and Power ot the Holy Spirit", His subject Tuesday night was "The Holy Spirit u the Answer", “I certainly do not mean to minimize nt all the atonement of Jesus Christ shed- ding His precious blood for leat, tinners. but I do mean that the, Holy Spirit is the answer to n dry, form-l Powerless-church." , Evangelist (Shae R, Drunk Innounced this will be "Holy Spirit Wgek" It the tent " he may! hi, Aerie: of urinals on e Person and Power of tha, afre taruriGk iGliiiiiur, are the Prevalen! in South-Wester/ .A- A. vice-this being their fourth tri "under the big tent". About 3,508 Attended. The tent has seating ca- pacity tor about 4.000 and an x- eo"unof,,etf. NIP! 3'! {Seesaw Hui Mekltfay arrived tpr the up - mm u "we!“ may "d'ee - Help! eorge R, Ad 'i,C,ii,r,iilliii,1rci'l""""" will Use The CHRONICLE WANT ADS Want to SELL a Car - Refrigerator or that old Icebox - a Camera' - an old Carpet, tt new Home ? and Trees I! g i 'eoalu-t A WANT AD IN THE CHRONICLE SELLS rr FAST . . . AT LOW COST TELEPHONE 6m af summer merchandise in many departments re- duced in price for the midsummer clearaway. ---and many other lines - and m the Sports Wear Section - Queen Street Main Floor M SWIM SUNS All IE SHIRTS Summer Dresses Summet his Millinery Cotton Blouses Summer Skins pnces For best results, advertise In cut I Telephone 3-3831 King & Queen Sts. A Kitchener . SMART WOMAN THAT! Still much of sun tahead fur enjoymg her new wearth year _ V and then away tu profit by In She Replenished Her Wardrobe The Waterloo Chronicle At Cleo ronce Time Closed Mondays MI much at summer new wean-thin]: than profit by next you. Until Midssptemtrasr Summer Main Store Operating On 5-Day

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