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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 4 Jul 1952, p. 7

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DEALERS __ BE INDEPEND, . ENT! Sell from door to door 225 products well-known and gum-an» Owed Including cosmetics, culin, y aries, medicines. farm specuUties, _ tea, cuttee, etc. Splendid vacant ) territories SIB. will buy travel- y 1mg kit and assortment. NO RI K. Dawns-r JITO~ 5l30 St. r ' Hubert, Montreal. . MOTORCYCLES . 102 King South - Phone 8-8024 Every Kind of Insurance Fire - Life - Accident . Health - Plate Glass Livestock Employer; liability Dyes or Tints all fabrics. Will not harm material that can be quashed. 25rs, at Geiger's Drug Store. 405 King St, E, Kitchener, Dial 2~2l27. First class Presser. Apply Pren- otice Cleaners. Collingwood, at once. CURVES! Gain 5 to lo lbs, new pep. Try famous health and ','ii,flfi.t""ltip Ostrex Tonic Tab ets. Introductory, "get-ac- quainted" size only 60c. All druggists Agents for James, A.J.S., Triumph, BSA. Norton. Vincent and Indian. 256 King N. - Phone 2-8389 Waterloo Expert repairs to all makes. Early pbssessmn can be arranged for many of these houses . Make your enquiries now' CONFIDENTIALLY you can get a better buv at Coronet Motors Ltd, Phone 7-7301 SKINNY GIRLS.' GET LOVELY REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Look Pouitrykeepers. Pullels. Capons. Fine tor comma mar- kegs. Symmey npnces. A Reg. Raina KR. I. P'ans (Corne'r Highways 2 and 5) Phone Parts " {cuff-h he a: mu inn-cub“. 1": our Dad I ”fall. LIAM-nu- tiny. " “on BUSINESS DIRECTORY Tiii-U' fi JUG U “$3th "I vunuoo “IONIC“ WANT ADI EVENINGS. PHONE W. BENCH at, ..rrFr_.. .._ 2 J. P. SNYDER at FFF) Trr ___ 7 G, SCHIERLING at rr.. rr' 3 A. K. CBESSMAN & SON Bender Realty Co. 115 King W - Phone 55610 Kitchener HESSENAU'R} smmz “mind New and Used Motorcycles " CARTER BROS. PHONE _ , 6-6401 or 2-0594 l THE I WATERLOO CHRONICLE , There In times in the life of every [nan and women when i change is desirable Whatever your problem may be in buying, selling, or ttn. ancing I property w consult "t/ Estate and Insurance .- __.ATI§RL00. 0mmo,_ 8 Duke E, - Kitchener Quite open until 8 pan. Phone 8-0443 _ gigueen N W though. Beut I - Isl -- tn out ut ". Chm-ch mvmnnm Btato - ttt '51.) can». a. --' u to loo-II, I!“ sub“ " manhu- - in» M11 .u an. “a at mu NEW AND OLD HOMES "-aupgettLtt_r_9y_t92"ru'0 " Pays To Pick YOUR HOME PHILIP YOUNG from the wude variety of reasonably priced USE THE CHRONICLE "WANT" ADS DEALERS WANTED ANY PROBLEMS?? Guarantee Bond Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance FRED WEBER REALTOR For homes designed .-- to Peet, CARS FOR SALE HELP WANTED The biggest value for your advertising dollar. Realtor PHONE 3-36?3 SUNSET DYES BABY CHICKS REAL ESTATE Phone' 55628 DRUGGISTS PERSONAL FOR SALE listed with Ga- in; Aria __ " 2-3963 T.7794 3-3639 Adm-laud method has helped lbuulln“. No leg “mm No Illslic. No “nun. No pres-sue on hips or mm: rtera old. Emuely diluent Very mm. INEX- PENSIVEV Wan: tor infurunliun amt (Ill, SMITH MANUFACTURING COMPANY Est'd "" 549 Km. Street _ PRESTON. Ontario 35. Kitug West Phunr 7-15.: " Oua- SA 8335! Whether BUYING or am “It?! law-ed Dup' ting Adan! Macttioes, Film; Cabin“ Sula. (Joqnplcte one. Equipment UNDEBWOOD TYPEWIITEIS kitchen and bathroom. screens and storms, landscaped. in gel-feet condition. on heating. ossession m one month. Apply 170 Bridgeport Rd. Waterloo, evenings. Modern 5 room house with ttt- tached garage. 19 ft. livigg room, hardwood floors, til INVISIBLE WEAVIN'G’ __ AND MENDING SERVICE Tum“ hon" unmet]! orra 0l'h1TPP. Saws. knives. clipper III-ten, meat gehrder phat lawnmowen, etc. J. GEO. STIEIEL Phone 715" - " 8th W. Fur ad: GU Flu 'Lis, II- ink; tiUN8TBAND ADDING MACMo"ttt RUPTURED? gngvsua - PLYMOUTH l‘NDERWOOD LIMITED DOWNING'S Flowers Onlorio Land Surveyor John P. Campbell Phone 6-6951 337 King St, N. Waterloo 9-0- ' - )-0- trd 159 Erb West HOUSE Foil SALE Sunshine Motors Omce; 44 William St. Waterloo E. G. FRY D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 86 King St. West Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 4-4l62 KIT9HENER, ONTARIO SHARPENING “Repairing of Chiba" f1WyisytEH,_Eet New And Used Phone 2-1357 -tit'ixeoog, See your FARGO Inn!" ' g-tfit Waterloo runner". M173 KITCHEN” Mt. l Robert Brighton, Mr. and Mrs, JWIlfl‘ed Howling accompanied try) ‘Mr and Mrs. Roland Brighton or - " Galt spent the holiday week-end, " _ at Honey Harbor, l 777? Mr. and Mrs, George Morrison -_--_-- and daughter, Bernice of Long (Beach, Cant, were guests of Mrs: =riii'i'i'iiiis brother, Karl Koch for a few daty last week. . V mm; UK In) tuna-n, “VI-IV nun-nun ( Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jantzi and) gdaughter and Dan Jantzi ot iii) I land and Miss Veronica Jantzi of (Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. iand Mrs. Jayyts Birmingham. _ 1rrTdviGtihi" "with relatives near 1 Wasaga. I Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gerber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gerber and family attended the 2iit'i reunion held at the home of 'Moses Zehr on Saturday. Rela- uves ot Mrs Moses Zehr whose another was a Zehr from another 2ehr family, Alex Frame, Mrs. R, ‘Foster. Laura, Mr, and Mrs Lorne Rennie spent Sunday everv (ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs ‘Henry Ballard on the mn con~ cession. yu..~.....-. The pupsls of the Hallmm's "'ubltc School with their teacher, (Miss Betty Shana enjoyed a web (ner roast on the lawn at the home ‘ut Mr, and Mrs Omar Snider last Friday. _ . .I- " 7 Mr. Alex Frame of Cleveland. Ohio, spent Sunday at the home of his cousin, Lorne Rttnhie, . Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late John A. Buck on Saturday were: Dr. and Mrs. E. H, Sickle of Syracuse. NY; Mrs. Clara Steinkopt. Mrs. Gideon Foster, Mrs. Harold Marion and Mrs. Earl Caldwell of Brown City, Mich., Mrs, Margaret Lauten- schlager and Mr, and Mrs. Ed- ward Gruetzner of Hanover; Rev. Percy Buck, Rev. and Mrs. E. N. Young and Mr, and Mrs. Bremner of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cressman, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Snider and Yvonne visited with Rev. and Mrs, Amos Martin and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Helmuth at Moore- field on Sunday. _ . " Mrs, Fannie Gascho, Marie and Sam of Pigeon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs, John Erb and family of Kingwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gerber and family on Su_nday. _ -- -_.. -- " Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Good and son. Roy and Ervin Reist attend- ed the United Missionaa Camp meeting at 'itay"tTe? and”. Mr. and Mrs. George Squire and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finnegan and daughter irr9tr:atto.ry, , Mr. and Mrs, Milton Q"tfg, and family, Mr. and Mm. an Brenneman and family, Mr. and Mrs Ezra Brenneman and family attended the Erb reunion held in Neg Hgmburg on Slatggday. ' Bible School commenced Mon- day morning in the Crosshill A.M.l Church with an enrollment of 32; More are expected. This will con- [ tinue for two weeks i Rev C, F, Krauth of Kitchener occupied the pulpit of the Bap- ttst ‘Church on Sunday morning. Rev. Arnold Cressman was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Blenheim Menno- nite Y6itng People's Society held at the church on Sunday night. Donald Squire is holidaying for a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt in Waterloo. - "biUCisarierr Bf New West- minster. B.C., called on his sister- in-law, Mry.A, cayel or; Sunday. "iii.ririr iul.' 7 William Towin- end and sons, Rickie ‘anpl Tommy Crosshill t With the 'te/"Jei ot the black has: season on J y lst, Batter- men from tar and near arrived " the mull dam soon utter What to try their luck. According to all reports the catch was poor. One man who had ttshed pc- tiently from the early morn-1:3 hours, on through the city caught nothmx, was heard to re- mark, "I should have stayed at home and worked today." I“ L The Children ot the Church neld their closing meeting for the summer season at St James' Lu- theran Church on Friday night. Mrs. M. K. Tuman led the devo- tional period and the president, Carol Schmidt was m charge of the business Games were plaIyed on the iiGrch-GG; after -wtiictt refreshments were served at the parsonage. u _. I .4 u... .so.,.-.'c. iiiiGu a Emmi} Egg tit in hoo- or ot Mr. and In - my: who were married may. Un- coin Coleman read the sun- and Miss June samen- ted It Ind In. Slum; vim a tiv- lnx room table. I“. Buy Shun: read a poem composed In honor at the newlyweds by her suter. In: Ruth Shanta. Games were played under the direction of In: Amman Rent. utter whlch lunch was serve, -. . 1 .mu-am Members ot ttte WI Uni“ My Young hook- 80- ciety new.“ tMt thtPim..tt_tte Br In, home I‘ll.“- (Chrunklo Cor- upon-dank) Visitors to the County Center» nial celebration held in Water- loo during this week may have seen among the different exhibits two from this community placed Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stroh and the Roy Stroh family attended the funeral of the farmer's sister, Miss Laura Stroh, held in Water- loo, Wednesday of last week. Mr. William S. Wright ot St. Thomas was a recent visitor at the home ot his son, Oliver and Mrs. Wright. Conestogo t I, I.» an: (Ciro-bl- curt-undo.” Mrs. James Burnett of Beach- burg, a tormer.district farmer who had come Tor the annual Burnett reunion, called on vil- iatpt “Egg; Mon_da)_'__ot {ask weth. 1" Y'QIIILOOJM IIIIOIIO. ty-ni-ttments-Feet-e-ve-are-a the he“ has! I not! a! “Public Enemy No. I." m situation bu -te_a-drm'eN,b.tr.owrfortheBmttimeiroiatorraa"emaer ,eetu-t.htuetoeeeswiththeroo-rieoitueor.an- In“. of the United Nation. (FAOI. to combat the plague. Above. 'A=".l't of the USA and PM examine dud locusts on I " PM Through " expanded program of tech-kn! We no In "erug material Aid in combating the plum. The Strawberry Social held by the ommumty Club last Friday night turned out a success as a good crowd attended and enjoyed the variety Frogram ot vocal and tnstrumenta numbers, readings and stunts, tish pond and address by Mr. Gus Martin, a former sec- retary pf the Club. hy the Waterioo Manufacturing 99mm. tttone being. u herse- power threshing machine from the Stroh farm bong? by them 65 or 66 years ago. is model is a hand-feed machine with straw carriers and minus chattblower and is in perfect running condi- non. The other outfit is one of the Company's fully equipped late models loaned for the Cen- tennial event by Mr. Oliver J. Wright A brize-draw was held with the followmg as winners: I, Allan The burial took one. on the Lutheran cemetery Saturday 31: ternoon of the late Henry Schni-I ber of Kitchener who died in Tm, L romo Hospital on Thursday. The Slate Mr, Schreiber was I son at the late Mr. and Mrs. George _schreiber and was born in this Millage He was 60 years of we; Roy Klenzle has the excavation work lor, his new house complet- ed and expects to commence tttel construction of the foundation, walls ate?rtly, , The local school closed on Thursday for the summer new non. anlage relatives attended the funeral of the late Wm. Heid.. Unger at Baden, Monday “term noon. The late Mr, Heidtinger: was the younger son at the late Mr. and Mrs, Albert Heidrutger,, born here in 1880. Prior to kairi to Baden he conducted a shoe business here for several years. _ Mrs. Frank Mason of Toronto who with Mr Mason is holiday- mg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huehn, was guest soloist during the Lutheran Church ser- nee Sunday morning. __ A Decoration Day service will be held at St, Matthew's Lutheran Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, July 13th, at 245. - Ila-us. Allred Selma. M' Such. Robt, 3nd Bill Sum. Keith M, Ralph Genet Howard Studied. Halon Bohr. Wilson Ciemena and In. Ruth Semis and Merle Brick" at St Matthew's Luther In“: ioinof u busload of Pegt spending Sunday tt _the who: Lunar Mrs. Cora Cook of Cincinnati and Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrew Thomas of Mt. Healthy, Ohio, spent a few days early in the week at the homes of their bro- ther, Mr. Gordon Thomas and Mr. Mathew Richter. A number at citiaeata from the vulgfe And district took in tho Woo when Township Conn-mm dinner " than last My night. It,'tth mu- Mm u- 1lam, “31.11: m and“ mug” . e “but: and “r mg: been. 'tatBtq"e ; Chnlon Roar. In. Wt. - eoln Vina. H PULL Amp, Kuhn and iilth't'?l,'t, .m an 'rue, or tu'Pthtt era' U Mary has Uh mil Alttit “out at? In Pr“?! “at will two “cg” to H. v more Thank: 11511 ten. In Menorah FT " me couithsainritGi MAM“ mum MF ‘3'“ ‘JoaphMl-twuhblw tatt,tgl'ltrtguu': 'alta.?,'.' pa... giootasthefall flll.egue,,tt"gt'.."tt WVUM . re.Grtt,l'r,'fnt1.%tt2t um a: a; Au, Tia a? ,iaiiimi'GeCi'isrii"m'ri TYPE-W "$399)”!!! ot the itry.. 1 Waving 3004.” with Mr. Whom you can or not, more are lots of mum: outdoor activities or Ontario's vocotioet resorts. You'll enjoy the fun with your fellow ttoosts--ond here's o tips odd onioy- ment to your holiday, Novel by bus. ASK YOU! IOCAI AGENT "our "HIGHWAY YOURS" ro All PARTS or Ttlt 05.4. tii." Gi/fibres-ii-EGU-aria' iaruii7Gar, his; Ticket- ud Inlet-muc- " GRAY COACH LINES 5)teuraax-u_xastsotre, WMPJFW' . ttr'2tideiiiii? “V "iGiiaii"C"ai"i" -- “menu. Mr. and In. Whom-uni - . 'aiii'u"i1,iitiiii!,iii'tity? coumewooo nuns [ (mum In an)»; W.R. (nun-1 (Subject to Chm.) r." 0.55

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