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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 May 1952, p. 5

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- v _ - --' I In: y;u\r|uulrnl uoesn t HIE Well. " seerned he had Just that sort of thing 1n wartime! thought of a Mule work he had to ------------- do around the car t e Loves to “Tinker" Somalia: and Cortttttdnasts want Being one of the many men who to sta.rtr4t,trftr:ing "ryrally---ex- love nothing better than to "ttnk., cept WWII-tn ruk A friend of mme was wrely tried for patience a week or so ago. Having deemed on a day's outing she got busy ngm after breakfast, cleaned up the dishes, made a meme lunch, got the emi- dren ready and announced to ner heya.r.ui that she wasyeady After awhile they learn not to grab a handful of thistle, or test the strengtn of the edge of the river bank Tue) alums seen. to survive-st', the parents who come home wrttr. added gray hairs One Felt In! Fortunately this year's first pic- mc passed without incident Last year one small member of the party, after being warned several times, finally ventured too close to the fast-running my cold stream, and fell m” But those things come naturally wtth the raiAne of children, l Lave found - _ .. 'M.t9r__ -. __-__ p.” .....rmr.9. "r", .1. AW _ auv- uni-u. Illa.“ """"qle'"""""t -” .KB-F.N ... "'""""'.t'e When we picnic, I am sorry toldy to leave‘the picnic grounds, it dry and crumbly, oven of 375 deg, for 15 man l-i.. admit that we prefer to do It inlthe husband tn question discover- 4. Too much pressure on "t wi.th.custsyrd y cream fillrng or seeming tuna. eh"e, zionzledrhe Pd, lost hés wa‘tfn El [roiling pm causkesd the dough to gelatine pie fig-tit. Crust camp stoo an 0 me C mm. hey ppene to e at on shrink when be e W _ plates and knives and forks, ’and they reduced their steps) 5, Too mach handling makes Substitute ,2'/dt,,ehiifet'r"icrtir:ie, Sitting on a rug on dampithorouerily trying to locate the grey colored pastry crumbs for gra am wa er crumuc, ground trying to cope with ants, missing timepiece This Gauar . tn Cracker Crust 't5,Pe Buke m and numerous other s'isrtors fromigoing down and back up the mil- he Crust electric oven at 375 deg, 3w the insect world is all very well-rl lions of steps my friend (gums if (Made. with ttour paste; about 18 min:, but I enjoy a chair, even while takes to reach the water , 2 cups aipurpose ttour NOTE: An excellent may oi at] digging nature l Still no wa.tch, , l tsp. salt lizmg stale bread t sprung“ we went out very) _By this time everyone: Lt t cup wnter Pull Pnate early to Aprii--m fact there war tience had been tried quite t o-, 2/3 cup snortenmg. (For Napoleotu. Boucne, et. _ still some snow in less sunny spotsll roughly and no one was in ii very Sift, then measure 2 cups ttour 'e cup sweet butter But the weather was warm1happy state of mind Pre" with salt Measure It, cup 2 cups bread thsut enough to make it an enjoyable’ (of Atr, 1't"lff, intot may} bowl 'p tsp trl outi 't an s it in cup we er arm I egg yo s n: o Fell h' . Where " 8M Be ‘smooth paste Use a pastry blen- M cup cold water F rt] . a fi I When they got back to. "Wider to cut shortening into dry Place h cup of butter in aura 1'.?)yeP.'.l.t y', " year; “‘15:”? house. there was the watch sittmi‘ flour until " " like coarse oat- bowl and put the remainder m the nu: passed El out mm er“! 'if, Where. As owner had left " "’Imeal Work dough mto the fat-refrigerator Combine sifted "lea year one small member o ,‘ e me 11V"? roorn flour mixture until " can begath- sured fiour and salt with pa>Hy party, titer, being warned several: Our rst ptcruc on the East ered into a ball Chill before roll- blender Beat egg volk, m 'd. tomeihehngdi 9;:grnrgd if?) (:ngraoast, after arrivinlg from (swung out water and blend into tiou, mix as - , . . est. took us to a Lively san ( , , r u in wax . er: stream. and fell m. But those beach quite a btt up the coast new“? Pte (Just e'.furf/'n',)epse,'f,,hst' Then $11de322 thin.es come naturally wtth the While there we saw a group " In; -crust pie) lone way only) dot with bits of 2 raising of Children I have found ships tio past m the Bay of Fundy , cup bul . te tbsps butter Roll up and (“Arm After “mm? tres, /eern not to That, my father decided. would, ' cy.? Y. le' wit I the ends Chill then roll new“ grab a handfu‘ of thistle, or ttsrrnake a grand snapshot to send) 1% cups Ct e 'ttg, _ Dot with remaining butter " d the __st21ttn.pf, tty, edgeuf the, back home Subsequently he l 'e,', tt"u p0% et the corner in to the (‘rnll't‘ l‘nn ' srlke,fvtl,'1n,'r, {the 1"ti',1'eii,ife',ri./t 'hot,i1,"g,ttt,ott a member " P21843513"! into a bowl and pour, then roll in" tor Pit") :hr- _ 2h corne home With. added gray the RCMP made hits diJisGiinG)ttureetor for 15 mins, or more t'ebetfrehect"" VJ“ “Y pill! hairs, _ - in my father's office with, the m,_ Meantime am and measure tiour, . NEWS AND VIEWS Having three young 'uns with us. we apprecmted that feature Used Meat For Bait Then too, at a deeper spot, one member of our party used scrap: of cold meat trom the pacmc lunch to lift out a {an small mmnuvu, Naturally he tossed them back but he rather enjoyed getting ms M.eout again anngy 2ttiifrgftfaejiet',ther, wnb u. Ind t un " we ven- 't'htdll on our first such expe- ditifys 9me year, A _ _ We found a wonderfully seciud- ed spot beside a country road, A _ wound m and out among low sissy bautV-the son 0 tarf-l e ground that immedUtely may itself as subJect tor an oujunung. _ _ At spots the stream was shal- low 1to,ute to be safe tor young- stem to bble in, throw stones, and get comfortably muddy and dump Without becommg altoge- they top Wet or duty. PM man Picnic Time Here Again ”IQ-M "i Oniv I TO CLEAR MATERNITY DRESSES SLIPS 30 Only REG TO 39 95 CLOSE OUT AT Trrq wrr ALL-WEATHER COATS 7 Only - TO CLEAR Regula: 2995 to 2500, SUMMER EVENING GOWNS DRESSES WOOL, PLAIDS flag“; To Clear ., 5.99 WOOL FLANNEL "ueirr' - To Clear 7.” QUILTED _ Reg 12 951031695 __ To Clear 6.49 36 Only -- Ree to 22 gr, Tu CLEAR 60 BLOUSES HOUSE t Regular $2.98 _ $3 98 __ To Clear Regular "98 _ 5.98 _ was -- To%ear BIGGEST and BEST BUYS of the season in WOMEN'S crifreuNG OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL ' EM. Hroktan nun and Reg 1293 to 1995 It seems Dad had taken same excellent shots of a Ivnvoy feuv- "t for overseas The 'wverrGern doesn't like that sort of thing 1n wartime! Some days late: a member " the RCMP made In: appearance) in my father's (mice with the ne- gayves in his hand l V F9rtunatefrFiurasped the si- tuation quickly. we being new to the coast um. Our tfrst picnic on the East ere Coast, after arriving from the‘mg West. took us to a lovely sandy) bquh [quite a on up the cuast - That, my father decided. would make a grand snapshot to send back home Subsequently he took sever“ shots Up to " Parent orr When they got back to the house, there was the watch sitting where As owner had left u in the living room When they were Just about ten- dy to leave , the picnic grounds, the husband Ln quesuon discover, ed he had lost his watch. However she ttnnly prodded her husband Into action and he went m the house to spend another twenty minutes changing - "or something" - whue she and to keep the youngsters quiet m the He finally rammed them and they started to pull out of the driveway. Then they had A blowout! By the tune they had a service station do what service stauona usually do m such matters (I'm not mechanically minded) " was well past lunch tune on er“, he spent a good hour dam; jun that on the any. accomplish- ml new; ut particular " by nus tune my mend was, shall we say, Just slightly an- noyed. The children were under- foe! and they}! dirty _ _ Curried On But Jule dammed they warned Each 1 1.00 7.99 1.50 are pastry and Bllinqy as ready- maxes uvulable m package, can. and new: boxes. Besides, there are memes tor the starch and cut- tard 'llutrs that cuts the time [ from to minutes to 2 mmutes. l Haven't we come a long way (ssoce pioneers sheed the tops " 'pumpkins, removed htrres and "eeds, filled tins vegetable with ‘milk and ground rye? This des, sen, baked on the hearth, WIS Icalled rye 1y unto position) Add filling; dampen edge of lower crust then fold the rolled-out remaining dough m half and transfer to co- ver half the filled pie, Flip over the folded dough to cover, pat the edge evenly and well Trim edge le cup lard H cup boiling Wale: 1% cups cake flour 'x tsp baking powder ’2 tsp salt Place lard into a bout and pour trigerator for 15 mm: or more Meantime stft and measure tiour, Resm ttour wtth baking powder and salt, then combine with chilled mixture until a smooth ball is formed Roll about half of this nuxture on a lightly floured board and fit tnto 9-inch ple plate (Do not stremh' lttt and pungent- 2 Too mug}? flour makes pie crust tough. On mums pie crusts: 1 Too much liquid makes " heevy, and soggy, 3. Too auch shortening makes tt gin; and crumbly. _ The old expression, any in sue" has now come true since there In several measured methods ot making pastry-no more gunning about quantum and mixing. Then too, controlled temperatures ot eleclnc equipment provide sure result: As you probe“; know there MENU PLANNING 18 Only, Pullovers and Cardigans Reg. 5.95 and 7.95. 3.9! TO CLEAR Fr., (r-FF ____ H H GRANDMERE SWEATERS suns - 20 Only BETTER DRESSES 3 Only. BELTED - Reg. 45.00 CLEARING OUT "-'__rmrrrwr..rsrr.,... VELVET LONG COATS Reguidr 598 lo 1195 To CLEAR . r. _ White satin Wedding Gowns with seed pearl trim and train. Reg, 45.00. 1 o 3 Only. TO CLEAR "Fr crCCC cr q WEDDING GOWNS’ 50 SKIRTS " 95 to 2500 Opp Theatre and Post ofhce 3t King N - - tMr 29 95 _ 3950 49.95 & 5995 UP Percent TO 0" 'at Wullar’s L SALE 2- 5088 UP Pia)wngul Anna l.oos “1'le- 'abuu! Emmet Kelly, human» at cus clown “In: istwatc.e a mum; faint-awn: to mum- purple 1mm: {She tells. In this Sundays IMAY 4) issue of The Amertran “MW 'y, exclusively wnh Detrml Sauna) (,i,',i',i,i,iii,'i" how Kelley make, may» member of hm audzvm‘r in" x.-~ L- performing for him alone ls cup "i'llf sugar 6 thsps me ted butter 1 ts _ cmnamon lAira,fi" crackers would be crushed very tine before meant» mg Combine ingredients the, roughly Pat ttuxture firmo tnto 9 Inch me plate Chill m cictrs refrigerator, or Lake m moderate oven ot 375 deg, tor 15 mum FL. with custard or cream filling or gelatine pie Blling. Blend Crumb Crust Substitute toasted, sifted brad crumbs for graham wafer crumbs m Cracker Crust recipe Buke m electric oven at 375 deg, fur about 18 mun NOTE: An excellent ma) cl 1‘. nuns gale bread Pull Plate (Fur Napoleom. Buumw H. R0092 for hot water 538:") Hit-Brien At k w mammal Apnl Sutntitute hot cherry mm for) 25 to m and Mrs Bernard hot w.ter 'McBrscn H3 Ellis Cres, Water- 2 amps red Colman; h _ loo 3 hudl l minced menu mo c erne: ' . , Add red coloring and triz,i.)zip,/-' At I? Huapual, April mmced marttsctuno, to hot cherry [ 25 ‘3; MK ti Mr, ‘Fred Zintger, Juice before pounng over lard, RR " Watt-sh, tgts'0tt Make same as hot water pastry Martin At Kw Hospital, April Cheese PSe Cmnt l " to Mt and Mrs, Allan Mu- Pastry tee, {citiztfrust pm ‘lm‘ tit Crmrnl: st wn " cu pl 0 c rue . , . . F ilfl'Id old cheese over doughlhwu' A; K" duwpl“l$ A?“ to be rolled out for top crust, then‘ 'it), l" Mr 0““B' Mrs . fin ey prepare m usual WAY' for top a" , Sllaflll RR C. adell, d son. Pie. or cut pastry into circles and) new" At 51 Mary ' Huapllal, pine them on top of filled Pitt I Aprn 26 to Mr YTd Mrs John 1 Stettier, RR 2, Waterloo, 8 sun _ can“; Cracker Crust 44th -.ht St Mary s Hospitals " inch 1 crust) l Ayn 26 u Mr and Mrs, Law. l', cups crumbs mnw our law York m “In. m mum; hater. beat until widf and creamy Chm m electrsc Tr B ' R T a s With scissors and was with my N , T, C _ ' . tn \“.¢L. ‘Anll or WU)‘ crimper Read) 1w tvb- TT; 231...! 1“: jinx mitts: cn ‘Hrr: him tis C" lelibank) l TB! In‘ryuoo (0mm; QHBONICLI 19.95 MEET THE CLOWN OF CLOWNS " 4.29 Waterloo Cheery Pie Crust OFF Keisha“ V.: Hugh! Duncan Nursing “HIM: April 27, to Mr and Mr Edwin Rust, RR 1, Nru Hi-ure, a daughter LuU-At KN' prital. April 26. hr MI an: Mrs Riham Lutz, 5 Wr'lrarr,, St, Elmira. a son 'roisin-fitemmter Am; 26, Dar 'l Nam Stmzrrzlu, Kitchen t't, u, L-wm JMLH Vmsin, Wa Sham; RR 2 Baden, a son. , The tuneral Ti', held and" Scenic-r At yit Marr, Hrxhpitisl,) Rev A R, Cnfg of Pin! United Aprn 26 to Mr am Mrs John Church, Water oo, oiBrUtod, In- Stettfer, RR 2 Waterloo,a son P.'rmtnt wats in Mount Hope Quad v1t St Mary b Hospital/i-tery, Waterloo. Apr; Pt ls Mr and Mrs Law- --------- Irina qt .rs', 1:)" York St, Wa, ter %ML DEATHS [ I ', N, dang bu r' Rerist-At Allensen-Thairr hue Audits, ' tiherritt--At Apn. 27, m Ser‘rm r, Watct- u iiraemer- At Med$rien At k W limpual April; 25 to lh and Mrs, Bernard' :McBrten M3 Ellis Cres, Water-; Br: tet on MARRIAGES A8-P SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEAIS PEAMEAL BACON "M” IL SSt BONElESS PICNICS i8hlilittii PICNICS BACON SQUARES 35 IONA KING STREET PEAS 2 'y". WATERLOO tins 31c ruff PARK!“ M... In a... mu “today, My Sed. rt St Mary's Hospital, 'Mr and _ rs James 305 King t North, 'it Mary', Hospital, 331 4nd Mrs Har- ‘r F “think, a Tnafvr Kitchener .nu ',t' AMnsen, Jun Mule", I!” “I. "A" WNW“, . My: him Benn, who um: mum In Waterloo and “than: tur many yearn. died ll Wood- lwwldi 1ey stuck Saturday after a laugh, ur V1r= Btyprd nus. tied " yarn. Born in Il- ( rea, Water-Jun", I e WIS a tttthd ot thr late Mr and Mrs. D. Bean. lot-‘ "Pititr, Apnl‘m" publishers of the Waterloo Fred Zmker.l Chronicle l The man who sold him the win- mng ticket, Ben Dempsey also of Toronto, won a car GiGii " “3.000. Both are employed by the Robert Simpson Co. PRESTON - George o'rund- [ey, Toronto, was winner of the dream home draw Inst hid-y night, climaxing the Preston are- na_campaign _ Toronto Man Wins Dream Home Sch-cake ----Apnl 25, Mrs. Rose Schneider, 58 Sellers Ave, Tor- onto, formerly ot Waterloo. Koerbct ---» April M. Mrs. Louis Kuerber, Elmira. " yeus. Beai-Aprn 26, Miss Emma Benn, 79 years w's'ippel-Aprsl 26, Mrs. Harold Sip. pel, Elmira, 56 years. -", nil-.(IKIWI, can on. -, Mrs D B. (Blanche) laminar. Reyna, Sash. She' wu Md:- ceased by n usur, Anna R. Bean, and a brother, Roy S. Aeat Furvrvusg Are two brothers. Clive S. Bean, Toronto and D. A Ytutur.iyhteter; undqna that, DEATHS KlEENEX IUNA FISH 3.?“ 2L Light Meat SMOK ED SMOKED Regular package lb + " lb Sh 19c " " PAYS to ADVERTISE In The GREEN PEAS ICE CREAM 1.} tiiiiia JUICE 31c GREEN BEANS YOIK 'SAllAllilA" WAVE IIIY MIDI LETiTTr1 CTTErEE You: Pain-0mm Grapefruit Hoim leus Duh“ Spark“ Mist-) f7,,,a, am, 'll, Whit. a .1". suceo 24.0mm MILK BREAD arahGrPfhssdia. UNWCED 24 01 lo)! Me TEA (1.4 W“! IMAM) II) pkg 10 0/ Phe l" " CHRONICLE 2 20-01 has "s: 116-0: mu " a to. all“ "c dyeing/Q 70-01 tin no: tir, at 21c '00 'As 37: Mk 15. "

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