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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 May 1952, p. 4

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Well, it seemed he had just thought of a little work he had to do around the car. Loves to “Tinker" Being one of the many men who love nothing better than to "tink- A friend of mine was sorely tried for patience in week or so no. Having decided on a day's outing she got busy right after breakfast, cleaned up the dishes, made a picnic lunch, got the chil- dren ready and announced to her hqund Wat she Yas, ready: htigr awhile they learn not to usb a handful of thistles or test the strength ot the edge of the river bank, They always seem to survive-ies the parents who some home with added gray Ole Fell In! Fortunately this year's first ic- nie passed without incident. Cm year one small member of the party, after being warned several times, tlnally ventured too close to the fast-running icy cold stream. and tell in! But those things come naturally with the raiylu ot cNldrtyt, [have found. clap stools Ind folding chairs, plates and knives and tor-kl. Sitting on a rug on damp ground trying to cope with ants Ind numerous other visitors from the insect world is all very well-- but I enjoy a chair. even while at?!“ n.ature. t sprung we went out very early in April-in fact there was mu some snow in less sunny spots But the vie-the: was warm enough to mike it an enjoyable outing. ms AND F%rrs “in u; picnic, [tam sorry to than that we prefer to do it in meaning; lyxury: _tnk1ng plqn; .1 (at eomtoruhly muddd and hp without becoming toge- tlul too Wet or dirty. Bevin; three young 'uas with us. we appreciated that feature 'te. feud?" no: t Then , a a cope: , one member of our party i'urkr'llll' of told meat trom the scum lunch to lift out a few and)! minnows. Naturally he tossed them beck but he rather enjoyed getting hi, ling_out gum. enngyA _ 'ruiita iild tdst birur is. it M- EiirarijiiarAriai_ “alumna. Wetmmdawoetdertuuysrclud- qa.ottr-idteeouRtrrrood. A b- ran banV--the an og ttme- c mum: that immediately mag-”null u whim for an Kt up“; the stream vu and: M oPougtt As be sate for want- Picnic Time Here Again ”*m Ptrm.ieuettseigeetaintrwutx 7 Only -_ Reg. 12.95 to 19.95. To CLEAR PFF""rrr C __.___ .. _'"r.r._.._ MATERNITY DRESSES 36 Only - Riar. to 2295 TO CLEAR _.._r_re_ r.rrr_.rrer, trruiLeftd1gtott -haur--ttseaort SLIPS ALL-WEATHER COATS 7 Only .-_ TO CLEAR Regular [995 to 2500. 30 Only - REG. TO 39.95 CIDSE OUT AT 'WPP_'_mrrtr_rrtt DRESSES SUMMER EVENING GOWNS WOOL PLAIDS T- _ t - To Clear .. 5.” WOOL FLANNEL " - To Clear 7.” QUILTED - Reg. 12.9 as” - To Clear 5,49 HOUSE 60 BLOUSES Regular $2.98 - $3.93 - To tuearC..... 9 Regular $4.98 - 5.98 - $6.98 - To Clear BIGGEST and BEST' BUYS of the season in WOMEN'S CLBTHING pom: FRIDAY 1mm ' AM. Broken hues and aims Up to to » a cept It seems Dad had taken some excellent shots of a convoy leav- ing, for overseas. The "gori/riiiiie_nt doem't lied that sort of thing in wartime! Some as}; later a member of the RCMP made his appearance in my father's otBce with the ne- gatives in his hand. - _-_ __" -e n-.. _ shi go past in the Ba of Fund . 'ht my father dam-Kim, won}; make agrand snapshot to send back home Subsequently he toqk severN shots. - FrrrtunatefyGrirasped the si- tuation quickly, we being new to the coast. Our trrst picnic on the East Cont, after arriving from the West, took us to a lovely may begglhqquite a bit up the coast. 4 When " - Be When they got back to the house, there wu the watch sitting where its owner had left it in the living room. When they were Just About Me. dy to lave the picnic swings. the husband in question discover- ed he had lost his watch. They happened to be at Elon and they re-traced their step. thoroughly trying to locate the missing timepiece. This included going down and back u the mil- lions of steps my friendpclaims it takes to reach the water. Still no watch, By this time everyone: tt deuce had been tried qiute t roughly And no one we: in a very happy state of mind, tweet Infants ,ttiawiae - “or mogul - while the kind _to He Anally 25mm than and they started to pull out of the dri-r.. Then they had I blowout! IV the tune they ha.d a sum Mation do what service station: usually do in such matters (I'm not mechanically minded) it Wu well past lunch time, Heb ihe-rounaiteri Quiet fifth} Socialis‘ts ,',irehcirye,t1s,sitis want my ryt ing equa y-ex- pt 'l'lJiiWU"/', rule whué' meg R}: 3373 iEGi, yt But llltle hunted they carried Each BE 11.00 5 cup lard 16 cup boiling water 1% cups cake ttour 5 tsp. baking powder h tsp. salt Place lard into a bowl and pour trigerator for 15 mina. or more. Meantime sift and measure flour. Resin ttour with baking powder and salt, then combine with chilled mixture until a smooth ball is formed. Roll about half of this mixture on a lightly Boured board and tit into 9-inch pie plate. (Do not stretch! lift and " 1'i',',f/.. t into position). Adela ft ing; mpen edge of lower crust then told the rolled-out remaining} dough in half and transfer to com ver half the Med pie. Flip over the folded dough to cover, pat ii; edge evenly and well. Trim edge 2 cups all-purpose Bour 1 tap. salt It cup water 2/3 cup dictum Sift, then measure 2 cups ttour. Resin with salt. Measure n cup of Bour mixture into mull bowl and stir in K a”: water to form I smooth paste. " a paltry blen- der to cut shortening into dry Bour until it is like course oat- mul. Work dough into the int- Bour mixture until it can be an)» cred into a ball, Chill before roll. ing out. min); which baked. - F 5. Too much handling makes trey colored pastry. eanid 'r'y'e. s. Tod Khan shonemng mikes it frt.. and crumbly. _ L Too much pressure on the Tlling Am 'etutm.the dough to helm-ought” hamvcuolnnuhohmm meg-1 “and -ttetd. at ”up; was.“ No A II. On 'naAing . mu: rToo .'/Srfu'llt's' nuke tAoo {mi}? Boor make: pie mouw‘ PLANNING (Linden with ttour, putt) 18 Only. Pullovers and Cardin". Reg. 5.95 and 7.96. 9! TO CLEAR P'"'"'""................. a. 3 Only. BELTED - Reg. 45.00 GRANDMERE SWEATERS SUITS - 20 Only BETTER DRESSES 12.96 to UT VELVET LONG COATS Regular 5.90 to 11.95 To CLEAR .m_.rrr.....e... WEDDING GOWNS- so SKIRTS Mot Witt! Pk CM ape beruat pie) Opp. The". and Post Office 31 King N, - Wot Phon- 2,5008 train. Reg. Elfififlkfi 29.95 UP [HIS URICINAI. [1111]“fo IS IN VERY POUR CONDITION MMO 49.05 & 5095 'cart lllldhis it Playwright Anita Loos writes about Emmet Kelly, famous ctr- cus clown who became a hung caricature to make people laugh. She tells, in this Sunday‘s (MAY 4) issue of The American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times, how Kelley makes every member of his audience feel he is performing for him alone. (For Nepaleons. Benches, etc) bi cup tweet butter 2 cups bread ttour bt tap. salt 2 ea yolks lk cup cold water Place 56 cup of butter in a cold) bowl 1nd put the remainder in the! refrigerator, Combine sifted mea-; sured flour and salt with pastry: blender. Beat egg yolks in ice, water and blend unto ttour mix. Wrap the tire, in wax paper and‘ chill for " m ns. Then roll iidiiiii) lone way only). dot with bits of 2{ than. butter. Roll up and fold in the ends. Chill then roll again, Dot with remaining butter, Fold, the corner in to the centre. fly?.) then roll out tor patty shells. etc. Bake shells in electric oven of 500 dega for ' mins. [ Graham crackers should be crushed very fine before measur~ in; Combine ingredients thos roughly. Pat mixture 1r,,"er, Into 9 inch pie plate. Chill in e ectric refrigerator, or bake 1n moderate oven of 315 decal, for 15 min. Fill with frltNlu'."'"n fUling or u lune . Ind Cunt Crust Substitute toasted, sifted bread crumbs for graham wafer crumbs in Cracker rust recipe. Bake in electric oven at 375 degs, for about " wins. NOTE: An Excellent way of uh lain; stale grepd. W“ - oieteheeUdGG 4otqb to be rolled out tor top crust,' then pm in ml guru tor top of ”malty-try intoeintlmund pueetttmrsutobooi1edpie (in-- cm Can " inch l ans!) P cup; frumbs cup mu , thatij butter "."at'gdi"j,2'dYuar My than for , can: pie tf qtgm.ttdylaetteme in “In" Plri but until coid "g'Mgt'trilid h within pl- gmm. Mytorow Tl. 'A'l’IILOO a! .. 19.95 J 4.29 Waterloo ET THE CLOWN oe CLOWNS vobhs-stemmger---April M, Dor. othy Clara Stemmler, Kitchen- er, to Louis John Voisin, Wa- tertoo "leites"A"u2ae'v"-i,i,Aatg1 26, Ber- nice Audrey The er, Kitchener to Lloyd Elmore Allensen, Bridgeport, Sula?!“ St. Mary's lhtqtiul, April as, to Mr. and Mm. John Mr. 'YI, 2, sTttrslott, Ion. ---Atw t, Mary: tat, April 26. to Mr, and 2ttd rence Quehl, l50 York St., WmI terloo, a sun "eerttt-,-At St. Mary's Hospital, April 27, to Mr, and Mrs. Jun. Skerritt, 136 King St. North, Waterloo. a daughter Kraeg-St St Mary's Hos ital, April 28, to Mr and Mrs. gin-l old Kraemer, Floradale. ll daughter. ll Reiqt--At the Bright Duoeth Nursing Home, April 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Heist. RR 1, New Hamburg, a daughter. "tr--At KAN Hospital, April M, to Mr and Mrs, William Lutz.! 5 William St, Elmira, a son, l Mer-s-At K-W Hospttal, April a, to Mr and In. “and git-Brien. " Ellis Crea., Witc- MA! Montreal, A n " to Mr, '.nd tera, Jack “III-n Pee mm? tGid, viii-1mi- ; MARRIAGES MP SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEATS PEAMEAl BACON BLICED m Sth BONElESS PICNICS SMOKED lb, Sh SHANKlESS PICNICS “a” n. " BACON SQUARES m Mk cayenne“ 35 IONA KING STREET PEAS '0og. WATERLOO 2 tins att mil PARK” m... I. a... all “may, Mn and. BIRTHS The man who sold Mm the win- ning ticket, Ben Dempuy also of Toronto, won I our GiGii at *2,000. Both are employed by the Robert Simpson Co. 12331011 - George O'lhnd- ley, Toronto, was winner of the dream home drew Inst Friday night, cum-nun; the Preston are- najmpnign.‘ Tama Man - 1llhhslheaa, Home Be-..---..; ts, Mm. M Schneider. " Salk" Ave., Tor- onto, '1P1T,,t of Ina-loo. m - An I. an Lou. Kosher, Elmira, " "om. Bt.ar--Asrril a, Misa has: Bun, " yeah: --. -e-- “- - Mrreb--Aprit M, Mm. Harold Sip- pel, Elmira, " years. Cemeierr, "fanned. an, A. R. figtijedtiii with fityyeh, T"terli. ' MN In- 'Arnurife.tiyr;-riiJitAiE ?s1e9E.tpuieyrradaui'trGir, Roam. Baah. an. a. pub- mbynm,AmlBII-. "tAatteirtur,ttoitouE The fueeret was paid M"? m If. two W s.njtrht.l'l,u",u,'gt2itt ié‘fififiéfi lhhtt,yttt2 ttttttut 'tt DEATHS ttatt leer. " Light Ment 3:" " It PAYS to GREEN PEAS .112” " ICE CREAM GREEN BEANS PAICO ORANGE JUICE ALIA'I'IOII BANANAS izrrEEECE "oieta Palmolive Granny" MSP grails at“, 7logcla“ WHO. or Bret sucm 24-orload MILK BREAD mm 24ara uu "be TIA CLOVER BRAND lb, 26 or tins 10 or pkg. pt a 20-“ m " a We: tins " 20am. "c no: fin IB: att 21c 19c " htur

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