A casual squint " this column ' can week, might 5w. . reader “the impression that I'm rigid And 12 you don't believe ttll thuj Just-watch the noxsy on-loukers nt', any game instead of the game} itaelt and see what I am-tor m; stance, the gang who caused the, schemoule at the Junior "Bâ€f Lame m Hamilton, "That was the IA!) of the management m not; having proper pohce control," you say. "No such thing," say I. The ml fault is in our lack of devel-; opment of ttur-minded, sportut spectators who, although they want their team to wm are mind, ed like the Enghsh sportsman who, it Is said, Is the kind of chap who makes bigger holes trt the tty-sw- to gwe the fty a bet- ter ftghtsng chance Another baseball season is upon us. Pm not concerned with the financial or the oerru-profecuuontsl or any other such aspect of the game. I'm not, and I know there are many others too, concerned as to whether the Waterloo Tigers will trim the rest of Canada by the end of the season, 1 do want them to Wln enough games so that they will be "tn there pitching" and keeping the competition keen, t wouldn't wish them a wm tor every game. Some of the things must all sped-to: sport; Not so. What I have said And do Pt it that that the spectator (bent at: as much tun as the player, t too many spectators get all hot and bothered because they in low-rate arm-chair purer: Ind that lpectatol’s are, too o ten. d-sed poor sforts who do not love the name or the game's sake but only if their favorite team wins. Spectators form one ot the main elements m spoiling gun“ end pin) era. ham: Play Ball! The Game’s The Thing '6ttlogst.soeMt WATERLOO STOVE GROWING GIRLS' - AA and B - Sizes 4% to Mt LETA Sizes 121e to 3C C width _.. WHY PUSH a Heavy Sizes live to l?. - C width .V-P. Sizes 5 to 8 -- C width (Not exactly as illustrated) '" King ll0YD SCHWEITZER SHOES We Specialize in Children's Fittings With Savage Wendie, Chums and Bunny!“ by Savage In White Elk. Blue or Brown Saddles . . . " Savage. I’M“ twnntfromthe 'mlhh-t m m _ tsre,good clever Luann. BATION NOTE "ROCKET" POWER MOWER Do the Work For You! Not Police Fl.“ Iome in and see these and many other features of the Blue and Brown MAXWELL "Rocket Lark" SADDLE OXI'ORDS WAIERlOO SIOVE 4.95 Waterloo 0 Johnson "IRON HORSE" engine for years of dependable service. . RUBBER GRIP HANDLEBARS Ruggodly Constructed. . EASY TO OPERATE l Saves hours of labor. . ECONOMICAL RUNNING ....e.. .. ...-, u... -v. ...-. n...“ Jul tum and secondly, determined {that he would get all the breaks lthey can gtve him. Right or 'rwto!sg.-Pnd I manager can't be juntelhble - it he's tte most of ‘lhc tune, a manager eserva the _rwhole-tusarted backing ot every- (one connected wtth the team. The selfish Interests ot some Individ- ‘ual players and the unreasonable attitude of some ot the aide-line critics can ruin a unmet: be- l hat in himself and his team. Fun- l ny thing but both the self-centred player and the bad spectator (all to see that they are ruining the name for themselves when they tan to give to the manner and the management their total rel- sonable loyalty, Need I mention it? I expect the Tigers to try all the Limb att the time, Have you read the article on Stanky of the Yankees ttt the last issue of Time mul- zme? If so, you'll see what I mean about trymg, It not, you might enjoy reading It, Sunk)": taehcs we can omit but the any doesn't know when to quit. It the Tigers are going to go on And try when the bases are loaded Ind the score is 9-2 agmnst them in I'm I “in: been" in con-glint" spot: but I an all] no dil- ttg,"fr,ut',t.Y,tt I (11:31: and a c our p y. want I ot Run monk built Baum Kvunak, the manner. I know 1li't'N,tit"uitu2thlt.t'it and ha ahility magnum know too that such I pen!!! can have his performance Imp-1nd by a Jack of some of the moat limp]. huuun virtue. on twisted players and spectators. was; the over-all mlnuemenl ot “M organization, I would any that} Alert would not have been 2il hired If they had nytt tiryt.beliei. a APPLIANCES (ta-Sum Try All The Time At Phone 'tt038 KI'UIHENER. - The tuurnce committee of Kitchener Council next week wil condidei In mend- ment of the Ontario Municipal Act which would permit raising the uldermen's fees from $10 to :12 a meeting. _ _ _ In. a.“ te,"tt,It You like it? on have fun welding the Tigers play? Well and good. Be I good spectator won't you. A good Apectnor is ltr/ell a good citizen. We need th end we an do nicely with- out the other kind. A communication on the topic trom the Delfartment 01 Munici- pal Affairs onday night was re- ferred to the finance Department. -Aniutor-our an: Not on» the plans but those who Gig as well. May 80631 Own Pays 9.30 All. " 5.30 PM. Evening; by amazement " King St. N. . than ""t "than NIX! INDIA. sumo In, I†EldonLBuclma I‘m 3m -ate with the 1m. Let's ALL be true Sportsmen! Waterloo Rod 8: Gun Club GLASSES PRESCRIBED AND FITTED OPTOMETRIST Professional eye examination and visual analysis Optical Remus t I feel that we all thoroughlf en-,) ljoyed this annual event, and look] glorward to many more in the) 3 years to come. As one of the lead-; iers of the Knox Presbyterian! bGroup. I am happy that the Ist) [Waterloo were able to be with us, 'and hope that they will Join with. ms in more occasions such as this.: l After all, the very first of our Promise emphasizes "Duty to) God", and what better way can. ‘we carry this, out, than by wining 5in worship together? out-cu u: a WeWoo1e- 'ou ll De _ There were about two dozen able to relieve the noise-tough laws! and thihsazne 'pee,",,,',?, wws who find that they're not so I on s mm e wo , s fit after '0 in . 'Troops, with a total of ntneLead- shift! IA rk g the morning ‘ers. and a large congregation of The Silent Boy. (News item from Pe.rfe1s, and friends, The Lttyn an English paper). (was ttyd by LEV-C01: H. G. Hear A big. noisy crowd stood round Hey. District Commtasstoner, and the old lady who had been lprayers were read by Troop Leaf‘knocked down by a car outside der Ronald Henderson, Cubmas- Waterloo Station. London. But "er Wismer and Rev, P,'S"i,k,iiiiirii: did anything-until a boy (The ottertory was taken up byl pushed through the throng. gave )Scouts Grant McGregor and Bill, efficient first aid, and disappeared LHengerson, and at the close of the when a policeman took over. ‘sel‘VM‘e the Cubs and Scouts Tc All the time the boy never said le,r.'ee, their Cub and Scout a word-and the reason was ex- tromies, led by Scoutmaster plained when Mrs. Ursula Rich- Lloyd Nyland and myself. ardsun. Commissioner for Handi- _ As text for his address, MHCN’P‘"d Boy Scouts, told a Haro- Murdock ““35†"Cubs trig/cet/rl,',,", Conference about the Inct~ (Encounter wagons". an row a e . . {parallel between the life. of St.‘ P, big; fiassiti'luty1, (tun)? George. and his fight with theta" pant), i'Ptll ir, 'd'; hi iitfi.i'll'i',: and the modern dragon all was a. ou . and , f, Hid Pug Itil which is abroad in the world) him courage an tnl in ve. jtirday. and the eftorts or Scouts ~"‘" -- - ‘und Cubs. by their striving to be- ‘come good members of their Fits may be distinguished from ‘Groups, to tight u similar bathe. other Canadian conifers bv the WE DO PICTURE FRAMING SHERMN-WMMMS 'tlie'! PAINTS This year two Waterloo Groups, the Ist and Sth Waterloo, Joined together under their respective headers for a joint service at Knox Presbyterian Church, where the service was conducted b ' Rev. J. G, Murdock. Group ChapFam at the 5th Waterloo. . Every year, on the Sunday im- mediately before or after St. George's Day, April 23rd, Scouts all over the world hold their tra- ditional St, George's Dav Church Service, in honor of the Patron Saint of Scouting, St. George's Day Church Service. Ahit,tairrr;zg4,,,i,,l, FISHIN’S FUN-Although this group didn't catch too many "big ones" they did have a good time trying. This photo was taken at Forwell's Gravel Pit, just north of the city. ' Wallpaper & Points m In... M. Soulll wnmmo fl! VATIILOO M) CIDOIIC‘I ETigers Play Three {Games This Week There is a large amount of work to be done at Everton camp. l before we can ut it into use this year, and in on}; to get this work Ydone, each Group Committee bu , been asked to get together at least tive Committee members or par- ents. to put tn a day at Everton on Saturday next. Anyone Inter- ested m painting the cook shack, or clearing away and burning brush, should get in touch with their Group Committee Chair- man, or Scout Headquarters, _ phone 2-3072. Although work is due to start at 9 ann, anyone who cannot get out until the afternoon is still as- sured of a welcome-you'" be able to relieve the Pot.-so-to.ugtt rm; who find that they're not so fit after working the morning shift! The Silent Boy. (News item from an English paper). A big. noisy crowd stood round the old lady who had been knocked down by a car outside Waterloo Station. London. But nobr dy did anything-until a boy pushed through the throng. gave efficient first aid, and disappeared when a policeman took over. Fus may be distinguished from other Canadian conifers by the fact their cones never hang down hut stand erect on the branches. Pre-season interest in the Waterloo Tigers must he grati- fying to Waterloo Baseball Club omeials. BASEBALL ROUNDUP Camp Clean-Up. Iii?! -___ ---_ M 1-1". Catching were Len Pigg, India- "ttrpoliss, and Frank Colosi, Brook- ‘lyn, Dale Markert and Walt Jett. ries were at first, Jimmy Mul, duon and Ray Horowitz. back from ButNlo were at short, Bob (r-ie-r-Intl-p-et-ears-tst at will The Tigers wtll get in plenty of ' pre-aeason exhibition games, 'three this week. After their first game with Hamilton Cardinals of the Pony League at Hamilton JWednesday. they're at home to ‘Guelph beats Friday night and We Sarnia Saturday night in exhi- bition games at Waterloo Park. tBoth games will start at 730, For their week-end inter-squad workouts, Tigers had Joe Yosu- rak, Gordie Ariss, who returns to the club this year, Red Televi who's also back, Lafayette Wash- ington at Indianapolis, Eddie Ot- terbein and Jack Beauchamp of Midland throwing, Cy Bricker didn't pitch over the week-end but has been throwing since. Large crowds iooked over the Tigers in (1'1'i,rig,t"iaeg'g's Sat- urday and Sunday. here were 1,090 gut Sunday afternoon. Evidences of a good spirit pre- vailing looked good to the Tiger supporters with the Indianapolis Clowns going through some antics for the entertainment of the crowd. For you pike and pickerel fish- ermen who feel that trout fishing is not for you, your turn will come on the 15th of May when the seeson. for both (hese tt!sh ppens. Hate to admit it but both'my shooting and Leon's has a faint aroma to it-none of it good. Both of us finally managed to connect with a crow, but there were sev- eral we didn't hit, or else didn't hit hard enough, Didn't realize a man could get that rusty over just one winter. m the meantime you had better not start your fishing early as the bovs from the Department of Lands and Forests are watching even spot they suspect you might try. Several oNenders have al- ready been picked up and the boys claim thcey are going to get tough with those who pouch. Busted my first crow last week, and it was good to see the black bopy over th? gm bare); again. Those responsible for the Rod and Gun display at the hobby showing last week in the market building, can be proud of their effort. Pete says he is (mental!) a bait caster. Seems as though 1t is up to us to further his educa- tion and take him trout fishing with a fly. Can't have a man of Pete's calibre spend a life swmg- mg a plug when he should be en- joying the thrills of " casting. PM-NATAL CLASS" will again be resumed Lectures cover ore-natal core, including demonstra- tion baths, Plans include the showing of films, Probably no more conservation- minded writer exists today than Pete. He has absolutely up use tor YT, one that wilt break the game aw: and that is what we need in outdoor writers. Pete McGillen, outdoor editor for the Telegram paid us a short visit the other night. Pete was on one ot his many public speaking trips, this time to Wtukerton. He's really_a_busy boy these days; _ By the time you read thin, the openingadny will have come and {one me at the lucky one: will ave tall tales to tell at the big one. they caught and those that got away. Others will he waiting impatiently for the week-end so they cm get out and try their) luck. l Remember what I told you about a week ago about not leav- mg your dry ies at home just bee-use it is the start of ttshine season. This looks, so far, like another one of those years, and one of the boys have seen trout feeding on the surface. We will be very mach surprised If some trout are not taken on the surface, Tr'vsitdaevdsr of course, that the west er stays as it is. Waterloo Y.01. THE CHILD HEALTH CLINIC Scheduled to be held May 8 WILL BE POSTPONED on that day ONLY due to holding of the PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC A series of 8 Notices Wilt“ into a-bush the other day when I was crow shooting hope to hock he In“ tar-Em be- cnuse I will never be ab to live with him it he but: me. Prob- ably it I had been smut I would have “one up north ahead of him and tied up I couple so I would be sure ot staging the“ 11.. actual - was all. in -lee. at an lactation Con- tain-Ion. and W well m, up. daily foe I 919: nttemee. - I. now/mu I lovely spinning outttt And has been threatening to but the 'eu " m up you, By the tum I amt. the neat column. I will know whqthcr he ya brggip“or compluqh', I ’uou' - ".353; iarUa. at this Had Iuttt, well 4.3%“ now the lot has been brat-n. Jesstct)ee,!t, ct FA ArW29Ar " ling M. . Kl‘l'CllINll M I-IIII Comer Duke and Frederick Sts. " Bridgeport Road..-.................. McLennan‘s Barber Shop................ ...REMEMBER MOM with 'GIFTS ICARDS Don't let your winter clothes "just hang" in closet or attic over the summer months! Don't take a chance on moth damage, mildew or soiling. Let us clean them, repair them, moth-proof them and store them until you need them again next fall. PROTECT Your Winter Clothes Ill, siisi_s:,), _,ii,i,'t,f:,:'as,4-, fl 'iliy ef .'iii/iri'7i'iij-lc--ii:"'-i'i"i1 r l a; 3 m. s Graduation Cards OSWALD’S With STORAGE of JESSOP AND WHALEY CLEANERS '/,v,(..i",t,oi'tssi, _ii-iiiii-"ii-,is'i'i"'j'fi, f:i)isti â€W 9 'ii-jf/ii" l _),,tki.ll.,ii:ts and " can; so little for donning and storing See our vast assortment of OSWALD'S BOOK STORE LIMITED FROM OSWALD'S CLEANERS W I an ailing he" in the one: pounding out this copy. " mutton! night. l hope to be duh. ',ec1beritice.ialttfArCtire luers that teed nut the andâ€. " this time of the year. The out after I hope to have '.ttr M m the mouth of a good big â€all. ce'" you do t e am. Good uck, In“ at I In." MM tte' oth.. any who shot m m duh. this mun. “can. 2lu',ttce, 'lt 'ttrat" ' van rad“ {rhyming , soot U]. _ " up ili' ovktiiitiiGE' _ [ Illi- . buo- no“. 2t 1i,ee,ttttyrauEie 93 in; i'iii%ird'i in; day can... “WATER!“ PM}! "e