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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Mar 1952, p. 8

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tima thttle Trude Active *tdN2mo.--catue and: was a nun with pads 50 can: on “can and about study 9 Mind.“ arthe, 9nttrlo In} kFiaCGiir, 2,giidt Cat- tte ;alve|3”;bou§ 1tiatseee at i; adve- tie; hogs ght sheep .1 lamb. . The estimated idiom u“ no 'e,lht, ' Medium to we t sheen I)“ at alt/Tl/Te choice. Potatoes Bring $4 Bug At Kitchener Market Ask Dismissal ty tar Vets In Agriculture Dept. The Commons went min ltr, sec- ond day on the minister's pro- posed legislation to provide com- pensahon for cattle destroyed In the foot-and-mouth dxsoaso cam- nai_gn, - . Canada had numeruu: planyy ttying abroad on what he would tall “joy tops" They were Isy.n,tf all over the world, Ottawa could send a few of those plan»: lo pick, up these vetermartans and fly them back to this country. sand‘ Mr, Crulckshank l The doughty Cruickshank took up the cudgels against officials of the health of animals division after John A. Charlton. Progres- sive Conservative M.P, for Brant- Wentworth had charged "gross negligence" and "incompetence" in the handling of the South Sas- katchewan outbreak of foot and mouth disease. Mr. Charlton said there was nothing whatever to justify the time lag between the outbreak of disease in the area. and the de- linite dragnosns weeks later as foot and mouth, And It was the responsibility of we head of health of ammals branch (Dr TI chads. veterinary director-general; to ascertain whether It was tity dreaded sco_urge, he said. The British Columhra M P pro- posed the minister ask the Unlled? States to lend him competent men: who have had experience wttttl the disease to help Canada Taft: vane tt, Too he suggested that vets be obtained from Holland,; Britain sand other parts of Europe.) ' Flax: 1 cw, 34.3312; 2 cw, s4- 26%; 3 cw. $3.'75%. - cw. unquot- ed: track, 34.31%. OTTAWA. - Suggestion that, Agriculture Minister dard1nerl dismiss inefficient veterinarians tn' high places m lus departr?yrny) was made in the Commons Wed- nesday by George cruickshankI Liberal MP. for Fraser Valley. I Potatoes, scarce In many parts of the prcvmce. appeared 1n nor- mal supply with prices for the sack ranging from $390 to sltght- ly better than " The prtce levels are slightly tempering demand The prices: Eggs, extra large, dozen. 45; Eggs. large, dozen, 43; Eggs, me- dium. dpten, 40; Eggs, pullets, Barley: 1 and 2 cw 6-row and 1 and 2 cw-row. 313471;; 3 cw 6-row and 2 cw yellow. 51.33711; 3 cw yellow and . ew 6-row. $1- 30%; Sew 2-row: $1.33%: 1 feed, $1.30%;2teed.tia8V,3reed.s1, 21%. Rye: I and 2 cw, $2: 3 cw. $1 . 95: rei. 2 cw, 31,6712; 4 cw. tr, 62li; orguty. $1 5Ve: track $2905, [ Fads About Allt Driven For Instance, why Is a dnver's number " M? or 75" According to our informer the badge digits (orrespond with operators length of employment m the company Lowest numerals, he explained. designate the wearer to be an ex- perienced PUC employee and has spent many years m ublk ser- vice Men of this 'd'ldrd'lf,,, are considered "sensors" by the (one; the have their choice of hours 'd'sT/Jl'irJdl, “juniors" compelled to-tte qtistted with the remainder Practically no prwe changes from last week were noted at the Kitchener market Saturday mom- my. Buyers were present m vol- any by 8 am. Egg. large, dozen, 43; Eggs, me-f Cheat: Lamburger. ib., 48; Can- dium, dozen, 40; Eggs, pullets,vadian, lb Mr, Old, lb, 65; No. t dozen, 35, lwmle Clover Honey, ltr, 30 to " Vegetables: Potatoes, bag, $390 Fruits h Swan: Spies, basket, to $4.15; Potatoes, large basket,‘60. Sweets, basket, 60. McIntosh, 80 to 65; Turnips, each, 8 to 25; basket, M); Snows, basket, 50. Butter sohds. first grade 66- 66"V, second grade, nu pnce estab- lished. Cash Prices: Oats: 2 cw. 98%: ex 3 cw, 971a: 3 cw, 95U: ex. 1 feed, 93N: 1 feed, 91%; 2 feed, 8834; 3 feed, 85N; migred feed, 67 Talkmg With a PUC operator recently, your reporter learned some intereshng facts usually un- kngwn to the general publlc Potato prices', Ont. oft truck, $3.15; to trade, 54; New Bruns- wick. carlots, $4-t4 10; to trade, 34.25-34.35; P.E.l. “$410. to trade. $425-$135. (By Don Williamson) J‘ever want to wear a umform and not enlist? Be a bus dnver, may, when the drmer's slave. Cloth bars on" wanted to operator: conrludml I Bee- w, Berviee term A well-known win City "tSpector boasts , of the golden "patches" indicating " mm of urvnco m public in- nun-r PRICES Potato Prices Butter Prices uieeraUnet heifers wet; at [50 with a few good her Grain Prices Meats: Pork Sausage, fresh, ltr, Aio; Summer sausage, ltr, 35; Li- ver, pork, 1b.. 45: Lwer, beef, lb., (75; Ham, fresh, 1b.. 80; Beet, fb., ‘66 to 15: Dressed Rabbit, 1b.. 60. ten br T . Good cows sold 2gl',"'tltf= while a few heavy but]. than can 511-310. Fed yearling: told at 5354”.” Fed “an!” Bid at “a“ meaning to quality. Calves were steady at "t-886 for choice veal- en with common to medium tron 825-331, 'tts were at no tor Ende A m sows $15 thud. cannon to medium lamb: sold ttom mm with a {cum lambs bringing $31 No p sales were reported Fowl: Turkey. ltr, " to M; Chickens, Young Broilers, 1b., 20; Chickens, Milk Fed. lb, 65; Chick- ens.. yearold, ltr, 58 to 60: Ducks. lb.. 70. Geese, ltr, " Egg quutattuns were unchanged. Grade A large size _-__ _--..-. 375-38 Grade A medium size ___ H 36-36% Grade A small sue _ _.... 33 Grade B ,-rr 'Trl. ___. ' _ . 33-34 Grade C ., _ . __. 'rrt .31-32 Cabbage. each, Mt to 30, Celery, bunch 15 to 25, Carrots. basket, 10. Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Egg Prices. EGG QUOTATIQNS your particular need. 236 King M. E. Regardless of whether the work you do with your truck is light or heavy - whether your runs are short or long - there is a rood-proven FORD Truck for .A Wholesale to Retail A large size .._ U _rr.0., A medium szze . _ A small slze .. Pq-rr 1btCagseaedu8raf%glad For ECONOMY - llhiNltllR8llllm CORONET MOTORS SEE THESE NEW 1952 FORD TRUCKS ARE UNCHANGED FORD TRUCK ASK US ABOUT THE YOUR FORD .. MONARCH DEALER KITCHENEB 41-4: 39-40 37-38 AT 36 Thurs., April 3, 1.30 pana-High class Guernsey herd tor Sutton Faims. gear» Agepgqun. - A...“ t'WlLtht,',tgt,tffd', "'irlh,','t'lNfu"'ls'l"l,Ufdt' my lamb-1% ot Guan- er chin u the tVouiioekiiir Pri., Much IH-Hel-teip Cum: Sade at Woodstock Fur Ground; Mom, Inch 17, 1.30 Pam-- Holman had for Jer Town, " Wed, April 2, 1.30 pam-Wo" stem cattle, pigs and some imple ments, etc., fur Ezra Steekley, 3 miles northwest of Wellesley md 2% miles south of Crossbm. miles southwest. of Woodnbéi Tues., Mach II, " noon-Moi, stein herd: Implements M feed tor the M. E. Seott Estate, . miles wash yt mew.- -- _ Wed., April 9, L30 p,nr--Entire herd registered and guide Hol- stein cattle for Daniel . Erb, " rmles northwest of Wellesley Wed,, luck: 19. w .agL--Nol- stein herd, implements, teed and household ell-cu for In. Lucin- da Lichti, about ' miles northwest of Wellesley. Mon , March 31--Farm stock, tractor and implements, feed. can, for the Misses Woolner, about " miles southeast of Kitchener on River Rd. Tues., April I, I pan.---Pure bred Holstein; some grades and implements for Earl Swumnc truber, " miles southwest of Pe- tenburg class Guernsey herd for Suttanf Wef., Marci; M, 12.30 pan.-- Farms. near Agencourt Clearing auction sale ter. Mr. Fri, Ardl, 4, t.30 p.rm--Jersey I Christ. Gerber at the farm mun:- herd at oodstock Fair Grounds, three miles west of Crosshill, of Alex McKenzie, Mgr. ltractor, implements, Holstein cat- Tues., April 8, 1220 Parr-Farm! tle, horses, pigs, teed and turm- stock. tmplements, feed, etc, for ture. the Manasseh Gingrich Estate, Tues,, April I, 12.30 pan.-- about 2 miles northeast of "l'-j,ce)iiiij, auction sale tor Mr. Mo, terloo. nard Schell at his tarm th miles ”up: an Etmtra Every Thursday, I part.---" Kitchener Stockyards Ltd., Guelph Highway, of cattle, pigs, horses. sheep. poultry, produce, etc. Tues., latch 25, 9.30 'tan.-- Sale Holstein herd, at farm un- chinery, feed and ter furniture for Mm. Arthur Rahn. about " mile: weat at Waterloo. Jy.ett.r, March .36, 1.15 trattHiale of Hoisieut came "at Shim)! via; Fttryt, Bn9ep.ort, -- _ Noru1AN F§§§._Quc_tloneer, Use A For all the new advantages. for a better job otlower YOU CAN'T BEAT A FORD TRUCK POWER PILOT operating costs - FEW? I'll m, lunch M. , Qumwcq 3'ij at the farm at h"rtertthJ, miles west at Waterloo, out Road ot livestock. implements and some furniture. Tun. hunch 18, 1 an.--uuo. tid%a'llhh"r.'E"aHll'tritlri fun. one mile east at Winter- bourne. of livestock. implements. etc. Wed., March W, I tIra-i-fret,': sale tor Mr Aaron in at the (arm about two miles west of Wtulemsteia, then one mile south, of tractor, implements, livestock, feed, etc. Mon., March " 1 pm. sharp-- Clearing auction are for Mr. W. E. Meyers at 232 Deon Rd., Kitch- ener of 2 tractors, Implements. ur- my truck, letter earner. farm buildings and small items. Tues., April I, 12.30 pan.--- Clearlng auction sale tor Mr. Mo, nard Schell at his farm th miles north of Maryhm, or th miles south of Weissenberg, of imple, ments, livestock, fee and furni- ture. Farm Is sold, l Sale 'ite',?,,,:',,:,'),';',',',", 61133.: v eta ' watt. at? Donation. 'i','Pa Mom, March W, I.” 'un.-- Auction ale tor Kin-01m Btu; at _the tarmAt, mun", Tues, March 25, 9.30 a.rtt.-Exe- cutor's Clearing Auction Sale for Arthur Balm estate at the farm situated 2 miles out Erb Road, west of Waterloo of tractor. im- plements, Holstein herd, pigs, feed and furniture. Wed, (,,),te'", 2, l {on}. -Clearing auction sa e tor TI man Bowman on the farm situated on 85 High- way, about 1 mile north of St. Ja- cobs of livestock, Implements. fee: and some furniture, Farm is sol _ Fri., April 4, 12.30 p.m.-Clear- Conestoga Town]: 3.11 toe {lope ynd. School any Manon WATIILOO ttht.tel "‘OIIOLI , 43.3 r3 , Wed, March 26, 12.30 pan.--- ICIeanng sale of farm stock, im- plements, threshing machine, two Hractors, hay and grain for Ray gSider. 1 mile eat. ot Baden. l Sat., Art“ l9, 1 p,m.--Clearing sale of urniture, household et, Heels and dishes tor Jonathan s, ‘Lwhty in Wellesley, _ Kiev: Ab. mm. Laura Sat, March 22, I pan.-iper- ty, furniture and household effects for Peter Dick on Wilmot St., in New Hamburg. Tues., April I, 1 p.m.--Pure- bred Holsteina, some grades and implements for Earl Swartzetitru- ber, RR}. F.'eyrrytture, -- Sac, latch 18, " Pan.--) mg sale of tarm stock. implements and some furniture tor Noah Lichty, pug agile walla of 1 and 8 hlwlli’ in South but)?!» ed., larch 1.--Cle. nu tale ot pure bred Holstein cattle. farm. implements, tent. and furniture tor Mrs. Samuel Lichty, Wellesley Twp. m, Much 21, 10 ..m.--Ttae. tors and farm machinery for R. V Bindery) NytNmburi, - Sat., April 5, l pai-Commun. Ily Furniture sale at Baechler's Sales Barns in New Hamburg. Pt-oaks, 777W 7 Every Monday at Ancaster-- Livestock sale. Every Mom, at Lancaster Live- stock Market, ot cattle, pigs, pogltry. e_te. _ _ _, - ' _ _ Every Wed, at Ospringe Live- stock Market, cattle, pigs, poultry, etc. Fri., March 21, l pam-Clearing auction sale of livestock, farm machinery, feed and household ef- fects for Phillip Rellinger, 1 mile north of Maryhill and 2 miles southwest of Ariss. Farm is sold. Sat . April 5, l p.m.---Livestock, farm machinery and household effects for George W. Jackson, 1 mile east of Guelph on No. 7 high- way! Just past Guelph Reforma- wry), “an“. “*0“ Eva, In. I 'hath-AI-i-v. t mam 'l',dttu' *rltfa'5tl=t [new ti'l'lr,h'a'ut'le"et. uuamng mum. tractor im- flunenu. Iced and GiiGiGid ef- ecu, em, tor Win Shank. 3 miles west ot St. Agatha. SAL, Inch 15, 1. agt.--Pur- niture. household mug cm. far the estate of the late Nancy Ging- erish, Value. of_BMen. Every Thursday, at 1.00 pan.-- Cattle, gigs, sheep calves, horses, etc.. at itchener 'ihial Yards. No. 7 tyihway 'adjoinigg the ci1y, _ .7 Eva-'33 iGU--At Gait Livestock‘ Market of cattle, pigs, poultry,) Nt., March 28, 12.30 p.m.--Farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects for Jeremiah Shantz, situated 3 miles west of St, Agatha, and 1 mile east of Phylpytsurg. _ A Wed. April 2, l Parr-Farm; stock, Implements, hay, grain. and) household effects for Henry Knim pfel, situated ls mile east f Fed tersburg on i?it'JhXeer'-"li'trrtd1ti/ Highway. Every Tuesday " the Gun Livestock Sale. Every Thursday at the Linowel Livestock Sale. Wed., March M, 12.30 Fm.--- Thresher. full line farm machine- ry, livestock, hay and grain for Ray Sider, 1 mile east of Baden on No. 7 and 8 highway. Even}; Fri, at 1.30 cattle, egg. calves, implements, etc. at bun. Wed., March 19, 12.30 pan.- Clearing sale of farm stock, im- plements, hay, grain, etc., at Lot ll. Com, q, Pilkington Tw ., 7 mlles north of Elmira for E S. Van Wyck. A. S. SNIDEII, Auctioneer Bridgeport, Phone 123“ Every Thursday, 1 .ac---At Kitchener Stockyards LIX. cattle, pigs, horses, etc, on Breslau high- Every second and fourth Mon- day at 2.30 p.m.--Wellesley Com- munity Sale of cattle, calves, hogs, etc. Every Friday at the Stratford Livestock Sale. Fri, March M, 9 30 a ttr-Clear ing auction sale of registered Hol stem cattle, horses, hugs, imple - PM!!! & SON Alma P.O., Phone 3384-22 Elan HERBERT M. BEINHABT an. 2, Breslau. Phone 2-3653 M. I. BOTH Auctioneer, Tum. hone ao-w in. 1atrrrm "- sheep, t Arthur Sale of horses, Saleé Times Must Be Tough! Jersey Sells for Me Licensed 'outtitters' camps m Omaha have increased from tits in 1913 to 1.300 in 1951, according to records at the Department ot Lands and Forests. WEI-nu 11.1 .nt-cterine auctio- uk ot [ZOE-mm tum. ti'ityt'itit'i, ? Tayvgtocl foe Adi-I u Esta _ “5.95m 1)” pi-AUC-, and if a - 1.1.7. Giir mm; 501d lit",? Mlg,tttlt for J. T. - - - ....... ”w- my... mm. on: mama; t blame ' fog-lolly. B. um". o r an. a m a}; tax: "ac-Gr. planet“: and feed, V. tulle north irt3hoetym for Ernie lee. Sat. Inch 39. 1.30 p.m.-Auc- tion ale bl Immune and house- hold elects in New Hamburg for Mrs. Ramada Nnhrgang. Honesty and Good Advice is the foundation ur success. When Buying, Selling. Mortgaging. fee Waterloo Farms - Homes _ Businesses all around the district. One Rpsevme farmer has come to the conclusion that "times are retlly tough'? - He heard nothing from the sale manager for a week. Worried. he drove to Kitch- ener to collect his money, Several weeks ago he had a Jersey bull calf for sale. He led It into a two-tun truck and hauled n to a community sale In Kitchener, A. E. BEAM, Real Emu. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, llMl'l'ED IMPLEMENT PRICES ARE Low in comparison with prizes of other supplies the former buys O The outstanding achievement by Massey-Harris in keeping the prices of its Canadian-made products at a low level of increase over 1941, is clearly shown by the above chart of price indexes. . 0 All commodities are shown as 97.7% higher than 1941; raw materials are 98.2% higher; average hourly rates of pay Massey-Harris Canadian plants are 158.0% higher: yet Massey-Harris Canadian-made farm implements have increased only 66.2%. . The continued great world demand for labour-saving farm equip. ment has given a volume permitting high operating efficiency in relation to production and selling costs, making possible the partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour. . With the scarcity and high cost of experienced help, farmers find In modern machinery the means to maintain high volume pro- duction at low operating cost. I!!! llll,llll 1t-rfei.ear.ue 158.0 Melton of High-Quality Farm Implement” Sin. 1847 "h-tsoo-us-eu-mu-upto'- week when his at In“ a turn " Con-31009 ad plunged about MfteeLeomi?tgt-taxtthe see ot_the CW0 linger; Provincul Consume Kath I- vm and the car, driven try Allan Jackson. Guelph, um a total witch. It was Lev!!! who Inven- tigttted the accident. He pointed out it was a “wonder" no one was 4 Make Miraculous Escape As Car Plunges 30 Feet Mrs. Herbert Reamer ot " Homewood Ave, Kitchener, In carved a forehead bruise when a The car went mm the 3m only that or tour feet from’the bridge. White it untied on the we. the n- ver. is open m some puices, he Jersey calves have been selling at higher Pr"res-- about $4 to $5--but this spect- men could not have appealed to the buyers in the rm; ‘ " think I'll hang onto the 25 cents," he said, "Tunes might get hard again!" He found that the calf had brought exactly 50 cents. From this amount 25 cents was deducted for commission, A an!» mm god that Percentage of price increases in Canada since 1941 THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN An excellent tarm magazine read bv thousoud, of farmers, their Wives and children, In Canada and the USA T fl VERY SPECIAL OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME Two and 0110" Years for $1.00 98.2 91.1 Send "" tor I 'rc. year subscription to '. 'l'llli COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, (“'0 WATERLOO CHRONICLE WATERLOO. ONTARIO By Roe Farms Service Dept Three-quarters of the resndeuls of miles and large towns 1n Can- ada depend upon automobiles tor transportalwn Lo and from their Jobs, 3nd tor [mar business, it is reported by Federation of Auto- mobile Dealer Aswtanons ot Canada. The car {secured about no. 10 mage With home 3150 In“ to “I. other auto involved In tho ruck- end accident. The other car tn driven by Cyril Martin, " "win St,, Kitchener. JOBS DEFEND car duven by her husband v. tnvolvedun a colluson " King and Water Streets. ItMggLNwiu, - ON A ['T‘OMOIILIB

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