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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Mar 1952, p. 6

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Mil-u OI: mm Sonic. is chum FIE! . . . ' in I. “It.“ on your an to buy “you”. LET RATZ LUMBER H. L RATZ [UMBER [3333 PLANNING A HOME OF YOUR OWN? WAmLOO Stry your Old, w3m Tires now Experts help you with their Before you decide ht build NOON! “771 LIMITID "" I." IDIO-HIIIAOI aioorrgthuut nus for your aa tires when you and. them in for big-valor, long-mile- Ige Goodrears, Com: in today for the best lite dell in town. Why risk the danger of driving on worn tires any tit', We’ll give you the biggest in Allowance fer your yt gm: when_you ttte CONSULTATION SERVICE ”in eqet. Our tubal and - elwed re-tMtv" at The Charity Bewi (incl. " the Blenheim llama” cm 1 Miss Violet Herber was guest ( speaker at the regular meeting of "he UB. Christian Endeavor So- ciety which was held at the home lot Mr and Mrs, Allan Creuman; on Wednesday night. Speaking on! {the theme of "souCWinnGt',1 Miss Herher gave interesting 1e amples of people who had been, effective soul winnera down? through the years. Miriam Hil- born was in charge of the meet-l ing and the ',r'th'g, leuon wast read by Mrs. emu Creaman. Mrs, A W. Egerdee favored with two vocal solos. Mrs Kenneth Shanta gave a reading and Rev E. Sider gave a few remarks on the topic of the evening. Chorulea were sung and the busineaa peri- od was conducted by the my dent, Miss, Mary Knter. After the! meeting refreshments were; Rm". Mr Good conducted the (electron of officers which resulted Ias follows: Honorary president, ‘Mrs. Claude Shanta: president, Mrs. Oliver Eckstein; vuce-presi; dent, Mrs Floyd Sherk; secretary: ;treasurer. Mrs A. W. Egerdee; (assistant, Mrs, Arthur Mussel- ;man; Good Cheer Commutee. Mrs l E. T Coleman and Mrs. Lyle _ Bungeman. Home service commit- (tee, Mrs Leighton r'e'r','iQe'ir,r,: IMrs. Clarence Rosenberger, rs, A. Musselman and Mrs. A. W. ( Egerdee; Sewing Committee, Mm: lcxaude Shana and Mrs. Oliver Eckstein; Devotional, Mrs. J. H., (Good; Flower Committee, Mrs.‘ Lyle Bingeman. Mrs. Leighton Rosenber er, Mrs. Elgin Reist and! (Mrs. A. &’ Egerdee; delegate tol lthe W.M.S. annual convention tel lbe held in May, Mrs. Clauder lShantz; alternate delegate, Mrs.( 1 Floyd .Sherk. - The annual meeting of the Be- thel United Missionary W.M.S. lwas held at the church on Wed- ,nesda) afternoon, The president, Mrs. Claude Shantz, presided and (Rev. J. H Good led the devotional #genod A letter was read from ev, and Mrs. Ed. Benedict, mis- snunanes m India. For the Good CTIeer committee, Mrs. E, T, Coleman reported that " t,'e, had been sent to shut-ins. ll uquets of ftowers, ll curds and " visits i New Dundee t Reports were also Patented by1 various committees. or the Sew- mg committee, Mrs. Claude Shanta reported the following: 2 comforters and 2 quilts made for) missionaries; 3 pants pyjamas nndi 20 yards of hospital bandues for} Africa; and for relief-A baby dresses, 2 girls' drama, " girls' slips, 2 baby kimonns, IT ttrticles) underwear. one nightgown and 3! bed Jackets; also 159 lbs. of sec-f ond hand clothing. 1 , Mrs Clayton Cressman, Mrs. jOmar Cressman and Miss Ethel Cressman. New Dundee, Mr, and Mrs. o, F Bauman and family of ‘Walerlou were Saturday guests of (Mr, and Mrs. Emmanuel Bauman. During the past year the socie- ty raised the sum of 378184 which included $319.00 for missionary pejects. _ 7 7 w:y.s. Annual Meeting. Miss Ellen Martin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Martin and Mrs. Anson Martin are patients atl the K-W Hospital, both remover-F mg‘frum rtsent 9mlau9n§ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hotter and Miss Perceda Hotter. Elmira. were Sunday visitors wnh Mr. and Mrs. John Soehner. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Howling and family of New Dundee visited M13 Lagna Spit-i, Sunday. -- Mrs. Melvin Hor§t entertained the Knittu}? Nightingale Club at herhore, byway night, A The Willing Workers met In the basement Monday evening for thtiy M?rc.h mesyns- _ _ The Sewing Circle of the Men- nonite Church met In the base- ment, Monday, to quilt and sew for relief work. Mrs. Howard Bauman read an address and a lovely electric table lamp was presented to the Bau- man family as a remembrance. Refreshments were served. Progressive crokinale was‘ played-Rev, C B, Heckendorm conducted a short devotional) Period- -- - -- - 1 The members of the Evangelical U.B. Sunday School gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bauman, Friday niteit to bid them farewell. before t car departure for their farm near Parker. sail; 'Some of the most outstanding dogs in Canada and the United States will be Been in the Coliseum, Toronto. during the two dog shows being held in conjunction with the Cana- dian National Sportsmen's Show, March 19-20 and 21.22, for the benefit of the Toronto Humane Society. Here Sheila Wat, son, with a prized Yorkshire Terrier. gets ready for the big canine exhibition. the OM BS. Men's Quartetle By Min ltd- unbor- (Chronklo Corrnbon‘lnt) ‘met at the home of Mrs. Pscar LBaer on Wednesday with the pre- 'sident, Mrs. Walter Shana in ‘charge. The devotional period was (led by Mrs. Joseph Good. The Jguest speaker was Mrs. Arthur Gingerich of Markslay who gave an interesting talk on “Mission iWork m Non em Ontario". Dur- l/tne the day the members quilted. The Quarter?! business meeting] of the Bethel nited Missionary; Church was held on Wednesday night with the pastor, Rev. J. 'll. Good ,',',rt',iri2e Harold 5ee.t was elected de egate to represent the congregation at the annual) conference of the church to be held at stouffville In June. L. K. HALL Ctoevr0lrt muks save you monev over Ir miles mum pmven haunts mat cul upvrnlir and maintenance cost! Valvr»m-Hea Pcrrr3omh', unpxrrlled hmru'aunn Rvvsteres h rpduved umnm “1-2! hugged Hypoid "a axles ESV-sitio"., orionrtel-type frame. an F'lexi-Mttrmtrtt 44b: ernulnl‘nn But Sh‘erm. S\Hv mu Mes" TMHHITHSiII)" Tmu and Menu of oil a? keep rhy-lwdn (on 1. ',sa,V “a. ___ 1"! ‘VA‘I‘IILQQ 450 KING sr. [MT KEEPS its VALUE lONGEIl M q, a fart (‘hmmln Trurk Sales Ip-dership In due m we nldut Hummer av "etttartee in mu lus'ury Th! mun- tttal (‘hmmki lrucllr mayo) ttttther , "de-in valun lvrluu a! ".96. mnlmuod prpilaoty " te-tt Inn-h- Yes feature tor n .amro. thew-old Ttu, ks Ire 'trut Nun." by in RIG"! Titiktt FOR EVERY [DAD A trork for every purposr regardless 0' your haul-n; heed Chevrolet truck modem are erptoerred to Carly We Iuad and null the lnad wnh frames Ipvln‘s axles. roehes. "any“: mum and engine: whu‘h punk]. I “we null-n M s..lr|_y Chevrolet hunks ave you money over the miles wuh proven tenures Inn! cut spouting and maInIenance can“. ValvemI-Head economy, unoxrvlled lubrication syslems for reduced mug-m» wear rugged Hypoid rear axles. extria-sturr'.y channel-type frame: and Flew-Moumrn Fab! Rvrircuutir" Ball- steenng. S)ll1l\l‘rrMes?' Tmnsvmsslon The” and plenty of "may ken) day-tu-dly (out: al lock hulmm my on these Plain Hard Facts ‘ Mrs. C. Fleet, Correspondent l Baden. although a small town, iis not very new. According to an 'smportartt manufacturies of lmen, woollen, lumber, ttour, etc., popu- lation 500. These facts are con- ;snderaoly changed today. The po- qulauon is now near 755, The l Encyclugedia published In 1897 for the anadian Newspaper Syn- dicate it was a Post village in Wa- lterloo county, Ont., Canada. Had linen or flax mill has moved from ( as old location and is now the Do- mmmn Linseed thl Co. The wool- len mill, then owned by Elias Mrs. Lawrence Hoover gave a chalk talk at the United Mission- ary Chung): m Stratford on Sun- day momma. Mr, and Mrs. Edward sum: and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stan: were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Stoita at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gingerich ot Markstay were tent of Mr, and Mrs, Omar Sni er last Wed- nesday, Baden Breezes t See for yourself how a Chevrolet truck can cut your costs in every way is: Brubacher. burned down around 19i7, At that ume Baden owned a ruth, something " can't seem to afford today. The ttour mill men- tioned is still m existence It op- crales now as the Shur-Gain feed mills. The old lumber mill burned down but a new one was built up. One thing that the history does not tell us that at that tnme the town sported sported tour hotels. A the present time two seem to handle the business qulte nicely. Of later years Baden has become the home of the famous three X timtrerger cheese.--- People are still Willing to open their purse The Canadian Bank of Commerce What they get for their money is a rugged, sturdy. dependable truck that’s designed with the customer's job and payload in mind. Right power -e with four great Valve. in-Head engines to choose from . . . the 92 hp, Thriltmaster, ms h.p. Loadmaster. IN trp. 'rorquemasrer and the mighty 120 hp. Wurkmaster . . . providing tho LANADA's truck use“ buy on; down-to. earth facts, not fancy phrases. That's why more of them buy Chevrolet trucks than any other make! MM...» an ax suntan! strmgs when the cause is a war- thy one. Thursday night the aucvr tum sale sponsored by the chm, dren of the public school really} went over the top A cake made’ " Grunt Bechthold. a srnmr buy, brought the tine mm of $2.75 Other larger cakes sold for $3 and " A small bazaar held In the basement of the school also net- ted a fine figure. The money real- ized from this ES'P, will be used, for the Junior ed cross.-.- Might mention in passlng that the sword) used an the "Sword Dance" at the} school program is an heirloom oil the MvGillivray clan ot Bruce; Chevrolet trucks are competitively priced, and provide exclusive features that give the maximum in performance, safety and driver comfort. Your Chevrolet dealer will be glad to demonstrate the many plain has which ndd up to Chevrolet superiority. maximum in power with economy. Right cnpacity _ with rugged hypoid rear axle: and two-speeds in heavy duty models. The deep, channel-type frames are supported by springs and tires exactly right for the loads to he carried. KITCHINII, ONT, County, Mus Anna McGtllivray, principal of the Baden school is a member of that tamtlr-- Last week we mentioned the condition of some of our sidewalks At the present tmu. the walk In front of the bake shop ls two or three Inches thick with tre and slush. The proprietor claims that the highway passes the buck to the town fathers; the town fathers pass " back to the highway. In the mum tun": thc “ant is a real danger spot, cra"

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