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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Feb 1952, p. 7

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5km: They have tour children, name- ly: Mrs, Mabel Hoover and Mrs, Leighton (Olive) Coleman of Kitchener; Lloyd of Calgary, Al- berta; and Miss Arlene Rosen- berger of Kitchener; also two grandchildren, Jean and Law- rence Hoover. by. My mill mall their wed- d?'rs.q trip by horse and cutter to wait relatives m Woolwsch Tom. " St, Jacobs while Mr Rosenber. gr was born on the old Rosen- nger hm three and one-hall miles west of the village now owing! by Omer Snider. Following their murmur they lived in this community for three year: and then moved to a tarm near Brown City, mm, for twelve years. They returned to Ontario and farmed near Putts- ville and in 1931 moved to their green! home which they built. hey are members of the Bethel Umted Mlssanary Church. owtoto-EAteside-id- ,m,bl.e_arseuntotiwiyeHrre: lid. htt.tiputtL2tt'Iif, “this uphciuuqum ipqdditioqto the 'tauger. Mtrts-quilteddown oughthe Mr. and In. Rosenberg" were married an Petr. s, I“. at the home od the bride's parents at gang» bum Rev, Solomon 1IEa5iE1jii0E] We. Chum " trt Smith's, Hydro Git! all li'] t YOUTHS or FOR M Shoes tu m M. tr. - when“ Mt. Marten" w_u the _ tor- Cloning of - Buck. Brown and Burgundy Clearance WATERL00 -- MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION . WEEKLY SPECIALS “ PERSONAIJZED FRIENDLY SERVICE 4.85 In. to 1.50 of FREE PARKING Presents The néxt New: win be held at the Wilmot Cenm Evangelical United Brethren Church on Petr. 17th. cg, TurAs-nrr. The Tist anniversary ot the birthday ot Christian Endeavor was observed with a special ser- nce at the United Bum Church on Sunday night. Ilia Mary Kaster, the CE. president, The Baptist Church I. Pt'.' to c-ity on SM , m the Wilmot Fireside and“. Waldron Bantam was claim and Clinton 1mm was no. la- alumnus Reta $12.15: sreesiet at e piano prayer was Ducted " Mran lill - born, The guest soloist was li- Ellen Page. Rev. J. H. Good in- troduced the sound tum on “The Earth 15 the Lord's" which was sheym by 0._T. quemag. cut-“15m in the Cal-r. ". little gi had gone to to bar meNoeeedtttrtteyr- anditiaootLsowntgowtu-i- dent occurred. Two - won badly torn and the up. maid to St. Mary's Ila-gnu] In Km where with“ were required to close the wounds. Cauchy A.“ In - The Baptist Chum I- All “Kings... STOCKIE mama - STOCKII ELECTRIC ' -- 000R (HIMES Yes, your little one: no can and cherubic at this age and are deserving of frequent pho- Iognpln for you to treasure. Murny's Studio Come in and see our full display of Hum 2-6262 HINDI... {WAN ti,, -,,M Hill u m a. I... um - a... {in THROW AWAY THE BUCKET In...“ of s r E CIA I. Regular $31.50 ihe Blenheim Maioaiie' You People's Society held at the chant 9: Sand. gt'"hi"t The - rip)!” 511g: of glen. The _ newly-organized Girls' Sewn; Club met at the home of mmwle ',i'ellitiy,,'?: 3?; at the use . of m Blenheim Hellman: l'M2e An city quiven by [in Grace Hughes" 33.7)» _-n_d the, 11min were tlag/ttg by IR: Elva Snider of lichens: and In any muck oriaduriid Speck] music vu contributed by the Bible. Ytteol Ma!e_qutrtette Tptctterei,ifairA4iiGigdriTr Ji New lumbar. and Lea Steiner of Karon, Ohio, dnr"teo-trhsnsttettastteeasdo- ts In some the. Rev. Mr. ttaqtt-toroftheto- This is your chance to buy' those things you always wanted. . . . Bring those old rings, gold teeth and any gold jewellery you might have lying around. r WALLPAPER t PAWS Ill Kb: M. tr. WATEIIJOO Phone 7-H“ Room lots of Wallpapet - 1.95 up Discontinued Agtems - - " roll SALE CONTINUES .0 KING " I. OLD GOLD PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMING Latest Sac-worthy and "Weenies!" Designs in Wop-r 10% mu MIMIUM PAID WHEN IUYING NEW MIICNANDISE at B-pro Wallpaper dk Paints Harold F. Walz Studio Masterpiece Wallpapers by Boxer So. the "" Famous WE WILL BUY JEWELLERY FOR CASH --Also-- $21.62 ing out YOUR Members ot the Bethe! United Missionary Young People's So- ciety held an impromptu meeting at the dune}: on Thursday night. The president, Elmore Rosenber- ger presided and scripture verses Dundee Rural Telephone Comp. ny was beldal tti-tttttte carry with the president, Id- W Stoltz, presiding. The Anas cial statement was “and ltr the secretary-treasurer. l. M. Hil- born. There was an increue of seven telephones tor the year. making a total of 234. The former Board of Directors was re-elected, namely: Edward Stoltz, F. E. Page. I. M, Himorm David Berger an o. t Coleman. Brock, Davis, Dunn and Brougham of Kitchen- er, Chartered accountants were re-appointed for the year. At Br meeting ot the Directors, the fol- lowm: oiNers were appointed:, Presi em. Edward Stoltz; vice-3 president, F. E. Page; secretary- treasurer, I. M. Hilbom; and Marv ager and Lineman, Norman KaswI Tug my?!“ at ttte New WAmlaOO and up “out I mu In. mm‘ l Michael J. Waechter died early ‘Sunday morning after a lennhy Tillness at the age of 73 years. IBorn in St. Clements April to, l 1878, he farmed in the district for many years. He was I member ot _ SlLAgalha KC. Church. 5 _ 3 Surviving are his widow, tour I sons, Oscar of Breslau, Michael ot 1rertrus, Anthony and Alfred of Imum-net; tour daughters. Mrs. Simon (Agnes) Schwartzbeck of St. Jacobs. Mrs. C. E. (Matilda) Crowe of Coburg, Mrs. Clements (Elizabeth) Rae ot Waterloo, Mrs. Cletus (He en) Dimer, St. Agatha, one sister, Mrs. Dora Dorscht ot St. Clements and " (grandchildren. Four brothers and 1one sister predeceased him. The "uneral was held Wednesday mor- rung. Mrs. David Berna underwgnt an operation at the an Hospital on Tuesday. 3 Mr and Mrs. Charles lump! Guelph spent the past week with ‘theu daughter, Mrs. Willard “ Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Straus and family of Kitchener visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Se- raphim Kieswetter. hen Evans ot Preston was a business VISIIOY here on Tuesday. (gear Thuroo at Waterloo was a _viyitor her: on S_atu_rday. -v Shana, Evangeline Good, Marie Coleman and ylvia Santa; a van cal duet by Lincoln Coleman and Elgsn Insulin”); and n trio by Erma Coleman, Wlllud Bock and Leonard Musselman. Willard Becker " convalescing at his home following an appen- dectomy at the Galt ospiul. " mes an: Low nouuo mp JACKSONVILLE M.' MIAMI _ 51.! LOS ANGELES “I NEW ORLEANS “.I Ticket, and Hermetic- a. human but; ikiei, lhe trip downwas fun too.. nan. Phyllis; My]: with} gut-dooLVuned Mr and In. I was give? by Wm M 19-. deal Samba}; iikiuded:' i alumna composed at "l came dawn by bus again this year and had a lovely trip-a count: at stop-overs on the my to see the sights and do some shopping. The highway scenety was grand and we passed through d lot of interesting towns and cities, I'm go- _---- " mg home by 1ii'ijii'iti!, bus too," _‘~i‘. - " " v.1 [M «m m" 40.15 $1.90 's, Ice jams formed It the mouth of the Conestoga river and on the IGrand had not broken up at the “mp of wnun. and ll " doubtful (whether the nnrush of water re- mllmg from the rum enly in the week will supply which“, put- Mrs Caroline" Sons and Mr. and Mrs George Kleinknechl and son of Kitchener were Sand-y guests at the home of the tormer's son. Mr Fred Sou Ind Mn, San. m Ill Rev, Harold Brose. pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, re- turned home the torepart of last week after amendmi a Church conference on Evange ism, held in Minneapolis. Minnvnrecegtly, _ Mr. Peter' Plain-Ian Subway tor Windsor, where he proposes to_ertter, employment. - -- A Wesley and Frank Penny spent Sunday at the home of their par. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Rear, cy of Rockton. Conestogo 7: Miss Ethel Ayres, nurse-in- training at the Homewood Sana- torium, Guelph, spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Atres. _... . “Mr: 5661’ Mrs. - Ari Kauk ot Kitchener were visiting friends in tttvillage Y? Tuesday. --.. . Kenneth Hergott of Kitchener spent Tuesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gilbert Stumpf and Mr. Stumpf. _ I m (Clan-ll. aunt-Mu Mr Lloyd Kin-ch and family of the Sunburn area have moved to the former Civrles R. Koch farm home now owned by Mr. He_nry Beter, -- - - "akin Fisher .and Douglas Wil- tong were visiting in Toronto on Tes.day, _ _ . "iaCiieFini, a Buffalo, N.Y., spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drager were visitors at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbe_rtfirtydey of greqton._ "Mrs; Frances Aylward of Guelph was visiting at the home of Mrs. H, Gibbon, on Sunday. _ “Maid VFEHEr shout Saturday with friends in Kitgheneg: a __ wdeirerid it the hoine of -Mr. and Mrs Art Kauk of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Marsh Preston have returned to their home here after spending a week at Mon- treal. - - a“ Miss Annette Aves spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ewen of figtii'lolie; Miss Detect} Gibbons trent t Mr. and Mrs. Joe Quelch and family spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Quelch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moore of English Set- tlement. _ - 7 -ibai.j" Fisher of Preston 'was visiting at the home ot his father, Burnham Fisher. on Friday; Quite a number of people of the village attended the show of Roy Acutf in person at the Memorial Gardens. Guelph, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Fred Hobbs and daughter Earls were business visitors in Call on Friday. The Doon hockey team were successful in winning the "John Lana Trophy" when they detent- ed Central Dumfries three games to one at the Hespeler Arena in the play-off for the C chamgion- ship in the South Waterloo ural Hockey League. The Doon club have not received word as to what other team "lei: will play against later this mom . LAC. Earl Faulkner of Aylmer and LAC. Raymond Faulkner of Cami. Borden snem the week-end at the home of their fat-ems. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fau Kner. Ross Hamilton spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. William Church- ill and family were called to the home at Thamesvllle owing to the death of Mrs. Churchill's father, Edward Pumphrey, who died in a car accident. I Mr. and Mrs. John Saplworth entertained at their home in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leis, who were married recently. In. Leis was the former Miss Mary Feick. The evening was spent in games. contests and a sing-song. A mock wedding was held with Mrs. Tom Barley as bride, Miss Isabel Sapsworth. groom. Miss Jane Ayres was bridesmaid and little Doreen Dowd ring bearer. John Sapsworth. best man and Alan Kenmer. minister. The presenta- uon at an electric clock was made to the guests of honor by Miss Earla Hobbs, Miss Isabel Seps- worth read the address. Mr. and Mrs. Leis thanked their Doon friends. A delicious lunch we: served to over 30 guests by the hostess assisted by Mrs. L Wil- kins, Mrs. G. Wiltong, Miss Helen Wilkins and Miss Isabel Saps- worth. qiated by like [try-Lou Cress and Miss Earle Hob“ an. mm Honk was hasten It her home, when she entertained her Sunday School clan ot the Pentecostal Church. Dung the evening games were midi and music was enjoyed. we: served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. K Adams, Miss Gnu. Rosie and Miss Beryl Rosie. Womeiu Institute. Hun were tiism-dfertretr.tottetteid the end of Pettruary to mac mo- my for use in their work in Cm- adl. Europe and elsewhere. The hostess served refreshment: u- AArefti, the hon; -- - In. Moi-by Realm was boa- le-It ttert-tothe-ttters ofthe Waysndleuumdun L'tx-neeLitues.tt.t.tttrGyaed Inig- m its, the mud to. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogman and sons Ronnie and Denise of Glen- coe spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Worden and family or New Dundee were visit- ing at the home of the farmer's gamma. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wor- en. Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver ot Hespeler were visiting at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver Br. on Saturday. New insurance for the year was $10,541,725. Insurance in force increased by $5,727,039 to $84,805,970. These ttttur- exclude annuities and staff group insurance. Income for the year I"eirnef, $163,403. Payments to policy- holders were $103,300 his r thantn the year previous. Since Mrgi,rtte't the Company has paid $19,391,778 in policy- ho en’ benedta. Investment and contingency reserves were raised by $50,000 to $900,000 and $63,645 was added to surplus, making the total $1,327,131. Policy and annuity reserves for meeting future contract obligations were raised bf, $913,600 to $19,034,154. Polk, reserves are on a full net evel 3% basis for business up to ttMit inclusive and 255% thereafter. The bond holdings of the company' were up by C and mortgage. tag”! .003. 66% of the Company’s not are under the “tonal Housing Act. Policy Ions 3.83% of nut: Total Assets increased by $1,417,501 . ThOtto-?tthertquitatrieugernaurance ofieerndiringttrst wureviewedby M. 181mm?” yA,eteP1Mieirr,inthemvortGttGhiiiiGiiiGi"'i'"ii COD FILLETS Mk Sirloin STEAKS Round Bone SHOULDER Ate SPARE RIBS 48c PORK CHOPS Mk Lean Meaty Bacon Squares 33e fauna!!!» life 'ysirtr-,ec"' at New levels in 195T, tk0dlittmsttsiotstussistrism, 1sststs,kttihtsaittthstmms Assets incrused $1,417,544 . . . . Policy Reserves higher by $913,600 . . . . Payments to Policyholdon and Beneftetnries $1,108,629 . . . . New Business $10,541,725 . . . . Insurance in Force $84,305,970. Policy and Annuity 'teServer-.....-..-....--- Pmtrhton for [hp-id unplanned Claims.. 239,1“... Amount be“ with the Company at Interest. 1.156315... Tnxel, Expats and Accounts Due Dividend: ANtted to Polleyholdm..,. A.“ [Pl-chub- [nerve llvmhllld Contingency Reserve: Capital rm Ea-.........,................., Lou: on "t_.'.............-,.,...,.., Stocks (Book "ttret......................,,., Cat on Hun! and In 'uri...,,...,.... Interest Accrued '_.Ptmr-r.t_..tt.Nettr..r.r.er.q. Premium Due Ind Deferred (Net) one from Other Comgtaniet-.....,. lead one: m..... Mortgages on lea Estate, Agreement in: Salem " III. " K. WAN QUALITY MEAT MARKET WEEK-IND SPECIAL I-BOHE SIEAK EQUITABLE llFE REPORTS . ADVANCES FOR YEAR TOTAL LIABILITIES MAL ASSETS Balance Shut, December St, "St ASSETS A eomput. "they of BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS FREE DELIVERY JACOB KOCH LIABILITIES lb. Mrs. Krogman's mother, Mrs. Wm. Teet. Mr. and Mrs. A. Noll of Lexing- ton spent Sunday at the home of their gggghgr: Mrs. Donald Fish- er _and ME Fishef. the week-ad-aiu-e-Garth";; parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Ayres Stanley Jones was a business visitor in Galt on Wednesday evening. Ocean Porch Fresh Meaty PORK HOCKS Cottage Rolls Smoked Lean Picnic HAMS "om-nude Pork Sousagc HADDOCK James Mara' Hamilton treat A? w_eek-_e_nd at the, home o " QUALITY GROCERIES A Full Sam he Alumni! "P, were up I)” Impany’s Policy loan. we. 3233””)! $23,881”)! 7-10" 11,439,001.” ”can.“ 4,647.10.” T0MM6 "sam." 1327.1”... 'PPP? "SAM." 9.0.0“... Ml... 2.750.” m. 29e lb. Ste 72c lb. 59: 53e

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