“WNW lb-nn-old pet mind duck has boun- . cabbmy In m are. 1% somewhat break: the con- II. of her-or rather hm barn- Kit" "firears of her we laying bub ducking, Goo-Goo a 27-5 tttto I Mar Arodu.ctr in, - -- -- trattt "sul'aet"8d;8,l, . “W- M cm the revolution! Ap- Eghug ','g,t,ce,12r, indecusion, Goo ave up meaning faiilflti'h1"t u "tNerf as ttme hu a habit ot oing, she developed the plumage habits, Ind in short, all the characterise tics of l male duck, During the time Goo-Goo was Maudly livutg m the female gender it is rumored that she only once deviated trom the might and narrow {nth In ttus inaurtce a wild ma lard travel- ling over the yard, spotted Goo- Goo and slammed on the brakes. Canadian livestock Shipped in Mexico 7 an owner, Mrs, Lamountaine, "H, "Goo-Goo Buttered nobly and got about tour feet " the Seven carloads of Canadian livestock recently left for Mexico. Included were dairy cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and pheasants The animals were selected by Dr. Jose Figueroa of the Mexican De- partment of Agriculture, some of them being tor private breeders and others tor the Mexican gov- emment. " Holstein: The largest livestock group con- sisted ot 56 head of purebred Mol- steins, largely bred and open hei- fers. Two high class bulls headed this shipment, one being a son of Glenafton Futurity from Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, Ont. Futurity was All-Canadian Bull Calf in 1948 and was Reserve All-Cana- dian in 1949 and 1950. The other bull was Pioneer Lodge Pathfind- er secured from Jas. T. Beaton, Hamilton, Ont. This bull is by a son of the noted Montvic Path- finder and is out of Pioneer Led? Aggie Pontiac who is the PK', Champion milk producer in e senior thee,-y.ear-old class of the 366-day division on twice-a-day milking with her record of 26,083 lbs. milk containing 889 lbs. fat and has a seven lactation lifetime total all on 2x of 147,91t lbs. milk containing 5237 lbs. fat. Her dam in turn is a Gold Seal producer with her eleven lactation 2x life- time record of 189,773 lbs. milk containing 6867 lbs, fat, Go To Mexico Forty-eight of the Holstein her. fers went to Jose Garcia Valseca, Queretaro, Mexico, while six of them went to Dr. Laura Ortega, Mexico City. Dr. Ortega person- ally visited Canada to select these animals. The balance of the shipment consisted of Percheron horses, Yorkshire pigs, Suffolk rams, Guernsey and Ayrshire cattle and toqrteen. pheasants. _ . New W-W Airport May Become Big Gliding Centre Assistin'g in the selection and shipment of the animals was Hays Limited, Oakville, Ontario, .The new Waterloo-Wellington airport may become ontario's lea_djpg_ trlidttcentre, . M _ Omeials of the -W Flying Club have been informed that the To- Tonto Gliding Club plans to locate its high-performance glider at the local tteld. In addition, the Hamilton Club will locate its utility glider at the airport. With the impetus which glid- ing should receive from the an- nual meet of the Soaring Associa, tion ot Canada, to be held at the nirpo rt Jul? 29 to August 5, the presence 0 craft from the other two clubs may be an augury of the future. It is felt that the area surround- ing the airport should make for ideal glidindg conditions, with the rolling Ian giving added lift to air currents. Pine trees are less likely to be struck by lightning because their resin interferes with their con- ducting of electricity. (tii) "iiiiisiiiiiikirhmtE You, too, may borrow $50 to $1000 a HFC tn pay doctor hills. "cs- TUI u how much (ash you need m how you wish to repay, Repay. can plan! “My arranged to fit you Manly problem, Up to 24 who to repay A non-v and You - " I *mnloar mom/es M am. home repairs ht my good puree hula Mallow] Duck Inns Male war-Loo. “I. h ' h l a†“I " lb. Be. M loo "- DJ!†FiiGiuG "iGieirG'iiht PNl' - Solar any mari now Goo- Callahan??? to hug. apt-Id: madam; =u'l'LeSlf,'tu't%lrll"lu1' Two Deer Killed Crossing Road Saturday Night mg...“ "m atutundn 't. In once-0e 'the victim was one of low.- deer amalgam; across thou-Dad near one» togo, The deer made the figtyPLt safety but i doe "we t r on a car driven by ttrang,, 27 Fell Ave., Kitchener, Two does, baht can-yin; lawn, were killed in separate mishaps on Wilerloo County meds Saturday. mam._ FRIDAY, MAY 25 Free - " King North We are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled form animals. COME AND SEE- ELMIRA - 564 HORSES - CATTLE - HOGS Telephone Collecc for Immediate Sonic. ATTENTION FARMERS Wag ag)gra git fills @mm game WALLPAPER AND PAINTS This book covers every phase of house- painting, inside and out. Helps you select pleasing color combinations for any room in your home. To every customer who visits our store during the demonstration we will give a copy of GORDON YOUNG LIMITED "M-tno-ie Miracle Lustre Finish for kitchens, bathrooms, finest woodwodu ttEM-TONE-the Modern Flat Wall finish. Con be applied over wood. plaster and wallpaper with brush or Roller-Koater. Dries in one hour-has no pointy odour. ENAMEMND---the high gloss enamel of 1001 uses. LIN-X CLEAR. GLOSS-renews, pro- tects, beautifies all linoleum and wood surfaces. sHERWiN-WiuiAMS---the two-coat system for exterior house painting. FREE DELIVERY IN TWIN onus "THE HOME DECORATtNt" WAfERLOO I'll m TAYLOC- um â€W9! - " nearly " years noun Tay- lor and Barbara Sunvyck were so Pte,', married that their to- cent Home named even _uyor.- lie friends. What shattered their bliss? Read Adela Boga! St. Johns' behind-the-ae- story of their romantic cogsttiet in this Sunday“: (May 17)) issue of The American Weekly. EXCLUSIVE- LY with The Detroit Sunday Times T Fish. swun upstream beeauae it u glue:- to obtain food than by swimming downsm Stamp collecting puts a premi. um on poor printing since A blot blur or misprint Mam the Vt he of a stamp to collate“. twaih-unolh-IHo- ttoisiatorar,adoeraxhatttr ttreutattLoCCerAityyt by Clmord t WWW Wac- p.317 iGikuestmrydit by w GUELPH - 3334 Phone 7-7138 Mrs. Hendry Sees King and Queen on British Isles Trip (By Clio-kl. COIIUDOI‘OIt) NEW DUNDEK--Members of the Jubilee Women's Institute of Williamsburg were guests of the New Dundee Women ' Institute at a special meetiw held at the 10- cal school on ednesday night. The president, Mrs. Weston Sara- rus, presided and numbers from the visiting society. intludtdiyru.i- . Mrs. R. Hendry of Galt was the guest speaker and gave a vivid ac- count of her trip to the British Isles and the Scandinavian coun- tries hast summer. Mrs. Hendry was one of 23 Canadian women to attend the convention of the Associated Country Women of the World which was held at Copen- hagen, Denmark. She also had the unique privilege to be the first Canadian woman to register for a week's course at the Women's In- stitute College in England.‘ tar instrumentals by Carol Beck- er; a reading by Mildred Trussler; and a ladies uintette. Announce- ment was 22l'l, of the District an- nual to be held at Hespeler on May 31-9-- _ _ - . . 184 Confirmed By Bishop Ryan At St. Louis Mrs. Plenary told of being en- tertained by different Women's Institute groups in England. She spoke of her visit to the many beautiful cathedrals and to Shakespeare's Home at Stratford- on-Avon. A highlight of her trip came when she had the privilege of seeing King George and Queen Elizabeth. _ _ The speaker was thanked by Mrs. James Cressman. Mrs. Geo. Reist, president of the William) burg Institute expressed the ap predation of her group to Mid 'dt,',?"' and the New Dundee lar les, About 55 ladies attended the meeting. Refreshments were served by the committee com- posed of Mrs. H. C. Einwechter, Mrs. Donald Jacob and Mrs. Wil- One hundred and forty children and 44 adults were confirmed by BishoB Joseph F. Ryan of Hamil- ton iocese at St. Louis RC. Church, Waterloo, Tesiiay night. Other priests assisting the bi- shop were Rev. Clarence Weiss, assistant pastor of St. Louis Church; Rev. E. S. Dehler, Rev. Bruce Hartleib, Hamilton: Rev. R. M. Heller, Rev. Joseph biGkerT, Maryhill: Father Dentinger, St, Agatha and Rev. T. A. Watt. fred Sararas The church was filled to acpa- city. Rev. Hubert Gehl, pastor, welcomed the bishop and an- nounced the names of the con- firmants. He said parents could be of great help by setting a good example, having a happy family life and prayer. Solemn benediction was cele- brated by Bishop Ryan with Fa- ther Gehl as deacon and Rev. Norbert Deptinger a_s .sub-s1ettcpp. Largest of the Egygtian pyra- mids has an estimate weight of 5 million tons. Prior to administering confirm- ation, Bishop Ryan spoke to the parents and children, emphasis ing the need of more priests and sisters in the religious life, The chbir was under the direc- tion of Raymond, Massel. A mamammw-wumm ?ii'GaaTiau%iitoaru-eaetrstrtre1tP 'EiraTatGiarikt.as-,-atrieetl.ueti" FaTGeGriiuiaGiats-uetoyar-etty':l1tt- -viiar,riieGdGriHkla,-ie.t?ee1etc8f_..teu'e, 81150.... II We! [or W and. no “ml-h; 3150.003 toe! to the (LN. Belle! and Works Agency tor PM“ [eh-en In tam Quebec,' Canada, is the only walled city in North America. The word "spud" for potatoes comes from an old organization called "Society tor the Preven- tion ot Nnwholeaome Diet". NO TAX Pre-Budget Prices I no credit restrictions 24 months. Additional business can easily be yours when you use a reliable, versatile MERCURY Truck. Their economical operation will save you money, too. F _ . All you require to purchase one of these powerful, money-making Mercury Trucks is ONE-THIRD DOWN. . . . The balance may then be paid within the next EAST KITCH EN " 471 KING MERCURY TRUCKS STEVENS MOTORS Ltd. SEE THEM NOW . . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Dislrid Fm I Injured by Roller I SOUTH-Vlm wuafoT.-Mr . Z. McIntyre of Mrysvilie min- fuloualy anâ€! M! yeti-0m "a- jury on My ttt. last Hock when} the team which he in driviag on the roller during seed- ing operations on his (Inn sud- denly bolted and Mr. McIntyre \vu thrown am! caught by the roller. Dr. T, C Kirkpatrick wu called to the injured man and had him removed to hospital by un- bulaelee. He was rendered un- common and Katy: disclosed he had suffered a dislocated shoul- der, cut snip and chest injuries intelyyiysCtrrx*ey ribs. . While Mr, McIntyre rested com- tortably at the K-W Hospital tus friends and neighbor: rallied to the cause and completed the work of spring seeding on the McIntyre tarm. At one time there were as many us six tractors from the sur- rounding district working and in short order the remaining tttteen acres were carefully seeded down, liquor Board Ges City 20% - $2,380 A cheque for $2,380.46 has been received by the City of Waterloo from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. It represents a) per cent of the proportion of taxes collect- ed from licensed establishments. Half to Five Ton (I: m mun-u By Roe Farms Service Dept My. May 26. 1.1 PHONE