KITCHENER AUTO ELECTRIC [253:1] ( Don't trus_t your eyes! 22 King St. South 103 King Street West tvnr INDIVIDUAL an} y... “a a can whWyd-dpdd“ that --" er-q-oo-oo-d-"""."""""". -.--tui-vs-errtet-ot'"'"'"_ Wenlwonh Radio t Auto Supply Co. ltd. “5-7 King St. E. fail-1.300. 'o"."'. - 's-er-ite-At-ir. -h--oeod--"-.-rr"'"'"er "o-tr-r-o-ru-temo"'"'- tuoeotuettsutueAmut-rtousutt-hi"rt- M m. M. In - ~lm “in hond~wovm style vs deswsed for :5? spring. summer and foll much , Appropriore for bus- and on irtiii1 "mi-sports onus-on; Sk Hully mode 3 " 'iff) P H5 in rich buriruodrshode ca" . I L“ _ il * p' (iiftl J. /tit, 'fl , l " i,ti) ‘ " I . "e _ Cd if I v u. U I " i, r I ATV C _ Â¥ - fi\ _-T-L-r-l =.__ IEMlfEl?trr"ritrl----r--Le-i-'-r-- a. -’=â€""-_' , C [100 'cr. "r" I“ Kilt-M. s. WATBILOO Pin†7-1.]! Adlfdlltranvfujevsto tloytl, Schwitzer 51109.5. C-I-L PAINTS have beauty you can we, quality you can trust. You can depend on them for the high hiding qualities, the enduring resistance to wear and weather, which make your paint dollars go farther. Any paint looks good when you first apply it. But how will it look in five years . . . yes, even one year? Optical illusions prove you can’t always trust your eyes, When it comes to paint, yow.' eyes can fool yo" badly, “it bond-WM style spring, wmmer Ol Nrpropriote for but uni-mom occasion; i in rich burgundy-1M _ " _ TsiP"r; ilillht(lill) jRfity1filiWl I a,,,ic)i1iesii"ii'j, gr m" t_iji"iiii'ti Complete assortment of HARTT SHOES m stock Wesven szlr. 1%qu and trsple (“16W Plains in Latest chariot and (HIM Brogan "ms MONTEREY " l. E. BALDWIN llMlIED WEICHEI. HARDWARE Whenever you paint, it pays L, use your C-l-L Paint Dealer first. WATERLOO Kitchener ', II an Phone 6-6419 or 6-6410 fl ssN _ - Also of ELMIRA KITCHENER a \u 14,. . With the tttgt? of the camp- " season, ' ere Ia much actmty‘ in preparation tor this highlight od Che Scouting year, and come- quantléonot too much of anything else. th the lat and Sth Wa- terloo Troops ate maria. to go to Everton again, I hog: that I shall have new: from t e 3rd Waterloo to say that they too are getting set tor their week under canvas. Seouunuter Ray Ball of the First reports that he now bu nix- teen Scouts, moat of whom are Tenderfoot working for their Sec- ond Clan badge, and some more boys will be invested at the end of this month, One Scout, Jimmy Guy, WIS m- vested last Monday Into the Fifth COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC UPHOLSTERING " King St. North , YOUNG’S IVAI' [93.3 2-1942 " Ila; M. w. Waiver Hotel Block DUI 24"" KM“ BETTER VISION GLASSES YOURS Youthful Vision S TO CHERISH ALL THROUGH In upholstering. as in every other trade and profession, there are two ways to do a job - the right way and the wrong way. Our skilled workers are carefully super- vised. We check every job to be sure it's perfect. Precision Vision We Hit The Nail On The Head SQ] FAQIL†â€I QILOIIOL! Waterloo Troop, and two or three more will be invested next week‘. when the Pack and Troop wit combine tor a 6013.71,, unmo- ny. Tho boys to be was!“ In ex-Cubu who went up from the Pack earner in the you. no that n will be an "e,Tf'dSff,"o'l"l'L' tortheCutsandu notâ€: Pack to be present " During the lat two week: one Cub bu been invested in the Fifth Waterloo Pack in the pres- ence at his parent. John Lane on the 10th making I Wind it somewhat nervous Promise be- tore the rest of " fellow Cubs, who wekomd him with three “Nook" ,our Cub way ot cheer- mg Besides the presentation ot the badges reported Int week AND CONSERVE YOUR LIFE WATERLOO but: with sehiiifS,liitriLe Cubncuviuu. ser-ttpad l-ur-and-Attire-tandthe, 'tttti/ttVer-attest, tt II "I" imgttreUn he Wumumlblc '/a'8)fru'N.ul1'l,Vr't.lllll."ll'2 held-ha. not“ gtrtmtum twain? -iht'targuYu,ult'gtx d.ntswbilst “drums mum can be can“ at u an? the year. In“)? District K. " " a an." out ' 2234'. 2u'ot'tt tor the T. r a: up to time of the ti?y,,t'i-'.i'l'striiel,?i, which in Oclober tut, in is on: very important way In which ev- ery Group can carry out the Scout qsott.?-"By Prepared" and Insure Incl! against the can: in- curred in those little accident: which, no In!!!" how carefully we guard “an" them. can some- times upset the best laid plan. Members ot the Fifth Waterloo Troop who, u reported last week, we training for their Huhman Badge, on Monday. paid a visit to the Armoury in Kitchener, Ind ttred their Brat round, on the rume there. Whilat the Troop hasn't produced any Dan. Boom or male Annie Outleys. the Scouts did may well, nnd Scout- mater Ny d u very "tiMed with the results. The arrangements for the lait purer drive were slightly differ. en from prewoua oeeaaiona, some of the WP“ being delivered to Messrs. altera' yard, the rest di- rectly to can at the C.N.R. yards. 2'e,tgi1't we have as yet no statement it the amounts collect- ed by the Waterloo Groups. Over 00 tom were collected in the Twin Cities, leu than on previous paper drives, but u there have been col- leetiona by the Veterans and the Salvation Army in the mean- while, 1 think the results are very commendable. Congratulations to all the Waterloo Scouts and Cubs who took part. (Continued from Page 3) fail to listen to him you are miss- ing some sporting entertainment which " well worth lisAteniAng to. Pete has a style of telling a story that is all his own. It may be imitated but never duplicated, Even those who are not particu- larly interested 1n Hunting or Fishing will get a kick out of listening to him. Not only that, but Pete does not stick with one subject or with one type oh 1"/,"l',tif or fishing, All is grist for his mi 1 and he is just as apt to tell you where you can catch three-pound trout as he is will"; abgut a psi-ch nin. , SAVE IlltttNEr M'rtt,ti,. l I Su."" I". the ?,i',ifealii7.'a?s'f: 5;: non . a ' I are IE", IMPROVED 2g,tg'ge,fg m: "Niterrusieit 'st you don't want to miss something. Eiifiiil " ERB sr., WATEILOO IRIDGEPORT PHONE: 22re3--.uut. tthit . CWITEOUS tEtmtt--HtoNE.. 55813 Huntin’ 'n' Fishin’ Understand that Doctor â€Mac" MacGregor has cancelled his trout my“ grip ttthe far This is not because he has any doubts about there being trout in the locality he selected, but be- ceuse he knew for certain the b1ackBies had prepared a special reception for him the minute he left the shelter of his automobile, Mae evidently has never become used to the grinding of teeth as the b1ttchfties reduced his tender cititied hide to something which looked like raw beef. As we write this we can feel several knobs on the back of our own neck, itchy testimony that these pests are not too selective, just so long}: they eat, coonMAn MARATHON mum"... Allin sum m.- Skinnymen, women gaiM,10,Aillrs. M New Pop, Vim. Vigor Perfect tea is so easy to make with "SAlAlIA" 'IjCifLR, BAGS "WARREN" suede tie in black or brown . . . wall toe _ . contrasting piping on moccasin vamp . . . walk- ing heel. AAAA to A mrwrtrtr.... $15.95 “it†was 6.0046 Manpower in not too pUntiful--in fact good, experienced farm help in downright eoaroe even at the preeent high wage rates. Industry needs manpower for armament production and making at civilian goods and the armed forces are recruiting to bring their units up to strength in the new program. Yet food production mutt be maintained in theee busy and critical timee in spite of the ehortaqe and high ooet of tam help. Moehantsatton in hel inq more and more farmers to get work done when it should he done-longterm are proving easy-operat- ing, foat-workin machinery to be their meet dependable help. From the complete line of Manley-Harris equipment you can eelect machinee that will help you master the help problem. MASS! Y-I'IARRIS “on .0 000.00 $hoar8ttr hm Woman. M ova Ono Mind Your: Mochanizo with Massey-Harris Machines IIOI SHOES by Blotchford C W. TWEED 8: CO. - 9 " W., WATERLOO 8-8352 SOMETIMES . . . ITS TOO LATE ..:c.t,ety TO INSUllltEll, King and Queen " Adequate insurance coverMe- on your home, your car or your possessions-As one thing it never pays to put oft! Many a man with "good intentions" has found him- self facing a heavy loss. Don't delay . . . if ith worth Ilium. insure it mu! Tm m1 Kitchener For correct fittings visit Goodies Shoe Department National Foot Health Week Frill-nib; tr,g8. Phones This is KING STREET MAIN FLOOR Itâ€. 2-3455