Wed. June 7 att pan. In Waterloo vs. 2nd at Alexandra ltd Waterloo vs. an at.tit. buts Bridal“!!! vs. Conestoga. Set, June IO, at 3.30 pm. Dd Waterloo vs. 3rd at St. Louis M Waterloo a! Bridgeport lgt Waterloo vs. Conestoga " Eli- zabeth Ziegler. Wed., June 14, at 7 pan. 3rd Waterloo at Bridgeport lst Waterloo vs. 4th at St. Louis 2nd Waterloo at Conestoga. News of Interest To Women Sat., June IT, at 330E531“. (in! Waterloo vs. Ist at izabeth Ziegler. Conestoga vs. 4th at St. Louis Bridgeport vs. 2nd at Alexandra Wed., June 2t, at 7 pm, In Waterloo at Bridgeport M Waterloo vs. 4th at St. Louis 3rd Waterloo at Conestoga. We notice that Mary Zinkann at 2th Kitchener Company made I splendid showing at the Saddle Club Show. Nice going, Mary. And may the best and most sportsmanliirt temyviy! The unquestioned reputation of this concern during the past 55 years is your assurance that you will receive the best in quality. the highest in value and the loveliest in beauty when you buy a Happiness Diamond. . . Happiness Diamonds are in- dividually selected by Young's own experts to give you more for your diamond dollar. Move in BEA UTY/ Move in VALUE! A Ane match for a "Happiness" Burnout $12.50,i,(fi',i, -. . Br-Ig-l-t+I. Diamond Merchants JEWELLIIS FOR OVER " YIAIS Landon _ London PM! Narnia Beautifully Engraved "HAPPINESS†WEDDING BANDS The perfect diamond engagement ring, matched with the perfect wedding ring. EIGHT KING STREET EAST "HAPPINESS" MATCHED SET OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Only 10% Down with 40 Weeks to pay London . . ' London Fa." . Kuehener . . . Chatham ALL THE FAMOUS MAKES OF WATCHES AT YOUNG'!; utr-ttec-i-tmio [shoal-“dc“ Ladies' and - lawns, Gwen, Crmo Tuvalu-u, MIN, Lou-95m. on. all, GUIDE CORNER KITCHENER I, m. L. M. BILL“! HAPPINESS DIAMONDS "At the word SIT, the Guides come to attention. 1. They tf, hand in htveruck. 2. They w out brown paper. s. Turn right-abogt, place pa- per on the ground, turn left- Ibout. 4. it on paper." Outdoor sports were frowned lawn for girls, consequently, when uides did sulhinf. tracking and camfing, they cal ed it "Finding the njured", so that anxious mo- thers might to be haunted by the spectre of the dreaded tomboys their daughtep [night Pecome! Here u an em?! from the 1012 book of Girl Gui e Rules. It con- cerns sitting on the ground, which was then frowned upon tor yam girl; A Guide smiles and sings under all dimcultiis. The very simplicity of these rings Meme»: more Manning. $10.00 "HAPPINESS" WEDDING RINGS Lovely Plain From Sarnia Toronto 2etta'tt,tr,g",,, - ndo auttmgommodrmrnetlt- odoemftuettioarnade, it pow "rutittmilksweet format: h mm»: hour: In sum- marked. d"tttrP'iuTde, her or“, no en mm sour mm: and Mike " -ttadrtrrxtratyourmiett 'kerttueietteise.cot.teeeeheear 1tx2,ttttr,tn tatgt1tt “warrant. tia Cottage cheese is excellent food tor bo adults and children at my - but is particularly m for hot weather meal; The 'uirhttartesesslendattaesttothe appetite and makes it a refresh- ingly cool as well as nutritious food for inclusion in daily menus during the summgr months. . and. tram sweet tum milk. ft this approximately magnum: of milk to make one pom fst cot- Mr chem. Some cream I: usu- added that the curd is Cottage cheese salad platter may combine cucumbers, carrots, green peppers, cress. radishes, It',',',,", and celery. All fruits Jend with cottage chem so my the salad may be varied as the various fruits are in season. Fruits set in genuine may be very ap- pealing if set in ring moulds and the can": tUled with cottage cheese. 7 Here are I few suggestions which come from the home econo- mist: ot the Consumer Section, Department of Agriculture, Otta- Cottage cheese may be used in many hot foods, both for main course and for dessert. Fillings, dumplings and pancakes using cottage cheese as an ingredient are delicious desserts. or the main course, cottage cheese add- Commie cheese with jam qr fruit " lies and crisp crackers make a welcome and easily as. ambled dessert at any time of tht year. _ . . _ DETTMER'S 702 Kin. w. Phone 55m ...WEKNOWTTltEs... We are clearing our entire stock of gabardine not covers and making room for a new line. BUY NOW AND SAVE! ms'r QUAUTY oovns. Compldo Set, I... suns Planning 7-7923 FLOOR and WALL TILING 212 K YES! . . You‘ll get more for your matting dollar if you buy It " l7SEer. . . Van-loo 292Kqu. - . Khan“ “In our Tortand - Second Moor ll" KING BT, WEST I |N§ULATI0N IF IT'S SPORTS . . . NATURALLY IT'S JAMIESON'S SPORTING GOODS Mail. $11.25 SWAN CLEANERS Dominion Tires SAVE tt ON SEAT COVERS For Better Dry Cleaning TWIN CITY AUTO PARTS Phone um Ed. w. TM 1. MENU MEL WEBER swarms Goons CINDERELLA sun Slurp-h; VULCANIZING m3 REPAIRS WELDING Specializing "'"'ta""" ROOFING V2 I.“ 2-0502 ETZés “Ochoa er only freshly soured, clean- Bnvored milk. Put the sour milk a pen or top at double boiler end set over hot water until it "Pt" rates into curds and whey. Sepa- ration takes place when the milk reaches I tantalum at “It, to NW. The mi should be stirred occasionally while it is heating. Spread cheescloth over a larger strainer and drain the curd on it. When the whey has drained on. the curd may be washed til pour- ing cold water over it. ut the curd in a bowl, mix well, season with salt and repper and moisten with cream a lowmg at least an ounce of rich cream for each pound of cheese. Yield: about 1 cup cottage cheese. Th. knowing direction. tor 'teiae,t,'s cheese come how the tuner Section, Depart- mom ot Agriculture, Ottawa, Method r. skim milk 55 cup clean-flavored sour milk Beat milk to temperature of 70F. Add sour milk and stir thor- oughly. Keep milk at 70F. to 75?, until it is well coagulated, Coagu- lation will take place in from M) to 15 hours. Follow directions for Iwaking cottage cheese, Method o. L 130qu; Cheese in Sandwiches _--;,_,,-7 _ -- 2ef'lhll'lrullWeLi't1t “new is one of the mue- Arend mayonnaise or salad dressing into the cheese to mois- ten it and add ttavor. 1. Cottage cheese with chopped chives, green onion tops or grated onion. 2. Cottage cheese with relish or chopped pickles. 3. Cottage cheese with grated turnip or carrot. 4. Cottage cheese with chopped green pepper or water cress. 5. Cottage cheese with jam, jel- ly, or honey. 6. Cottage cheese with peanut radars sour milk or sour aim 1 teaapoon salt Bower 37 quarts sweet milk or sweet 3 Herbert St I. sun to have his shim laundered in! the way he "to: than. . Send than to 13 Duke E. 5-5592 Borer Lumbov Co. 96 Union Fl Wm 63 Edward fitrret fl. 'AQIILOO OIIâ€IOLI HERB FORESTER CHOPS and CHINESE DISHES Famous for our STEAKS, w...» - Jorereus ' RULES . . READ CAREFULLY'. - The reader mum and men; the advertisements appearing in this contest feature ,the ones from which four phrases or slogans have been taken. In making up your solution, ttrst .write down the phrase or slogan as it appears under the healing. "This Week's Hunt". Then opposite the phrase or slogan. write the W-K GARDENS _ Made To Measure 30 King South SCHIPPLING ucvcu snvnc: TWIN CITY LAUNDRY LTD. Cleaners & Dyan See ()ur i"'"""'"'" 0 New and Used C.C.M. Bicycle. co this number Modern Soda Bar For KNOB ENE“ Kurhmev Waterloo Wat-vim 8. Cottage cheese with chopped Wed cu, chopped chives. fr. Cottage cheeue with sliced to- auto and cucumber. 10. Cottage cheese with chili sauce. When one becomes interested in noun food equipment for the home. my question: an to type, size and mum of equipment come to mind. If there is I freez- ing locker plant in the district. you may not have any intention of buying a home freezer. The freezing unit Will be your best (x. l From all correct and eligible solutions received during the week, " will be drawn and the prizes awarded to each ~respectively in the order in which they are drawn. tat.- 35.00 Merchandise Order redeemable at any adverther In this leature; "d-Photo by Murray's Studio. " King St. B., . Waterloo. The next ten winners will each receive a Waterloo Theatre ticket. tfyoowoortfosses,bowrotho home style is fiottrrrirtg. Your looks are impor- - F' tam, so be fittod. with modern, hondwmo frames. Have your eyes St examined and frames -tlr 6t, N "7, ted in our opticol deponmem. Ps ,, " King St. West WIIW House Block KITCHEN“ " KM The Murray’s studio picture. awarded as second pm a 8" x 10" black and white Portrait mounted In a teller. Continuous Sat. 2 to 11.30 Rosalind Russell Robert Cummings in "TELL N To THE JUDGE" Mention the "Treasure Hum†advertiser from when m wish your prize order. Auras replies to the Treasure an: Editor and nuke lure they reach the Winn-loo Chronicle " Tuesday. Prise winners' names will be published each Friday. 195 King S. Bing Crosby/Fred Astaire LAST WEEK'S WINNERS TREASURE HUNT CONTEST $5M! Match-muse Order-- No ticket prhn. Kenneth Dlebel, 61 Union St; Mm. A. Donnelly, " Duke " F..; Mn. Ivy Hartman. " Duke St. F,.; Mm. L. Stiller, " Queen St. his. Mrs. Edgar ll. Ben. " Ellzabelh St.; Mrs. F. J. (Vinnie-IL.“ Am Ave.; Mm. W. Balm. " Allen E.; Mm. Gordon Schmidt. " Caroline 31.; Jean Harmer. " VII-wri- Rt. tr.; Mrs. Marie Arnold. " Charles St Tel. 2r1994 Photo, Mnmy's 'ttmoo-- FRIDAY - SATURDAY AND THE FOLLOWING " PERSONS All? WINNERS OF A TICKET EACH TO THE WATERlJN) THEATRE: l. - Forester 2. - Floor and Wall 3. - Ngw and Rebuilt 4. -- Repairing, mun; kliEnXISE-LLEIY "W, Kids from crib to college like Maple Lane’s creomy-rich. milk. N. SOLOMON'S mm ' WHITE STORE “HOLIDAY INN" WATERL00 F THEATRE BETTER VISION GLASSES MAPLE LANE DAIRY, Limited ---- The Home of My Dairy Product: JOYC E'S THEY LOVE IT! 'ht?c'i'/l bum-y MRS. LUCY READ, " Union St. E., Wattrloa with AWARDING OF PRIZES MRS. V. RUTZ, " Short St. WIkrloo. Ont. BRIDAL WREATH Diamonds THIS WEEKS HUNT Dial 64637 TO-DAY. ORDII 7.0! Fl!!! If!!!†vehtm ox below " u a. country heme guy-r ttaut; The decimal: than: I homo (new will be of "In: or not de- nth on how mud: produce can E: (town at home 1u"',glltrd at wholesale price whether yo_eepthattr-tuudto capacity tor practically the nu ttce, and}. in nimble up â€a“, or“ quhalc prm._ b-tte-ruth, by. who: oixraumrutti-nd hp! (mun in a constant tem- pentunpt below Hid-.1 u the in aeuhu, pmdua- and I up“ and has, but?" Ina-e of the advertiser from whose advertisement it has been To make your solution eligible (or entry, attach to it a receipt or label showing that goods or services have been purchased from my one of the advertisers In this leature. Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner “THE GREAT SINNEB" Adult Entertainment “SQUARE DANCE KATIE" 99 King 13 King N ELECTRICAL APPLlANcm and DINNERWARE at gigs" y Your RANGES AND HEATERS MONDAY - TUESDAY VAth for Householders! TRAP? HARDWARE NEW & USED WATERLOO STOVE SHOP urn-mmbdinthn roomofatoelrerPUnti. IAS - mule COAL AND WOOD --Aiso-. Phone 2-1971 Waterloo DUI Wuerloo round. The oreration is not much To Prepare Fruits [or I'm more than t kilowatt hours I day 1. Fruits are prepared in the same if the home freezer is kept tuled. manner as for the table or for Defrosting should only be neces- other use-sort, wash and drain an once every 8 or 12 months. 2 Precautions are: At this time the method is simply (a) Select varieties recom- to disconnect the cabinet at the mended by your local agri- convcnience outlet and remove cultural advisor. Dachau to a well-padded box, (b) Use only firm, well-ripened then scrape the frost with a dull fruit. tool such as I wooden ruler. (Continued on Page 5) . $1 Lug, :5 , -i5siiil'25 'iiiatf JiietteroaeBastttesrl This Added Service 's, _ Phone 44830 28 Bridgeport Rd. A. wen " clot-in. "The BEST In I)" Ole-mu" we we (hi to be It!» to tun. nceipl- to mile you w on“: thin comm-t. Home. Furnishing- 20 Ontario N. Kind For Delivery -iitiidyllll?,8h,, qiiftouiraydst & BATTERY SERVICE " Km St. N. . PM. 5.0013 Waterloo - Repairing - Remodelling Cleaning your Fun New & WI! the-tiid Stiles New Avila†to order Bill was " King N, "ft King I Jessop & Wholey CLEANERS AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK REPAIRS You are â€lured of COMPLETE SATISFACTION at HILL-WATSON MOTOR SERVICE 56 King St, North WATERLOO plum, 8. Free SIM and lunllcn'ou DERBECKERS BAUMAN’S TIRE GROCERIES - FRUITS CoNrECTTONERY . Tractor Tire Repairs q Liquid Ballast Filling q Implement Tires . Road and Farm Service Venetian Shades Dy HEES Ind [(111808 ADAMS' UPHOLSTERING On Pink, Salim; Steaks and Chops, in Soups nod Sauces - boeter mks: all the digeret"e in goodness wherever it is and. So boy more butter now - at the new low price! KOSKY FURS NOW IS THE TIME " STORAGE STtill BROS. IAMETING SENSE. â€AND" OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA OMNQE PEKQDE You will be delighted with this fragrant tea Phone l-ll‘l For Dial 5-5202 Kitchener Waterloo “(than 322 King East It's the thrifty Mother ' buys at the Stork & Sport Shoppe 50 King N Fran-yin: Sportswear. Lingerie. lh-xiory, Unlllrelllé. Scarf: Ind Kverythirtts ("r a child In 6 yen“ GOODYEAR TIRES and BATTERIES They're hcpendable ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TO SERVE YOUR EVERY NEED at your two BEATTY WASHER STORES WASHERS - IRONERS RADIOS - RANGE VACUUM CLEANERS " Kin. S. 16 Cullen St _ Spring-filled Mm 26 MG I'M STORK 8. SPORT snort: YOU WANT COMFORT YOU WANT QUALITY You want the ham: Ezv- “ '1'†AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY Fehrenboch Mame" Co. . Foe I WORKLESS WASHDAY Trs Kilrhonnr's only Sill? SI‘RVl-f LAUNDK' Omani FEHRENBACH PAIRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS mum , Kindâ€... I: Sell Dyer! To You" MEI. BERG McGOWAN Appliances “$038 - Waterloo . . Inch-er Phone 8-3476 Phone SS631 Waterloo [a],