, Meet Martha Hilton, the scrub 'ture waited - and WON! how she stole the heart ot fltv,rigitr, Benmng Wentworth. . just one of SIX absorbing true- " romanies. Read “Great Ame- than Love Stories", starting in The American Weekly, celebrated â€any? with thisAeydat'_s (Oc- toKir 16) usage of The -Deiroit Sunday Tunes. z 'er, , ‘AWW/A “VAC“ I AMERICA! HANDS IN TRAINING. . .FOR ONTARIO IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamoa, drill prunes. farm combines tractors. huniness machines, etc. 1,'upt',t't, goods and mares which earn dollars. These dollars vi e food. clothing, medical care and other necessities which contrime to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us. therefore, has a v permal interest in the itow of a steady suppl of trained workers to 'd,'Ulter'G plants. These workers will operate margin" whirh are important to our way of life. We nlmuldl a predate. then, the alive efforts of nvrmment. industry and labour in the field of employee training. In will“! and in fanatics our workers, young and old. In iveat the op lunity to dun-lop new and trifie skills in every field of Ci,','.',,'.' 2,'ri'2l,'ll'Ji'a', mivity. For inn-n", every effort on the part of omee workers to become pro- ficient in typing. fiiietg. shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater Inn-inc†"iciemtr---iil help to make? Ontario I fioer pure in which to live and vat. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (MARIO) sreeittf'0' THIS ARTICLE REMOVED If you wish success in life, make myennce you pagan friend, experience your my: coma-allot cau _ your elder butter. Gil tycpefyour guardian geatiux-Ad- Every failure is; "f? to suc- cess; every detection what i false directs us toward what as true; every trial exhausts an gempting form of error.--William Whiswef Learning Business Practice Lam} Li - a} in; "Li-ea-a-ire-s thoiye 'tttd meals but is par- tieuUrlr vice.“ this time ot W'uéit but Know a yen- “with? ioi hops‘ and r or in c od lull: are, of course, Jet knodl: but the shoulder makes a not desirable was! or it may be cut into chops A rolled treat cut will also make a good _ Ground lamb, made into with or a meat loaf are among e less expensive lamb dishes. Lamb shanuamtalsoagoodbuy. In he! practically every cut of lamb is no tender it may be roasted] ‘brolled or pan-broiled. _ Lamb stews have a lense) are in a menu well-planned tor or and variety. . ( Here are several recipes from (ttte home economists of the Con-I Hume: Section, Dominion Depart- [ment of Agriculture. The home- maker will welcome them, I Lamb than! 2 pounds stewing lamb 2 tablespooos fat 8 cups hot water 1 large onion, chopped is cup uncooked rice ,itg,'g,f,'e',g salt h' teaspoon pepper 1% cups canned tomatoes 1 cup drained, canned peas 2 tablespoons fhyur v, teaspoon vinegar 2 tablespoons cold water Wipe lamb with a damp cloth and cut into I-inch pieces. Fry in tat until lightly browned then add hot water and Simmer, cover- ed, tor 1% hours. Add chopped onion, rice. salt and pepger and simmer le hour longer t en add canned tomatoes and peas and cook for 10 minutes. Blend ttour to a smooth paste with vinegar and cold water and add to stew, cooking and stirring until thick- ened, about 15 minutes. Serve immediately. Yield: six servings. Bum“! Lamb shanks " lamb shanks 't and Pepper ns water s cooked noodles or rice ups Barbecue Sauce (re- ow) meat with damp cloth, with salt and pepper, co- hth the water and simmer tender, about 1% hours. Re- . meat from the bones and to small pieces. Place the . noodles or rice in a casse- place meat over top and co- ; with hot Barbecue Sauce. ake in a moderate oven, 350F., trout 30 minutes. Yield: six ser- LAMB - A PAVOIITI MEAT tuee N. geaspoon paprika Bub-cu. Sauco' 1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons tat 1% tablespoons brown sugan 1 cup water '6 teaspoon Worcestershire % teaspoon dry mustard 1% tablespoous vinegar "2ash ot alienne pepper t" cup chi . sauce Salt and pepper to taste Planning MENU Chinese Stewarduues For C Brown chopped onion in fat. Add remaining ingredients and combine thoroughly. Bring to boil and use as suggested above. Yield: Hi cups sauce. A new and charming addition to the ranks of Canadian air line: stewardesses are these three Chinese girls, slated tor duty on the Canadian Pacific Air Lines Bitrhts from Vancouver to Tokyo and Hong Kong. Shown being welcomed at Vancouver airport by their Canadian colleagues, the girls will soon shed their picturesque Orien- tal costun s for C.P,A. stewardess uniforms Left to right are Lor- mine Ngu, Shanghai; Minerva Dunkerley, Vancouver; Joyce Lam, Hong Kong; Barbara Aycliffe, Port Alberni, EC; and Gloria Woo, Hong Kong. A mum; Chinese lass, Oulcie Hall, of Hong Kong, ar- rived in Vancouver earlier. Mum Limb Stow 2 pounds slewing lamb 6 cups water la' teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper 1 cup uncooked macaroni - I green pepper, chopped and cut into 1-inch pieces. Add and cum into 1-inch pieces. Add water, salt and pepper and cook, covered. tor 1 hour. Add macaroni and cook for 20 minutes then add chopped green pepper and cook for 10 minutes. Yield: six serv- mgs. . .-- - _ Cover lamb bones with water and simmer, covered, for 2 hours. f . can" ui I eta' Lamb Broth with Looks Strain and cool. _Remove gat and measure broth. For every cup of broth add I tablespoon barley, 3 tablespoons thinly sliced legal“ and salt and pepper to taste. Sim- ‘mer slowly, covered, for Us to , hours. There will be more hydro pow- er in 1950-right now we must be ‘thrifty. Mighty new plants for the generation of electricity are un- er rapid construction. At Des 1Joehims (the largest Hydro pro- iect) an average of 760 people visited the site every week during the summer. Thousands have lwatched the progress of a power plant in construction. The spec- tacle which impressed us most was the mixing of the concrete. 'This was done by four large etee- tric concrete mixers into which the ingredients were measured by automatic scales. Then each bowl or steel barrel was set revolving by another switch. (The mixing ‘time for a large amount of con- crete was the same as for our Jight cake.) As the Natter" . TWIN CITY LAUNDRY FREE PICK-UP G. DELIVERY This Week's DRY CLEANING " DUKE EAST WATERLOO â€N-EBBMIFDO- 'iW'p-t“ -ir iii-Twang mun-unn- 1Tffa'urttT'fl'UlNgh". i'i'iirit,fc',irt,.falit2, tehutgtNgle, an 'g'M,gnt'gt'rgt . m. karma -etree-atitmiixtVav. wtt.i.rr.,wru-t.tumtdrevee, "riehwttegoiistias-. t,agt-rskuejtiteorttu_is when 'tr-rtohoilingPointme COATS nap noun com-:1: th " - VHVI‘I‘ VII I‘U MILK BREAD m cmnms wasc W4.“ Do you find At? shop- piry; hours convenient? tuse-ttttati-thot., If you shop the first thing in the morning, do you find the store neat and well- stocked and the clerks ready to serve you? If you shop the last thing: at night, do vou get cour- teous. efficient service right up till closing time? Are there enough clerks on duty, and checkout standx open all during the day so vou aren't kept waiting? If not, please let us know. Please write: CUSTOM mm A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Ann Page 24-0: loaf 49di " AVLMBK PHONE liae "ms zmzscmuzas I “I, h. - " ttut bani!!! - 1h?hCiii Mb a a: ram“ leTfdt'd aid-E Uiinki -iiGitGrutdFri'iG Manama-chunk. Aqo. 're W“. my?! Pf- mun." r "" rjCi7itmitui Lhhiui. ttd'gUlt'iL1'otl't'2,N'd,'td nmtthetrtultt-_ A 8. _A gull -ttitrof VII.- lot mums was M24439 iiiiiiirgs zzmnmzoc M4333 wax mus zwmc M24237 [EDI] AVLMER PRUNE AYLMER FANCY HONEY DROP MP CHOICE AN' CHOICE ACP CHOICE FITTED CANNED FOOD SALE BUY BY THE CASE AND SAVE 15: CRANBERRIES 533: Sweet Potatoes 2:':i lHIUCE 'ld,",," CABBAGE 3335 IOMAIOB tltr,'"' PARSNIPS (y,,',',,'?,, , 20-01 tin 21cm ot 24 4.89 t 209: tins ttk can a! 24 3.33 He'hlnu'w _ pin. agtfiiF1 W ulna I glad Minna when Fwy Wanted , Ihn. linoleum to“ 1"tsortotHooourinP0t bloiuil than Hit-IV“ FiFi u â€rm m and. k 2 lbs. We: 2 for 19e m: 'iLt,!, Y2