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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Oct 1949, p. 1

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Vii-.30. P n " su AI R 'ill I Around , LIE Waterloo!? - Putin on lab It. but has t,iiijatos'tth,ur1le'"d'f,yml'i',' periods m the day. This i'tgg,tar'ere 1tz,u',rtgAt tertt"1t/',"t%," paints (pt a End heyEiiir patina toe a man n he w to stop and get a If?" a; do “no: f1'titlfs . w en m tions 'di'," i,fititit, _ tieSer'oat w w van, o starting rig t 'otfl and Iti'dtcu'tl a bunch of no parking he as. there would have been an eutire- 1y dimerem view taken ot the whole proceedings. As it is now, so many have received parking tickets there is a lot of indigna- uon, not entirely normal in the case of a mere parking ticket One Kitchener man come In the otrice the other day with his luck- et. He chum that he has‘Ewyeen do- Ge all his shofpmg m Waterloo for a number o years, mainly be- cause he could aLtyisy8, gift a plus to park his car. This as the second ticket he has recei in the past week or so. From new on he tlg- ures he might just as wail do his buymg in -waierloo. It's too ex- pensive tttW, a dollar - time he pa in Waterloo. spéké of sdity? time ago -. _ ,A‘I.. ---.rw.r.r=. ti. -raiiin merrily ever: one algves OVA r ther.n: 0|]: Inlvva v1 ’- -..-.._. It would take swap/a little effort to fix these so that they would not be ndisy, it is a wonder something has not been done. It tS not always the big things that annoy people. How about a little effort Pr, 1001: after some Cr"iiirsirGiaijotes am It you luv. boon Wino that the mam drag, King St., has been rather dark after midnight. you have been absgwtlely Pill ‘The The parking lot at the rear or the market building. has been any- thing but a success, except on market day. Few people will park their cars this far from where they expect to do their shopping. . . Some other solution should now “us be sought and the logical one is to take over the land on King St, tBr belonging to the Equitable Life NEW Insurance Company. provided Shana. they don't need it, This property ter of tl coupled with that of the garage ary Cht next door would make an ideal years. a garking lot. It would also be a a farewi lg feature in encouraging Kitch- bers of ener and other out-of-town buy- church ers to do their shopping in Water- Rev, an "10‘!an to take over the land on King tst., .7. l belonging to the Equitable Life N EW DUN D EE. - REV, T Insurance Company. provided Shantz, who has served as minis- they don't need it. This property ter of the Bethel United Missiop- coupled with that of the garage ary Church here for the past SIX I next door would make an ideal years, and his Wife WCA? tendered garking lot. It would also be a a farewell gathering by, the mem- ig feature in encouraging Kitch- bers of the congregation at. the l ener and other out-of-town buy- church on Wednesday night ers to do their shopping in Water- Rev.. and Mrs. Shantz “(111 be loo. moving on TUesday to their new J HS field of labor at Vineland. . . . Approximately 125 attended the The stop lights on King - gathering which opened with a are out of kilter again. It's im- aevotional pe.riod led by E. T. possible to get through both of Coleman. chairman for the even- these lights without exceeding the tng. Miss Elmore Rosenberger speed limit, and there is no good sang a solo and selections were reason for their being this way. given by the otrhetryy, The la- We have noticed that a lot of dies' trio composed of Misses Ruth motorists drive right through this and Betty Shantz and Reta Cole- light-which is illegal. but their man also sang as well as the male attitude is understandable. quartette, namely. E. t Coleman. These lights have been a contro- Eldon and Floyd Sherk and Elgin versial subject for some time, and Reist. Sh?" talkswerg given by should be regulated so they will the following'. Elgin Reist, super- stay right. intendent of the Sunday School; o. T. Coleman, member of the Trustee Board; Mrs. E. T. Cole- man for the W.M.S. and Lawrence B ' sligéwer IT, the‘ Young People's iety. e ot er resident minis- eet Sugar Run gar: 2 “I: Eillage. Rev. H. l? . ., a e an ev. E. Sider, w o In Ontario were guests for the occasion also A I - - a. ,__A\ spoke briefly. I r- .. "I A, __., I ;... Dunn These lights have been a contro- versial subject for some time, and should be regulated so they will stay right. Bdet Sugar Run In Ontario _ About to Starts This year, for the first time since 1941. both Qntayip factories G1 F lag. H. Henucbel and Son. " Water- aterloo - loo tumiture tum, has I’m-eves! an order trom 3 Hamilton com I“ I. It: " Pf has tor comhneadtelevigeun-ndb at “or, a . but m. binds. repu to an“ d: ltr"" the day. This bi est on the market. ' t, white narrow, - did ttlt' cabineh are all bhrl mear ant; strx6ir,nausfof-nuiGdustineyhefeirty l fairly will“ tor a The units are Bee feet Ion: d if he W toatop .md set tour feet my with a 1 “at " or do a little 'hopping. screen for te evasion, They "r when the Ch regulations an automatic record changer. l . mm e0“. _ M been a Carl Hentachel aha receiyed tn warn? "it instead of order tor mallet units which are um rig t o and hanqu oyt not as elaboraw _ Capacity of the two plants is now ten times what it was when Wallaceburg was established in 1901 The Chatham factory is far the largest of its kind in Canada, and there is only one larger in North America. Ontario's beet sugar output mu year will supply nearly ten pen cent of Canada's annual require mentgr Without a Car, Waterloo Man Wins he at New Hamburg Frolic me NEW "_JBv'"-"'-"" Hue", 'ei" - Waterloo, was the winner of the car which was drawn for at the annual Thanksgiving Frolic held under the auspices of the New Hamburg Board of Trade and Service Club. Mr. God: wasirtttedaehen he was called and notitted of ha good __ - ----e _ - f.ortue, He ml“! "IW' won by Gordon McEllistrum. New W and y"'? m New Hamburg m Hamburg. The playmater went a liar! time, He did not own am Lome Mirrray, Cayuga, and car. _ Edward Haufnchild. Tomnm, won The second award, a chewter-the electric Master The prim of t.) _..;.- “n. in Arthur Foster-J radio to hook, Quyvrsnwem to new Bulw. w“... ., .__. Linwood. A portable V7 The second award, A channel-- in fbeld suite, went to Arthur Fauna: - ‘ A,L. “AL n... NEW HAMRURf-Ptttr, C, J.HS, every Tune some sugar gutput this at the rear of m Waterloo ire still 10lV,'ir.4q I"! l'\l-‘K-'- .-__. _ _ radio ‘4"st Milton Luft, New ii/La, Fm ' Io Mannheie Ielevision Sol: New Runway ht Kossuth Airport To Cost $300,000 High ekpeclallons of tttt $300,000 expenditure on th Wa- ter1oo-Wellington Airport a Kos- suth next year were disclosahnt week by L. O, Brelthaule .P., Waterloo Nana. who said M has every reason fur msurance that his recommendation to the De- partment will be Implemented} __ I _ -__e- ....\| i-Il‘lll A yum“... ..... m "e-et" The expenditure will include another runway which will dupli- cate and cross the preoant run- way. _ I " “q. The ultimat; plans now Include an additional runway followmg the completion of the second strip which will eventually make the Beld one of the major airports of Canada wuth three runways. each t,000 feet long and 150 feet wide. To Remove Hydto Lb" The question of the hydro lines now crossing the port has been taken care of by a decision of the civil aviation brunch of the de- partment to pay for the immedi- ate removalol‘ the lines. TV " Mr. Breithaupt said the Hydn authorities were prepared to re- move the lines but it was a ques tion of who pays. _ L " uuu u. m“, ,_,_. The airport cirmmission had se- nous fears that some flier, unfa- miliar with present conditions at the port, might attempt a landing and get caught on the wires, Mr. Breithaypt 'aiplai.ne.1 u ”Hum.-." ...,,,, Solve Rood Problem The question of township road diversions to the north of the port to meet requirements was brought to Mr. Breithaupt's anemia: in a communication from Township Clerk Leslie Bowman. , . ' 'A - ----v .mt.ra-, This particular item w; also brought to the director's attention and agreements are now being forwarded to the township clerk so they can be signed by the reeve in time for inclusion in the sup- plementary estimates. 1 N -.. . o -L, 4:..n’...~annc Illi] ' H""'""'"'? u....._.,-V Cost oflthe diversions will be taken care of by the department Minister Farewell 125 Bid yew qudee fhaelerlllihne Gets$15,000 ovum ._~..»..,. Harold Shantz and Miss Ruth Shantz gave the presentation ad- dresses and presented Rev. and Mrs Sham: with a Mix-Master. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. "Thanksgiving Thieves" Steal 200 Chickens More than 200 chickens were stolen from the farm of D, H, Rempel, RR. 3, Kitchener, on Sunday night. The birds, it is believed, may have been shipped to large cert- tres. where more is an unusually active demand, owing to the Thanksgiving season, and prices are attractive. - Joetz, 59 Allan Street, West: Chronicle Correspondent) THE‘WA' the Hydro . . A veteran Waterloo con- _--.-----.-- tractor, John Reitzel, Sr., of rum,New 59 Norman St., Waterloo, Mer went marked his 92nd birthday last was, Ind week. In good spirits despite A,','.;,:',",',", his advanced years. Mr. Rei- I film to tzel enjoys his pipe and has a Hamburg. "little drink" every day. Unexpected last-minute arrival of George Formby, Eng- lish star of stage, screen and radio at the Thanksgiving Day motorcycle hill climb at Mt. Kuhn, Heidelberg, added interest to the event. Top left picture shows Mr. Formby, with his famous smile, starting the event aboard Smokey Dawson's bike. Smokey, at right, enjoys one of Formby's jokes. At top right, Dbug Martin of 104 King St. N., Waterloo, roam over the top of the steep hill. At lower left, Ted Sturgeon at" Hamilton is seen taking a spill near the top of Mt. Kuhn. Lower right photo shows Mr. and Mrs. George Formby relax- ing over a "spot o' tae" and sandwiches. Daniages In Mhaml's Death mm M KI'IXHIENER.--A jury Wednes- day awarded Mrs. Clara Mead, of Hespeler, §15,000 damages, plus funeral expenses of $278.70 in- curred in the death of her hus- band. Walter Mead, who was killed Aug. 28, 1948, when hit by a 1929 model car in charge of Frederick Roth of Gall. M Mrs. Mead sucd the owner and driver of the car. Bernard Roth, father of the driver, owned the machine. The jury was out about three hours. The verdict was against both father apden. It ""'iirrciiircaGii; Gp"ijliforc a civil jury at the fall assims of the Su- preme Court. Mead, an cmpluyvo of the Dom- inion Woolen and Worsteds, Ltd., had just crossed the street in front of the Roth car when it swerved and pmnoq him against the 'tPit, irhGii"ii" 1irsGGUdrty. _ He died a few hours after_th§» criym. _ _ George Lochvad. for the plain- tiff, brought expert evidence to show that Mcad's life expectancy would have been 24 years. His earnings over that period were es- timated at a possible $37,000. MISSING WAIERIOO WOMAN FOUND WANDERING ALONG TRACKS IN EIMIRA John Reitzel 92 Years Old English Comediun George Breslau Churches Hold Thanksgiving Services On Sunday BRESLAU-Thanksgiving ser- vices were held at the United Mis- sionary Church on Sunday. The altar was well filled with and de- corated with the Thanksgiving gifts of vegetables and fruits. The gifts brought were presented to Emmanuel Bible School, Kitchen- en The pastor, Rev. Sargeant was in charge _of the selfvice; In the evening was the Young Pcople's Thanksgiving Service with Rev. Virgil Snyder, a former pastor. and now teacher at Em- manuel Bible School, as guest sreeker.. Thanksgiving services were held at the Mennonite Church on Monday. Bishop Ben Shana of Preston was the speaker. A married Waterloo woman in her mm-forties, missing from her home since Tuesday morning, was found wandering in Elmira about 2.30 Wedgesday after.no.on. "FiiicteGriioieiiu picked up the woman in -the vicinity of the Naugatuck Chemical plant. She was reported seen ander- ing along the C.N.R. tracts near St. Jacobs Tuesday afternoon. chmsday morning the police chief travNlcd over the C.N.R. tracks from Waterloo to Elmira, making cnquiries along the way, When residents m Elmira heard of the misusing woman. several Wane calls were received by the aterloo police advising them that a woman answering the de- scription was in Elmira, , A; ""ifCiiGiGriVarArcent1y dis- charged from the Ontario Hospital at Hamilton, 2 Cars, Damaged In Cased Mishap CASSEL-4urs driven by Ro- bert Mask. Ea.“ anrn, and Willis Kaufman, Sepastopol. collided rounding a curve about 2% miles north o here late Friday night, The mishap occurred near the home of Mr. and Mn, Roland Hoinhudh Vlmhilny wasponr dim to the heavy mutt No one WM injured but the car fronts were damaged mtm’denbly. tltr _cttoyteeyorryed.e't" PLO , Makes Big Hit At new Waterloo Man Responsible For George Formby’s Appearance lakes Over General Store at Conestoga (By Chronicle Corresoondentt coNgsNGo.-Lester Stroh is taking over the gederal store, con- ducted for 30 years by his late uncle, Oscar Stroh. Lester, who was tutored in the store business during his childhood years by his uncles, is expected to give valu- able service to the buying public in the community. ‘His many friends are, wishing hm; every success in his under- taking. GARBAGE CHECKUP Waterloo 'llefine' May Be 1hhiseil' E. W. Oke, city engineer, in- formed the sanitation committee of Waterloo €011qu Tyesday Frank Carter of Carter Bros. but, Waterloo, is the man responsible for the ap- pearance of George Formby at the motorcycle hill climb on_Mor1fay. iiighi' iiiii IR'any'Wiérloo housé holders are not putting oyt gar- 235;; Mr. Carter, who went out of his way to "phone all over Ontario" finally contacted Mr. F'ocrgbyyyt Niaggfa Falls, Ont; up...“ He said cards were being print- ed and one would be left at each residence which failed to comply with the regulations. The sanita- ry inspector will receive a dupli- cate, The householder will be inform- ed that unless the garbage regu- lations arc followed. the refuse will not be picked up. TU " _ V‘WEEIE- Effie ’to amend the Canadian Championship w... mu m rm"- “r. The committee was told that some arc leaving garbage, in bar- mrb, too heavy to lift. Others gut their refuse in paper cartons. c- gulations call for a metal contain- er with top, Escapes Serious Injury In 22-Foot Fall Into Well Haus lously escaped serious Pla in a 22-foot fall into a well here on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Hans was helping clean out a well on the property of Edgar Reinhardt, As he was being drawn out of the well, the loop at the end of the rope in which ho was standing "slipped out," and Mr Haus dropped back into the we” He sufNred doep out: to both elbows and hnnst‘s but was male to not out without and. th, was givvn first aid M the Reinhardt homo and ta- ken to his home. ri, 'iiadruakl, wfih the 2ity cLEMrrN'rs---Vartder of St. Clemens miracu- ' warped serious injury. CHRONICLE ti'W.% Chief Moreau Warns Motorists To Be Carelul lk leaves Police Chief Moreau cautioned motorists to be extra careful in driving on cit?! streets partly cov- ered with we “leaves. driving on cit streets partly cov- Count ame overseer Fred ered with J,',th'll,%'l. Memer Kasieen appointed by the To avoid accidents motorists Department of Lands and Forests must drive slowly on wet pave- to conduct the wild life quizzes in ment covered with leaves. he schools of the country area' this pointed out. The driver might. ex- fall. perience a difBcult time if it is The department has made a necessary to stop quickly to avoid change in the program this year, hitting a child or another car. replacing forestry y wild life for “.5 annual nni7 ohmoetitiort ot The 'chief also asked parents, to keep their children from playing in leaves on the street. Work Progressing ik Elmira Arena motorcycle hill climb at Hei- 1NbtraVMr. Formby?" asked "Love ty', replied Mr. Formby, who is a lover of motorcycles and owns five of them. It was not until "the last 323mg, that Mr. 0811:1- if nite ance o r. Formby's mute. ELM5RA.-Workmen building the new Memofpl .Arent,.ttef a large audience Monday afternoon as they raised the eighth trust. The eight trusses and their con- necting rafters mow the arena's height and give a suggestion of the tremendous area of the main building, Ihiem-Stellmacher Wedding Rites Held Al Coneslogo my Chronicle W00“) CONES'I‘OGO. - A week-end event of local inns-en was the wedding of two of our either: Mr. WNW Thiem and Mn Augusta ste11mother, who-e mar- riage took whee ftigg,uc,'.'T. noon at 4 o’clock. with v. H. Erase ofBeiating. he 0mm- were Mm .tt,'t Richter Ind Mr. Frank Sabra e. Following the may 3 wed- ding supper was new at the "Old Landmark" tea room: to the omcitttirttt pastor and " Rue-sis. A matmwu tteld It the home of m Thiem in the owning. Mr and Met. Thiay} will you tina, Gi/v/ in this vil they are operating the mark" tea tooth Mule sum ia, iiGi; Vaisi, _ afternoon ytrg fink“; "Tie department has made a to avoid change in the program this year, car. replacing forestry y wild life for rents to the 1?an e(huh t,'r'gt'retvi'cig,t of . pupi eng in orestry conser- playing vation 'i'lfl)ifflsl _ __ . Catlin thaqi-li, Iiill tit Draw: Read Cum] at Heidel Kuttrsqtm_idr1beeaetT.haiinioet- than... .tvi.ncrP?t,1ttu,LietfCt,eet-,trr “mama's“: In! and“. Moto-ei- mu tuned 5.1mm m. WI an? 1,ttreattt, mum Mel mm. b: Mr. m! In,“ P"- Kjtehonu, were second and mum at awards to m mavely. The W 19933!“ in usual mun. god gnu; as they Dund- Oovu Vb: mm the bike rm attempt The third chem ionahip on to and: the steep hill. ch. "X", tiaw trlllrll'l c may.“ recover the hilltop wind: Alt Mace an. bod been me- time of 496/100 sum movedtromtheustuu-tdthc Hanan and William Sch): auraeemhedtocrei.tehoieaoil wereaecondand third. andmuetheclimhimtevxmmore Mere are the results a ditBeuit. Many competitors wore other two events-mot chm chain. drips:Clauibcu. in KenW In the new: event class “C" Hamilton, 6.44/itosecorub;', competition-tthe Dominion title lasMartinot Waterloo, Mac was easr.tuHhy, lame tyttt, , 9! 'frertfe. CH3 Ctl 2sgirS"eserANrgklt In: (smou- cw 2git1tC2.ut.'tt,,',ttetlht M'dnedbvh from uonu'e'al, who roared over the hill in the but time of 413/100 second. Don Chief Asks That Traffic Lights Be Eliminated ht Cor. Young and hller TRAFFIC SUGGESTIONS Trustees Hold Banquet for Baden Teachers NEW DUNDER-The [rules of School Area No. l entertained the teachers of the area at a ban- g! at Hotel Baden last Thurs- y night. ThirtK-six were pm em and after the dinner hour John Murray, Chairman of the Board was master of ceremonies. A. B. Christner introduced the guests The Earl',.' included speeches by F. age, secretary- tneasurer of the area; and the other Board members present, namely: Walter Shamz, Harold Path and Mr. Christner. - The fri',", speaker was Public Cine School pector A. P. Hansuld of school Gall. who spoke on the imn- chased my! providiqg a tprod. .. ca- terloo tional system for the children who are the greatest assets of any country. Short speeches were also given by: Carl Ritchie, manual training teacher of the area; Ed. Ferguson, music teacher; M, J. Slemmon. wind 1 ot the New Dundee Public Mull., Mr. Sin- clair of St. James School; and Clinton Jantzi. Mrs. Hansuld gave a reading and_Coqre_lius [sage TE": wh6 gtfoEb briefly were: G. Dilworth, principal of the New Dundee Continuation School; and I. M. Hilborn, secretary of the New Dundee Continuation School Musical numbers during the gogmm were: violin sacs by is Margaret Mathis; a selec- tion by a mixed quartette com- wed of Miss Marsh, Miss Bond, . Ferguson and Mr. Zehr ac- companied by Mr. Slemmon; and a vocal solo by Miriam Hilborn. Mr. Ferguson was accompanist for the evening. Fred Memer To Conduit Wild' Life Quizzes In Rural School Program Schools from the counties of Waterloo, Hanan. Bruce, Grey and Oxford are included in the coEtpetiti.ony , ,, .n ""firi"airrirng school's team will be included later in the provincial competitions. 'ah, _ This year with a view to en- couraging a deep study of wild life, its relation to conservation and the proper methods of foster- ing allfype of gape bird? and 331. "ii,if "fi7eGartGrn' selected as the topic of the quiz contests, Fewer First-Year Girl Students at Waterloo College Final registration figures at Wa- terloo Col egaindicate a total en- rolmen! of TXL _ .. A. " There are 179 tull-time students and M part-time Last year the college had an enrollment of 161 full-time and 50 part-ttme stu- dents. _ H , F L A sharp decline is noted in the number of new girl students. On- ly 17 girls are rst-year students as compared with 60 male stu- dents. _ ' I “671.3: year's registration. 58 men and " girls are again attend- ing Waterloo College. Donald Gordon, 6-Foot 4, Agrees Six-Foot Berth Inconvenient (I! Guile]. Com-ponds“) for tai d _ [h,'?, $333!? m feet, gag Tax Colleator 33;? Praises Citizens iGiTe -___ "aa; ”' ' cl Ham-M mtttr over the hilltop with the time of 496/100 seconds. Hanan and William were second and third. Mere we the result od other two events-mot c drips: Class 45 cu. in Ken W Hamilton, 6.44/100 seconds; lac Martin ot Waterloo, Mac of Hamilton. Class no cu. Bruce Hickey, 5.15/100 Don Tom! and Charles Lockport, NY. T Police Chief Moreau remn- mended to the Waterloo city trai- tic committee Tuesday night that the traffic lights at Young and Ab. bert streets be turned off tor the winter months. . . "71:5: iiiiiiiLiion was ad ted committee and will be 'fl2,','if, tofaouncil for ‘approval. ' "HiiiiriGiiGuTdiVaro_ppyet1 hi prahihiting parking on both ad. of Cedar St. West. A_ few “tee! iiiCsGier2i' eau 75!. resident. petitioned to have "no parkiat' on both sides of ttytytreet. Tum: " I minim 7 The chief. in a letter to the com- mittee, pointed out that tratfie v18 at a minimum on Cedar St. Wat and asked that the present bylaw restricting parking of motor traf- Be on the south side of the street from Km to Waterloo St. be maintai . Chief Moreau also asked that " school boy traffic signs be We chased for the five schools in F terloo at is_c9st of $1§_e_a\ch. mu Donne $55.23 He said the K-W Junior Cham- ber of Commerce was willing to donate $55.23 toward payment ot the .598”- .. - A . ""iui"iiC/ Chiefs recommendations will be submitted to council at the next meeting for final approval. E. A. Fraser, tax collector, re- ports that Waterloo: current tax collections for the year represent 96.6 per cent, a slight increase ovgar last ye_ar. -.. “I; fiafifii/currcnt taxes paid by Sept. 30 was 96.1 per cent as against 98.4 in 1947 and 97.6 in Mr. Fraser said the mxpaym are to be congratulated. In many centres the percentage of current taxes has dropped, but such is not the case in Waterloo. Kitchener Woman Charged With Stabbing” Husband SARNIA. - Chartged with wounding "with inten to do grie- vous bodily harm", a Kitchener woman, who identified herself as Mrs. Margaret Kenyon, 35:. ag- iitg biftore Magi'stréte C. B. oodrow here on Wedpestday iuyi, wag "ruinanded" in custody for-eight dats wigyout ploagr gleqtiorl. _ . Ben Kenyon, M, is in Sarnia General Hospital convalescing from a deep stab wound in the ab- domen, allegedly inflicted by Mrs. Kenyon with a H-mch butcher knife. _ The incident is said to have ta- ken place Tuesday night in the galley of the lake freighter “Shel- ton Weed", anchored at the Sar- nia elevator slip. Kenyon was first cook aboard the vcaiel. and Mrs. Kenyon was second cook. Kenyon identified ttw woman as his common-law wife -. Crew members heard the div pute and saw Kenyon slip his hand under his belt and withdraw it covered with blood. He then stated he had boon stabbed. and made an accusatmn, _ When an ambulance arrived, Kenyon was able to walk unu- sisted down the gang'way. but eol- lapsed at the bottom and had to be carried to the ambulance. uni-nu; Mr, Gordon lustcned sympa- thetically, He . admitted he had to curl-up his sixMoot- four frame a little too. With a twinkle in hm eye ho said he might be able to do something about it when he becomes head of the line chu "B" went. I Inca. the tub I. Ci',

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