MINING'S Hum Ink" “loam†BOB TOTZKE or YOUR NEW ULTRA-MODERN " BOWLING CLUB Cedar Snack Bar COR, CEDAR & KING WATERLOO Best of Luck! GRAND OPENING BURKE SIMPSON From f,'rgt'gNMhg,'t,'putef. Inter. It. “at: my: iiiiihiirtifit".i will}! dhrhatromnotrutts.--itrdn. hem-t9 ' naming Prod-nation Wr, Sae Governor of Can- ada was then read by Irvine geience Quarterly and read in all Christian Science (hatches in Canada and many other parts of the world, followed the second hymn. The sawed of this Lesson. Sermon Wm "ahanksgiving" and "g,,. the .Golfen Twin: ifit every mg smegma: or is the will of in artist Jesus gaféemi‘g you." (I Thessaronians 1halagiring Day Sonia: Held At Christin Science Church Iriiv" irfiar'isir"ii “1L? _ Won . ' n c ' m ‘Goodnm, How Great Bout lime" bus then sung by the 00W- Che Sam-II selection were 'ttmn Palms and were read by the Fist Reader. After the Scriptural meiectioms the contagion wind in den: prayer wh was 101- lowed I): the audible repetition . of Abe Lot 's Prayer with it: gttit ‘ual interpretation trom the is- tian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tu!!!†by 9faryffaktrr B.ldy. _ d. 2iiit,ivtg/tgxt,e, "ttik r. the m'wijda the hath made". . The I-tson-Sermon for W- (ttring Dgy giyep in the Cttr.istia.ry After the responsive reading of ape-b on (hy ites. In such a cue. the ‘only acceptable prayer I. to put like tl-e on the lips and remem- ‘ber our hm" (p. a) A sado was sun by In. a Ciel? l . hymn N " e can; an; o. i,1il"u'oew'dPi',fotUiei'e'2iiii' was followed kg; the ientitic Statement of ing from the Christian Science munch, an! the correlative passage from I Jdm 3:1-3 and by the Fin: Rear den we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its juslness and its ain- ceritr-Rotrert Hall. The "mew was concluded with the be lemon. with benediction. And "a',1'l1S'dt citations from Science and calm was: "If we are mum for Lite, Tum; and Love. and yet return hub lo God lot all blaming. We are in. A friend should be one in whose Pnderurutg auy1 virtue I!- VATIILOLM I up cei I“ "NEPYUNe's DAUGHTER" DINNERWARE to the Ladies, Wed., Thurs. and Fri evenings and Wed. matinee on small service charge. Red 'Skelton, Esther Williams Continuous Sat. , to ttatt pan Bud Abbott, lam Costello in "AFRICA SCREAMS†FRIDAY & SATURDAY MONDAY I TUESDAY "THE MG FIGHT" 'STAGeCOACM" Eziizai2 --Grey, Winter Navy, Black, Green, Ruby Red - Chamois Lining - Loose, Roomy Coats “3?: $§§§§E§, All Wool Fabrics - Twill and Sueded Duvetyne quture Special Purchase WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - THIRD C OAT S $32.50 in the back to the waistline FALL AND WINTII Sizes 12 to 18 Over