L7†BUSINESS Wig-5% 'leg‘gï¬ï¬-ï¬: Any pemn desiring to make representations concerning this application must file a complete submission with the Secretary. Air 15mm Board. No. , Tene nry â€ding. Ottawa, by amber Md, mo, and send I copy concurrently to the when: Messed to R R, No 2, atterioo, Ontario, All! nansrorr BOARD Ottawa, September Ind, HMO and tt, {Eda} SGeGriii'lii/ ener- alerloo Municipal Airport, Wqterloo, Ontario, Application for I Licence to Operate I Commercial AV Send“ Gerf's Flying Service has 'ft,',?"), to the Air Transport Board r a licence to operate a Class 3 chars ter non-scheduled commercial air service ’10 'lranqun “839959;: rbon mm _ "irnF.."ita-.T-itr, no In». Wert Imam:- " M It. loan . PM†LN“ ll‘l‘cBINll Ihmtiesiini%ifhaain Machines. Filing Cttbineta, La, Sate, Complete OfBee Equipment dynamo 03m: 0919!??? mm Emhidb xAWYutr----"'- FULLY PROTECTED? . BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER . FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL mm'rs COST MORE To REPLACE " you nerd More Instance . . Whether BUYING or SELLING Bonk-lunch.“ â€(this)“ hm... 1.60.3118“ "0-01-1311 _ It“! HFSSENAUR ‘& SHANTZ Limited Phone HWI.. _-_2__4_ Queen N, ru' a.- ,‘,._‘ FT. 'art; ii7ieU7." "NtAe29.er2...A,0Aryt1, yam!“ See your doctor Brat, then lehu an your prescriptions. Bedlam LD.A. Drug Store, opposite Post 9996. Waterloo. LANTIGEN E $8.00 - also Rab] The Women's Institute srm man. Allergn'tabs. Ephuone. at sored a Singer Sewing Mac ine Gelfr’s Drug Store, 408 King Demonstration m the Sunday St. .. Kitchener. Phone F2t27, 'School on Thursday evening. Mrs. -._--------------- Robert MoFarlane was the lucky ILICTIICAL [winner and won a hem, stiteher _--.---------------.---, __ - attachment. Slip covering was ELEchuc MOTORS illustrated and attachments ex- in stock (planned. Lunch was served at the it HR. Lulu Dutv at 319.35 (close- tr8riFiitVdTiif iiiiiiviiir -WRReEnmnrhtMr-- & mucumu r, It. B. Brock ' Bruce nun A. K. CRESSMAN & SON AIR TRANSPORT BOARD BAKERY AND GROCERY ii, {WEIR tin-r.- .Uhe- “We: KILDunn 1.11 Illa-om CHARTXBRP ACCOUNT Real Estate and Insurance WATERLOO, ONTARIO Ofttee 102 King St. South Phone 8-8024 Every Kind of Insurance uni-t _TuiFEiriauurir.GG.' "'5 E! putt! .1- " m. " - Ioaeder-o.ime-otic-m.og.t.. Mum We: " WM tiiatertoo Phone t-i867 Lat at me. also available. slhrhhtr1lhsrstat'l'h ELECTRIC [GREENE]! and GUELPH rm an '1'! FAME-I096: Call the Local Representative ELECTRIC MOTORS in mock 56 HR. Light Duty at 81ir, li H.P., Heavy Duty at ' 56 BR, Heavy Duty It . _ RR. Heavy Duty at . % RR. Hgyyputy It “a. Health mum an e. when 50min; "ir. "than. =da'd'ltt1S'f,",',', WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY M _ 'tAP2L't' '" SHARPENING “mums _ Bi" faih H "'eSr.y931i_19_Cqt"rmo (Ttuatee in mum Alina St, Bet, Boiler Insurance Trunk Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance â€was PRIECRIPTION S OUR SPECIALTY TYPEWIITEIS ' (Alf Newf _ [at un- also available. 7331:1191 Used CtmtOPRACTtC REAL ESTATE _Nenir and Used INSURANCE HAY FEVER - Plate Glass Livestock Lite nbove Birir" iiii r Lngty at $19.35 at .80 It 49.85 at .00 " “6.00 Accident Kitchener , Mr. and Mrs, Frank Deeton were Toronto visitors for three days and guests of Mm. Deewn's sister, Mm L. Callow and other relatives in Toronto. They also " tended the Exhibition, . Rain is badly needed in this district due to well water short- age Farmers too have been hav- ing dimculty in workingiup land for fall wheat sowing. as: silos have been ttlied and terns of crops are much better t an ex- pected, regardless of the hot dry summer. 1 I Tmcher and scholars of Grades s, 6 and 7 of Plattavilie Public School had a day free from lea~ sons due to the non-arrival of new deplu to be installed. in heavy horses in harness: agri- tural class. 4-horse hitch, cham- pion heavy horse and Oxford Ho- teLspecial ior f-horse hitch. . Nile Sham: of PlattsviIle won six prizes with his entry at the Tavistock Fall Pair. One in the Clxdes, gtlding or Tare, and tive Mr. Donald Summerville ot To.. ronto former resident of these parts left for his home on Tues, day after spending several weeks vacation at the home of Mr. and Me. _Ha§y Bour9e, 7 l Mrs. Weir Graham and son Ga- " of Bright and Mrs. Ed. Harmer tthed relatives on Tuesday at alt, Miss Leona Lane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, has left to take up duties as nurse-in- training at the Woodstock Gen- eral Hospital. Best wishes are ex- tended for ouccest's in her new du- ties, David Elder of Amhersthurg and Miss Marion Elder ot Toronto spent the week-end at the home ot their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elder. Miss Donna Kaiser has left to take up duties as teacher near Paris. ‘W.__I. ae-pee-iss.. Following the closing benedic- tion by Rev. Mr. Kaiser, the par- ent, and tmends visited the Sun- day School room where the chi]- Iggeqs'_work wason display; Mrs. Irene Main underwent an operation the past week at Wood- stock General Hospital Her many friends extend best wishes for an early Teoy_efy. Mrs. Charles Fulcher and Helen and Leslie and Mrs. Clair Harmer spent a day recently at Brandon]. Miss Lillian Lambert who was on a holiday visit with the former returned with them to her home. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Cotton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cotton at Cains, ville. Little Miss Rubens Ann and Master Ivan Hall of Perry's Cor- ners spent several daés at the home of Mr, and Mrs, . D. Har- met. The Blue Bird bus chartered by Mrs, Mary Snyder to attend the Toronto Exhibition on Tuesday was Illex1 lo cagapny, _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hockton spent a day the past week in Ha- milton. . Mr, and Mrs. c. Hatmertberg and daughter Betty spent the week-end with relatives in town. Misses Clara Seipes and Haze! Randel have resumed duties on ttt7o.entoytafrring s.tatt. _ _ 7 Dori Nurse, Robert Stevens and Ray Stewart were week-end visi- tors at Wasuga Beach, Grade 5 was m charfe of Miss Frieda amuld of Wei esley and Mrs. Leis was In charge ot Grade t, Each class told of the Biblictl work they had been studying, Graduation diplomas were pee- sented to Gwynith Habel. Janet Anderson and Irene Wilmer of Bright and Kstrteth Wilmer of Kiy-hener by Mrsr.9is 7 Penny cider" V aiicCFiii Be tor trtp fo. m. Salk. were used to sefnd 0mm“; bundlu to Inet vttutorB with Mr, and In. needy children m Buropeamouat, his Jen Smith. her ad ed to "7at . Mr. an Mm. “Wang†of Rev. My. Kaiser rind the acnp. P "rent I few days My It't k1 d and 0.; prayer. with rebuvu in town, t in: 5:53." $211:ng Jlhfi'aff, “I Mr and Mn Wittamt Ila-ulna o l . . 'iiisirai by Mus Joann Shaun Judy of LINN» Mich., Nt'" 1 “an? several sow and repeated a!) yt, Mr. and In c. M. Bible verses, Miss Mag Zehr of tune. rs, Hume; accstmvanied Tavistock mud by is 'e/ett.ti'hts" Catharines and Niag- 'erderrnwersti2se or fue'at,'td Mr. ii. Ginaerich of Kitchener Smog], India, where the my an!“ several days with John G. ollenngs of last years' Bible th'.) d M F P " and School were cent were shown r _ Bn gs. . ar ouae 1 Glenn Brubachgr of may; seTuh'da/Wg'terttiy the ed hus class " e a In sever; . .. ' ' Mr.andMrsrteacHarmeraad 'tdied'" the class repeated three family were Sunday visitors with Grade 5 was m charge of Miss relatives at Gait. m Plum/Ne sGiiiGrNIEG School than; examines were had tyemstty _u flaming UM ctruieE. as, by vethqrepoetottheaehoot, ie'i!Euiti'iai,ile'e' was "d and IV- eme amen u on mine children my perfect anemia“. A-OOP-tttt Plathville t at Alum In] In! In.“ Satisfied Clients Since I928 Phone '-0600 _ Kitchener "Euerience ls Will do BOOKKEE’ING for small businesses. WRITE UP ACCOUNTS and TAX STATE MEN'IS, For further pani- cuhrs. write Box I38 Chron, icle or phone 2-358. An engagement of interest to Plattsville residents. has been an- nounced by Mr. Robert Hunter, Strathroy, of his daughter. Cath- arine May to Mr. David Jams Er. dgigtpt2,'ji,tniPot,Phertlt Elise of Pigttsvme. Ont, 7 Co. Ltd. ST. CLEMENTS The weddian EnloVE-ke place in Knox Presbyterian Church, Y?1sdstoek, Om... on October a, Miss Ida Motheral, who has been spending the summer months in Plattaville, guest at the home of Mrs George' Wait, ac- companied Mm. Clair Harmer on Monday to Woodstock. where she intends to reside ‘myvizwrs and; Mr, tad In 'UI J Smith, or as can 1 her Mr. and In. Le/gchar, of Preston spent I tew days measly with relative in town, 9-m- numb “$th what Wanted-d thew-mum of the man what. Mr.andMrc "igtrtieV nu. wt,sohtatretumedhomaates Whtml STUMPF H. E. Ran lumber Mt Victoria St. N, NOTICE 1.x. 'e" o“ -, " . ONT. --_- "_-___ “"""' _..... '"' ""‘Mrs. M. Schrieber in charge. The) it Lester Weil attended the In. John Gremm at Waterloo. can to worship by the leader toi, i'l‘oronto Exhibition on Saturda . .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sc!telttr .0! lowed an organ prelude by Mrs.[ Mr, and Mrs. Barr Kerr, gill Kitchener Ire") 'aturAay with M. Poll. A reading on the life of and Kenneth, spent gundly with Pe? and " e Heimper Frances Haynes), who was led tolMr, and Mrs, Harry Wei) and I "in Vera Smith is a patientat compose the hgemn ‘Take My family. ‘the K-W Hospital. Friends wiahIite"and Let t l, preceded thej Mr. and Mrs. Basil Knight and [her a speedy recovgry. , 'scripture meditation given by Karyn of _Leamington spent _ Mrs Ann Energy ot Mitchell lyMrs. John Hotstetten and thefI'hursday with Allan Otto's and spendinc some time with trieetds'prayer of personal dedication by‘tamily. jheiie. the leader. An interestiné mono-‘ Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Milbrandt, . Mr. and Mrs. John tjettlueteruogue was given by Mrs. . Fried Audrey and Joyce of North East- and Gary of Linwood, Mr. Lesbi- showing how steps of interest in hope and Mrs George Folk of ‘Wood and Mr. James Mason of the W .W.S were gained by a Shakes‘feam spent Sunday wiih ‘Mooretleld are ttlit",. sometime new member. This we; illustrat- Mr. an Mrs. Allan Otto and fam- ;with Mr. and " G. Sehlueter, ed in a home setting with various ily, _ - we: mm. lg --_-e iGar, GT -.. -iG; + ' may L11u"g,vg'lrd ttJSl,ttrd,t' iiiS? u L I a - 1 - new Log; in Helm What do. n no. :me with“: â€nun-mood? Tough- hrnhmathemtuutomuum tto It My. have an understanding mind an! Geo.D._Datuneru-ttiitte “Mm'slueopen tweed. MM unmannwnJh Atmevc' mmheasrma‘ the Twin City . on 'tt gel, ‘sthbecar. mix-l may ie at - tian" l tUMe w t u - Sm ml, “Ethan 1:: condi- ity teactte.isttruth. 'l'hemilevi.; 'd'2hu',' hazy not may“ the dance is (a) Jesus arose tram the! Geaieed 'Iupr women! and dead, (b) the apparatus of Jeaus; (thet irlol','d :6 u“), am the "gttgNetittgt te) ttte 2d “mm m,“ â€â€œ3 n a preaching acmmmd m deem e-memd . can: I ',Bt,eait.iriapeitslttotsei, t the math tumour Mee Malian Every need ot our re-s tttphi, mama†" '.t,veedi'f demption IS Wâ€; m 'tppt . nisagm,() :ttuse0tttte to be built this tall. Judgment Day. _ . . 1 Special suuuu'was turtuatsea' '. m the morning by Mrs. George; Heidelberg: 1mm singing "Who Could n her . In. “a.“ h“ but Jesus" and Mrs Louis Holm" addr,. Con-m5 and Mrs A. Pilsinger sang a duet I 1 I'The Saviour for Me". In the , t Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hahn Ic- rtterting Mrs. T, Brodhaeeeer and . unnamed try, Mr, and Mrs. _etriiiiiiiii'; Vench sang â€God's Way 4 g"irli'.'.a7il tamily YQ Sundny "lis the Best Way') and a men's (Nuns Falls and on Erie. ttset, comprmng Herve and I i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Huetttt; oe Hallman, Harold Poll and' are the ts of a baby boriy_ardon Hussey sang "Under,His 2rau'lull'u','l'ss. . iiiiir The church we: beauti, i Mr and Mrs A House andQUly decorated wnh seasonal (and; tpem "giiui"y' with rriertirifoiers and fruits. , at London and Woodstock. I Flowers in the United Brethrcn t E “Annie Zember and Mr, WIChurch were placed there Sunday; In. Low} Steppler of Waterlooiin memory of the late John Brick- ( lvhited Sunday with Clan and er, who passed away 2t {can any] Maud Diebel. bxdtl'is ItAtgi, Trista?- lwa?! Mr. mum Gordon Schlueter PM. ttt e y oo or; at? children puking“; D035 :23?th was a former superh- t sl.na _ . I'l,', wilted 2.3a? 'wi1%ti', Pewe'gfisTas,. anclhlmineri’I Aid s _ me he ay ni tat raceil wgg-gggr'm‘ Jei"gg, 51?:th s'ivrt.Tfigg1 IMr 8lUll, withâ€: In. John Gremm at Waterloo. {Eff-A, 1fftt.rjehtrr T. chars; The) ' D. Dunn: is will. the M at the hog»- 'tt his son: in the Twin City _ Sm my (til-eat if! Wee wt to an as curds- 'dpfU lucky not shown the much united improvement and an it b. become quite critical. From recent Norman»: n is learned the high tumor: steel [tower “we; tine whim/g through this istrict " ex t , be built this an. pee £1.21 bF&V mum on we any ttt tt Flowers in the United Brethrcrt met, Church were placed there Sundaya ---------- in ")1?!on oldthe thit", Brick- ( er, w o page away on; ago.) . “a“ 'tyhgg,td “$3.“ I“?! "e 50â€.â€: L.. pai at e y oo o l r n. I an. which he was a former superin. tctsrouet. “mm" tendent. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wed The W.S.W.S. and Ladies' Aid Sunday‘ with Misssg Maggi met Wednesday night at Grace)Levina' Diechert of New Etyeisa,1 .U.B hutch with burg. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Miitrrandt, Audrey and Joyce of North East. hope and Mrs George Falk of Shakesrare spent Sunday with 9112'. an Mrs. Allan Otto and fam- ly. [ Mr. and Mrs. Basil Knight and Karyn of Leaminaton spent Thursday with Allan' Otto's and Lanny. - -- - Wilfred -ticriaGiir' at 'tit. Clem ems was a visitor here on Batur, dat evenipg. - A number trom here and the d_otriet attended the Wellesley Pall Fair on Wednmday. Cuttmg corn and nuns was is .hr» w-c-da,.. __. AL I ' . _ u. and an. Ben Imam of Ctteaterfte1d and Jackson Clark of Drumbo Waited with Mr, and Mm. George Perrin on Sundu. tarttitMditu Human-y . lumen»... .1- u’m can u inqlfome gin}; in Mice Mg. 13nd 11raiPfyive'u, aspen; business rvi " .7 [In-nu: mum-gl- Corr-.0...“ 1tisiikii'yiiiiiuir"Gii in dis er was Mon-I tet o and} ssgg, ed on new ClemJ ----- Saturn T ‘45 King St. West B. F. Goodrich Store Here's the ideal tor " than; Strongly damned. attractively kind. and tube hue. cm 'rtetat'tarta,ttatt-t-ri-im,els, 'tiTCreNett Wi- m M “an wag-incl. of M Carrie Mord Magic. h My fe'rr'r".itti'tt-tra P5050644†a amiu-v' tt.95