" KING ST. S, - MCHERUB WEAR Ill. A FH’YING CHOICE . We carry a complete line of CHERUB SOX and UNDERWEAR gym". Gel-huh. â€uh‘m man..." was: all: If}; ;;.T' gar-n: afc-iotEc Bottle of Britom F.Im - Dutch Supper - Charge $1.00 " DEAIBOIIN ST. E. KrtcheraerAVotenoo No, 404 Wing, Royal Canadian Air Forte Ausmnahon, invite all en,Air Force to attend the "um "ANUFACTugttt0G Co “I Km st. _ mu... om AIR MARSHAL W. A. CURTIS. C.8., C.B.E., DSC Chief of the Air Staff Mothers . . . choose 4 9mm "attausr - Cherub ATTENTION ALL EX-AIR FORCE EMMA KURKE PRESENTAIION t)f WING CHARTER Friday, 16m September, at t pm. CAR and TRUCK PAINTING Dearborn Auto Refinishers . Spare Contributed in the service of the community Legion Hall - " Ontario St. N, We: TRUSSES OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST BODY and mm WORK Perfect answer to the guano" at what knitwear to buy tor the children. COME AND MEET YOUR FRIEND AND JOIN YOUR ASSOCIATION Fine English Knitwear 18 YEARS EXPfRIENCE "rertlr Don WA". I.†WAN) m w E "Gnnl-Cl'uhn" Typo 1 Well, let's not talk anymore (about him. His wife will do that ; when he gets home. Now we come to the third type. This is the "ttra- ivel-crasher" as we have been so l "Up With The thm" _ Up with the sun and very often {even before, he very tt,"t'hr makes his lunch and men out ‘the door and ttua his way. ‘Alter reaching his ination by some way or other he usually picks out a nice tt tree with lots of shade, unpacks is lunch, bulk out hits telescope rod, attaches hir reel and line, puts on a hook, then the worm and after about the sec- _ and try, let's the worm sink to my bottom. Then he'll sit all day and wait for that worm to drown. And all the while he's dreaming little “wine" at home is Just waiting to ask why all the little jobs around the house have been left undone. a fUshiight-very close to the ground making some very fast moves as he picks up the dew- worms which his sprinkling has. brought to the We. He then digs a bit of sod to add to the worms and sometimes, if conven- tent, feeds them some tea leaves, cottee grinds, bread crumbs. soaked in milk, etc. 77 . 1 Enough for the "cruiser". Let's 'ft, on to the next type. This fel- l ow is the restful type. He "'1el "ro in a car or on a bicycle. a, Ge might even walk. In the even- ing on the day before he plans to go, you’ll find him usually be- tween the hours of 7.30 and 8.30 sprinkling his lawn. A m passefy admires the interest this man takes in beautifying his home little dreaming that? isl actually killing two birds wit one) "IN b I e mar y were to ass' gigain 1lr2t'l'tl"i'lr3o" or 12 o‘cfock‘ 1 So the cruise starts About the Mime everyone has a chair in a favorite spot or at least made himself reasonably comfortable, _ the guide says "Jack let out about :25 turns on that line and Jim ;about 30 weights on that cotton line over there." From then on there is really little else to do but watt till the bell rings signifying that (MAYBE?) you cauz t your- self a fish. It it doesn't, someone is sure to recall a time about IS years ago when a Whopper got (tt'N.: h! bow you love to heu- Ithe tinkle of those belts, This is hi; would see this same mais With 1 Sometimes we wonder. So you cpme back from the cruise and while rou're reachin‘fe for your wallet to pay the t‘hm consider. ably more than e cruise was worth, he casually mutter "too worth, he casually mutter: "too time of the teat. for lake trout. Come back 111 September. he weather and water are cooler then and then they really strike." Well, we've been there every month from June till October and it's alwattLbeetfles my. _ known hi the elite dudes is ttsts There, early as the 'l."ifl"llf: boat all ready for a cruise, he 1e - surely stroll: down to the dock. walks casually on board and says. "Well boys, let's go. Let's see how they're bum; lodly," No lunch, no last Inmate preparation, no mas. Hi, will write or phone tor reservations tor a boat tor about the tSth of July. In thtaitemoeo of the Mth after Mm; at the once. he'll have lunch, pump in me cor, and head possibly tor nothing. Lunch, oh no! They come back a noon and have it in a restaurant. - Mutort. an" uproar; but mama. detuuteUnotundersuehnt_ ing.Tksourknowiedee,thename has been and only in our own “vmm little circle" And I a) mun - So my reads: have,“ usual. mtnmem -aiiid"rseuihii, ' /i'iGvr1-kehii-- _ _ J: ' asturti Eng slop; ebony Gimp- In} in; ee,h,iuit2ti mit'pou' __ p u pg: tripe, ot _ enow_ teho_ply" m, 7W0] 2"'.'dtTu"rd't't"lad, dud'ulu’c-ou-d-u set.'.':",'..','.'.:",',',": frat': my " _ 2Tfiu2ttu'CdL1elri thigh-ninth". â€chm A Neture ot Grant Holman man-81' mum‘tg sand in a new: i-ueol tuoeri,etermtthrdryeu_.s-:.tat that I {min-3r is“ . I" fit-'- d “it! 'NMtAVlKLaCRABlRriIt" “in 25% OFF iih"iu--i! " [In tM. North WATKILOO M 1-". Like Flowers _ In Spring l hug aim}; wind ttah- Snnworthy m; Wallpapers g Any pattern of this famous wallpaper you select. WILL BRIGHTEN YOUR mi, iii “3:5: 250 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM n it ttive" bin 'a'a,f.rtutgt Win THE USE OF HOME Brantford Red Sox took the lead in the Senior A Interrounty Base- trall mus titanium Alter, de- ball Lewue ttnah, when they de- {eaped_ ~yterloq Tigers 10-2 here last night. Red $65.15;; 3813 won three games and Tigers two. To!“ Day- To Set: After you have accumulated a few cartons of this stutf, you start the tedious task of samba Some- times this takes days. you're ready to tie your tlrst tty. But you give no vice to hold your hook. down you no to get one. While you're gone the postman brings a card from the library. Your book is overdue. So now you have the vise and again you’re ready to start, You' soon tind that to tie a fly is a very dimcult task. Your thumbs are too big and your 1's ers are always in the way. Fina - t in disgust, you flre the whole t ing in the waste-basket and 2ttt some good ones. Tb really ‘make ce feel like the sophisti- 1"Itf human, you must have a tty rod, the cheapest ot which ‘run at least $25.00. " They oust all the way up to $50.00 and more for the better Cones, Then you must have a line lto match (another “500) and it MUST match. It might be a dou- ple taper or a T04 or a double At or something, Thebto me is an Greek. Ot course, the leaders just lhave to be rift. It's considered criminal to ta e a 10" has on a leader thicker than a hair on your head. I After you have the proper and, mean uipment. you must have has. t,'l it you're Just a beginner, you are "allowed" to buy a tew manufactured ttieq but some day someone is sure tol tell you that you will never catch‘ a big one unless you tie one ot Aour own that is original. So what 'ido on do? You go to the Hm i_il,i'rl,oiii?',,e'iiyiivt'toiis,t,. A iput re not tor By tiers but for educational purposes, you take it home and start studying the dit- ferent types. pickingshout those you thin will catch . You M. ally decide on the one on page which looks very easy to tt From then on, you become a aa- vettger-hunter. Every piece silk, every leather you can tind, everything you touch that has a bit of color, the Brat thing that flashes across your mind is “where will this ttt on a tu'." I 1iomaiaudeome-iuit a; We? “magnum _ _aherisuitiattraGruiroureet 1ut2te'tgrt"tgttfattotrx 'amazement you And that Aly . The yourself a sugar T t "grave "rashing". bond: frobably helps make you "tat: ooted. it certainly is recreational and very interesting. By and by you get so you can than: them to Just about where you're looking even ititisouthe topodtheop- posits bank ‘3.“qu 'uitttgttiu"If (an to them with this pica: at ‘lhiny metal. Now he new dreams that maybe theee'a a but ‘0: a pun: or even a 'puftie who (cunt; dug invasion td their gm Now friends, we come to the de- ceitful type ot fisherman, the “fly- rodder". Two "mount" are necessary to really be good. You must have a strong wrist and a weak mind. The stronger the wrist and weaker the mind the petter the ity caster and g: really and he'll nee it; a itusteFdg in? 'eet..eebmtret1 rock. or . " on the waierf ttiii." aaa iGrt Indium trom that. A caster walk don, the bulk 0191"ng or maybeâ€: may; WALLPAPER All) PAINT t Sports Roundup Jottmanarrotueat-eqatt. duHrqtt-t-& Dru-don] C, Numb. 5 Thriller of the node: was the ll-inning clash at Brantford on Monday night when Red Sox tied the scrim with a 6-5 triumph. The Brunt: malted into the ninth on I 5-0 manta: Tigers storm them cold vi a ttve-run rul r Gtr1iegtenytu?yed_evpr, on tho 1.ftatetit “do: nundnrd that w contain! a homo run. than have mound um and. Bricker blanked Brantford 1Ay on a three-hitter. Inothtr gull-r effort in the third fume back It Waterloo It was his third plays off shut-out, Muldoon batted in the lone run, ' mug in the book to win but mun mm Random third buc- m "as!!! nth a blow cg tho non-n._ _liatty mm Resuhs of the Brat four games of the series in th order in which they were playsd follow: Wntertoo t. mum-a 3 f Tigers won the opener at Wit- erloo 4-3 behind Jack GiMrt with Gard Arias and Cy Bricker in relief roles. The three combined to turn in a pretty, three-hit pnlching performance, Down " going into the ninth Waterloo mud a pstr in the ninth before ',',ra'tl'Tt" second pm: at Brantford . Al Thr. mouchelle pitched good enoufi ban to win " Tigers ouch" t . Red Sox 10-8. Tigers were without the ser- vices of Jim Muldoon who was injured in a gm: It Brantford. As a result by rum went to second base and Augie Hers cttenratter to third. Fisher and Parker, Brantford moundsmen, set Tigers down with three hits while the Red Sox col- lected 16 ott A! Dumouchelle, Stan Kaczmarek and Gord Ariss. Sixth game will be played at Brygford on_ Sgtug-day tyight, _ ‘haedifg1 on Gem (risinf. they can it). en you cant): 1y to“ in your tty with the rest of them and what happens? After an it looks Wo real and it's just a little larger mun th? rest so alga qomqg , Not for me. I'd rather tUh agra- vel-crasher" st‘le any day and get the big ones. ell I hofe I've ex- plained in detail the our types of fUhing bat whether it be I cruise you want or a rest under a ahadirtreeortutteetandbig thah "ttravleraaher" style, or a low and deceitful "fly-rbi" it still is a wonderful sport. Ot course this is only my own Fersonal opinion. Come on ter. ows, what's yours? hungry trout never dreaming that a futterman could he so deceitful and what happens is that he and; It's almost impossible 10th a trout even if it is only geven iryety es out of the water with the hair ttne leader you have been um. so you use your net. You t patiently until he gets Clone enough and then you slide 'it5 net under him not giving much of a chance to get I"PL. "no (an m.\ WA “.hnr In}. "m.,., himself on the" table that night. MM Tho but You carefully peruse the water until you age. , gathering ot they m a ll -rodder. Pol, are . 'lorth'lUllgt 'ioll'l,'d"fdlll'lf favorable spot where someone ha already dumped in a MESS ot mm and where even a kid with apieceofthreadonalittie br.1Tettofaprer,asyirttrsttpirt with A.chunk ot miner bait on it can catch a U" mm. Right then and there you've made up your mind that the next time you out tt will be on the water. So the day comes that you Itiattent,s to so 2etegt,e don't ve u; leave early use YOU 'strangle myull." About that time oou'0 seq the' shades on the neighbor's windows move and Bn- ally theyaueomeoqttoaeewhy all the commotlon. Your wife de- tinitely not having your Mina in- terests at heart. new: to take hours before she (tnatty arrives And releases you, With yen: face red bell: from strangulauon and humiliation, you bead over very carefully to slide your rod be- tween the beans and lettuce plants haying all the while that the neighbors did not get the drift of wtyy .hrpp.ened. " F - mug and and you've wrnp it Hound the clothes line ateyrti-andhuaait malady in to; cherry me or in mp- trertteq you get no that G'.' can Keepit witttinar-hiedis- rage: from on ttttiN,. youre an; n you try tor .3 mg more Moe. Finally on a backward 11 you suddenly Md it 'ii'i'i'r! around your neck. Very " y, on an m to your wile saying tal' an. Ir--n pun; 0111111 peck More I mug-hum tfttteeeisanuttnaxt'uxtt- i,uou'x'nt2'ge,g,tet,ttt . you're Beairtg your wrist multimedia. Aneratow weeks of this you decide to let you-rod a.uu1trristqulittle mtmlmthe sbriuiiuiFiiaiiGTi%ieirs: ttrehd.ittttetttiraJlroura.= 'd'x',,tte,,titthteCtth,t wwwyourwn toe troenyourwoeh, y numb"! 6. Wm l Waterloo l, Dunn-rd O very The necessitz; of workmg in co- operation wit game overseen and other law enforcement otB- cers to prevent the wanton kill- WEEK (bi in tiieTietaiis next week. Plan NOW to come and bring a ttiepd, l A definite time and rules of the shoot will be published in this column next week, so look for them. Plan now to attend this shoot for sure, for the beginner has just as good a chance of going home with the bacon. pardon me, the turkey, as has the expert shot. Shells will be supplied by the club, but everyone can use their own gun if they wish. A - _ At the meeting of the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club on Monday might ot this week it was decided nhat the club would hold a Fowl Shoot on Saturday, Sept. " The shoot will be for turkeys and chickens and is to be held on the farm of Buddy Clair located at the end of Amos Avenue The meeting attet the crow shoot was evidently the unly part the boys excelled at, and the: tell us that the rate the food isap- peared caused :4) much auspxcion on the part of the caterer, he wanted to search all the boys be- tore they left to see it they were taking home their week's supply “groceries. ever mind fellows, everyone had a lot of fun out of tt--evegt the ems. Frankly we feel that the hunt was gitren, too much publicity, These ttttpi crows are smart as heck. ho knows but that one ot them has been keeping the otthtrs posted trum mm column. Net results. of this stupendous; effort was one woodchuck. one hawk, shot by 'tsetter late than! never Bill Meyers" and one rather backward looking sparrow, mun; dered m cold blood by "baby Al's cord outside Hank Koch". o edt/tli,'., hml t "1*“:me 's any e o writi e intonation he feels you 1ltd,'l'i have-we have not even deleted the part about By Bahermen need. tu, "strong wrist and a weak), " Read thus article and tf {on don't get a kick out of as dry i I',',',',',?',""), someone to throw it shovel of in m your tace-youve dead. l Reid ind Gun Club Was {Edi} success-tor the crows. They met my boys and led the game all the Th. crow shoot held last Satur- gay_ by Te_mberr, of the Waterloo "h%f '---by ottiGtt Gan"." urte."t,,1'tdtgteU,tec,'t . a ray Jenna In our mm or we would have been we ptrftettl when picking magnum: with bin w.'m"""m "33.77;“ week We would print nu an: literary et- tort, and it's in than week’s paper, jug u 1.Ye received it from him, $l80Tlhlliill1 MOTORS lTD. _ Your AtrthorUod Ford-Monarch Dock! an In... so. I... A 7 You Mf be pleased too f ui?" '46 '46 Ml '39 with the best USED CAR VALUES in Twin Cities MONARCH SEDAN MERCURY 118 SEDAN FORD SEDAN FORD TUDOR HUDSON H2 SEDAN (Radio) The following is a list of the Used Cars now available on our lot:' r)fcire aia Gi Possibly now that those who kill tish and game out of season or take more than they are allowed, know that instead of one man, they will have to contend with over 100. they may become a lit- tle dubious as to the merits of breaking the game laws It was pointed out that due to the small number of paid game wardens allowed for each area, that thorough patrolling by these omcers was virtually Impossible unless given some help by an or- ganized group of men. Due credit was voiced for the work being done by Fred Merner, our local game overseer. l Advisability of such a meve ‘was discussed thoroughly before being adopted and the club as a whole decided that it was far more important to make a real Mort to save what wildlife we still have, than to have the good- will of the few individuals who constantly break the game laws and get away with it. mg of our ttsh and game was em- an end some time, and the "thing" Washed at the last 'lltil"lf of the, this time u. of course," the trout atertoo Rod and Gun Club, “Reason Thursday ot this week, was decided that the club as a Sept. 15th, marks the closingA of whole would act in furnishing in- another open season on we formation to game-law enforce- beautiful fish and it will be up to ment omeers Where there was any ‘every conscientious spormmn to infraction noted of these laws. (iii.'. that they are not molested Advisability of such a moved?!“ the season opens agatn next 'PESTS . ;-~~~-\~,-; HATE g SCIENTISTS" ---r)Cr','is? Everything good must come, to mm PhiiaGiririiiFiG' MIR'] Expctimcnlll farms and agri- - cultural colleges ate “no of the, most unrlul [Ida that Canadian Farmer. have in their cotsmtatgl tight again»! diam-bearing peels. The srirntitic knowledge gathered and used in a p14rlit‘4l hay In up!" at theme imstitutiou,ci. an imyorlaul tactor-u, k ' g [arm pests under roulrul and promoting helllhy crop'. " m. When you have a difficult farm problem, you can'! do better than tumult your nouns! experi- mental farm or agrivuhuml college. tnd when your problem is a financial nur. um Hank stand» ready to give you exert pm.qu madame: through our branch managrr Cl your cuuuuunhy. He is a good man to know. n94, MINI! Waterloo Brunch-J. S. McMillan, Manager Kitchener Branch-H. S. Chamben. Mm" '37 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '35 CHEVROLET SEDAN '34 FORD SEDAN U6 FORD TRUCK, l Ton FORD Ve Ton PANEL BANIGFTOROEHO TCG We have made a habit the past t's far few years of allowing outsell to i real take a full limit of these grand e we fish, just one day out of the entire good- season Last Saturday was that who day and we had the most glonous laws sport any man could wish for. Only one or two of the trout were to under ten or eleven inches, and “time all were taken on No. 12 and " garea ‘Grey Drakes. This pattern is a mesé'd'y tty and Mi grahably the dead, ssible ’ hest of all at this timbat the year. n or- The trout on Saturday completely treditémmed the selection we had m be our tty book. Looks as though 1 mg] this pattern will have to receive more attention when we wrap up .. 1.ttt 'our supply this winter. In. upon-rod "is With tilirty-five parties in the field the Geodetic Survey Is ttav. ing the busiest Season in its him tory. The parties are working in area from Newfoundland to the Yukon and the Arctic islands RECORD FIELD SEASON DH 7-7â€)