F1533 aiiirari, tom' tiutjrJeiGeiHG,,i. #53. an ti you " much good by helping to ream-e your nervous can". It " help you fed bum. look better, rest better at night. Durin the last fifty run. thar. 91nd] of Canadian women of an up have gone 31(er Ind happily "THE BARKLEYS ymNgawARE to the Ladies, Wed., Thurs. and "rrireGTuGifs' and Wed. matinee Many women tind it bud core-En their nerves are "Ud". Yet it's not unusual for n highotrusrg woman's delicate um: Tv"',',', to & off kahsnr-respexiah, during functional changes she been in girlhood youn" motherhood and Fiiiiiirrst 117;“ when a ma "Boston "tmail/a Mark Stevens. Coleen Gray in Fred Astana Ginger Rogers in 9ttro1oomesei-fwtsat-a- ““kf‘ .. mum at; i, 1e,igtgt'd1',t,,r,',yalite,t'a - -'. l l! it rrxrtrrMrtuhttrttNetrriet a, _ Yrtvrrf-emtrurs-sittroqvm" " _.._lhf_APt14?f?, _ FRIDAY - SATURDAY Continuous Sat. 2.00 to 11,311 b, l r . J i 1 . " HC i s a A h A]? 2 ‘ kai' ' 'NI i P' . t Jet),", _ce", «a " WM g ( '1» s,saorcavh's ‘ - " "ii",rct2Ci"'7r,7i'i7","iC: niiic a r a Pl I'; luff,†L17 iiii' Chasm - United so... ith) ' _ “It My line les 906 Inna ha ie"hlhkd: ttart Erase-:11 all? MAE-h bum-v WERPLQS'E‘; ..,_ LP, He is always served whot he u prepared the way he wants He enjoys his meals in a rest ful, friendly atmosphere. Our very reasonable prices ottow him addmonal pocket money. Won't you A be our guest today. “Do People Really Call Me Crabby!†Elly-nu ttent I. Toto' _ 317015qu' - TUESDAY (According to an maid-Hui)“ -."_-_ We are n nU-Clludhn my. roll out,“ In an. m and v. Input..." your Inning". Tow Idiot! C. â€I m. GORDON YOUNG (ELMIRA) LTD. ARTHUR G. ANGUS OPTOMETIIST “SPECIAL uGENT" New Located 55 Queen " South Phone 6-63M cows 3150 / . .' -.-iiitiists use 'uer,fP,,ttr_tstt 'to 529. I" M- By Technicolor ATTENTION FARMERS By Technicolor -ALSO- --ALSO- OF BROADWAY" Cedar Snack Bar "SAND" Chinese Venture" a} ta.C.UTtam ik L. lull" Tttliaiit' W» GiiU HIV-Id '" 1h.tvt Pt 'tshut, but Ian, 'taut'.' Iiiij'"t'ii?iijt'gry,i:,'i1tttit "i0tg-tIMql.ltMtl_" . ============== -, tFr.yst,reixa.fyym. ELMIRA 564 KING ST. NORTH Ar CEDAR Our eorrm" "has hu- 4-! â€at III who? he wants [ill,ri,ftgt,',s,; r L-A"t ii if f "ii-dist. 10., 'Trd and f2thiiPrtiie, R.R. 3, Waterloo, a daughter (still- Dom), mug.“ ittL,L.2 - no - - t. ' 59315 3mg Hrs. .Atrer Yum, m. - w 53“â€... - u. to Mr. and In Howard Huehn. new“, I '00. I'M?“ .3} Marte HeysitaA, Sept. lotto Mr. and “It Harold hm! St Clements. a con. M-ths-At K-V "tt,t.uly 8egt. Mt, to Mr, and Ma. hymn _ Martin,fKdeehy, a gauntlet. ioteiirrGitGGGriGii, (2.3%“. - or I bundle M men. Get t hm “my in" today. The In: VDr. Chair" is your mace. t%mmt . perm of m akin: Egan-Med ...uu, -.. "w.- . “an“... 'tttlt low Hospital. Sept. ",toMr.andMm.Prederr" Cooper: " Deacon: St., Water- Kismet Milling, Km: Harold Germ, Linwood it With Us A HAPPY GUY PICTURE or Riverside Feed Mills, Hawkesville A HOMO! “vim-3367;; ' Lrtioepatc Give WATERLOO 8t ALWAYS FRIENDLY, (TOUR reous SER VICE OUR SPECIALTIES: PORK CHOPS TENDIR, TASTY Wendi. . . _ nous-Jam - Sap 10, Ralph Earl Hoitze, R. it Wa- lgljkm, to Kgmleeg tkhsr_Kottn.---tiept. Io, Gor- don John Suhwmuer. KR. 1, West Montrose, to Mariette Feroe Holtze. R.R. t, Wile: oo. BiMehr_e--Sept. l, Harold Bitsehy of Kitchener to Helen Steiner, Rdt. l, Breslau. PrxrrtbeNot.-aept. 10, John Al- bert Pym to Jean Catharine _ scAiour,Auth ot Waterloo, - ( _ w _.. - .5. "a... Qvelch. Deon. a “he. _ridii%i"i Wooduock Semen! Hamill. 51‘» O. to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin an Pun-ville, I Ftdothmatioatrmit- MINING SUNDAY, SEPTEMIEI " I949 PLATE. an. WINDOW BABE BEINNICING nu. momma: I!!! not all Coll loll“ III! Our WWI. vnu necked innittn-ottyNELtt STEAK TIME MILE WINES ",',,tT,tfirgt,1tdtri, Mt, It ward R. Duncan 0 Milton Mt have p991 Cracker, R.R. 1, Sehwintzer, RA, i, westigui] WITH ONIONS may of mama Miairut _ 7 Helen has. Guanine. . RUNNING 'jillr'Jl' Make your mange- mh NOW for your steel minim“ to {at that hyitlhU. up. playing his “3. iter M. BROWN AND SONS MARRIAGES Prompt Delim Satisfaction Guaranteed SIRLOIN uu than, Btret um- mint-ME; 7, hunky, Hat 1, l. tho {oLRif Hay River t,thr"gr', on that at Yellow-kn e, has both elected and appointed members. Hay River has become the can!" of a Nourishing Mm inch-try. C-a-i-se" 12, Misa vuuna Gunman, Bloomingdale, M sJ.'itiscse t " Albert Steam. P . , Baden. " you: Hay River. 3 (armour can» munity on Grem Slave 'dlt: In! northern te-nnmus of the new Mackenzie Highway. is the mud Admit-Banana Diatriot in the Northwest Mica-is to have t taiGiiliiia ___ _...._.. "t $11-11 .tiek,tlt?t, to an .‘ . e "etrtleAA, lut Lima - -1iilFairet,esrt, , may: BUFFALO $5 LONDON 2 BARRIE 5 NORTH BAY l3 ROUND TRIP (Sunken. to Chang.) y‘; MUICI. moi/Mtg; _ Ito-trip.“ tlt'S' my happy "iirhauAia' humid» e"'" orig Irina!†inioy thy figllgh'fu'l “ting sigh“ along Oh. m._Noxt "no, let m defA and " 9.00"!!!"- but. Add onioymon'! to their Mp. ter Pentium]: ot 11M?- Jytnet Kathleen Wk od St. WSe t, lit, Mm. Matilda Bunyan. 'itil EN) St. W., Water- iod, " yleii. “W, V W. LOCAL TRUSTEE noun DEATHS MUICI... s" QWER- $6.45 2.70 "o 13 90 Imported 3nd Domestic Lines . . . all fast colours. Range of designs. Various prices per yard " inches wide, a quality that will give good service Two groups - - Me pr. and 85: pr. --Coat, Vest and 2Yotaaeew-. .1 Sizes 36 to 44 '"'".""'r_"".rmr...r...tr...e.....sr..r., Double Breasted Models in the group. Three-piece MEN'S SlllIS Em All Wool Imported Wound- and Tund- In I wide range of patterns and coburs, Single and Siaestt 107% Autumn weights . . . 4-Button Length . . . Novelty trim. . ' . Also plain slip-on gloves with mu cull. mack. Brown. Wood Grey. Rico Green, Spin-ch Green. Regular length in plain shades and fancy patterns, _ Sizes 10 to 12. v. 40v£hasor NOVELTY PRINTED COTTONS Imported Unbleached Sheeting 1909 1949 All linen Irish Iowelling Coloured border - red, green. blue KING STREET MAIN FLOOR Good quality, free from tttling 1.0% "I, PILLOW COTTON Fabric Gloves MENS MNt 1.10 yd. Mk yd. A well-i nown brand, noted for expert workmanship and radiating . . . m checks, prints and stripes. Sizes 34 to 44 4 to 40 departments, making for easier, more comfortable, more complete shepping. We invite you to come in and see our recent changes, ond take advantage of our During the post 40 you: our store has been growing steadily, serving not only the Twin Cities, but.ail of the surrounding districts. In forty years we have expanded from ChMon and Service Chiffon weights. A . Assorted shades, . Sizes 8% to II. 79c. rd. 39.00 KING STREET MAIN FLOOR REAL SILK HOSE - Substandard: lst pair 2nd pair . See-u ad (Iowan. Approx, " in. It 7 in. '"""'_""w.ertq.mws.v_,. Blond and white frame, assorted scenes. ftomtm Approx, to in, It " in _.. __-.__ -rrrrrwr 'r_F'.FT ___ , ,. TTeV (I __ - - ' . . _.-..._-......., . . . Cotton Damasks . . . Brocades . . . For cushions, short length drum. covering bedroom boxes and foot. stools. Length: from V. yd. to 3% Prices range horn 4th Variety of cohour. design and material . ' . Homespun, ALL WOOL NEED . . . Grey pmdom-inaling. Hard-wearing and setviceatrle. Sizes ac to 34 """'"'-'---s--.. Ult pt. Sizes 24 to 34 2 pairs for 1.65 With Military Collar and Zipper, HOUSE DRESSES BOYS' STRIPED BROADCLOTH SHIRTS . Shades Blue. Boys' All Wool Tweed Shorts Wool Mixtures . . . First quality Ind subs. Assorted colours. - Sizes 0 to " q First pair 59c 2nd pair 40c Bors' Long Sleeve Pullovers FINE QUALITY "SHOP WITH CONIIMNCI" THIRD FLOOR BOYS' SHOP KING STREET LOWER FLOOR ' REMNANI SPECIALS FRAMED PICIURES Children's Half ia Ie. Grey. and.Brown - elastic back Sizes 10. ti, and l2 yrs. BOYS' LONGS ITY _ WELL TAILORED Sizes " to In; pairs for 1.40 pr. 1.25 atte to 33.40 pc Plain shades $2.40 59c 1.89