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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jun 1949, p. 7

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Mr. Leo Giradot of Waterloo spent the week-end with hs aunt, Mrs. Paulmr Stank “1U. Mr. and Mrs Earl Knublauch and daughter Maw n: Clinton fe','), Sunday thzx Mr E. C nobiauch Mr Herman Mnulholu. u! Lon, don spent a few days with his mother. Mn. Mary Alin Muld- hoitzs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Svhnurr of Erbswlle. and Mr (Lear Koch- er and {mend ot' Surnlu were Viti tors Sunday wlth Mr and Mrs Anthony Kucher. Mr, and Mrs, vaph Qurrm of" British Columbus un- spendrngl some time With frtrnds here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hanlcy Mr George Basin, yr.,, A nu P,.- ler and Mr and M) , John SHIN bel spent Sunday with Mrs. Mar garet Baslvr of Linwood Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kocher visited the wewkwnd wArt friends in Walkcrton, Hesson ' Mr. and Mrs Simon Stemmler and fanuiy muted Sunday With friends JN Wulk,r:on from Your Favourite Dealer! Ow compIefe noel: 00 AMERICAN "CYCLES AT GIEATLY REDUCED PRICES. One " these beauties would not. A WONDERFUL GIFT for the boy " 'III who in gtoduoh'ng this year. 2,taur" “Your Sport In Our Blindness" l'rtla'ial't Be Sure when you d, that your holiday requuements are filled ot MEL WEBER'S Sponmg Goods the one Sports Store that carries all the equipment you need. NOW! You Can Order KIST GINGER ALE BY THE CASE MEL WEBER SPORTING than My In (l‘hruuiclq Make Your Vacation Plans Now TsrstascslalLY9' . . . THE KIDS ARE ALREADY 'ttFlite-l-i-cr/sl-e _ FISHING AND SWIMMING . . cr-r-es.,)),, _jii,ii), "s. Jas, in nu. ds Cor-uh-nt' 10. Clearing Out Merchants of Washington, D.C., took out a $200,000 insurance poli- cy with Lloyd's of London against We hazard that President Truman _ .snuld not be able to go through ‘ with his inauguration on sche- dule. f Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hahn and sons Douglas and Philnifrsspent a day with Mr. and . John {SchmbeL Mr and Mrs. Albert Forwen and family of St Clements and Mr and Mrs. Pt Eisenminger and daughter of inwood spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Businger, Mr and Mrs. Isador Moser and family were visitors Sunday with Mrs Margaret Basler of Linwood. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Stemmler; and daughter Emmelme Marie off Dorkmg visited Sunday with Mn; and Mrs Samuel Vollmer, t Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hotaschuh of 1.'rnwood and Mr. William Tab- hurt of Hespeier spent Sunday mm Mrs. Wilham Denstedt. Mrs, Willsam Banned: returned "Hunt from Stratford after spend- mg a three weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Vonmet VACATION TIME IS HERE! ENNIS RACKHS BOAIING SUPPLIES FISHING Thtlitt GOLF CLUBS And Equipment for Beit Cam . . My Coding and Trolling. I " '1 I “-9 'JC.12 I l I WI L knew-g __ '.l,?A" ‘ In Barb hm ‘ 31' news . I this week is ' course the din net meeting I I e Water-lo Rod and Cu Club to be hel / N next Il o n d a " l night. June I V at 6.30 " This is one meeting you just can't attord to miss. For one thing it is the club's Brst dinner meet- ing and will more or less set the I1',t,t"', for future Thte of this ind. " we have a g attend- ance then we can go ahead and plan other entertainment tor some Ii. news of this week is of course the din- ner meeting of t h e Waterloo Rod and Gun Club to be held , - next M o n d a y r% ‘v night, June 13, , at 6.30 pan. Throgfh a o m e error this column cam the date last week as June 30, and have we taken an awful rauing about it, especially from Fred (Shacks) Shanks his} ibe Luke' Lid amen-m wi I play at St. Louis diamond. f9)lii.)fitiif4 AND RECREATION NOTES It was a good pipe dream, We started off, the brother tossing a spinner and dew worm, while we ( started with a golden bodied H badger that had already caught a , lot of trout this year. Nothing do- , ing. The brother switched to wet ities and We to dry. We did catch a couple of rather reluctant act, l ing trout on the dry fly, but cer- (tainiy nothing to brag about. 'Iuture date. Speaking of enter- iiiiiiiinUii", there will be movmg pictures of interest to all of us as. spoxtsmen, and a commentator lwill be there to tell you all about the pictures as they are shown. One of the Hacienda's excellent idinners will be available for you, provided, of course, you say you are coming, and there will also be a wort business session, meeting after the dinner and entertain- ment are over. F I had put on a dry fly leader with a 3x tippet to ttsh dry flies with and being to lazy to change, I tied the small plug on this leader. Casting it very gently as not to break the leader, I tliht' had it down to the foot of the pool, Bringing it back again, we were both admiring the action of the tiny plug in the water, when a shadow detached itself from the side of a cedar tree that was lying in the water. The brother opened his mouth to yell just as the fish hit, and I did yell as l instinctive- t set the hook. The scrap with at trout was rough on the wrist. I had on too light a leader to start with and the cedar tree he had been living under was too close for comfort. Oil. of the main things that wlll come up for discussion at Monday night's dinner meeting or the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club, will be the holding of a crow shoot. day night. I ORION" FOR OVERSEAS VISITORS TO BRITAIN Britain's Ministry of Fuel and PDWII‘ announce. that an from June I, 1949, special allowancos of gasoline coupom for up to 250 miles motorm will be providod for Overseas Visitors who hold a Commonwealth or foreign pate- an and who, during thrtr staf' now a private motor vehtrlv (free of charge) or purchase one second-hand. The overseas Visit tor mun have entered the 11mm Kingdom not more than six months helore the date on which application is made. Only one " lmvance under this schomo will he Med to I visitor in rape" of my one at? in Britain or dur. An. my port of at: months This has been discussed at for- mer meetings but now we are rea- dy to go ahead, provided enough members are interested. Finally he did tire, but not enough to be led up to where I held the net ready for him, I had to circle around behind him and let the drive of the current help force him back into the net. How big was he? You wouldn't believe me if I ditlte1) yqu. _ _ Be sure and be at the meeting and Join in the discussion of this project. It's important that some of our hut ettorts please not only our own fancies, but also that of the Be.n.erP1 publie See you Mon. It was one of those beautiful Shelby of Bright. quiet summer'mornings that a Miss Dolly Matthews of Toronto fellow dreams about when he who is serving in a secretarial ca- crawls out of bed in the winter pacity at the Presbyterian Gen- time. Lots of dew on the grass to eral Assembly at Kitchener was a stick the buttercup petal to your Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. waders. and every bird in the Melvin Becker. country singing his heart out. The Mr. and Mrs. George Rose and sky was slightly overcast and aliihihiren Agnes and George of the way out to the stream we Freeman called at the home MA. could just see ourselves coming c. and Melvin Becker on Sunday. home with a beautiful limit ot, ----------_ trout. ' Coming to where two of the streams Joined, we decided to turn back and try some other water. "Did you ever try that little tty rod ttattish I gave you?" the bro- ther asked. "TYy it now." he said. "Just put it on and try it in this one pool until we see what it looks like in the water." Fishing In: week-end. at least so fir as this scribe was con- ceprnrd left a great deal to be de- Decide now that you are com- (scripture) lesson and Mrs. G. Per- ing out to this meeting. Remem- ( rin offered prayer. l ber that the club is not and will On Monday afternoon about 2sl not be run by the executive. For‘cnjoyed a picnic at the home on this club to be a success, every, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Coleman. Si',',',';) member must get out to the meet- veyed there by a tractor-drawn ings, and this is one of those spe- i wagon, the time was spent in fish-; cial meetings that every member ing, ball and other games and a; should put all else aside to at- picnic supper. The party was Chan tend. Come and bring a friend peroned by Mrs. G. Perrin and; with you. (Missy Lou; Shelby; _ _... I ".'"'t'" "r" " 5166‘ are“ (0 "e uc-Jbroke this week - i, sired. . Recent visitors at the home of ( We were down east agam and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shelby were! the brother and ourselves were up Mrs. William Shelby, Mrs. E. R. l and raring to go by shortly after Shelby and daughter Ruth pt, 4 am. l Eastwood and Mr. and Mrs. Ftank, 1.t was one of thqse beitutltul Shelby of Bright. _'_ A l "No I haven't," I answered, "cause I don't like using that tnet of lure on. my aed fly Tdsl' Pee-wee baseball will get un-) talt tomorrow afternoon ‘ata Waterloo Park when clubs par-j tied-Flu; in the Recreation loop wi start their schedule. Two am will be run oft each atter-J noon alter achool and quite prob- ' ablLon Saturday momw. Thef do have not been selected as yet but this chore will be com- pleted by this afternoon, There will be two groups. one tor boys weighing to pounds and less and the other tor boys weighing over 100 pounds i Prk.tyt Reeeeatims Softball Lew ah,tl"g'd,ogytt,e',)irfgi,d,ute, “at. than c 092nm; nine m the live tam circuit will take up: at Waterloo Park, Clubs en- IAlifi, .- Jim loop ieclude. Dogulmn Cifi.9iiir' GG, Fdiioitu, Gaum- Set', ture tay? ceur lieth.. I?” "this? -wiiiiteiiGed at Water- loo Park each Tue-d.” and Thurs- q-y and. at SVraruit H! ngnes- '" wlhfetiei'utq . ofthe 1e e be held woman! at the El; VATIILOO ot (MLQELQJ! 19L! C. and Melvin Becker on Sunday.! HOLSTEtN FIELD DAY AT ', ----------_ 0A3. . Over 500 Holstein 1re,der/ Bamberg: from the six counties of Welland, Br w I kie - (tf-iii/jr-it/ee/ir))' grant. Wail I . _ . th teroo an my 0 t eir annua I _ tCtsroniete cor-on- , 'Field Day June 3 at the Ontario: Sunday guests of Mrs. Otto Agricultural College. Guelph. I Kress were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry William Young of Ayrshire, Guenther, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotland, President of the Farm} ‘Guenther and daughter of New Union of Scotland and a noted, [Prussia Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mu- Ayrshire breeders and sheep tar-f ratzke and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. mer, stated that under present} IEE Forler and family and Mrs. day conditions in Great Britain, Mary Wagner of Kitchener, Mr. when allowance for upkeep, in- and Mrs. Henry Lippert; Mr. and come tax and other charges are iMrs. Eldon Kress ot Waterloo. le.t.eee.tte:si,, it is preferable to rent Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Roth and‘rather than own a farm. Mr. family spent several days with 1Young also stated his opinion that Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leis mime responsibility of the dairyman Thessalon. does not cease when the milk is l. B. Blank spent several days delivered to the distributor but he iin Buffalo, NY. should retain an interest in it i Mrs. Edwin Arnold of Kitchener right through to the stage where spent a few days with her iiiiiUi,lii is on the consuIner'E table. _ r Rev. lloyd Eby, conference superintendent, was guest speak- er in the United Brethren Church Sunday evening, based on " “7. Mr. Eby Gave a challengi ser- mon on "Stiring up God". Ale' In- termediates sang a selection and Ahe sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Jpeg wasyiiseertaed. _ _ - cry wu won and Mia. we) (,li'i',siff'a1s,1'lfr1yt “959-514 tthe "'Niféi'éaévih Arnold of Kitchener spent a few days with her father, Martin Kieswetter. - - Mr. and Mrs. Kenenth Roth and family spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leis at Thessalon. _ ww- - nu w.- P__e._ ---- -""--". .. - __-- WV ___ __ Martin Kieswetter. I A parade of the College live Mrs. John Stocki. Mr. and Mrs. stock was featured by a demon- George Volt and Herb Kittel of stration and explanation of classi- Kitchener visited friends here on thcation for type by Professor Geo. Sunday, Raithby. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwartzen-i The program concluded with truber of Elmira visited 09 Sun- a orts which were in charge of day With Mr and Mrs. Harry (gauge Drennan, Holstein Beld- Bach, man. . z Mrs. John Stocki. Mr. and Mrs. George Volt and Herb Kittel of Kitchener visited friends here on Sunday. _ -- _ . Miss Dolly Matthews of Toronto! who is serving in a secretarial ca- pacity at the Presbyterian Gen- l eral Assembly at Kitchener was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrsl Melvin Becker. _ . i Ed. Forler and family and Mrs. Mary Wagner of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippert; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kress ot Wagerloo. the sacrament of the Lord's sup- f "0"; a trip to Niagara Falls, Bub} per was dispensed. Halo and Rochester, the bride wore Next Sunday m the absence Offnavy flowered dress with a my the pastor, Rev. E. Side, who us shorty coat. attending the Quadreaniai General, They will residt m Heidelberg. Conference of the church “Hm" _ Mr. Robert Huuhn IS spending tington, 1nd., the pulpit will be some time at Toronto. occupied by Rev. A. R. Shelby. It.! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd mama and Kitchener, minister of Sterling Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Giesler e!! Ave. Mennonite Church. . Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Pat The Intermediate C. E. Society Quehl are spending two weeks iii) met in the United Brethren McGregor Bay. Church Sunday morning warn Bob Mrs. wm Peckham of Hamilton Perrin as leader. The topic was is spending some tune with her "Heroes of the Bible" and was mother, Mrs. Gies, presented by the leader and Boo, Bill Shantz of Sault Ste. Marie, Coleman, Eddie Collins read the'spent the week-end with his aunt, scripture lesson and Mrs. G. Per- Miss Maud Engelter. _ , rin, oteedpraytr. . _ : Mr. and Mrs. William Schnel~ peroned b Mrs. G. -"--e "_-"" - Miss Lois ghelby. Perno and; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kramer ac-) Mrs. Wilfred Wanner and Miss/so/ye""!, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred! Mabel Chapman are representing Lindncr of Waterloo to North', the local W.s.W.s. at the annual Easthopc on Fyndet as was at? convention being held at Pem- ithe home of Mrs. Frieda Lindner. broke this week. i, Mr. and Mrs. l.Scntt_etlt 'it/il/ Recent visitors at the home o“and dapghter l'crtnilyntave taken ha.. “A hare Atbsort qhnum T,,,l.'tlup_reside.ncs 1n gut Village. f At the close ot the Sunday School salmon in Grub: Rvpngeti- cal U.B. Church, Mr. Neil Wanner presented an Mutated chalk talk on “Thou art Weighed in the Bal- ance: and Found Wanting". Be- cause of his advanced age. this ettort of his in arm ability of earlier years was displayed was dogbly aggregates _ tor when. hey are win; a musical pron": under the Da- wes talent tn Kaunas“ mu at New Dundee on June 15th. The mung cloud with the myth benediction. RoeevfBe) t then orered - "6} Who‘s ir. In: I. Veitch presided in!“ heard, am a: . '41.: ere: pm in. cussed and 1'l2"drfotrg'gg'dt, Bottatlader was m - at the 6evotsonai proanm. Witt h him " Lon the Btoey ' directed we: was by: odtered m behalf ot [and In»- 'r,"ll'tl? "ere mmplme we a Change may. mn- tfr mmy“ tilt: Wétyu ,r's'ttrurgtNg 'tff 3:33.; Epic.) 6 g, Chum: t k: CALL H KOCH AT 6-640! OR OTT HOFFMAN, 5-5464 SO THAT DINNER CAN BE ORDERED FOR YOU Door Prize Span contributed in the unite of the community by DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND HACIENDA 6.30 P.M. - AT THE ‘lew v) "-wa vmwl - 1Ir “mun Frederick Kuhn The ‘hnde u the oldest daughter of Mr, and Mn Erwin momma. all , {Watering and the autumn . 10110110 andanm.K n. RR. 1, Waterloo Rev J B, Mar. iun animated Mr. and Mrs Alexander Ma- sickey. Kitchener, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Gordon) Schleuter. t Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bauman and Vera spent Sunday in North Woolwich the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alban Martin. - -- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schott ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Leis of Linwood to Godcrich over the week-end. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Kramer Mr. and Mrs. John Harley of Re- gina, Sask, and Miss Eileen Krau- ter, Toronto visited Monday With Mr. Albert Kramer. War: and Mr; William Schnei-'1 der spent Sunday at Erbsvitlei, guryts of yr, and. i3riirkriileffiylii) A: the brute entered the church on the arm of her father, the Misses Evelyn and Carol Gingerieh “as, “The Voice that Breathed O'er'Eden". Dunn; the signing of the register. the vocal cm tars aim!) were heard In "0 Pro- mise e" and “I love you truly? The bride was gowned 1n white sliper satin and carried a shower bouquet of Better Times use: and Bouvardia. Miss Gladys Clemmer was her siater's only attendant. She we; gowned m Alice blue taffeta, and carried a bougueg 9t dream room. Best man tor his brother was Mr. Kenneth Kuhn of Kitchens, Ushering were. Mr. Elmer Cumt- mer, brother of the bride and Mr. Roy Kramer. cous_m g! the groom. A reception m buffet style was arranged at the home of the bride's parents. Her mother receiving in royal blue crepe and assisted by the groom'? mother,_ who wort Iggrngg, figured silk jersegernd - th wore a corsage of ter Times roses my draeye" GU min}; n. Erb St '%ausomtediLidt,NfC KIM); by M_ariqrie Clem-m 94 nun. wedd’ vow; were Ink. on 'ls)ur/fl'lirl'dfl'd."t 3 o'cloyh "CWM t lulu-Ck... I“ Mung a Maryann! af nut MONDAY, JUNE " rTO MEMBERS AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS OF THE DINNER MEETING Waterloo Rod and Gun Club JUST A REMINDER In. “It.“ Dinner I/.- 31.25 C,ij, WILL " HELD "m"" . Am 0 "mu . norm . was: . 1mm l he Continental Limited directly serves Montreal. Ottawa, Tomaso, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Yunnan“. This famous train has all the modern comforts for long distance travel . . . air-conditioned coaches and W" duping (It! with various types of accommodations ”an IM bud" . . . observation lounge cars. Enjoy delicious ttiatiatg at meals . . . thoughtful, courteous service . . . mined when you travel by train. See Cumin this year. Go Canadian National. ample room to move Hound. You arrive refreshed and cm I YEARS or SERVICE NATIONAL Eyestrain Causes Headaches COUITISV AND SERVICI Whether at home - or "going places" - in all your. roman: with Canadian National, you will experiml “we” and smite. C. F. PRICE OPTOMETRIST PAGE man i

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