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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jun 1949, p. 5

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Mr, and Mrs Ervm Brandt and son Harold, brown Nll~un, Mr and Mrs Anurt Ntrt, and thug);- ters and Miss Margaret Wetllau- ter, all of Kitchener, spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs Harry Wruluufrr and funn.)’ East Zurra : Mr. and MI: Admin ”durum: MY STALKS “ENNIS N.yt, cull“ Nnhvp A 'Pmhtal 'ot-, T MUSTARD [IEEEiDiTETPri', cums: momqscmaoc MAVFAIR FANCV RED SPRING summon. . " W31 GINGER mat 2 “if," Tuesday With our last "According to The Record" contest broadeast over CKCR. The winner wu Mrs. R P Ltrelruaun, 71 John St. E., Waterloo. She won a lulu! ot “0.00, TWIN CITY LAUNDRY BOKIIII COPE}: I, " WIVING FRESH DAILY REV] SPRING CROP, MATH/l “OWN GREEN OPHONS. RADISHES, RHUBARB, CAULI- 'LOWIH AND 8TRAWBERRIEI. PRIC‘D To .AVI. FINE CANADIAN COLORED A . " CUSTOM GROUND YUKON CLUB CONTENTS ONLV PREPARED ANN PAGE " Duke tit. East WATERLOO Dial 8-8333 by Illa. Aaron ll'ylmm- tChronicle Cor!v~yul|drnl) IF you LIKE To FEEL SURE vou GET Act. THE ITEMS YOU PAY FOR . . F AND PAV THE RIGHT PRICE FOR EACH ONE. Youth. LIKE A A P's SELF- aERVICE $Y3TEM or MAEKING THE PRICE ON IVEBV CAN, JAR AND PAC/AGE TO a: PAID FOR AT THE CAsHIER's CHECK STAND. THIS MAKES IT so CONVENIENT TO main iRAC' or HOW MUCH YOU'RE SPENDING As y u SHOP _ I . so EASY TO CHECK YOUR PURCHASES AGA' IST voun CASH REGISTER BLIP AFTER YOU GET HOME. WHAT“: MORE, You As WELL As OUR CAsHIEns. Do NOT HAVE To RELY ON MEMonv. NOW YOU CAN BE MORE CONFIDENT THAN EVER THAT YOUR one. CEnv mu. Is CORRECT tVERV TIME. AND THAT": A MIONTV COMFORTABLE FEELING. ISN'T In Vacation Coming Up? Cleaners and Dyers Before you leave, have us clean and press your travelling clothes You'" have an on- .oyable hme If you've looking your best and yodr tune appearance " making a distinctive .mpvessnan’ EVERY "impala MARKET) MI., Open Till 5 p.m. Saturday N-Qwu, Tom!" Gran No Nnhvc New 3mm. Crap, No. t Nato.. N., 1, Lugs, 3w!” " toe and Elaine visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bast and tam- " at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ruby sfem Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ohn Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stock and Elaine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Junker.’ Mr, and Mrs. 0uar .Ettieg visited Sunday with Mrs. A tred Mn'i‘xm‘d' ifiiC6"sear .Ettieg Visited Sunday with Mrs. A tred Weipker near Stratford. For batten: dry- cleaning FRENCH'S 6 or bl Thoroughly cleaned and neatly SUITS SKIRTS TROUSERS SLAC KS COATS 8 oz in: his 1 mm " , "11¢ MN MN Milk Brood Dormrluet-retru, meat? All our meat In In Iklllod and trained to remove exce- mf and bu helm weighing. Do you like the - you nt...hupn-npt.m and qmelent n It should ho? You can help a. all. you At? “on I better in. h dun- " will“ " anything that you don“ like o.uat you think an be lug-"vol. than 'mrmeata...wetsqre- How do you he to In! department I. you My Store? Do you “In the - of Customers' Comer tirst-rltakti-tkrt, men I“ I...,.V......12. l t6 mgr: black pepper 1 lk cup nch dressing (about) ', Wash spinach thoroughly. Use fully the punch leaves; discard elem; D2“ spinach well, then tet in re aerator.“ least one- "tal hour. eanwhile fry bacon slowly, ag,int, ott fat as it col- lects. hen bacon is partially cpoked, cut in small pieces. Con- ‘tmue cooking until gt, Shred spinach. Add cooked con, a ?tilbiisspdori ot the hot Mn s, {vinegar and black pepper. Ad sh2'auteiie, have In excellg‘x: idea or shredding. aey (l,t,i:,tiyotr,',iitrtg2uaii',?i1 cream in ch slices to nab tine even lured; lowed salads or kitted mean my be made. when there u a spare moment, and be new! to nerve on the and th" Je lied men toat is party-ld e for cool Cami; cheese Is an excellent choice r the more substantial summer salad because it gives the “nation ot coolness and blends weAl with 91mm any other toof. . Much of the ounce; of a and depends on the pres-gnu. It i? bet- ter to have the dressing on angle salads, fresh Ind any. n er than rich. 2 cups tra",',', cooked lean meat (beg , veal or pork) Soak sebum in cold water for 5 minutes. add to hot stock Add Nines“, salt, onion. pimlento and pickle. Slice hard-cooked cu mu mg in tte. bottom. of“: wet IE RiG% Gaiit,Uiriir" ""h’ss cup of jelly mixture. La stand until get. Add meat to remaining Jelly mpg- "tieiti.iiir2tttt-trymrra-t- iiiika 5613-373 and" "uiieier isiGiinis '2ed It's: a good my tops: the er. of Sunday's rogy 'hiiii iiiiiiid Tgigigiiellty mix- tum, pgur ove_r em _ magic iuitif "ttrm. Wont to serve. Yieldf six servings. W, WT vhf - 1 lb. trash young spinach 4 slices bacon 1 tablespoon bacon m ktahleipoon_qtatt vinegar , {limp chopped pimiemo Jana um w l tablesp9on gelatine 16 cup cold water 1% cup meat stock 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 55 leppoon tinely chopped fl taittioU1 - ) -- - fi.eop. choppefi meet pickle “I load _ III but“. All. Planning “MUM ANN PA“ MENU Che-o Cake 2% lbs cottage cheese 5 teaspoon vanilla 2 cans condensed milk Juice of 3 lemons Grated rind of t lemon 3 tablespoons plain gelatin , cup. whipping cream S " gelatin in lemon juice. Heat milk well, add grated rind and cheese and mix well. (Cheese would ttrat be run through a sieve). Add lemon Juice and gela- "in and told in cream which has lbeen beaten. Make a graham wrecker crust and arrange in ring teh reserving a few crumbs to; sprinkle over top. Pour cheese, ‘mlxture over crust. sprinkle with ‘remaining erumhs and store in treexingr - tray for atyut th.r..ee E011}; SetoGuer%ttr" Serves 12, 's-ht-ttai" 1%d-msitinttairro [teaspoon-nu: 1btk-toaantt 'ttttttttthtm,- _ Soul -tattne in can Inga, Seee tomato juice. omen mace, and“ Rainbow EiiviifEt,ti7i'sa.'isii'r', Itve6 -tul I intividgnl 3. Use crushed ice in a soup cocktail. We rt ice cubes in a heavy piece o cotton and pound with a potato masher to make crushed ice. t You can make to cheaper steak. more tender if you pour a marinade over the meat and store in the refrigerator tor a day. The mamade is a mixture of ya cup salad oil, My cup vinegar, salt, pep- per, paprika, % tsp. of Worcester-; shire sauce and 1 tsp, of onion Juice. This solution is poured off l the meat before it is broiled and, can be kept in refrigerator for similar use again. _ A . l Hello Homemakers!‘ You will wee that u the temparture rues so the. the waste ot fetish-bk Ioo.d unlo- " can be re rigerated. " I: also true that only with the aid of the refrigerator can shop- pm; be done thnuly. Moreover, the numerator enables us to Work more emciently because new And left-over foods are kept in top condition when temperature IS maintained at 40 degrees, while ice cream and other frozen dishes can he homemade by dialing to the coldest point. Quite literally, your refrigerator ndcb greatly to the delieiouaneas of the tood you --oerve from the soup course to the soup course to the sweet, T. Fresh fruits should be as dry as possible to keep for any length of time in a refrigerator. There- fore, never wash berries, cherries or melons to be stored for tour or tive days. but spread them on a platter and place on the middle sch" of the refrigerator. 1 banana W. lemona , cw 1 cup sugar 1 cup mm to green or red chenlea Green or red coloring Crush banana through potato ricer. Add fruit Juices, cut cher- riem a little vegetable coloring, and all but one tablespoon sugar, Beat cu yolks and stir all mix- tures 1119mm: Place in freezing tray an freeze to mush. Remove to chilled bowl'and beat. Add egg whites, [beaten Iugh the itable- I n o r, 0 into mixture. Mr' back Eta freezing tray and Baiah mung. Make: one and a halt quark. 1. Set a tin of consommé, or a Mr of strained chicken stock near the freezing unit of your refriger- ator. To serve, break with a fork and turn into soup cups. Top with ere; 9m; a slice of lemon, _ 6. Chill pastry dough and coo- kie mixtures to improve the tex- ture and to merge the fat and ttour. Do not let them freeze, but cover and store in the middle of the cabinet for a half hour at least before rolling on a lightly thrured board-or slicing a cookie roll. Of course any flour mixture for tea biscuits, rolls, pastries or cookies can be kept in a covered bowl directly below the freezing unit for a couple of weeks without de, te.tiot?tirlg _in havqr. . , cu whites Va cup war 1 than powdered sugar t quart unwberries t cup whipping cream Beat cu whites until almost dry, add sugar gradunily and con- tinue beating until eonaisteney of marshmallow. Spread in crushed graham water pie shell, Cut her rid in half, reservin enough to decorate top of pie gran berries into meringue mixture. Whip cream, add poydered IDIOT "rd 2. Chill soup bowls for jelhed consommé, plates for salad, sher- bets, tor frozen creams, in the re- frigerator about a half hour be- tote Ierving time, 5. Prepare a simple desertl with left-over cake or graham! wafers with a fitting of soft cus-l tard. a little fam or crushed fruit. then mask the top and sides wtth, whipped cream sweetened with honey or maple sugar. If such a glamours dessert is kept in the refrigerator for a few hours or all! day the tiavors will blend delect- l ttslr-and the cream remains; Tho Ovation Box R.--How often should the re- run-nor be defrosted .--When the ice h as thick as a lead pencil. defrost your redri- (mm. Jiidt'g I use frozen munch I 'rerritwhlclt had frozen try mimnt when I left the unit tymrd to freezing point for 2 spread over benln Becorate with the whole berries, Note: This pie can be made with mun klel g! fregh berries V M do and F 'ihtitrii,1thit 2hiirilyitr'tt (new: t,t'tlhWlt Mic-1w about”_mho- alumina. Yunnan-who. Hi TI. 'ATIILOO (m QIDONIOLIL !!quuot PU Tut I Thr trratie The June meeunq of St. James Lutheran Ladle." Aid was held at the home of In Harold Weiss on Wednesday night with the pren- dent. Mrs A. Rickert pruning. Psalm was read mponllvely led by Mrs. A. Fume followed by Egret b Mrs. Earl Emwechter. s. Huge". Greullch read the manure lawn and Mrs. Wlillam Goettlmi gave a reading. Mn. Donald Icob read a Psalm. Rev. H. H. Schmieder gave an address on "Church Venmenu" aha wmch Mrs. Schmieder favored with a piano solo. The followed communes were appointed: Flow, er, Mrs. H. Becker, Mrs. F. Eger dee, Mrs. w. Egardee, Mrs. A. Egerdee and Mrs. E. Einwechter; Program, Mrs. A. Futher, Mrs, A. Brighton; and Visiting, Mrs. H. Kavelman, Mrs. H. Becker. Rev, and Mrs. Schmieder and ba- by Margaret who are leaving the community in the near future. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A, Brighton, Mrs Bert Chapman and Mrs. Albert Becker, The Children of the Church met at St James Lutheran Parsonage on Thursday night with the presi- dent, Geraldine' Martin occupying the chair. Psalm 46 was read re- sponsively and Joyce Weiss read ‘dlu water begins to boil loin. ett berries were clean they cap I let! at room temperature until Muted out, then use aulhpd glad sweetened on mm: at biscuits, mm whipped cream or thin Uweetencd seam. Q.--<hut chipped ml on a damaged refrigerator be covered? hum your electrical We: about enamel paint for um re- pair job At the close of the meeting Mrs. Greunch read an address and lit- tle Miss Janice Weiss made the gremmapep ot. tuitatr.le gifts to A.--It the “in. Ila-MW “who mummu.m- tte'tag'gtifedicrLeAt 1ut,eiuht'g,ihurtat tuneup“: nquw- 'lsrirtt'%'i"JlAt'lr"llht'ilfll't New Dundee t 142 King West SOLE BROTHERS " In. Ikh- linka- H‘hwnkln Corn-”Ida.“ / M, " . ' V _ a” ' "ia"iii"ii'tT -fj'it; My d ‘ . igh " dr N sl, " Lf,7ii', " , " Bl ,4 Mela/1%, _tJa;sT,;iiiiy I ar V th, , ' _ l 'itgs)i'd I . A""'""; ' 'at',?,", / = / a A“, We,' "I "a It! ' 'Wie'"' NT "W/m w, wa Tux/3 TOUR CIIDIT IS GOOD AT iti) if V F/Q’ 2 _ t , ’ “i Fl 'i,lliflf)/d1 'gr 12.! f ”Odom: "a$llly5Eii9i3]r) Reckless drivmg my get you khan-Harem] driving will. The Department of Highways urges all motorists to watch for and obey all tratBc signs. They are signs of lite-ttue um Grumman. Psalm 67 was read by Mrs. Floyd Myers and a malign- ary hymn was sung by Miriam Hilbom. The program concluded with the 'gy/ag,', a tavern: Af- rican hymn, bt en He Calls Me". Mrs. Clare Hilborn led the prey- er band and Mrs. Weston Senna granted the mislon nudy om 'China". The president, Mn. Nor- l man luster presided for the b i, ( nus period. After the "weary the hostess served retreatunental mu ted 13 her daughter, Mi» Margaret asset. Mrs. M. Dalrymple of Fenwick and Dr. and Mrs. Sydney Dairym- ple of St. Catharines were gush ot Mr. and Mrs. F E, Page on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dieterrbacher and son, John and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher last Sunday. Rev, E. J, Wilson of Tomato Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. R. Shana tor two weeks F, E. Page spent a few days of this week at Huntsville. In C R, Johanna; occupied the chat for the June menu; of the U. B. Woman's “Maury Al- wchuon which was held at the home ot In. Lincoln Cape! on hands)! night, The top: In. 'Oetting Aciuggmed with Our Worker- m m" which Mr: Jon-nun introduced. Reading: gen given ‘by up. Boss Billie, scum I am __ __ -riiriaiiG Strong: Through Pruuce.” he“? an hmieder' led the pie-con- itrmauon elm. In taasel "and In. ttsq Bible the Itt"1 "How LG {The}; ttron' 1pvtule the, {won un- in: tiidG ,9, /')Fe_iiGrertiTGG WM a tsy5s, Ea; Dial M222 than: of this woodwind 00kt. this 3 N. Gumbo Emmi. SH. "dd Carving So. in an ott- rlvo 66h no; he. to every Our- M: atpe.ot-ser-%tt-t.r6. Whotaottrtttreq'witt.-%m vm-tr-tite-trt Fla-I PM m-ux - ”no! {my "on I. -- HERE'S WHAT YOU OBI "'e.1abrrth_here- 'tart..-. 'aa- h an. 26 Pr, Guni- “A coo-s: 'ttrt Nhnmnlonhnhvb. Hanna-wank. b-4tbt-Nehs Madam»... Hon-pom T-au-ttstr. '-o-..tt M's-“vb“ 6-tttoB.r-tM.e. HH-LOI-uu may.“ .7 a 235.33 - A .-» .uti Mr, 951% ' __ - A 'nk [I] 'i'i,)iet(i,iiiri', ',iw',iijl, $52 w, tlt,?.",, P) DC PAGE m if}? 355W

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