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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jan 1949, p. 6

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iijfJijlllrfihl, M MT“ The cushion action ol the spechlly designed gyrator in the Westinghouse washer assures you ot test. thomth with; wlth n mintlnum of went on clothes. Tub ls Urge enmh for the avenue l-nndry load, yet uses only“ about 11% gallons of water for en IVCI’I'C wash. Control- centnlized. easy to reach. Westinghouse "safety sentinel" “manually shuts muhlne oi it overloaded or We! has. Wringer clunot be Mstfted while oremtlrrtr. any one and make next so Mona-y u cuter rush any. Each .rrt.r l CDS. Says Start the New Year Right With a Westinghouse scon's CABS ti " ti ti ti 9 ORANGE PEKOE a In " mu WATERLOO 24- HOUR SERVICE .4 drtaNAtutt0mtttMmtSRhlts- -- Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired YOUNG’S 17 King St. Wert BETTER VISION GLASSES L "i'i'i"'i,i","i!, is Third Floor Walper House Block It will now be posible tor re- m; to be gttttxheee. sane- p . Thin event took place just one year and a day from the time the le, mlbug'm. Purge: hunge- ldred people iammed p “or its opemng night Public School children were admitted dree and all ages were represent- ;ed in those attending. _ From the first public meeting held after the people had made I (it anal-Io m) ‘ musvm. - PuttBvi1le magenta on Saturday nun tuWI . Ion; need to: the peo- ple of We viluee and district Hold Opening d ‘Plaltsville Alena Washer Phone 2-1971 'iT 'Jlld'i from Key! Dundee w on; of {we the {11ng of the PM. ‘admitted par-gm ground the we We epresent- t9yyrtheirNytes,otsaw- ‘plaLtfomg at ceptre “we. . . ( At a i'l?dntitt, meeting of the fBoard H. C. inwechter was ap- pointed chairman for the new " year am”. M. Hilborn secretary- treasurer. The other members of lt Board are Roy Gildner and Clare Hilbotn NEW DUNDEE. - The annual meeting of the ratepayets of ss. No. l and 3 Wilma and Blenheim was held at the Con- tinuation School on Wednesday night. F. E Page was chairman and Garfield Weber secretary. The treasurer's report was read by I. M. Hilbert). secretary- treasurer of the Board. David ‘McDonald. Chairman of the Con- tinuation School Board gave a brief resume of the past year's onrk. Excerpts from Continua- tion School Inspector's report were also read at the meeting. IClare Hilborn was elected to the Continuation School Board' for j, 'hietaig, term to succeed Da- vid_Mte nald whose term had ters MAKEFHEM IPlattsville Men's Club and Doug- las Grieves, secertary-treasumr were in charge. The draw was made 13 Miss Margaret Alder- son ot alt. Skating was much enjoyed to the music of the hand present and the hot dog stand was well patronized " well as the pup at the canteen. The "No Smok- ing" rule was well observed, al- though no placards were in evi- dence. Plattsville people are taking no chances of fire Weir he! arena, 39 smoking 3 91:00; The arena's surface is 70' x ‘ments, the twin event beinf one 170' with a 32'x 140' curlingrink which it is anticipated, will re- at one side. quire the suport of every citizen There are four dressing roromsforttar.ti.zat?yt and industry in the and a canteen on the main Boor myyicipiuitv, and a furnace room in the base! Planning has been under way ment. On openin night the for .somt tytths. A {gonga of Plattsville Men's grub was in public-spirited local citizens Ve charge of the canteen. tlrryiy, had many preliminary A. Glendenning was masterofime?tingf and have appointed ceremonies at the public address} "tair?r.ttapd.ing committees, each system, of which is headed. by a key man In the Brst game of hockey veyyyt m. the particular work in waged in Plattsville new arena, which he has been detailed. Jte eree Dick Hewitt, Bright, Plans for the opening of a re- tossed the puck for the initial Won, otmxy in the municipal face off with Clair Banter. play- building early in the new year let on the left of the "Old Tim- have bets? mplem and a see- "trs" and Hugh Hall on the right rotary will maintain omee hours. ‘of the Plattsvme "Villains". . of major immediate concern Cfsta. og94 Chesterfield suit went to J. H. Marne, Drumbo. The .aeoond E,i,z,e, a washing Tttthirtty. to n Brooks, Bright; the think any ivory mantle radio, to Har- vet 830391. RR. 2, Raps. - A Ratepayers, Hold Annual Meeting The Vilhinl’ line-up was: "Sth, Edwards; 'lt,'th? Ed. 'enn. .Gmnenwen Hall; wings, Barrett and iracar; " ternneg B. Brown. D. Nurse, B. Grimes, D. Donn. J.Bmwn. The game of bloom an be- tweennhe married men and _ The draw for the big prizes were made before canard sht- Eel-of 7 BFLGik M __ ' 'lt0orlerq-tenirdtirdo- d the eve-h". entertain-t bemyg.tttPminretr..eety.,yftte Tim-i-o. lheNNdThn-" teamweeetheo-rinnimrtu Slime in line in Ontario-with a long list of favoured dupes. The Toronto Ski Club, 8 Colborno Avenue, Toronto, in glad to give particulars of ski runs thrmWtout the Province. Thousand: of friendly visitors come on): winter to enjoy our slows Inc's nuke nun they have l warm wvlmme! p, D...yahmsr, eierideiit ttt the Quantum." In Ma BI" Maud-tin. Ihr, L%eyeiegorreytdottt WANT ro COME BACK I PRESTON. - Preston Golden Jubilee and Old Boys' Reunion are the major events of commun- 1 it}; imam! in Preston for 194m 3 Inning totthe jubilee, to mark, Preston's 50th anniversary as an incorporated town, has been dovetailed with reunion arrange- ments, the twin event beinf one which it is anticipated, will re- quire the suport of every citizen orttayi.zatiyt and industry in the myyicipitlitr _ _ Oxford-Waterloo Hockey Schedule (By Chronic]. Gorreqtoudmxtt PLATTSVILLE. - Following is the schedule of hockey games to be played in the new Plans- ville arena: Jan. 1r--PeteAtLrirGnVrrew DuydeeLPiyt.syilie ve: Wight. Jan its-sight is. New Burl, dey, Pew; vs.Ilattsvi1le. Jim. i4LPjifttGMd" V: -iiiew Du_ndee;_ 'rigttt v5 Petersbgg. Jan. 'ir-r9eAtruig Gl.- Fdrw DtysdetriPlett.sviye vs. Bright: l Most Canadian shopping een- ‘tms in larger towns and smaller cities are possible because of the presence m those centres of re- 'tay establishments owned aha Scotland requires this weed in large quantities to supply a new chemical industry. It will be more economical to gather than the Plants now used, owing to the act that it floats and so can be harvested with ease. Jam3---Bright vs. Petersburg; Fiattsviile vs. New Dundee. Jab. MLBright vs Ntégdfg Phlisville vs. New Dundee, Jan. it-r-rr/ight" a." iiGrbur, dey, Petrrstrurg vs. Platteville. timi-ttrtaiL-: C'reikuiiiy -f Giid 7;.Prta) gels, to count 'Fimlslr‘éiyr'ialfy“"1'b and 14; Best two out of three games i Wallace Memer, sanitary in- ttlg: said Galt had prohibited ( e mace and felt Waterloo ‘31:on do Jikewise. l To Place Cards Members considered the prac- tice. very unsanitary and author- ized the printing of cards pro- "siting patrons from placing gum under Labia. Plan Old Boys' Reunion, Gnlden Jubilee at Preston Plans for the opening of a re- union otmxy in the municipal building early in the new year have been completed, and a see- new will maintain omce hours. New discoveries made by scientists working on seaweed research in Scotland are giving a lead to the world. On their progress will depend the succes of an industry now in its infan- cy. When developed this can earn an annual revenue of $60 million. Scientists are aiming at accli- matizing a new kind of seaweed in the waters around the shores of Scotland. It is a giant sea kelp, a native of the Pacific, where its huge fronds measuring up to 100 ards in length trail on the surface. Jan. fo--Peierstfurii vrs.iuiis, ville; Ittitrh_t vs. New_Dutttiee. Jan. 2is--tkigitrirsl." mime, Pegersbgrg Irs, New Dgpdee, Of major immediate concern in the planning is the securing of the names and addresses of all former residents of the munici- paluy, and eoeyperaation ot Pres- ton citizens in providing this in- tormation, is urged. where. Scientists Work On Giant Seaweed ' the ruling, audio" -" mu A. B. been teltu‘i: tttitthtt?twiseforthe1969body to tmetaider. ,,_ , _ - teeth'irgtt,tttgjtgtttg Woman-gm _7hejitoee.it.d-iettqrteyr- If? germ- could spread eu- 'i hem record of each ra- t-ptan4ttevemeeroomwait- er_wiil.treWanhythetsoard.. eanmirtrtiouwitittetsqmebr" Hawaiian}; "atte 1ttietutt.t $t.e-i,e?,iUtt Red Shanon - Brian Donlevy Continuous Saturday John Wayne - Henry Fonda “WWW!!!” "A Mom Yonku" MONDAY - TUESDAY "ANGELS ALLEY" "CHINE“ RING" "FORT APACHE" WATERLOO SAT. m AGAIN POPULAR Tartans never go completely oat of fashion; but this year they promise to have a vogue almost 'unprecedented since the days when Queen Victoria dressed her children in the Balmoral Man. The MacBeth, the Royal Stew- ‘art, the Hunting Stewart, the Buchanan and even the tartan 'designed for Princess Margaret Rose and called alter her, are being used tor short jackets and ‘for suits. One of the most effec- tive is in the shape of a "jigger" coat, very short, very full and with a velvet scarf to match one "rt the colors in the plaid tying beneath the fiat collar. The total cost is expected to be reduced to $1,539,000 by vir- tue of government grants total- ling $322,000 and anticipated do- nations of $200,000, leaving a bal- anse of_$l,539,000 to be under- n The emu to the respective mu- nicipalities, proportioned on a population basis, would resolve as follows: Galt, $697,300; Pres- ton, $301,400; HespeIer, $146,400; Blenheim, $36,100; Notth Dum- fries, including Ayr, $146,900; Beverley, $39,700; Waterloo, $138,000; Puslinch, $33,200. FASHION, NOTE.. TARTANS Hotstetter of Baden were in- volved in a serious car accident on New Year's day about 11.30 a.m.. when their i949 model car, driven by the former, crashed bead-on with a vehicle driven by Mr. Michael O’Shauamesy of 60 Weber St. in Kitchener. A plant in Omaha, Nebraska. USA., dries and grinds about 500 thousand egphells daily. The product is used as a substi- tute for bonemeal or limestone in livestock feed, and it is aim used for human nutrition as a source of calcium. According to Provincial Police reports, Mr. Hofstetter drove to the extreme rigftt of the road to avoid hitting the oncoming car, but his car skidded and went across the highway. Mm Hof, stetter, the former Grace Koeh- ler of Baden, was taken to the K-W Hospital with facial lacera- tions but their miter. Mary, age 2, was unini Mr. Clare Ernst, owner of the car driven, by Mr. O’Shaughnessy. was al, passenger in the car a was his, we ml NO. MN; .dayght.ey, months. ofii, Neither chiid irrais Total cost of the new hospital is estmiated at $2,061,000, pro- viding a ISO-bed hospital in de- sign similar to that of St Jo- seph's Hospital, Hamilton. The cost includes 150-bed hospital at $8,000 a bed, $1,200,000', land, $15,000; architect and engineer fees, $96,000; boiler and laundry building, $200,000; go-bed an“ residence at $4.000 a bed, $200,- 000; furnishin $200,000, and ce!intenAes, tihu'i1t _ written by ht/ittty" "Giiifr pahi.ties ar?trtoltr has. _ hurt, but Mrs Ernst was taken to St. Mary's Hospital with facial lacerations and driver O'Shaugh- nasty suttturd an injured knee. The accident was investigated 'by Provincial Constable Len Meyers, who found that the Ernst machine, a 1927 model, was a total wreck and an estim- ated $600 hundred dollars dam- age done to the Hotbtetter car. PREST0N.-(onsertt of rate- mr: of Galt, preler. and n for financial panda»- tion in the construction of a is- triet hospital to serve South Wa- terloo, will resolve in action to- ward that objective being insti- tuted early in January, 10ml mu- nicipal omcials announced hem recently. Option on land, pros- pective site for the new hospital, holds until Jan. 15 and prior to that time the district hospital committee, which has underta~ ken all preliminary planning, will meet to act on the strength of the approval of district rate- pagers: Sailing distances from Halifax to European ports are from 550 to 850 miles shorter than from New York. Heavy Damage Suffered in Car Collision wife and two young daughters, Vtue.r,ie, age , 3:131 Wham: Preston Hospital Io ttrsi9,il6Uili) (Salt, Hespeler a. at ButGiiihGirtiii JiiRftGal. G-ne- wen then played and re- freshmen- served tpet, t)r,itdJt2i2h,tiiti. .udt.siguit%aLiriiriiiiirau , than” on Ute,' u MrdnatAiiar R)- pt,tbt'it,iCrlii'r,vat unsymm- 'er bx an I; EGGBHELLtg V. we?! nub! LOCKS G. L." ITIKUN Tdi'nra" l. t, _rouehtreoveeedarad the powder \h rubbed wen into the hair. A .eotmr_tmgeurrteothiedqr- " condition results in lowered milk production, retarded growth and more costly maintenance Early detection of Bee and prompt treatment will prevent lung m enacts to infects] Inl- ( Numerous sprays, dips and powders or the judicia- 'tgl'; (cation otoih, have been use to indicate lice on cattle. In re- (cent years DDT in the form ofa ‘spray or powder has proved Jtiqtyly elective. _ _ _ A.-.Use in upside down cake, mashed in a mm Bliing for a layer cake, or pureed with ap- plesauce or with prunes. Cattle Should Be Watched For Lice .At this time of year when cattle and young stock are estab- lished in winter quarters, a are- ful watch should be made of all animals Mr slgnsof lice. Cows and heifers will sometimes come in in the late fall and winter in- fested with lice, even though the buildings have beeen thorough- ly cleaned during the summer months Young calves housed during the summer should also be watched. By careful cumin- fallowJ the appearance qt llqe can be detected on the head and neck of the animal or on the tail- head and hind quarters _ Cattle that are allowed to be- come thoroughly infested with lice will exhibit a dry “any coat, 10. of hair “mum in ex- posed patches of skin agen- eral Wty appeal-jam. url! Q.--Why did my candy be- come sugar when test showed soft-ball stage. A.--wrap a damp cloth mound tht? tines of a fork and wipe down the sides of the kettle to prevent any sugar crystals from gogng Pick int? the _syrup. _ A.-Firast, do not allow sugar mixture to boil until sugar is all dissolved. Secondly, a steady boil --not a aimmer--is neces- satto Quicken candy mixtures» - Q.--How to keep Edit from sinking in a cake. Q.--Why did butterscotch candy not harden when we boiled the mixture slowly over direct heat? HowCanW000mhu l. Change your attitude. AC< cept the possibility of interrup- tions as a normal part of your housewife's job, as being called out in the middel of the night is part .of the detor's jobnor walk- 3. mu your day's work to al- low ten or more minutes tor in- terrugtiops in each hopes work. 4. Don't get angry. It's not the inteeruptioh that does the dam- age, it's your anger. So, encour- age the cheerful habit 5. Put your unconscious mind to work. Relax when you can and the?. dethings ca_1mly. JL---The washed raisins and curranta should be drained, pat- teddsywithatowelandtoised with one-third of the measured My ttHn tle.tecipe. _ r. 2-Can you suggest ways of using home canned peaches that have turned dark at the top of the Jar?, _ __ - ing in the rain part of a post- Wig? da right Sa to our y . y your-sell, '4'd rennin calm today, no matter haw maddening the intyrr_tystions an; _ _ _ . 'e"-_htsot'm.T-aohor"'eost-.aa.duauas, th-e-eos-ttode-A-d-ttastro,. endothin calnil heod',eMf'll'de Men's Sport Coats, T 'rouse/rs, and Felt Hats Women 's Coats, Suits Dresses, House Dresses Housecoats, Uni/arms SAVINGS Mon new: nu! wool: about saving: in I and other doponmom. irta Children 's Wear alto on Na following in the Men‘s Shop Aa_reehaHare-uesms--- olication is made at ten to twelve day intervals to haul-e the destruction of any lice that may have hatched after the ini- tial treatment. In summer, with the regular application of DDT spray for tlies both on the ani- mals and about the stable, the application of powder is rarely required except possibly on '13 Duke M. Gat Closed for moving from Doc. 3tst to January Tttt Mr. Hun will conduct his Shoe Store and Shoe Repair Shop from his home on William St., alto on no" lino: of Laundry Hangover FROM HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING ? TWIN CITY LAUNDRY Dial 8-8833 CLEANERS AND DYERS FOR OVER 15 YEARS Who operated his Shoe Store at 64 King St. s., Waterloo Have You A Heavy dolivory non pick up your hallo tomorrow. COMMENCING SATURDAY, JAN. ttttt 3t William St. West, Waterloo E. L. HOUSE CALL IS MOVING Clipping of the head, neck and hind quarters together with re- gular grooming is routine at the Central Experimental Farm. This is a further aid in the detection of cattle lice and makes for easier and more thorough treat ment. calves that remain housed dur- ing__§he _sumxpe_r months. - - Does the sight of u mountain of wash make you and before Cheer up! Twin City laundry will handle your laundry as cm- lnlly as you would you've". WATIILOO

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