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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Mar 1948, p. 3

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ml ow RAM m Pam UK: I!” Afrat IVE 55km: IF "H0. “In on was won PM A mum: Mliltt m Smith Radio Service The graduating exercises of the School of Nursing. Victoria Hospi- tal, London will be held shortly at Convocation Hall, Western Univer- sity, London, and among the gra- duates will be Miss Joyce McKay, daughter of W. J. McKay, East Zorn. and the late Mrs. McKay. At an early age Joyce made hnr home in Woodstock. where she at- tended public and high school, la- ter going to Orillia. She is a West- dale Collegiate, Hamilton. gradu- ate of 1944 and then entered West- ern. In 1945 she entered Victoria East Zorn Girl to Tum, £53. 't $.12“:in 9 pan. Member “TA. “one 4434'! 072 King " We“ at Louisa) 2tthELMgiyh_t- " Kill: West We carry a complete assortment of: EAST ZORRA . Lighting Equipment In [0.0. Block “skits? ASTAR CLEANERS”: a: In. Ann- Bel-nth (Chm-kl. Conan-dun JAIMET’S 800K STORE Snapshot News . Finals We Call Star Cleaners Early d --. 2, ::,.':;".: For Easter Dry Cleaning " EASTER GREEIING cums Cameras Graduate " Hum. . Developing and Printing KITCHENER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kieswetter and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Straus and family of Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Esbaugh and family, Miss Edna Esbaugh and Mr. Alvin Esbaugh of Kitch.. Gii7 were guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Esbangh on Sunday. __ . Mr. and Mrs. Dan O‘Connell and daughter Maureen visited on Sun- day with Mg. O'ConneI's grand- :nothcn Mrs rank Hewitt, Water- oo. The auction sale of farm stock and implements held by Lloyd Ger- ber on Tuesday was well attended and good prices were realized. Mr. Lloyd (:urlu-r sold his 125- acre farm wtut of Bamborg to Mr. Jonn Hvrteis of St. Clements. Mr, Hertcis will get possession at the and of this month. Mr. Frank Elligson of Hamilton was a business visitor here last Monday. Mrs. Aaron Helmuth entertained some of the ladies in the vicinity at a quilting bee one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hetmuth and family near Baden. Mr. and Mrs Charles Kuntzo of Elmira visited Wednesday last wnh Mr. and Mrs, Allen Otto. Hospital as a student nurse and in the tall. term will re-enter Western where she hopes to obtain her de- gree of BSe, of Nursing. Her friends will wish her success. Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming and Beverley and Mr. and Mrs. Ezr, Linglebach were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weil. I" I. I Khuwun (Chronnk Corral-outta“! BAMBLRG KODAK VERICIIIOME FILM For better picture taking for Have your Spring suit and toproat smartly cleaned and pressed for Easter before the annual rush. Clean Out Your Closets Dial 24409 POI SPEEDY PICK-UP SERVICE PHONE 2-0163 There were many Boral tributes, one lovely one given to the Church in honor of the departed. The pallbearers were, Melvin Lachman. John McIntyre, Stuart and Edward Scott, Richard Barrett and Jacob Gorton. Interment was made in the family lot at Platte. ville cemetery, . - of Zurich-,' Mfg-:18 -iihriieATeTi Ethel and daughter and Mr. Stun- The remains of the late Abraham Eckel of Zurich. was brought here on Monday for burial services which was held at 2.30 o‘clock at Plattsville United Church. Rev. G. Kaiser ofrieiated. During the ser- vice Mrs. Rev Harmer sang "Abide with Me" with Mrs. W. S. Fergus- son at the organ and "Peace. Peace, Perfect Peace" was also wig. Those atteMing from a distance 'tte 1hr?ltet_Eckel and two sons Buried Hon. Born on the 9th tine of Welles- ky Township, he is a son of Mrs. Josephine (McCardle) Short and the late James Short. He is aLeo survived by a sister. Mary, also of Linwood. The deceased had lived for some time at " Ahrens St., Kitchener. He had attended St. Mary's R.C Church, Kitchener. Surviving are his wife, the for. mor Frieda Maymeyer, and two sis- tors. Miss Emlin Ronfer and Mrs. Harvey (Clara) Brown both of Peo. ria. Illinois (By Chronicle Corr-deutt LINWoOD. - James Patrick Fhort, confined to the K-W Ihts- pital since last Nov. Sth, died m the hospital, Sunday, at 7 a.m. He was in his gauge”. Adolph W. Bantu HEIDELBERG, - Adolph W. Renter. 73, RR. 2. Salem, Oregon, died at his home Feb. 20 following annillncs [gifting for over a month, Born in Wellesley Aug. ii, 1875. Mr. Renter went to the United States at-an early age but he paid visits to Canada yearly. He attend, rd the Christian Church. _ His wife, formerly Christina Berst. predeceased him tive years ago, Surviving are three sons. Her. bert of Kitchener. Walter ot Viral and Milton of Brandon, Man., tune brothers, Edward Eckel of Kitelr. onor and Dr. Samuel Eckel of Wa, terloo and one sister (Carrie) Mrs. Taylor of Clifford. and Mr. Stanley Eckol of Kitchener, I Born In Groombridge. 213m. she came to Ontario 60 yea: ago. 'making her home for a few yem Mn Thamesford. Station: and St. ‘Paul. and for M in“ in Galt be- (tere making her ome in Preston 11.t.r. marriage. to John Shuttle- worth,, who predeceased her " ‘years ago, was solemnized in ,Thamesford in tan. lr In. Mic. Worth PREthON.--Aiiee Maude Mar- tut, widow of John Shuttleworth, [and well-known Preston resident Itor the past " years. died at the {home of her son and dgughler-in- ‘st, Mr. and Mn Martin Shuttle- (worth, no: Hamilton St., Pteytms, lat 2.30 this morning at the nae of in Mrs. Shuttleworth had been ill 'tot, two year}. PLATtMLLE.--Word was re- ceived here on Friday at the death of Abraham Eckel, formerly of Plattsville, in Zurich in his each year, Mr. Eckel, who spent most of his life in Plattsville also lived lust winter at the home of his sis- ter, the late Mrs. Christina Stemm- ler, Plattsville, moving to Zurich any her (length in the Pterpryte.. - _ -"- W- V". .r--.... During his time he lived in Plattsville he operated a flour mill for manv years. He was a member of the United Church and held a nu_mber orotricrs in that church. a'h"ui'Fré'u1TtrTGtll= “Ari. a s'.",',:,':' . 'iit'l'i'bltEN't'gtn PLATl‘SVlLLE Abraham he“ I" Ciro-tel. an.” " In. It Bar-c (Chm-Inl- m3 Obituary Death. Birth. trd'tt tk'.i'lliut'itil ' mum sulliiii,,ti.r'i'itie, li', Iq-trl-II-------------..-.--, LiWriGiee, I Marjorie lawrence, Metrolpolihn Open Stag, will appen- in omto " the Maple but Gardens Sun- day, March 21st, for "Timm 'a All Star Eater Party", e 'itii,llr('ii? formance in aid of Ontario's rip- pled Children. A polio victim het- melt, she accepted without halte- tion the invitation losing without fee on behalf of Ontario's crip led children to help boost Eater gm] Sales Amongst the Canadians headlining the some bill are Hart Kenney’s Orchestra; Gregory Clerk and Jim Prise; Wm end Shuster and lia,mue.1., Hetsgnhong. Lucio "Met" Opera Star To Sing at Benefit With the heavy min of Monday much surface water covers low-1v- ing lands. One of the streets in Plattsviile is quite Booded and re- sidents are not able to get to their poultry how in some pub. -Mr .and ME; Clair Harmer and btiNri','.gi."i 1i'it'p'atgitN'g Mr. an rs. . Harmer n - with Mr. and Mrs. Jana. Harmer and Mrs. Reba Sherrer and sister Milt F sumac. Gale Mr, and Mrs. George Harrison of Alaska are on a visit at the home of their grandparent. Mrs Jane Calder. Accompanied by the latter, they visited several days at Crims- by_§nd Byrliygtoty, _ -- The Piatlsville Club is to be con- gratulated on the choice of prizes which consisted of Kenwood blankets, card tables, Conee perco- lator, etc. AUTO [OMS 'so to $1500 to; 4th, R. Bakterrhritw"iG, class a; Sth. G. H. Lawrence. Ayr, 2 wins. plus 6. ---rt syreseiiira"rTtGifti 'dh',',",', high, 2tttPgg of MW!!!” " em as): you need it . Car Icy-h - Need to " up your ear? Or need new Hm? Get can here. . I“ You M~We an ttrt-eg {out buyer If he Inch m) nah. 1nd Drumbo New.“ In u event. The winning rinks were skipped by: Ist., George Thomson Ptattsvine, , wins plus M; M. R Donn. PUttaville, 3 wins. plus in; Ity. 1Pru.Cu.rttAt2 wins. plus MRI-cum mum flan-1*“... tar-2mm»:- The Plattsviile Curling Club held their annual bonspiel In the Ayr rink on 121"t,tN March 3rd, Six.tetn rin_ks frorrh _ staying. Ayr Mrs Deer. ttiietiineF. Plunvillo Club Held! In.“ A number of ttien4a and neigh- bors were unnamed on Wednes- dgxyvegng._lych " a; the home euchrq wetr.e Ftteved. sun. Ronald, Terrence and iieit were Sunday visitor; with Mr. and 3119. When and Mr. and Kaiser played I piano duet 2e, laden: me'.' wu then gun; st umotous mam; was ven y Joan Sch-me. T.tse roll curv- In- swered by giving the name of a missionary uni where he works. The mixpah benediction cloned the meeting. .1th Thomson comincted two um lunch was served by the hasten. In Kaiser and Elen- Y‘mu . mmmdmw» am You“ W 0-h- wuhldu but?!“ ',thi-,rh*tsviurmsrAtiiruaTC 'Sfffie a... -Fiiiraiifdi "Tn-TE" a; 'tmtMiypirets"kih-.iEuia' y and“ m a ttte (but At the Conny that like: to my "YM" You Drive Your Car-while you my on your Joan. Elm" gamma: may boriod i; $35.15;; on full [him-am coverage 'llYUtu." 10041 In. DITA!" u. even 'ttit I? iar"Gr not fully pd . m um" will ©n"-:-NN an by anniversary ot for Fridge qua 330 Mm. A. It. Peebles. the president was in chage of the business The Ode and opened the meet, ing. The roll call was responded to with a good Irish joke or humor. ous nyin . The minutes and mail were real The treasurer gave her report The telephone parties held in February at members' homes were well attended and the net proceeds were $4105. Mr. John Leith. work convenor. tl',',',', her report. A box of chil- ren‘s clothing has been sent to the Walker family in London, England, Fine 1mm have been com leted and with a §uilt made by 'lfll la- dies of SS. o. 21, val be sent to the Red Cross head rtem in To- ronto. Mm Lelth 330 reported of having received a letter from a family in Sweden. thanking her log-lowing they had received. The district {Infect will be held here in the n ted Church on Thursday. March 18 from 10 am to 4 pm. Members of the St. Ja. cob; Wellesley and barking branches are expected to attend. Ten dollars is to be donated to the Canadian Afpeal for Children. Mn A. R. Poebmand Mrs. C W. Wilker were reelected to tho Me- ml Park Board for the- yen: The district director reported that the district annual meeting of the W. I. will be held June 8th, funicular; will be given at a later Mm P. H. Schummer had charge ot the Current Events Vocal duets wareJSwn by Nelda Giese and Doris “her aeeornpttnied on tht guitar " Jean Iron, The convent»: of the standing committee are reminded to have their report mdy for the annual med!“ which will be hold Mu the meeting cloud with the Na- tional Anthem. The henna Ind he uni-um and mu A-very iiiteiGiirk%d irvatrur, tive it" on soil eomrersnttitm '- ”veg: I Mrs, CC, MrKny Miss Mrs C. F. Vetter of Kitchener was a caller at the home of Mrs. G. G. Mauser on Monday. Mrs B C. Boyd entertained a number of her friends to quiltings at her home on Wednesday and Thursda of last week. Miss Jyetret Mauser spent Friday afternoon with her cousins. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Current of Kitch- ether. a”: bi Mn, J ’C 'hi; Do e ’31; The March meeting of the " men's Institute was held Tuesday night with Mrs. John Leith as hor tess Twenty-three members were pr81rent. diy, Mr. and Mrs. ll Lantz and daughter of New Hamburg were guests on Sunday with the latter's gamma, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Koo- Miss Jetret L Manser was the guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beggs and Mr. and Mrs. Stan, ttr Gordon of Millbank on Saturs ,,,,_____ ___ ....,...-. - ”mu... Mr. and Mrs. Sam Koebel spent Sunday with the letters mother in Elmira, who is very ill. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Goes and sons were the aguests of the tor- mer’s parents, r. and Mrs. John Go.og of Illtste on _Frid_ay. - Miss Eileen Von of Kitchener was a week-end visitor at her home. Mr. Niet Thompson spun! Thum- day and Friday in Toronto when he, ttteed,ed. ..his Inothgr's funeral. Mr. Wesley Rosger of Elmira spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, A. M. Ament. Mr. Fred Savor of Kitchener was a weekend visitor at his home. Mn Harold Decker: was a guest on Friday evening with friends in Waterloo." " lb. "tret Inn. {Gin-hi. Curran-d...) LINWOOD SPACE DONATED " THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . . . You become a partner in nil the missions of mercy carried out, in peace as well as war, by Canada's skilled, devoted Red Cross workers. and water safety. You operate Red Cross Lodges at Military Hospitals, so that wounded veterans have 1 plane for recreation and for receiving their relatives and friends. "ill “If! to the Cnnndinn Red Cross enables you to bring up, qatatttsrt- life itself - to the needy nod the stricken. When dilute: strikes, you are there with food, clothing and medical lid. In inolnted districts where the doctor is beyond reach, you establish Ontpont Hospitals. You provide free blood transfusions; set up ndditiotul blood donor clinics. You teach first aid, swimming "etrdas Reach out a helping hand . . GIVE to the RED CROSS an n'rt'iclo on roorekotstiootvi0osgodtrr-ivoiotanrtreomsorsut,onk "" GI" Rev. Harold Brose, assistant pas- tor of St. John's Lutheran Church m Waterloo, has accepted a recent call from St. James Lutheran con- gregation in St. Jacobs and St. atthew‘s in Conestogo, which goes into effect the end of May and which fills the vacancy of this charge since early September, last your. Rev. Brute is a native of Pembroke and a last year's gradu- ate of the Waterloo Seminary. His installation here is expected to take place the first Sunday in June. next. Mr. Robert Shoemaker of Guelph, spent the week-end " the home of his aunts. Mrs. Mabel Shantz and Miss Maude Bowman. A large' number of our young pooplv attended a sound ttim, “Gol- gatha" showing at the Elmira leg‘h strlyrol.?rt.ssuruiay pvgning. Mr. Orval Snyder ot Uxenden spent a week at the home of his sister, Mr? Edna Burnett." A large number trom this com- munity took in the Seed Pair and Baez): Show at Waterloo early last wee . Members of the Lutheran Church made up and forwarded a collection of used clothing for people in great need in Germany. Mr. Wm. McCandless, an em- ployee at St. Jacobs Felting tac- tory. met with an accident, causing injury which laid him " work a few weeks ago. " Noni Ital . (Ciro-Isl. M Mr. Norman Wilkinson has bought a property in Kitchener. He expects to move there in the near future Twm thrt lauunav " Dike " Ian AIL-Au A Man and His Shirts CON ESTOGO . . . are no problem to the loving wife who sees to it that Twin City Laundry gets his fine broadcloths reguldrly. . . . Shirts will look like new and fresh as a spring flower upon their return. “IAN“! AND I.” pmt OTMt " m "to”. HIIIMV$ " Chrmilt W, QUALITY CLEANING Dial 8-8833 Next week's Lenten service will not be held Wednesday evening but on Good Friday forenoon when a service will be held at 9.45 dur.. ing which Holy Communion will be administered. Communion will also be administered during the Sunday afternoon Easter service. Give Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a chance to help banish nervous fears and doubts. It helps you rest ttrtter,_and_ftel better. The name For nenrly fkty years wise women have been meeting this situation happily - by Tetting Fleuty M rest, fresh air, who esome ood and by taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to build them up. For the Vitamin BI. iron and other needed minerals in thistime-teated tonic help build up your vitality and aid in tuning up the entire 'r_em-po you can face the future with confidence. Often as a woman Hyman: middle life, her nerves get ' and stte accepts this as a sign of age. But yhy let yourself bummed“. rurrdoin--a so mom youiafi mthout 'aute-ea'tr has in life Dr YOU’RE GROWING O I. D I' Chase" is your assumncr. no ARE "Am

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