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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Jan 1948, p. 6

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"EXTRA" precautions to help prevent the spread " chick diseases through drinking water . . . use PURINA CHEER-TABS in all drinking water for first few weeks. - no rm " memo“ - mm 'EmMENWlt - um In '48 these "EXTRAS" will count in extra profits . . . With Your Chlcla This Your le0 . . . "EXTRA" "EXTRA" care in regulating brooder temperatures. Never more than 350 chick! to each stove no matter what its rated tapaeitr. "EXTRA" floor space, feeder space, water fountains. "EXTRA" fresh air and good ventilation. “EXTRA GOOD" feed and plenty of it in mash hoppers that don't waste feed. What is going to happen next spring, if you flnd that a great deal of your machinery is not ready to go back to work because you neglected to have it looked after during the winter when you were not using it? . . . Don't take chances on your machinery letting you down and losing. not making. money for you. Place your order to have all your mechanical work done NOW. Lit h h ‘t El t . IGNITION WORK I” I- It - no... M WI! We mo stock, nan-ms, uranium mmmons Ind “STAR * LIN E" PRODUCTS . The Top: in Farm Supplies Shirk a Snider Ltd. wstArmiiaoimroaromrtrzrmDw_ q.O.tlltllUWm V Food“. FOR FAST, UNIFORM CHICK GROWTH Star Chick Starter Purina Chick Sultana _',tt','ttuthu, ce-e'" _--_"__ -- MMMWW‘” t?,liiil'ikeiiul1)'ttti'l Now I . For Your Spring Feed Program.' care in cleaning and disinfecting the brooder pens well in a vance. Use PURINA CHEER-PROP Disinfectant. - mun-am ”mum“, There in mm money in roultry but this your. more than over. t is imperative thnt the In“, Boch be kept " pen: reduction. or better results and lua- profits feod our “IO“ "AND" In!” isd . 'ff',',, Tg',M'attftft by ','vtl years an proven y thou-"Ida of disertmtrtatirtg feeders. KEEP 'lilll 1Alflliil t-t-sreadrto "nummhbm GREATER CROP PROFITS [ill] of r,t,1tcttuttetP1'Nt '13" 'Wai.'",'.'.' V a n- "iii'.?'.";:"')'))';)),".;'.','?:';'] tre, I “v.” I 'sw.' of“. but. I. n. a. my Mumnw-od-d ttttrate-tfa- In M of the umpm.mm¢m«%um tGrtiraiFiiitiiutruap.ertelf1t1tyru- inttsepara iiceTitt?,2t,e'u,tttpt,"2el"1ttt I {min-H “we“ . A &"""u_ tt.',ptrdtlTlfe Ltfittguiwtf,', Dl, Itt'Nrtt'u2tgt=tit'iy -iii5ii,rg,tg,',ltrlft m mun thong-mus (gt their Itch-conic“ PEN” mung-Q10: their loyal qt., lo to is, tmahet, Mt: (It, 15; Onions, a; 15, hum ttl Celia. bunch to M; Papa“ squ ,eoch, ' to w, Potatoes, - l tune fih.ie"l,1ht basket, M, 1 it2, RE. .. basket, 45. bag, ' Wai-, A la, Delicious, Inn-2 [ bushel. tr,' Spies Met. 00 to 65, bushel, $3.25; Sweets, We!" M, bushel, $2.50; McIntosh. “in. 00 to M, bushel, " to hr..; Snows, basket, so, bushel, ' M; Rants. I basket, so to as, bushel. a to as; i',rtpitbr2,ek 40 to M, We]. $2.25; Davis, bushel. $1.M; Wealthiest, PgN $2; Blenheim pippins. bushel, ' tttt butter. I pint, 40; Dried tpet q ' a; But- 'tcr, dairy, Ib., , to Tr, creamy, IL, Ti to 74:.Creun, pt, M; SW cheese, 1b., nilmApnlleg. Quail. inirit -diirw rar." hiiGriiGa-togrr- cenuwnd) was muted tttE Thee Whamm- mented that! mypap't he mouth GGG iiriis To? iris ttarsitr . . tiiiieiiidi,iL'ti,gNtgte,'tt, e, ; oked po" ' ; s'tf,l'at'r; guns. Ity, 'rsS'l.'A;'i', as; 'iii;GiTGiir,' on- M page! ham, 47; Smoked 9km ham, M; Spare rib; 4b, Pork loin chem .0: Butt chow. ss: Pout Loin to“: 5'1; Butt roasts 51; PM ham m M; T-bone “at, M; Sirloin. 55: Round steak, 53; Blade M 35: Qabpgges. lb. 11i.iee.tr.e, 13; t5iiiiiiiroiGG --. Ciiittt; lettuce. bunch, " to Ir/ue,'.', hand, 10 to 25; Tumips, such. I to, "LCatts, CHECK, 10., so - - --"' 37 to 40; medium. 'd to 45; e, a: em: tt, 'ttd,','; 2.."tgt “a; ; c en. qt ', ear-o 40; fowl, 38; Ducks. 46; (from. 45; Pigeons, each M; Rabbits, m. M. Butter sold at " cents a pound at the Waterloo market Saturday. Eggs were marked at " 48, 50 and " cents a dozen. Chickens sold for 48, 42, 40, and 38 cents a pound. Other produce prices were: Pota- toes, bag, $175 to 33- large basket, M. small basket ii, tux-mg: be each; eauMower 25 to 40; ca base 20 to 50; “dishes IO a bunch; on- ions 10; lettuces 35 a bunch; beets 40 a basket; celery " to " a bunch; carrots 10; cooked cheese 15to 25 a bowl; cream 30a pint. " CENTS. HOG! SHADY m BIBS! TRADE: TORONTO. - Weighty steers droppetx125 cents a hyiidrledttight lou k r w ilc other killers mined bluntly in the livestock market here today, A good run of cattle sold fairly well with 1.200 head estim. ated to be held over from the day's close. Calves and lambs were stea- dy while sheep were strong. Ptt after being unsettled in price or most of the day, finally closed stea- HEAVY BTEErttig?9WM Weighty steers bg/gt'," $15-$17 a hundredweight while butcher steers went at 13-$16 with heifers $15.50 and down. Butcher cows sold tor 89315-31335 with cannon and cutters down $649.50 cwt. Bulls brou ht 310.5041: and fed ycarlings tlull A few plain smokers moved _at SIG-{13: -__ _ dy. Receipts reported by the Dom- inion Marketing Service were: Cat-o tle, 1.500; cal 460; hogs, 1,130; shtyytapd Wm 2.80. . =... ..- Calves were firm at $21-$22 for choice vealers with plains down- ward to $11 A few mu sold for1$10.Mrt1L50. _ .- . Hogs were unsettled for most of the day with $28.75 being asked, but finally closed steadf' at $28.50 for grade A and $28. 0 for BI. Saws bmuzht also. tlryeeA. . -ddodiGibs Emght $13.50 ewt while sheep rang strong " " $10.25. ToRoNTth--The butter market was steady, with a ttrm undertone here today. The first grade Ontario product sold at the ',e,tt"g,' price of 69% cents a pound. e odd car of Western butter changed ha.ttds Jf 70 cents a Pound. L UNDERTONE mm Trading was inactive on the es; market, and receipts continued " heavy volume. Prices for all grades held unchanged. Some sur- plus beyond local needs were being packed for export shipment. WATERLOO mm PRICES Toronto butter: Prints, “tor-dc 71; 2nd grade 69; 3rd grade ;Io- luis, lst grade 69%; 2nd grade 05%- tw. eggs: Grade A large Ft.wr_PF. .', 45 Grade A medium (tN-te.'. .p.... 61-43% Grade A pulleta FF._.F__r . wwrw.. 41-41% Grade B ".t_w.F_tt._rF__'e'F."_ _.... " Grade C ,,...r...r.q.-rmr.....w'r____. 32-” Note: Prices on farms-f ship- menu are 3-4 cents per dozen be- low quotations given above. To retail trade: Grade A large 'VN' C T.t» " Grade A medium .. 47-48 Grade A punct- P.tFr» 44-“ Grade B w..._twr_r..__.r_r trt.e_ . 41 Grade C _rtrFtr_..r.W__F_"_F..'_ I lupus-1"” "Iii aiir" 368i roibm POTATO pawn Paato quotations in Tot-war: New Brunswick to ath,,'h't - 00; earlou, ”4140; (aria to mun. my we! was tt.1f- iii,ifT,f'iirt"iliiiLiiitk £115- M.i tif" 8130-3275. cal-MI W FerfTairi jiitidif "w "e at truck. 3.1de A it. in murkcb To Eu'mry' shippers on graded TOROI Egg Quotations Hott quution. Butter Price. hi Vim mp: -d%rlrtges'lhlll: 43-48% 41-41% 37 31-3! iiiirGA __ fan-in. “in you. - Mr. Noe-, 'rntys was 'W.” tsrteiG%' m‘w'w Mr 9.2:. m. when m ex- p Mr. Lam Hannah was re- elected superintendent at the Sun- day School mu commended tor his work . the put your A mutant“ “mac in salary w- voted the pater. Rev. W. O. Goes. - at St. Peter's was m charge of the meeting. The January meeting of the Wo- men's Minion of the United Church, was held at the home of Mrs Richard Guam. on Thursday afternoon. Mn J. C. McKay. the president. presided tor the business. Arrange- ments were completed for a pot- hck dinner to be held prior to the Annual congregational on Thurs- day afternoon of this week. There was a good attendance present. since re mpthg is extended to Dr. G. R. ' w o, accompanied by Mrs. Hain, spent a few days m Twin, where they attended the (ml of his mother. In. N. H. McAnninch was m charge ot the devotions. Mrs George Rennie is spending a few weeks in Toronto with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Williams, _ Kr. and Mn Omer Hastm 1 [ling Hag-gang Hes.tlnes tnd Fl mic liar! 76! Listfwet wee Iuests on Sunday with Mr. and Mn. J. W. Burnett. -. The annual congregational meet- inido! the United Church is being he on Thursday afternoon of this weak at 2.30 pan. Prior to the meeting a pot-luck dinner is to be het in the basement at 1230 Sunday linens with Mr, and Mrs'. Edgar Wi er were Mr. W, A, R. Dunn and non, Miss Margaret Duffy and Mr. Jack Wood, all of Kitch- ener. Mrl. W. O. Coos was hostess on‘ Thursday afternoon when the an- nual meetiniof the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's utheran Church was held. A short devotional period was conducted by Mrs, Edgar Wil-l ker, Psalm 46 was read responsive‘ ly. The otBcers for the year are:) Hon. president, Rev, W, O. Goos; president. Mtg. Edgar Wilker; vice- president, Mrs. Edmond Hoizschuh; secretary, Mrs. Milton Glebe; treasurer, Mrs. B. Giese; auditors, ‘Mrs. William An and Mrs. Jack Deckert; social committee, Mrs. William An. W E. E. Jones and Mm. W. O. 6005; ftower and sick mace. Ev. W. O. CoosyMss. M. Glebe, Mrs. William V011 and Mrs. August Holzschuh; funeral committee, Mrs. John Koenig and Mrs. C W, Wither; quilting com- mittee, Mrs. C. W. Wilker and Mrs. Jack Pechert.. There was a good lattendnnse, preent. Miss Helen Karley of the Strat- ford Normal was observing and teaching at the Macton Separate sctyyrl luring last_week. .- On Sunday, January .18, the Sacrament o the Lord’s Supper will be held during the afternoon service at 3 pm. to be held in the United Church. Sunday School at Mrs. Henry Bartley returned to London on Sunday at!” spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs, John Beckett and other friends. Midi. Jerome Knrley of Kitchener spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, am} Mry. Jgoegh Satlet. _ A. "ifs: John Leith was a business visitor in Kitchener pg Thursday. Miss Mary Friedman of the Strat-d .2dU.L'.== Pr..P' V Ti.i.i= CL-r-Ti-.--.-,.- ford Normal was observing and; A. B. Banana-um. Auction-c 'tttle, at thle Linwood Separate l pm 4.4510, KIM se tiring ast week. Saturda Januar . I ' y 17--Furni ws,f,t,t,..,fy,nd9s,Pn,e,a..T, '13:.an 1:159, t)reel'lr'ng, Etc" MarAet J8dg. in S, J. Martin of London wiv: a business visitor here on Wednes- day afternoon. Service in 'St. Peteé's Lutheran Church on Sunday, Jan. 18, will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday School at Mrs. A. M. Ament and Miss Jen-ct Mauser spent Thursday alternoon in Kitchener on business. Mr, LeRoy Krau spent the week- end " his home in Kitchener, Mr. _and_ Mrs, Signley peqhert zpent Sunday with friends in Low on and St. Marys. Mrs. Henry Bartley and Mr, and Mm. Jack Reckert spent an after- nopp regent) i_n Elmira. Mrs. W. O. Goo: was hostess on Tuesday afternoon when the udiee Aid of M. John's Lutheran Church, Hansen Road, held their January meeting. Barn Fire Loss $20,000 WELLESLEY.---A barn ttre oc- curred at In farm of Jonathan Kuepfer. we miles west of Wel- tfig on the Hampstead road early Bu ny morning. It was the lar- geat barn In North Easthope Town- ship and contained 80 tons of hay, between 3.000 rad 4,000 bushels of grain. a lax-p quantity of straw, ll and of came. one pig, a number of chickena, an assortment of im- t,lr',t,Qtt,,teThg,T,ttgl . 'd"e,- " mac e. " wan on A straw shed and pig pen also burned. The family was awakened bf the ftre Some time after mid- n ght and it was then too late to save the stock or machinery, No can-e has ham diacovmd but the Iona In partially covered by insur- ance. Owner f,'f4tt barn in EHIS Mc Laughlin ot' turbo. piid,N aiioatr; at yin-old In“. Mar, Gull. on: About " - mixed hay; " babel: will“; about 800 bushel: mixed gmin; some corn on cob. 1m: Maasey-Harrtd 6-tt. under; {Hoot ideal mower; Mason ll hoe drill; M-H " apring tooth cultivator; Cas outthrow dire, nonr- ly new; rubber-tired argon; Wood. chopper and Hg HP ar mule spreader; 2-horse corn cultivator, M-H IO-ft dump rake; tooo lb. scale; 6 sec harrows; , furrow walking plow; single plow; l-honie scuirler; wooden land roller; aet bob sleighs; cutter; hay rack, near- ly new; wagon box; gravel Peg M-H hay loader; (sunk: mill; root pulEer; hay rope and ings; nook rac ; pig crate; stone boat; Rul- frew cream separator; milk will; emery grinder; sap pails and apnea; also sap barrels; croucut law, 6- l; wheelbarrow; carpenter bench with vise; carpenter tools; forks; hoes; chains; doubletrees, etc. Houuhold Enoch: Kettle stove; Iron kettle; new combination coal and wood parlor heater; %-steel bed with springs and mattress; also dresser and wash stand; oak dren- er; ehild's crib; a few tables; lounge; lazy-boy chair; few rock- ers; few kitchen chairs, and other Items. _ this sale, EDWARD GEMEL. AaMrthtt- Photo m. a: January 20, Tuesday, 1 Fm.-- Tractor, thresher, implements, live, stock. feed, etc., for Simeon Burk- hart, 7 miles northwest of Flora- dale on 8th of Peel. Fchurary IO, Tiusduy, 1230 gm. __ Ayrshire herds of cows, hei ens. tractor, implements, hay, etc., tot Mrs Stoltz, 2% miles south of K-W Hqfpital oula_sgow. St. -- -- -- ijstoc'k, ir'nglemenis, feed, he, for Mr. David owman, 157 miler ir-dm iire%id "on Kiteheiterrdueiph Highway. -- -. . A a”. February 26, Thursday, at 10.30 ann-Auction sale of 200~acre farm. tractor, throsher, imple- ments, feed, livestock and fumi- info for Mr. Johmn Heiter on the farm ‘J, mile south ptst., Clemeqts. _ March 2;Pény Woods. 2 miles north of Cione_s_togo‘ _ -. . February 4, Wednesday, 2 Pan.-- Dairy cows, fat cattle, calves, pigs, etc, at the Waterloo County Live- stock Exchange for Elum Martin. Mill St. Limits, Kitchener. - __ March 3, Wednesday-Clearing auction sale of tractor, implements, hvvstoek, furniture and household goods for Mrs. Oliver Martin on thmfm'm situated about 2% miles northeast of Linwood or 3 miles wcst of Hawkesville. Frbrual’y 18, Wednesday, ttsol pm.-Livestock, implements, My] grain and furniture for Israel Bru- l bachor. Id mile west of Yatton. 2i miles northwest of 'lvfatlt"t,it) Lot 17, Con. 3, Pecl Tp. A l March 17, Wednesday, 9.30 a.m.1 -For the late Isaac Bowman estate‘ 3 miles west of Floradale, Lot M, Con. 4, Wednesday, Janus? 21 at l p.m. -Farm stock, imp ements and tved for Mrs. Milton Hofstetter. 2 miles south of Breslau. -Farm sidck, powér machine? "tyrlemtnts,_ftrcd. anl ii'iiii;iiiGhl effects for 'Ephraim Knechtel, bt mile east of Mannheim. March 4, Thursday - Holden: and Jersey cattle for Clare Hilborn. :1“: miles southeast of New Dun- ee. _ February M, Saturday, 1 p.m.-- Furniture, etc, m Market Bldg., Kitchener. Wednesday, February 25 at IMO pi-Farm stock, i"at"i't,'gt. fwd, etc., ttNorman] ilkinson. - March 24---Mrs. Wendell Martin, “a mihs east of Elmira. March 17, Wednesday-Meme, cattle, farm stock and imlglements tor, Leonard linidvr near- slim. Auction Sale Lists March 18, Thursday-Farm we} and Imglements for H W Steva- nuAat, lppm_ingd§lo _ _ March " Wednesday-ge- cattle and farm stock, implements and feed for Frank J Cote, , miles s: uthealt of Guelph. ANGUS B. MARTIN. Am March 23, Tueaday--Farm stock Implements, feed and GGGai efteeta for Mrs Wendell Martin, % mile out of Elmira Friday, January Mr-Livestock, Galt Livestock Market I lg 7 miles' northeast of Congsgogq. Eat. ot Milton Hotmmr. Mn. K nechtel " Mannheim January " Saturdny, at I 'Nm.-- Household effects. furniture and ran] estate for Chris Kropf on Hu- ron St. New Hamburg. - -- Tm: Cash. Try and attend LLOYD SW11. Chi. . A. B. BRUBACHER, Auction. Jnnulry tl, SMurJay. at L” p.m,--Mourehold ctteets, furniture. etc. in basement of Ki‘che-er Mur- kn Banding. February 5. Thursday. 930 am, Farm stock, implements, roduce Ind rtoutathord, efttrct, for Ephnim Tho high record u made by Clenrview G1egtrut--l11916--a Jer- ky cow owned by George Cole of MI“. Ontario Gianna com- Noted, on an-timou mum. . FLb'ruaky 24, Tiiesday, [2.39 pim Ihursday, February 5, 9.3.0. Ban. A.B.BWtDER.Ju.eS- I. H. TOMAN. Auction.- ln Dun... PM I. A. It, m, Anglia! Medal of Merit record of “.712 lbs, was completed m 305 days M milk and on lbs {at his record makes it all the more maul-hue. BANK or MONTREAL Waterloo Bunch: E. B. LAVELLE. Mung" charges, too. backlog of tee that you TIE IE“ “III I “I " - “MY BANK on that your War Savings Certificates are beginning to pay off, why no: keep thin backlog of seoerity intact. Use this money to acne a "Fund for the Future" - I welcome asset in time of opwnuniry. a ready resource in time of need. PEACE'I'IMI _ O BACKLOG . . o (464 may - 4 Here 5 a way to rnsure that this money you've already saved gt doesn't slip through your fingers. Endorse and mail you! maturing certificates, .1» described on the back, to Ottawa . . . then, when you rennin your cheque, place it in a B of M Sub. Account. 'eaer still - let the Bank of Montreal (it can of all redemption details. just Mil. all your War Savings Certificates to your nearest B of M branch. As each one (one! due over the next few years, we arrange to get the cash for it and credit its full ha value (which includes the interest) to you account. Under this arrangement, there's no and for you to go to the fuss and bother of endorsing each individual certificate will! Bank will attend to this for you. 'ou’ll trod this service “fill save you (I... trouble and worry. And while your Sav- .7 backlog of security today is your gun.- tee that you will get the things you and tttost tomorrow. Hold on to it - add to k inst Account is bowing - your Wu savings Certificates will be in safekeeping. You’ll he surprised It the - and do a real dollar-building job for ID future. We'd like to help you plan this. just bdeq in your War Savings Certificates now . ' ' we'll do the rest. If you Inven't a savings account with q we'll gladly open a special one for m maxim

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