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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jan 1948, p. 8

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" Hugh] To Marin Own " ihTEiiriGirti, LTLaa shin; ot hag-W gowns! is unauth- ing wee to milk (or its own use. 8352??” er, said thu_und.eetA: "â€" Lirrikhi; Lission had been re- ceived gum the Ontario Drqtart ment of Health. "We expect by the ttmt of the year to be able to pasteurize all milk, cortsumetthere daily," the ad- The peerent daily consumption of milk at the hoqtital b so gal- lonsadny. At-uxthalfoethis amount is pasteurized by the new equipment. mihistmtor said. The my tion equipment was installed in the (21le the 'ir'iii'i'iiit m" * m 'atM8tf my.” BlllE ‘ BIBBIIII 'iijjljiijiljii: ll Kuta" It“. If TIE Mill’s FIE“ “HEB 471m...“ Mercury Wrong Beat, Chum- Try This. By Gum- 7'1“” tg . ”WW” l JT .1, _ :sz..'1'7“3:=3‘ . ME n , " - . a , B4 EMI, - _‘ 'l "it tri,i,i'v.ii"jii"t,'.; st'.?.:. Gl . . Tkr?:) fER'tis?. . =...= . 2Et, 'f?jijii':fijsj, ==', - ss"'; (::fy.?i'i',is. 7; 5: , we; l 'r')':),",:.';,-)).',',,)':,": 5;”; r'., "; '" k Ey'kfi",t:i. -T- , ... We have 14 factory trained mechanics on our staff Who are capable of giving fast 1nd efficient service on any make of can Driver, spare that helpleu car Save your elbow grease and hammer Which has taken you so far When your engine starts to yammer If you kill it, you'll be sorry Bring it in - we‘ll fix it so When you want to ride tomorry! You'll be once more on the no. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL CARS AND TRUCKS Stevens Motors , .7 . Free Eula-pike .Cune 11mm 6.01 but. aid _ V 'tttrg'ahUMl'g'ftg hub; oe a“ to as 'tttttttlet" Hal-"hm u deliv- -_1.i-!m ., 'a8rt,','a' 'lte: ACCIDEN'IS DON'T CONSIDER YOUR CONVI‘NIENCE . F . BM we do-- 1G"diraaTiiaTiiii. “laid the it-ttr-qs-tmph-ruin," 2iifa?ete,tfaTi,Uttrl “(during and-gnu“ I t,ttuTthnttt','hu'lTiltrl. Emmi-metam- 1eiad.t mum tynmdud tho.ewhodasimto t',tltrtr,i Mauritan- tamidi----a1it-epow- 'ieHttl int-demanded-return to the economic anarchy ot pri- wgwm-. - . -iise"ea"iaiiive edbet of tttq 'Nti-trqnre' removal ot controls T,2","ftpt w 1lltttlelh,'a1 w C 'ttod and 0mm “vane than than“ pen-hm government 2iei faiuii ir, car. A'!ew man- atted with the aid of horses to ar- lnve at their [wines during thy ultimately be rettected in the loss of marks: mung hr the farmer and in physical 'ontion of a lame pen-venue of the population. "Kin-ii in} Vit do” at any nation must be the primal well- being ot its citizen. e restric- " It. I“ - land-lo W) Several who spent New Year's Day out ot town were unnble to return to their homes that night by car. They were (weed to s end the night where they were In; re- tum next day by train or_wai_1 tteine at its citizen-C The restric- tlon ttt commotion of fools will}. b.iwittrams is spending a couple of weeks at her home in Tall-onto and with friends in Oak- tr e. -iiru. John Beggs was a guest for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs Albert Stevenson. of f2utrlph. Mr. K. M. Williams of Waterloo was a caller on Tuesday 'iiiiiiiiit at the home of his father, Mr, D s. Williams. J Mrs. Stanley Gordon of Millbank Spent Saturday evening at thl home of her aunt, Mrs. G. G. Man, aaiuGFaiau in!» the intenw cold, mutant! many difficulties Were trey. atrf.ye.d home ' Sunday gu.tsts, at the Lutheran; Guest speaker at the closing parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. W. banquet of the course, he advised A. Gods were Mr. and Mrs. Johnjme group that they must ”way-s Goos and Mr... and Mrs. Harvey {be students of agriculture "for it Goos and famlly fy Preston. is continuously changing" and they Mr. K. M. Williams of Waterloo should keep contact with ricut, was a caller on new)! evening [mm representatives am? the at 2y.r. home of his father, Mr, D O.A.C. in solving problems. In the S. William; I world of science and on the farm Service m St, Peter's Lutheran of the future we can expect acces- Church on Sunday, tith, will beisories and development to go held at 3 pan. Sunday School at ( along at a rapid pace, he warned, t Kim. land told them if they expected r. and Mrs. John A. Crawford I plenty of money and an easy life of the bounds)? west were guests l they should not get into farming. of Mr. and rs. David Reid of? “In the farming at the future Perpbank o9 Ney Year's {1932 - rmpntal laziness will he a qreater Cecil Wilker was in charge of the devotional period of the Lu- ther League meeting held on Monday evening in the Sunday School room. Ruth Koenig read the scripture verses and Nelda Giese led in prayer. The 10mm?- sented was “Learning The sons of the Years". A discussion fol- lowed. The president presided for the business. It was decided tc hold a Valentine Social in ConneC- tion with the regular February meeting. There is to be an ex- change of valentines. A hymn and the Lord's Prayer closed the meet- Mr. and Mis. Roy Schleuter and Joan who spent a few weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schlueter, have returned to their home in Millbank. ”AW; - It ' on“. will out 0mm: no " n or Inner LINWOOD WE HAVE 24-HOHR TOWING SERVICE d o') “In the farming ot the tttey ba krmental laziness will be a greater l detriment and should be considered 2 L u greater sin than physical laziness.‘ , an',The important thing is not the _ dlnumhei' of. acres worked, but the, 39h ‘ profit realized per man," Mr. Car- tfe,', roll declared. ah.,Ires,i) Farming would provide reason- _ [ able security, but to gain happiness 'e 02" and satisfaction one must enjoy the F Lu, l work. “If you watch the clock you onlwm get tired of farming, but it nduy l you are out to build up a herd. or read uin prizes with produce you wilt lolda I find farming a labor of love." JFarmers Advised To Watch Changes on My in M v. " about 'INT, can d ttn'dtlel vote and the m Ml only Cw "and“ III - proximate so per can: hum The many at Mr. on- ve'r"1'r'r'i3h'i',Nr'llf,t'lffcertti Township ot Woolwbh "ee-tgs tor 1948. are Wuhan. him on tussuccusinttG-qidii_tprdr tenant his opponent. It. Wm. a. Snyder, by. a big majority in - day's election. GUELPH. - Airiculture offers satisfaction and a tipsy life if the challenge is accepted, . A, Carroll, of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, told some 600 young tarm- ers attending week-long mid- winter short courses at the Ontario Agricultural College here. The tlrart meeting at he newly elated council opens at the Town- ship Hall, here. at tt am. am Monday, Jaa. 12th. WOOLVIICH mum mow amn- Winterbourne .... Conestoga m_..._rr."_t St. Jaco s mN..e.e_.... Centre Woolwich Floradale PP. __-t__.. Heidelberg ....._.... West Montrose F» The complete mine-up at this year's Council ist Oliver J. Wright, Reeve. Abner B. Martin, Deputy-Reeve Walter H. Geisel, Jack Soehner, Emerson Dessler, Councillors. 0.A.C. President W. R. Reek was chmrman and music was provided- by a number ot the students, who represent practically every county in Snulhem Ontario. He advised the group to get married young; to develop the habit of planting trees; to take an interest in community activities, and held that lite on 11f farm of the future would be 8 ch Henge. Uncoln KITCHEN]. 150 " 10 " M7 -ss 13 " “with.” M . --tsL-s-va-e-tra-. at tt,llii,"itlhiiti1tiiiit,i,'4 “6...... . inn any 1,etttdt2ltth vu- t pix“; an ttpf, a myth. at but: u the 'ggntd'A'htt't"dthr,'t2t thd'tl'ft,1flt'ihltht%'1i"li whichhubecnvon'y pile. 't'tt,'Mttul'xu"atth'2r. qumastitiearyfttrittermtw being sold overthrt.dmtmarhresue- aeestpurrh-intheaummerand eulyhll. than use no We can“). tggtrdrthu"tPgg"e',%,,t odtthreiii-tetthee- maxim. Ahrthatugroftheriteinssri- Tablet Honors Armored Corps srreuentssrieetottseeemaumereoq- tundtttitthemiddlemnnto3Uti. in} til __ In undue prom -but mgr-ply and.“ his met and would be the real sufferer and would be empelled to an lower prieethanthe-ntNtqNeent price tor butter tat which, it is claimed, in in line with the present cost of winter teed. , winter OTrAWA.--Canadian Armored Corps regiments which trained on the 843111 Armored Corps ranges at Cu emanin, South Wales, dur- ing World War u, have been hon- ored by a tablet dedicated to all ranks. The memorial was recently unvailed in Ctstlemartin Parish Church, Pembroke. This news has just reached Ar- my Headquarters st Ottawa in a letter from the Rev. H, Whitby James, vicar of Castlemartin and Warren Parishes Rev. James was Church of England officiating chaplain of the R.A.C. range from 1939 to MM6. In this capacity he came to know many members of Canadian armored regiments per- sonally. In part, his letter reads: "As so many of the armored 2,t'ett,'le of the Canadian forces came own to the Royal Armored Corps Ranges, " Cutlemartin, during the last war, I mun-e to send you a brief account at the way in which we remember that” Armored Corps, and of the Cana- dian and American armored con- tingents, who served in thimuisjt. Sggtgmber 3rd, 1939-Ma 7th The tablet. Web was dedicated by the vicar and unveiled by Lt.- Col. H. Skinner, M.C., former com- mandant of the ranges, bears the badges of the Royal Armored Corps the follbwiug inscri lion: ‘iln gratefgl memory ot 91¢ l{and New Price Ceilings Rumoured tal was humming on Tuesday with rumors that the Government will impose new price ceilings and re- lax some import controla How- ever, all tumors went without offi- here wax no doubt the Govern- ment would move to augment sup- plies if an acute shortage devel- oped, he Md. pointlnf to dt Novem- ber " statement o the Mince minister to this effect. But he wt: sure no date had been at o'rrAWA.-As the costs of meets, tystter and_tre_sh yggeublgs meats, butter and fresh vegetables mm. to "at 1715:2532: Iegft I The dirGriiiiding price of but- tJ wan: under rt','?,',"",',:')'),',',"' by Ca- met or Send e ce inpati- tion, but are was lh,tigJ.'gi,; of a decision having been reached. More reports swirled about the question of impending action on fresh vegetabl-rtear of which have been shmting akywu-d u the result of the "ttutrterit " ban on US. imports-hut my}: official: said they ind no information of '"'hl','fe'",'dT, decided “Eon. ere wax no doubt t e Goverm ever, all tumors went without offi- cial confirmation as the Govern. ment kept secret any plans it mas have to take steps in that direc- To all of the rumors, the Gov- ernment remained ofrieiat1y silent. In any case, it appeared there would be no action until Finance Minister Abbott's return here late in the week from Washington. Mr. Abbott is in Washington to com- lirte gp,ptii,ittdhr, Canada's Gi'ttyl'lJllll 91mm the US. Ex- bog-'nnbon my: While there we porta.that cpiliggs consumer costs dropped immedi- ately, other reports said the Gov- ernment was bankingI on prices alipping_chk after elr audden The; fue than! that ttte farmer. SCOTT’S CABS 6-6669 "I'll-Whom ”‘0'.“ WATIILOO ere persistent 3 would be re- and pork m1 dyopp.ef in"! pped' immedi said the Gov. hestm's Mayor Requests Action To Dismiss Assessor PREs'HyN.-Dismissai of J. P. Snider. county assessor, on the grounds of incompetence, was sought on Monday by Mayor Wil- liam H. Skelly in his inaugural address following the taking of his oath of ofBce. He recommended that Preston's municipal represen- tative! on the county council press for the firing of Snider. "While I have no personal ani- mosities toward the county asses- sor, it is a fact that your represen- tatives on county council have con- sistently expressed the opinion that he is too incompetent to hold the position," the mayor said. "This was born out by a court investiga- tion. I, therefore, feel it is the duty of this year's representatives to press for his dismissal. “but the general tedt must get together and upe- with a loud voice. A recent surve showed that " per cent of 8dl'liLl'l m in favor of price controls being re- lmposed but the Government has taken no action. I think th should immediately flue contra on the basic commod ties and lub- sldlze wheat and wheat products and coarse palm no that the tne. men an live too." Mn Norm-n "ig,2','t premium of the Women's vbory Commit- tee of the Health Dean. of Can- ada, advocated imm into funn- tion of a Government board, in- cluding comm and producers. to "Hire-h out" the cause of high prices and take new to low!!! "This is really I d-rate Bitun- tlon," she said. The Can-(Han Aluminum ot Consume-n. of which Mn R J. Marshall, of Autumn in mum-l pro-992m. N, cnllod f.n etnetetr "The costs of conducting a court are very heavy and this could have been avoided by proper leadership on the part of a competent asses- sor," Mayor Skelly said. The mayor represented Preston for the past four years on county council. and throughout that time contended that the county equal, Aed. assessment Irv-lat genuine}! glaring inequalities which penal- ized Preston. Refusal of the county to compromise resulted in Preach ttling an appeal. appointment of a court by the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs. and subsequently a Judgment in favor of the munici- palitr, . _ _ _ _ - Dealing with the outlook for 1940, the mayor said the divemitied industries in the munieipalitia' augured well for continuation of high employment. He noted with satisfaction the completion and occupancy of 75 wartime house and the partial construction of M. Suggest Buyers' Strike on Pork ToRoNTO.-utuestion of a "buy- ers' strike" against pork and other food set",tiu,c,trsi, which have in- crea in grim? in the put few days was In ed Tuesday night by Mrs. Rae Luckock, president of the ttr"" Consumers Anaem- ton. The association his called an executive meeting for next Mon- day. “It‘s high time the public made up its mind to do something about these increases," aid Mn Luckock. "I favor a burere strike on articles which have Maud in price. 7 ist In oauttve for bmi. MEN’S OVERCOA'IS CLEARING AT 825.... 38.50. $35.00, $39.50 Regular price. were $32.50. $87.50, $42.50, $50.00 MEN'S FTJRNrfgmNGtr- my small when and half prices in the special elearanee lists. 40 WOMENS UNPUTtRrtD WATS REDUCED m $25, $35. $39.75. :45. WOMENS DRESSES much reduced. BOYS' SUITS AND COATS " reduction: in the Boys' Shop, ON THE GIRIS' AND CHILDREN’S FLOOR - . long list of lucky savings. -huge slices on the - who. to Induce stocks on hand before we make out the was] Ntoe%tahiatg" lists. _ 't 5.; 3' _ r" c_.",'_" w. -" mratrtsrt-umia-rtbatitirvarst- 'd-tet-o-ae-i-L..... Where Prt- Are Going Down mesh, women’s, boyi', gin-10’ and children’s wanking- WoaMtt'titrartot'aetstHrnM-AtAestoee, mtuMbm-Iuy‘! mmyum.~w&cmz '"P3l,jl!llle;a hm 3-3691 King And Queen Street: - Kitchener “is! ttieiikirDuiidiu ihiiu"eoa7Gryti Waterloo County" new 830,000 snowblower was van 3 itir test 9n Same? ale-r5; 19-d- classed 911535 ,uke itil Wilma -- "Ti-515 was light," Mr. hare, mid. “The machine could not be operated at run capacity as the motor operating the blower had to 1231 below top speed The motor have to be eased along for no bout: of operation before it will be and! tor high-speed performance." "We were certainly we!) aatiaBed with its performance yesterday.” he commented. Mr. tinny said the test wee tjufBeient up an“ the him will New Snowblower Given First Test by the" bumm' - ___ Git eountyThumdarnight. than iii' b‘f'ifiii for the neiiiiHrtire 3:78.";66; Thieves Gain Entry To Building But Not To Loot be a tannin; -aiiei' BADEN.-on Sunday mrmtidAte thieves were rump-at in the vile latte but received nothing for their attempts When Shirk I W 1.1m? opened tor 2h'trt, at , o'e on will. we: 1',11ti,u'lat'gtUJ,'t' and made door b: but“ k-airmail iiird pf 'l'id'h/ them-as! in mg!» . FirGiidiiE _-__ --- ___- 1"” ipe wrenches hem to the Il'r'f, and end-ed to Mutt vault by twining a! the on thedoor. Thi1aterwege1eft t/r','/,u'uht,'g,f,f,,ttet w.rench..still ha.r.tgtng tq ttte - where the hands -iaiuaueriid but of course no “minute to the vay.lt mums! _ _ A. Gain... ‘“hahy"'7‘aii JAN. " . n . u L.. ADDED heiNlueWt5Ft' Inc-Au; - mm, Thur. " Fri. " Sal. IAN. I - 9 . " Red Shelton? howling hit about Hollywood . . . Tt. was my» n - teat Very moi-KER was learned that "1uut(0llhir “Morton Of The Movies" “Now Who" My“ within-shy mimmxmua “Wand Hula swept "the Mr. Wed Sehl, who operates a hardware store on the main high- way. had discovered that thieves ha been into his store also during the hours ot Sunday night and it is thought that the same person or persons are responsible for the break-in as the very same tac- ties had been employed but once more nothing had been gained. Provincial police are investigating and it is to be hoped that the one or ones responsible will be appre- bended. Joh- Matt - "(this Morison Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Mame . . Danger . Action - All. - Jeanne: Rott In blazing Technicolor - ADDED LAUGH ruor - Friday . Saturday Your favourite Stars are here in their latest and best yet! lb; Cm», - Bob Rope My Lamont in New “venture M Robin Hood Mon. Tues. Wed. Dunn 1mm Donald O'Connor - John ball Monday " Tues. all AM - Lou Costello “Something . In The Wind" Continuous Bat. 2 till 1130 The Road To Rio ‘Dmrt Fury' “Buffalo Bill "The Prince Of Thieves" Wm ADDED HIT with The Andrews Sisters Ivar, Wed, & Thurs In! uncut» (AMI! Entertainment) TABLEWARE 'ro THE LADIES with Ginny Shams "flit The lee" ”do: Again" In Cinecolor with - John "Milli

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