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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Dec 1947, p. 4

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“it an m a.” Isn't. all“ PI! t'i1ighti1itlllitiSttr'i'ii -i,aldQttifgrdt2l'. =='to"rsl"Ul'l'"ru'l'"lall'. 2th'grtMJ.t'prgh"g/llll; tfa,trtrUtt',gug8tt. up!” onlhcmolhhudlhcan itTaiiCtutstunltfemretIot, Gii%sujtlriutunitvithimtof -iiiti4oGrsirje.imroCtir_te,? iiiariukmuaini-tqttoPrin i?Ita,ijeR,e,t,ueAtegtgl iiCtrrinatoste-tetheir - Etuiuiheio.rdtVdap." _atteaeer.atatuystttttf,t!1-. bus: of Wthammed In trying to sweep Amen and them- ,.siieiffPgttiuet,'.'1teu=t ttttclot,',,',',,:"?,,,','.', Vin; toteardownnllth. undam- = Thiae.eamw.tetuPcr- t,od'ti.iigtegt'2nTat1 We: “animus-Md Whoa." H it the entire “than! tn hip opinion is the reason why that ia nearing 1y no solution to this problem world - Hob Communion was chewed at the clog ot the servierpyitr.Bi- service and mutual when Irv ee,t2u,tththttpliLthifi2iit'h1 a vocal duct Yum Alice Eln- mmandlln. Ore-mun. m m, mung, 1w: yup“, iteitsuerweiichargrott.he. The 'tat', Business meeting Ne the ew Dundee chum of the United Brethren Churches wu held " the local U3. Church PS Monday night with Bu. Lloyd my. the newly-elected mime auirerintep4ent in 'charle. W. T. Woods of Mannheim was Ireland. Quarterly Conference secretary for the year. Good rem were heard trom the various depart- The Wilmot Fireside met at.tlt? Baptist Church on Sunday night with the president. “cold Shana CiEKl Vacatio- paradue on (quiz-an Buy GéSi'éiiIa BM Onion-loud“ ailll)0lii'S GOOD GLASSES “WIS. trmlMBNBgt M24137 '" ..... 1t,arai..m.ir,tr-diag./' 'ict I a "dt."dettMtt'""" if," Merry Christ-nu, folks! my you find this yen one of your hawk“ . . . and with n pleasant outlook for n "my and Prooporom New Year. SEASON’S BEST WISHES taiaattaMaaattaMiaMa', Em _ swarm - '2u'tga'rd'Ni'='rft.r' 'tt.Bnrttrt_t-rettol'ti,t1 veGairtSitui-qiV iiirGrarttGtiir" _-_,,,,,,D.‘ n. w as a. a...’ ttatl/lay'sti ..-. - T'-'-'""." "a,” - Let' FM. Br. 'aee_Pee iiGGriritGitiiWiiiteiarit.hlri Wmnouahnwhchameo! thGu%titmiatpeeiod-olst0ea.d the last chapter of the study book oo_Indu,"tfrerVt.her.'tmie. The pug]: ot the Pine Hill School S. ths, T, will present Thursday night. Dee Wth. A upe- cial tenure of the ev will be a play by the you“ of the tht',"'),",','"','. entitled. ' o Gets the Car night" Rev. Arthur A. Schade, D.D.,Y Huron, South Dakota. who is "e- retary of the Council of Churches of that state and chairman ot the South Dakota World-Wide Belief committee was guest speaks at the Bump. Church here on Wed- nesday night In his opening re- ‘marh Dr. Sehade said, "We must learn to live together peaceably and to eo-operate one with the other. We must either stop light- ingorwewilleeuetoexisttotln all probability if there is another world war it would be an atomic Ehéirannul ectsristinar_txtierrt on is one of the most colourful resort regions in Ontario. And there are island: . . . tens of thousands of them! Culling- wood, Penetang. Midland and Par Sound are some of the helix” centres of this popolas plnyground . . . each within an my drive from Toronto ...ornfewhoursbytrain... I little longer from Ottawa and the border. Like more detnils? Write to Ontario Holiday. Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. touts? B1MtMst is m new: . . . HNt “Y CITIZEN! We Ill prob when the tourist comestoour rovinceorcountry. Even if you give no connection with hotels, oil companies or nmusements. their increased busi- ness helps you. So " in your interest to do all you can to encourage friends from other gem to come end there our nurio Hotidars. we}: 7min, times poo 1e are so bu- sy about Jen- own 'i'llh'il that they fail to realize this peril." r'.i"iaGTaie mad" if .305 -.-. -- - --'-T-e iiiGr7iii0tiiiiah1ttEyyee!?e mammal-4mm maneuver“. F}; afhitgttutttNEittnipq, vmmqhuchuégdl iiias rind 1m 7 000,000 has been and hm and um and rdr.tt,'ld I World - and. Dolo- ta bu and. the loot noon! at any out: in the union. Turn and tom ct clothing bov- duo boa col- ”cw new protect u my bo- mb out, that at lbw nt goats to the starved pooch! ut Europe. The ttmt tum, R'NIrdf, a None" wu mound tunic 1otoranatimt 8rfullu'l'l, and snowed the bombing of Rho- shima and what could happen to such large American cities as New York, Chicago and San Francisco if they would meet with the name fate. “The last picture, ‘fSeeds of Der tmy" depicted in pitiful scenes the starved children ot Ewe and the question was asked, " they are not given sufficient food to t?uild them into normal human beings, might they rise up some day and. become another Hitler, Mussolini or Tojo?" Rev. H. F. Schade who is pastor of the church and a brother of the guest speaker, presided Ne the meeting. The Christmas meeting of St any Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held In Kavelman's Hall on Wednesday night with the tannins of the members being present for the oc- casion. The 055nm; service was led by Mrs, A. ickert after which; Psalm 148 was read responsively led by Mrs Harold Wen». Mrs Alvin Egerdee otrered prayer and the scripture lawn um read by Mrs. Donald Jacob. The members responded to the roll can with "A scripture verse containing the word, Joy". During the business Mrs. Garfield Weber, Mrs. H. Ka- velman and Mrs, Elmer Jacob were appointed a committee to prepare the Christmas Good Cheer boxes for the sick and shut-ins. An interesting Christmas skit was presented by Mrs Hubert Greulich, Mrs. G. Weber, Mrs H. Einwechter, Mrs. Jack Schmidt and Mrs. Gordon Lee. "Away in a Manger" was sung by Carol Schmidt, Bab’rara Ann Einweehter, Ruth Ann Goettling. Margaret _Einwechter and Gloria Nauman. Recitation; were given by Janice iWeiss, Paul and Orlin Weber, fol- ‘lowed by piano solo: by Marilyn Weevil!” Donald Egerde. Readings (were given by Mrs, Donald Jacob', _ and Mrs. Elmer Jacob and a Christ- ;mas carol was sung by Mrs. M. K. Woman. Mrs. Alex Brighton, Mrs w H. Egerdee, Mrs. B. Boshart and Mrs, Earl Einwechter. Mrs Henry Becker read Psalm 100 and another carol was sung by Patsy Jacob, Marilyn Lee and Geraldine Martin. Rev. H. Schmieder gave a reading {entitled "The Littlest Angel" after iwhich a German Christmas carol l was sung by Mrs. A. Brighton, Mrs. ‘A -Futher, Mrs. W. Goettling, Mrs. ‘H. Kavelman and Mrs. Oliver ‘ Zinn in honor of Mrs. August Ka- i velman, who will observe her 85th l birthday on Saturday. Mrs. Kavei- man was also presented with a gift from the society The Lord’s Prayer was prayed ed by Mrs. F.) ‘Egerdu- and after the 5mm a gift exchange was hel and re- ireshmcnts were served. The We: 1irii'ri'i't,',, Mrs. M. K. Toman presided during the evening. 1 The Children of the Church met at St. James Lutheran parsonage "li, Thursday mg: with the presi- ident, Marilyn e occupying the ichair. Palm 8 was read respon- .sivcly followed by prayer by the ‘pastor, Rev, H. Schmieder. The classes m re in charge ot Mrs. J. iSchmidt. Mrs. H. Sehmieder, Mrs. iB. Boshart and Mrs. M. K. Toman. ITwentyvonc members were pres- ent. Dr. The Brst Quarterly Business) meeting of the new conference {dear was held at the Bethel United issionary t‘ixrch on Tundra evening with ne I!,",,',',',',,'; Rev. Shunt: otrteiating. ncouraging re- ports from the Various departments of the church were read. The fol-I lowing officers were elected dur- Ing the meeting: Quarterly conferi ence secretary, Cameron Bock; auditors, Leighton [ Rosenberger‘ and Floyd Sherk: Advisory Board, ttcv, H, Shantz, Harold Shanta, El- gin Reist, Eldon Shi-rk, E. T. Cole-, man and E. K. Bock; charisma El- uon Sherk; pianist, Reta Coleman;) assistant, Armint‘na Reist; usher,} Garfield Cressman. music iroi;iiitii-'l tee, Elgin Rein, Ann Adelle Eek.) main and Mn. Clarence Pfohl. l Miss Maraleen Myers, who was the winner of the saver and Gold medals in the County W.C.T.U. Elocution contests in 1945 and 1946 gave a Temperance reading at.the Lingelbach Evangelical United .Brethren Church on Sunday morn- mg. A [roux from Emmanuel Bible School, itehener, presented the program at the regular meeting of the Bethel United 1'ithtg Young People's Society, Mill Ru Shana. president of the local so- ciety opened the meeting after whlch Henry Miller occupied the chair. A ladies' quartette com- posed of the Misses Ore-l and Jessie Hubbert. Phyllis Lehman and Mary Humbergor rendered several numbers. Miv Tutt gave the address of the cm hung on the theme of "Peace". Testimonies were also given and favorite hymns were sung. The mcn'mu closed with prayer, by Rev ll Shunt: The Public School Chrmmu Concert wnich was scheduled to be held in Kavelman's Han rm Wed- nesday night, Der l7th. has been canconcd owing to gickm _ among the children. 153C; iam Aired It the conclu- uon ot an "In; Members of the tgt Jump. Lu- ther ent enjoyed n Chrn‘xsuuu party at we on un- day night Carola were sung and Rev. H. Sebmiedcr read thr» Chrut- mas story from the book of St Luke. The president, Cam: rnn To- “ In. in of the mm Monopoly V. ' up! r . . -tt7iiutkCihsr -. _ 56 ill.- The annual meeting of the Wel- esley Town-hip Plowman's Asso- ciation will be held in the Hall Bat- (ur.per, Des: 20g at 2 P.."?: . ... By In. In Iain (an-ul- we.” The W.MS. held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Foster with 9 members and 3 visi- tors present. Mrs Thomas Birmingham had‘ charge of the devotional period/ taking the "Birth of Christ" as her theme. MN. William Richardson read a Christmas story, "Whg the Chimes rang." Miss Elsie igam played sevenl guitar numbers A reading "Sharing with Others" was given by Mrs. L. Rennie. A Bolts "Come Unto Me" was sung by Mrs. W. Richardson 7 - A Mm Firman Ward presided dur- ing the election ot otticera when the president, Mn L Rennie was elected; vice-president, Mm Theo. Birmingham; secretary - treasurer. Mrs. W. Richardson were re-elect- ed. Mn F. Ward w” elected Friendship secretary and Mrs. L, Rennie, supply and missionary mtytth1r.seeretary. . .s. . A motion was made to withdraw the January, February and Much meeting. The meeting closed with e Doxology an we; in: Aylmer Bnendle of Hei- nelberg sham an afternoon at the home of rt K Poster. "ME Aiiiim- "iidGi -- - him: with Mrs Addie Patric in Milverton on my”. _ _ _ __ _ -- . The Sunday School is having their Christmas program in the church Sunday afternoon. County Warden Edwin Hahn attended the Wellington County Wardens' annual dinner in Guelph, reieetttirylttteyhto Coyytr.. - tur, and‘Mm MUM Moik ot Tivioldale were recent vuitoes W3? Mr, And In Lomnn Good- w . Several membem born the lar. ther League ot St. Peter‘s Em- gelieal Lutheran Church attended the Lutheran Fellowuhip hour at St, Matthew's Lutheran Church in Kitchengr ottpumHr. evening. ' " Mr. and In Harold Dietrich and children Yvonne. Sandra and Gene of Waterloo m Sunny visitor: with the lands par-em: Mwndkrynx .eemrteHtt . nut. by Mr and In Carl K0111: and daughter C mm. at m" to 8tgl hifi' . - In. but}. in Mr. and In um and unmou- Do.- of HEIDELBERG CROSSHILL I, Mu. no... III- (w M.) I CAHtsassetisthesnkof Montreal family . ' . 8,970 men and women who use working with the million and a half Canadians who bank at the Bof M, T No amount in dollars can ever express the value of this asset. Yet, of its neuly two bullion m resources, no asset of the Bank of Muntrul is so productive " these people who daily .serve their customers - just as BofM people before them have served on every business day Slut! November 3rd, 1817. Behind this asset is the accumulated experience of 130 years. Through five gene!» tions, the experience of the original staff of seven has multiplied as the B of M family has grown in strength and numbers. Each member of this family is a distinct personality thousand of them make the BofM. "To the outstanding mm}, of (7/ the men and woman of our Stair, I would like onu- .5411] to pay um ha“ tribute," said B. C Gardner in , P V 7 his general manasxx report 1) {VOW to B of M shareholders, w Panning out that the volume of counter umsacliom handled by the Staff dur- records and that the Banks depom ucounu nav exceeded more than L600,000. Mr, Gardner described the mruurn Ming taken to speed services to customers and to lighten the heavy burden on the Staff in; the past year M records and that the "We are," he said, “continuing to am out further medsanizatioo in tonrtection with routine (vanadium and are adopting new and revised 'tt working methods to expedite A I: l) business. at,,rdgli, sdat spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Aeimpet. Mrs. Clifford Huehn art a few days with Mrs. Mary urahould in New Hamburg. " N SAVE ELECTRICITY "IE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Of OMAR!!! CAN’T snow 0 o 3 “W: have I group of routine organization ot1icem who visit BANK or MONTREAL CHI II. ASII‘I Electricity is precious! Don’t waste ht Save it! Facts to date show that consumption of electricity has been somewhat reduced by modifUd ration- ing and voluntary savings. The Commission appreciates the effort of all consumers in this con- nection. But results are still short of being enough. Electricity costs so little in this province that people have long been accustomed to using it lavishly. For example, your porch light lelt burning when not needed is wasting electricity. Ask yourself honestly: are you doing all you can to help relieve this situation? Ito mm PM" " KEEP PM ENVELOPE: FILL Continuing defkieney still forces some Industries to get along on substantially less mwer‘thon is re- quired for peak production and lull employment. ml surpassed all ma? 1817 previous “tonna- Ga rdner Mr. Christian Martin is a patient at Jf-tHospital, .. . _ _ . - M}. cidjt?rd Seller‘s of London spent the week-end with his grandmother. Mrs M. Hoerln "As an additional aid to stuff training, we have rumtly exub- lished a school M Ind Office "The organization and amusements relating to the development, the progress 4nd the welfare of our Stolf are under mnnnuom and careful study, and I know "f no feature of our bus-ms that has been gum mum care and consideration over the past van .. . _ .10 my immediate associates . ..md to the entire Staff I woh to express my sincere (banks for their loulu' ond devotion and for their efforts in mmnnmme and un- TE sh-t proving the senucs uhnh we tiiteii, render to our Hummers and to ' ' the mmmumtv at Inge" A I and we hope to “(and this form of instrumon . _ F 1947 branches periodically and assist Null- Bers and Staff in improving routine methods. together, nearly nine Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schlueter were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schlueter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schneider and Miss Sandra Schlueter of Kitchener.

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