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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Jun 1947, p. 3

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Our modern laundry and dry cleaning methods will assure even the most delicate and fragile garment being returned to you as clean and fresh as the day you brought it. [ID-last.“ and it is also the month when young people who at newly married or thou! to be married twelve I lot of advice on how to set up housekeeping the my way. Nottobeoutdooeby othera,weioairingour, little Abit ot mice Plan. with. t.he test. _DON'T spud the pleasant day: of winner doi laundrr and ' ing, when it is so easy to pas-"3] your undry and cleaning problems on to us. Mr. AM In. Char, Alton June is the Month of Brides was AND was POI OVBI " YEARS 1iltt1ittmtliSahtttIttR, m )'tllil'ltl.','T,'/pqt (l.',ir'T,,parp'?,g's's,rll.r1'rll,'1',i'il, till' Mt, Yatowittfirttt-+ va-wlqyttohm 102A Kin. South WATBILOO uoqiul. June x to Mr. and In Robert Tumhutt, " 2. Welles le ' “hunter. nltM.t'rd K-W Hrsqrital, June t, to Mr And Mrs. Lloyd Ream. Beach: a daughter. IA---, t K-W 'Btmqritai, June q, to Dr. and In it T. Lehman. 1” Albert Bt., Waterloo, I daughter. Cm - At K-W Hospital. June s, to Mr. and In Lame Cameron, 162 Caroline St. Wa- terloo. a non B-h---At K-W Hospital. June 4, to Mr. andMrs Melvin Bear- Balm R.R. f, My June b, toMr.aodMrsBdwinEhr,n Inks-Wane T, Donald mu- tsell Lime: of Kitchener to Ruth Elaine Pelt: of Waterloo. D-ti-ith-ua" - May " Hubert Dentin‘er of St. Cathar- ins and Water' 00 to Esther Mu- riel Sutherland of Timmim 1-1111-an 7, Charles Hen- ry Hill. Elan, to Mary Emma Jean Gibson. Rekwoqd., . - 'uid_--gune 4, Bernard Jo- seph Reid, New Hamburg, to Vio- let Marie Weiss, Shakespeare Schmidt-Swanunm - June 5. Riom-Haight---May 31, Anthony John Riem ot Kitchener to Cor- rinle Bertha Haight of Hawkes- vil e. Butte-Mo-r-Nay 31, Norman Vincent Sullivan of Kitchener and Toronto to Lauraine Louise Moeser of Conestoga. Tohrtitkha---dune, 7,, Robert Francis Tolmie ot Kitchener to Marie Magdalen Schnarr of Wa- terloo. Furwii-Tretuin-June 2, Arthur Frank Forwell to Mary Margaret Voisin, both of St. Clements WeiheetrB---Oune T, Arthur L Weiberg of Waterloo and Daah- wood to Bernice Wilhelmine Bauer, Waterloo. 'utexdw.thaid.r-,rutte 7, Robert J. Halcrow of Hamilton to Miriam Jean Snider, Bridgeport. Maehhart.Erd2-June T, Arthur L Hackbart qt Bamberg to Vera Mary Eydt of Waterloo. w--Bo---June 7, Stanley Albert Wagner ot R.R. 2, New Hamburg, to Doris May Bowman, RR. 2, Petersburg. 'ti-DV-June T, Carl Wil- liam Rickert. RR. l, Breslnu. to Geraldine Bernice Dubrick, KR. 2. Kitchener. 'tathhin.-dune 7, William John Robbins. Preston, 77 years. Rrttu--gune 8, Mrs. Ephraim Roth, Wellesley, 59 yam THtter-Mune T, Mix Anna Triller, Preston, 84 years. M$dth--June T, Christopher Mi- chie, Hespeler. " years. Hoeh-dune s, Jacob (Jake) Roch. Petersburg, 61 years. ' 'uwth--June 6, Thomas J. Hawthorne, MiUbank, " years. I I I not. aatt. L'.e..'2e, . The annual 'i',hg,rht,',",al meet- ing of the United rethren Church. which was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Perrin, was Included by some eight members and friends George Karin who presided for the program opened the meeting with a call to worship and with Mrs. Elmer Stoltz It the piano, hymns were sung. followed by prayer and unaware reading by the pastor, Rev. nth Snider. um- bers on the program were a vocal duet by Muriel and Edna Hilborn. reading by Geraldine Becker, piano and violin number by Ruth and Hile{8n§der. vocal duet I? Hm E. Sto u and Mrs. Snider In a vo- caLmlo by Mu. Pickard, A Reports were ea by various otrteia1q of the c urch an followa: Clan leader by James Hope: the '2,','N School by the superinten- dent, elvln Becker: christian In- deavor by Glen iikiGGii W.H.A, by Mn M. Becker; Board of Tm:- tm by Melvin Becker: parsonage board by Roa- Perrln The trunn- er's report given by Myrtle Becker waa molt [ratifying and showed considerable Increase over any tlt Mom “at, ial gifts not lite ud- ed. e Ehurch Improvement "rdriiiiiW.' a"froriiaud ”my.“ hat. W..'Akloo. kFa. iuauacu -duiutl" Carl Jo- seph Boppre of Waterloo to Elea- 90r_Josephine Brennan ot Strat- been I!!! a EV-wlm I eon William John Schmidt ot New Dundee to Ina Swartzentruber, KR. 'f'ttterttturtr. - _ A ed. IThe Church' Improvement Nod, created for the purpose of building a basement wu gently increased by . very tuba-m I do- mation from one of the members. The pastor alto [ave In Interest- ing report been much .ppreeiated were pre- ‘sented with a walnut lamp table tnd lamp. Floyd Becker read the s"i,e4.""tt,'tit,"e',T. Mr. and Mn toll: apt-med their thanks and mad their Mend! they would never be forgotten. Ro- nald Anne and Boar lam were the steamed with In I mu tom the and? School. A noel-I hm- ‘lgroug t wplnunI will. ta a are Invin1 the communi? and when m In the churr have Tif- um “an. arm-m Ir,'nnd Mn. Elmer Stoltz who Marriage. ROSEVILLE Deaths il"i)iiiift.ttifi.?di,'ili?55.' . l . r itiiiii'iiii7ti1itiiiii BI thttttitidt $ihnrtttttat Time m. m.lr-dh . In: of 3m. gumbo-ed Lea glued with low neckline Vi Eh'otiAtt',Pgittg,h't,21rtpt longnylon tntttenseametoa lilyugoint She wore a silk em- bro' red net veil caught to I erownofbeodedpearuandextaetd- ingtolongtrain. BheearriedBet- PrTimear-sdtityoftheval- bride as maid of honor were u blue all-over lace gown with paced sleeves, long blue lace mittens ahd matching held drug and carried a tyy.aqqet otHttureod Me.. Mr. Wallace Reich of Kitchener. brother of the groom was best mm. and the ushers were Robert Witch of Waterloo, brother of the bride, and Mr. James Reich of Kitchen- er, 'rothtof the.bti.degroom. _ -- at the Olde Mill Collee Sh? for tttty. The tables were tasteful y de- corated with ftowers and the bride's table was centred with a three- sto_rey wedding cake: . H _ mini, Git the" weddini Guare Wed}! “11 y, 1P”!!- .of Be let mu Lucille Schenk of Kitchener wu bride-maid and wore a long dusty-rose Meta gown with mit. ten: and headdress to match. She carried Briamiitre 1 as. For the occasion the bride's mo- ther wore a navy blue brocaded sheer dress with black accessories and a cox-sage of Better Times rm The bridegroom's mother chose a grey an): jersey dress with black accessories and col-sue of red roses For her goinf away costume the bride wore a uachia wool gabar- dine coat with grey dress and grey accessories. A mink fur neetrpieee, the gift of the groom, completed her ensemble. During the business period it was decided that the society take over the small plot of ground back of the church to be used as God's Acre. Potatoes are to be planted and the proceeds are to go to the Churgh Improvement fund. _ After a trip to points north the young couple will reside at KR. l, Plattsville. tion Endeavor took place on Thurs- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. Stanley Hilbom when the fol- lowing officers were elected: Ptesi- dent, Emanuel Heintz; vice-presi- dent, Lois Shelby; secretary-treas- urer, Glen Hallman; assistant, Grace Hilborn; Airgun“ Eva Hil- born; assisting C' James Perla. The annual gig"g',',',itr,tt'," meet- ileg o_f the United. [amen flhris- E Heintz 'conducted the' devotion- al topic "Youth in the Search for Salvation". Mrs. S. Sievenpiper of Kitchener spent the week-end at the home ot her sister, Mrs. E. Stager and Mr. Stain: ism Angeline and Sarah Hall- man were guests at the Rahn- Shristie wedding at Galt on Satur- ay. Mrs. W. Netheljvon is coMned to her bed through illness. Her many minds gig!) her a.weedy...rretyrery. Miss Cora Singer. R.N., of Wood- stock spent Saturday at her home here and also was a guest at the re- oeptiirn following the Kylerllnce I wedding, held at Nicholson's Inn, Blair. There will be no Sunday School or preaching service at the United Brethren hut-ch next Sunday owing to the annual conference be.. igghheld at Kitchener, June 12th to l t . Mr. and Mrs. hay Bond and son Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Bil. cox of Woodstock were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Perrin. Mr. Harvey Creman of New Hamburg called on Mrs, W. Det- weiler on Monday. Mr. Joe Barton has returned to this vicinity after a brief visit to his home in Binscttrth, Man. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Schrieber and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Schrieber at Kitchener on Sunday. ' Mm. A. I: Pickard of Bronte and Mr. and Mrs. E Tuck of Burling- ton were Sunday visitors at tho home of Mr. and Mm. J. A. Pick- Mr. and Mm Earl Martin of Wa- terloo visited with Mrs. Detweiler on Sunday. Silence never show: itself to lo great an advantage u when it is made the ugly to cnlumny and de- famatiom-- ddhon. T.he bridgwg given guy by her h magma and dinnGr was held the “(in Milt PM” thn In! - _6iL ' I‘m-liver Pitk otutg B In. A”. “nth /asiti.' M) Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth spent Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. B. Gerber, Millbank, the latter being quite sick all win- tetcis irnr?rpyimuriowlt _ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schwartzen- Huber of New 'Hamburg were in our midst on Sunda . Mr. and Mrs. Meghan Roth and tamiiy moved with their household effects last Friday to a small farm known as the Joseph Yantzi place, on the 15th line corner, which they purchased from Joseph Roth at a sal_e_ recently, - . - - Mr. and Mrs Gladwin Bender and family of Wilmot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Solomon Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuntu of New Hamburg spent Wednesday Evening last with Mr. and Mrs. A. tto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans of Shakespeare spent Thursday even- mg last with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Ottp, Wilryto_t, --- - _ -- _ mon Bender. Mr, and Mrs. John Bast and fam- ily of Baden and Mrs. Nancy Yan- tai ot South Easthope spent Sum daymwith Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Hel- mu . Bende} bf New PEmSurg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Solo- and Mm. usher: Schied'el and fam- ilx..inWiltttot. _ _ _ _ Utr. andirx Em macho It- tended the the LichtyGucho wed- ding on Wednesday last in Mill- Mr. and Mn John Lingelbach of Lisbon and Dr, W.J. Schmidt, Venn na and Eleanor of Kitchener spent gunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen tto. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Face and qurggce 3.19m yy.n.euy. whiz. Mr. _ n, w. 1. than. (ch-Ila). my Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meter and 2lliii Maser of Kitchener and Mr. and rs. Albert Monet of Waterloo (riaiteVfiirftif it: ink! Mn. Mei Mo- serOast Vague-99y. -- -- _ Kitchénef were human visitor: hete on qudny. _ - - Mr. and Mm. Hiirman Wolfe and (omit! of Waterloo called on frien 3 here on Sunday. 7 Among those who were in Lon- don to attend the ordination to the tir,if,f,'g'tl of Claude Smut were: r. and Mrs. Otto sweet and tom- lly, Rupert Sinus and Jolenu Strum “am: Mr. Ward Cockerton ha moved Into the home on m and We! aunt recent]: vacued by Mr. Fred Hellman an family. who moved to Kitchener. Mitt. bee Emmy. daughter of Mn Purl Runneé. fanned u nuns from the mph General Public new attendance tor%e month 01 In In: Grade I ml A, ”.065; , And I. M1$;land _ " A. I. G. but (“In M). The hydro power in New Ham- burg wag " on Sun-1'3. June 'ttt trom0tothS0a.m. I ftorntto 180 pm. M' nllow for Dome new.» Hmpiu and Mia Tatiiieen Hung- ?{erun daughter ','he,','t may uruherger, fun“ from m- mm Genera Ralph-l. Another Ett"d of Hamilton General is in Jeanne Datum amine of Rev. and In J. B. Deng“ of Strat. foeffy.mtertr trt New. unbur- Misses _M_abel_‘_Rut?y and Elem BF. Goodrich Stores hands here on 1t'l1tp v, G. Helwil an}! lr. Dlhmgf of NEW HAMBURG EAST ZORRA King & Water Sta. new Silvertowns BAMBERG These Tifes Are szerent! For Tire and Battery Road Service Call " . . No other ES built like Budget Terms Arranged Easy - Convenient " 95.22%; 5 and 6, 94.79%; W-P., 93.73%. The average for the ttve rooms was 95.51%. Accounting foe the absences were the following reasons: illness, 78% days; home help, 17%; physical obstacles, 8 days; other reasons 56%. Total days absent 160%. Four new Beho, Lars were added to the roll: How- ard and Douglas Brown, Joyce and Bruce Schmidt. Three pupils, Peter and Glen Lutman and James Kae- bel moved away. Mrs. S. Brown of Mildmay has purchased the home on Grace St. vacated some time ago by Mr. Ar- thur Migliarini and moved to town with his family. Mr. Brown is one of the partners of the new furni- ture tacto concern which started here. a AnotherN'Grace St. property For Gifts of Quality 13mm ii'iiiii'"i'i' "irsmuns Mil-33L". m Hanoi-4m Do your Punter; mo Wu when qullty no coal-loom m go hand In land. Select one It the [allowing aruetea (or I)“ on hln any and he will be more than planned with ”In-t“. (”IMO-o. Moi-ml UAW Bedford Drug Store liu Dorothy Iain. " “who I. . SUN GLASSES q SCHICK RAZORS . TRAVELLING KITS . PIPES q PEN AND PENCIL SETS KITCHENER lee Cronin Bricks and Burn It all “no: SMITH RAlll0 Some of the best make. The top in electric razors Complete with -triet, Genuine brill! and new lit cooled pipes--- All the good molten W-P., changed hands when Mr. Cletus e tive Dimer bought Mr. J. Law's house. " foe Mr. Lew will move into the Tri- owing nity Lutheran earetaker's house home which is being vacated by Mr. Ben les, 8 Forrest. Mr. Lew is succeeding Mr. Total Forrest as caretaker of Trinity Lu. Beho, theran Church. Mr. Hans Dankert of Kitchener bought Mr. Wm. P. Becker's resi- dence on Webster street recently and has taken possession. Mr. and Mrs. Becker moved into Mr. W. A. Ruth'g‘s house lately vacated by Mrs. . J, Dennis. Mr. Edward Eichler has pur- chased Mr. John Riehi's residence on Queen St. The house will be oc- cupied by his sons-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lin- der, who are moving here from Pa- ris and Mr. and Mn Ross Huehn. (Mn-dune”) “WWW [auburn-8m: hut-clean”. (All "res, m Plum [1331!]:th Bought and Special attention to sub- urban and out-of-town Run Cooler Greater Resistance to Bruising llember of the KETA. apt! Philco Factory Ser- outwear pro-war Dial 6-6459 "I... to $21.50 "" to '83.00 ".75 to "S.00 Mg to $3.95 ”emu.“

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