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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Jun 1947, p. 7

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RE iiirigraiiiliiiiltiiiii'gii autumn-£71..“ I.“ Ola: q6WtBumtrt. - Want-too Phat-$1!" BARGAINS IN CHICKS for mu week and next: Barred Roch, New Hampshire, White Rock. Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Roch, Barred Rock X New Hampshire; Light Sussex x New Hampshires, Light Sussex X Barred Rock non-sexed MS, pullets 15.95, oockerels 8.95. Assorted Heavies non-sexed 8.96, pallets, 14.95, _c_oe_k'erels. _7.9_6. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY See Your doctor ttrst, then let us ful ion: prescriptions. Redford LD. Drug Store, opposite Post Ofriee, Waterloo. SKIN CREAM. special 10 ounce size We at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. East, Kitchener, Phone 2- 127. Great-West life Ante. Co. [in - Automobile - Accident ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? "' "WW " you need More Insurance . . . Call the Local Representative OI THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY BIOCK. DAVIS A DUNN f. I. R. kick D. Inw- but M. Dun emutTBttRD AOOOUNTAMI (mm- in W) Livestock Employers' Liability Guarantee Bond - Boiler Immune. Ttanait insurance Sprinkler Lenka: Automobile Insurance Wham BUYING or SELLING I SUTEETtLAND - SCHULTZ 7 page“; - (3th 5mm 'at"', x Band Rock, Aunts ' ite 8.95, pulleu 18.96, Men); 1.00. Assorted Light or medium breeds non-sexed 7.95. sullen 17.95. Two week old add - .00._thr_ee Late.ek old ty.ft 1.1-er hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This Bdvertigement must accompany ypur order to receive tttese spe- cial prices. Also pullets eight WES 'o1ariryc. _ . BUSINESS DIRECTORY A. K. CRESSMAN & BON' D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES Real Estate and Insurance HESSENAUR & SHAW Every Kind of Insurance "mo-om - Men-on! FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE BUILDING COSTS ARE WATERIJOO. ONTARIO one: 102 King St. South Phone 84084 Health -6r, New? 9mm- CHROMCTOB REAL ESTATE Est-alt“! ELECTRICAL INSURANCE DRUGGIS'IS NOXZEMA in; 6-8572 MOTORS Plate Glut Nu! ml SALE Madden "mu: m‘ “'4. - “In”! 0Gt'l'll CHEW?! run-u m------.'. SILL“ Talk-o "..-o. to It. - -.---_. W. _M__-_N .._.A, L. n.4- Tull-n should " made on an (on. -tuqbrthoDert-t-ihanoeoed- no. “a Wu! locum and condition- umld m. Cellini-1‘ Gandh- Wats.-, Inna! My ad in mutual. ovum “condition!!! nun-mad " to principal and - Mhh-hh-olCn-nlnnthtdom nation-d how .u a "rtthd _ It and!“ to nuk- II. u: odd -. In. new" will an. n I (um-m he the m Mill-ant at the -t. By oedar. J. I. SOInVJLLI. Deanna", oe Pubti? Worn. h“d~~h-& bun-l, June t. INT Room and Board Room Only ",=38tuad36iraehmnehirtes oedifreeeatmahetr. Goodall- Ittimt...readrtoame. If you an accommodate one or two of these trirhr--- please phone 1'an [OI COAL AND COKI -=_. n,___ _w__, -_"" Girls coming to Kitchener industry Frol- My point: CABINET MAKERS ll. F. GOODRICH rm 268 Chrlltina St. B. JAMES BAYLY bud“ FOR SALE M-a-BO." Write or come in puma for Interview to ___WA N'rBD-.-. 44 Hour Week Wages 80e to 95e per hour 7-7351 for EXPERIENCED STEADY mom Blenhei- BELANGIR BROS. H Carl Edward Becker, infant you (ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker was 'baptized during the Sunday morn- ‘ing service at St. Jamee Lutheran Church. The pastor, Rev. B. ‘ Schmieder, ofticiated and delivered _ the sermon on thdaGi Psalm 108: i13. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rehkopf of Kitchener. [Special music was rendered by the iuuwdubnuu-mtâ€"TR 'i'lfflfi1N,,.,,-eruom 'i'artil'i1hEit!S.irhtt t't'ftt'tMtffga",'a't'ti tttt,er.t,'NrtPptt,. ?i'?ifiitei'i'i1qliv4h??, t"it"iiEti"iiliriiikl"i."iii.' on June M..."- an"! EFL 'teteeetft't 1'll"%TlWaaWi"i'a'7iFFilFiEE "_"'""" __ Ewfi’fi'nfirhw 'M Tlrr%'lpat'lrll'%', - W CiiaNEPhiiAiituP,6r" 'mumm”u"':'=:Em-§1ummuu fte.ttltet ,tt'AL' my.” unit‘s-It what-kW“! ”In.“ "ilS'tadiJ'eerri"iirlt"t.?ittl',"f, W M I. "l ,l-ndbvcy r.-Yiia9i7iSooi+ttrthritrtget- medww-“m‘mmaâ€"w u. mandamhuodlr.‘mmw"num In via iiiaGtTfaiTiiilhrie-.RettetrreMrsetd 'leger, "aiiaGTi'GiitFlit"tiPft,t,.e,1rfPetttyht 'tre m‘mm m1”. Mr.daMmWtt1inaiGttrtttirtg Uiiair-esuytittNtrtt--l?,.- Gorttiigtg and ”a, aMwnhphkmmm-Bummmpmhdbylkud memuun‘mmmhmmnmy app mmmwmaw.mmmmmm mmqufimI-kwmzorm; " iarG.uiu-auwtsiitum". 1ggt"h,tt2tgth,'gtl'tnti "mum... to tlttui't,2t,N=rf.r't't'.,flt. 'mafnderuthegitt-diFtmt- odthmu‘hout them-caudal. txsuNewasobiuedto-tp- auristtuntttsrtltemwtienanalamt clock m at Th: interval; _Bineotimspinted manna: Bingowu madman” ingand [Julianna vacuumed attheeonclu-Mn The Harvesters Band at the Unit- ed Brethren Church on Sunday morning with the president, Man- leen Meyers, presiding. Elaine Pie.. derlein read the scripture lemon and prayer was ofrered by Mrs. Werner Romahn. Miss Jean Hall- man gave an object lesion on the story of "The Good Samaritan" after which Robert Helm-n - a reading. Mrs. Romahn was in charge of the study book, on India. "Sher: of the Punjab". The mem- bers responded to the roll call with "A_setip_tye “Flex . _ Members of the Blenheim Men- nonite 2uaii'e','iW2, Society It- tended the United ellowship meet- ing held at the Baden Mennonite Church on Suriay evening. Kaveimnn's Hall was filied to ca- pacity on Friday for the Variety Concert which was ti',Ti,',' by the Community Park in aid of the Memorial Gates which will be erected " the entrance to the park. Archie McKinnon was mu- ter of ceremonies for the evening and the opening feature was Schmalz's Band, a presentation of comedy skits and musical numbers directed by Earl Einwechter, assist- ed by Orlando Bowman, Albert Fiederlein, Lorne Brighton, Wal- lace Toman and Weston Raster. Mrs, Eldon Sherk returned home on Saturday trom the Hamilton General Hos ital where she was a patient for 'ltl past four weeks. Another interesting feature was a unmet play entitled, "Wanted--- A Housekeeper", by the Junior Farmer's Club of Wellesley. This play which won second prize in the recent Waterloo County Drama Festival was greatly enjoyed by the audience. Fettival was greatly enjoyed by the Mrs. E. Fried and Mrs w, Wan- audience, ner-represented the local W.M.S. at Earl Kurt Played 3 number oCthe Canada branch meeting of the accordion " action: and Larry lEvnngelicnl Church held at Zurich Sehntidt.end Robert Fiederlein ft- Ptst week vored With a Croup otcornet dual Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stoltz and aftoTeted.a! the piano by Miss children Ronald and Anne accom- Armintha Rem. bdnied by Mr. and Mm. Albert m Shelby returned home on tuturda, after spending the past week on a AlR1lili-leli1illMllrl'ilillllllb trip to the us. where nee trirlted with friends at Detroit, Mich., Pax- nil Sunday '57-; [IT-'9'??? '59.th Mrs 1 A. Roth and the "he Eva and Dom We! “tended the Graduation herein. od tho To- ronto General Ralph“ Nursing [School which were held at Convo- "NF.urtiniiEieiithmi ieuittt -- and 'ratyyraAy.atPrPeet,e1udmt iFtiitoesatttsetsamep_tmr.aytd In. Hilton! Poll on WM were: the In»: Katherine KoeAtet and Jen Poll and may Kowl- ski of Kim; William Kathe] of St. Clements; and Ill- Alice swamp: 3&3:me B%* , , '"%iniiiarriirGiarand mm Neiben ot 1'ttiNi'l were meant viaitom with M_iat th. Coley»; By Ilu - Iat- (w W) The ALMA. of the United Breth- ren Church is holding I special meeting on Wednesday, June 11th " 8 p.m., in observance ot the IO- eietr's 40th anniversary. A tge. program is being 86mm and . G. D. Fleming, nenl Secretary of Missions, of Huntington, Ind., will be Elie guttstlspeutr.. . . L C"vCi'xtn"iriiGriiiFiert- mm a Gonnley was one of the graduates Miss Helen Poll presided for the meeting of the Youth Fellownhlp held in the Evangelical Church on Sunday evening. Opening with a service of song, prayer was onered by Audrey Koltzhmer and scrip- ture was read by Jean Poll. Doris Latch contributed a poem, “Are You Living in the Cellar?" Mrs. B. Hottahauer discussed the male. "AI- cohol. Tobacco and My eelth". The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction __ A Rev. Ind Mrs. Knuth accompa- nied by Mr, and Mrs Victor Knuth of 12tag"t; motored to London on Thu y to attend the Igradua- tion exacte- " Victoria capital when their daughter, Min Marion, was one of a clue of sixty-six gn- duates. Following the exercises and reception the , with other guests from f'JL'/7iri, Rodney and London were entertained " the apartment of the graduates sister. Miss Flomnce Knuth. 'uf. _ Mr. and Mrs, Milton Hilbom and Mr. and Mrs, Vermin Bowman and son Kirk of Preston and Mr. Ed. Scott of Plansville were visitor: at the home of Mr. and Mrs L Helm DEMO“?!- - . --. - Mrs. Mary learn and Min Bax- ter of Kitchener and Mr. Arthur Learn of Waterloo called on Mrs W. H. Becker at the home of A. C. BecAton Sugday. - -- .-. "iirrjGac" Fan} of Rain-wine and daughter, Mn Mabe Lock- wood, _of SiPringBeLd, tho_ ted Mr. and Mix Charles Rank of Rt"?; ville called at the homes D. bookie, L. Holm and Mn. Emma Lepp on Wednesday. “GAG“? For s0e pct The In will: Dettmer‘s Tire Service 7. In It W. . -. PM 0M3!!- OMI- Cub-I“ Dakar-0m om“!- ROSEVILLE TO TAKE CHANCES‘WITII YOUR TIRES wan: YOU an: AN , A A '.smrrrn0-0r0.Eat.eetqmrhre.asrIhbe. Whirl-cult. nth-alum aunt-0110.1. mar-um VULCANIZING - RECAPPING iron CAN'T AFFORD Viirii ii ton, ill., Indianapolis and Hunting- top, Ind. 7 t - 7 ttrs. Henry Becker of Duhwood visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aggm Ptr11 Mu}! - _ -- - Victor Poll and son Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaminlka of Kitchener were week-end visitor: with Mr. and Mrs. Adam N, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Poll. arold Kaufman of Waterloo was a Sun- detrtriy'tor., - ._ ___ A __ Keith and Orville Fried of Wil- liamaburg spent the week-end at Henry Selim??? _ _ Mrs. W. Netherton and the Mines Angeline and Sarah Hall'- man attended the trousseau tea held at the home of Mr. and Mn James Christie in Gait on Saturday for their daughter, Margaret Jean, whose marriage takes lace on Sat- !u-dny to Jim Rahp of Ii'k"il ton. The latter is a grand ne hew of the Mines inhuman and £113.Nether- Mia. sun: BeitNs of Buffalo. N.Y., s nt a day with Mrs. Det- weller at week. Miss Lois Shelby has successfully completed her year’s work at Strat- tord Noam] School. brothers, deh Martin. 28, and Douglas Martin, 13. genius guilty in police com on ednesdar, to ahopbreakittg with intent, and were sentenced to four yen: in King- ston Witching by Magistmte H. R Poison. Bo of the men had prelwu records dating back as far as . l Kitchener Brothers Get Four Year Term KIM. - Two Kitchener urn. “no son": toot A PAN'I'OMINE .rmrts-oboetteot-rr-iNmoebo_rmr'tt "a-ow-eh-tr-th-a-ee-try-et-d. '.'e-t_".r'-w.Aho.oard_"$to_hoa"trm' 'hr-ttorb-ah-d-tpM-d-ttht-ttrd-re' wthh,tr-p-trr_,emtboqtr6e*'rssth-'sd. My ro-,Ne.s-,'hooi-doe-0t-di-dh-o mkldanhlwlhh I F-r-trt-ht-thero-te-ttFit' M Ther-ro-et-so-et-tHr-d-rod-s.' qrtd-e'ttor-doe-ho.iotq-ta"-stwdhtr..' “humped-WWW.“ Thy --rtoo---t-rttr-sair-shqotd-e-d MMinWlI-o. Mun-ditomdmm MWmV-r. Mthbfomcyo-HOM supply-Oliviemaluyoo. We...” WWW” {BRO Pt. 8-5183 o-mA-eh-rehash-UA-yr-thr-pert-. .B.mreovrwrdt-dsdcltram-idVoe. .tto-e-tb-tt-ddt-ahoH.Mtre_ O 'egttroro_r_pEA0GUrwNwrr'er. FIFO ll SotMthnWYWtBqedutBPuiJtBethmtI . but.” may» 'ytttrtt It. enmity Md 15. Nude. without can tr. Itmmu Manny- . -- trteyur, n. my: WNW It tau-Iv}: In SMl'l'll RAID“) cum-gnu. 'tttFe. M44341 ICROSSWORD - - - Byriugrtesbeifer. mom-AI. I. an“! M % Dorothy H. Dcnlllon. " Alh- V. " LU W 'ga' dl 31.13!!! Utah-dud. fee) "in"! l)'5j, (tf) W 'ii5lJiiil:',ta1'l 'tt' 'tif, 0. um T. metric YMCA]. . (mm the I. Immediate nhrltered , Ea" (Home Ind All“ lull.) was, Motor“: Car Bull. Mlle Adana Systems law-doe Phone (An and) land "Inn 091””!!!- mm Ind Special attention to sub- urban and out-of-town Member of the R.AT.A. up! Philco Factory Ser- Wil" Lal" 'yitir'l' will Bje, fff8. IT " "" form- a. "ttated M. part of . -mertt " mA the an. s.. (an In [on " my In Pm " mm- " alt-h Mght of M. Mun: on. matt think " um: v.“ a: Scotland " Mn; for . lamprey- Mt. endowed with NTAR authority M. own " rmr In may Mk prxtrttet M. “In. " “Mun. an grim " I M w of tn lull”: IO. prtnter'tt manne- l 1. river ln . one“! tnwlor‘o

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