CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Bon addresses in oure of The Chronicic, 1# conts extre. E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St. â€" Waterion Phone 2â€"1357 See your doctor first, then let us fill Kour prescriptions. Bedford LD.A. Drug Store, opposite Post Office, Waterloo. RELIEVES COLDS, Bronchitis and Sinus. Price $6.00, at Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 King St. East, 4 USED bread delivery sleighs, in good condition. Apfly Henderâ€" son‘s Bakery, Waterloo. â€"3 _wnmo‘gm.l §$18.00 per year, §$1.00 for six months. BROCK, DAVIS & DUNN T. H. K. Brock _ D. Bruce Davis Greatâ€"West Life Assce. Co. Fire â€" Automobile â€"~ Accident ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? BUSINESS E DIRECTORY |.= 1f (zou need More Insurance . . . all the Local Representative e ef o THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE â€" _ COMPANY Fire SUTHERLAND â€" SCHULTZ Livestock Employers‘ Liability Guarantee Bond â€" Boiler Insurance Transit Insurance Sprinkler Leakage Automobile Insurance Kitchener, Phone 2â€"2127 Whether BUYING or SELLING a FARM VANISHED ON What happened to a pretty newâ€" lywed, last seen by her husband while on a honeymoon hunu.':g trip? Her disappearance promp une of the West‘s trenmt searches. Read about this baffling real life mystery in "Lord Ladiesâ€"Where Are They Now?", beginning in The American Weekly with this Sunâ€" day‘s (January 26) issue of The Deâ€" troit Sunday “imes D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES A. K. CRESSMAN & SON Real Estate and Insurance HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Every Kind of Insurance BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER & FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE Limited Phone 6â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N Kitchener â€" Guelph PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY WATERLOO, ONTARIO Office 102 King St. South Phone 8â€"8024 Health CHIROPRACTIC 19 King St. Rast LANTIGEN B REAL ESTATE ELECIRICAL DRUGGISTS * kAz k INSURANCE FOR SALE Res.: 6â€"6572 ) ACCOUNTANTS in Bankruptcy) Life HER HONEYMOON MOTORS Plate Glass Reâ€"winding SALE Accident 4 e to be in of b wANTED TO BUY these. ma this committe® | «__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"«â€"â€"«_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"{are Mrs Henry Miller, Mrs. Clayâ€" |LOGS â€" Soft elm, soft ,\ton Milier, Mrs. J. W. Koenig and us| â€" basswood, cherry, red oak. Highâ€" | Mrs. H. N. Foster. rd | estpricespaidtorlof It was announced that the next st| where they can be loaded on|meeting would be held on Februâ€" | _ trucks. Write Hlyï¬COWaryllth at the home of Mr. and â€"| Limited, Woodstock. â€"|Mrs. Clayton Miller. This being i t was m. be in charre of 6 wANTED TO BUY these. on this committese | <â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"{sre Mrs Henry Miller, Mrs. Clayâ€" |LOGS â€" Soft elm, soft ,\ton Milier, Mrs. J. W. Koenig and | _ basswood, cherry, red oak. Highâ€" | Mrs. H. N. Foster. | est prices paid torlof It was announced that the next \ _ where they can be loaded on|meeting would be held on Februâ€" | _ trucks. Write H-y&Coufl-rymh at the home of Mr. and | Limited, Woodstock. â€"|Mrs. Clayton Miller This being | mm=tmtttâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ ithe last meeting of the auxiliary‘s AN ESTABLISHED agency _ Of |fscal year all members were urged dealership. Rural or city. Box |to be in attendance. 139, Waterloo Chronicle. _ 61â€"2) At the conclusion of the meeting §4â€"4%â€" Ontaric 8t. 5. k;rommInt Phonme 1â€"7562 â€" Manager‘s Res. $â€"8171 H N. Foster, convenor of onta®0 {NUTFITTERS |the Wellere Commities gave a reâ€" FFICE U ) m io t s o Mntn‘wahd-nb{ue_- mittee during the year 1946. Plans 68 Queen St. South _ â€" _ Phone ¢â€"444.| Were made to hold several quiltings KITCOHENER in the near future. A committee The early Monday morning‘s rain made roads very supE;ry for some time. This condition ?::M conâ€" siderably later as the became softer and snow started to fall. _ _ Reeve Oliver J. Wright attendâ€" ed the opening sessions of the County Council, in Kitchener, on Tuesday and Wednesday. _ _ An interesting weekâ€"end event locally will be the weddlns;lnlkflll Ruth Schweitzer and Mr. A. Ruggle in St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Church on Saturday afternoon. Wm. S. Hemmerich of the Victoria School district re‘sret to learn she is a patient in Kâ€"W Hospital, where {she underwent an operation last | Messrs. Sol. Kirch and Waiter ‘Stroh were Twin City business visiâ€" !tors last Thursday. \__Mr. Geo: Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Grosz, son Robert and ‘Jack Brown of Elmira were Sunâ€" _day visitors at the Stroh home. UNDEKWOOD TYPEWZITEZS For Sale and For Rent by the Miuker family of Kitchener were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gyron A. Letson. UNDERWOOD LIMITRD Mr. and Mrs. Mose Helmuth spent Friday at Stratford. _ _ _ v;ivï¬i â€" ihig" lglr':lf Aaro: i:â€"f‘thnuth. illis an ine, spen unday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bast and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmuth and family at Baden. WANTED COOK GENERAL For family of three adults. Highest wages. Mr. Thomas Kaufman, manager of the Tavistock Cheese and Butter Co. Ltd., and Mr. Harold J. Neeb attended the 80th annual convenâ€" tion of the Western Ontario Dairyâ€" menl"s Association at London, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nlh:gfl‘ of Harmony spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Mose Helmuth. â€" 51 Ahrens St. W. Phone 6â€"6672 Kitchener Earl Lieman is recovering from the mumps. Master Lester Weil is at m .‘l Yami, Florida. He trave by plane. _ _ _ _ _ â€" _ Herb Schmidt of Lisbon spent a day last week with his mother, mrs. C. B. Schmidt ‘ m ui. menL oï¬ aterloo last Thursdt:{. The many village friends of Mrs. Apply Mrs. T. A. Witzel ROOM AND BOARD CONESTOGO EAST ZORRA By Nosh Stroh (Chronicle Correspondent) (Chronicle New and Used By Mrs. Aaron Helmath New and Used we mittee in charge of Mrs. W. Ka The Community Fireside service wulnldlnflnumw terian Church last Sunday and the auditorium was filled to capacity. A few could not get seats and did‘nt remain. _ s man for the service which opened wifln.d..-;o‘nlhdbym.l!«- man Fischer of New Hamburg tm(:hu&wi&lnflm% stetler l‘&h&t Mr. Clarence Ingold led in prayer while special \mmwculmldedby Evangelists Samuel and Ruth Thoâ€" guitar and violin accompaniment. Rev. J. V. Mills was to have been the speaker of the evening but due to illness he was unable to be t and the address was fv-wurCedanl- dent of the New Hamburg ‘s Fellowship Group. His remarks were based on the text, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" and a man of Kitchener with their own would be Christians to consecrate their lives and live for Christian _ Rev. Fischer pronounced the closâ€" . und Mris. Clarence The Bean Printing and Publishing Co. 1 Ontarie Street WA NT ED FOR BNDERY DEPARTMENT Steady work in clean surroundings for dependable person, willing to learn. © WEVEIOO h 2 â€"’:;":.'f'~ aypee"" * hy * masrlse| i, 4e C *dinkss //j We â€" Apply in person to Superintendent GIRL SINGLE PREFERRED REST PERIODS GOOD WAGES HR. 5â€"DAY WEEK 17 â€" 22 reported that thirtyâ€"five families, the three who were to withdraw including single persons, are on the this year. Nominations were held church roll. ,;‘nd theJ om ;"ppohm« Kwa; Follow th and | Messrs. 0 Harry Kun devotional period Rev I. °V. Mills | and Clarence Diamond. was appointed to act as chairman of | A report of the financial standâ€" the annual meeting and Mr. Carl |ing of the Scout Committee was L. Ritchie as secretary. given by the treasurer, Mr. Carl L. The minutes of last year‘s anâ€" | Ritchie and showed a cash balance nual were read and adopted folâ€" on hand. lowing which Mr. Stuart C. Kuhn, | Mrs. Stuart C. Kuhn, secretary, chairman of the Board of Managers, |and Mrs. J. U. Stiefelmeyer, in the addressed the gathering briefly and |absence of Mrs. J. Nisbet :lve the lmpved a v:ten c;f t{:hanil;s tlo th; reports for the Ladies‘ Aid. minister and all for their splendi A â€" very encouraging Sunday coâ€"operation in 1946. Srhool renort was fiven by the The treasurer‘s report was preâ€" sented by the treasurer, Mr. Clarâ€" ence Diamond, and showed a subâ€" stantial cash balance on hand. The Board of Man@Sgers are electâ€" ed by the l.'ouuon‘ syst;t‘n with three dropp out _ ea year: Messrs. Johnmliolsl. Clarence Diaâ€" The farmer, in knowing the difference between harmful and useful birds of prey and in proâ€" tecting the latter, helps both himself and the cause of conservation. WATERLOG FARMERâ€"a ‘Conservationist A â€" very encouraging Sunday School report was m% the secretary, Master J isbet and treasurer, Miss Emma Struth, Mr. John Hahn gave the Church trustees r:wn. A motion was made to h the summer services in the church at 7.30 p.m. _ _ 3 Th§ é‘lat?-ol officers for the Sunâ€" ay ool was passed motion for the apgoul of thev.lrl Seaâ€" sion and Rev. Mills ::ged his appreciation of the w of the Sunday School. A tentative date was set for the picnic in order that suitable reservations could be \Church held their annual congregaâ€" Jg hm h. L Saen in parne |\presided and conducted a hrm votional period in opening. Reports Rev. Mills expressed on b« of the Presbytery and his own of the Presbytery and his own m sonal appreciation to all who coâ€"operated and made 1946 a banâ€" ner year. At the conclusion of the business meeunlL:efrubmenu were served by the Ladies‘® Aid Society. were aBMITmoCET, AMEMBBNOME : GPATTETY TOCC gy’fll.d Bock; Mission Circle, Mrs. arold Poth; slmdai School, Mrs. Roy Gildner; and B.Y.P.U., Miss Emma Lautemchlr:g& The total amount of money lotq,l'rr- poses during the year was $2,790.80, of which the sum of $1,111.10 was contributed to missions. Frank Toman was elected as deaâ€" con while the other deacons are Charles Miller, V. E. Dinger and Wellington Becker. Dave Scott was elected to the church trustee board with the other members of the board bol)t Eden Hilborn and ‘WelungumBoc er. Mr. Becker was also elected to thgpcuom% board while the remaining mem on the board are Miss Glm&mk and Carl Buck. Roy G was reâ€"elected auditor for another twoâ€" Len term with the other auditor ‘ a. Wilson Sararas. en Hilborn was elected Sunâ€" "SNOWY OWL‘" by T. M. Shortt, Ornithologist. The aicve Wasization shows the snowy ow! in his southern surroundings. BDown from the icy wastes of thr Arctic, the Smowy ߣ<|, Owl glides into a farmyard. Driven from his northern NEW DUNDEE By Miss Miriam Hilborn (Chronicle Correspondent) W se «y A PANTOMINE home Ihondadhloatcitydlo-mlnqt,hhhmrb N“E valuable bird seeks rats, mice and other despoilers of food and grain. Thus the snowy ow! sarns protection from us by helping to conserve our food supplies. 6 * *The people of Canada can perform a useful service to birds by providing food and shelter . . . when their food becomes temporarily inaccessible." dent. Other officers were then reâ€" elected as follows: Clerk, Mrs, Harâ€" old Poth; church treasurer, Mrs. L. Zinken; mission treasurer, Miss Sylvia ‘Bock; pianist, Miss Greta Buck; assistant, Miss Joan Dinger. day School Superintendent and V. The following ushers were appointâ€" ed as follows: Music Committee, Mrs. Wellington Becker, Miss Emâ€" ma Lantuuehhï¬.“un. Emmerâ€" son Harper and L&nl‘x:“m- schlager; and Flower ittee, Mrs. Carl Buck, Miss Irene Sherk and Mrs. H. F. Schade. During the even.lll:# Rev. _ Mr. Schade, the pastor, Miss Greta Buck, the planist were each preâ€" sented with a gift of money on beâ€" half of their services rendered durâ€" ing the past year. The presentaâ€" he excerpt fromâ€"CONSERVATION AMD V S# W NT Bease bs ces a series THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO AND WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO CARLING‘S |CROSSWORD â€" â€" 13 female relative 84. printer‘s scale 1: plant twig 54 measures 7. ftormer 15. amallest i European 17. higher in 3:‘..‘;."“ coin aituation 86. seize 8. easen, 19 Oriental suddenly as by use HORIZONTAL excerpt fromâ€"CONSERVATION WiNTeR ToR ' io. * 1 2 sadlee T. the in a whhiss af pomghiohs pebtshnd 7 P Zf o Z 7 7 tions were made by Mrs. Zinken and the address was given by V. E. Dlrz’er. A social hour was enjoyed in the basement at the conclusion and refreshments were served. Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiederlein on Thursday evening with Miriam Hilborn occuâ€" lessons were read by Marie Cressâ€" man and Robert zumm Talks were given on the follow "The History of the Early Chureh", by Mrs. Leander Cressman; "The Origin of the United Brethren Church", by Mary Kaster; and "Reâ€" cent Churchmen who Risked Much", by F. E. Page. Audrey Fiederlein favored with a violin solo accompanied at the piane by solo accompanied at the piane by her mother, Mrs. Albert F&derleh. â€" By Eugene Sbheffer 3. shriveled 5. New state (abbr.) 8. note in the 7 / YERTICAL %. split pulse reverential 7/ 7f F7 10. prefix: not ‘:“.‘:k 16. aqua! mammal ;:.qhmm 21. recalle in â€olu.umh Sm aatt