We plat " make- of LOCKS KEYS MADE All mu- a. L. BRAUN 21. XIII; St. R. Phone 2-21†Kitchener To retail trade: Grade A large ...rr Grade A medium Grade A pullets . Grade B .'P_"'P.r.er_F.' Grade C ..r...et..m.... truck are steady to Sc ioiarer it tr... 2tV.20 and to retailers are 10c low- er at $1.40. Grade A large .. Grade A medium Grade A pullets .. Grade B .PF.PPPF."..._ Grade C _...........'. TORONTO. -Butter ttrm, un- changed, first grade solids 40, sec- ond grade solids 39. Prints, ttrat grade, " second, 41, third, 40. TORONTO. - Churning cream gnchaygecj. Np, I lb. 41 f..o.A, " de- Ceiling prices for pulp one or ples which include crinuon grum- stein, delicious, snows, golden rub- sets, lawfam, Newton, Simian, slayman, winesop, the New family and northern spy are as fol- lows: producer cost to whole-um -No. I-packed $2.40; loose $115; combinations packed $125. Male $2.10; domestic packed $210. bone $1.95; retailers east No. I packed $2.74, loose $2.57; combustion packed $2.57, loose $2.40; domestic- packed $t40, loose $223. Coat to the consumer No. I packed $3.39, loose $3.17; combination packed $3.17, loose $2.96; domestic packed $2.96, loose $2.75. liveredfpll'ls 10 cents' subsidy. trict will be ttve cents a bushel low- er this year than in 1945. amt ing to an announcement by W. Harold McPhim'ps, price- and alp- ply representative. Prices tot peck lots drop approximately one can: fs compared with last year's cell~ Ceiling prices an apple. you m Ontario and Quebec and deliv- ered in the Western Ontario db 35 to " dozen; iiuiltiower " toâ€; cabbage 5 to 15; head lettuce " to AV, canon 45 basket; been 40 bu- ket; younf bmllen " 1b.; milk-fed chicken: S; year-old chicken: " to 38. Flowers: Glad: " to so bunch: ainnias and asters 3 bunch; sued1 William 15; stratwttower M. [ I»??? 301120.: $1.50 an.» a a ater ma mm. A man bake: nailed at 25 and Mt. Other produce cold at that: tries: (loom; gnh't do u bib et; eating app . pond!“ 'htofs;iiluitje3ftef0; 0; elderbema Mt to $1; ",tttliRii'i', 5 to " eachilarge cucumber: t or 10; medium " to so Met; and! iWtoAit?euet;_tsed0to.'!ri pumpkins to to 40 each; squash Id -toWeactr,eam80toMtdo-ew 1Teuyyt.ter, MY Mummy; NE CEILING PRICES OI m WAN-Annm- POTATOES T9RON1irPotato _ prices, Irft Toronto egg quotations were: To country shippers on graded Churning Cream Egg Quotations KI'I‘CHENER 8-848] All pan. of Little Beam reclaim: made (tom “that quality mater-Illa. â€curing K.", ot trouble-free “who. . two V-Belu run “may between two heavy duty t but“)... hT"St can pull on having- I allow!“ We! to run true. right “noun of m. pl!- 'g,"2,"t, omw from 1trt.ghm min ow. “misadvent- supplied for ttoe, “In. and mm chop. Butter Prices . WTttehetrM00tm_e - an on. not of .Htee- t,eA't'l.."t [DI-Ivar“. mv- u. Cit-(chum- Grlndu'tobemnedvltbout Walnut": Signploghu All-CANADIAN t MANUFACTURE muuucruno " BEIGE! INDUSTIIII mm can“ .4 iWtsra'soase,,,,,,,ht, abut-o. with smugg l§_s~lg5§mgm. KUNCK co., Elmira Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt and Gladys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Geisel at Balsam Grove. , Paul Schwindt returned home after spending several days with his t,1Tstt,tt',t Mr. and Hrs. Edmund hwindt, TORONTO-There was a good demand and ttrm egg market here today for grade A large. Grade A medium was steady. The surplus of grade A pallet which developed ,last week is righting itself by a di- version of Ontario shipments to ex- |port. and other Canadian markets Butter markets were firm at un- changed prices. Ollerings were scarce and dittieuit to obtain. The Aeed continued to exceed the supply. Western butter was quoted ‘at 40c. There washzngood demand but supplies were . ted. Mr. and Mrs. George Schwindt. Susan and Eileen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Bott at Balsam Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mitchell and son Frederick of Mansfield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller. $3.310. Lambs were $14.75 bulk good ewes and wetness. few at tlffl. bucks " discount. culls :10. 11.50. Sheep were 33.5048. Hogs were: Dressed, grade A. Mrs. Martin of Cottestogo, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin and Wilma of near Elmira spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gingrich. iiefe"ioFroa; ___ tune†' it hen the hu- siest sale in the entire market today. Receipts reported by the Dominion Marketing Service were: Cattle, Moo, calves 340, hogs 900 sheep and lambs LUN. Unlold at the clone were 1,300 head of cattle including 1,100 when Weighty ateees were “1.50413.- TS, butcher steen '1041M6, hei- fees 310412.36, with a few $12.50. butcher cows 87.75410. camel's downward to $5.50. bulls â€-310.25. fed yearlinv $12.50 - $14.75 stockers, good 't0.7s-8tt.g0. LIVIO'I'OCK men ImDY. BOO DEMAND GOOD Mr. tind Mrs. Edmund Schwindt attended the-Galt Fpir_on Pandas, - nude an m appen- gm runway mum market- The honey caning All the way trom Owen Sound sold " Me a Nre-srpundtinit.tqttAtttret mi on the livestock market'hae 320.25; grade B-i, $19.35; Iowa, :13. Muses Dorothy Gallagher of Galt, Vera Stickney of near Win- ftetd and Mrs. John Longman of near Alma were guests at a birth- day party in honor of John Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt were visiting at Bamberg and Kitchener. KWCt_-ltwatm'tthepeo- T,utt"trettite'g"M't1'tttt my “the!!! man. 'eh".',',, but more. of marketing housewves with ration books in Calves were $15-$16 choice, plain 319ng downward to $10, mussels Honey Featured on Kitchener Market Awttoietgu9ioadofttteragtde- - V Luis-rot ms" mum TmtoNTx?.-dfattles. Mgr, gave}. V tahiandttuitwttsi-t Jleiitfe"e",1h' held arm " prices N ORTH WOOLWICH a: - - up»; Ott TORONTO MART 1' "The Touch of the Master's Hand" Peas the subject of Miss Ptohl's pa- iper which was read during the 5meeting by Miss Eva Schlichter. (The poem, "A Call to Service" was 'read by Leon Schlichter and two other poems were given by the Misses Laurenc Stoltz and Armin, tha Heist. Clarence Piohl read the scripture lesson and the opening Iprayer was offered by Miss Ruth 1Shantz. The president. Miss Mir- iam Coleman who presided for the sergice guy? the _closing prayer Guests at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carse on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Winter and daughters, Sandra and Susan of Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schmidt and daughter, Beverly of Mirverton visited with Mr. and Mrs Jack sehmid.t on Wednesday,_ At the annual i',nf/il",h of the New Dundee MS. Band w ich was held last week, a presentation was made to l. H, Toman who had tee neatly resigned as band leader after seven years of luthlul service. Earl Einwechter gave the address Ind Albert Fiedrelein presented Mr. Tainan with a pen and pencil set, officers were elected tor the new mar as follows: president, Fred inke; secretary-trea-er, Bert Chapman: executive committee, E. Einwechter, Jack Schmidt and or- lando Bots man. Jack Schmidt has been appointed us tiw new leader of the band, announcement of which was made on Tush). l, Mrs. Robert Carse entertained {our little girls at her homo on Tuesday afternoon in honor of the seventh birthday of her daughter. Judy. Games were played after which supper was served from a table centred with a prettily-docor- ated birthday cake with pink cam dles. Little Miss Judy was the reci- pient of ryPyrroysAvtly, gigs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmidt and children, Jack and Jill of Water- loo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ben- ninger and son. Donald of Kitchen- er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benintrer. 9n Sugdgy. Mr. ind, Mrs/i." Eiage attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. J, M. Dahrtt11t, at, _Toro_r_n'lg_nn Try.rsdisy. Prior to the meeting the group visited Miss Pfohl‘s home where they rendered the musical part of {the program including the hymns :which were her favorites. Miss ‘Marguerite Shantz sang a solo L'n- titled, "The Love of God" and the Misses Shirley and Ann Adelle Eckstein contributed a vocal duet, "kneel at the Cross". "The Touch :of His Hand on Mine", was also sung by the Misses Reta Cole- mar}, Betty Shantz and Ann Adolle Eckstein. Ul tut Dull“. â€IIIUUIICCIIICIII U] “ lllCll w†made on Tuesday. cgtt, bl-vé'aekly meeting of the The annual report of the band at kt. "Lt1,ltf2eugts W held which was presented at the mict- on iiiuiiiiii ai ht with alumnae i.ng showed the organization to be dent 1ld'l'tTie'l"'8ogl'di,l M'hT in a ver{ antislaclvry condition ‘chair Psalm 27 was read m e The new and shell has given the 'swelv after which " membenpon: teh an opportunity to hear iiiyts'/p'l'n'i'et to the roll call b . ire nd at its best during the Sunday ili: first commandment hn'l','t evening series of concerts the past lmary Class was in chai- e f M two summers. The people of New B Boshart and Mrs H 'su,'dl'l'p Dundee are indebted to the tormerlw'h0 discussed the sub'ect ulw r band leaders who have been 1ttrgr-l,iiii in in o Ch “hr! Th tooie 1y responsible for the success of the 'i/le'?),',)',',',',,', ur 1,3; ‘d id l',' band. Mr. Toman is deserving of or c can ue y l . . . Mrs. M, K. Toman was Goes Son much credit for his until-mg efforts Cam to Earth" Rev H Sch ie- during his term of office and it is der :ddresed the Tg,u'fi'd'te', interesting to note that the new class p I n leader, Mr. Schmidt is a son ct H. ' in. Schmidt, who was another cap- Forty proplt attended the Ars.' able leader of the band for many class of the sutti1ng school whieh years receding Mr. Tomlin, "irrrtttrHenced. at the Bethel M.B.C. Schmidpt who has been one of the/(“humh on, Thursday Ti'2ag,','tir, leading comet soloists of the bandlthe direction of Joseph Etec ltr of is well-qualified to take over 'iri/Prtstoe; The classes wilf continue new position as leader. 'ttSd""'""""' night for several The program presented at the re- ; wee q ular meeting of the Bethel M.B.CJ The annual meeting of the local gating People's Society which was I branch of the Upper Canada Bible held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lSPmU' will be held at the Rose- Eli Rosenberger on Tuesday even-'lwnf‘ Evangelical Church 'T. Sun- ing was unique in that it had tiia//t,?,' evening. Sept. 29th with the arranged by Miss Helen Pfohl dermal?†being H. s, Saunders of Perry s Corners who has been con- .Hamm‘m fined to her bed tor the past tour, Fred Lang whose large potatoes and one~half years. Miss Pfuhl'slhaw created much interest during talent for writing has become well- (the past week has now exceeded known in this community in recent I his former record. It will be re- years and all of the poems and an 'called that eleven of Mr. Lang's po- ticles read at the meeting were her taloes f1lled a six quart basket and own compositions. weighed twelve pounds without .the NEW DUNDEE auRsiraaaa au-at-, PARKWAY 2-4545 Ill EA Mr and Mrs Henry Hiebert and lnmu’alnf Waterloo visited with Mr, and rs Edgar Hallman on Sun- day - - Miss Betty Bdwlea orWeston and Murray Snider "Woodhrtdge Vinit- Altrod Radke of Forest w the ,y'ekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Ernmrt indie Vuutors at the home of Mr, and Mrs I H, Toman on Sunday were: Mr and Mrs George Steiner. Mr, and Mrs Milton Luft and Miss K Luft of New Hamburg; and Mr. and Mrs Louis Holm and son, Bruce of Hoganâ€? Mr and Mrs Merton Cuthbert- son and daughters, Connie and Gail of Bhght visited with Mr, and Mrs Harold Weiss on Sunday, Edgar Klein of Kitchener is sprmding this week with his sister, Mrs Alfred Futher and Mr. Futher. The Tag Day for the Blind which Alto sponsored by the local Wo- men'> Institute last week netted nu- sum of $34 30 This is a consid- erable Increase over the amounts x.n:m1 m pr: nous years, The col- hrlon wrre Bomico Beer. Sheila Brown, Shirley Coleman and Jim- :w‘lv‘ Carsc Mr and Mrs Harold French of Willnw Run. MlCh. and Mrs. Dan. Grier r of Kitchener were recent utu'sts of Mr and Mrs Elgin Reitt Callers at the home of I. M. Hit. born on Monday wore: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cami-l of Plaltsville; and Elmer Caswl and William Irving who arts onrnutc to their homes in Ottawa an†a thrve-month motor lrlp through the Canadian West, California and Mexico. l Members of the Kitchener Chris- "ian Business Men's Association iwcre in charge of the evening ser- vice, Sim Swartz was chairman (and Oscar Keller led the singing. ‘The devotional period was taken Ps Herbert Huber, and the speaker cet William Goetz, Instrumental niusical numbers on the vibraharp and piano Wert- tendered by thel Case Srstcrs Mr. and Mrs. Earl Einwechtcr at- londcd the wodding of the latter's more. Miss Gorlrudo Scheel and Earl Sheriff al St Matthew's Lu- theran Church in Kitchener on Saturday afternoon. d The Male Qunrtellu of the Bethel M.B_C. Church composed of E. T. Coleman. Eldon and Floyd Shark and Elgin Reist provided special music at the anniversary service at Zion United Church near Hespeler 1 nisunday cvghing. -- - The annual Harvest Home Festi- val will bt, held at St. James Lu- thvran Church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock _ Forty people attended the first class of the singing school which (commenced at the Bethel M.B.C. /Church on Thursday Ti'2Sg,'tir, lhe direction of Joseph Stec ley of Preston, The classes wilf continue Mach Thursday night for several ‘weeks. _ Fred Lang whose large potatoes ‘haw created much interest during (the past week has now exceeded ‘his former record. It will be re- 'called that eleven of Mr. Lang's po- tatoes fllled a six quart basket and weighed twelve pounds without the basket. Since then Mr. Lang has discovered nine potatoes weighing , twelve pounds which will ttil a six- qugirt bushel}. _ - _ The Sunday morning service at the Bethel M.B.C. Church was con- ducted by the Galt Christian Busi- ness Men's Committee in the ab- sence of the pastor. Rev. H. Shantz who was attending the an- nual conference of the M.B.C. Church at Stayncr. Lorne Johan- nes presided for the service and Gordon Bish occupied the pulpit. Ernest Harman. spoke during the Sunday Schopl hour: _ H 7 was ueatupeuer at Espedii was; as Key! attlse.B.srtist Chgrch on Clayton Wilhelm of Baden, a graduate of the Moody Bible Insti- tute, who recently returned from one and one-half years service over- seas with the occupation forces in Germany, was the guest speaker at the Baptist Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Wilhelm told of the spiritual conditions in Germany at the present time. His wife, Mrs. Wilhelm and sister, Miss Viola Wil- helm who is attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago also addressed the, cSngLegation trrietty. . munch; evening under the tyf- pieces o the Women" Mi-ittet Cir- cle, Members of the New mum Baptist Mission Circle wet-emu tur tt t'xitt"'tiPovi, H. P. de pres: e m o an, - was uttered by Rev. ll? B. Ether of New Hamburd. In. human Har- per favored with a vocal solo dur- in? the meeting. At the conclusion re reatunents were served by the ladies of the local society. Rally Day was observed at the Baptist Sunday School in the morn- ing with the superintendent, V. E. Dinger in charge. Mrs. Emerson Harper and Miss Joan Dinger ren- dered a vocal duet and talks were given to the children by Rev. H. F. Schade and Mr. Wilhelm, us; Mr. and In. Wilbur on and Ian. David and the I†Ilium: Schmidt and Lumen: Bands: at éitchcnes; Mam. mun. fit" run nu ma, y . Mi.as Nth Clutton o! Smtlord, TufienHron-furtouett [may India Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Egerdee en- tertained at a birthday supper at their home on Monday evening in honor of little Ruth Ann Goett ing who was three years old Sept. 16th. The tea table was centred with a prettily decorated birthday cake with pink candles. The guests in- eluded Ruth Ann's grandmother, Mrs. William Goettling and her fa- ther, Harrv9ryttling. - _ _ The annual meeting of the local branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held at the Rose- villo Evangelital Church on Sun- day evening, Sept. 29th with the speaker being H. S. Saunders of Hamilton. Mr scum lid: we the week.. end with his parents. In and Mrs-; Herb tide. l Mr, and Mn J E Doerlng ITP! Sunday vultur- with Mt and In [ Charles “at: not: New Hum . Sunday visitors with Mr. Theo. dore Doering were: Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Kneisel from Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs Wesley Doering from Embro. Mr and Mn Gordon Hall and (“mil accompanied by Mr, and Mm. erb Eldl 'pent Sunday even- in. with Mr and Mm. Oliver Kerr at South-Wat Wilma, Mr, and Mn. Clayton Mohr and family were Sundly visitors with Mr, and Mrs Enos Wilkinson at Wallenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dusting. Claire and Wayne visited on Sun- day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Porler at Doering's Cor- Mr, CTayton'Seyler attended the Church Councillors' Convention wtifh was_ hgld ttt 'rotptag_ett. I Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Seyler were: Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Richer! from Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Litwiller from Waterloo, Miss Edna Gascho, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lantemchla " from Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. ll", mer Kohl from Lisbon and Mr. Ind My, Eftrar Seyler and family, Mrs. Alvin Eidt and Delton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buck at Lisbon. Visitérs at the home of Mrs. J. Cassel on Sunday were: Mrs Rus- sell of Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hallman and Peter S. Hallman of Piattsvi11e. -Mrs. A. Hilbom of Waterloo IS spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hilbom. Mr. and Mrs. l. H. Toman accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holm and son, Bruce. of Roseville called on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gatchene atfitrptford on Supday. - __ . Visitors at the home at Moses Baer Sr., on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. William Bachert and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baer of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Addison Cressman and {Miss Myrtle Cressman of New Hamburg; ___ - - Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Wilhelm. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilhelm of Baden and Miss Viola Wilhelm of Chicago, Ill.. were guests of Rev. any. Mry. H. I. Eehade on Sungâ€. Mrs. Leander Cressman and Miss Isabel Cressman visited with Mrs. Ezra Cressman at New Hamburg on_§unday. - _ - __ Mr. ana Mrs L. K. Bingeman were recent visitors with friends at Wild?“- _ Hal-u Black mstt, we 3 "SSS, 1,000 in; Clyde bay mm, " you: ‘old 1.50 ; 2Mi'trc, O yuan. moon; y; inlaysâ€. I.“ Cattle. Steer, about 700 that; I grade bulb Hop: 3 brood sows. t due by mm ot sale. Chick-I: 23 Black Auatolop hem. any. Grub and m: " tons mixed timothy; ' were: of stand- ing com, t acre of turnips about i0htnereis ot Aiyy Iftnopyd. on} “may: " “(hm In good condition: M.-H. mower; In. hay rake; 2-row corn cultivator: ste./1rvr,N1rlH,tethrtrultiratot; Mm: Heater, forks. shovels, hay fork and rope, emery. neck yoke, and other articles. too numerous to mention. Mm. Mabel Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Coleman and the Misses Arlene Rosenberger and Jean Hoo- ver of Kitchener visited with Mr. ti',',', Mrs. Eli Rosenberger on Sum. ay, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weiss and children, Jimmie and Janice were recent visitors with Miss Nellie Cook at Kitchener: wscutner,, Ad'ing isiow; wagon and Mr and Mrs. Gordon Sham: and Mrs M. H. Shanta visited at the homes of Norman Martin at Cones- toga and Mr. and Mrs Elam Horst at St. Jacobs on Sunday. ' ed with Mr. and Mrs. Chariea Sni- der on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Culmon and the Misses Violet, Esther, Ruth and Joan Culliton and Irene Anderson of St. Clare Shores, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ein- wechter over the week-end. Miss Mary Hilbert: of Waterloo spent Sunday at the homes of Mr. _and Mrs. P. E. Page and I. M. Hil- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamacher and son, George of Pine Hill visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs. Willard Hans on Sunday. _ Robert and Harold Fuller of For- est spent the week-end at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Reist. Mrs. Christian Cressman of Plattsviile and Ward Cressman of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Bingeman on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Baer and family visited with Mr. and Mrs Ephraim Baer at Haysville on Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. William Manstteld of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Secore and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Secure of Fonthill were guests of Miss Laura Erb on Sunday. AUCTION SALE 15.9qu- Terms-Cash. ROY 1111.30". own-. PHILIPSBURG WEST " I!" Norm. Booting "ara-het. Curran-aunt: "tFaroh- p. Set of work harness and October 7, - Mditdaf," iitrp.m.- I Livestock. furniture and small an tick; a.t tht tittdfich -Hotel,, _Elmira. BEN “can. am " Juobt. Phone 710 Ma September 28, Saturday, 1.80 pm, --Corpmunity sale at "Ir, residence, cor. Queen & Albert ta., St Jn.. cob: October 9, Wednesday, 1130 p.m. --Farm, farm stock, implements. furniture, hay and grain. for Cym- nius Snider and Donald Bird. 2 miles north of West Mbntrooe. It miles northeast of Elmira, 6 miles south of Elan. ANGUS B. "Artrut. Am 31min. Ont.. Phonic on September 28, Saturday, tttatt a.m,--Community sale at the Sted- dick Hotel Barn, Elmira. October 5. Saiurda/ 1.30 pan.- Furniture and household enacts for Mry. Ida Koren in Floradale. October 24, Thursday. 1 Patt.-- Jersey cattle, horses, im lements, hay and grain for Simon audio. 2 miles south of Baden at Wilmot Centre, October 23 Wednesday. 1.30 pan. --Purniture and household goods for Wm. Steiner Estate. 1% miles north of Amuiree. m.“ _.,_... _..,-..,-.. ....-......,‘. V List your fall we with me, you October ii,' Wednesday. 130 pan. will be pleased With, the mum We ', --Household effects, furniture, also have a large list of Nmts and ‘stock. implements, etc. for Carl GCiG'i; for sate " Runnable r Kuhl. at Shanta Station, 1 mile (prices. south " Kitchener-Guelph High- ; ------ -r--.-------------- way. l owe mm Watch this listing for several _ Auclrd. 15m on. good house sales in the near future, October 8, Tuesday, 1 pai-parm stock. implements, hay and grain, for Werner Riehl, 3 miles south- west of Gadshill. October 15, Tuesday. [.30 pan-- Holstein dairy cows, hogs and dairy l equipment for Henry Wagler. 3 . miles west of N_eyr Hagmburg. 1 October 12, Thursday. 1 pan.- Farm stock. implements, hay and grain, for Laura Ross, 2 miles south ofyap)ewed, 7 7 October 4, Friday, I pat-ram', stock and implements for the late J. A. Shillings estate, 1 mile north- east of. Inherkip. November 12. Tuesday " l pan. -Auctiort sale for Percy Adams on the tum at Mon about 6 miles west of Elmira of accredited cattle, other livegtock. implements and haunt-k Far-I. Lincoln Stroh, In... Nauru». Oak. EDWARD 621321.. AM PM Et-de. - October 2, Wednesday, l Pan.-- Stock. implements, feed and funk ture, for Chas. Iron, about 1% miles southwest of Heston. October 15, Tuesday-Livestock, implements, feed, etc., for Sam Meyer, about W. miles west of St. Clements. November s, Tawny. t Fm.- Livestock. implements. feed, em. tor J. Koenig. " miles west of Linwood. Cattle, implements, grain. for Mrs. September 28, Saturday, t Fm.-- M. Straus, about 2% miles north Household effects, furniture and west of St. Agatha. ‘miscellaneous articles for Anthony November 19. Tuesday, l pPe-rzettel. t mile northeast of Mary- Farm stock, implements. feed formal. Wm. Schneider, 2 miles east of; October 2, Wednesday, 1 p.m.-- Bamberg or 2% miles south ot St. IHoI-ses. cattle. pigs, calves. at Wa- Clements. ‘terloo Countv Livestock Extthanqe October 2, Wednesday, 9.30 am -Holstein cattle, horses, hogs, poultry, implements. feed and fur- niture. for Mrs. Eaton and H. Ba- her, 2 miles west of Tavistock. EB: TfGGbuTfhGar -- Gi." in: Vain-v. ao-tio---"" In . doubl- [rlndw- of Burl-w II." Indium)- Me In a.» I yrs-“ho- at the ICJII-lln. u-uol. an-uv- Print-u. "I lbs tat. Holt of hi- dnulhlun In Inch-and Idle". October Mk Wednesday, t Fm.-- Herd of Jersey cows for Stanley ft""""" out Albert St., Water- oo, September 28, Saturday. 1.30 pm. -Reat estate and household goods for the late Elizabeth Krug Est. on Depew St., in Tavistock. A130 SELLING tum-l. Inky-Hud- nut". milk conic, "an -u'r. and all -mun. nun-II" Una-n“ than“ ah. Aw... " inquiries In, October T, Monday-Livestock, unplements, furniture, em. at El- mira Shed. October 17. Thursday, 1 Fm.-- Livestock, implements, feed, em, tor Robert Vou on 13th Line ot Wellesley, about " miles north- west of Linwood? November IS, Friday. 1 Fm.-- Cattle, implements, grain for Mrs. M. Straus, about 2% miles north wet of St. Agatha. Ire-don â€lib; “It tutu" d has. Gnu St: New: unou‘ urn-l In New. with 10'? "out up to It“. IDA. nut, 40 In. tat. LIOS at Jr. I _ In- human tatt uni-nod) of van-on Sou-“on. he " Vin-u" All Install. a t6.t"-tb. - " Inn-HQ In" Int-hemâ€. Donna. of ' â€gt Wyn-Ire; uni In Calla. 1-â€! 1nd; Brae Hold Jock, Fun-r sh John. I HART Battery Ilk Ignltlon Co. I. - St. III. It. 6-. ma Auction Sale Lists 30.4 In Catalog." and M " ttstt, W. Ion-ho bend u than an... A M "ro and pains“... au. “I.“ VACCMATID A â€an PM" nun lVIIV MM um “LI " LAM-ARK IA“. ADJOINING 10'“ or 747331.00 ONT WDIQDAV, OCTOBER 2nd. 1040 THE TWO III-ID "n" (In. - “â€qu PM L Mm, all In, _ Ton-u. October 2, Wednesday, I pan.-- Farm stock, implements, hay, grain. produce, for Roy Hilborn, on Lot lot, 4 miles north of Preston and '. mile from Kossuth Corner I October l, Tuesday, 12.30 noon-- Tractor and equipment. farm stock. iimplemems, hay, grain and etc., at Lot. 16. Con. 13, Nichol Twp., 1% Imiles from Elora for Lorne Priebe. Mt Vidal. It. N.. Inch-nu PM. 2-050. Rheum: September 28, Saturday, 130 pm -Household effects. furniture, etc for Edward Boll at Kitchener Mar. ket BM; November 20. Wednesday-Stock and implements for Norman Clem- cns, Kossuth. October 30, Wcdncsday-AUttle machinery, etc. for. Karl Scheifele. near St. Jacobs. october-iaring Auction sate, tractor thresher. farm stock. imple- ments. hay grain, etc., Con. 6, Peel Twp. for Chrenfe St9ne. October M, Saturday. at L30 p.m.--Auetion sale of entire herd of reg. Hereford cattle, 6 miles west of Guelph. 3 mile: from Ariss tf, Wm. Bosomworth. Farm is sod. October 28. Monday-Dairy cows. gables. pigs. for J. A Randall, Bres- October 8, Tuesday, 12.30 sharp toSTy--Dual purpose Shorthom cattle, other cattle and hogs, farm implements. hay grain. ete, Lot 25. Con. 8, Arthur Twp., 7 miles west of Aerr for Alfred Kaye. I. H. Tom. Am Wow thnad.., Phone at October M, Wednesday. 1 pn".-- Parm stock, implements, produce and household effects for Mrs. Em- manuel-Schmitt, 3 miles south of Petersburg, or 3 miles north of New Dundee. BARRY PAIR. & SON Auction-on. Alma. on. September 27. Friday, 1.30 p.m--- Farm stock, implements, produce and etc., at Lot 9, Con. I, Mime Twp., 3 miles cast of Palmerston on highway No. 23 for Joe Tyndall. November 20, Wednesday-Stock and implements for Norman Clem- ens, Kossuth. A. B. â€mm Anal-u: M .4510. M September 28, Saturday, 3.15 am. -Furniture and household effects at Market Stand at Kitchener Mar- September 28, Saturday, l pan. -Household enacts for H. R. Seit- tert. 156 Victoria St. s, Kitchener September so, Monday-Cattle, etc, for James Waters at Strath- toy. hem: 15, Tuesday-Stock and implements for Harry Hudson, cut ot Ethsvilie. October 25, Friday, 12 noon-. Cattle for A. E. Irwin at Winter Fair Bldeo_9ytrlph, - October so. Wednesday-Cattle, machinery, etc., for Earl Scheuele, near St, Jacobs. October 22, Tuesday, 12 noon-- Cattle at Winter Fair Bldg., Gelph, -- -- _ A - -- Ociober 24, Thursday, 10.30 am -Stock, implements and household effects for John Dietrich at St. Aga- tha. Octal»? 28, Moiutay--Dairy cows, calves. pugs. for J. A. Randall. Bres- Ian. Star out on,“ Mr Thu In a worth Bo" at Glen (haphell (mun-“l. m Hullabal- 0rulc hon um, oCthe $630045. Allah: undue". Human]- rho-n.“ uh than; ttis on» dna.. I hut an Muller u! Ann-uh]. laud-c 1t1eoy and “TM- ICU a