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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Sep 1946, p. 5

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Hello. Homemakers! Be an u- ttat with salad plates. Lay melon slices in whorls; radiate wedges of lettuce from a bowl of mint; " ternate bunches of purple grapes and peach halves covered with cheese Itn',el'tt; Serve favorites m a mom and frame your picture- ttt with curly romaine and per- y mess. The followrng rectpes have been published by a manufacturer of real mayonnaue: A .erNet not.“ Haida-tic. I. I. an». LIGHT. [NIXPINSIVI 'ghAt'lrru'tt Invnltlgnlu. Write Smith Mnnuhcturln; Company 005.9: ___ ugh-n. IL 34 King St. North um and Vogoubl. Baud 3 cups diced meat, 2 cups Planning MENU rm ___ ton. iiih E humus“ nu RUP’TURED? N " DU NDRE BRIDOEPOI'I‘ DOON MAPLE GROVE Residence of Mm. & srnmsmu Ltes Atrium, BRESLAU MARYIIILL “3"):an ST. CLEMEN'I'S LINWOOD WELLESLIY BADEN QUALITY MEAT MARKET NEW HAMBUIG Ulnar! In" WATRILOO Town III" TE: WARTIM! PRIC§8 AND TdtAt2r3tfhllV3t? WATERLOO Flederleln'e Shop Are In" Residence of Mn. Middleton "shot Residence of Mrs. C. Burn-MM Mterrer'.n “do! Wednesday, Sept. ttth Hut-Inn's Stare Parish III" Townchlp ll.“ Fire In" Hydro Mu Add 6 tbsps. milk gradually to ChiNonade Mayonnaise. Heat in saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently Add 'r. tsp. yellow col- oring and serve with fresh, hot, cuhed potatoes. 2 tbsp: chopped pant”. I I lbsp onion (chopped;, 1 cup mayocmalse‘ 2 tbsp: chopped Mepper, 2 ttard-cooked egg: tchopped) [ Combine the unacdlenu and mix l well Serve with green and; or; cold macaroni i l cantaloupe, t bananas, 0 bunches grapes, 6 sweet plums, lettuce. mayonnaise. Slice cantaloupe and dice. Peel bananas and shoe Wash mm and plums. Arrange on romaine or lettuce add mayonnaise To.» the mum-eat: taxma- with nugonmnle. Serve on iiied lettuce ix servings. 2 cups mashed potato, 4 cups nulk. R tsp, celery salt, 1 small onlun (sliced), 2 tbsps flour. 6 tbsps. mayonnaise. Simmer potato, 2 cups milk, salt and onion. 5 mms. Blend mayon- pe r,siruirtsieed_r,ti 's-'g"frfa'lfJltcllfr'Nh"alt, uUsp pepper, lk " :6.me RAMON AttMtNHtttAtiOtt TRY OUR HOME-MADE SAUSAGE Hot Potuo- Salad Soup Chilton“. “unwind“ F.anitrhuttluud Hot Chum Phone 7-7475 90m. mu and ttth ' A.M. to I.“ P.M. Sept. t8th. Mth Ind Nth ' AM. to 5.8. PM. Sept. "th Ind ttth ' A.M. m 5.3. P.M. Frldly, Sept. no. 9 A.M. m 5.30 PM. Sept Saul. Sept Illh. "th and Mth L. "th and tttht mu m “(I no. nu! “ch 1800 Ind no. no. all Nth t0ttt and I!“ ttttt and "tt ', cup pearl barley (uncook' rd. 1 cups boiling water, y, tsp. salt, t eggs. 2 tbsps. brown su- ed), l cubs boiling water, 54 tap. warm milk, % tps. vanilla, 2 cups sliced apples. Cook barley in rapidly boiling, salted water till tender and prac- tically all the water has been ab- sorbed. 40 mins., or longer. Mix Cook the plums with the water and lemon juice until soft. Measure the cooked fruit. Add the sugar. Boil to the ieilying point. Por the sweeter varieties ot plums use 2 tbsps lemon juice. 1 cup peaches (cubed). V: cup Sugar, 1% tbsp. lemon juice Cook peaches and lemon Juice mm soft. Measure the cooked mixture. Add sugar and boil to the jellying point. modem ' lk cup honey. 154 am: a; etqtsBtour,%trqLoehot.au- sum - and “km " cup hot l water, and . ot 1 me. y M Halve the Plums and add to the, ttourwhubhastremoitud.me- Af', med and sifted again with the: 1"erc', other dry ingredients. Combine the: 1 beate melted shaming. hot Inca. lie-3 , tqtx ney and orange rind, and add to! salt, % the fUst mixture mixing until well peach t blended. Pour the batter into a cup tsm well-greased mould, then cover and mom tt steam for " hrs. Unmould and Cream serve with sauce, sw servings. L.?..'t?h. and. And Apple Jun h cup apples (cut up) X cup water. h cup grape pulp, Fa cup sugar to t cup fruit mixture. Cook the a/tle", with the water until sofL A the mpe pulp. Measure the mixture. Add sugar Boil to the ys0ying point 'satseamdatn'rwtttsmm.irttrtqSdros1teoe_ oua,-andwarrn cupsnnlk' mmmmmdmm bully.“ and top with - vanuunndfbldinthestitnyuat- Yieldzcnervlnu -txittteeeadarrtleity_the 2cuprrtooedptums, who. talt"teto.da,ttt.eme? MM?“- Apple Barley Pudding ' AM. to "' P.M. " All. to " In. ' LII. to " EM. I All to " In. ' A... to " P.M. ' A.M. to " P.M. I b I P.M. all , h D In. ' bl. A.M. and I h , In. " All. to I P.M. I , I”. b I P.M. Pendulu- Plum Jan 7!. 'A’IILOO thttegttt OHIOILOL! Puck whole pceled or quartercd jlumatucs into hot sealers or plain "trt cans, pressing down until cov- [ortd with juice. Add salt, and ad- 'Just rubber rings and tops as di- rected in Cold Pack method above. Iroccss in boiling water bath, 35 _ minutes for pints and twenty-ounee hm, and 40 minutes for quarts and 1ucuty-cigl1t ounce tins. I Adjust rings and glass tops on sealers with spring or screw tops and partially seal, and completely seal tin cans. Be sure to leave a head space of lk inch in glass top ‘sealers and tin cans. Process in ;lhe boiling water bath 30 minutes Nor pints and twenty-ounce tins, and 35 minutes for quarts and 'twenty-eight ounce tins I 2 tablcspoou.s fat l , _ 3 tablespoons flour HAWKh"3 YrLLE l CUP milk a. in. Atal. t_.. ii' teaspoon salt Ichoniclo Curve-walnut) .r e r I i,2 t,aj't'eu' 11'fify ehee.w Mr. John R. Jackson and _son f 2 egg yolks lMorley of the 3rd line of Peel visit- 2 egg whites I?! mfth Mr. Charles Bulmer Sun- . m: 's ay a ternoon. i 3 'l.yi1il,'p,of,',', If,',','; Mr and Mrs. Harold Witzel and Salt and P913139" to taste Cihtriys Robertson of Kitchener and Miss Laura Duench and Wel- Melt fat in top of double boiler, land Lautoschlatyt of Petersburg blend in flour and season with salt 5p. nt Sunday at the home of Mr. and pepper. and gradually add and Mrs. Aug. Schneider. milk. Stir until thickened, Place Miss Delphine Schneider of Wa- over hot water. add cheese and stir lvrlim spent the week-end at her until melted, Stir a small portion home here of cheese sauce into slightly beat- A birthday reunion was held at en egg yolks, and return mixture the home of Mrs. Anetta Tyack. to sauce in double boiler. Cool the following being present: Mr. slightly and fold in stiffly beaten'and Mrs. William Tyack and fam- egg whites. Cut tomatoes in thick 'ly. Mr, Harold Wilson of Detroit slices, dredge with ftour seasoned and Mr and Mrs. Stewart Creigh- with salt and pepper to taste, Ar- ton and daughter Ruth. Mr and range tomatoes in the bottom of a Mrs Herb Windrin of Toronto, Mr. greased baking dish, pour souffle and Mrs. Burl Tyack and family ot mixture on top. Set dish in pan of near Bridecport. Mr and Mrs. Guy hot water and oven peach in a mo- Tyack of Kitchener and Mr and Iderate oven, 350F. 60 to 60 minutes i Mrs I G Martin until set. 5to6 servings I Mr and Mrs Otto Justus and i -..-, _ inn: George and Edward Martin 'tti r ritt lr, g '" i. RATIO" COUPON, DUE DATES 321:1?“ d witl frund owr the hall Place peeled tomatoes in kettle, bring to boiling point and pack hot into hot sealers or plain tin cans. Add salt, and adjust rubber rings and tops as directed in Cold Pack method above. Process in boiling water bath, 15 minutes for pints, quarts. twcnty and twenty-eight ounec tins. Pack the peeled tomatoes into 1 clean hot sealers or into plain tin, cans, add half a teaspoon of salt per! pint, or twenty-ounce tin, and co- xer with hot tomato juice. To make _ tomato juice, cut broken or irregu-i lar tomatoes intu pieces, cook until, son enough to press through strain- f er to extract Juice. A A new version of an aid favorite It, the Tomato Cheese Souffle de- signed to make use of the fresh to- matoes available now. -----" aiiud - In the tfl/tSMI' Itu'it? M bud-c iiiUtChFinkV -- - 7‘iiih'hown tug-:77 F. Cover with barley minute. at in , pan octet rum “1920.904 sat-r. % cup nan corn an». 1 beaten e 2 updating , "I! butt; pow ' an, 55 cup milk, 8 cooked peach halves, 1 tbsp. butter, " cup brown sugar. I tap. cinna- mon, tt marshmallows. Cream the shortening. my: and syrup, add ea; beat well. Sift ttour, baking powder and salt Add niterhately with milk Pour into a greased 8 x Winch pan. Arrange eh halves, cut side up, on top of ttIli,", and space for individual por- tions. Blend butter, brown my! and Cinnamon Bake m moderate own (350) 40 nuns. Remove from oven, place marshmallows on each peach half. Return to oven; brown lightly. Serves 8. Coupons now due are sugar pre- serves Sl to SEV, butter R18 to R20 and meat Q] to Q3. The marriage of Miss Jean Ma- ~bel Norman. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Norman, Elmira. to Mr. Herman August Byerman, son 'of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Byerman. RR. l, Dublin, took place in Kitch- ener on Saturday, Aug. 31. The couple lef ton a trip to Sault Ste. l Marie and North Bay following the l ceremony, the bride travelling in a l fuschia silk jersey dress with black accessories. Mr. and Mrs Byorman ( will reside m Elmira. ( _--------,------------ Mr and Mrs Cumpléell Sham: "T . and family spent Sun ay at the EAST [A ’RRA home of Howard Zinkann in HN. a L. My... “mum. 11elbcrtr thyocpasmn being the byy Jawa. ammuu', ‘tysm of tlT.ir. little daughter, Patri- un Ann T.inkann Mr and Mrs Aaron Helmuth) The family of Mrs Elizabeth visited over the week-9nd with re- Hoffman gathered at the home of lativos m Middlehurg and Goshen. bur son and daughter-in-law, Mr, Indiana. ”and Mrs John Hoffman on tho 5th Week-end visitors with Rev. and lmv on Sunday in honor of her Mrs Curtis Crcssman Wore: Mr, Mth birthday, Week-end visitors with Rev. and Mrs Curtis Crcssman were: Mr and Mrs Roy Fry and famil and Misses Carrie, Edna and Editil " der all of Akron, NN, and Miss Elsie Crossman, R N . of Kitchener and Ruth Crevmtan, RN. of Lon- don and Mist Gladys Croxsman of near New Hamtnqtr Mr, Raymond Kiicpter of Harw- steod spent the week-end with T, Willis Helmuth. Mi {mi Mrs, Elroy Helmuth of South Easthcl?» callnd on Mr, and Mrs Aaron olmuth Friday even- Mr and Mrs John Linglebach of Lisbon and Mr. and Mm. Harvey Riohl, Betty and Audrey of Se- hringvillo and Mr and Mrs Perry mom» and Manse of Cast-l spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allen Otto KiiaeriU upon! Labor Da;"week end with Mr and Mn Allen Otto. Mr and Mrs FtluarTLEttttert pf , than shetrnine, 56 cup Tomato Chm Scum. Solid Pack Tomatoes Hot Pack Tomatoes Cold Pack Tomato“ (Chronicle Com-Gnu ELMIRA Mr. John R. Jackson and son lMorloy of the 3rd line of Peel visit- (gi, with Mr. Charles Bulmer Sun- day afternoon. Mary and Margaret Tunn of near l Gan spent the past week with their l, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- l ton Swartz. f Miss Marion Creek of Toronto >prnt the week-end with her (mend. Miss Isobel Cressman at the home of Mrs. E. Perrin. Miss Margaret Brubacher attend- ed a young people's conference of the Mennonite Church held at the M Br. camp grounds near Kitch- cnt-r last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Gordoneer and Mrs Margaret Shelby of New Tor- onto, Mrs. Wm. Shelby and Mrs. E. it, Shelby of Eastwood were Labor Day Vlsnurs with Mr. and Mrs. El. mer Stoltz and also callde on Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelby. Misses Cora Sager and Bessip Hope are spending part of this Muck with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Flumerfeldt 9r Buffalo, N.Y, and Mrs. A, E. hr. “mun", a.” am. M”. n. r... l'wkurd and Miss Ruth of Bronte‘ were week-end holiday visitors; with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pickal'd.i Mr. Ed, Pickard of Islington is', spending the week with his bro-' thor. Mr. Pickard and Mrs. Pick-) ard. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kavelmln and family visited at the home of Walter Kneisel at Kingwood on bu_n_day. _ - 7 Mrs. W. Detweiler spent Friday; In Kitchener, when she visited two [ ncphcws, Mr, Morley Battier and‘ Mr. Earl Martin, both of whom are! I” m hospital. [ Mr and Mrs. Lorne Fried and family of Williamsburg visited with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Schrieher on Sunday. - 7 Mr. land Mrs. Ed. Snider of Kit- ciiner were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Holm. with prayer. -e Mr. Chub. Snid- vu in tae. of ”an? in '.st4s,'i?le.v'r'i?thi '. ren on Special music 1n. n solo all! . A. Picuzdandaduetb, .m- Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Bantam and MISS Dons Netherton of Tor- unto were holiday week-end gusts of Mrs. W. Netherton. ttsemeottn-tctsarsioniiiéot Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell ot North Easthope visited at the homes of Levi Holm and M. Veitch an Sunday. - - and Miss Laura Duench and Wel- land Lautoschlatyt of Pctorsburg sptitt Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schneider. ard and his mother, in A a Pichrd. The latter duo unaided at the piano tor the services Uniting with the ua. Sunday Schools of New Dundee and Menu, heim, umber: and mood; of the local United Brethren Sunday School enjoyed a circuit tttt held at Kitchener Park on us- day. Mm Ruth Fried and Detect: Marshall spent last week at Mar i/g/ttttdiet' misting with the harvesting peaches Mr. and Mn. charles Santana!) y! Bri1mptottysited wig: Mr. and Miss Delphine Schneider of Wa- I tcrloo spent the work-end at her homo horn A birthday reunion was held ah the home of Mrs. Anetta Tyack., tho following being present: Mr. and Mrs. William Tyack and tam-' ily. Mr, Harold Wilson of Detroit' and Mr and Mrs. Stewart Creigh-g tort mid daughter Ruth. Mr and Mrs Hon-b Windrin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tyack and family ot, m-nr Bridgeport, Mr and MES Guy} m. at! ttein . 3133.5 "shirid if"?! Wy Hairy when.» fundyr: Miss Lcvma Brubachcr of Kitch- (nor who has been spending the past week with Miss, Lona Emba- rhvr has returned home. Quite a number from here at- n ndud tho Elmira fall fair on Mon- day. Mr .and Mrs. Wilson Richmond and family of Stratford. Mrs. Grieves of Plattsville visited with Mr. and Mrs I. G. Martin, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lockhan and May of Broslau spent Sunday at William Voll's. Mrs William Wilford and son spent Sunday afternoon with Kitch- ener friends and while there had the pleasure of meeting acquaint- nnros, Miss Lona pr of Detroit, Mich, and sister. Mrs Charles Tilt of Donn Clayton and Ralph Berg. David Wuhan and Lorne Rennie are as- snslmg with the picking of peaches m tho Grimsby area School began Tuesday morning with six new beginners: Marjorie humor, Elizabeth Frey, Mum! Shaun. Katherine Habermel , Elaine Berg. Tommy Hermon. Eldon Embark who is an em- pluyro with the Hergott Bros Funndry, St Clrmt-nu, accompa- nird Henry Dietrich of St Clem- .nk lo London for several day- whvrv they are installing shred- ders m the eGorge White Thresh- mg Machine Calvin! Miss Angeline Martin made a CROSSHILL " In, him: _ {Pbromelo (font-Ion...“ Tmit 0m Lumm CLEANERS AND owns FOR OVER " YEARS 13 Duke St. East wamwo Phone 8-8833 Phone 8-8833 8 King FAN may You’ll In!” USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TME DIST CLEANING COSTS LESS For that immaculate look of smart- ness, always have your garments dry cleaned here. Our specially developed processes are more than safe for your precious wearables. You'll be delighted with our odor-free, wrinkle-tree, grime-free rejuvenation of your best dresses To keep your clothes trim and lovely looking, phone us. REMEMBER . . . If you bring your dry cleaning in to us and then call for it, you not only save time and enable us to give you better service . i . but you also save money. DIAMOND MERCHANTS TEA KITCHF,NF,rt JuhtCf'1, vain” 'c, mum» 51.31 She Is Going Back To School .MAKE SURE SHE CAN' KEEP ON TIME WITH C A BULOVA with a , fresh wardrobe priced at 21.7.": Models show" I‘D 7 Tim-l

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