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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Jun 1946, p. 6

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cult and Juice. tor cattle, calves, lambs an sheep were steady ln trade on the livestock market here today. Estimated unsold at the date were 500 head ot cattle. Re- ceipts reported by the Dominion Marketing Service were: Cattle, l,- 200, calves 800, hogs 1,000, sheep and lambs 500, .Weti,eetit steers were ”335 $1E- 15. bu er steers $12.75-3A4.50, heifers 'it26-t13.S0, butcher cows 80-12. bulls $l0-$i2.25, ted year- ling: $13-$15, stockers, $ir50-$it- Lambs Wcre $174115!) for choice with yearlings $12-$15, Sheep were $4410. Hogs were, dressed, grade A, $21.25. grade B-l $20.85, sows most- ly 818. "Calves were $t6-$12 choxce with pttin l.ights doiypte1Pfil Toronto Hogs Up 25 Cents Cattle, Calves. Lambs Steady WmNIPEG.--Cash prices: Oats: 2, CW, 51%;3 CW, 5lli; ex. 3 CW, 51%; ex. 1 feed 51%; 1 feed 51%; 2, feed 515573 feed 5lh_; track 11%, a toil TORONTO-Butter markets re- mained quiet but steady today. Dealers were generally holding out for 38c for first grade butter with some lots ot 39-90 score and some 39.91 score selling at 37%e. The asking price for Western butter was 38%e. No sales were reported. e%is', Aiy-iiicci, ask 4 dw, 2.00; track. 2.77, Screenings $12.90 Butter k Steady Eggs In Demand Local sources reported that 500 boxes of Que. No. I butter sold at 38%e and 900 boxes at 38c on the Canadian commodity exchange in Montreal. Local egg markets were firm with receipts clearing roudily un- der a good demand. Spot prices for A large was firmer. Wholesale to retail prices for Gratin A large and A medium eased. TX9RoN'Wh--Butter: First grade solids 37%-38: secund grade solids 36M-37. Toronto egg quotations were: To country shippers on graded eggs: Grade A large .rr-... wr_rqmt.r-r ....35-35% Grade A medium., . . Fr) 34% Grade A pullets ‘. V. ..... 32% Grade B ...--.v._ _ _. _., 31-31% Grade c -ttm.mrt.m.mm..Vt,trr . _ mama-30 To retail trade: Grade A large .p._ Grade A medium Grade A pullets .. Grade B r.._mttrw_mtF..t Grade C ..Vt...r._._VtrV A good breakfast is essential if children are to do better school work and bring home better report cards. Nutrition authorities of the Department of National Health and Welfare suggest that a good break- fast should consist of an orange or tomato juice, a whole-grain cereal with milk, Canada Approved bread and a glass of milk or cocoa. Winnipeg Graie Feeding Molasses Egg Quotations Applications for position of County Weed Inspector will be received by County Clerk and Treasurer on or before Mandey, June IT, " " o’clock noon. Rate of pay $6.00 per 8-hour (by. plus Te per mile, and incidental expenses. Further lnlormtlon my be had from Township Deputy Reeves or the undersigned. CHAS. STAGE]! County Clerk and Tunnel, Court House. Ruchener. SHIRK & SNIDER LTD. KITCHEN ER BA DEN BRIDGEHHVI‘ PARKWAY I40" I 1-15] I 14345 County Weed Inspector DIET AN D EDUCATION Butter Prices The Feed Administrator has ordered that this he used ttpecifkally for silage. Call in or phone to A whole earload of Beet Molasses ha,," just arrived KUNCK co., Elmira .. 38 37-37% 34 32 $5? Twenty-two members attended 1',l'll,tri bi-weekly meeting of the Chil- The 1 dren of the Church which was held Grist St. James Lutheran parsonage l last Thursday night. The president. 500 Beatrice Goodwin presided and a d t{psalm was read responsively fol- J, ‘lowed by prayer by the pastor, tterjiG/ H. Schmieder. Larry Schmidt e ‘nizead the Bible story, "A Time of Sadness". Mrs. B. Boshart and Mrs. firm”! Schmieder were in charge of Pe. j the Beginners class which studied s form“, theme. "Jesus wants us to be e to loving foreign children". Mrs. M. and K Toman conducted the Junior class in the study of "The Apostles' Creed" and Rev. Mr. Schmieder ltd in a catechal review for the pre- _ iConfirmation class. Peonieo and snow bolls sold at 2Se a bunch at Waterloo Market Saturday Tomato plants totalled at Mc a box, while cabbage plum sold for IS to 2Sc a dozen. Other produce sold at thesexices: But- ter we; eggs " to ; potatoes $2.50 bag; large basket we. small 37c; cauliflower 30 and 354:; cab- bage 10 to 20c; onions 5 and 10e bunch; onions 50c basket; celery 15 to Mc; carrots two buncha for 15c; rhubarb 5 and 10c bunch; en- dive 5 to ISC; cucumbers 30 to SSe; asparagus two tor Me; tresh pork sausage Me; smoked fork some Me; 102g sauna; Oe; some: sausage c; ea c em 1 . Kori liver 17c; beet liver Me; fresh am 35c; smoked ham 88e; lard 15c; dressed rabbits 35c; young broilers 50c; milk-ted chickens Me; year- old chickens 36 to 38e; tomatoes 25c; Canadian cheese 32 to ssc; cooked cheese IS and 25c bowl. In an exciting game played " the local ball park on Tuesday evening Bright defeated New Dun- dee by a score of 10-5. The Bright team got off to a good start by scor- ing four runs in the first inning and three in the third while New Dundee made their first run in the fourth inning, and then .two etch “W‘- "I - wv-~ v- -- v- --v -i"' V", ~~vw~ - - H, . team got off to a good start by scor- a: the pound cheese cost 32c for ing four runs in the ttrst inning mil "6tor medium, 36 for old, and and three in the third while New 42 for cream cheese. Bricks of lim- Dundee made their first run in the burger and Swiss cheese were 30 fourth Inning. and then two each ;and 32c and cooked cheese was 30 In the fifth and sixth innings. The Hunts a pint. visitors also scored one run in the; Sussex-Hampshire hybrid live fifth and two in the sixth innings. ‘chicks were selling for 12 and 18c A home run was made by Jim:apiece, depending on age. Cressman of the local team. _Drcstsed rabbits wyeAteretiAor Mr. and Mrs: Edward Stoltz visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stoltz (“Auburn 91 suty1ay, A - _ Mr. add Mrs. William ManitleId of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Taxman. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher. the Misses Erma and Florence Die- fenbachor and Ray Diefenbacher attended the Kaster Family re- union which was held at Waterloo Park on Samuel; _ - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob and children. Patsy, Donald and Billy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin grassman at Victoriaburg on Sun- ay. Rev. and Mrs. E. J, Bailey and children. Peter and Norma of Ham- ilton were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs, O. T. Coleman on Stylday. __ ___ - -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egerdee, Mr. cnd Mrs. M. K. Toman and Mrs. B. Boshart called om Mr. and Mrs. M. Weiss at _HirysviLltt 1m Sqrgday; - _ Mr and Mrs. Walter Hofstetter of Plattsville and Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Hofstetter of Kitchener visit- ' d with Mr. and Mrs. John Hofstet- tor on Sungiax WATERLOO “I? won Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Conrad NEW DUNDEE " ro%TuRiirFra.auul - it If! IKE 'Yu" HM of Vegetables h Local Market _ In the ftower lute, Larkspur. at 1lsc a bunch, lemon lilies, at three Hot 10c Ind lupin: at 25e a dozen were new otterings. Cabbage plants were priced at Ite a dozen and to- mato plants trom 2Se each to 26e a dozen, depending on size and variety. Quantities of outdoor red radish- es were shown at a nickel a bunch and some white ones at the same :price. A pint box of tomatoes cost i30e, cucumbers were 20e each and asparagus two bunches for Me Two quart boxes of spinach changed hands for tse. - I Miss Marion Creek of Toronto ‘and Miss Isabel Cressman of Rose- ville visited at the home of the lat- "er's mother, Mrs, Leander Crests- ‘man on Sunday. 1 Charles Lang of Galt is spending ‘1. few days with his sister-ln-law. (iii, M. B. Snydel. - 7 - New beets and head lettuce that had been grown outdoors made their appearance on the Kitchener market this morning. before what was almost a record crowd tor the market, Lettuce sold at 15c and beets were two bunches for a quar- ter. For the tlrst time in several months caulitiowers were for sale at the market and sold for 10 to Potatoes cost 8he a haste! for large and 20e for small. There were a few turnips at , and 8c and carrots brough} 10c_a quay. be. Mr and Mrs. Sflomnn Bowman and Ivan Jimmie. he Muses Hulda and Joan Bowman, Mr and Mrs. Albert Egerdee. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Egordu- and Rev. and Mrs. H. Schmiedor and Kennmh Bosh-rt worn guests at the wedding ot Min Janet Fraser and Ronald Bowman at Kitchener on Saturday Miss Della Schlichter of Dundas, Miss Dora Schlichtor of Can and the Mi-es Ben? and Harriet Schliehter and Wllard Srhllchter of Kitchener spent the met-end with their parents. Mr and In. Henry Behliehter. Egg prices were as follows: Ex- tra large, Me a dozen; large, 38; medium 35, and pullet. 34-370. Butter was ticketed at 450 a pound and cream at 2§c , pint. - - Mr, aind Mrs Willard Hallman and son. John of Walter‘s Falls! called orUMrt. J qessel on Synday. ( Mrs, Stanley Wurm and son, Dale of Detroit, Mich. are spend- ing a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Austin SEIEeitzer' of Paris called on Mrs Ephraim! Rig]: on Supgay - 7 l Mr and Mrs' F. A Path spent the week-end vismng with rela- tiv_e_s at Blown C_ity. Mich. Moses Beer, Josiah and Curtis Boer and Miss Eileen may called on Mr and Mrs. Ephraim Baer at Haysvnllc on Sunday Several from the drstrtet attend- (-d the annual convrntion of the Watvrloo County Wcr.tr. which was held at the Resume Evangeli- cal Church on Nada)! Harry Pale: of St John N B., Mr. and Mn. Jock Sim and E G sum ot Kitchener all“ It the home of I M Hilbert- an MA, Chris Huohn of Kitchener srGii a few days of this week at the homr of Mr and Mrs o. T Cole- man. Mr and Mrs I H. Toman. Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Sararas and son, Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowman and Wallace, Elgin and Ross Toman were guests at the wedding of Miss Marg. Manstteld and Ralph Toman at Kitchener on Safyrday. - V "brdis,ed'ratstritis" were'olgc-red for Mc a pound, young broil g chick- miter " {Ind year-olds for " Meat prices per pound were: Head cheese, 2Se; smoked sausage 35, pork sausage 30, summer sau- Suge 40, ham sausage 37, pork liver 20, beef liver 27, pork chops 40, beefsteak 40, T-bone steak 47, ham- burg 322. back bacon 65 and picnic 1mm 3, pnd son, Walter. and Miss DoioilTj Wilhelm of Baden visited with Mr. ant. Mrs;_0i13ar syiyle.r pn Sunday. Mrs. Amanda Geiger of Toronto and Mt and Mn John Wilhelm Rose Bay, NS., were guests of Itcv and Mrs. H. Schmieder on Sunday. 7 __ __._. _ __ _ _ Mr. Cand Mrs. Willard Geiger of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs Henry Schlichter on Satur- day, - H A-.. _ _ Mrs. Sophie Witmer of Preston spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Eli Rosenberger and Mr. Ro- ugyerger. -- - Mr. and Mrs. H. Kavelman and Miss Nellie Kavelman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coxson at Gait onfiylday, -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilck and children, Calvin and Marlene and Wilfred Kern of Stratford visited nub Mrs. Earl 1(th on Sunday, _ Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Page attended the funeral of the late Captain G. Velge at Jitmilt_on last Tryrsday, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Gingerich and sons of St. Jacobs visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey on Sunday, __ U A A Rev .and Mrs. H. P. Schade at- tended the ordination service for Rev. James Greene which was held at Benton St. Baptist Church on Sunday. k Mrs. wiiiiarrl Miller of 'd1'tge,',; Mich., called, at the home of OSes Baftr last _F'tifay, Mrs." Lydness of North Dakota called on Mrs. Addison Kicker! re- ceplly, - - - - A - Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Solomon Bowman on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Faber and children, Bobby and Gloria of Van Dyke, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman and Claude Bowman of let; Hamburg and Percy Bowman hi alt. --------------_- u 1 At a meeting of the Brownies on onlMay Mst, six rectuits were en- er -‘rolled in the organization by Dis- L' trict Commissioner Mabel Hahn. , Brown Owl J. McPhail presented ad _ the Brownies for enrolment, name- th ly: Rita Margetts, Patsy Brown. iiiiyaryo1y Hahn, Joyce Wiebe. Vera :Spaford and Mary Breutsch. The In ‘mothers of the six Brownies were zes‘ispecial guests at the meeting. lunch being served to them at the m. zclose. f Reeve W, R. Hostetler in com- .pany with other members of the (Waterloo County Council were .away on a tour to Michigan and ,Ohio in the interest of soil con- Iservationi ' New Hamburg's third war-bride ITriv.ed here from her home in A'arnborotagh, Hampshire, with her "hree-year-old son, David. She is 'Mrs. Paul Eichler. Paul Eichler 1 was the first New Hamburg man to ‘cnlist and went overseas in Janu- (ary, 1940. .He returned home a I year ago. At the ”and election a! allots! ot New Dominion Lodge No. II AF, and Al. held on Monday evening, June 10th. the following officers were do“: _ Orval Wolfe, Wonhlplul Master; H. J. Barth, Senior Warden; Harry A. Kerr, Junior Warden; Wm. White, Senior Deacon; J. K. Kelly, Junior Deacon; Cecil Roberta, In- ner Guard; Lorne any”. Senior Steward; Thor. o, Wil 0rd, Junior Steward; E. C Katzenmeier, Direc- tor ot ceremonies; H. Human. Chaplain; A. R, G. Smith, Secre- tary; C. o. Knape, Tue-sure; Walter Kerr, o. Hamilton, Tylen; Walter Ge¥er. E. C Katzenmeier, Auditors; F H. Paine. George W. Emslie, Sydney Love. Earaming Board; Clayton lngold. proxy to Grand Lodgt. Ceremony of installation will be conducted by ll, Wot. Bro. Ingoid on Monday evening, June Mth " tt Mr. and Mrs. Charles KiIgour ot Simcoe visited at the home of the tormer's mother, Mrs. T. Kilgour here last week. _ - - Mr. Robert C. Kruspc, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Kruspe was success- ful in passing his ttrst year in the faculty of medicine at the recent annual examinations at the Univer- sity of Toronto. A I Messrs. Earl “W. a Ptatr, Reuben Ruthie, Walter Gei- ger and Charles Brough attended the Headlight harness horse races in Hamburg, NN, last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Delton Boshart and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swar- tzentruber visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlegal and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baechler on Sunday in East Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. "Dart Janui and family with Mr. and Mrs C O. Jana! of Vietorutturg Mr and Mrs Alger! Schmidt with Mr and Mrs. Nathaniel Ru: oUPdeLtyn Sung”. - _ -- at '1he_Belhel m Wilma Town- ship Sunday School {Immune on Wednoodly . Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlegal were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slabough. Floyd and Annabelle, Mr. Alvin Miller and Ned and Mr. and Mrs. Elie Wirich ang Vgrdettpf Middlelgurgl Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Diefenbaker and Mr. and Mrs, Gideon Hamach- 'r with Mr, and Mrs. Gleason Bau- man and l on_sundar, Mr. andMrs, David Boshan with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roth of Wellesley (nn_ _S_und_a_y. -- - - A _ Mr, and Mrs, Henry Bowman and Doris attended the wedding of Ronald Bowman and Janet Frau in_l_(itchengr on Saturday. A Mr, and Mrs. Walter sham: and family with Mr, and Mn. Edgar Hallman of New Dundee on Sun- day. Mr and MrsM. Roy Schlegll and family with Mr, and Mn Alvin Semen] of East gammy!) _Sun_day, _ Mrs, Walter hiltein and In Albert Schmidt with Mn Harry Ctaplirtg_of, t1outhwttlitrno_t and Miss Mice Boshart attended the Vietch-Boshart wedding in Water- qupn Saw-y; - _ _ A Mr. and Mrs, Roy Schlegal and family attended the Bender re- union ttt Andrew Zehr'x of East Zoypa on 'apydnr_, - _ _ Mrs. L. G, Page of Kitchener and Miss Isabel Bell of Toronto of the local high school staff here, both signed agreements to teach here tor another your. All the other trachers had been previously re. engaged so the whole staff in both public and continuation schools will remain the same for the next term. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SwartZentruber were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamacher. Mr. Wilford Hamaeher, Miss Vera Ha- macher and Mrs. Emmanuel Ha- macher of Wilmot Centre. Out od Town. . Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holst were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roper of Paris, Mn. John H. Ringler of Hespeler, Mr. Harold Parker of Paris and Mrs. Maggie Roper and Wayne ot Pub. Mr. and Mrs. Burt and family ot Toronto, Mr. Willard Kavelman of Kitchener and Mrs. Russel Otto of Hanover with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Otto on Sunday. - 7 _ - - - Mr. and Mrs. Alec Feber. Gloria and Bobby of Vandyke, Mich., with ME and_N_Irs,_H_enry_B_qwm_n. _ Rev. Schmieder Gt New Dundee with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman ort'yhursdyt __ _ _ - _ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapman were Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Chapman were Mr. Oliver Chapman and Misses Melin- da and Mabel and Lucinda Chap- man of Roseville and Miss Irene Chqpmappf yew Dundge: -- _ MES. John Dreher and family of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dreher. Mr. and Mrs. George Schenk of Kitchener spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vohs. NEW HAMBURG and Mr and Mrs S. Martin Bp Mun Dori: Innul (Chronicle Correspondent] PINE HILL at _ June 14, Friday, at 1.30 p.m. DST (--Farm stock, implements, ete., ad- l, joining the town of Palmerston for Mr, George Bridge. F June 15, Saturday. 1.30 pan, DST _v---Sale of high class furniture in the 'town of Fergus for Mrs. F. Stick- 1 “was B. mum-mi. Juno 18. 8mm. " Farm mum-y, tt'iry,'ditii Barnum Dairy Bahia, er. June It. Saturday, 1.16 pan.-- icrtaiak' mum Building. ' June " Monday, 1.30 pal-Cat- tie. hon. for Joe Carroll at Bul- lad Messrs. Clarence Brubecker of West Montrose. Newton Gingrich of near Hawkesville and Miss Nancy Bowman of near Elmira were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst. June IS, Saturday-Auction sale of furniture and household goods In the villafe of New Hamburg, for the late ohanna Eckenville. Stiiiford, orrtG. lhitrttyTy June 22, Saturday, 130 pan.-- Furniture and household elects, for Arthur Hausaamen, Huron St. New Hamburg. -gune 19, Wednesday, 1 Fm.- Farm stock, implements. feed, for Cord tumult). ' mil: west at EDWARD cm W Photo Elmir- In June 14, Friday. 1.30 p.m.-Com- munity sale of cattle, hogs, imple- ments, for Herb Reinhardt, about half' mile northeast of Brenna, on tht highvyay. _ -_- - Mrs Stowe and Miss Lovin- Stowe of Newfoundland and Ill- Doris Stowe of Toronto and Mt and Mrs Arnold Schwindt and naughtor. Diane of Elmira syn! lust Thursday with Mr, and rs, Gmrgo Schwindtr June 1 T, plements, Farmers' yugrs oul Rev, Howard Badman attended n conference at Markham for a few day? ltr_st wek, _ ___ Mr, Rendall Longman and Miss Dorothy Gallagher of Galt, Mr. and Mrs Dave Longman and children of near Elora and Mrs. John Long- man of neu- Alma spent Sunday at he homes! Mr, 01i3er_Kelfey. - Mr and Mrs Edward Main and family of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Edmund Schwindt Quite a number from here at- " nded the Children's Dny program at the Evangelical Chumh u Flo- rrdule, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schneider and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heist. near Pelham. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Bauman and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Musselman near Elora. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Miller of Flo- radale were Sunday guests with Mr, and_Mrs. Wefley Miller. _ _ Mr and Mrs. George family were fi',',',',',',',"' Mr and Mrs Simon l lace. Mr Conrad Bolender and Mn l Devit of Kitchener spent Mandi” with Mr and III " ”M June 19, Wednesday, 1.30 pan.-- Property, furniture, and household effects, for estate late Alvin Ott- man, in Hawkesville. June 19, Wednesday, 1 p.m.- Livestock, implements and miscel- Lmeous, at Waterloo County Stock Exchange for Elum Martin, Prop. June 19, Wednesday, 1 pm.--Farm stock, implements. household ef- fects, for Mrs. Geo Boehm. 1% miles east of Bamberg, 2% miles southwest of St. Clements, on Hessen Road. __ Visual. Mr. Elam Cressman of near Kit- chener spent Sunday with Mr. Ver- non Schwindt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper and uaughters, Carol Ann and Donna Mae of Dorval, Que., were visiting with Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Stick- ney, receptlx. - A ----- A -- A. B. SHEER. Am Pinon. 2.2304. Wu-trt June 15, Saturday. 1.30 pan.-- Household effects, tools, miscella- noousAarticles for Eugene Brubach- er, situated corner of Connaught and 4th Avenue, Sunnyside G,ihiiiesfsoutheast ot Elmira, 3 miles northeast of St. Jacobs, near Jerusalem school. W. 37W. Jutenttq- an Victoria Bt. I. Kltehqr- Phone 2-0506 Km June IS, Saturday, 1.30 path- Consignment sale at Kitchener Market. . June 17th. Monday, 5 Fm.-- Barn at Lutheran Church. Heidel- berg. June 22, Saturday, 1 pan.---) nut furniture, household effects. for F. J. Memer, 81 Highland Rd.. Kitchener.' June 17, Monday, 9.30 a.m.-- Livestock, implements. furniture, and what have you. Fair day sale at Steddicki Hotel, Elmira. - June 25, Tuesdafy. 1.30aran.--Cat- we, gig; Jmplemtrnts for, P3311 Mar: no! June 22, Saturday, at 1.30 pan. DST-sale of real good furniture in the town of Elem for Wm, Dob- berthien. _ min. on" mm am June 15, Saturday, 10.30 Ban,- Livestock, implements. and what have you, at Steddick Hotel barn, Elmira. for Elmer Cressman. Auction Sale Lin- unnmw MW.thOI-t. TiariuiiVihfAui- -__e - PARR & SON Audion-on. Alma. Ont. NORTH WOOLWICH " II" Glad}: Behmidt (Gimmick Corrupt-uh" Monday. 9.30 a.m.-Im. vehicles, furniture, at Shed. Elmira. Bring 'W/d Koepke and menu with Mer at Wal- (CIR-kl- irirabr-tt Messrs. Jack Higgins, Jack Clarke and Bob Schiedel. the last of the Breslau district men over- seas, came home aboard the "Aqui- tania", arriving in London on Tues- day. They were met there by their resgectivo families and escorted to reslau, by thet gn mgtor cits, The wedding ot Miss Doris De- dels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Dedeis, of KR. 2, Breslau. to Mr. Myron Stevanus. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevanus of Bloomingdale. took place at the local M.B.C. Church on Saturday afternoon. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. V, Snyder, pastor of the church. The wedding music was played by Miss Ruth Brubach- er. Kitchener. and a vocal selee- tion was sung by the Misses Ruth Dedels, Shirley Mader and Elaine Reist. The bride's gown was floor- length white satin and net, with sweetheart neckline, and three- quarter length sleeves. Her veil was three-quarter length with a headdress of white carnations. Her bouquet was of red roses. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder. King St. N., Waterloo. Mrs. Snyder was the former Sylinda Becker of this dis- trict. The bride was dressed in a floor- length gown of white sheer trimmed with lace insection, made with a sweetheart neckline, tttted bodice and lily-point sleeves. She carried a bouquet of Better Times roses with bouvardia and fern knotted in the streamers. quarter Lengln Sleeves. net vvu. _ . . . was three-quarter length with a Aha, IS the evangelist m a series headdress of white carnations. Her M tnccttngs at the Cressman Men- bouquet was of red roses m-mlc Church, The meetmgs com- Mrs Fred Ctessman vWaterlon mcnced on June 6th and will con- " . ' ..T," clude June 16th. 'tJr'." "Air'srzzs‘zrn yf,t.r2',.ers'ftr, " Thursday eyeniry' Mr. Willis iii; ad ”“9211 b id ' Yodrr of Carstairs, Alta., gave a tlg' JiN"l'lfl'i 'el' Ja','l'stt,'ieti?i, tnort lyre-sermon talk. Mr, Yoder 1 th d p _ ht Jil . k . d " under aupmntmvnt from the A1- a“! {loan 'l"", End gm an ‘borta - Saskatchewan Mennonite "Hebe ‘wers. T; brgd , f,ei",'lllh".St,er,trty,et, as a missionary to the ms £131: Dad f/, es 501 if; Peace River District. gmlom's cgusin 'ifli'd, g; t. L' On Sunday morning in the Sun- , sh . s essman l day School hour Mr. Leslie D. Wit- were u ers. mm- of Preston Rave a short talk . The bride's going await dress was coral street-length with black ac- cessories. Mr. Howard Gimbel was married on, Saturday _ar_ttrrno?n to_yiss Ca- rol Snider of Waterloo. The cere-i away was performed at the Erls St. _ Mennonite Church, Waterloo, with; the pastor, Rey. J. B. Martin ofri-t dating. I Mr. Kennard Gimbel was best man for his brother and Glen Bauman was one of the ushers. Upon returning from a trip to Mon- treal and points East, Mr. and Mrs meble will reside " Pleasant View Farm, WR, I, Waterloo. A receptioo was held at the home of the bride's parents. Sup- pequs s.syyed tyairet style, On their return from a trip tol points north they will reside at! Rat. 1. Breslau. f Mr crartinee Rainer ot Duchess. I MART Battery & Ignition Co. 132 - St. South Phone $538, KITCHEN“ It " I (Range for the ham. - B-A Peerless Motor Oil is murhed only by the friendly, “mucous nun: of your ILA lie-let d e V C " _ 5 wif, , £4 V’" tnwct , w?\\ (N ‘ , , ' _eltl 'rTLl ‘ / \‘Iv . , _edG'ii I mm man T , (“was at um on TA same: " In: you ttl BRESLAU " If! E” "ue" I- The Senior Ladies of the Cress- man Mennonite Church met in the s [moment of the church on Wed- '- nesday afternoon for their June :Ineeting. The afternoon was spent u in quilting. There were eleven Hmombcrs prcsent. The president _'Mrs. Irvin Gimbcl lead in the de- d ‘ votional meeting. 1_: Mr. C. Ramer of Duchess. Alta. _ l is the house guest of Mrs. Moses 1 I Heckcndorn. iii Miss Viola Cressman. Preston, “was the guest on Sunday of Miss E. Cressman. VOI'll mm In! 'ttt ttit All) "It "" “NICE " tttt SIGN OF me In M Greeks To Vote On Return of King ATHENS-Acting in agreement with King George H, the Greek Government fixed September 1 as the date for a plebiscite on the re- turn of the monarchy. _ . _ The ba11oting will decide the fate of the King, now in exile in Iam- don. A favorable reply was re- ceived from him on the plebiscite proposal and Regent Archbishop Dumashinos will make the found announcement in Parliament on Monday, May 13. _ . . L Constantin Tsaldaris, heads the prt-oent Greek Government He is the leader of the Populist party which emerged as most powerful m the March 31 elections. The po. pulists have urged holding a ple- biscite on the return of King George as soon as possible, but have been opposed by left wing elements who boy-cotted the March 31 elections. On Sunday morning in the Sun- day School hour Mr. Leslie D. Wit- tnur of Preston gave a short talk to the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shanta, Kit- chener. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lichty. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bowman of Guernscy. Sask. and Miss Melinda Bowman of Kitchener were Sun- day visitors at the Isaiah Detwei- ler home.

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