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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 May 1946, p. 2

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Manama): atsosusastossumttoputtusestateinrtod a.+raqasnstt"sdeatKsfttt.eretocoeneatu-m"ume Hunts "-iessarttsesrrteedsurnrsaveurwastuntutheu-taarr- “upmunspeniu rcuusastoBowrnuehheo- has)!!! have to tae up bank mum» Aa-tuit' tor the deal-anneal haul-eh: he mammals! cuhn‘b p...) " ent, often foe yam on Mt; “Myou ttavtos'trpoye youruxyoucanl'msue mrtheiaiest “you woeft get it he mm! cuhn‘b pg.) " ect, often foe years. on nude-payment; One of the M qrept Man. in Mn when you nan: on {pajndf your tax you can whistle to: the mm the f.tNit,u"l',Td', tgrrdt,'?, Mgt 'ou woeft get t ,"Giiis'aiii , C'Ali',Td, GiiriGiGTd Wham: mac: :Ldsuundshkgnveryptuualm oIAllCanadl. 1nmuitirmtotti. dnnand Is that tne sexeeruJ saouid now am to culled annular gem “up u t,"tptgr, (1 -tonoruronere-r,arulto pay "tterestonovero-tsaftera 181'“me Chm yaw. In that way In: goummcnl would sun penalue deliberate under- ot 'twee, C l‘ " 'ine "as " 'tt my um wouhi a\lua sonusmg of debunk overpayment The nod S, _ Amhhishoqr Ora -puoautenwou'doetsuat afurrayearanrturtherdeuyintheus he. min. " my. arrsa of use Intern Tax returns would men he wondered the tank eiiainnU for lb; Anglican Aut- ot the Government an, rm tnt- taxpayer. an}! Ity. Ausother Le9tro ...L..L In- II- -iah. no J‘s-0...; i.atinpervetratmgut2seatcometaxdeurs A pamphlet that has been pubhshed many. Politics and the We Christianity. Afeht?iyiyo 0'0 Um by Mr Thomas ' a Bring: Labor leader, points out With Pd, hem ' tn' Dig"! M 13‘ mung logs that me an :tcr. of trade amen activny from its annual 'ctT,"d,'tf. atauuedtitrfafdl mm of Improving tr., "orkvr', lot to poitucs means the end of he I, known and loved far irbTiiii any successful trade amen mm. smears labor muons under sud: I the boundaries ot his on Diocese system are Po mngcr tre, lo Bank- for the Interests of then when. and his own Communion M have Up ngusl _evcrty acCvity Dy consideration of the politictl --=---====- needs of a Party Government _ _ _ ' labor spokesmen If”; nave " late been tttmatenutg a nation-mode lie, Le: nttTL'ht,e Egan“! strike are barking u; tr.t wrong tree for the English-speaking people food mm and the mg in general take Very poorly r, nil-:Juwi‘a of any kand, which a nation- world station which has reached wide strike woula an “at". L Lcovr leaders must be becoming very tne starvauon 'rent. Mt many mn- desperate over the oakus may of may tnituenee with their followers 3:131:22: tthu' m1 tttSt to try and sprtac 1:15 kmd of nuréenseli Eben men luv: or are L'l"drh'r' Season's upside down: At Den holme. Sash, recently many farm- ers were cuttmg with budt-rs or combinding last year's grain that was so nattened with snuw 'sast September. They xxx-n- abie to gr! enough to pay wry Well for um tolerant toward human we“ i nave learned to understand Peo- .ple" Last survivor of the b- bt 'n ous North West Mounted station- iMI id at Fort Pitt in 1885. ex-Sgt Irie bl Lawrence O'Keefe. died at St Jo- -p:fs Home. Marcelin. Sash, at Ws" b 1" age of 85, At Sussex, N.B.. b " . (an) reunion at the home of "ibt ‘ . g Mr and Mrs Charles Knox. was “ ’ in. first in 21 years when the ten G rm _ int. and parents all got toge- , =- I . -t r Ardnw L Harvey, New- E , , Feel .' n. N s. nas a clock. still keeping © ir, " ' P, - ’ - ”no Line which his fathersg‘ougit For. a traveng agent in l ; e +- T“ 're', I .mrk: are all made of wood. t . The 5 V t l , G951“ Y. T-lu-kuka Herald (Ont) tired of be- 'irmi 2g aria-.0; in some tritung errors - mi "N ..", t'.. yawn winds up a perom- t:ret cn the subject by saying: Season's upside down. At Den 'Brzng .2 some of your paragons holme, Sash . recently many farm- 'r..", A fir.d it so easy to criticize us. ers were cutting with bc.chrs. or w, Whit to see sf they're human" combinding last year's grain twat Mr, Ccnord Church of Ren- was so nattened with snow Imt fun Os-n got Wild flowers by air- September They At-rt- abie to gr! tT,s_. hum Brnisli Columbia. all enough to pay wry null for t:.r f-ren inf.uding tiger and white work C.'.'.,, peach Bowers and white When tug turkeys wont fit into itope' .1yucusths small ovens. the solution " ta have Co-operation. like charity. should larger ovens or smaller turkwy> cglr, at home. muses the Midland. Commander C. T Beard M LA 'et, Frev-press and Herald . . _ for Esquimalt. BC. mil knuwr. Ari the solution to international turkey breeder. at Coaxinnn ' I.',)'. rrat:rvnai problems will in the tron, is going to brad rma'.Vr birds I _ f. l =m found in a friendly. co- to conform to tht standard owns. _ts'-'"t' miutiun of local prob- just on that account. . " ' When Dan cMDougall. a half Panng to the fact that a man breed. was arrested at Powell Ri, ..', Cmmm Man. has been going vet, BC. in an "otoxscatcd Conii- a“ at gum Jr) a small utdustry mak- tion and fined. he told t‘m :i.;,g:s- nu: A‘uoden clothes horses. the Irate: “I had too much runmnl -‘:'Il'dtll Tunes says: "Perhaps the Juice which all the an..- to Hit ab : _sstv'i-'.is' of clothes horses may not Atomic Bomb" '.' Lt, ru,maratte and impressive as A glance around 1m country' ulldms Boulderdams orinaspro- Cattle rustling fiouruilus again. and L Whor- of radios. but it's 3 mighty the ac, Beef Cattle Growers Ass; solid Little industry for that man in nation is offering $150 reward for Carman. and for the town. We can information leading to conviction New, mre In Morden. to look ot cattle thieves. _ . When Harold 5-“11‘50- asus the possiltilities and B. Wilson retired from Lu:iric.<s at 't"-'?urage the "solid little business- Cobourg, Ont. tin nard‘nixrv Mor- _ passed out of the family after 73 L'mmployui" At Liverpool. NS,. year: . _ Two Canadian-mm Jap- J. an Fergumn doe-s not believe in anese chick sexers Wt re '.G Mon 91 mg idle. so nc started a small in- M“ . ‘fi‘ Fe, v. JP, A ,,u,.l,l.:.'s, A IL. _r,f"""',' den, Man, to sex nrwiy manned chickens and apparently tiid a good jab. one of them Jack Taguchl classifying 1300 chicks per hour while at the tob there; the Jap- anese method L's considered 100 per cent accurate. Some Lun the tigh with lights spear. some clue, them, some hook them, some catch in nets. but the Dauphin, Man Herald heard of some local mu: who "cornered them m we Luck and then chased thrm onto dry land"; the big bulhn ft, ' Cho Stone of Sarma. IS also part tum- reporter for The obsirve r. soys “I! gives a wider [men-s! in hie and a " "a-r-c-a-rr-er-rc- sultan-Scan.- mummmmommgm oraeatttteworstarersces-nsttnerrutsucthatthe--eo' THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE "Mo-t'teveeyttthtg. 1'mttartdi-drtuemt at the can. result- um: I eheehtttttN" www.mbhifil‘dhh at PdiiEePj,tentfenpttetrMNf2t,e. “Vacancy“. ‘30-” a a. tNaro4ima, Vega! wan-mi- will the 1113 BEAN mtINhNG & WING (X) 1NmeeuntMPtrhti.he" Labour and Politics LAFF - A - DAY ue,'..--" {W Uncmployeei' At Liverpool. NS,, J.,-:n Fcrguson does not believe in h mg mic, so he started a small in- (14:11? Importing small shells from my South and makes them into any attractive brooches. No such thing. thinks the North Baltieford News Free societies of seitish people have thus alternated Am. regrmemted societies of sei- ran pmplr But they have never .(mcwd n. They have fought for {Fldum hoping this would make mm gcod. The truth is that we mud fight fur goodness before we ' :. how to be or stay free Omaha and Canada need a lot t'. _‘-ulAng new farmers. and they ' 't a 1mm now, says the Amherst- nmgr. Ont , Echo. explaining: The TErtffllirn=A".,"GtCs17cll'l'e'"lll',r.'l,S" .u- ' Withthetrorldeonfrtted_br.the who; (that In: the Gene!!! ttr- . . mama food shortage of all tune nodotc-.Juehhishoqro- _'heyeyeea1rinr".1ttPfcttt- the aged of home gardens ts ha been min; a Dmninimt rum ”an” who have teriiaurr; than ever before. The po- Chairmn (a the Angina Ad- and. Tyteotr - "ft a mmnto Is the most universal vegetable - Appeal Another ”in. "a. "oehine pn a pohtie heatt.hcrisGnai in Canada and should, which he In; with an: denim 'teotee& She dis-ed “m In l where mime be cwn.,.dered when ness is the Planet, ot the Cann- 9n: of tyer breasts and ruined that 'piaruting the gardm Table pota- énn Council of Chm "high It rrquied immeute medieat 'eioes should not be used for seed has many became an i-tmst team It was d.i-tsed ps m'Tlt the most food and me greatest Abner m the [and of Canadian cerymteetenyitrrHetyt" 'l'lll'ayeeeet, from gardening are to (“My Archbishop o... grer%etrserk She 3 living N” and be attained. certdied seed potatoes has been -i'urGrGriiFG"i “in. m good tteetth, the mother ttttwo should be planted Such potatpes sptratiooai (on: in the 'c2rra'irMte 'Srrteflihr, tgtdt,'igtr?)rsj: been inspected suit-entail; V Inch hole m _ - Wm tunes we) initial 'the win season an agam Dt,' Mat 121 loved 'T.t1','y,tl'diiiri' “d ttee doetaw did the req& hang 'lFl"i'l'rl'i'dl mspectors of the boundaries of his on Diocese A dot-tar and his wife are bothithe Plant Protecuon Divxsnon 91 and lus own Communion active in their palm and so- the Dominxon Department of Agri- " A eint life The doth! had halt his‘culture Only potatoes found to -"e=e""'"-"==""=" stomach [ensured mm 1:31am: mum standards th bf “It: In: I In I beam: .ethneerous _ partment are permme 0 tHis! has the m'l,h' h"i'l,l'hTlSfhUll,'lffTt'2TS,'lrh',ell as seed, Genume certified that 't,'Lrgl." an be mom C.' re-reed ten 19.5880» {seed can be ubldlned from seed food . and the ‘| Two ranch, who lived in the stores All packages of IO. l5 and world Shanon which has remind same VM and attended the same 25 pounds val] bear a sucker giv- tne 'auon l Mt , - launch. were attached by anger, mg the name of the variety and the ma ““2“...“ ld. a proof seg't,'S; Both women had . little scaly svotjerutifuttort numbbr Bags of so If anymnswn of whatomhad lea the skin of the bridge of her pounds or more have a government 3mm lav: or are 1 all you. that peeled Mt, seemed to 'iil,riiifiitiiorl; tag attached, giving the demand for mm: was is ierV W ttyan - NC" aearin.in Pf... “33313313 les"".': "yi,.yry/t.i,t "The demand for parity -isifPrtfPf1e?Pe.tstl'e", again In Simply another way of sarintt ‘1‘.th sank place One woman ig- the (annex: do not want to G'iireeyrf_itueet1y.ett?e.'.te1.t..er.- Laue to subsidine the consumer at'm‘ powderon the spot to cover it home and abroad. and at the samel'm‘e '0uneer woman consulted a tune pay increasingly higher prices doctor who removed this tiny skin for the goods they have to bu,_!t‘ancer try Int-also! radium. Today They will have the sympathy of she is thanking her‘lucky starts all those who depend on agricul- tttetshewenttoh.im92?.ne. The ture for their living. which means older woman tS dttae. The patch Learly al the people in this part ttd - and - until she had to use thereountryCu-Red Deer, Alta, Ad- a drawn; to cover it Finally she voeate. ,mund from public: contact because Agnaturs apparently we,” of her appearance. Within three me Pam Mound. Mam. Sentinel. yea]: she was dead of a spreading which observes: “One thing most skin cancer that destroyed wide agitators and makers against this areas of tlsue about her face and or that never do is to compare, head. The W part of thisstory honestly. conditions governing IS the (act that the woman would t " lot with those of others in be Uive today if she had been wit, 'ther nines." Mavhe not such line to do something about it. Agitator: apparently unnerve me Pilot Mound. m. Sentinel. which observes: “One thing most agitators and conkers against this or that never do is to compare. honestly. conditions governing Heir lot with those of others in 'ther places" Maybe not such good grammar. but good logic. __ What kind of a place Mi this Pic- ton. Ont. district? We tind more folks there reported at 90 and I” 1..an any other. The Gazette last week reported Samuel J. Bunn- mel of Elmbrook anticipating his I0ist birthday, f Ma j.-Gen. Kennedy To Study All Phases Of Forest Resources Kennedy, anew Royal commis- sion, who has been working for some time on the monumental job of determining how Ontario's great timber wealth can he conserved and developed will also cover every mac of forest resources. down to the wages and working conditiotu of lumberjacks "II will be many months before the commission can possibly corn- plete its work." said Premier Gen. Drew. commenting on the investi- gation outing)!“ week-emit _ _ Aided up till now by technical uxperts from the Department of Lands and Forests, Gen. Kennedy " cxperted to can on men exper- unced in sylvicultun hum the United States and Europe for ad- vice and assistance. Public hear. inn mu be held when the work in the brld is ended. "The whole theld is being exam-,' med vulh the idea of introducing! a cry possible improvement in thei administration of the department," , said Premier Drew. L laps Ordered To Reorganize Health, Welfare ment was ordored by the supreme headquarters to mount: admin- nstmlmn of the country's lie-Rh ..nd wcifare activities. The du’edwe speeiAed that four agencies be set up: A bumu of health to direct public health. vi- tal statistics. health education and nuritional acuwties; of medical lreaumnt to dim general medical affairs. admim,tration of hospitals and samtonum: and pharmaceuti- cal matters, including production and standardization of drugs; of prevenuve medicine concerned with sannary engineering. commu- nicabto and chror tC Infections and dcseasr: of social atrairs to handle medical assistance in public wet, taro Canadian Private Bound Over For 2 Years Man . m bound oven tor two mu hy Mr Justice Levis at the Oxford Assizea after he flew" d fumy to three chorus o assault " mi- (hind. l1“. - Pte, Peter, gghn Lugru 3”. "f larekport.i Assizea after he flew" d fumy to three chorus o ossaultn; mi- donts of the d'utrid whtre his wife lives, and to one charm- of doing mglidoug damage}? a home . that it drlnk not hold of hm to web an extent that he prachrllly "mn amok" he mun! Inw- " alone or hr emtually would fi. " Mince" holore the mun on n In more "kTfl"gh TORQN'IO. - M31691. Hoard TOKYO -The S,ide, utTi,igltttt mmmw. i'ufgolg by. the_ judgg MI" ILZILLQQ AtghggM t11lESA"OtD" (lilac-m tr,eii'iht,4 who 1'Llttrv31rl, [EC-ugh 2tygret,,tet",ttTAe,' "a _ 1h FCrEiiFi,'iiEiii, to ‘nlne-Id a“ __ ie-GTG r"raiiasifs T' Win H IX), 9"“?! tbreed - pe mmd_|b- e-ieaqthritaetaa_ttu- tet,rretLtgnpr.t",'dle, . a mini-rs d In you! shrmueg-withemt-"ePee oemntieuhertteStettsee-isa Vinnie-stinky. igtt-a1rrhurisedtptted aheatyyiieer.theueo.att_in9y- teyhiettestiriiP.iroYOt miahirm.aastrediitetrred_ Cxir'ituTrdr2ti2rvri"Gri'ii i-M" Gisrisarii T _ a... 2lrletl"a"'aitaNarlfft Ueittsertteeastsandreiiaedthat itrequimdimmeduternqdieat at- tention It wasdi-edascan- cera-artensive-ationwas 'IIVII. (IIIIIIIS 'eifitt"steavtioikl n proactive tiim of"Protek't can, one of (in w Ma: of chemical reseaedr. _ The Indie: like "Prank" too. They pm it on m cleaning. painting, polishing: then limo it and all .3 o! quickly with want, when the ioh In dean. “HBNIVEI I messy job looms, M! the d. h ’Invisible Gloves‘ Pptoeek" is just another insane. of tho my tn v“ chemistry works seeming wonders, Gain. a - d on: any burdens with bright new peod.a. iirlyia, ia-ur." X1175]? in"? si,ut.,"u'g',,tga/ttt2"dt. {mil-Innate! un- bandit-ham. Mt. ”Nicaraguan-tho- tiuntiitheire-odthet- tgri'=tLY.tgd,'dngat than tttee-ttee- itditht'thtgrt . "Ylieetoconquercancer" but! dopamnubemg mam-l outthePtuvince titismoothinthe Ontario Cancer Fouhdation': drive, for a minimum ot $1M”. Alt' ttanuarereeeivinecentresfdrdo- natioosorthey maybesenldirect, totheFoundation'sumeeat_) legs Street. Toronto 1 Best Seed Potatoes For Home Garden seed can be obtained from seed stores All packages of 10. 15 and 25 pounds wtil bear a sucker giv- mg the name of the variety and the certification number Bags of so pounds or more have a government certification tag attached. giving the name of variety. the certttVa- uon number and thc date of m- specuon There are two sues ot certified seed-P, to 3 ounces. and 3 to " ouncrs Emu-r 51ch IS suit- able for the production of table potatoes Potatoes should be planted in a well prepared soil, TUbcrs of 3 ounces or more would bc cut mlo pieces calhd as Each set should contain at has! one eye. and should hr blocky--not :llud mm The sets an be placed about a foot apart m was 4 inches deep and " to 30 inches between tht rows. It u. an mu.“ ”cum“. nut; u...“ a. a horse-drawn cultivator is to be) uurd, tt may tst met-vary to place: thc rows 30 to 34 mchos apart; Planting should by dour early in' May, loves". You don than by simply m sup-pinb- VIIOIOI (II-OSII' lap Claims MacArthur Exceeds TOKYO-The Far East Military Tribunal was told by a Japanese lawyer that Gen. MacArthur. Al- lied supreme commander in Japan. "ttt exercising authority which he one; not possess," and that Japan did not surrender unconditionally and need not obey every Allied Ichiro Kiyose. white-haired chief defence counsel for former Premier Hndeki Toio and " other Japanese war leaders. made these statements In support of the defence conten- Trial Rights Hope of Millions MILLIONS " Inning people in Ill-(IV with. are looking with desperate - "P" "ees. (Inn-din farmer, duriatthU paid that the ulna-u yr“ [ruin every foot of euttiGtod nail is a nutter of Gtal importance. Now is the time to supplrmcol your mun peaetieat experienrc hill) that of your experimental (In. at agricultural tulle . This unite is your: [at thr asking, and can g of great help in gating lion from your land. Aoother service, that of none“. is otrered by Thr Baatkof'roeooto. oortrieoalv branching-Inga! an ready and willing to make LT, to new I "nun-mum "W. a. Inn-Ia. MBr. gageMrlrHtitn-w. . - "Br. W155 tion that the tribunal Inks author. tty to try Trojo and the omen for crimes against peace and humanity. Ichiro Kiyose argued that Gen. ?faeArthur, ha_d 'to, right unfer Que Potsdam Declaration to give the tribunal such authority, and con- tended Japans acceptance of that declaration Win a “surrender with arms". not an unconditional sur- render. Japan's top statesmen. “one declared. that Japan agreed to sur- render in the belief that they would not be prosecuted as war criminals. and that the surrender bound Ja- pan to obey only orders and diree- tives properly based on the Pots- dam Declaration. The court took the challenge ot its authority under Advisement

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