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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Feb 1946, p. 7

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHAPsTFH'du'D ACCOUNTANT and“ Adina-h. Ilul I to“. pa I... Ital-u- that " sun. " not - by In. at public-Lon. I. an. "no Bieh you. a! "rarer count .4 on. mud Phone 2-4'dyd (Mia 44 Wihiam St, - Watering Phone 2-1357 m, cert". IOU_ In! “an" in we " he Chm-wk " :uu glut COST " DAILY VitaDiet Mul- tiple Yuanm. Capsules contain wimmin: A, Bl, 'C", D,liaein Amide und 1tsL,v-ni.vin'. Ninety day supply >12 70. Trtal thirty day supply $1.15 Sold at Independent Drug Stun: 5-8 TIH‘IHMUHI‘INE A MEDICATED WOOL, Relieves chm! cukis, rhornatism and wuralgxa: Hells _ for 49e, at Geigcr's Drug Store, 408 King St. Eastlitchcner, Phone 2-2127. Fire "I -.oo CHRONICLE 1' tiny Icrl $13.00 per yuan " " to, BROCK. DAVIS & DUNN T H R Brink f; Brute Dur., - Kitchener Rebindsng Books Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbocu a specailty 17 Queen titc_N K. H Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Add more books to btsur heme library by harm; your .tavtur manguie buuna -snto books Initialing Club Bags, Suztcases. etc, like. "can“. Goods called fur and delivered sUTIirjiu,AND - SCHULTZ Kitchencr - Guelph Baa - winch edition the ndbrv duo-cu it to: Btate but nun) murmur“ )un 'hhl 'riu allimy on mm Md: of pawn an), NEW LOW RATES on auto insurance. Play safe. Insure with State Farm Mutual today. D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 536 - It]: HARVEY IIAIJMAN R. R. No. l, Blair INSTIUCTIONS POI SENII‘ N1 ADVERTISE! ENTS AxlIIII‘ Great-West Life Assce. Co, E: - Autumnbxln - Atcident GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY " Prod-rick SI. - KIIChrnnl tTrustee it! l Phone New hum!" " I " Office 2-0646 Res.: 6-6572 KITCHENER - Fl J‘TTI: ( M' ITORS J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER CmR0PRACTlC BOOKBINDING CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICAL BUSINESS CARDS INSURANCE DRUGGiSTS E. S. FENTON r; 1rarkuup'iyl 'lew a USED Bought. Sold a tutu... Bverr Motor Gnunntred Phone 6-6042 MOTORS Electric Repairs Re-wmdmu New and Usvd ONT ,itiiltiii, FUN SAL!" _ "mun. I] you used More Insurance . . . Elmira "- per ARE YOU "ct FU‘LY PROTECTED? JOHN F0RtWTH LIMITED Duke Street Waterloo 1 On a recent national radio quiz program, the late Jack Miner. ‘founder of the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary, " Kinllville. Ont. 1tnrough a cross country poll was voted "the greatest naturalist that ever lived." Jack Miner never pro- frssed to be a naturalist from a scientific standpoint. To use his own phraseology. he used to lay, HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber goods) mailed poalpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; M samples $1.00. Mall-Urder Dept. 63. NOV- RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ,7 8-18 REAI ESTATE _ Farms For Sale 100 ACRES being West % Lot 14, Con. 7, Maryborough, Wellihg- tun County; 30 acres plowed. 5 aCI‘lS gocd bush; splendid build- ings; drilled well with windmill; situated near school; 3 mile. from the yil_la_g3_o_f _Mtysretieif. _ 100 ACRES, being East % Lot M, Con. 7, Maryborough. adjoins above farm; good buildings; drilled well: fine bush; land in good state of cultivation. 7 - Six miles from Kitchener, 93 acres. two storey dwelling and bank barn These farms belonged to the late Samuel Lytle and must be sold to wind up the estate. If you are look- ing for a farm you will do well to inv_esti.gale these properties. Apply to Emma Pearl Lytle, Adminlstratrirr Mooreneld, Ont. Phone 629 R 41 -78 THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Whether BUYING or SELLING I FARM THE LATE JACK MINER VOTED GREATEST "AMT Here's A Real Buy Call the Local Representative A. K. CRESSMAN & SON HESSI‘INAUR & SHANTZ Limited Phone 6-6455 - M Queen N. KITCHENER BUILDINl: l'l 513 AHF ') I”. Pleasant Surroundings Heal Estate and Insurance r a .l'Hllda "rsty ALL .rJtaujm-u. LH‘ECTS cos, mum To REPLACE. $8,000 without crops. $9,500 with crops Immediate possession. HELP WANTED 102 King St. South WATERLOO Waterloo GIRLS PERSONAL Clean Work To Work In Apply !tfy?,yg, 67‘s IT ye,fft iiiiiiiiiiitif iiiit “[3 x SET RIGHT UPSTAIRS -BB. " “$25,000.00 "I am not as much Interested in the number of spots on a woodpecker's tails as I am saving species from extermination." . The late Irvin S. Cobb. the Ame- rican writer, always used to refer to him as "the greatest practical naturalist on the planet," while the late Governor Alfred E. Amit1._of iiG, Vicki: duly: Jntrodueed Aim as "the Billy Sinday at me Btrrt family." TO BE GIVEN AWAY A $15,000 RANCH WIN on FRUIT FARM In Sunny British Columbia or the eqnlnlent In Victory Bonds. 2nd PHse--t9M Lincoln Zephyr. 3rd Prize-Art Ely-333m tyip to Fifty relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eger- dee Sc, on Saturday evening in honor of Lee-Cpl. Alfred Kurt who returned home trom overseas about two weeks ago. Crokinole was played after which lunch was served. The Wilmot Centre E.tr. held their meeting " the home of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenbacher on Sunday evening with Howard Fried in charge. Miss Helen Eek- stein read the scripture lesson and a reading was given by Mrs. Lloyd pieftnyach_er: The topic. "What Do Jews Believe", was given by Mrs. Howard Fried. The meeting closed w_ith_hy_n1n_ and prayer. -ee iiGU ir-tf-- in eastc- S‘: other rreetitut totalling $25,000.00 Mail this "ad" with $1.00 for each ie,'sg,t'ti"g, desired to the Kimber- ley an District Memorial Society, Box 430, Kimberley, B.C., together with your name and address. Proceeds to be used to erect a Legion Memorial Hall and Recrea- tion Centre for our returning veterans and citizens of Kimber- les and Distnct Closing date February 28th. DON’T DELAY - - ACE NOW'. $2,300.00 In as]: who: to sellcts of winning subscriptions. "Miss Rim. ‘Pipher aha 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Funney of Toronto By Mn. Howard Frlod (Cir-uncle Corr-dentt ROSEBANK flL'QfIILOQ The Misses Nella and Evelyn Cressman of Toronto spent the week-end with their mother. Mrs. Simcon Cressman. Mrs. Lloyd Din-fcnbacher and Mrs. Howard Fried were guests at thr. trousseau tea given by Mrs. Wilfred Wanner in honor of the the approaching marriage of her daughter Reta, on Monday evening. Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, etc. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N "Miss Tillie Axt of Knchencr spent the week-0nd at the home cd Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bean. - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz and family of Roseville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stoltz. The Misses Ruth arid Edna Mar- tin of Elmira, Salome Snider of Bloomingdale, Mr, Lennard Ging- "rich of St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Schmitt of Nine Pines spent Cunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilmer. Ontario Otnei' Outfitters Ltd. 58 Queen St, S. - Phone 6-6484 Raster. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Eckstein and family spent Sunday at Blooming- dale. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Heist and family of m-ar New Dundee spent Sunday with Mrs. Simeon Cress- Mr. Jerry Koezlor of Kitchener. Messrs. Kenneth Boshart and Cam- pron Toman of New Dundee spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm, H. Egerdee, 0-52 Ontario St. S KITCHBNER Phone 7.7562 _ Mum-Inf: Ila-[deuce 3-2171 Atl Makes Sold. Servlted and mud. UN DER‘VOOD TYPE‘VRITERS GOLDING TYPEWRNER CO. 24 Benton St, Phone 7-7674 Kitchener SUNDS [RAND ADDING MACHINES For Sale and For ttent by the link-r UNDERWOOD LIMITED New ROYAL Standard and Portable Machines TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS 'l‘ypvwrih-rs TYPEWRITERS New and Used Nov and "um Kitchener CA!“ Ge, um um. N‘v‘uzn1AlwnT. n" mm "a... a". Rev. and Mrs. H. F'. Sch'ade are in receipt of an airmail letter writ- tcn Feb. 3, from their daughter, Miss Vérna Schade telling of her safe arrival at Bongondza in the Belgian Congo. Miss Schade lelt New York City on Dec. 10 for Atri- ca aboard the Santa Rosa, being one of a party of five missionaries and several children. She spent Christmas in Cairo, Egypt and since then has journeyed 1000 miles down the Nile River, travcl- ling by boat and train as far as Ju- ba and then covering the last lap in a truck powered by a charcoal humor which created intense heat In recent letters to her parents, Miss Schade related that the tem- perature in her cabin on the boat had soared to 100 degrees and that tho nights were almost impossible even with the use of a fan. She told of passing through miles and miles of desert and seeing no life with the exception of a herd of ca- mels and at certain intervals along the railroad there were queer round brick houses with conical roofs where the railroad people lived. Miss Schade also told of bc- ing stuck on sand banks in the Nile River which in some parts along the Papyrus Marshes is no wider than the Grand River and at this season of the year is very low. She told too of seeing crocodiles, hip- pos, elephants and many varieties of birds. The natives along the banks of the Nile known as Dinkas are very tall being between six and seven feet and are still uncivi- lized, Miss Schade wrote that she found her personal belongings that she had left at the mission when she returned home on furlough in 1919 to_be in good shape. A _ A The February meeting ot the Wo- men's Inltltute was held at the home of Mrs. Edmund Koehler on Tuesday evening in the form of a Valentine Social. The president, Mrs. Robert Carse prvsidcd for the opening business period during which the secretary. Mrs. A. Fu- ther read letters of appreciation for Christmas boxes from Flying offi, rer Robert Cressman and LAC. Gordon Howling overseas, Mrs. Prank Benninger and Mrs, Stanley Hitchings reported for the visiting committee after which Mrs. M. C. Howling and Mrs. E. Finn were appointed as visiting committee for the months of February and March. Announcement was made that the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Curse. At the close of the meeting comic valentines were distributed to the member: NEW DUNDEE (Chronicle Correspondent) " - Mlriatm Hllborn ; % CROSSWORD - - - By Eugene suffer, and guests. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing hearts after which refreshments were skrvL’d by Mrs. Benninger, Mrs Curse and Mrs. Jack Schmidt. A group of ladies from Plans- nllr pleasantly surprised Miss Re- In Wanner, bride-elect of this month with a miscellaneous show- rr at her home on Tuesday even- mg. Mrs. Edwin Ferguson read the address and the gifts were pre- .~untcd by the Misses Donna Kai- ser and Helen Hofstetter. Mrs. Rex Harmer rendered a vocal solo. Games and contests were enjoyed and refreshments were served. Mrs. H. F. Schade opened the Baptist parsonage on Wednesday evening for the monlhlg meeting of the Women's Mission lrcle. The president. Miss Sylvia Bock. occu- pied the chair for the Brst part of me meeting during which the members responded to the roll call with, "A favorite Bible verse". Mrs. on” Zimmerman conducted the worship period after which Min Emma Lautenschlager presented highlights from the ",'/,t,t"r',tut- 13cr, "The Link and Visitor". rs. Emmerson Harper rendered a vo- t u! solo and Miss Bock gave a read- mg. Mrs. Schade also read two in- 1vrrstmg letters received from her daughter, Miss Verna Schade while enroute to Attica. The topic. are. Lgroup ' Island " Dutch mun-o 9. by wuy of 12, wine vane) 13. French clty It shade-Ire. I!) unusable. loosely hang. ing dnpory " retkon " mountatn lake 20 water!"- 21. can“. 23 frag“. 26 an: 27 ternalq wrvlnll " city of Chums. 29 three-1M slottut 1m analyu gram. mulctlly " collection of rurlnul but " on!“ 33 nmumM " “mum " - nelpldn 37 "1‘4"“ " Tr " HORIZONTAL " -sTi " w [t"ff] b's1',i, '?b'j, " Russia BtoettntH " alum-mod MI. I. m: at on" " W ANSWER r5 dical Work in India" was in charge of Mrs. Harold Path with readings being given by Miss Greta Buck. Buck, Mrs. Zimmerman, Miss Em- mu Imulenschlager, Mrs. Schade and Mrs, V. El Dinger. The meet- mg closed with a period of inter- cossury prayer. The Bethel M.B.C. Women's Mis- sionary Society met at the Parson- ago on Thursday afternoon. The devotions were led by Mrs. Claude Shanlz and prayers were offered by Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher, Mrs. Elgin Reist and Mrs. Leighton Rosenber- ger. The remainder of the after- noon was spent in quilting. The pupils of the Senior room of the Public School enjoyed a Va- lentine social on Thursday after- noon. Games and contests were played under the direction of the Printriel, yysla?th. An interest- ing highlight ot the afternoon was the paying of forfeits by all the pupils who had failed to wear a bit of red for the occasion. Newton Einwechier was the postmaster for the distribution of the valentines and his helpers were Reginald Brown and Robert Hallman. Lunch was served by the boys at the close of the afternoon. Wilbert Pacey of Lion's Head is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buck. curl: F7 W (ft'), j,fft"t [U [iff, In? " Inge recepucle for holding I Hula n river-Mund- 20. get up 21 chalice 23 rivet ttttat " body argu- " mm " - home. " ”cull-Holt to 2- 20 W "

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