Plan-o “II. II.- February a. . ' 11.†aan.- Holstein gdu',t,N2,'d food. etc, for J. C. Rogers , mil. auth- east of Nilestown. February 23, Saturday, L15 F1SL -rumiture, dishes, (fun, at. Kitchener Market my. _ _ _ Feb, ST, Wednesday, at " o'clock sharp-Farm stock, including lined Holstein cattle, implementa feed and household elects for " Brubacher, 3 miles southwest of Kitchener, near Nine Pines school March A, Monday It 11†pan.-- New implements, tractor, dairy cows, pigs and furniture tor I. D. Weber, near Kitchener, New! St Limits. March 5. Tuesday, at 9.30 wm.-- Farm stock, good tfgat: hay. grain and househo efteeta, etc. for Dilman Snyder, 4% miles north of Baden and about " miles southeast of Wellesley. Farm sold. March 8, Friday-Emil Plan. Winterbourne. - March 11, Monday at " o'clock sharp-Farm stock, tgMat tractor, feed. and househo d elem for Herb. Cressman. 1% all. all otAretlau, JLtat 0;! Higher. March 12 Tuesday. at 11 aan.-- 1nsted herd Holstein cattle, imple- mets. feed, etc, for the Josie: W. Snyder estate on Waterloo neo- togo road ___ . _ " -- March 20, Wednesday. at 10.80 a.m.--Auetion sale of term stock. implements, feed and household ef- fects for Menno Snyder, about 2 miles east of Kitchener, near tht- tchez School. March 27, Wednesday at 12.80 pan.-Farm stock, implements. teed and household effects for Syl- vester Prong, 2% miles southeast of Breshu. I have right now a regal-33nd m a %acre farm, y ' bush,'m k market. See-me' limit this one. March 13, Wednesday. at 9.45 aan-Extensive sale of arm 1stoek, including R.O.P. Holnein cattle implements, feed and iaaraii cigars for J, H. Sherk at Centre- VI e. March M, Thursday, at " noon Holstein cattle, implements and Ieeed for Martin Schweitzer. near Jersusalem school. March 8, Friday. 1.30 pan.-- Mortgage sale at the farm of the late Alex R. Harrison at KR. T, Can, Ontario, ___ 7 - - March I8. Monday, 1 pan.-- Stock, implements, household ef- fects, for David Hartung, Rummel- hardt, two and a half mile west of Waterloo, on Erb St., better known as the William Carey hm. March 6, Wednesday, 10 Ban.-- Farm stock, implements, household efreets, for Irvin B. Weber. , miles north of Waterloo, on Waterloo- Elmira highway. March 7, Thursday. 1 agt..-KIt- ghgngr Stock Ygrds. 132:1; et_on and Misrch 15--Lorne Weber, Water- loo. March 5--Clearing auction sale for Dilman Snyder, 3 miles north- west of St. Agatha. A. B. SNIDER. Audion“! Phone 2-2804. Bridter" February 27, Wednesday, l 'un.-- Simon Cressman. situated 2 miles north of Preston, 3 miles south of Breslau, on Breslau-Preston high- way, Belgian horses froni Saskatchewan. Auction Sale Lint. March, 7, ‘ngwa 1 1 (!3yy,t,r,, s',,',,,',',,'",,',,',,',?! sePrret,ncS,iy, saves time and money. SlIlllK dk SNIBEII LTD. FEEDS and summon-r for " type of Live Stork, Poultry and Pets SEEDS. "mums. PEST KILLERS, Ete. I - Pttmte O m - m M] BRIDGEI’OI'I' -- Phone 7-1.1] KID proper of an funnel 3 ie-ese. l gander. plcnenta - Ford-Ferguson tractor on rubber, with plow and! pulley, used two seasons; McCor-‘ mick-Deming binder, 7 ft. cut (nearly new ; M.-H. oil bath 5-ft. cut mower; M.-H. side rake; steel [dump rake; hayloader; McCormick- Deering 13-dise drill; M.-H, 17- tooth cultivator; Coulter-Scott cul- 1riii,i.;,' McCormick-Deering man- lure spreader; M.-H. out-throw disc; l3-drum steel roller; two l-horse seufRers; M.-H. 2-furrow plow; gang plow; 2 walking plows; potato plow; set 3- and 4~section barrows; turnip drill; cutting burr; steel truck wagon; 2 wooden wheel (wagops; buggy; democrat; cutter; set sloop sleighs; set bob sleighs: slush scraper; a smw plow; stcn: boat; circular saw; flat grain rack; lbasket rack; 2 wagon boxes; Home rack; 2 gravel boxes; set scale: 1900 lbs. can; tanning mill; mu pulper; trailer box; log bunks; wheelbarrow; scalding trough; pig hangers; range shelters, 6x10 It; electric broader, 500 can; br-H. cream separator; BO-ltr. milk can (new); milk pails: hay fork, rcpt land pulleys; doubletrees; neck- yokes; logging chains; Inks: shovels; hoes and many other articles too numerous to mention, Fu- Stock, [Ink-eats, Feed and Furniture TUESDAY. mun! a. "" At ll o’clock a... My. _ Bay Clyde Wee; 4 you! old; learn_9! grer. ercheron you: old; team ot 1'l'd Percheron my! trLuvrldy, at Ufa-rm tram mm. D yen: old; aged farm team. W. I... --10 Shorthorn com. fresh bi time of sale; Short- horn heifer, rests; Jersey cow due in March; , Shorthom heifers ns- ing two year: old; 4 head of fat butcher cattle; , yearlings; 4 Dur- ham calves, , months old; 4 baby calm. 7 ,, Pte.--' Yorkshire sows with lit- ter at side; 2 Yorkshire sows, bred; 16 about: "tttttel lbs., and up; " shoals, 2 men ol4. - an “WI“, . u-uuuu um. P-ttrr-tso White Leghom pul- 'ua 96 White Leghorn yearlings; 3 (my. I gander. - - Grade A large ............_ Grade A medium ........t Grade A pallets ..........r Grade B F......................... Grade C P............, =t-====L---.ati-.T.U_Uc=:E===-, M. R. ROTH. Auctioneer . . Phone 30w. Tlvistock. on. 1 Egg Quotations February 25, l pan.--Farm stock. I ‘1mp1’cments, feed, fpr'Daniel Zeb? TQRONTO.‘ L- Tui setroerru'l'i'i'ly.west of Bright, on No. 9 $235 2 four-try shippers on; ruruary 26, Tuesday. " noon- Grade Pfli' 6 [Lam stock, implements, furniture, Grade A 1'tt .....e...........0...... 3 M E, A. Ehnes, 6 miles south ot Grad A m Hugh q................... M Nitchcncr at Doon. Grade B pu e F...-................. 29 FM). 23, Thursday; 1 p.m.--Auc- G de C '"""""""'"'"""'""Giil 31 trrt. mm of farm stock, implements ra e P........................... 28%-29 “1.1 [Led at Lisbon. for Fred -irdAiesii-L3 sets double harnetr " with breaching); set single hur- neg; gong-s and b_lani_cets_. . "e'e4-atr tons of mixed hay; u quentity of grair.tpnd Jets. . .. Ti" Eigé - qainiity. of Household Effects. -eiGu-cash on day of sale. A No reserve as the farm is rented. Decision of Auctioneer final in Cast ', of dispute. NOTE-sale will commence at 11 o'clock mm. sharp. E. A. EBNES, Proprietor. M. a; Rom. A3rtionttr, AUCTION SALE 0 miles south of Kitchener, at To retail trade: Tammi, Phone 30sir .. 39 .. 37 .. 32 33-34 30-31 Livestock, [mic-cuts. Hay and Furniture The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction for on his farm about 2% mile. wed of Yatton, or " miles eat! ot Glenallen, 9n . WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21th, "" At 12.30 135., the (ohm: Morses-Bay gelding. 8 years old; grey gelding, 5 year: old; (fray mare, 10 years old; dark bay riv- int, Tiare,_7 years old. . _ _ Ctbttie--Hotstein cow, bred Aug. 29th; red cow, bred August “It; spotted cow, bred August Nth; roan cow, fresh 4 weeks; q feeder came 700 to 900 lbs.; 3 yearlings; 2 calves. Mum Nab. March 22. Friday, 1 pam-AUC- tit n sale of 70 hIgh-grade Short- horn with Yorkshire hogs and horrrs. 3 miles south of Milverton at Brunm r, {at Reuben Taylor. March 25-Mrs. Jacob Herlich, Shakcspeare. Potritrr-65 Sussex and Ramp. hens, May-Mr tons mixed hay; 8 tons timothy. -- -_- _ -- Implements-Massey-Harris bin- der, 6 ft.; Frost & Wood mower, 4 lu. ft.; Noxen 13 spring tooth ettiti- vator; dump rake; lO-plate in- throw disc; Wisner l0 hoe drill; Massey-Harris hay loader; Tud- hupe - Anderson I-furrow plough; gang plough; Wilkinson No.3 single plough; Tudhope-Anderson single plough; 4-section iron harrows: scuttier; 2 waspnsho‘ne wft.h.tros ::ay rack with slide; sleigh; 2 carriages; 2 steel tire buggies; two cutters; fanning mill; stock rack; carriage rack; log lifter; tools; brks; doubletrees and other :iticlcuc. Haraes--2 sets breeching har- "CetE', .ect back band harness; single KiuIllLSS', 2 sets blankets; t robe. mun“. a. an“... March ll, Monday, 1 pt-rarynl, March M, Tuesday at 12.30 noon Junk, implements and feed, for -Ciearing auction sale of good Thomas Steele, 2 "“13? north of livestock, implements, feed and Wuoci;tock on No. 19 highway. furniture tor Alfred and Norman Mum. 12, '1 until}. 1.rmv:--Auf- Seifried on the tarm 2 miles east litin mu " farm stock, implements of Maryhill. , I ' ,,,/_- _. DnAn-n lav MAEnE -- . __ -." _ A A_ __ Mum-cu, nun a. a, v.-._..-... March 15, Friday, 1 p.m.-Ttpe, "nnuul sprlng horse sale at the Oxford Hrtrl Barns in Tavistock. Match 19, Tuesday, 1 patt.-Aue- mun tally of farm stock. implements‘ and iccd, 2lz miles northeast ot Gr.c1shill fur Edwin W. Berg. March 21. Thursday, 12.30 Aw Lon tall cf farm stock, imple- mnnl: and fwd ht Hampstead for Furniture-Royal kitchen range; kitchen stove; 3-burner coal oil stove; extension table; round table; corner cupboard; glass cupboard; othcr cupboard; sink; wash sink; "wing machine, Windex; small “biz; 2 makers; 6 dining chairs; 10 knsuen chairs; benches; wood- va; dusk; flcur chest; kitchen mums; churn; washing machine; Metruy-Harris cream separator; mslk pai!s: ISO-Fag kettle glove: nub! grind . ar press; is hangers tum’lb. sales; 138m Man. 12, 'l unauay, l luin ml: " farm stock, implements and n rd, wcst of Baden, for Moses Gitttrt rm h, M.nch 13, Wednesday. 1 p.m.-- Auctum sale of high-grade Holstein cattle. horses, hogs and a few im- plcmuttts, 3 miles northwest of New Dundee, for J. E: Greiclich. .... mum, w. â€nub“.-. -_...--_.. March 7, Thursday, 10 aan.-Aue- (ion sale of registered and high grade Human cattle, horses, hogs. Implvmcnls and feed, 5 miles south- wut of Wellesley, for Wm. H. Shanon -- _ g muwer. Terms-Cash on day of sale. No reserve. Try to attend this sale. 7 SOLOMON B. MARTIN, E'rtrrHetor EDWARD GEISEL. Auctioneer, Kitchener at Donn. m). 23, Thursday; 1 p.m.--Auc- than sale of farm stock, implements ULJ feed at Lisbon, for Wed Knusol. - _ _ -- March 6, Wednesday, 1.30 pan.-- Auction sale of a 116 acre farm and furniture, 1% miles west of Tavi- stock, {or hlgrgargt GHtyEdt. A AUCTION SALE A "ction Sale Lists - Phone 938, main. WM. HowLEIt Clerk. CLEARING tuna" tun.""hd_ ara -gursitum _-'" hi Am m. I une- was: ot Ciit,Si!lh,ete,,eg 118 , noon -Liv ta, m. teed. tor m of hu Judah B. Whyugb'pndw February " Thursday, I .m.- outright age of my dock, 'Ita, lab. " gt 1.80 'um- Aucuon alum». can you“ cattle with!!! Olivelo- net on the his: t mm south of St. Clan-nu. Petr. St, WM, 1139713090 menu', produce and Wolfe!- Pets for Clarence Winner, thar Petr. 21,"' 'It86mton -2tu',l'22t,hNML'rt'l','l, 2miiereaatofa_es,ofNmx ttoth. implant tux-aim and stock implement. Hamill), triitor and Mn. machine. ted and furniture for Mr. Samuel Bird on the tum about 5 miles northwest of Elmira or " mile. noettteqat of Floradale March 1, m at 1130 noon-- Chagrin; “M. mg of livetoeh., _ April 3, Wednesday at 1130 noon -Auction sale for Wm. and J. Hemmerich on the farm at Vic- toria School, East of Winterbottme of good stock and implements, some feed and furniture. a farm or house iistid 7101:? Ji to buy. Inquire, phone or write. imirtemGts,iad Elia some fund; ture for Mr. Anthony R. Koebel on hit farm, , pile an of Linumod. If you have a small hm Ity I no- dium priced home for "le, list with me. We have buyers waiting for. these hopes oretie we hay; March 29, Friday at 1 pan.-- Auction sale of livestock and im- plements, ete., for Mr. Allied Bela. hart on the farm 2 miles northeast of A'lottrni_r1gti1sie. _ U April 3, Monday " 9.30 a.nt.-- Sale of horses, implements, fumi- ture and small articles " Farmen’ Shed, Elmira. April g, Tuesday at 12.80 noon- On the farm formerly belonging to Peter Kuntz, 1 mile south of St. Clements for Kiesweuer Bron. stock, Ae,'.'",'?,,',,': also the furni- ture for rs. Rose Kuntz. April ll, nmg'n'x Auction sale of livestock. pent; cg... ttsr W. J. Cook Auction sale of livestock. Imple- ments, em. for W. J. Cook on the farm on lot B, con. 4, west section atdhrelletler -- A March 2, Saturday, at 1.30 P.ML-- l Executor: sale of loo-em term. furniture, and t'rfitfu,'l,t,'f for the detect the Isle win De-I vitt " Wat loam station ) March S, Tuesday. at I pan.- Auction sale for Wendel Martin on the farm 2 miles north of Cones- toga of live stock, implements. tagger! feed atd Acme; articles, A A A I March 30, Saturday, 1.30 Fm.--- Auction sale of furniture and household effects for Moore Moun- tain in the town of Elmira, north hmits of Arthur St. April 2, Tuesday, at l p.m.-Aue- tion sale for Mr. Irvin Schenk on the farm across of Mannheim School, Petersbrg of tractor. farm Stock, /tryrltrntmts Water, tor ad. March a, Wednesday at 1180 noon-Auction sale of live stock. implements, feed, furniture for Enoch Wideman, on the farm 55 mile west of Hawkesvilie. March 28, Thursday. at l pan., for Nelson Martin, on " farm q miles northwest of St. Clements or 3 miles southeast of Linwood, of live stock and implements, includ- intLthr.esh1ng _mehine. _ March It, Monday at 9.30 aan.- At Farmers' Shed, Elmira, of horses, cattle, implements. turn!- ture, toplsytd what have Pr'-- tare. tools and what have rou-- March It, New†at 1180 noon --Ciearing auction sale of farm stock, implements. tad and "In. furniture for Mr. Harvey Schmidt on his farm about 3 miles north of Elmira. _ March 18--immunitr sale on the farm of Herb Reinhardt. Bres- lau. March 22, Friday at 10 adn.-- Auction sale of tractors. thresher, implements, feed and furniture for Byron Letson on the hm at Wert Montrose. March 25, Monday, at 12.30 sharp ---Auction sale of good implements, dairy herd, feed, other livestock. etc. for Mr. Laird Cummings on the farm at Trallee 'about q miles west oU?ortingr, _ - - - March 27, Wednesday at 12.30 noon-Clearing auction sale of tractor, implements, feed, etc., for Mr. Jose&h Rider on the farm situ- ateA at] tiytnd?erg.. _ - March 14. .Th at 10 Ban. -Auetion sale 'ghgrg,', Schwei- tzer, 3 miles southeast of Elmira, of Holstein herd, tractor. implements, feed and furniture. March 20, Wednesday, at 12.30 noon - Auction sale of im- plements live stock, feed and fur- niture, for Ed. Bender. ' mile. north of Elmira. March St, Thursday at 1 Fm.-- Auction sale for Elmer Nab on tho farm 2 miles south ot Erbsville or 4 miles northwest of Waterloo, of Jersey cattle. tractor. implements. teeyi, etc. - - - 7 - March 23, Saturday, 2 pm.- Auction sale of furniture for Allan Knarr at his home in the village of St. Jacobs. March 15, Friday, at IMO noon --Auetion sale of livestock, Nt: ments, feed and furniture tor il- licm Howlett, 5 miles northeast of Elmira. March 19. Tuesday, at 1 pan:- Auction sale of live stock, unple- ments and feed for Wilfred Weiler at Shantz Station at Bteslau. Auction Salo List- Auction Sale lawman-n.- I. M. TOME All“ In Dani-o. M " mas-mm Chuieh, at__113_0 an EXECUTORS’SAIE BUTTER â€CHARGED qYNtoNTYt--Loenl e I with were ttrmer todny. Lib-t receipts were elem well under I good demand. Butte make“ war. un- changed. flung-n 3tuttar was couch; large arm chair; 2 covered (chairs; 3 kitchen chairs; sewing ‘machine; tubs; stands; electric washing machine. q t5.eeiat--1931 Chevrolet coach, good runnipg ord_er. The unassigned Auctioneer will ell P! Mm fLeteetertlyeAstate a-ii-ini, mid Just oft Petenburi and New Dundee Road. EGG MET FIRM!!! l Power Equipment-Oliver Hart !Parr tractor. 28-44 hp, good tun- ining order; Mildmay threshing machine, 34 x 46, Ebersal fcedcr, rain slender, Cit, in good run- ning order; 3-funow International ltractor plough; 16-inch Elmira rol- fler chopper; 10% inch plate Vessel 'chopper; circular saw; “I: hf). International gas engine; 125 t. belt, T-inch endless; 65 ft. of 6-inch belt; 7 til and gas barrels. . "mrrP'meats--Massry-Harris 6 ft. _sader; MrCormiekmeering drop- head hay loadcr; caesey-1iarros side rake; McCormick-Deering 5 ft. rmwcr; McCormick mcwer; 12 ft. dump rakc; International 13-disc "rtilizsr sud drill; on: man slidr , :w rretc: stiff 'rh‘b "f“ V *"t: l2- of ttfe In: EDWIN DEvrrr on the tum It We". Montrose Station, Phone 2-05“ Knew February 23, Saturday. at 1.80 tgy,,TA"tt'et', efreeta for the late amll Estate in Linwood. March a, Friday at " aan.-- Farm stoek, implements, tractor, household enema for Chas. Haba- check, 2 mile, south of Eetenpur‘ the "m.-contimina 115 acres, more or less. of sandy loam loll. on which is a comfortable 7-momed dwelling, a large bank barn, with “numbed, also a driving shed, cement silo, all buildings Itfyze with hydro, I drilled well, . our new of trurtm creek running the end ot farm. about 50 acres plough- ed. This farm is situated close to store, station, church. and not in from school. If sou are looking for a farm come an see this one. Auctioneer: March 13, Wednesday, at 12.30 p.m.-Clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., 2 miles south of Elmira, for Anson Gingrich. - - 7 March 22, Friday, at 12.30 Fm.-- Clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., q miles west of Elam and 1 mile from Alma, on county road, for Arthur Moore. from the parties mentioned below. Farm will be olered subject to a reserve price. limit-re, cu. - Nordheimer pi- ano; cook stove; Quebec heater; electric radio; dining room suite; two Sideboards; settee; round table; square table; two leather rockers; arm chair; bedroom suite; living- room ; linoleum rug; clock; small 'Mies'., 2 sets bed springs; 3 bedsteads; bench; 3 wash-stands; mattres; dresser; Tor-u will be made known on gay of. sale of can tre. aser.tained ' l, Cs. }I( 1"1 csinr.e cl ugh; 1200 lbs. Halts; Massey- Harris 13-dise seed drill; farm ‘[01; wagon bcx; bob sleigh; uggy, rubber tires; 2 cutters; hain tackle hoist; hagdy man jack; emery; Stewart han power CHE- per; single scumer; fanning mi ; 4-section iron harrows; hay rope, fork and pulleys; range shelter; pump tply man's bicycle; double- 'rccs; crks; chains; hoes and other articles not mentioned. "ratt---Mofrat kitchen range; cupborad; to kitchen chairs; 2 cane chairs; 3 rockers; 2 arm chairs; 2 chests; leaf table; lounge; bed, com- plete; cradle; tubs; benches; kitch- en utensils; crooks; 240 lb. scales; churn; etc., etc. Ttrms-ish on day of sale. No reserve - An Estate sale. Come to this good offering. v Tenn: ttd Furniture, etc. - Cash 0938y_2f.5913-______ hi h chair; . wicker baby b y; hail ytaryi; perfect pfn.tryt dayugdg Tractor, Thresher, Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture _ _ Iif0ia'rolls' SALE The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub- lic aucticn for the Estate of the late JOSIAH B. MARTIN on the farm about 1 mile west of Floradale, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1946 At 12.30 pan., the (allowing: Morses-Bay gelding, 10 years old; bay gelding, 13 years; black gelding, 13 years. All are general pufp%e. _ _ - A __ _ Catue--Rcd cow, fresh 10 weeks; Hereford cow, milking; rcd cow. yasture bred; white new, milking, bred 4 weeks; 3 heifers about 800 ms.; red steer; 8 young cattle (yggxlings); (images. M -. Pigs and Poarttrr--60 Sussex- Hamp. pullets; 2 sows. due in March; 22 pigs, about 85 Ihs.; 12 fatfening gig; M -- MR. EDGAR DEVI“. M38. 1031‘. 032316, Executor; EDWARD GEISEL, Auctioneer. WM. MOWLErr, Clerk. -8 Auction Sale Lists MRS. I. B. MARTIN, AMOS W. BAUMAN, ALVIN B. MARTIN, Execute". EDWARD GEISEL. Auctioneer. Phone 932, Elmira. WM. BOWLS", Clerk. -8 Mt Victoria " w.. new urn-luv, use: an L "._ft2Atter. ... __ BARRY DARE & SON 115 ACRE FAB! " Tram, ThmGar, kph-nth, It... Ila-I of Shutter-s. I [by and mm. l The undersigned Auctionâ€: has ‘received mum-tinn- to all by public auction tor MR. SAMUEL BIRD on his tarm situated about " miles northeast at Ptoeadaie, or ' miles weat of Elmira. on ‘l'lUISDAX, I'll. gun I.“ The following: .--tir'de "an, 1 {an old; general purpose. 6 years o d; Clyde mare " yearn; Clyde mate. 3 years old; Clyde, rising 2 years: brown driver , years old; black driver rising a yam. Ho III Bhree--4 Onion! ewes; , York sows, bred January, Febru- ary and November; 12 plan about 109mg: "shorts, _ --- . . CattH--Entire herd of Registered Accredited Scotch Shorthorna con- 2esf 9 cows, 3 heifers, all bred, or ca at side; 2 yeah-3 heifers; herd sire, Augusta Excel o. 109152 dark red. 2 yea-s old. In this herd are cows and heifer: of Garnford Memory, Reynolslown. a number of Maggi: breeding. .The.s.e are in Mareti M, Tuna: Gingerich. Mondale. iiroiliutl and nearly all young cows. Also 3 grade cows due shpgtly; , heifer calves; l we blowers. elevator; Mm“: Coegd t ‘. rm: i 1 mm: roder choppexj; some pelt; 14-inch met- February w, Wednesday-The- tor equipment, farm stock. imple- ments, for James Hamilton, Iota ' ‘nd 8, con. 5. Puslinch March 6, Wednesday-Paras stock and implements, for Mr. Herman, mile east of Hespelen March 14. Thursdm --rarm stock. implements for 'irllffa W. Shantz, 1 mile _easrok.rteettoet. _ _ calf. meauarecormiu-Deerimg trietdr, 10-20 h.p., running order; Water- vM threshee 234‘ tith (cider. "in, ete.--t5 tons of hay; 10 ft of silage in 10 ft. silo. - _ national cutting box, m and outsnde piper, T ft. Massey-Harris binder; A full line of implements. and some furniture. Eerey---Castt, on day of sale. No reserve. Owner sold farm. Some to this sale. Furniture - kitchen cabinet; churn: washing machine. Terms-Cath on day of sale. Cows. Young Cattle, Pigs and Horses On Tummy. rzygpnny " Commencing " 1.30 pm. For Mrs. Olive Moser, on the farm 2 miles south of St. Clements, the following: Morses- “raw team, general pur- -ocr' ". u g? '1 vows hawdT Find. Cattle - Efrem"! cow. fresh; spotted cow, resh; Holstein cow, Jan. 2; man heifer. bred Aug. 30; bred Sept. 9th; Holstein heifer bred roan heifer bred Oct. 13; part tg; shire heifer, bred Nov. ts; blue helifer; black calf, about 300 lbs.; , ca ves. "ik-s pigs, about 140 lbs.; sow with litter at side. 2 weeks old. AUCTION SALE EDWARD GISEL. Auctioneet. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. " EDWARD Q5135!“ Auctioneer, --e iiare gst, Elam-I. WM. nomm. Clerk. ms. 01.1w: you]; H. E. Rata Lumber Ltd. ST. CLEMWO%, OIL Phone Llnwood " r 5 AUCTION SALE THESE COMPACT COLONY HOUSES SAVE YOUR FUEL COSTS Delivery free within 26 mile radius of St. Clements A. R, LINE. Antigen Price $145.00 complete on skids Minn "tttia. Lists' - 1,1..." Cir'r2.k'LllltA".Tr' CLIAIING See these before sales make them hard obtain. inuaiiiiiier of the door. Another window located " the back to provide light. They are Mt feet wide and 14 feet long, and so that they can be moved to where you want them placed. they are built on skids. The roof in circuhr. which means that you have less cubic feet of air to heat, and is covered with asphalt roofing. Ventilation is provided by two humus}: windows that ore built in the front d [JV-tack, kyle-cuts, Tractor The Manned Aucuoneer bu teceived instructions to sell by public auction for ANTHONY R, KOBE]. Cull. - . - in _ Ttteto0owittg: .. "t .--Roan gelding, 1 year: old; black gelding 4 years old; black mare, to years old; dark fa, yearling colt; grey mare, ag ; man 'tles a ears old. - 'At' - 6 Shropshire ewes, bred; 1 sows due March and APPEJ†pigspbout IT0 lbs, ttittt-id cow, to freshen m Agra; blue cow to freshen in April; at he cow, due March 8th; roan cow, fresh; blue cow, milking; white cow, bred January 2tst; spotted cow, supposed to freshen in May; 2 Durham heifers bred in November; 4 fat cattle, 800 to 1100 lbs; blue heifer; 2 roan heifers about TOO lbs.; 6 calves coming year olq;1Acalf. _ _ _ - - . Implement.- nd Tractor Equip- ment - Fordson tractor, running order; Massey-Harris two-furrow adjustable traetor plough: in-lhmw and out-throw discs; 6 ft. Deering binder; Frost & Wood 5 ft. mower; Noxon Whoe seed drill: 4-section barrows; Mann cultivator; 2 farm wagons; fiat rack; 2 No 13 plows; Frost & Wood No. 21 plow: Frost & Wood loader; Maxwell Ade rake: 2-drum steel roller: 10 ft. dump rake; 2-furrow gang plow: Premier single riding plow; Frost & Wood out-throw disc; seumer; cutter; 2 buggies; carriage; a horse power; bob sleigh; speed jack; new Mas- sey-Harris barrow cart; wagon box; 2000 lb. scales; fanning mill; Max- well cutting box; pig hangms; wagon axles; root pulper; oak wagon tongue; doubletrees; chains; ‘Iorks; hoes, and other articles not {mentioned March' 14. Thursday Martin Schweitzer, Elmira. March 12, Tuesday, Mrs. Joseph Snider: Waterman: February M, Tuesday, 12.30 p.m. -Farm stock, implements, hay, grain. and some household effects for Josiah Cressman. li mile west of Elmira. Each 13, Wednesday-Anson Gipgriqh, Elmira, Every Saturday morning sale is held at my auction stand, Kitch- ener Market. What have you to ell? Have a talk with the auction- eell'dfor the next sale you want to ho . tYeti-Electric chopper, 2 hp. motor, Cockram; 2 V belts, good order; gas drive Beatty washing machine; one-half hm. 4 cycle Law, son gas engine, suitable for wash machine or milking machine; 40 sap pails; sap pan; spiles, kettle stove; broader stove; Viking cream separator, 800 lbs. capacity. Also some Furniture. Quantity of seed peas; some clever and timothy seed. Terms-Cash on day of sale. No_reserve. Owner quit framing†AUCTION SALE ANGUS B. MARTIN. Auetu- Auction Sale Lists Try to attend ttiis sale ANTHONY R. KOEEEL, _ EDWARD GEISEL. Auctioneer, Phone 932. Elwin. " "IPA". men pa, 1m At Less Cost Raise More Chicks be. one mile cut of Prosirtetor. to