is if: "r. If you need More Insurance . . THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? p. A. BEAN INSURANCE AtlFhNOEti G I F TS , ---------------, BRUSH. COMB and MIRROR. MOI BUYING or SELLING plastic or metal; Papeteries. Per- Pgutag fume,I Ttht, Sets gl',', gown: - In - Artic es, at eiger's rug tore, . . , . " _ 408 King St. East, Kitchener, “MEN":X", & bllAN It Phone 2-2122. l Limited Call the Local Representative Phone 24488 [ â€In“, " LI I ' , IIncu- names here. Cpl. Lenten- B-' Re-I'il-dlnl â€gram a. I'" THEE". schlager came over on a freighter. --- Jam-.7452 - lcm’n R‘s-Jammy: arriving in Canada after 11 days' SUTUERIAND - SCHULTZ Cr.-,..--.-..,., --- - ‘p'ssage. The other three were on m an" "n It!!! WUVII" l --"------------ , a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT; Hews A Real Buy E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Jthee " Wllham St ‘ thw 2, MST Great-Wont Lilo Anon. Co ' AIIOMMM" . Are! t, m ohm u6ga-aEiGGs. any. ' 'tttu" It. " . . " I - who you - f 'rrt_voiomq.iakii.UG.uiv-, cHArtTErigrrkee6imrArrrs (Trustees in Bankruptcy) -. - gaging St East, In at... A. mid n. M. to con.- - BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE Kean $6013 KITCHEN“ - ONT - n“ 85], - PM o- - T"iar, Tia" “I.†you um. â€I. In A: - Good. called for and deluded nun-nu Club pm. Sane-nu Add more boon to you: how. - " having your tovorite “who bound into books It! "m. 'AmetoeC" um Hymn Get Prarertroot" a W!) GiNEIML MIT!) SUPPLY t Fred-mu at. . (as... "fArir- ,_ Seecet- 9."- ' - ... BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kitchener BROCK. DAVIS & DUNN H, R, Brod: D Bruce Davis _------ K. H. Dunn El .l".( '1‘le MOT, IRS (\ - New ma V9iirorra7iauk" - at; "-3 CHHtoPRAc'ric INSURARCE ELECTRICAL J. C. LEBMANN BOOKBIN DING DRUGGISTS Ink†“will. can mom ro- sun-la www.m- Amt u.“ Nun-0M - I’LIJLI-nl FOP, UNDn'OOD MYPEWttrTEgttt l “h ' s A 1 J: I pu. an. d For Iain by the In. C 'itul"/gt,'ha,tt,, Bdr. - , ammo About . . - Mt ' te, . . . Rich. Repairs 2 0 "mm" yard; and Pte. K. Wolfe arrived " "Mm. “HEREIN?†LIMITED 13’?le homes here. Cpl. .Lwten- Kitchener Walvrtcu» Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Pdmund Svhwindt were: Mr. and Mrs. “amino &Fviv,8t rd family of Gait. Mr. and Mrr Fd- wand Main and family of Kitch- Mr, Anrov, Pr-r' - Err-err- with his warm Mr Cer-F turq and Mrs. Horst near New Hamburg Mr. and Mrs. George Schwindt, Susan and Eileen, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Georgie Founke, eighth " Peel. Mr. and Mrs. David Bott warp Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mm. Clifford Butt at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Darriel Horst spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Bauman at Ftoradaie. I Rev. and, Mrs. Howard Bauman and children, James and Esther, "w"! Sundav at the homes of Mrs. Norman Martin at Elmira and. Mr. and Mm. Henry Martin at Kitch- ener. Itting mam bar," 5:31; l "httario one. Outfitters Ltd " Queen St S. - Phone 6-040 New ROYAL Standard and Portable Machines All Inlet Sold. tin-Inked and anl-d GOLDING YYPEWRtTErt CO. 24 Benton St. Phone 2-TttTe Kitchener Six miles from Kitchener, 93 acres. two storey dwelling and bank barn. Immediate possession, meme suppum (rubbér goods) mailed postpaid in plain, 1elt1tryrtlopeLrittt Rrice. Jill. A. K. CRESSMAN & SON Limited "horse. 6-“55 _ 24 In no "and TYPEWRrrERs SUPPLIES and REPAIRS a sax} fiirigEViiiiuriOGt 'htl'l'lWe. Dept, G3, NOV- SLU‘BBER CO., Box " Hamilton, Real Estate NORTH WOGLWICII " II.- Ohdyo Ugh-m loin-{ck orrresrottdeot' “(iii --. -. -_.- mVBIIALLMAN $1)“. 1.3!“: Milan-Idea“!!! $9.500 with crops $8.000 without crops. ypnwm'mns I Eslale and lusulunw i02 King tit tiouu, WATEHILJU ‘p: ssage. The other three were on - )mo Queen Elizabeth which docked . o in! New York. ypewrtters ‘ CN.. 'autense.htagtwas twice REAL ESTATE @155 _ 24 Queen N klTCtiENEtt and Adding Machines PERSONAL ' a. Huron " tan-mm - _'u' "I“, . 77777- ---e"_ieHP.. "C" in†sori of Mr. aiiif ikr,r.7ait Becker presiden§ of the Waterloo I“, and resided for a time in 'iiiirlisrerediG' Aminm Hamburg. where he married the) A. M, G. Smith attended an former Mary S. Memcr. daughterlmonthly meeting of the DWI Death claimed William T. Beck- er at his home in Stratford at the use of 86 Fears. Mr. Becker had bun a photographer tor SO years. [nor to his retirement about " years ago. A native ot North East- hope Ptyship.Mt. Begkcr was the There are still about " New Hamburg boys overseas. Some of them will return before the end ot $10 month or early in the New ear. wounded. once in the head out] a second time he received shrapnel wounds in both legs For some time he was with the same mm as Pte. Ed. Hunsberger and Pte. Jerry Riehl. both of whom lost a leg in the war. Two more New Hamburg sol- d-ers are on the way home, Regt- Sgt-Major Ross Bowman on the Monarch of Bermuda and Sapper Howard Mieker. RSM. Bowman enlisted early in the war having " 'ar! for over years overseas. Date cf clawing will be an- nounced in the Press. DON'T DELAY - . ACT NOW'. $2,300.00 in ml: min: to seller: of winning subscriptions. Proceeds to be used to erect a Legion humor?) Hall and Hex-rea- tion Centre or our returning veterans and "itizens of Kimbcr. ly and District. Mail this "ad" with $1.00 for each subscripticn desired to the Kimber- iey and District Memrrial Society, Box 430, Kimberley, B.C.. together with your name and address] Europe irtfiuiririari." - " other 'eci" totalling " In ttmmf" I " British Col-nib or the equivuelu In “any I“. 2nd PriBe--19" une- My. 31d Prize - An '8lt.gttrt, to Europe at 31000. In out" A in,“ men w on nun um I N _ â€h 83-,†- _ 'eeAn9ttver.dedrtimt. I.; unkind†mike-m itrCtiriiitBh'il.rl1ltrlhlR, "elrtcrNlld.tiias Allow‘ .toserehae_expeee1suiitutiirhii tigt.ePeeyt.eiilioiaTiiir.ii7t Rocha, Ne?! 'umbuhised. LION '1asseacrhittJtoititiiia'AGtTC lam. rEiaii7ilir"'iikii'Gari â€IMF-tum sun NEW HAMBURG an: uni-dud in d 10.73 tehu"mtse.tgt2t tir Em' rum "t%lq tsiria, 533': the rietpr8Mreg tlttMtt REM! “In $25,000.00 "; TO BE GIVEN AWAY EGGSWAN’IED HIGHS? PRICE PAID FEATHERS WANTED GOOSE and DUCK "S_aptertttt.i-ti "et- A‘L .‘_..-... -.‘. B-----------, - l Cameron Honderich was dead president of the Waterloo I“, )Broeders’ Association. _ Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Ray Esser of Detroit, two brothers, Jacob of Kitchener, Harry, Alberta, two sis- tera, Mrs. Mary Schmidt, Kitchen. er and Mrs. Lucinda Schmidt. North Easthope. lot the late Senator Samuel Mer. net " years ago. l He was known in the lf tnf district as a photographer " high larder and was prominent for many years in the work of the Masonic }order and the 1.o.or. In was he 'was presented a gold medal and made an honorary lite member of the Masonic Order and in the some yzar was given a certificate of honor by fellow-members of Avon) Lodge 10.01.. following iii?) tfer1 in t)tatAhsty.rtnitr. A: a ma- son he was identitted with Strat- turd Lodge A.P. and AM. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. _ rr" "re» 1...," hum illumin'wnrl with can :[v'i-v'w of colored lights over the mwln streets The kiddies ot the town and county met Santa Claus at the banduand on Saturdav afternoon, where the genial gentleman pre- sumed gifts After Santa Claus had treated all nresent they were the guests of Mr. Stanley Paul " a free shall! at the Pegent Theatre. New Hnmhtrr Flour Milk Wm“ M up a Chi-Mums tree on top of n... 919mm "my " pm upâ€. urn“ FruHirsrr u l- away“; "'9‘! onan-ed ri-..-'., 't-'-t, nu! "he 'rrth very attractively. It In the hinhp‘t Why-“twee 'h-tirrn 'tt Itendn town. The new wâ€. ", ..,. b--.., __,, . _ ___ __V.,.-..... muâ€. _ Mrs. L. Hostetler had the misfor- tune to break her right wrist, when she slipped and fell on the icy sur- face on the back porch ot her home Dr. Kirkpatrick took her to the K-W Hospital where the fracture as: set and lhe was able to return ome. 7",..- -_...., nu: on “I: Commercial Hotel proprietor, was taken suddenly ill and removed to St Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. She is rlepor'ted improving nicely, N m "__=_=q . . A _ m' AakiaisGlrriroiii." ii7T, secretary of the Waterloo County Bryyeh ld the Association, ctr' Mr. (?yirrieikF,%1iilaeer of the local 'tour mill, attended a 1t.t,etiPr1r! Que Qnta_rio Feed Deal- the Soldiers" iiUi;itTiriiTiiirihC, “sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '"Y, Pyer,for..a. tew days. Pte. Kenneth Hagey, who has re- coveregidfrom an appendectcomy at u... an "-' Wr___r, . " - -- -. uni“ Anus. n. as. u. 9"“an Miss Olive Weicker. nurse-in- training. was a week-end visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weieker. gun“ uu truly. II, II. J. Kin-run da1'tug",'dd,,? D311 JIS, ml 1chronlek comma-m " can an exam . spent the week-end at the home of Pte. Claude Schneider. who spent Mr. and Mrs. A. R. G. Smith. nearly four {an “weâ€. re- Miss Olive Weicker. nurse-inn turned to the one of hi? parents, tei.nipg, was a week-end visitor w.. 'ttYI Mrs. Wm. Schneider. Pte. Mutuit 'iiii; -iiGiriiiiii, .Eé.uu;t -rgelst on W‘ A - irr1he, Ngyth glenheim Parmem' '. WESSON - KING sr. m _..‘ ‘u- Fur, Gav-m syn-w". by: Iit,tiiii/ )hiiii,Gi/iid of the Kitchener, Phone 24409 C' v-ain ct-i-s Mus htol‘blnl Wangler of Kitch- ener was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetteer on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bach and daugher and Mrs Andrew Bach Schneider is in good health aftcr his long service. A number ot friends gathered at his home to wgloome him. [CROSSWORD . " . By Eugene She/fer} HORIZONTAL t. acme-I [ii " TP FF BAMBERG Tr pa 'rr,'; " ttig' 'tta" "fg'pff t?jf, Mr. William Roth of Ili'. Clem.. was visited Sunday, at the home ot m, father, Albert Roth. A number from here attended the Hessen Road School Concert on Suturday evening. Merry Christmas to the Chum in: staff and its many under: and sons Bill and Andy ot Wallen~ stun. were Sunday guests of Mr. all Mret..ITtiiarp Birmingham. i'ii'P 'k'fti mama! lrti"i,f, l'tffft, wan um can-mucus; Raoul-n, L54 Fftt aim-""1. In. “up!" tairiiadiuai - new... tt.iadm I.“ * to. gm- - h