Strict Control For Spley of Shine Beef tttnd, November 19 'o-mu. nun-WWW “17$:th "mu-II A-uu iliiteii,?tge2"t,'rt tttr-sluts/tw beef'ubn irl 'ii7GGiaGaiito-ueteay-1 "iiiii1CeiiiEiyfiigee,t,Ntt 'tri-tif'.",",,'.'.',',,,',')',',"! ‘ 'ttdheanimatrnuatttreq med auGneofttseuuqtbeeM ttiir,ii1iiigattt/htriet,'e'etd.f guts m an _ slaughterhouse. It: mum iri'aWtGGii)je.atieattfts1ete and it must be branded either choice beef (unmanocoood treTfitsarhinirith.thttiet91 'iGisriad)irutowtteeeisttle "ieitY,i,Fgifitigttt'r,ntselt, fhdreirtiutteyi.inA1berP, an“ Giiairca -iGiiiioiU Li in: be" machined in one of there pro- as"xs"3esm’ Triiui%rjtie" WW. . - iteyrte; Before this was it! issued ow beet was exempt mom beef ceiling prices and sales were governed y instructions of the Administrator. More widespread control has many _become Peer- sary and the Administrator's in- structions "have been revised and have now been made law by put- ting them in the form ot the order. When an exhibition is author- ized by the Administrator he sends a written notice to the My of the-showandthismunbepoued in a conspicuous place when the show js hejd.‘ . . A Anyongyho banana-hoe! at an authiirized show must tell the secretary of the show what hush- terer wilLkill the animal - . Every sale of show beet made " an authorized show must be re- ported by .the secretary at the snow to the minimum. to the intended slaughterer and, to the Price Board Oftice in the slough- terer's district. A separate report must brmadteoyeriryt each buyer at the fair and showing the name of each seller he bought from, the number of cattle purchased horn each, their ear tag numbers and the price per pound live weight. Tnese reports must be sent out by the secretary within 48 hour: one the conclusion of the show. 'Sduofsgogbpg A retailer selfirig show beet must arrange his prices in such a way that the total he receives for my carcass, side or quarter, will not be A wholesaler selling show beef must arrange his prices in such I way that the total he receives for all the show beef bought at my ODS. show will not be more than his actual cost of that beef, including processing and selling expenses less credits fordrr-pydue3s _ ananmaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasmaximum; mum set; crirings.ort beet and} Includes CARBURETOR - FUEL PUMP - FAN - WATER PUMP - Complete IGNITION SYSTEM with STARTER MOTOR - GENERATOR - DISTRI- BUTOR WIRING and SPARK PLUGS - AIR CLEANER. _ These are available now for all Chrysler Corp. products. " Water tN. "or“: Cars and Trucks - 1939 . 1942 Models ALSO A COMPLETE LINE or INDUSTRIAL ENGINES 'on ALL PWIS Proudfoot Motors “may! NEW Engines May the Beat come to your door at Christmas! L. E. BATZ LUMBER LTD. COMPLETE $350"0 fitlltitruerbhet China-m at M " 2utr,t,'t'rsreWln%'ll'lt “mum-#803; vmmwawm GGTuaiiir,uurGirre.-d iiaiGiiuTiir1ee1i1r"r' magnum“ The inn-m Columbia Demon 'egeurtsrl'l It I ISIN. pm: . bum A rewggimlumbh eating pun m M unable MOW. turnips. hump: and pepper ay' Se each. Endive cost 5 and l a bunch; leaf tet- men a nickel. Chinese variety from " to tte. Cauliflower were an to 2Se, cele- ry 15 and a: , handy C8136 priced is follow: Cool-c on... we . etaptaigter;.pttf.t tett.Ptt Chicken sold at 4Se a pound for young; rabbit Me I pound and squat, 15c apiece. Turkeys and geese were an un- ( known quantity at the Waterloo) market Saturday but a (sir amount} of chickens were pen. These sold " at 40c ure for yam broilm; f. 40hr ted:and80t038forl year-olds Ducks were Also iii? tiful selling " 45: while pigeons} sold at 1se each. Butter was ‘1 Giaedatatto'ahrarmprtlt, while“ eggs sold at M. 38, " and " Other 1 produce prices were as tollowszl outoes. 3:27 a bag; " a smell“ basket; tux-lugs s; eaiilMpyrer ll! to I M; ndishes for ls; cabbage s to I MV, lettuce " to AP, celery. " to l iis:,ariots2,forisdreba'lrtt;i", beets 40 a basket; pork aausttre, l fresh, as; smoked, M; blood un- sage 35; summer sausage 40; head l cheese 28; pork liver Itp, beef liver 28; fresh ham 28; smoked hm 42; I,', dressed rabbits so; Cal-dun ', cheese 15 to 25; cream " a pint} sauerkraut ' dish; apple butter 30 pint; and pumpkins " to I) etch. i more than the sum of his actual delivered cost of the same cut and a markup of 28% per cent of his selmtg price. . 'ita"i',ti "iiiNraiFr" â€and ,wissQ2to8Se. unconne- Which» Mtrhqt Prion ';iririisa iiiiiiaEariiuEe Merry Christmas To All "W I'"" . ile pigeonslnved home from Toronto, where lune was the former had Wane In oper- mud. while iatlon some time mud had been d " Other a hospim pgtiem. since. " tollowszy The numerous young friends of " I Uhrig, son can: Inna Art (i? --.- -s--. h. A... - - iii“: twat...» all. Hm , - writ! m. 22i2iG"KG'idi'i% Fariaii 'e,i'lrl,1UfJhtl'TATrWitri'ir. “mum-H‘QPE': “was...“ iiisiiu-g-ti" h January tt, m. Lt-ttc ',riy,tt',l.tillitr, Pent small. I January " My. 1"†-eieyuipgttute.'llgt --Naitoeh,iraN_esnqstr, tuia7tirlektertatstrMtti_e. rTi'arirfiniieuuttuth-toet't"t- Uhrigmre pleased to learn he I: getting along well after an eye operation a few weeks ag9, George " a little tot had _one a Manda: he was watching a hog blacksmith work at his anvil when a red hot spark new into his an causing the loss of his sight and has since had I; number ot operations to the in- [ jured organ. ' It is reported Mr. Russo. who in the early fall ttef", the Phares ' goat N pgoperty f mama! _ lag. ', usual dufosed o itto r. . .Whitehead or Kitchener. . . ham T, Monday, att aan.-- Pair day sale at Suddlck Hotel. Eimira, of bones knoll-WI"- Nr- niture and small articles January IS, My, 1180 an. --rarm stock. implement Ely. grain. turnitun. tor Orton Wm. 6 miles northeast of Elmira. 1 mile north daun- Coma. have“. GiiiioriGrriitii Jiirrisrited on Stroll. we Woolwlch clerk. ' Mr. Peter Scheerer. emlgloyed at the Goodrich Plant in “chew. met with a pa nfnl accident while at work there last midweek, when he was struck in the obdomen by a heavy steel beam. Be was taken to the hospital where he bu re- covered from his Injuries _ anal- ciently to return to his but ‘ Mr. and Mn Herb Huehn. Mrs Herb Glee and H11 John Burnett, were recent visitor: to Hamilton. Mrs. Norman Wilkinaon and soul Russell of Toronto and Douala; at home, motored to Woodstock and spent Sunda with friends there. Mr. and till Walter Schweitzer and son of Preston spent Sunday at the Schweitzer home. _ Pte. Bots Gaede, Wed at Ni- agara-on-the-Lahe, spent the week- end at home _ort leave. - . ""iirTiiiirrierd fig? Burnett and sons of Gait, were T,',tiuet,','t relatives in the v " and district. ___ _ __ “out 34143192“ Mr. trad Mrs. Elmer Kraehling of St. Agatha end Mt William Heidlinger of Baden. visited the latter's sister, Ilia Phoebe Held- linggr.on Sungny. __ _ _ . Woolwich Council had a busy tipal session on Saturday. _ The local church Sih",'i'tN,'ht grams will be rendered " tt nit- cd Church during next undar's afternoon mice and " at. In. thew's Lutheran Church on Bun- dieyening.. . _ .. . With municipal council nomina- tions drawing clout, election mat- tors are warming up eonsideeabty and possibilities mentioned are Ed- mund Schwlndt and Deputy Reeve Oliver ert for the reeveship, Councillor m. R. Snyder at De- puty Reeve and that he may be opposed by Wesley Hewlett Mr. Frank Wgndick=_clgrk ot.?le "mm C ( [NESTOGO I‘mâ€. trr. mum ONT. - -- '1'9 Btttb, RWEB; _ where Gif, t',F,iih,tlfW,tf a“ can an nut you “It te t I .l , _. ngm.ulunn r2,Ee,iiiuutg,uPtol2rttt insst-x_ttetttte.ltettt no: mm. t.89.AIs--eery forâ€. ti.itiptSta"ffdttt (“molt-km“ the via-edema-“ n.-- 'iiaiiGiioriFii; qriifeinan on dam-ham 4 miles southwest iii) - "V1.3? t 1 many a pan. ski-TAM ale than stock. imp menu. teed and furniture. tor Joe Stuns on th- an: about 1 mile north of St. Agatha. Faun In January a. “may, " 1 pan:-- Auction sale at livestock, unple- menu. feed and tome fumituxe tor Mr. Conrad Wu the farm ad- i‘oining the e of Linwood. arm is sold. January 23. Wednesday, 1 pan.--- Pu-m stock, implements. em. on farm on Herb Reinhardt. on Gurhth-Kieteyr hymn}. -uaiar, 7279. Tueadir, aft til',',; Auction ale of may; _ gle- January 30, Wednesday, a 1 pm. - Auction sale of livestock-imple- ments. etc., for Alvin B. “min on the f'rgulf, miles we". ot mm Men us let mm February t, Saturday. " 1 m.-- Aucuon ale of mm an! other Htems for Mr. HeurisSuoh in the ivgllagq pt BA Jaco . Watch for AME}; it liveiiock. imple- ments, feed. gm. fox: It. Yeh $_it- ii2F 3:13:13 iii-hibout 1% miles west of Hawkewme. Farm is rem- add-thunk. February s, Tuesday. at t Fm.-- Executors' sale of farm, livestock. implements. teed afnd furniture tor eiute of late Daniel Maser on the farm about 1 mite west of Wallen- stein. on main road. - February T, Thursday, at l pan. --Autttion sale of mm stock. im- plements. teed, etc., for Mr. Cran- son Ritter on the premises shunt ed 1% miles west "otmrrsira, then 2% miles south or about 2 miles easht 9f Hawkguville. _ - U February ti, Monday art "O.-.. Auction sale of livestock, imple- ments. furniture, etc., at Elmira Farmers’ Shed. February M, Thursday, at 11 p.m.-Cleetrintt auction sale of live- stock. implements, including good tractor, also teed and furniture for Mr. Daniel Ruler on the farm about 3 miles northwest of St. Jscobs or 6 miles southwest of Elmira. February 38. Thur-av. at t pan. -Clearimg auction . of live- stock, 'tttrig',,'; feed and fund- ture for . Samuel Bird on the farm about ' miles northwest of Elmira or a miles northeast ot Flo- p.m., of livestock, implements, feed and furniture for Mt Hugh Woods on the farm about , miles north ot Conestoga or 5 miles east of Eml- for your c646 - 'iaGriiiiai; UG we have had Ill the last yell. I had we have had In the last year. I had the pleasure of conducting more salea this year than any year be- fore and will be pleased to nerve you again in the coming year. Wishing our my friends I ior- gus Christmas my! thanAittg A you We wish the editor and atatt and all the reader: a very Merry Christmas. [ . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock and son David of near Tavistock agrent Sun- Itror"h Mr: and Mrs. Mose Hel- mu . Min Laura Gucho of Sir-“0rd spent the Week-end with her par- ents Mr. gn§_Mn. Ezra 61.14310. - Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hetmuth, Elaine and Magdalena you! Friday in Baden with Mr. an Mrs. John Bait and later called on Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Schmidt, Mrs. Anion Bender and family spent Sundny with Mr. and Mm. Mme Beads; my! line, _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Junker and Eleanor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. unmenon Mitchell of an: Inggrkip. _ -- _ _ _ __.. Mr. grad Mn. Mose Pita"',' um: son: a Mm. Harry . w Monday in Stratford. Mr. ind Mrs. Stanley Relbllnl and Mm. Allen Otto Ipenl Tuesday in Kitchener. (MI. comm“ - Haaar The annual meeting of an Bt. John'n Luther We Vin W on Wednesday new: Rev. do. ted In prayer. The rupture Dillon was read by Laverne t%rter, It“. lain. Lipy Errented ttte. Jo?“ """duMM'r'"'" Irvin Lips relented the topic 3w- .ot Scum! Mac-,- aiGianiili lib-Took." A anam- Mon followed. The 2lt.r,ttcif; neon won eheuttipresyhtntd _ he Innu-l Christina entertain- ment of the Bt. John'a Lutheran Sunday School mu be held on Mend-y evening, Dee. Mth. “in! Elaine Michel" of Willis-u- hur; â€on. the wont-end VIM I. ga'gT'"', Mr. and Mn. Jacob . . its}? jjefiiiii,2tit,id2td.,a2tt b, tre'tmgrer,] “gm;"et Mr. and Mn. Harold Dietrich. Ion Gene and daughter Yvonne of Waterloo and Mr. and Mn. Om: Htehttart of Howell»: mm Sun. dar at the home of r, Ind In. Charl- Human Mr, and In Ruben that"! 'es, “in: with Q? can "l u I o torttrtat, mind I‘m mm with Mr. and In. flab. tat Mr. Ind In. In" W at - not on lulu. irrF,iis'riGiirGididd hte' meet- ing cloud with_tht Lord's may}; Febrpgyy -_Ayctie?n ale qt 1 HESSEN ROAD EAST ZORRA tt Mt I hurl-o â€Dir (Mk Corrupt“ " u "t eat-.- Mr. and Mn Fred name. who observed their Mth wedding anniversary at their home on Main St. on Wednesday are prob- ably the happiest people in New Dundee thisr_wetsk {gr ihetgranl- son. Lce.-Bombardier Kenneth Bushart arrived home on Monday evening after nearly three years' service oversees. Iaee.-Bombardier Bushart is the only non ot Mrs Ber- the Bastian. who resides with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerdee. A family gathering is being planned for Thursday evening to jointly celebrate the anniversary and the home-coming. _ When calling tor an interview your reporter found the young sol- dier sitting comfortably in a rock- ing chair beside a crackling tIre while his grandmother aged 77 years was seated nearby industri- ously knitting socks which along with hookinf rugs are her two In- vorite hobbies. Speaking ot the sub-xero temperatures without, lam.-Bombardittr Boslurt said that he felt the weather 12mins.» much eolderpner the‘ghlplyu all way across the Atlantic. "It wasn't until I neared Toronto and new ta- mitiar landmark: that I really felt " thou? I was coming home for before t at it only seemed like an- other moved he styled. - _ . Leaving England on Dec. 0. he arrived in Halifax on Saturday aboard the, Monarch of Bermuda which carried approximately 3,000 troops. Be was met " Guelph by. his cousin Cameron Toman and returned home following the oil- cial reception accorded the 10th and 43rd Batteries of the 12th Ca- nadian Field Amneq Raunchy -raTiidGGid "1E? Emmi-t. who saw action in Sicily and Italy and MA also “agency inA9etgltsm tnd. Holland enlisted with the 2nd L.A.A. Regiment on Aug. 31, 1942. He received his basic training in Winnipeg and advance training at Eastern Passage. Halifax. going oven-lea: on March 29, was. When in Italy he was translated to the Infantry and then to the Artillery in Belgium. Ice-Bombardier Bahia, who was lottunete to - without a scratch agent last (impugn Der 9, a com/alum!“ Depot in my where he was oottthted due to an attack of diphthcda which came after, hejud tteast in, a sllt treyeh TI King North . WATERLOO ma; M953 _ wwwwwwwwwwwnuances“; NEW DUNDEE agttr CHRISTMAS WISHES m Buddell’s Garages,-. in thi, NEW HUDSON COMING soo" to Buddelll's Garage B, [In .Il'll- HIM- {Chm-kl. Conan-l." mm 13d EQUIPMENT {or a m- ad UN Sud. Poultry and M SEEDS. Humans. P†1rguartt1 It SHIBK a 9ts-2e:sss'te." ""‘-‘ t1iiiiiiiiii:.?ii'i', ii"irat,,tt," their laundry done by native wo- men who lived near the Army camps and instead ot accepting mo- ney in payment they they: asked for any rations the soldiers could spare such as tinned goods, soap or cigarettes. taxr.-Bombardier Boshart aid that of all the countries he visited he liked Scotland and the Scotch people the best for they were so veg friendly. - .. l L Before leaving Holland about five weeks ago he met his cousin, Gunner Earl Kurt. whose home is two miles north of here, whom he hadn't seen since February, 1963. Then _iyr Mytof year he tle,' Lee-Bombardier Boshart is on leave until January Mat after which he expects to get his dis- charge. . The B.Y.P.U. met al the church on Monday evenins with the p.r.esi- dent, Mrs. Roy Gl dner. presiding. Mile Hazel Dinger read the scrip ture lesson followed b payer by Miss Emma 11'rduu"I'. Roy saw. Wilt Hill of the tamer Hill Brothers Bakery in New Dundee. who is now a cook in one of the fig.'""'"' army camps near Lon- on. The following is a schedule of the Christmas programs to be pre- sented by the various Sunday Schools o the vlllllle: - - htie Christan: Story" in page- ant form at the Baptist Church on Sunday evening. Dee. 23rd. Gildner presented the ehristmis tcpie and a vocal duet was rendered by Miss Joan Dinner and V. n D1nge'._ -- _ . . . . A Choral pageant entitled, "Good-will Toward Men" at the St. James Lutheran Church on Christ- mas night, Dee. Mth. A candle- light service will also be held at the church on Christan: Eve at 9 o’clock. A pageant, "God's Wondrous Gift" at the United Brethren ghxrch on Thursday evening. Dec. n . Attendance at the village church services on Sunday was very small owing to the extreme cold weather. Many would-be church goers found that their cars refused to sun In the morning when thermometer: dropped to as low as " degrees be- low zero. on Sunday evening with Josiah Bur occupying the chair and con. ducting the devotional period. Th. topic. "Solving Life's Problems" was discussed by two â€was under the leadership of Rev. one. N. Beer and Gilbert Berger. m The Blenheim Mennonite Yam Peop_le's _Soclety met " 919 (gnu-c] to 'mile et, address and the guests of honor were 2roe,,stie.ted: with a miscellane- ous wet. Refreshments were served " the close ot the evening. t,Gidd iran wiiastost and is on a six months' have. He has com- six months' leive. He has com- menced workirfg in Preston at his topper pogigign. -- . - _ .. . Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Setttictt- ter moved to Gormley on Friday where they will make 1heir home. Their infant daughter, Helen. is still eonttned to the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. Word has been received by local rclatives of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogusat (nee Edna Goeuling) of Niagara-on-the- Lake on Wednesday, Dec. i2th. The annual re-organization meet- ing of the Charity Sewing Circle of the Blenheim Mennonite Church was held in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Omar Cressman led the devotional period and prefer was ottered by Mrs. Edgar Ha lman. The follow- ing officers were then elected for the new year: President, Mrs. War- ten Bean; vice-president, Mn o. Cressman; secretory-treasurer. Mm Walter Shantz; buying committee, Mrs. Herbert Kehl and Mrs. Omar Snider; welfare committee, Mrs. o. Cressman; and Good Cheer com- m:ttee. Mrs. Moses N. Baer, Mrs. Edgar Hallman and Mrs. Joseph ‘Good. The afternoon was spent in \quilting and tying comforters for irelief purposes. the scripture lemon after which Mrs Louis Holm (oval-ed with an accordion selection. A Christmas hymn was sung by Mrs. B. Matt. Mrs. H. Kovelman. Mn A. Brigh- ton, Mrs D. Jacob and Mm. M. K. Toman. followed by - b Mrs. Harold Weiss. Ws. ailjiam 'U'li'lid gag There was an attendance of thir- ty-eight at the Christmas meeting of the St. James Lutheran Ladies‘ Ald which was held at the parson- age on Wednesday evening with the president, Mrs. Jack Schmidt presiding. The opening service was conducted by Mm. H. Midter and Psalm 148 was read mponsively led by Mrs. Harvey Einwechter {chewed by Ierer by Mrsh Harold Recent Vinita-s with Mr. and Mn Elton Baer were: Mt and Mrs. Geo. Haney. Mia Doris Haney and V. Huuey of Roleville' Mia Dorothy Hallman of can; idk' and an L. Marshall of English Settlement; and Cecil aind Idon Hussey of Preston. Pd! [by V J?feftnreher has