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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 1945, p. 6

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THE ROYAL BANK or CANADA Waterloo Math: Prim Potatoes sold at $2.22 a bag at Waterloo Market Saturday, Other produce prices were: Butter 38 to 40e; eggs 45 to 54 a dozen; cauli- Bower 15 to 25c; cabbage 5 to IS; turnips 5 each; radishes, bunch, two tween 47 LuiTik a dozen, one vert- dor asked Me a dozen tor lute. Me for medium and Me for much. Average medium ear were 46 to 46e a dozen and pulets 40 to we r dozen. Some "specials" sold at g to 53¢ a dozen. Endive 5 to l5c a bnch, Chinese caution) to Me a head. green cele- ry t n bunch. Wow-men ge 3 bunch, carrots, parsnip: and beets we a quart; onions 30 and 40e a gasklet; beets, M, potatoes 3Se tor G. . Brussels sprouts 35c a quart, cab- l huge: 5 to tse each, and turnips) from 5 to IN: each. Pepper squme glen 5 am! toe and cauliflower! thyn 5 to 3sc, Lea! lettdée was two bunches tor 15c. and heed lettuce 10e a head. and grim ranged from id to a: tor e average weight to between a and 45 62an in the Hunger birds In N. - "t at Me 1 pound. There were plenty of chitin“, on the Kitchener Hutu. Sun-Ida 9nd prices mad iron " to Had, d Fowl (K Kitchener lurid PAC In Shirk & Snider Ltd. FEEDS and rixtvrrnsrriaif, a. all types orc/dau, Poultry and Peta 7 SEEDS. FERTtuzBRg, PEST KILLERS, Etc. ELlliiell'qtlltnfy", Farm . with a FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN WATIILOO IRANCH Don't F ace Another Winter With only a wheelbarrow TOR0ll'ri--Egg markets in To.. I ronto today were quiet and receipts 1 were ample for the demand and l buyers were trading cautiously. , Plan now to electrify your farm with a Farm Improvement Loan. At any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada, loans are available to farmers for the purchase, installation or improvement of farm electric systems. These loans can now lie made on security of the equipment itself, and repayment arranged by convenient instalments. "electrical equipment is still hard to get in you. district, you can make a start by doing your pre liminary wiring. Wire, switch boxes, transformers, etc. are available in many districts. By starting now you will be ready toput electricity to work on your farm " equipment comes on the market. Talk your plane over with the Manager of our “n... L_.__L WINNIPEG. - Grain quotations: Oats, 2 CW., 51%; ex. 3 CW. 51%; 3 cw. 51%; ex. 1 feed 51%: I feed 51%; t feed 51:3 feed 49; track 51%; screenings $5.00. Bar. 1tigi All grades at 64%. Rye, , C W, X. ToRoN'Wh-prade A, drained. at $17.25 plus tmnaportatiort were unchanged at London in the only bacon-hog market to report quotas tions today gttuteth I; locum. but: " to”; ,bumctholkbeen basket M; can? " to IS; tamtts, bunchtwotnr ';eetdive6tot 1trtrrm._ige>tost;amoked (ar, blood - M; summer au- ‘uge A,headcheeqe II; pork Live In; peg livert, huh ham II; Pigeon ll eieis,GiaptGttFr iii putt; mutant ' £1 T milk-ted chit-u M; rur-otd crummy to _30; duh-V41 to a; ia'oiFrhiirio7'rard' GTralirG'u"i'g Electricity can take the drudgery out uf many a farm chore-save you time and money-help make life pleasantcr and easier for everyone in the family. Electricity can Winnipeg Grain EGG BUYERS CAUTIOUS Hog Quotations To lift and carry the heavy lgads Get a 7-1511 ‘. C HOFFMAN, Mona." two. In: th; Calves were 15.00-15.50 with tops at 16.00 for choice with heavy veal- crs downward to 8.50. (Erasers were ISO-8.00. Lambs were 13.75-14.25, good ewes and wethers, bucks 1.00 cwt. discount and culls 9.00-10.0o. Sheep 8.50-8.00 with Western ewes 8.50. Weighty steers were 11.004100, butcher steers and heifers 9.00- 1000, boners 7.00-8.00. butcher cows 7.25-9.00, canners and cutters 5.25- 7.00. bulls 7.00-9.00, fed yearlings 11.504335. good stockers and stock calves 10.00-10.50 with plain stock- PIE dpwnward to 8.00. dag: Toronto, Nov. MC-tood quality cattle were active and Brni with proven grades slow. in trading on 930 Toronto livestock market to- Calves and Sheep Close Higher l Furniture. on: Range, heater; tubles; chairs; beds; rocker; meat I grinder and stutrer; copper kettle; _ iron kettle; DeLaval cream separa- l tor; lawn mower; some dishes and (other articles. sl At the same time and place the farm will be altered tor sale sub- ject to a reserve price. This farm contains 50 acres more or less on which is a comfortable dwelling wtth Lasphalt sid.intr, a wood shed dump rake; 9-point um tooth culti- vator; M-H hoe drill; S-furrow crown gang; No. 21; Henry plow; scales; block and tackle; rubber- tire top-buggy; canine: roller; spreader; cutting box; imam barrows; hay rack; wagon and box; bore machine; set of team harness; anvil; vice; blacksmith tools; forks; emfins; doubeltrees and other ar- uc es. Hay and tNets-About zoo bush- eis, mixed min; so shocks com; about IO tan; of bay. . 1mrtmta--MJH o-h. binder; M-H mower: Maxwell loader; hem. loan at his. to all by - Inclu- tho “Io-I1: - Black gel ing, a yénn; , black work horns. eatk-Hoiatein cow. bred July M; brindle cow, bred Aug. 18; 1 red cow; Hereford cow, bred July A Pics and Pouttrv-tt rip. about 3%,)“;2 sows, bred ov. w. " “I. una-ted undo-o. - "em"odir-trudti-gmerogvoEa.. 51"etotttr.meottevi- EXEC!" ORS’ SALE so Acne “livestock, 1-- "e-tta, Food and TUESDAY. pm 0 At I p... Mtunr tnd Mil} -ibat%ririar' GGiiiii Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Seyler and Norman we!“ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. enry Guenther " New Prussia. Mr. and Mm. John Holman and Erwin Hoffman of near MiUbank {Sent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs 11mm Dammekr. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Holuchuh of Heidelberg visited with Mr. and} Mn. Jam nah-hm A- o..-A-.. On Sunday afternoon the mem- bers of St. John's Lutheran Church will attend the installation service of the Rev. w. Goon, who his IC- cepted a call from the Linwood parish, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Linwood. Mr. and Mm Herbert Fretburger met their son. Jerome, who return- ‘od trom overseas, at London. on‘ Ingnesdgyl‘ l Terms-Cash on day of sale l REBECCA MUSSEI. AN, , LENA MUSSELMAN, PM EDWARD GllBEL Auctions!» l WM. 30mm. than. r and ttmiiiiaitiGiiikrGih it and Mr: John Illllor " Bun- 1 Also for another party, the fol- lowing: Cherry bureau, kitchen cabinet with porcelain top; 4 kitch- en chairs; kitchen cupboard; sink; davenport that opens to a full size bed; card table; parlor table; rock- er; 2 beds complete; 2 Jtrrdiniere stands; wash stand; toilet set; 2 lawn chairs; garden hose; garden too_ls and other items. rs. JacoS Eda?“ G%aiirT" Mr Inf By: Robert Himhber- numerous to mention. if ”Aw-363;! clean lot. cracks; jars; t don. knives and forks; I now shovel; 2 other shov- els; hoes and rake; axe; hand saw; lawn mower and other articles too tubs; The following: cltesterfietd; ma- ily.y.ey. double chair; cherry wood (bureau; oak china cabinet; corner cupboard; buffet; one upholstered rocker; two upholstered arm chairs; 3 rocking chairs; 1 arm chair; 3 small tables; cherry wood ‘dining table and chairs; kitchen ‘table and chairs; high chair; 1 large and 1 small kitchen cupboard; l sink; I wash sink; small bench; 1 large wooden wardrobe; part shells; 1 dresser and wash stand; il, bLeds; springs _and_ mattresses;', I No reserve, farm sold. Come ear- Uy. Days are short Sale starts at :12 o'clock. f HENRY 203m. Fraulein. I SHAW]? and PEtCrG2aNetrn. l BB_UB§CHER Ind GHSEL. FURNITURE SALE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction for Misses Mussel- man at 36 Church St., Elmira, on trern,toar, DECEMBER. it 2 sets team harness. collars and parts. Two-unit Surge milker. complete; used 8 months; DeLaval cream separator. No. 15 with pow- er attachment; No. 4 dairy power churn; milk pails like new, etc. Household Efbets - Bell piano. real good tone; corner cupboard; self feeder coal stove; cot and mat- tress; 6 chairs; sink; 2 cellar tables; [neat vat; emgty Sealers, ete HESSEN ROAD mer-York" 56W "tiiGrXeptember 23rd; York sow with litter, several was about 160 tbs.; 10 pigs about 85 l s. - Hay and Gri--About 15 tom rice mixed hay, mostly clover; 100 bug." 119er 313m}; "f, tans, pats. Pmt1trr--as Leghorn hens, one yegr old. At " O'clock In". Hot-nu: Buck Percheron “Min. 5 years, LOO lbs; bay mm. " years. 1,5001bL; wad team; black mare, T years, t, lbs. Catt1.--Ait youna. a good lot, " registered Holstein , cows; , hei- Lfen, bred in August, , halter: " ‘lnd " months old. two heifer 1tfgr, 8 "10113 old. te',',', is in- d I V I ' " milk- ine lot, 53L a (ergo-h and close; grade Houteins-a can two are fresh, one bred in September. one heifer call, three weeks Exact tievrr"'Ut,tg, will be given on sale day. gistered Shorthoms; 2 cows. 3 and 7 years, one is due at sale time, one bred in Jump Shorthom bull, 8 months All these an; of extragood quality. l y and non-m. ua slim-F- l Cuties [I'D-cull. Food and P,'t',',ttte, - at the , miles loath d sum: Sutton. and Ms miles north of Knuth on mmgn own ' Dairy Posir.---Harryss, ete, By Ilu hula. Dunn-Ila (Chronlelo Cone-panda” AUCTION SALE up“. at 1.363;. it???“ In. Herbert Im new! Vulcan In Donia; i Mr. and Mra Harvey Kneiael. Mr. Theo and Armand Boning spent Bunda with Mr, John Krpehling at gt. Agatha. Miss Otillia Mohr spent Sunday with Mrs. William Dal-met at Rata- bu”. rs, Oliver Kerr, Barbara and Judy from South West Wilmot agent the week-end with Mr, and rtt, Herb am Sunday visitor: with Mr ‘and Mrs. Edwin Boating were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and Marion from New Pruula, Mr, and Mn Walter Neet, from near Wane-lay. Mr. and Mn Ezra Wettlauler from Seyler. Mrs, Alv'in "wUiiiGfei:,'iiaiiii iiiit Elegngr. from Oeuel’s and Mn. A. Mr. and Mrs Clayton $iohr and Idem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lingelbiteh at Lisbon. Sunday visitors with Mr. and his. Sel.ttttor2.pealer, were: Mr. and --iT _.__..__.. _.-...,. f Mr. Stuart Eidt from Shakes ‘pearc spent Sunday with his pur- (encs. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eidt. f Mr. John Wettlauter from Burn- Side is Win; a few days with G". and Edwin boning. I i Sunday visitors with Mr. anal \Mrs. Austin Doering were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank, Mr. and Mrs. P. Robethge trom Kitchener, and Mr. an_d_ Mrs, _Hp_ward Doering. Mrs. Alvin Eidt and Dalton. Mm. Aaron Eidt from New Hamburg were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Roth at Stralford. Mr. and Mrs. William Seyler spent Sunday at Tavistock with "tend/yr?, Nidthlasriehtr, A l Mr. and Mn Edwin Raekbart, Gladys, Ruby and Edward 33:“ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs i1 Schneider " Bumbag. Miss Margaret Freiburger of [Kitchener we!!! the yiggk-end with Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fteiburger were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freiburger and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frei- burger, Miss Loreen Stefrler of Wa- terloo, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Hartman of Kitchener, Mt and, Mrs. Martin Kteswetter and Mr. Alvin Kleswet- ter of Bamberg. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and Mr. Valentine Knechtel of Kitch- ener spent Wednesday with Mr. an_d_ Mrs. 1mpyies Hackbart. ynth Mr. and Mrs. E. Hohl at BGi- Terms: 10 per cent. on day of Sale, balance in 30 days. For fur- ther particulars inquire from CLARE BBUBACRER. CRANSON numcm. WILLIE BRUBACIIER. _ Executor; EDWARD GEISEL. Auctioneer. White .fmme house on Arthur Street, across from park. painted and in fine repair. . These two properties will be sold sugject to y.frserve price. I in Elmira . 7 -_- SATURDAY, DECEMBER t . Commencing at 2.30 pm. , There will he sold by publici auction for the estate of the late: Mrs. Louisa Brubacher in Elmira, on Arthur Street. opposite the park, t the. “WWW? _ - , I A white tFiek house, located on Dunke Street, Elmira. with kitchen "es!yyl, in good. remit. WALTER JOHN M. SCHULTZ. ty hens and . rooster and other articles too nu- merous to men- tion. and stutter, lard press, apple drier, cellar table, cutter, steel water trough, steel drums, harness parts, brass mounted Scotch tops, scuffler. narrow, walking plow, feed box, single-tree, doubletrees. neckyokea, "'cstton-reaeh, forks and shovels. garden tools, sledge hammer, wedges, axes, cross-cut saw, hand saw. chisel: and other tools, vise. wood box, benches, wheelbarrow, fox pen and wire, chicken and rab- bit mops, quantity of lumber. doors, fence posts, kindling wood,: Yus.kovy drapes and ducks, 2 Ban- 1 rout antique beds. single bed complete. unmanned. child’- bed, wooden bed and Y,'."tit', In- tique chests of drawers, when cupboard, corner cupboard. ate leg who led table. extension table, I manages]; tive chairs, mull odd tables, odd chairs, wash stand, high chair, matter mats. Brock kitchenhe range. cream awed. like new, our, nave pl 1-. an- tigue dishes. pint 'a'llrta'l'l Men. flower plums. two i-ullon cracks. shining cracks, chamber set, hang- ing lamp, table lamp, lantern, Bat iren, 2 bumer_qil stoves, buiNiol robe, some tjeddiuyiiii'e Gard; kettle, small copper kettle, 2 iron may? gith .sta.nd, 1sausageyrripu1er all“ an“. I. I.- "é-dt-hr-mo-io-- Pele-te-tut-ye. -osuia'rCiiliuuGra PHILIPSBURG _ Phone 1-0508 P10!” be .3 tho In]. on time, AUCTION SALE Terms: Cash. . Of Resifential Properties tour name ' AUCTION SALE By Mu. Norm. Door)». (Chronicle Corn-”Menu “WAY. vacuum I Do you want higher egg production on; winttr? Do you want to reduce livestock locus too? I": po-ible! F See ua today for Information on insulation Your buildings can be warm all winter. verminproof, ftreproot, rotproofl -. _V,___._,. - ,.....w Farm, farm stock. implements. hay. grain, furniture, em. for Pied C. J.'tnd.er, Lot d, Con. 6, Div. B, town- 'line between Guelph and Waterloo Twp. on Paisley Road, 5 miles from 1Guelph. 2 miles south of No. 7 Hughway ; Will. G. TAYLOR. Auction.“ , u when. an. Guelph 1.. DNA“): WWW!- 1 "e-- November M, Friday, 1 Fm.-- Farm stock, hay. grain. household effects, for Edward Hewitson, Lot L', Con. 4, Pilkington Township, 9 miles east of Elmira. near Ariss. Keep Winter Blasts From Farm Buildings Ova Von luv YOUR War “III!” - - Monday; buaTi; 13:13 9 Ban. 'rEltttirrs Pair, household etteets, Saturday. December 8, at 1.30 pm-Assignment auction sale at thLISiteheer Mar.ket 11idg. - MI mu " I. M Phone 2-05“ Kitchen. Saturday. December l, at 1.30 p,rn.-Household itrects, some mm chinery and poultry. 1 mile east of Baden, 8 miles west of Kitchener. m the Stratford Highway, for John M Schultz. 4 Bundle. to an" December t, Saturday. Commu- nity sale of lam stock, imple- menu ,lumiture and 'ggliefU,'t'e1 have to sell. at the Sieddick otet Barn, Elmira. December IO, Monday at 9.30 a m.~Fair day sale at the Steddick Hotel, Elmira, of implements, live- stock. furniture and small articles. r __ __ "6aVi.iiir-'" 1 December t, Ba , 1.80 an --rumiture and t'egu'i oods. do: Hoyd Bricks and Mr. hm Gould at the Kitchener Market Bul',',1igsau,,,, ' m . l very t " m e u weld tt my mgéonw Kitch- hold. ener Market, Whit illG"rai"io sell? Have a talk with the martian- .eer..tor the next sale you want to A. B. Bgt%+rlt, -- ( manna-n...- 2ttr. , 'thut'lt,lm , December! we!“ ' ' m ' ' In --rnmotoek.usriauiiWCiaurdrrrwo menu-Imman- ho-hold deck, toe m z... t_ownoeRirntm,GratateotMr. ber,8atueerouthofttuatitbtn- LmieBrultrelier, oetArthtarttt, non. 1% mile. north at m. /ttlttEe, _ , . WE HAVE 18" No. 3 PERFECTION SHINGLES " Water st. Notch "out luau“). a-e-d. CHRYCO BATTERY . E. Rat: Lumber Ltd. Auction Solo Us“ GET READY FOR WINTER . . . BUY A GENUINE PROUDFOOT MOTORS my rm a son E.3"03NeYX.Ameh- 13 15 I7 M. Plates Plates Plates sun-um AND GUARANTEED " causal common Phone Linwood " r s All Types Available NOW q . 12.45 " - 15.75 L H. TOMA". Auction“: In! Dunc]... Photo " December 1, Saturday- House, hold effects, em. for Albert Shel, by. Roseville. mile sold. . For farms or a house m town contact me. I have a large list to choose from at reasonable prices and terms. We're booking dates for winter and spring sales January IS, Tuesday at l pair sharp-Auction sale of farm Atoch. implements. feed and furniture, for Jog Sinus 'YI, the; farm ghout 1 the tarm of Herb Reinhardt on Guelph-Kitchener highway. List yours with Mr. Reinhardt or the uctioneer for advertising. . Llanuafy l_5. Tuesday at l p.m. DecikiGr" itTwsdnesday at l pm.-0'ublic sale of horses, cows, If“?! Piet Ind. implements on December li, Tuesday, 1130 pan. -Executors sale of 50-acre farm, livestock. implements. feed, tumi- ture and household effects, for estate of late Irvine Hiers, on the {arm 1 mile south of Heidelberg. t"en li mile west December IO. Monday. 9.30 am. r9rmmurtity sale at Farmer’t Shed, Elmira, of horses, imple- ments, furniture and small articles Bring #oyrs along for this sale December 8, ittdegg, Plat --Pumiture and house Id ecu (at the lines “million. a Ch_urch SL. Elmira. --_-- - -._..q - 1““ n-achine. tum stock, im lament: and leéd. for Mr. f'1'G £1413. on the (Inn about I me auto! Slant: t8atiott lie]! Bmhu. Mann mn- ‘. .my. I P"".-- hm of about so um. livestock. implant“; teed. furniture, for the How astute on remixes about '-umile gout!) od Ann Auction Sale I.“ PeeerifrTsrireriiiesrin y, l" I north oCstriuGia Fiiii; i; $1.60 7.95 Phone 8-8487

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