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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Nov 1945, p. 5

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“nun. v1 ulna, Tr. ant, "Mor, lo ar- x..ngo Christmas baskets and con- duct the draw for the dolls The Inn-1mg was held at the home of At a meeting held on Thursday me Doon-Blair Auxiliary a: a means of rising funds to help with the expenses of a mass X-ray and other expenses at Freeport Sana- torium decided to conduct a draw on two large hand-dressed dolls. Arrangements were also made to cslubit the dolls in Galt and Pres- trm store windows. The auxiliary null meet on December 19th at the home of Mrs, W. Tilt, Blair, to ar- A buffet dinner was served at the home of the 1rttiut,r,t, For I wedding trip to Bu do. the bride worc it two-piece moss green and blown frock and brown coat with seal trim On their return they will reside m Preston. er-tip veil was caught by u M- dress of gardenlas. She curbed I bouquet. of American Beauty I“ Mia Doria Bewich m of an bridegroom attended on bridge maid, wearing a Boor-length town of glory blue crew. enhanced with sequin trim and a halo has“ Her bouquet was of Talisman rout Beat man was Mr, Stewart Down! of Gait run ot thesUnited Church at t,t t'hit."d; . b: e e, given In man-us ' her uncle, Kr. Wilben Check”. was dressed in 2rtittt Mon and sum. designed vi I won- heart neckline. silver ttget/er: minp and__French embro ana- t'ituLt,hl,Pli,h"tdt, - wick,aoatofMrandMrs _x: uickolDoon, watseoUenniaedon $iarturtuyutemooesattutte_ot tltbride'y My; Rey. “12M Thewcddm'ollblnylav m,a. terdlnAlbu-tlot- 'pl'pltl"llt'gfNttltthlN D. SNIDER, Pup. 99 King St. S. _ w: A streamlined [lg-wing beauty that mainulm Gurn'ey's tradition of ttr" moldng. Hus thermometer. Deep In Ilv-Iu- Coo, lwr " gift srhe'll npprn'inlr- a lovely, warm, Wool and mum" mixture houseroat just made to gran- her leisure hours. \liu-m-a' and "orttrn'n dun ll In 20- 40 to 46, in powder, wine ot rowal, Popular wraparound slvll- with long sleeves I _ _ _ and pm ket In: P. each $11.95 " CANADIAN MtPNtTMtttT STORES a... tllliTlliltt,00 Stove Shop New Modem tt II R N E Y Wood Stoves 11 Kie\~ling. 64 Cttaries 31,5. PERSONAL?!» emu. caucus: Phone 24384! " Waterloo WBECKED HEB LIFE She was breathlessly beautiful; had tame and fortune; was the en- vied darling in Society's most gild- ed era, but three scandalous mr- mors reduced her to utter misery and ruin. For the spectacular sto, of this .me original "fatal L1'flg ful", read “TRAGEDIES op SO- CIETY". in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Dec. 2) issue “I The Detroit Sunday Times. THREE VICIOUS RUMORS Aer. Dan Detzler. of Puslinch was (l visitor in the village on Satur- ay. Mr. and Mrs. H. Leis and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, w, Leis of Welles- lcg._ - Miss Margaret Cassell ot Galt spent Sunday at the home of Mga. O. Goddard. Miss Audrey Teet of, Brantford and Mrs. Ada Humphrey of Iam- don spent the weekend at the hout of the former's mother. Mrs. W. Toot. "leaf gay: mags; I Bruce Ellis of Preston was visit.. 31g friends in the village on Sun- uy. Mr. Greenspoon of Toronto was li' business visitor in the village on Saturday. Mrs. N. Wilfong has returned to her home ater spending the sum- mer months with her son, Reg. Wil- tuilg. _Caypbelivine. Dick Drager has completed his treatments at Westminster Huski- tal, London, and has returned to is home in the village. Miss Margaret Ross of Stratiord was the guest of Mrs. 11 Perm. oxer the week-end. Mrs Fred Hobbs has returned to her home after spending the past meek with her daughter and son- urlnw. yr. and Mrs. Earl Massell Cpl. Doug. Wilton; of Crumlin Hospital, London, Agent the week- cud at the home of is parents, Mr. and Mrs. f/b. Wilton; LAC. Lawrence Cluthe ot the RC_,_A.F:._ Quebec. received an hon. x rable discharge] W, --r"* -- - in Galt on M. Jack my, who has been I patient a Sick Omaha's Mo.. mill. mm. for meal weeks. _ tdlt5'rv'"ttprx . L .' " noon- ed at London utter landing a month's furlough with h wife and daughter since returning from overseas. Lieut Kauk has received an honorable discharge after " years' se_rvice oversea ‘ Pte. Robert' irtiiEk has been honorably discharged from the ar- wiAt New; '7 iiiifiiaUTr" Gi'. no: "f2Sti'ieii' vii2Tiia,iit - m m Peon I'tmbfterUn Chi-eh on Bun. ages of 10 and 12 an opportunity to get started atlglnying hockey. Many New amburg friends were grieved to learn' oi the death (of Anold W. Bauegnwhiglg occurred At the November meeting of the New Hamburg branch of the Woman's Institute there was a lmuctt-adrnired exhibit of old china. ‘ers. James Weiderhold was com 'venor of the committee which com ‘lributed a paper on the history ot quitting» _ - at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Wednesday. Nov. M. at the age ot 33 years. He was a son of the late William and Anna Bauer and was born in Albuquerque on May lo, 1912. His mother died in 1917 and} he came to New Hamburg to reside with his grandparents, the late Mr.) and Mrs. G. Bauer. During his boy-3‘ hood days here he made a host t,'i friends owing lo his cheerful and friendly disposition. After gradu- ating from 'be local high school he continued Us studies u Columbus University id,'; Loulm Mo., where he took . nurse in journalism. Spr. George Scheerer, son at Mr. Dietrich Scheerer and the late Mm. Scheener. Arrived home‘lut Wodv nearby night utter {hm and one- hnl! years of active unite with thefhuttrdiap (one. ovate-I. "'irrT"ifirv'Uiitia"eTteTt"a"ine d . number of ladies at I quilting last midweek Mrs, Edgar Stevens is spending some time with her hmbnnd, who recently underwent an operation in 4 Tomato hospital. where he is Mill confined. Pte. Heinz Gang arrived at his home here laat ursdny. after years of service on the several war from; oversea. It is upon-ted he has pan dueharged hum minim-y sen/me. A number of value people at. tended the commencement mm m 2n Elmira High School 1art tee . Loal relatives are pleased to know that two former Conestoga bore who hive served overseas or none yell-s. have safely arrived home. These uninmen are tur- ‘w-y “Noland, Icon of the late Mr. and Mn. John Wieland of Cona- Iogo, who had enlisted from North- ern [maria where he he'd been em . I number o green. in! Wld Schweitzer. son of Mr. Mr. .HilfrriikkrG%iiuest that the executive aid him in it?“ pupih of the_p_u~bh'c $31001 ween the 3 The re-organization meeting of; Ile New Hamburg Hockey Club! was held with A. B. Puddieombe,i president. in the chair. The min-I utes of the last annual meeting! were read by the secretary-l treasurer, Richard Ritz. Norman' Hill was appointed chairman for, the election of others, and Richard, Ritz secretary for the meeting; Honorary presidents for the coming year were named as follows: Reeves W. R. Hosteuer, J. J. Berger. Fred chus, Ed. Pratt. Gordon Chaplin,‘ MFR. K. K. Homuth, M.P., and J P. Livingstone. Brook Puddi, combo was re-elected president by aceLumation; Stanley Hon! was _ ceen_vAce-prpsideni, l the tateutri."Eétuit' iita0ai'rii"i'ii and Walter settwejiiFryaG gfiir", Y: $951)“?! iriYGi;itii', 'nd, Sgt. Chas. Cutter, who served with the armed forces for the past three years, has received his dis» charge and returned to his home here. Sgt, Cutter was mechanical instructor in the transport divislon ot' Mtsetpfiee at Hamilton. Mr. George Cousins, who was a member at the Public Utilities Commission smite its inception, re- nted owing to ill health and his place was taken by Robert Hahn. Henry Goertz has sold his prop- erty to Oscar Keller of Gadshill. Mr. Gorrtz has purchased a fruit; farm at Virgil, near Niagara-on- thelake, and moved there, School Board-Lewis W. Hahn. Dr. T. B. Feick and Milton Luft. The. new members are for two years. Those elected last year were George Steiner. Alex Brenner and S. Steinman. . sccrexary. were appomtcd to attend; In In. Inn has. i2 annual 'it,tui'"i'it of the: mm" mm” Mario Assoc an; Boards of . ', Trade to be held in the King lid-.1 dh11".u,ht',ttptt'e,.wht. :53 ward Hotel, Toronto. on Friday.)3 . y. . . Novembcr30th. 35:111. Eph. Devitt, Mr. and Mrs. All is quiet. following the municl- gt','te Harman" 2ffwrg', My? pal nominations held on Friday Calls hit dMt D Ills mil evening. Nov, 23. 'We following lichl? an Mr. 'IT; 'llll I gentlemen were eleetrd by soda-,5 l ttiln . . a PP, y mation and there will bo no Jiri-lit',', er ot Plains an r. and, tion: A' rs. Gordqn Dubrlck. , Reeve-Walter Hoslctlu. Mr. and Mrs. Max Becker, Bar-; Councillors '-et Jamcs Ridden, hm and Bruee.of Nine Pines sitentl James Monaghan. Waller deiiirFhaturyy evenuag with Mr. and. and Clare Pfafr. Mrs. Ezra Becker. . 't School Board-Lewis w. Hahn.‘ Mrs. Lloyd Battle: and “may Dr. T. B. Feick and Milton Lun. SP?“ Tuesday with Mrs. Wm] The. new members are for tKoiWitmer. All is quiet following the munici- pal nominations held on Friday evening. Nov, M. Tbe following gentlemen were eleetrd by accla- mation and there will b9 no elec- tion: the annual convention of the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade to be held in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, on Friday. November 30th. As a result of Mr. Weber's ad- dress. to whom a vote of thanks “as tendered. two delegates, Wm. Murray, Past President of the Board of Trade, and A, R. G. Smith, sccretary. w.cre appoiu1cd to attend was present and gave a -iuaiiiia address on the Nat', the Ano- ciated Board: of and Cham- tn (t'tfie',tgt,i'tat, ha am at e o was ttmned i i 1910 ',rti,od,Sh'h1'fih'4"lih'd rup- Wm the idea of 'rt3heping the elland Canal .Ilr. Weber was under the wore-ion that the or- ganization should bed? going by the varioua units in erent areas. As organization was the popular order at the day. so the munici- palities should be organized now that the Provincial 's'/ti'tre'e'llt; are having their powers restored.l The provincial organization is just iit wider organization than the local Iboard. The Province of Quebec Board has 16 areas made up of two representatives from each area. Mr, Weber pointed out that perhaps New Hamburg would like more in- dustries and that a Board of Trade coud be instrumental in pointing out to prospective industries what, advantages could be offered by this) municipality to those who wished. to locate here, Mr. Weber pointed cut that organization usually se-l cured results. " B"'""M"T' white '52; iii'i'i'irilsGF'i',h'iiE 1aar7aiiirrFahavGii hem“ . mmemMuolthclk-lun. MMNMM'IM- tytetiiIttenahedtoamiii%tFitre ct1rut--utorttea.uiLu "il'C"8ht"wu,., gong. . . . e ' m'l'a'iea%l2%aMttlh"at Ct INESTOGO It lost It". 1C2. uh!- m Hahn.', Sunday visitors with Mr. and , "0.3.915. Isaiah Eby on Monday even- adshill. Meg. a fruit! Sunday visitors with Mr. and ire-om Mrs. Gordon Dubrick was Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Lindsay and children. served) Blah a11dItr, ot few jx'ii!diiii"YiGixir,riii7ttrr"a'i1'ni', 'ey! Richard of Galt were Sand 'ltru.e.tfttt9riynd?..9s. We PHI I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hallman and son Delton of Hes let and BMrs. Earl Panabaker “drill" and Mrs. Isaiah Eby on Sunday. 1 The local farm forum was held ‘at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah ‘Eby or: Monde evenipg. - Mr; 512314;; Sunday with th Mrs. George R0 rh es‘reniain in the'd'ark' mi 'tfll')Sileffe'llt.", 7 St. Matthew's Luther League has planned to sponsor a play to be given here by the [castle of St. Peter's Church. Linwood, in the near future. Matters pertaining to the next year's council have not been dis- cytttf _opents,.so .tha1.any_pqssiYe j Woolwich Township Council will hold in twelfth semen of the yen. on Tuesday next, when appticitoms for a new road superintendent or road superintendent and grader operator will be under review; be- sides there Will be the usual by-law providing for the pending muniri, pal nomination and election. to be attended to. The ttnal, a statutory session. will be held on Saturday.‘ Dec. 15th next. 'et been ugliest to 164.15- Yjiire. " new "ll'Pt pu u y . Ri ter on the ttil's 'Al Hotel .tr.ryetnttr. .. -- ._ --- a..." Gri'k"7G""i ”-1 ITT, Mi, GaThE-iceni, ara; cri: 3-: “high, a duct an I I" 00" M Tett 3mg...- d lad kf."fdl"rlt-s-,. Ciw.u.w_¢thnuh 'tgrtity cl " Jacob. can W mum-.uuuwuty. nth-manhunt: my (m4gunumymmfimmonm'. . loath!!! It In.“ a). t't'ri'Fi'k's, Inc t'lriPlii2t', with d'h"td'tna'thitg- days 1 . s','fie,t,"gt In Ind and ot Tulane and H.011. for Wooh. , at- In Barth- su'dh'l"u,WttitdgrllMtdt we"! several who! MM in copnetion with thr. ?tetiffhGiii and o'i'tt'u'fd'tll'e tutrtt tedtrll'f,llgt, 'gf toxoiding ehiauil'v'i'l,', for the late Ct "teq Wi I td _ Workman have started on the Mrs Olive will and WWI loundalion for the construction ot went a tur with (new in Kitetr a ttg.stase 9n the t.umt.ssoy property, '"'Sr define Pe 'tart Wk Kl WILLIAMSBURG home on the "ampson ropeny. Pr: my: swim in. can." Campaign: NOV. " to DEC. 10 A Home F'or The Blind ls Needed in (llliitehataulhlaterlkn Our Share is $25,000 1mulir] lairiiTii' actt.tt and and Mrs. Wid. "iii,iii 135:} x with the former: mother. won-g9 Rcist of Floradale. mmmmwumx.-w.rm Chunks. IhtBarrromttsrtvegtinvt-setutttet t"tthe-rtr'ttrthtomt..-reoreartt.t- The utilities of the proposed bulldlng will be "unable to blind veterans as well as civilian. To provide homes for sightless people of this county who require the facilities of a Home for the Blind. Abe to provide opportunities to} the blind to learn trades that will make them more uselul to themselves and society. KITCHENER-WATERLOO IS ASKED To SUNCRIBE HALF THE COST of a building which will provide living “connotation for 29 subtle. moan. facilities for munitions] therapy, rooms for MI] and mallonal mhltleo. and space for the diMeiet omee. The other hall of the cost wlll be collected in the county In a separate umpalgh. Let us all help by giving as generously as our means permit . "." and give promptly'. , Mm” petty! ’éix‘m’é'ié At the right is pictured a machine bench where the sight- leas are being taught mechanical work at drills, presses. etc, These people are either living m hoardmg houses or with relatives who tInd them a burden. Sponsored by the K-W GYRO CLUB I Y.P.U. will most at the home at air. and Mn. Sheldon Melitta: on F'riday evening. Farm Potum met It the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Becker on non. day night with an attend-nee of thirty. The sawed under discus- sion was "What Steps Can You Take to Improve the Nutritional A ""iFiihCiC.'riior'ii'giiER Waterloo - - Ontario ' Mr. and Mn Harold Israel cele- biiig theirsflvet wedding tuni- venuy on turd. ' entertaining we immediate mug": at a towl supper at M's End, Conestoga. The evening was spent in a aocial way at their farm home. Mr. [Incl presented the bride of twentrtive years with a studio couch and mil anntrGE The ittrithG = mm“ iCttG"isai'irai lemma wen the chum tom at fertittae" but an: ft,u2T, we. M. and!“ to - tit? your and 'luU'lit,%t "I or your Ion. a man could ye,"., Wuvely in but!“ the 33935-9" 'ktot1_r1tuItmtuw', At {talent the major f - or: bed neck - tg,"g,,,oUt.t oFtrms-tttb-teraoooestortrteo-t" menu. Do an .0 keep your receipt: so that ". will be Iblo h deduct the mount when making In you "" boo-ac h: return. orie irt MrraiTfita" SEE. Minis that _ . telling you they are strained, It they when” at the use at them In”: no "nroeruetettotatersteoruttttur- miles con-W with Young’s m Vision Glasses. your eyes an you what rebel. curator! and clear video do tor you. maxi/é BEE! clan-s, other gifts wen pieces at silver ware and several occasion! chairs. We wish them many happy nturns of the day. JANSENAM Otttee - 10Ptedeete& Phone 2-3715 Kim 6009M"!!! It you "youdonot 'ts

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