I] you need More Insurance: ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED I' WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. two adults. apartment very central, Phone 4-4457 or write Box 139, Waterloo. " THE WATERUOO MUTUAL f FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY : REGULAR $1.33 a gallon: Retarded $1.59 a gallon, at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. East. Kitch- ener. Phone 2-2127. Phone E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR 0.00" M Wiuiam St. _ Wuerlw PM 2-1161 M “M tbr and deltvereet HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber -"-.-""-T-.--------'- wold?!) mauled posxpz’alid in pliant, ' . . Seit c tnvcopc wit rice ist. CHARTERED ACCOUNT AM a samples 25c, 24 samgles 31.00. .____._.__._ Mail-Order Dept G3, NOV- BROCK, DAVIS & DUNN RUBBER co, Box 91. Hamilton, T " R 12mph n anp Dans Ont, 40-47 BROCK, DAVIS & DUNN t H. R, Brock D, Bruce Dans K. H. Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) .. _ ICKing St East, Bm- - " are: not an.» pa nu. If,“ hr a: - I'll HAMV m. "qt-thu??., . Phonetml SUTliETILAND ‘scumnz Call the Local Represrnmn Add more books to your htmlc - " [1va your "verttr BUSINESS DIRECTORY WWI-nun“.- ttr'ft4f4N'l,'r,ts"1u,trll,T Bqaadar-i.-reeh.6tt.o-tu.. with]: Minna books with“ Clubpau, Sane-m. habitual»; Boon. mom. Hymn "SAP-tsoot" ilar. W‘ qTEW-r? .ar. may" 7.57473? Ga, 33; " Frederick SI BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE IN . GENERAL AUTO SUPP†ELECTRIC MOTORS HELP WANTED CHIROPRACTIC J. C. “MANN wan n'vntos CERTIFICATES BOOKBIN DING ANTI-FREEZE ELECTRICAL INSURANCE DRUGGISTS PM woo-cubic YCarft -aBT Equal-H1 91-2, laugh. Bold A E-s.- Every lam-v Guru-um: MOTORS I!" I USED Electric Ind-ru- 99““ - Repair. Re-wunhng Uued FOI; SA I ' Knchrner - - and iired .sriltg_ittxsair, Peet Used Furniture 289 King m. E, TYh'HWltlTERS tu'r'I't.tFf; and REPAIRS Duplicating and-Adding Machines. Filing Cabinets. Desks. Said. etc. Ontario Oftice Outfitters Ltd. " Queen St. S. - Phone $64M Kitchener SIX "uh-3 hum thclu-nrr, 93 Htl‘er. two store y dwelime, and bank burn "ci? rir,ai,Vyitrte. "hll'vf’ TIMC - "I Whether BUYING or SELLING a FARM Here's, A Real Buy Large china cabinot. with round glass front, child's duh. chests of drawers. electric n- dios. library tables. kitchen suites. child's crib. play pens. foot stools. 'loo, lamp. dining room chain. largo kitchen cup- board. gal new. USED FURNITURE DEALER GHI‘IDING TEPEWRNRR co. New and Used UNDERw00" TYPE‘VRITERS ForSaumtdForRm"brtbeMir SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES Trs ROYAL Standard and Potable. Machincs an Make, Sula, tGssirmt wnd ltrnlvd HIiSSl-INAUR & SIM 'cl Z Limiled A K. ('HESSMAN & SON Phune 536 _ Ettrum HARVEY HALLMAN m it“) run-7 -- iiaia "ee it}: mnmgwpon mum-:11 Phono- 6-6455 l Brnku D. A. M INSURANCE mm Real Estate and Insurance Phone New Dnnilce " t " $9,500 with crops $8.0m) without érups ln'nwdlule Typewriters TYPEWRITERS 102 King St. South WATERLOO REA] ESTATE it E. Phone 3-863! KITCHEN“ PERSONAL KITCHEKEH St Pl it"? T-7674 kitchens r mam-"r. tte,mtertee-i-hyt w-ssvrsnn 24 Quhen 'h 'K'I’rit iii! an l At the November of the Ladies' Aid of the St. John's Lutheran ;Church. held at the home of Mrs. gDnniel Seyler on Monday evening, the topic "The Sacraments" was (d;scussed. In of North E_istiGFaGit"tT, week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Seyler. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Schmidt and son of Berlot's Corners spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Hackbart. Han. _ miiijgiiyilioAn "W"" W, v." .......,...o‘ Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Reichert and family of Williamsburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rtiehert. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinschber- gcr and family spent Sunday at the nome of Mr. John K. Brenner near tit. Clements. Dr. and Mrs. J. Reble of Kiteh- cner visited with Mr. and Mm. William Darppeier on Sunday.“ Messrs. Allah" sTyGritriit,ur Knack of Breslau and Oliver Se,- In- bf lvk‘L a, ,AL _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jantzi and son David of Baden, who have recently. returned from Sydney, N.S., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler. I Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauder of the Preston-Breslau Highway and Mr. and Mm. Conrad Gies ot Wa- terloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'llay.schiy.t on__Sum_iay. Mr, Ema Mrs. UijiGreiarriGent Sunday with Mr. and!“ Club- tian Kropf ht Nay .Harnou_rg, The congregations of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Linwood. St. John's Lutheran Church Hesson and St. John's Lutheran church Hussen Road,_havg extended a call to the Rev. 'W. G_ddCirGiierli chaplain in the Royal Canadian New - ten of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gmgench. shock. and facial cuts; Miriam Ging- erich. cuts and bruised and Miss Jean Brenneman, daughter of Mr. Chris Brenneman. cuts and bruis, us. The girls are progressing favor- ably and returned to their homes 0-1 Tues-day. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Diamond " nvar Plattsville visited on Sun- day with the former's brother, Mr. Clarence Diamond and Mrs. Mam, and. , K. G. Stewart. The imured Baden girls were: Norma Steinman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enos yteinytan, _shock and cuts from ttr. amnman, Shock an_d cuts trom tir. ing glass; 1fery1Gi.ryqeritr, dam. On Thursday evening a car dri- ven by Walter Steinman, tUured in a two-car collision at Highland Road. Kitchener, in which three Baden girls were injured. The young people had been attending night school and were returning hcrree when they met a car driven by Clair Ellerbrun of 561 Park St., Kitchener. " is re med a tire on the latter far me? out and the car swerved over striking the car driven by Steinman. The injured (thirteen young people) were rushed to St. Mary’s Hospital in police cruisers and the ambulance where they were attended by Drs, L. V. Lang, William MacDonald. A, v. Traynor, R, Il, Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. William Cocks-1m. and Mrs. Ruby Johnson of Hum: 'PT." Slinday guests of Dr, and nuts. Mr. Sam M. Roth returned on Saturday evening from a hunting expedition in the north bringing wi311 him a tine deer. Miss Leona Cressman spent the yeek-end with her mother at Bres- At the conclusion of the evening an auction sale was held of the few remain articles and altogether Le,','ll'dl'%lt was realized. The eveing was brought to a close with the singing of the National An, them. Beugt_routty Injuud. m “I: domino. A very Litmus nu was unwed by the Mien mg mg- angel. [In G, Auervit Eon-Obie Stalled mnde the draw for the cedar chest on which tickets had been sold and this was won by Mr. Stezwaft Bechytold of P.etersbut "trNtdttf,",e,2'nt I' ,,,,,,_v, ,-V out†h†',S'Attfgtf.rfn't%'tM'at tb-Cttaret,9rs,tteHaat- t'grgtfgrighegtnue. QtaaaarbttseOArtmmt an» dentuekAn-timpted-rterf Lsduauiriie can] "an; it“ It In. an i. and ran - lew- ttpp, E In... led .I... ML pad in; gunman, In John Bowl A moat attractive bazaar table was in charge of Mn. J. W. Koc- nig. Mrs. H. N, Foster, Mrs. Syl- vester Jack And Mn Homer What 'G w. a How- 91 " _I|u but!“ Dun-dc tk lunnwl! C-J;~u...uwu ‘zrtughk. Mrs. o. G. Hallman ad- Vcssed the juniors in their rooms. Former superintendents were pros- out and greeted the sehool. Preach- ing survice commenct , at ll o'clock vAth the pastor, Bev, C. R. Kauth, ""__.. ...‘ â€my" "u. v. ... mum. in charge. Rev. J. H. Grenzebach of Elmira, led in opening prayer. The guest speaker was, Rev. Chas. Cornwall of Kitehener, who based his sermon on Psalm 40; setting frrth the immutability of God as the same yesterday. today and in the tomorrow; in the Ttesb-otar The happy couple left later on a wtrip to Niagara Fails and other points for a brief honeymdon. be- 1tore returning to duty at their arm The Roseville Evangelical church was reopened for divine set. vice on Sunday, Nov. 18, after ser- vices were interrupted for several weeks while the main structure un- derwent rodecorating. painting. in- sulation and furnace repair. Dur- ing this period the services were held in the Sunday School rooms in the basement. The church school session began at JO o'rlock mth superintendent Wilfred Wan- nrr in charge. _ After the opening worship pro- gram Rev. o. G. Hellman of Kitch- mcr addressed the adult classes using Psalrp 1 gs the basis of his Mrs. Alex Schwalm and daugh- tcr of Detroit, Mrs. Harry West- wood of Lansing. Mich., and Mrs. Fugene Barges and Mtas. N. E. Bock of Kitchener, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs Nor- man Veitel. Mr. Joseph Haas of Chicago is spending the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenee Cpl. Lloyd Veitel and Gnr. RobL Shoemaker, have been granted six months' industrial leave. Rev. s. J. Wittig and members of St. Matthew's Ladies' Aid were in Elmira over the week-end and Sunday. honoring Mrs. Henry Scheerer. an invalid patient in the Misener Private Hospital, on the occasion ot her 85th birthday anni- vusary fThrbr_ation, has. An interesting and pretty week- end event took place in St Matthew's Lutheran Church, at , o'elock, Saturday afternoon. when Rev. s. J. Winig united in wedlock, Pte. Wilma Alice Gibbs, of Wolse- ley Barracks, London. and dau h- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm, R. 'lllllit of Pilot Mound, Man., and Pte. Charles S. Koch, ot Queen's Park, London, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Koch, residing near Con- estogo. The chancel of the church was decorated with ferns and flowers. Mrs. Herb. Huehn, church organ- ist, played the wedding music. Pte. Dorothy Para ottrumlin, Hospital. London. was the brides- maid, while Sgt Russell Stroh ot Woodstock, acted as best man and L/CPI. Lester Stroh and Gnr. May- nard Gies of this village were the ushers. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home ot the groom's parents and at tive o'clock a chicken wedding supper was served at Trail's End for forty gueots. Spr. George Schema, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich sweeter, is list- ed to be returning from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth which wu supposed to dock in Halifax Mon- day. George hed been in service ovérseas slice June, 194i 7“ If Koch-Gibbs Wedding ot 1mm An interesting an pretty wee] Friends of Edghar Stevens will re- gret to learn e ‘underwem an operation in a Toronto lingual. the latterpan, ot test week an that he evttnln. and Gladys were remit (Baits ok Kitchener friends _r.ufttt,tf?,ietir.ee.tetq PM Mr. and Mrs..Heipél a Haiku; wefe visiting at the home ot Mr, and “1:..de Stroh last Thursday was tithing slay printed. C'ty ttavetakmsugrmaid-tts rrertottheWilium_0rlioplset-. LAW.uuminet%lhroftKWa- mtsbl C A 'eg'h% of Kitchener as: menace zen were trt.' at home ot Mr. and In . a. Mich. bor tor a muaicale recently. 'ii,iij,'s'ij.i',,ii,i,i!jli,lgt.ll NO “BLACK SHEEP. . . An event ot local inteeeqt took place in mg“ on Nov. 12th. when Am y Stroh. son of It. and In Melvin C. Stroll ot thin in)?“ was married to Pte. Mary "aa -tiiFVihaiiiiiiritFrdi, Ais m. to Mb Badlirt u .. and My. and AMAChyhgnhch ,rutUFiitrittiiiee near ,, than] my me at“ Gariia -iCtiudikiuriii Mdtitiki -____H _ - _\Ir._and My; Kind dlhnm waged-o pr tor a musical: manta“ 3.;er Mrs. may hborq ROSEVILLE u'hrnnlclo Cor-or- [If [up Myrtle lulu Between seventy and eighty per- sons were present at and enjoyed a progressive crokinole party spon- sorcd by the W.C.T.U,. on Thurs- an evening at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hallman di- rated the game and prizes were won by Miss Cleo Wanner and Lio- nel Dedman. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Stanley Hilborn and Thomas Marshall. Coffee and doughnuts were sowed and pie and ice-cream woro offered for sale. The affair was considcrod a suc- CCSS. The monthly meeting of the United Brethren W.M.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Perrin on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A. I C. Becker in charge of tho devo- tional program. The topic for the; meeting was "Tcmperanee - A ‘ Cross We Must Bear". Rev. E. Gingr rich led in prayer in behalf of this cause. Chapters trom the stuciybgok were_presegteg by Mrs. studybook were “resented by Mrs. F. Becker and rs. G. Perrin. A Bible ration quizz was used for roll call and the president took charge of thc business srssion. help; trrday---He is with us; tomor- ' Sunday visitors with Mr. and row-Heaven. Music was furnished Mrs. Henry Kavelman were Mr. try the local choir and Mr. Fred and Mrs Walter Kneisel and Pte. Reinke of New Dundee. Special John Lutz of Wellesley, Mrs. Fred services are being held each night Kavelman and daughter Leona, this week with the pastor in charge. Lloyd Ettei, Junior Willard Pfohl Holy Communion will be observed of Waterloo and Miss Jean Kirk ot next Sunday morning. _Ki.tithener. The service in the Evangelical; Mr and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn Cl.urch on Sunday evening was aivisited with Mr. and Mrs Ralph ThankoNering service in charge of Hubert: “New Dundeeon Sunday. the W.M.S. with Mrs, Holuuuerl Mr. and Mrs. Orval Knechtel presiding. A call to worship was have ttlrenym residence with Mr. used follow ed by the Lord's Pray- (James Perrin at P.trry's.9orpers: c: in unison. The leader gave.aj Mrs. W. Detweiler wanted with poem entitled, "The House of Hap-1Mr: and Mis. Earl Martin at Wa- piness" and a short playlet. "The terloo on Thursday. History of ThankofferinR" was pre-l Howard Kavelman of Kitchener sented by Misses Dorothy Wanner spent the week-end with Mr. and and Jean Poll. On the altar table .MYS- Henry Kavelman. was placed a ship and as members) Mrs. Elmer Stoltz and infant placed their offerings a ladies' trio daughter returned home from the Sang "Cast thy Bread upon the Wa- Gait Hospital on Sunday. ters". Mrs. Willard Becker related Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lister of no the old and empty ship and after 1'ofont.? were guests of Mrs. W the ofrcrings were brought to ar. Detweiler on Sunday. tar she expressed thanks and otter- Mr. and Mm RPSSEU Stoltz ot ed prayer. The guest speaker was Rosebank visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roy Hamacher of Wilmot A C- Becker on Sunday. Centre. who gave a challenging ======r-r-=---ta----r-----=-s.--== message on "Thanksgiving". A _ men's octelte sang a number and Rev. C. R. Knuth closed with the I CROWWORD - - benedictory prayer. An offering of . Mi1.was givep_to Missions. "'"qlePePPir-rqtm help; today---He is with us; tomor- row-Heaven. Music was furnished try the local choir and Mr. Fred Reinke of New Dundee Special services are being held each night this week with the pastor in charge. Holy 90mmunion will be observed I.", "(RE ST. EAST Twin City Laundry _ Cleaners and Dyers ' "Twin City's Basics! Cleaners For Over 10 Years" When you send your laundry to us, you know that each and every piece will come hack sparkling clean. We wash your clothes thoroughly but gently, getting out all the dirt with a minimum of wear and tear on the fabric. NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS USED . . . TWO BATHS IN BILLOWY SUBS RINSED COMPLETELY UP TO TEN TIMES M. exut " pica of Mk to!" disk halted clly 16. menu.- to. par-am . ll. cluttering " BubMonhn 12. you": 13. “turned 18. Initntlon It mallow! " mu: American m " " l vyutrot DOWN?“ " WATERLOO " "ftfft is tCftt, T LL . lard W VA a "tj,tjj,f, i? " r, F ANSWER Not in your freshly laundered bundle Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bach. -Mr. ypd M_rs. Christ Brunk and Mr. and Mrs, Pete Brunk Lia" iiauiiieiG7 Ptunner visited at the homo! “(In 3.th qn_Sunday. ___ Mr. Eddie Schmalz of Kitchener “as a business visitor here on Monday. Mr. Edward Kaufman was the guest of his brother, Franklin Kaufman, Kitchener, on Sunday. Mi. Herbert Rumng Gt Waterloo tssited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Beeher and children Douglas and Joyce. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Werner Romain: at Baseball): on Sund_ay. - Little Audrey Birmingham spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Birmingham. Crosshill. l By Eugene Shaffer I Mrs. E. Stager kdsGi;G confined to her bed tor the past ten days. covering s, ulnullon B. conducen s. t remind 6 Spanish mm r, Ger-M Velma. HO Alexandr- Ave. i al-a rffj's', ar' ba 'fttt " V. J. Kin-In. nllhronlelc Wu- BAMBERG [F 'rg " rtci, PHONE 8-8833 u. 4°“me so. â€and " m and" any": poem 91:anka 01mm a. wido- mouthod pr " nmmuw " in; Tu