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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Jul 1945, p. 8

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1.0. M. F Idler Servlco Station " Km tu. S. _ Dbl 6-5051 Any uncooked Group D item (bone in or boneless) when cooked loaves made from chopped or minced meat; jellied meats, loaf form or otherwise, bologna, Wien- trs; sausage, smoked ar cooked. med or skinned, rwhélegbaii' eiidGr shank end. xPicnic. hockless; xham. trim- med, whole, butt end, or shank end; xside pork, whole or pieces; shoulder roll (skin.on); dry salt belly; dry salt lean backs. med, whole butt end or shank end; xloin. trimmed (rindless), whole, pieces or chop; xside pork, whole or pieces _- - _ 7 trimmed, whole butt end or dunk end; xloin. trimmed (mam), whole. pieces or chop; uide pork, whole or pieces Expect To Re-lmposc fancy “on: Liver. kidney, aweethteed, x?'ienfe, hockless; xhyn _ trim- xf‘icnigh hoqkiesis;, xtmm. trim- Famous For. .. _ * ACCURACY A QUALITY *_SATISFACTION s B Remember the Name allows 600D GLASSES " Ontario Bt. South (Continued tram Page I) ST. CATHERINES .... .T.59F WELLAND mm.............. FORT ERIE ............... BUFFALO .....er. NIAGARA FALIB ...w.m........... Restrictions Removed Our office will be open 1tr23nittrlhtgrtst6th For tickets uni trMoemntheg consult UNION BUS TERMINAL KITCHENER P WATIBLOO. ONT. my now buy thrmmh.tlekeu to Appointment. Only Bus Travel Rep-In From for xHock. xmess sure, xshort cut back. Canned It.“ an 80:10:] Contain-n) Sausage-thte M-oz. container. 4 tokens. Communited pork-One IB-oz. container, 4 tokens. Roast Any uncooked Group E Item (bone in or boneless). what cooked. (mourn ' LBS. Pl COUPON xLeg, full cut, whole or half; xieg, short cut; xloin. whole. tianit on, kidney and auet out; attain rib roast or chop; xfttmk; xfmnt quar- ter, whole or half; met or shoul- der, neck on; me]: or shoulder. neck on; xrack or shoulder chop; xbreast; xmpeir. - 7 xieg, short cut; xleg. shank and; xloin. full cut, tUnk on, kidney and suet out; xitttnlr; xblade chop or roast; xshank. from; meek; 1rtare- quarter, whole, 7 rib bones; nick. whole; xrach, shoulder on, knuckle bone out knucklé end. Dry salt, long Velour; dry salt, short clears dry elt, sier buck xShort ribs. bruising; mute betW ket point; mound hone shoulder roast; xbiade roast; xchuck rout; xahanir, from quarter; xshnnk Picnic, hock on; xioin. rind on. whole pieces oy ch_op. _ Jowl xLaeoneuxh?eei.. joy}. Wm “Lock 093.10Wi s--- ol Cured Perk 'rausaAF, T - xShapk. hind; yieg, _lon_¢ GROUP D " latte. m COUPON PM“ 5 My any 5 trips dilly 5 trips daily 2 triv- My 5 trio- in"! s trips dilly Phone 2-4409 cut; Shirk Sen/Ice Station 88 " 81. W. Dial Glen Schrcibor ot Roaevitre spent the past week with his cousin, or- ville Fried where he helped with the laying Mrs. Ron Battle: wt Thurs lay evgngn; with Mrs Elma But tie} at ttttGerd/i, Mr. and Mn. Ewan Butler called on Mr. Elmer tuttter at my chener on Friday. Mr. Thomas Tapping and " son Roy Tawny. both f gumbo spent nesday an My wig Mr. agd Mrs. Ezra Becks. tt in}; -iiiiniiir Gr Hanan Schreiber spent the W, week with and; grandparents. . and In. . cc er. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Becker wen: 'itl; Do- nald McDermid of Prince wad Island and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hahn of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers and Mary Koch 'of Kitchener and on Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rubia on Sunday. Mr. Addison Bock ot The Plum visited with Mr. and Mrs Erwin Bettyer on ASunday. -- - Mr. Reuben Eby a " can”. inett visited with Mr. Ind In. t Eby and also with Mr. and Mn. Alex Oswald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried and family attended the Rare Mft cal picnic held at Soper P at Galt on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubm and Elizabeth of Crosdlill with Mt. and Mrs. Jacob F17 on Sunday. Mr Rpuhon Ehv n g. ruth-.. Cpl. I. W. Rattler. son at Mr. and Mrs. Min Bauer ot Williamsburg has returned home after spendlnf the past two years in England. Cp . Battler after a month's leave will ryturn for active duty in the Paei- Miss Ruth Heldman spent Sun- Cay with Norma Doering. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eidt were: Mt and Mrs. Noah Gardner and Richard from Baden, Mr. Edwin and nt; nay Bid! ttom New Hamburg, r. and Mrs. Oliver Kerr, Judith and Barbara ttorpAouth-West Wilmot Mr. and Mrs. "Ch’y’fdfi 'SFyiéE; Jean and Marguerite were Sand.)- Xisifors with Mrs David Seyler at Baden. The Shoemaker Ave. field is the largest ot the commission's present developments. It is sending 3,O0,000 .gallons daily into the city's network of main: and hope is held out new well diacoverleo in the area will double this volume. Mel and Mrs. William Seyler spent Sunday with friends and re- latives in Tavistock and Wellealey. Misses Jean and Marguerite Sey- ler are Spending a few days with their grandchildren. Mrs. David Seyler in Baden. Mrs. Milton Thiel from London. Mr. Edwin and Sydney Eidt trom New Hamburg were recent visitors with Mrs Alvin Eidt. Eidt wire: Mr. and Mrs. Allan liotltfrpttt Stanford. Mr, may“ " III. Horn- [Do-h. (otmllelo M) Decoration Day services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church in Philipsburg on ITW; Aug. 5th. Prof. Kruger from aterloo will he the guest speaker. Earl Eidt and son Piat ttoin Hick- m..__ "I? tairic New Tats Show ‘nntional Water Supply Coma-n1 “It wilt not be posslble to ter- 'mine the ttow of this new well for ieveml days but the tg,?'.'",,',,":?. testing shows it comes m a wide Main of {cod gravel mm and this is a mo: promising aspect," he con- 'tinued. __ -__H igitukGriiCTaii _ 'itrFsti'i?irtki'iiit1i',ti. 'Hr cups-Inna ' up itll, Pouowing inspection " the new teat hole tttPa', " the Bhoe- lit-her Ave. td, Water Superin- tendent Marcel Pet‘uezmt inti- mated there are pond nine. at dc. git.", a urge production welt on site to increase the water minty from that area. The new ho” isfeigtg. drilled by t_he Inter- The water was hit at . level of about 158 feet after coins through sand and clay. It is understood drilling will be suspended and pumping operations started to de- termine the draw-down which will ultimatgly gauge the cagaplty. _ mm u‘vnma augment- WILLIAMSBURG Sunday visitors with Airs. gym PHILIPSBURG WEST with-Til; ifiGUiG%U i..... , _ly Bt.. gar. - WAnnLoo. ONT. . ,,_V__ ...v'~ w "I: ""V ' of Dr. J. W. McQuibben, Elmira. for treatment and precautionary , Injection: and Katy: me than 'n Monday. Others had dived tn the same Spot and more were lined up ready to dive, But this accident caused a halt. This is the but ”nibble spot for swimmers, hut 'Elmin’s need of a swimming pool bed, and her head struck a rock causing a wound that exposed the skull. It required seven clamps to close the cut. With the breath knocked from her lungs the girl was able to struggle up and all for aid. Min Lee is a good swimmer and diver. Mrs Cousineau and C. Duendl rendered ttmt aid. while 's)Jrd.iou.sin.eeujireirE go the ottiee \throwing Mr rings, Mu Oliver ‘Schaefer; carrying potato on shoe, Mrs. Prime, Zinger; t,,g..t'Uge nut, Mrs. imam Brown; sta inc paper squares with a ski pole while blindfolded, Mrs. Hegry Schmidt. PM Add”; Miss Loin Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Lewis Lee was mud at Wallensteln on Sunday moon {hue swimming in the Conestoga iver. She Mend severe head in- juries while diving into shallow water from a six foot post. Her {age dug him the 39nd offhe river The Ladies' Aid ot St. James Lu- theran Church held a picnic on the church lawn Wednesday afternoon with husbands and families attend- ing. A program of games and con- tests was arranged by the social committee: The prize for guessing objects in paper bags was won by Mes. Philip Zinger; estimating the number of oranges in a picture, Mrs. L. Ktubfteiih; guessing num- ber of miscellaneous objects in a jar. Mrs. Joann Schmitt; contest. complementing named object. Mm. Milton Hemmerich; throwing pa- per plate, Mea. John 13hristmim; musical potato masher. Henry Ahr- ens; carrying mum on knife, Mm. Its, 81inch, 7 Howard Brown; Lightly! Male. The tst Elmira Wolf Club Pack will again enjoy a week of Cub- bing at Wilkinson's itats, Wallen- stein, from July 28th to August 4th, lHahn of Elmira. Mrs. G. Hib- bard was organist and Mrs. Conrad '/v"t/it,',ih2,t,r,,, fio'irfu'gg',',iir- ly o ew am " is a r of Rev. H. Mosig of New Klimt; Matron of honor was the hride's sister. Mrs. L Cook. Cpl. Jerry tangmaid, R.C.A.F. was beet man. ‘Misses Joan Lohnes and Bathe Com-ad dressed in Boor-length gowns were the ushers. The mnr- riage took place in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Rose Bay, with Rev. A. Conrad. officiating. At the lawn party and annual picnic of St. Paul’s Lutheran La- dies' Aid held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Geisel about two miles north of Elmira, the follow- ing persons were prize winners in the contests. Treasure hunt, Mrs. J. Soehner of Mondale; Household powder contest. Mrs. Fred For-well; bag contest by Mrs. o. Walt]; shoe kicking contest by Mrs. Milton Mix; clothes pin competition by Mrs. Allan tiqhmermuhd; guessing con~ test by Mm Oscar Ruppel; hoop re- lay by the team headed by Mis. P. Forwell. After supper community §ingLing was led by Rev. Frank Ma- 1min? _ - - _-v-.-. --‘r..»- nub new am can Exchange 2"Si5?h' with the score ot 74. Lewis Miss Margaret Leone Oxner of ee came in seventh place with " Rose Bay, NS., was united in mar- (points; Mrs Martinsoh 8th with 20, wage to Cpl. Arthur Hahn. son of ’CLdeon Roth 9th with INV, Mn. o. Mrs. Emma Hahn and the late Mr. ;Holllnger 10th with the 00 whilean Hahn of Elmira. Mm. G. Hib- unplanned entry by Jack McCor- bard was organist and Mrs. Conrad ’mick won the score of ss. Judge was soloist Mrs. Conrad, PPetT-irrummer considered a mark of 60 ly of New Hamburg is a da ter was very good and the gardens en- of Rev. H. Mosig of New 3mg. tered in this competition averaged Matron of honor was the hride's 72. The eight juvenile plots were sister. Mrs. L Cook. Cpl. Jerry Judged at the same time and the Langmaid. R.C.A.F. was belt man. standard was as follows for the Misses Joan [Mines and Bathe adult and juvenile gardens. Thirty Conrad dressed in Boor-length per cent of the total mark was for gowns were the ushers. The mnr- general effect, 20 per cent for riage took place in St. Matthew's cleanliness and nestles, " per Lutheran Church. Rose Bay, with cent for choice material and " per Rev. A. Conrad. officiating. cent each for ttoral effect and vege- At the lawn party and annual table I,',',',),','.,', The prize winners in picnic of St. Paul’s Lutheran La- the juvenie plots were Wilma dies' Aid held at the home of Mr. Bowman Isl. Esther Lord! 2nd, Do- and Mrs. John Geisel about two rothy Lasch 3rd, Lilli Leach 4th, miles north of Elmira, the follow- Betty Betsey Sth. Other winners. ing persons were prize winners in Joyce Goetz, Bette Lee. Betty the contests. Treasure hunt, Mrs. J. Fries, Soelgier of 'a1.oit'tig Ppgitelt _ pow er comes . . Fred orw ; hag contest by Mrs. o. Wahl: shoe NEW DUNDEE _saieike.iisattwtaitttireiiow Ne mu J,TATrdl m”.- a " w sum- GiViiarG,%iiiTGTiiiGiiit old 'llrL'llrlN'l't'aTftflll'Ml', _and_theereningmeNsrarrerved opttpetawmpieisiestrie,andamu- ‘uulmmwuenjoyed. Inthe evening mama and new called to extend their My. 'Rev, Mr. Scholu of Kurtmriiie Lu- theranoturehimtin-r. “Malian-lei”. Domid Borhwood.aNemerB" 'hu2toe.ge,'uuei,te,eiigee Wa.J. .Bgrkwoodmmlteon are on Tue-thy ot but week. Donald wubom andeducated here and worked in the Bank of Nova Beotin and other phat He then beg.an working on the like but: & Walther League convention so eduled for the week-end of Ju- ly, to be held at St. Paul's Luther- an Church. has been cancelled. The reason being the Government war- time restrictions on civilian travel- tinrtmop trains having the prior- ity. Three hundred League“ were exgected to attend the convention. " Carl Hahn was unnamed Sgt. Carl Hahn wdsAiruliiitGii sum"; v. n. Few with . gift in honor of his may; tliiggtqtggttp, marriage when a number of .hia " points; Charles 3213;? 'tthehe":"',',',".";."',"?.', third piace with m e 0 . . . hen Ainswoith. 313' Jrti.tt.'iYgi..we ',2't"tfdttft11tttrgNt tet-tttee-MH-q" ",gtf,'gt.'Wtgt.t,2 “birth an.“ swam“: tut?. v... m tumult“. Ilium-than- qnttre%yritrtrra.-tt_-t _ttsettttrsurtrsgotttiet In“ r,Ntit,"'f,a2ttrpt'get an! m ,_".:rm__ artd Mr. let,- Fm. i! "riufii iiauai finan- tht sieaGek iii..rYiiiiiialr, iiFGiFiii ---e. Fr" and rose to Mir-em position on the Hamonic. is uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mm. o. my, live in Elmira, but have received no word frog) Min ghee the Are. .Ey LL ' Did 2-27” July 28th GUiiuGTTtir, nem war- Mr. O. A. Kummer of Preston an trayel- was the judge in the Elmira adult the PM" and junior garden competitions this uera 11rere year. The following report was mvehuon given: o. W. Reinhard. Hampton se.,'.e'eee.t lrh, w.'ln FE! Phil's with 33% new: were as follows: Miss Greta Buck's class, Sylvia Sararas, John Robert Buck; Miss Jean Killer's class, An.. drew Sararas, Bruce Bechtel; Oll-r var Zlmmerman's clan. Glen Koch.- lcr. Laverne Battier; Mrs E Ehnes’ class Hazel Dinger, Blanche Hiller; Mrs. V E. Dinger's eiasa, The annual {Home of Ill? Inglis: Sunday Schoo was ht It In- tnria Park, Galt, on Thursday afternoon with an attendance of ninety. An interesting program of sports was amazed mike com- mittee composed of iss Greta Buck, Mrs. Roy Gildner, Miss Joan Dinger, Eden Hilbom and Frank Toman. Ate reigns of the races lip which nectssiiitjid "stiiaii; Gii other minor Injuries. Dr. J. C. Ross of Baden treated the injured man. Sugdly Behort Pink. Br I!" Ill-h- Bilbo:- lC‘Iro-ich “fro-panda” Fol! tron: Haw Mow. Harold Schmitt. an employee of the local creamery suffered painful bruises and cuts while assisting with haying operations at the farm of Edgar Hallman one and one-half miles west of the village on Sat- urday afternoon. Mr. Schmitt fell from the rack at the top ot the hay mow to the barn ttoor below. a distance of approximately " feet He was fortunate to escape with , badly.swouen.ea out in the Bull limbo-e & "I." In” You‘ll ahiver and sinks when third place with no points and Os- car Weiswiller won 4th prize with 77 points; Mrs. John Small and George Ruppel were tied tor tth {lace with the score ot 74. Lewis ee came in seventh place with " gulps; yrs: Ytrtirteis gt): yjth to, refreshments were served. I Mr. and Mn Cyrus Bruhacher t and family of three children of RR. 3, Elmira, were injured when} a car driven by lame Richmond.! Elmira, caught the wheel of Mr. Draw: bum. In. Bretqehe. and the children were thrown to the road when the back seat andl l: the wheel were tiiegSt"t they 1 suffered cuts and . Coun- , Joan ty Constable H. Jarvis, Elmira. in- iyoung vestigated and charges will be bid born, against the driver. Some 'amadeliiiriiir was. fer te "s thnmy’gar. ‘Miss S 2t,Ptt'.eilttt.,trul Imam. Lu w e'g't,',hf.h'kat'lUhtif1Wt'. tieandhisbrotherW nun 5unJUlhl'i'll"6Uh%To'l TM csri.r'tttiem-qiotud. tormer's home when they - tained in honor af In: My Buppel. bride-elect of next month. The evening was spent in anti: a Irt3.ie'ts..yook yhifh yin Ewen near Conn a: He was not stretch: use. Klinck ot South Steel 9;... {it te-t.o.-rhrfkftiepsd.at_the 111ngth to In. Buppel. BREE; in; she ',re'idlu"fteteha,egtt, Alter Sun. Midnight new" and Mon. - ha. . Wed. It's Spicy and Scandalous "The “one if har" Tallulah Who‘d Anne - and Wm. "the She Tells It With Song He Tells It With Laughs Brend- Ioree - Lee Tracy Thursday .. My - Sammy -- _- "NN86-gt-" Amnesia victim trails himself for murder _ . . Tom Conway _ Ann Ill-medal - ADDED THRILLER “I'll Tell The World" "h Royal Scandal" 'wo o'clock Cowgg' ADDED ATTRACTION /iiiriiisFiiiit 'w'a'; secow 'lurirlii; racism» who». bomb was iii 'iiyoung oqeii'sLetaas, Aden Hill {has read led by Miss Jean Hall- man /and prayer was ottered by Miss Irene Chapman. Miss Marie Cressman favored with a vocal solo and the topic: "Great Hymns of the Church" was presented by Weston Easter. MMWM-HW tmttttlllllgrmtttilttt The U.B. Christian Endeavor Society met at the home ot Mr, and Mrs. Albert Chapman on Thursday evening with the president. Miss. Mary Raster presiding and con- ducting the opening worship pe- riod. A tetem.rivty.rriptyre lgwgn ;born. Dale Ehnes; Men: race Lunar Buck, Wilson Sal-am; Miss Sylvia Rock's class, Mrs. Carl ‘Buck, Mrs. Wilfred Sax-ms; Kick- ‘ing the Shoe. Miss Verna Schade: lWheolbarrow race, Joan Dinger 'and Prank Toman; Bottle contest, ‘Frank Toman, Emma Lamenschla- lgcl‘; Sack nee. Roland Brighton. iLavcrne Rattler; Scavenger Hunt, Mrs. Dinger and Verna Schade. Mrs. Clayton Toman and Mn. Nor- man Koch; Quiza contest, Mrs. M. Bechtel. Baseball was also played after which a delicious picnic sup- peg was served by the ladies; _ One hundred and thirty mem- Hillside Farm. the home of Mr. and ;bers of the Excelsior Literary So- ciety enjoyed a picnic at Sunny Mrs. Walter Shanta, on Wednesday evening. Following a number of softball games a short program was held with Miss Mary Shanta lead- ing the singing. Rev. Weyburn Graft who is under appointment to go as a missionarydo India gave a splendid talk and instrumental numbers were rendered by Carl Rchiedel, Edward Good and Robert Milne. Miss Myrtle Cressman read the newspaper. "The Eagle". At the conclusion a weiner mast was; held around a huge tponftr1s. The New Dundee MS. Band pre- sented another in its series of sa- cred concerts for the summer sea- son from the band shell in the gomnlunity Park 9n__Su_r_lday even- ing. Bandinaater i. HriGiian" Gii- ducted and there was a large crowd in attendance. Seventeen members of the Bien- heim Mennonite Young People's Society attended the United Chris- tian Fellowship program at the Selkirk Mennonite Church on Sun- dry evening which was presented, by the young people ot the Wilmot Township Mennonite, Churches. A Daily Vacation Bible School commenced at the Baptist Church on Monday morning in charge of Rev. H. F. Schnde. Miss Verna Schade and Miss Joan Dinger. Classes will be held at 9 o'clock each morning for two weeks and all children of the village and com- munity are invited to attend. loan I?iysger, _Alice__ Tonal}; Starts THURS.. July " counts mum-m tms from um "Wish" an: dlunmmatt" II "WICOLOII 'ftheret.ahrt-thi-ettt.troat.utnoedttt+ tHttt-,wo't_rtot-tte-muratttost- KING AND QUEEN STREETS - KITCHEN“ m MON., JULY ao to MON, AUG. 6 Dining Rooms and Fountain Included CLOSED 0min An!- On My. Au. T. human-luau.» ‘God Is My (Io-Pilaf MAHNEE WED. 2 PM Only one Afternoon Show Prnt, Morgan - Dane Ctnrt Mrs. George Lonsbury and daughters, Grace and Pearl of Preston and Miss Idelia Waterman of Call spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman. MON. - TURN. . WED. Mrs. Solomon Bowman and Mrs, Alvin Egerdee attended the tuner- al of Baby Donald Calvert at the First Mennonite Church in Kitch- engr on Monday atternoorr. Joel Mecre.. . Gall I..." Little Miss Patsy Knechtel of Brantford is spending a few week: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coleman. port San on My. Calvin Rouse of Gait is spend- ing this week at the home of Mr. a"y.Y.rs.h.. K-Pinxeraen - Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Musselman called on Charles Waterman and Miss Evelyg‘ gaEWe Free- poft San on y. Mr: and Mrs. Garfield Weber and sons. Paul. Orrin and David and Norman Weber spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Weber ut Wuutsor and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- let Wunn at Detroit. Wayne Cressman of New Ham- burg and Cecil Gardner of Victoria, burg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al- vie Egerdeg on __Sutid:ay.___ _ A Miss Mildred Spies of St. Tho, mas is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eli Diefenbacher and Mr. Diefenbacher this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bock and daughter, Valerie ot Wiarton are spending a few weeks at the home ol‘the tormpr's father, ' K. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lek-molt, Miss Ada Bingeman, Wilbert Bech- tel and Dalbin Egerdee left on a. motor trip to the Canadian West. Miss Bingeman is staying for an extended visit with relatives and friends there. Mrs. M. Lonz of Sandusky, Ohio. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Cassvl while visiting with her bro- ther-in-law, Philip Poth this week. LAC. Niel Koehler of Rocketitre and Mrs. Koehler of Wrightville. Que., spent the past week with the turmcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund Koehler. Miss Lydia Sham: and Levi Shantz of Preston were recent visi- tors at the home of Mrs. George Mailman. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sage and children, Shirley, Donald and Aud- rey of Scotland visited with Mr. any Mrs. Nyil Koch onASundpy. _ Mrs. Ranald Toman of Milverton was the guest of Mr. and Mis. M. K. Toma!) last week. ' “The Gueai ADDED ATTRACTION

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