ComerrgurtgaEttr Street â€mun. rumpus: [UPTIMID‘Y A Most not“. No dune. No 106ml. LMurr. “PINS"! 0 M TERD lnvo-uttu. Write m _ to tiiuin'siuifia aa WW: Better Halt]: Pto- ITCHEtlWt-WATWUp0 KIRS- MEN CLUB CAR DRAW-- I“! mun with radio and heater. a 5 for $1.00. Addr- Boa El... Kiteheper, Proceeds In: 3 Big Floors of New Modern Furniture Bed Spin it . 'l?l'l'lfdf""' New Store Grand Opening LIPPERT’S PERSONAL WE CLOSE AT 6 PM. SATURDAYS JULt . AUGUST . SEPTEMBER It. mainly; Mott-.7 WATC H Adjoining Bunker Building on We“ 255 KING WEST =, KITCHENER HOME FURNISHINGS iiFi for the cool aiid meal of pulp may be sieved if fruit u too seedy. Measure crushed fruit with standard cup to make " cups, aging water lt make Ltll, amount . necessary. t in a e kettle and bring to a boil; add exact amount of sugar. Add pectin crystals and stir constantly. Keep boiling ‘1 minute. Then bottle,, 2 quarts raspberries. 3 cups or 2 lbs {$02. sugar. t box pectin crys B. Crush bW,te,t'ig, or annd' 7 fully ripened or Mac ryspbftrfeg. Part When recipe speeiBes simmering time, bring mix to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer. (On large electric closed element turn to om. Rupiah-y Jun (10 glasses) Note: Do not double recipes. Do not vary ingredients or method of preparing fruit Boil exactly one minute. Do not-use any commercial pectintotry tpmmedraiamor jelly". mix which dog not. jelly, I 5. Remove from stove, skim rapc idly with metal spoon and ladIe out immediately. Leave k'inch - at top of teach Jar. Cover tam at once with li inch melted wax. When cool, cover with more wax or tin covers. Store in cool, dry piee. - I [all hull-1., I“ In It I 4. Place kettle containing meas- ured fruit on large electric element turned high. Add commercial pec- tin crystals, mix well and bring to a boil, stirring constantly with wooden spoon. As soon as mixture boils hard, Pour in sum. stirring constantly. Continue stirring and, ibring to a full rolling boil; then boil 1 minute by the och. A mu rolling boil is a tumbling. steam- ts boil that cannot be stirred own. _ 3. Measure sugar into a dry dish to be added later. Mature ITC prreAftuitintoasor6qunrt t- tle. If there is a slight shortage of prepared fruit; Mi last Luger tme- tion of cusp with water. so - standard -oy.a-trrt, ION! full. te bop: your and gllt l Viash. mild Gd drain glasses and covers. Melt paraffin in a smaleot over hot water. 1. Select fully ripened mm of good (not and color, and prepare evetLy As directed. Edition: of mocha- mm to Minna low acid or low pecan content are sou: apples, mung. gooaeheeries, grapes and an plums. the only trum' ' -wtiiih" e.r.9ss toy jellyjng gm to be of partieuiar imam. This "sure-pure" jun is really not any more exfensive than the old- fashioned boi ing of a comttinatimt of It‘uiu apd slag-r. Another un- ;son or Inn. commercial poc- Un method is tutetteelt, of tyuits phi; y.epr. _ . _ re-ther-- ‘aloni m $31M [iaou' - Wei iii-" liable manufheturer of this product. we have determined measurement l tied for ma; 7.53531.ka; "___ q This year we .11 pointing out tt ttttttg, in the an of - u - can. tt'',uTt1,u'rt"d'l m Nt'. " my I Janka; ' do ite, hob but a: In“ E during a time who mm. n- cy union anagram we've been teffts homemaker; ho- to nuke a l Hounommemm med mm trHii-tiiG as; Planning nun-mum . Wynne-now MENU can [IVADIII ITOMD " , ML! BAM ft,e, can’t lnvnde America. le. not! er can (grins, rem . 1trT,t mama, Editor 0 the Jam-- ml of The Amie-n Medical M, cbatloet, in The American W lr with this Sundn ui',", a) blue i't'"ic"tu'llG"lu' yTlmgzve porting how am doctors an pm- alter at... syn-ding to the (In“ m 8m. Get Sunday‘- " whine one-handed "Gee-tanis" mic for the local tram New Ham-bu and New Dundee which result: in a tie, " Um- ptrea were Milt. Hill and Elchler and the batteries, John Snider and Micky Roth for New Hambur and Jim Oren-man and Don 'lhrli fat ‘the local him. Some of the out. standing Pip, were by J. Pictard and Norm ill who made home runs for their respective towns and by Stuart Kane; who made a - -e'" *-â€"'l“' -~--- sue-“'- I The refreshment booth WIS in '03an of the women of the mar mun ty under the direction of the Women’s Institute. Preceding the prom": a soft- ball gme was yanked between Ney. urn-burg and ew Dundee _ The mgr-am was inter-med with selections played by the New Dundee MS. Band under the lead- Tttgl Bahamian. I. H. Tommi and ELI. Band of Gilt direct- edey Sgt-Mym- Mcf‘lygden. |solo& Myrtle Arm§trong. violinist and Stanley Young, Xylcighonist designed! the mdience wi their mu cal numbers while Willie Bell. the comedian and Everett Mites. the magician endeared themselves especially to the hearts of the‘ma-l by children present u did aha the Johnson Sisters with their cowboy song; The four Wintour dancers also provided a variety of numbers. Jan Martin was accompanisi for the.. evening. ' I NEW DUNDEE.--More than 2000 _ people attended the ninth Commu- ’ nity Garden Party which was held at the New Dundee Community Park on Friday waxing. The wee- ther was ideal for the event. ht in- troducing the autumn-1 for the evening, Quentin Hellman, choir- I man of the Park Board maimed to the tine community spirit on the part of the people in the district which has made it possible to have another Garden Party and thanked all those who assisted in making it a sum-cm . Gladys Cornell, contraito of St. 'Peteesbyugr, Florida and London [ was mistiess of emomgiiii alga rendered , ngmber of vocal Dundee Garden Party Draws Crowd to ttve degrees below are just as good in palatability as those frozen at much lower tempenhnes. A eo- py of the pamphlet, “The Plus- vation of Fruits and Vegetables by Freezing" may be obtained by writing to the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. - "sul _ details are given in the . pamphlet about the preparation I onstioessqingfortteeisng “from and vegetables, such as asp-ram . beans,eornonthecob,cor_tltd t cob, cauliflower, broccoli: pens. tit . nach, squash and pom kin; and ' following fruits: s'dt','lWlid", rup- oi','ig,iiuettt "“3. c.e anherrias, , can ysen mes. young- ' berries. entrants. ttootrehetriea blue- I berries, cherries. appricots. peaches. r and, for culinary use, apples. l Frozen fruits and vegetables pre- _ tgr', in the manner directed. if ept at a temperature of ttve de- grees above zero or lower, will keep satisfactorily tor a full year. and when used are scarcely dis- tinguishable from theHtestrpro- duct. When [nuts are to be made ready for the table. they should he allowed to thaw out slowly. That takes about six hours in an ice box, or about four hours at room tem- perature. Most fruits taste better if served-before they are entirely thawed out, that is. when there an still a few frozen bits left in them. l The occur: at frozen vegetables t depends on e kind of vegetable. 1 ‘the type of container. and whether I , brine pack or a dry pack has been used. It is not necessary to have l extremely low temperatures in ', freezing._ Products frozen at zero - For the hounwile. the inmo- tion of fruits and vegetables by freezing in a much simpler opal- tion than canning. " also involv. lea arduous work, However. the home freezing ot.truits and - tables at thCpruent_moment k available only to those who have afcess to l, cold storage locket _p ant or w o passes I 'teeafrtg unit in their homes. states the Di- vision of Horticulture, Central lax-1 perimental Farm, Ottawa, in al peutylet oq_the mbjept A I Home Frozen Fruits And Vegetables 9t6eupsor2%itssp-edftuiL Make up any traction of amount required b{'ndding water. Follow the expljc} W! for min; commeieint pectin. I Imai'tffim "l'"ifrutau,'rédl' In)! a!†I!“ “I. tun. '2tiututtaittttr6-sr8 no. 1tmrt-tarnout6niito by taxman“: JTdN,',,t (NJ-no tltsblutpbeer%Attt-- tte_i_tpoxPaetia)ssFta1s 'lgttit'N,',fhtgri Minimum-Id . cm mlm‘ Ke'aTttrt,elit't,'t't,o,'Nt pfustlitsorsewy, and "surf- (Br Chronicl- Corn-mac!†33.5916 gag-$91712.» , Em Detwiler pointed out, “and them is a dagger that housewives. both urban rural, may use the - for purposes other than can- ning. I would strongly recommend that housewives budget their Mb. Aar to meetthe needs of their en- itine season's greening and enn- ning m. On the average the rural housewife eons and preset-yes Rum! housewives are aged by Mrs. John D. Detwiler, estem Ontario chairman of the Comma Branch, to budget the spending of their - for canning coupons so that they will have supplies when Marge fruits ripen later in the sea-‘ "All extra preserves coupons de- clared valid tor the purchase of an- gar for canning are now good." l Ten preserve coupons am now valid. each for the Muse of one- half pound of canning sugar. This year the allowance o canning su- gar is ten pounds per consumer. -- _ - In; Cull-ho - ‘or to ttuid ounces canned mm; or a ttuid ounces a pounds net) ex- tracted honey; or 2 pounds (net) of cut comb honey; or IS fluid ounces corn syrup or 40 ounces of maass-l esL 12 ttuid ounces of mnberries. [Hee-ttsedate-rt-a- tion coupons In: due: Butter coupons 90 to no now and, 90 tg2f,'AtiittNt " any: coupon: to 01 mm Ptmerveg88totnandPt MP1: valid. One preserves coupon in good for " Buid ounces jam, jelly. marmo- 12:33 tl","', M51221 or Sunni!) [ :or poun a sum; or " ttuid ounces whim; or Ration Coupon 1tlittuitofxe9.isAh"rrtGiuakii Tttes-tling-tttire-were atithttmraitdtromamaiittuit.but by self pouinatingsomeofthem and ,eS"g Macadam need; (twp tswithootthorarweeeotr- tained. Although armless. this ttuit-tttttoo-ttao-est ofthem we: aartinerx-dwtth garden variety having good sited uit, but thorny branches, in the hope of combining the thumb WAN!!! VH4._W_ “it The ttuit of this plum. was too small to be of any commercial va- luajnelt. so it was_croaaedwhha ympl 'tedt, Ouawi. ttii l The W“:- L. “Wang a! 'tto-h-ir- lid iiiU innit-b "as.“ w" “and. To bread .teoeh-ii. whosebmhesmnmunnndvtt tt,'N'g,,'gt'2Pitg,t'.'t,'ntutt townpdrttuimsdwuinsttttrtMa we: T.ufl, a: 'tga- Due Oates Thomleu Gooseberries 7 - __ v" ----. -----. with a public program given by the The annual community Summer Bible School held at the (Drama Mennonite Church the past two Ir,tttr Itlt.e.ed on Friday waning Present Diplomas At Close d Bible School mist. strain on the tiiojTs "sireai Gif, a; gala! tor easy replacement at low “Wm""mhrgbiflx: an im t that rivetting in inaccessible po- aitions-haa been developed by an English aircraft worker. he tool. which is about 12 inches long. is light in Weight but "touah"ca11 parts are, where neceuary, hard- ened and tempered. It is also very comfortable to handle. Operation is set by lifting the cam-actuating lever to its limiting stop. A man- drel is then inserted and the level“ ressed clone against the jaw. Thin forces a rfd,mtr, carried in the jaw.‘ to bite into e stem of the rivet mandrel. The rivet is then inserted in the hole and the mandrel drawn ithrough. expanding the‘hollow ri- ‘vet as the handles m'premd to- gether. By a special device the) ‘mandrel automatically breaks at a? certain point when the open and of l the rivet has been expanded. The) broken mandrel is removed simply _ by lifting the lever asaimt its stop. I One useful feature of the tool is the clamping jaw. This part. l which takes mostof the wear and ‘ the Kama r-iiiiriaiit 3.7;: eral ways. they thong: jr,,it,ieJt,?viLift,t.-i adopted we o somber- ties gill J'l'M'trll'lr,, this work of ‘three 8.3.8. an the tGrU lid $312.â€; E.m'l't|e“my g,',"';,,,',',',',',, 'f,' ', tlit of this, who: have my" xiv-tn the numbers 0471 (um and MW 100 t,pet, fund by their daily tef.fatt.attriyyeeete,tr'e'yt, "It ' order that they may be tested p: An lumping vmety qt hund- other parts of the country. Minna-k Mug of attractive note have done well at Ottawa, but that‘booh. wall manoe- uni book is pe 1mm opt may will ligature" was on (11th in a... pm pp tudvuuVlrt- Lau au me "" Chronicle Cone-Icahn thedhdiG - V. n Kim, sn. West Better Vision Glasses YOUNG’ the -iiiiamGst-a KITCHEN " John A. Weber. IOS Allan th, w, but]: Wuerule. luv Moore Ave, Under Canada's rehabilitation plan, veterans my use their re- establishment credit to buy. build, repair or modernize a house. DOWNING’S Flowers It Kb; at. Walt Next to Capitol Theatre Phone 44162 Phone 2- ""