BrtMr--At St. Mary's Hospital, Burkhart of Waterloo. - July 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John -"'-_--_ ------ ---'m- ---___ Snyder, RR. 2, Baden, a son. Death. Ertr-At St, Mary's Hospital, July IO, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman Erb. -----_ R.R. 2, Wellesley, a son, ot-tr--) 7, Kenneth Joseph lhmhl--At Kitchener, July 9th to Olenuk. Shanta Stop, Rat. s, Mr. and Mrs, Karl Waht (nee Kitchener," years. Muriel Snidert, 152 Simeon St., Curgtrss--0uly T, Mrs. Ernest Clay- Kitchener. a son. l, ton, Preston. 77 years. to Mr, and Mrs, Howard Bauman, R.R. I, Elmira. a daughter. lam-At K-W Hospital, July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Battler, _ 21Brieter ture.,, Waterloo, a son. Erb-At Miiitsank, June 29. to Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Ertr, a daughter. J-b--At Stratford General Hosp:- tal, Jug 3, to Mr. and In. A. Jack, illbank, a daughter 'Fahqr-.At St. Mary's Plasma}. Juliet to Mr. and Mm. A rt “We_ T, 811}. Kitcheneg, a son. WA: sc' Arms. jidy In: Mr. and Mrs, Itred Dietrich, Och-A Ila-r Bap our. a. in?» min 1t'lh'; 'aM--.-.-' St. Mary’s 16ttq. Eul. Juliet; to Mr, and In. P. leinsleu , Deon. a we: K_--AL " Hospital, July 9407K; anct In Julius Kuhn:- '---at K-W 11% J 1. to w. and Hum uly I? 'aid-et Rd. Waterloo. I 'tt-rNrtAk066, I]. III. " w, -us-tAtsinivs" i Lulr tttF ty 'e and in New Kind. St. Cteindnts, -i. Lai; --At K-W was. July S, “I; any] In David Benn. lumen Bathing Caps LANTIGEN "W' stops llay tever. [ANTIGEN "h'" slaps. Whooping {ouch Also LANTIGEN "A" Stops colds and sure throats. LA NTIGEN "B" stops LA NTIGEN "C" stops [ANTIGEN "D" stops I. I. GOODIKII noon sumvmo RECAPMG, July 7 Assorted colors $1.00 BEDFORD Birth. Bails. pimples. abscesses. Catarrb. sinus and asthma. Rheumatism. sciatica. lumhago Cl U A RANTEED PREVENTATIV E $6.00 thtle Take LA NTIGEN "E" Drug Store ' Phone 2-2672 WE DELIVER Opp. Post Ottbee - Waterloo Beatrice M. Kennedy. " Frederick III. II! "I." Ch urn-emu My Drug Specials Stop Hay Fever. The new improved Kidney Weller. Brandon-d. to Inac- Ethel Love. Ayr Baqr-goa--0une IS, Jemhh Beer, New Dundee, to sun. Jones. Port Erie. Ont Mum-Tum-July T, Pan- trooper John lacKenzie Menn- der, of Hespeler, to Flora Jean Turner of South Porcupine. Beth-Hut-tlute " Geo. H Bohms ot Don to Laura Al- berta Bailey Hutchinson. Schmin-Hoinrlehe-July 7, Pte. Wilfred Schmitt, Baden, to Clan Heinrichs. Kitchener. Bhantn-Bt_-July 2, E. Clan Shanta of Kitchener to Non Burkhart of Waterloo. ‘ Weraaoe--duly I. Bari gum THERMOS BOTTLE Minerva Oehtn ot Tavhto5k. Pills. Guaranteed quick action Only Me box, Sick Bay Ada-Bani aiuikF undue: of Tavislock to OI.- SOe - Giant Size 31.5. HEALTH SALTS SUN GOGGLES NERVE FOOD Original formula DE NOVO Dr. Chase's tse to “.95 69e lb tio Genuine English $1.51) Sunday visitors with Mt and Mrs. Adam Becker wen Mr. and ‘Mm Barney smusburger of Pres- um, Mr. and Mrs, Albert tntit ‘of Plattsvitte, Mr. and Hm . et- 1,tleton, Joyce and Teddy of Kitch- ‘ener. and Mr. and Mm. Jack 'tri. 1deg_ any' son Yerpon of Sunny e. I Mr. and Mn Herb Rubia visited 'with Mr. and Mm, W, Roeddlng at _/"tl,erv" i Sun le evening visitors with ‘Mr. and rs. Herb Hume wore Mr. 1and In Charla Koch of Conu- ia, and Mr, and Mn Roy Koch ,nnd yon Robert of St Jacob; l Vulcan on Sunday with Mr. and Saturday and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eb were Mr. and Mrs. Behoenick, 'IT. and Mrs. Orville Hallman and Mr. Ed. Hallman, Mr. and Mn. Alex 01- wald and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hall- man, Ronald and Dianne all of Kit- chener. Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich 1nd portage: qugerich of New and Dorothea Gin erich of New Dundee,_M_r. ttpd Tri' Wes Halt, Mr. Nylé fair-$5.0 had been a patient at K- Hospital for the pet Bi?t weeM, has returned home. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mm. Walter Dubrick and Mrs, E. Dubrick were Mr. and Mm. Chas Rogers of London and Mr, and Mty. Sym. Rental ot Woodstock. Mrs. ttik ftarerdi tiiiGYsiiiiC"" Mr. d1nd Mrs. Rona Sanger, 'tit m In Garry nt an " Mrend Mn L'tflleu'l'l'g " Bun. nrylde. nnd Mrs. Charles Koch of Cone» Grade V" to vm - Audrey logo and Mr, and Mn Roy Koch Schagena. Marion Behnetier, Irene and non Robert of St Jam Steinman, Irma-roe 3†Cure Walton on A"dtggft Mr. and Behwartxeatruber, 'Sty. Mil. Mn Dolmen Role were Mt.,ler, Stanley Miller. De Nau- -s1CMi4ReAtu4et-tandhiiai mamboncnlhul We“ at I... but » Grade IX to 't-Deifoed lotu- Mr. Clayton Hallman. Wayne Hallman and Bob Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rita and son Garry, PO. Cecil Schmitt and Ruby Schmitt and Mr. Louie Haber-1y of Kitchener and Mn Wm. Detwiuer of Roseville were Monday visitors wi.?? Mr. and M_rs._Moyley B.attler. man arid timitr' oiHies'ialGU Mrs. Earl Pambaker. Mrs. Barney Smusburger of Pres-l Grade tit to IV-Viola Finlay. um, Mr. and Mrs, Albert tntit 't,t"Mt',t'.'tet, Dow an)»; In. of P1ttttavilte, Mr. and Hm . att- bel gens. Charles Kunu. imon damn, Joyce and Teddy of Kiteh- Swartaentruber, Nan Mabel. Den- ener. and Mr. and Mm. Jack 'dir; ‘nys Petaniek, Lee Doerr. doe and son Vernon of Bunny a] Grade IV to V-Euine Brat, Marlene Butler 3 ndin. Billy Kuntz, John Steinman, Joyce some time with Mina Jan'gigder " Litwiller. Fern Go_oding, Richard the Plains. JGordner. Murray Pinlir, Dom Mrs. L. Butler and hmlly nn‘Kuhn. Newton per Wi gaming tyn? timepyith IEr. andw§hnnu. Howard t, Marlene "$6.1m: Mrs Ewut Butler and grind- Ipem Sunday at Bridge- I Glen and Donnie Sebreiber are spending a few days with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. In. Becker. l Sunday visitors with Mr. and \Mrs. Morley Battier were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Witmer and daughter lShirley of Rosebank, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bechtel ana son Bruce of ‘New Dundee, Miss Ruby Brena- man and Bruce Brenaman and Mr. Harold Gall of Kitchener, Mr. and lMrs, Williams and Ilene Martin of \Bqtialo. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Axt of Baden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimble. The annual picnic of the Maple Grove Women‘s Institute "was held at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Dess- ler on Tuesday afternoon, Sunday visitor: with Mr. - Mrs. Gordon Dubrick were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dahmer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erdman and fagilyp! Kitchener. SGday visitor/with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fry were Mr. and Mrs. ngyd Fry. o_t_Sun11ysidg.r Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried and fam- ily accompanied by Mr. and Mn. Henry Schreiber and family mo- tortd to Nigeria [fang op iundar Mrs. Clifford Battier spent Sat- urday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C; Sehe.dtwita atriggeport, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Drudge of Bridgeport and Mr. and Mrs. Ab- ram Habermehl of Conestogo called at the Jacob Sander home on Swim- - Miss Fern Bauman and Mr. S. Martin of Elmira visited " the L. E. Shantz home, Miss Bauman's former home, and at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Bagmarlpn Synd?y. t __, - 7 Mrs. Clem Snyder and Mrs. Noah Weber of Guernsey, Sash, visited their Cressman cousins and other friends in the district over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs Waiter Eieman and children of Preston visited with ngs. Zieman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sander. over the week-end. Mr. and MrMs. o. Sander, Kitch- ener, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sander. I Miss Ruth Gimble Ire, the ‘week-encl at Waterloo wit her sis- ter, Mrs, Urias Martin and Mr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. George Musselman of Elmira were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ‘by. I Cpl. Bertty of uau" fiiiiia: Hospital spent a t2-day leave wit Mrs. Betsy. Mr. R, G. Schiedel was in To- ronto (Ian 2'rdyi,p'ltrli,ye the gunnery meetin o e n Pen- dent "rreu'lJj'i'e"lul.l - Mr. and Mrs; Gai, Sander men: Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Shinpeig at Gotyaytstoyrn, Ont Mr. John Denier had the Mob tunetoqliPotryrioadefhmyand fracture his wrist on Wednudny. Mr, and In. Abram Sunder were host and hostels at a Sander lun- ily party on Sunday. Guests prel- ent were Members of their hmiiy. Mr. and It: Harry Kinsie and daughters Ruth and Elizabeth of Blair visited with Mr. Me's lil- ter, Mrs. Abram Winner and Mr. Wismer on Sunday. with Rev v. giiruinraaiFGt"iiG church, in charge. lumen: we: made in the Preston cannery, soeietrwoa4lstttumeaink .m was tron 'dra,ferdir2, in m W ILLIAMSBURG By In. In. linka- u‘hronkle Curve-main" {Sh-nu. Howard but. Marlene LLeishu. Keith Liehti, Roy Snyder. Moan 2"T'"t "g','ed"the rs e to wet ‘Janui. Tom NW3 Runny - Her. John We; laden u'rtir, lNomine Gingrich. [one Bind. “sow 156may - Grade VI to VTt--Fiorenee Per- ru',','?,: Edgar Hondulch, Harry untz, Jim Mabel, Neil 0mm. Leona tk9twttrtaentruber, In, Nisbet, Bill Dusk-icy. Doris Stein- mnn. Rorutld Peunick Grade I to IH-Helen Ferguson, Mary Ttunatedtler, Stanley 111th Eva Shana. Marjorie Kuhn, Neldn Gingerich. Demaris Jamal. Rich- ard Gingrich. Grant Beehthold, Alex Nis “t. Ronald Hubs]. Residents in some parts of Ba- den have been disturbed during the last couple of weeks by some night prowlers who in some tn- stances have tried to enter some ot the homes by trying the doors, etc. Part of the sang. it is tgtk re- main in the car. which ey use in order to facilitate a hasty get- away, should anyone approach the scene. The police are inveount- ing and it is hoped they will dis- cover those who are such disturb- Grade I to Ir-Delores. Juui. Velma Zehr, Beth Niahet, Erma Swartaenteober, Ronald behold. Darrell lanai and Bobby Rainm- Miller, Dellord Zehr and Edgar Honderich. Classes are continuing this week at the annual Mennonite Vacation- al Bible School with a good attend- ange in, all the eleven classes. 3-90!ka Pertetf1qs MemM= Mri. J. C. Ross visited for a few days with Mrs. J. Fred Edwards of PaApers_ton ant! other friends. A prize of one dollar each was given to tlve pupils who had had a perfect attendance for the school mar of 1944-45. These pupils were .. Ha Per, :lirgmle .Nisbet,ALayley Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Philips and sons, Don, Douglas and David visited in Woodstock over the week-end and attended the wed- ding of the former's sister on Sat- ur319v- - __ Mr. and Mrs Clarence Diamond and Douglas Ross visited for a few days with Mrs. Diamond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Fallis of Mar- riston. Pupils My. Prion u Plank. The pupils of the local public The pupils of the local .r,'S,t school held a picnic on the c osing day ot school when games were played and tehestuperpts served. . Miss Leona eaGu Csirdiri the week-end with her mother, who resides near Brash“. Mr. Carl Ritchie, who is taking a summer school course in teach- ing at McMaster University in Hamilton spent the week-end with hi§_wife ytAdaugthtees __ ME J. Nisbet ot Toronto spent the week-end with his wife and family. - - (uy mini. o-ual-q ITeMARA.--Margamt Donley died on July 4th at the home of David Ernst, 3 Church St. W., Elmira. at the age of as years, after an illness of one week. One brother, C. J. Donley of Kitchener and a sister, Mrs. David Ernst of Elmira sur- vive her. The funeral service w held from the Dretinger Mall Chapel on Friday, with Rev. ' N. Mom. Elmira. ofrieiating. Burial was made at the Millbank cemete- The next meeting of the Coun- Land and Forests. 20.60; Total ex- cil wilt be held in the Couneit Chambers on Tuesday, August 7th, at 10 a.m. I krk Girai', "iGrG;iiil"iiT,t, 10.9"; . a man. conven e 19.50; General road all: tfl'5'l2t 375.35; Henry Zetlel. hardware," 2105; Crothers Lat. under parts, 86.71; '?.yileket's.9ii. fuel bit, 1138; lg. E Rag. bridgh e timber, 18.78; ugene ietric ' In Hon, 3.75; M. Warnholtz, GllrlQ"t,"at vel, 964.48; Bauman Bron, mah- ing gravel, 1204.72; Clothes Ltd., repairs, 27.60; H. K Sehnarr. paint and hardware, 28.10; H. E Selma", transportation. 1.20; Department 6t ptditures for Jupe, “838.98. tion of "stt ' T.ttip.nsiENGrie" Lichty, tflaeg't'ai'il'l'iu, 7.50; In. ette.5 Kym; hospitalization. 10.00; 1than. and H. J. Chihu- ascended it that the application at the Ca- 'tthut inati Grate with: 'tNgo. (hold tag. y on Na. Mth be granted and that e insti- tute be so notiBed. The following account: were pm tor paying“: Linwood Home Show, (not. 87100; Imin High School. tuition fees, $1184.â€; John Relaunch. Bea: drain ale. "6; A. M. Amt, stamps, 6.20; A. M. Ament. enve- lopes, 21.00; Whithier and Co., supplies, 2.77; Kitchener Daily Ile- cit. My In, CI-nnet [Uh-0nd [Chm-ankle Corn-golds.†Obituary John Heinbuch, Clerk BADEN I Ilu loun- - ada; We} ,",,Ag,1rg'f,int with Christ Into the Home" was t e topic for discussion ted by Rev. Erdman at St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, New Hamburg. tor the meeting of the Nith Volley Walther League on Monday eve- ning. Rev. Erdmnn opened the meeting with meditation Ind Tdi er. A business meeting was held with the president. John Knipfel. in charge. The 11-18:": were in- vited to attend the tario District Walther League Convention in Elmira on Aug. ' and 6. 30 mem- bers were present. The meeting closed with the Lord‘s Prayer an the Jhttkmnl _ Anthem. Hildenbnh'd __ a: "iiiiéhe'iié'r TiGii norm» time at e home of Mr. and Mry, Chg. fdlalt ed a soldiers' rehabilitation com- mittee: Reeve W. R. Handler. chairman; A. R. G. Smith. secre- tary; members of committee. o. Hamilton. C. ' Smith, Dr. T. B. Feick. Lewis . Hahn, C. K. Mer- ncr. H. J. Barth. Mrs. A. P. Hahn and Mrs. R. C. Luckhnrt. This committee is to function in conjunction with the provincial committee in iitt1's'tvtlltt,i'r, re- turned soldiers into civilian life. , Mm. Donti 736131 is spendiu some time In laden. At a" special meeting of the towim cguncil It,t. _f_o_t.1orr,inq JY/te. appoint. V- -eehreFi w u-.. lulu-nuns. . Miss Ruth Steiner is attending: teat er's course in primary met - ods at Hamiiton. She recently re- signed as teacher in. Haysville (SS. to to take the position as tea- cher at the primary school in New Hamburg and will begin her new duties at the end of the summer holidays. . I Stars and Stripes _ Recently the town council decid- led to purchase an American ttag to ‘be Bown along with the Union Jack on occasions of international ‘moment like V-Day. None could be procured through local agents so Councillor Fischer was asked to procure one through a mend of his from "across the line". He was not only successful in procuring one but received it as a gift to the town. The dgzors are Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. iemer and daughter Vivian of Niagara Falls. N.Y.. who have long been friends of the late Councillor A. E. Strange and Mrs. Strange and of Counc llor Fischer and family. They are frequent vi- sitors in New Hamburg. Their gift to the town is greatly up reciated. The new Bag warning far the ttrst time along with our own na- tional laVe'g the ttag stall at Lion Park on ednesday," July 4th, the United States national holiday. In- degendence gay. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Penner spent Thursday and Friday with friends in Niagara Falls. Mr. E. G. Hammer, who has been eontlned to his bed through illness has recovered sumeientiy to be up and around. Mr, Wm. L. Pall. who recently bought the Independent block has purchased the brick bungalow on Peel St., from Miss Ada Christner. Mr. Ptatt sold his farm near Wel- lesley some time ago and intends toIt,1tPl.yy.Him.bursr. _', New Hamburg Gets ‘Propnty (than... Hands. Both the Imperial and Commer- cial hotels here changed hands, the Brst of the month. Mr. Clayton Rumig formerly of Elmira took possession of the Imperial which was conducted my his ether for the East " years. r. Stanley Paul of indsor is the new tpotettreeper at the Commercial having pun-based the business from Mr. Georee Pur- IV-Beats JiuiaorrWhiiri7ii; (pass); Grade v--Iona Marlon Showell (honors). Mr, and in Beverly Will-on and son Perry spent the week-end with their mothers, In. Ada Will- son and In. Hilda Handler. The tollowin; pupils of Mia. _et,'ee, Geiger were mace-tn! lin e recent piano examinations lot the Western Comwatory of Music. Grade In-Ho-a, Doro- tmm Willislm; Grade 2b2'g', c on, “Elite! long. an Capling. Mary inbeth range and Roy Hefner. equal; Honors. Jean Roth; Grade Ir-Honors, Bar- bara Pauli. The following pupils of Miss Louisa Ritz were successful " the recent Western Conservatory of Music (London) exams tried at Kit- chener: Grade b-Marike Muel- tttrat class honors); Marilyn Jean Nurse (Plattsville) honors; Grade li-Donald Holstetter, Ptattrvi11e (honors); Grade m--Heten Louise vr,i.1ltttr, J'iattsviiit _ (pass); Grade *ft,it, ' tsthm.-oetru.vriith l .lhdlnhmmnm ( Mm1atuiaaWei-ituritT- "ontolehemoetavirittrst-ai- tem,theMia.esWegeheet I ma ew 8W M 'dst,', Tom: Dental College T. wen u m3... s'e.'rd,'tet m“; r: Itt Amos '2trttttf, ' ' liq-rev - t/t,tue/"pt.iget medial ttis_trfet go In Kitchens“ M_rs sotthieliiLeii, Mr. Adam PETERSBURG 1 Douglas V1145; Gram 'tgt .the week-end with Mr. and rs. Louis Holm. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Clingbiel of Oak Park. m.. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibb of Hamilton visited Sat- Olivia}: -ei)GiGiiGiiGt Saturday evening with his brother, Albert Ctygtmay At Pine Hill. ‘Mrs. M. Poll was in charge at the program which included readings and the prayer league conducted by Mrs. Netherton. Roll call was responded to by a verse of a fa- vorite hymn. During the business. session. owing to the vacancy in office caused by the removal of Mrs. Dahms. Mrs. M. Veitch was made president, Mrs. C. R. Knuth. vice-president and Mrs. T. Brod- haecher. 2nd vice-president Re. ports of various committees were given and plans made for the an. anal bighday social. to honor Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fried. mentlx married. W. Wan- ner acted as c airman and the pre- sentation of a walnut magazine stand was made. A social time toi- lowed. The Evangelical Youth Fellow- ship League held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rife, Dickie Settlement on Monday evening. About 25 young people enjoy an interesting Fromm. Pena-uh. Mr. and Mrs E Williams and 5Pe Buttato arg guests of Mrs. "h."ffetTGTiG:," ar"aa' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin atJdr,tttr8t? on Sunday. Mrs Jack Tunn and Mary and Margaret of Preston are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Swartz. Miss Sylvia Hallman, R.N., of Kitchener' was the guest on Sun- day, of yiss‘pnima Lego, 7 On Wednesday evening, mem- bers of the Evangelical Church, friends and neighbors, gathered at the _home oAMr. alga All: A Fried The W.M.S. of the Evangelical Church met on Wednesday even- ing with Mrs. W. Wanner in charge at the devotional period. Mrs. E. Musselman read the scripture and Mrs. oNtertott offered peer. Precommunion service followed by the quarterly business meeting was held in the Evangelical Church on Tuesday evening with Ree. H. A. Kellerman of Kitchener in charge. Holy communion was ob- served on Sunday morning. mus. “not. United Brethren Sunday School held their month) meeting at the home of Mr. and le,".' Merle Cole- man, Perry's Corners on Thursday evening. Mrs. Melvin Becker, clan president. was in charge of the program and chose "Patriotism" as the theme. Appropriate readings ‘were given by Mn. G. Perrin and Miss Mabel Eastman. Member: re- sponded to the rollvcall by "Why I am thankful I live in Canada". Business was transacted and plans discussed looking forward to the furtherance of the church bale- ment project. A social hour follow- ed with the hone“ and In. E. Stoltz serving dainty refreshments» girls [allowed about nettl- taou by in 0th. Iod- am in an by Jan. and Ruth Colman calm Mar- eel than. 0 " Masai-tut an. the mam “Tu an Childrenâ€. m m b In. I 3W. cla- d kn bo- 'ihitr,i, "a tllT,%7,o'p, 'di,'t " was vet: I; George 01mm In. I lob and other musical numbers in- eluded a vow duet by Murieiantr Mun Elbow; a .010 by Anni Christine W; n chm-us by the lumen and llamas-mi?» duet by In. I Gingerich In. Dorothea; ste., 'lTtatrt by the mount ; . mt. "The may of new†by I group of girls concluded the pro- gram. Mummy of the Doxolo- U. the Na . Anthem and pray- er bin“ Ruth Said: cloned the - . A good casing to: mis- siogs “It; received. GORDON’S GOOD GLASSES " Ontario " South We Feature Protect t YOUR (tti/iii':"' Your Eyes Are More Important Than Ever . . . Our Fine ’Sun~lensea Will Protect Them Against Harmful Rays of the Sun . . . * ACCURACY * QUALITY ' - SATISFACTION THIS SUMMER! Rule Mr. Edward Sully is a patient at the K-W Hospital. His many friends wish him an early recov- ery “pm his illness. The' W.M.S. held its July meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Chas. Win- tieid with Mrs. Harvey Melitzet in charge of the program. Durin the afternoon a quilt was il'fal'Ji for the Red Cross. The hostess served lunch and a social hour was spent. Pte. Clifford tGAGiiGfiiii"irc' cific Coast is home on turiougtt for several Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Howlett, Jean Jack and Bob Bricker, Mrs. Hitch- ard, Mrs. Mabel Winfield and fam- i3 attended church service at Be- t any and spent the day at Elm. Mr. Earl Israel and Miss Marion Hill of Bridgeport were Sunday ylsitoy at the home of Mr. and Relatives of the Shoemaker clan held a family gathering in the WI- terloo park on Saturday. A num- ber from! . Lhis _eyymynity anemia]. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and Mr. Arthur Wright of_Lexingpog|. Miss Mabel McKenzie of Sunk is spending several weeks with her sisters. Mrs. Wm. Sugg and Mrs. Lexi Lemon Mr. and Mrs Jack Bennett Ind family of Kitchener were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mn Gus. Hartwick Rev. Hehns of St. Jacob. will have charge of the service " the United Church next Sunday tnom- ing at 11.15 with Sunday School at no o'clock. Rev. Thompson will be taking his vacation and will beab. sent three Sundays when supplies will be atryyred. for. m 7 Mr. and Mrs Pé'ri:y Woods, Grace and Norma spent Sunday " Tor- onto. Mr. and In. Harvey llamas and Mrs. Joana Lennon spent Sun- 'tlr, afternoon with Mr. and In. Hi debrandt of Kitchener. Mr. C. D. Bowman of Kitchens spent several days visiting friends in_lhis mrpgnunjty. ___ - 7 In A. Fried. In. L PM and Mr. and In I Fried and Walt. attended the funeral service of 1&- vi Masters held at Kitchener on Sunday, amine tuakieiteriiiriGiiir. ed y.ith.Mr. and Mn J. A PM Mr. Gh In. Stanley Push. Ilia Bttith Perrin and It. and In. Walter Perrin and children ot Gilt visited Hith‘llr. Ind In. K P-- Ji aux: "aac. "a (e'lti'tu'l'ln'lNfdlu'rJlftrf, {how at no“ Pasha-h- {Bobby wm’ia"a..m"“ if; it WEST MONTROSE tert.tnudiueTiiiirii ii"r.hCi,?itlt.iiaitrN4 dayauin;.lr.andln “mantle-palm " In. B. a, '00.- wan-unm- Conan-dun) Phone 1-4237