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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Jun 1945, p. 7

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Chum “vanish. In" I can ya “I. I“... churn u gun. It not paid by date " ”the.“ " can can bet group or I‘m-- to“: I. one I.“ CHICKEN BARGAINS for this week and next. White Leghoms. Barred Rock x White Leghoms, Austra Whites: Non-sexed $9.45. New Hampshires. New Hamp- shires x Barred Rocks. $9.95. pullets $15.95. Cockerels $10.95. mAssorted Heavies Non-sexed $8.95, Pullols $13.95. Cock. urels $9.95. Assorted Light and Medium Breeds Non-sexed $8.45. pullets $16.95. cockerels White Leghorns $1.50. White Leghorn X Barred Rock $4.50. Two week old add .062; Three week old add .llc; Four week old add .ch. Shipped C.0.D. This advertise- ment must accompany your or- der. Top Notch Chickeries. Guelph, Ontario. ---265 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone 2-44” PATENTED GAS SAVER. super- charger, Crankcase ventilator Converts waste into power. In- urea: 's mileage amazingly. Fits any motor, easily. quickly. Harmless, Proven. Guaranteed. Attractive sales proposition. Victory Manfg. Company, Corn- wall. Ontario. 24.6.8 SUPER - JUMBO STATIONERY 72 FOLDED NOTES and " enve- Boa “Ila-m In out at The Chm-Bk. " to“. "In, 3.00: M Willi-m St, - Walsh. Phone 1-1801 ASPHALT SHINGLES, msul brick siding, doors, storm windows, paints. furnaces, plumbini sup- plies. We sell for less. Hal Mars, " King W., Kitchener, 26-88. ASTHMA FUFFERERS enjoy gopd Melody C, excellent condition with can. price 355,00; kitchen cabinet with porcelain pull-out table top; bird cages; walnut finished tea wagon; library tables: single ward- robes, Bnished or GiinTiiGi. Here’s Your Chance wuannn summons M. June a, I“ 239 King 55): I "common“ cums nu: warMW420, QWNICLI " or": Inch '" " ... you, 8100 foe u: ”an: BRUCK DAVIS & DUNN T H. R. Brock I. Bruce Davis J. C. LEHMAN N BOOKBINDER " Queen St. N. _ Phone I40“ Kitchener “binding Boob. Add more books to your house library by having your favorite . mag-zine bound into boon. cHARrEKErrheedimTAN'rs (Trustees in Bankruptcy) - Juan: St. my . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Blues. Hymn and Prayerbooh I nod-It; [Inkling Club Juan. Sultana. lopes. both for 25c. at ,f//'t'ir,'t' Drug Store, 408 King Street ast. Kitchener, Phone 2-2127 ..__. . -iiriEims "niibK6" - Stu: “curly rial umo- the - uu-nl. in for Sula to. my imuubu you I‘ll. Write plainly on one “it " - ply health without coughing or chok ing and have good nights' sleep Free information. write F. Howey 144 Catherine St, S . Hamilton. "wtrTraJrTA9ttL9r_tLq""Nu' . BOOKBINDING ELECTRIC MOTORS AGENTS WANTED Bed BPrhq - Co. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTOI BABY CHICKS ELECTRICAL “mulls: CARDS Mo- III-OI...- Ilkd tor and dohveud. DRUGGIS'rs FOR SALE R. E. Cor. King & 1i'r. Phone 8-0634 35 . " Human-nun...- ’.ounmu..uu...... nae-winding New and Kitchener 21-23 WA.Nre0-auyo To Pf? may“ n you need More [mum ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? THE KAWARTHAS ARE CALL, IF YOU want to gel marred. write Box 358. Juliaetta. Idaho. Send stamp. t-tf. TYPEWRI'I'IIIS sum and mm Duplicating 9nd AMI-g Mnehirtr_ rm... Cabinets. Duh. Ida. ate. Ontario one. outtittem ud. a Queen 31,8. - Phone 6-H“ CHINA WANTED - Turn your surplus China, ornaments and “my!" into CASH. Rett1tt1s THE WATERL00 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY at sum 1 conveniences ING . . . Here‘s your chance to win lovely Honeysuckle Lodge in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes. Yours for keeps if you hold the lucky ticket in the Rotary Draw on July 21. Only 30 feet from the water's edge at popular Thurstonia Park. Honey- suckle Lodge has 4 large bed- rooms. large living room. maid's quarters, kitchen, large screened and glossed verandah overlook- ing Sturgeon Lake; garage. Pur- nished complete except tor bed- ding. Only 89 miles from Toron- lo, Don't miss this one. Tickets Mc or 3 tor $l. Proceeds tor Rotary Crippled Children and Community Fund. Send postal note today to Rotary Cottage Draw, PO. Box 8, Lindsay. Ont. Tickets forwarded by returné5 B Situate in Peel Township, _, about 7 miles north at _ BRESLAU Elmira. Farm. in excellent '; Mutt mam” state of cuttiotion, two ', never falling wells, Inrae Prtl Service. barn with straw shed, A Father's Day Service at the stables 60 head cattle. ilti'g1it gretlsmn in . Christ . - urc on an ay mormng was er” hay Karim“ ":1 ‘very well attended. Rev. Snyder, tt ernent s e . room the pastor. gave a special message white brick house, Hydro to the fathers. Part of the morning throughout buildingl with fservipe was the present of a bou- motor for chopping, Your .ya"2ll'docegflutl" present, t d t on " _ chance to get a loo urn: l Tople " You": Meet. A. K. CRESSMAN & SON At the Young People's Meeting , at the Cressman Mennonite Church Real Estate and Insurance on P,','dyfggirypd", Ray Cress~ . man was ea er. e speakers of . 103 Kittg St. South the .'"ti','t'ug; Mré. Lloyd Cress- man, Is. orace ressman, Gor- WATERLOO don Eby and Eben Cressman. The -._____________ subjecé of tt evenigg was “Chri: than ourts ip" ollowing t e w ""WU" "EIaMt' . the talks Mr. Gordon Shantz ot New Dundee, tteld secretary of the - I. - Y.P.B.M., gave a short aalk on the WENAUR & t5HAN'N work. of the Young Peoples Bible [mind (Metings. _ -- Call It Local Represent-live D. A. M INSURANCE AGING!” Fur Bao workers Limited Plan. 0-0.“ - " “on M, Grout-Wat “It A“. Co. BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE GIRLS and WOMEN Kim _ ONT. WANTED 'ro BUY I!!!) 150 ACRES Apply gamma K-W H PNAL REAL ESTATE TYPEWRI'I‘ERS INSURANCE PERSONAL In...“ a, kitchen “nitrous. ",Irat', “Wm-ho. iit'h.. "mmuaumtm ' mwwummwd nation. Ito-WM the “ t,c',trhd .nkdhndln man ”gunman: Waterloo will be held It In, atthetsouroetgt0o_inthq nttemoms.oottte0tlseureetH- tmntrer,ths,untes.tttet-td can In some: paid. Node: h bent»! ttyen that the gm od m paw in The Ontario Gaunt onthetnddayotJtuse, 1948.“ that copies of the said list my be had at my omee. Treasurer’s otriee, this 3rd day ot May, WA, -- ---- __ Creditors of AMBROSE HAHN. late of the 2T'tl'iu1 Wellesley. in the County of aterloo. who died bin or about the tenth day ot April, MMS. are required to at: their claims with the undenifned before the Muenth day of my, MMS, after which date the assets ot the estate will be distributed hiv- ing regard only to claims then re- ceived. A Father's Day Service at the Menonile Brethren in Christ Church on Sunday morning wast very well attended. Rev. Snyder, the pastor, gave a special message, to the fathers. Part of the morning, service was the present of a bou-i tonniore to each father present. The regular weekly prayer meet- ing of the Cressman Mennonite group is being held in the church every Wednesday evening under the leadership of the pastor, Mr. Burkholder. The Cressman Mennonite Sunday School is planing to conduct a summer Bible School again, begin- ning July 9th and 'ig'.1'r,i,.nd; until the mm of July, Mr. Burk older will be the director of the school. Guests " the home of Mr. nndl Mm. Lloyd E. Shunt: on Sunday were: Mrs Shaun’s ungle. Mr. Atv her Cream-n ind Mrs Cressman of New Hamburg; Ind Mr Shaun's brother. Mr Ward Shun". and Mrs Shana of Waterloo, r The "Joy Band" met at the home of Miss Ruby Burkhart, Bridgeport, on Thursday evening, The evening was spent in (fuming and uwin. tor overseas re lei. Mr. Oscar Burkholdrr was guest speaker at a Prosthetic Conference at the Strasburg ennonite Church on Swami: and Mondty Incl-noon: and even an. Treasurer’s Sale of [and for Tue. Mean. R. G, Schiedel and Gor- don by attended the annual meet- ing of the Western Counties' Tele- Rone Association at ”don on umdar, Mr. and Mn Milton Creaaman and Mr. Robert Oman, Kiteh, ener. called on Mrs Joseph 51 Cranium on Smut} L Mr. and Mrs, rye Lehman, Kit., chener. called on Mr I-ttman"', Ea,,'r,'e,,ra"e; Mr and Mn. John um on Tuesday. Mr. Lehman has "gully renamed; from o3relse" - Min Verdi Gimble. Wnerloo spent the week-end at the home a“ her stones. Mr ind In Irvin on: Notice To Creditors Min Mnrthu Good spent the week-end It her home no" New Hamburg, TOUIIS'I’S' LODGE. . "" CHEVROLET SEDAN and " other _ - 1l-rlln totalling an s! Few-"Um . tnryetIee. mu nu. "ad." -m. on: boLun Mutab- to "The Kan!"- ltuothl [caulk-d 3-day." ll. Vlcl-tla Strut. Kuhn... It. Proceed. I. 5. III“ to qFe6t " lunatic-0| Col!" In our return- in. Venn-a and ti. dun-0 a thin dhlrlcl. one cl Ar-io. I. he - Ion-zed in the Prev. Don'l Jolly! Act In!!! 73-46 NEW LOW BATES on auto Illa-ram. Pay we, Insure wlth Mate Fun- Mutual today. hon-od- tor Milk " sum-'- 'CMA.. and CHEW-'1 loner Heal“ Pro”... by their solicitors - WHITNEY &_WH19WET, Alien. Boss JSI. Kitthcur‘ Waterloo Tutsi. * _Savings Co. I“: Henry. with radio “I hon-t. Tight: I lot $1.... HARVEY HALLMAN rt. II. No. I, an: Phone New Dundee " r " ' 1 3,000 CAR DRAW WIN A TOURISTS‘ KITCHEN n-WA‘I’ERLOO for CHAS. H. A, STAG“. hen-um. --8P." E. B. BENTON Waterloo, Oritario, "ll w Elmira the mac‘sw ", _,'i:ri'ii'iii), 41m “35““;an I' "a,att, ti" _ xv” 'trats-. gGii Yii2Yiiie.1i,iheii, M"? Vinita-I with . and In, Henry aerter at TIM. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Douglas. or- ville and Harvey from Ciittord spent last Tuesday with Mr and Mrs. Herbert Eidt. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Raf Schlegal were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schlegal and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baechler, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baer, Vir- ginia and Danny called on Mr. and Mrs. David Otto on Smithy. Sunday guests with r. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and Mrs. Christ Jan- tai were Mr. and Mrs. Christ Swat. tzentrutser, Mrs. Jonathan Jenni and Mr. Reuben Swarlzentruber of Kitchener and Mr. Joe K. Swar- tzentruber of Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wagler and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Zehr and Mae of St. Agatha and at HAW. Mr. Eden Door“; from Sake:- pem It"" Holiday with In. Al- vin lid . Mm. Annie - spent Monday yin: Mr. and Mn, [that Seyler It -iirThoy Doering was I Sunday visitor with Mr. and In. Lloyd Gunther at Mew Prank; Mr, and Mrs. Austin During. Claire and Wnyne, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hownrd Mohr It Awning. _. _ -iir-.NiiiFidNyier spent Sunday at_lp(enol}. -- -. _ . "it? LUNG." Herbert Bid! srenl Saturday with Mr. and Mn o iver Kerr of Bouth-Wrst Aitmot Mr. and Mn. Elmer Doerine, Norma and Ku'olyn were Sunday visitors with In and Mrs. Nelson Seyler RENEE» . - .' A V iirrad Mrs. Henry Becker visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Swartaen1rtttter eenur, A viii-.Wihdr itis. Gideori Hamacher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamaeher. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl swartzentruber were Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Roth and Irene of East Zorra. -iir.ardYiru." tin-l Doering were Sunday visitor: at Kitchen}. - ip, 'rel. Hutu); spent Sundry "%Giii. N-ii'- -dGGaaaa u PINE HILL lull-0mm a: In. - 'ue", AIS'IR. To YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT 3008‘ mudoucmmlblhnool-au Q‘ELQEQ Q.'hyislhnomled "a I. t rV A c, 1 c, A, The lmnq demand large A, World stocks alolrmbd by tho 00le 'f" 'ar." '6 of liberated are“ Food ttto,', bt 3%..ng '?,tM'ett v' luau to n. n, tti ah- an In! - . Britain on I unilonn per eapiU basin. st, ft. Why " M. I“ I“ l ' ' I m.._l‘l -____.e -A.A_..l -- IA. . M in. tho gqqt d the not" mu My Bot A. To other dull-null, including lihorat.d "may. [mop-an nou'nh, Rum. "I. Multil- Eat. Now Zach-ad and other suqu-Inpomno coun- hbo, Approxim-hly one-h." ot this total I. ducinod tor “bur-ha - thml-lhowllblny? You. Doc-nu load: an up and productiost in dorm, would tug" mach roach“! a new low at tho Manning ed 1945 Br “a. tad cl tho to". thy win be down again. um “no ttt a To mun hit distribution of what is loft. tho - ration is to be cut hr five Wo Canadians. toqother with tho dilata- of tho United Status and Great Britain. will at 19-- - during tho halanco of To meet our own noods and the urgent "it"'""tet" of our Alli- and tho liber- ated countries. our than of the reduction must total nearly 200.0o0.000 pounds of - during the root of tho year. l OILOIIOLI Mrs. Norman Hii1gartner, Doreen and Gait Otto of Hanover spent the geek-end with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Ito. latch and {swat Patricia. Mrs. Cutie Leach; . Jack latch, In. R. Schultz and son Richard and ro. Tom Willi; of Kitchener. Mary and Edith Magma! Calm)“. and Mn. Howard nu of Furry Aer. anq Seit tte - _ ttii it Piit Pi Lid It,er, ter. that: annual tt jtie a; the Ritremide Put in Owe ph on My alien-noon. The Shun; Station Iaather "Judy samba; od Dickie Settle- ment spent Saturday with her Munnts. Mr. and In. Arthur WEE-s m the home or Mrs. Eh- ubeth Home“ were: Mrs. A, P Poetei, “P; Je1rtt 1.319%er Mrs. Anthony Retzler. Dianne and Patsy of Kitchener are spend- ing their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mather); any". Mr. and In. Jack Comer re- turned to their home in Detroit " ter visiting with the latter: mother, Mrs. Elizabeth} Ragga." _ -ireGriiyGiuaiGd Henry Jan zen were business visitors in Tor onto tor a tesy, days. . WP "RfueFry ieiriott is spending a week with relatives in Maidstone and Detroit. _ --. A -iietViUGnp was in Kitchener on Saturday where she was a guest at the Bone-Wolfe weddiqa. midiiawnd Mrs. Arthur ttramp were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Andrews I'n_Draytort. _ . " TirraarigisCWiitred Harnack and children awn! Sunday with 315'. Stanley smack at Fischer I s. - __ --- _ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wagner and Charles were in Kitchener on Sat- urdngowhere they were guests at the ne-Wolle wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gingerich of near New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Roth of Baden and Mrs. Roy Schlegel. Donald and Mary, Barbara Ann. - Mr. Fred Schneider of Mount Forrest spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sehmidt. ty irrCis." rirriilfe"r find, children of Waterloo, Rita, Marjorie and Phy- liss Bruder of Breainu, - -iviiiGT "rie'GGii "spent Sunday with Char)ets Joter, " -- . SMAN'N STATION II...“ III I, III, - - nv-llnll I. lulu-bid can, I". an bah" In.“ mod lav-Lu and m, nah- d all _ nah-Ion." Ga (only, A“ In- and III-- mod-00m, " - to who“ A 0-15.- ". h at. ”I. and. In - a...“ to not. In", uni u we con-'fiA-uL-II-Auhlndigflmmm-dnhmmfumcfin up.” Guido.. Aid VR'MW GLM, mmownmumunuoonm I”?! lull In "o. - - nv-ll-Ng I. "feel gun, e" " bah", i .mm. nc'. at the church on evening tor their month- “new Aoumutunou , ' , ttht) viiiiriiifilPo"-'- " , $0.0m l s spoil t, t MS ' C [ ”I ma 'itti."sd It. Milton Noumea!“ and Mr. Cecil min ot Poole spent Ion- dly with It. Wad Schmidt. on .1 Ion. up. Gm tumacher spent a é; -tgrTafiFrt5. ,%-6iiira. TGT week I Mr.aodM=DnnottotteD.tmdt an49i.9pMegotrtgtatarealt" iikA,gliijij.e'iiiL,u -."-"- - In In. Aaron 80mm, De- 316 King St. W. pounds during the next uven months by reducing the monthly allotment to one pound in June. July, August, October and December. In September and November. the allowance will remain unchanged at two pounds. The ten pound sugar allotment for homo canning. represented by twenty extra pro- urvu coupons. remains unchanged. Two regular preserves coupons will continue to becom valid each month. n Why u than more demand to: - The nsmq demand lalqelv reflects tho and. of Haunted nus, Why is than k- pod-ch? World sugar outpul Is lower Ior these Ion-out I, Enemy occupation of some '0qu tuck an lava and the Phlhppnnes. lava, of course, " still In Iapanm hand. And, allhouqh the Philippm" are Inhaled, producl-on II not onpocfed to be restored until lato In 1946. B. F. 60001110]! STORES King and Water Ms. Other expat! countries have exporionoed ”nou- Ihoriaqn of labour and hmliur. Round dromrtttComntu,," and hurricane: have the cu! into production in tho III- ponanl Wes! Indian area KITCHENEB lam and " Ann vi Me. and In. aw, tetAtl't.rg; recently, Mr. and In. Ochoa “It: Carol Ruth all“ on Mr. and Den new on Sunday. Mr and In. Roy Behtet I“ Mr and In. Christ Alli.“ It Delores were m Toronto on - day Phone 0-”

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