Slim. 1 . Cattle, 500; top, $16.50; we;&hty canners 36.50-58.25; cutters, " $9; fat cows, â€141150; tat belles. $11.75~313; heavyweight butts, $11.- 25812.50. Calves, 600; good calves, $18.40. Sheep, 750; old wool sheep, $8- â€; clips. $6-$7; good wool lambs, $10.50; clips, $14.50. Weighty steers were 312413.15; butcher steers, $11-$11“, with I few $1290; butcher haters, most- ly â€I412; butcher cows, $8410.15; tanner: and cutters, $5 5058; bulls, â€-810.25; fed yearlin s. 812413.50; . any "new. 'ir/l/rt/irc' __, - Calves were 31150-8l550 for choice. with common light vealeu downward to $8. Lambs were SIS-$15.50 tor feed- tot, and $18-$20 for spring lambs Sheep were "-88. Hogs sold at, dressed, Grade A, $18.29 Grade m, $17.35; with sows 'tts'. Cattle and Hogs 25 Cents Higher Cattle prices yesterday we: strong to Me higher m spots. Hoes gained 25c, sheep were ttrm and “lie; gnd lambs steady, __ _ _ -- PAM I!!!" BUrFyh142-Botp, 500y good Vote 391m, Jack w. x Liston Friday. May Mt, 8:30 to 9. CKCR " 1490 on Your Dial 10 federal Candidate - MillliiSilllfi CONSERVATIVE nm WATERLOO NORTH Back BRACKEN . . Vole BAILEY SPONSORED BY, m PROGRESS!" CONSERVATIVE com or mrmuoo K0ttXtr LIVE "OCE mm 4 To enlist the co-operation oi tamer: tn the making sad carrying out oi farm policies. 5 To give every encouragement to the eo-operative move- ment by the enacting ot a Dominion Co~operatlve Act and whatever (Io-operative marketing legislation is nee-Ian to promote more orderly marketing at (am undue“. 6 To appoint a Board ot Live Stack Com-ablation to pro- mote and regulate livestock marketing. 7Toenilattheaidoitbelamminthowaruuoatd ntisfactory credit institutions to earn the long term. latc- modiate and short term credit neod- ot far-ten. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Jagk W. Bailey $1515; the?! eirdif iii; BRACKEN’S Farm Policy To no by Dominion ttnaneint mum In the letting up of rovlnclal health plan: no the every regardle- ol “EVER my have adequate lulu: prom To (in “lacuna-I Dominion min to the when for mega“. .ttstrrar?r. “any“! AehMye for rug! you“ 'rrpt,ietVai'resuikti,aiitiied7vetuFatGirG"i, To bring atrot0 I pron-nun " more ancient Inna In. In- tl',',tl"f the extension at all when. withdrawn] " you Inna: rem cultivation. “annulu- of comm-any put-to, and greater development ot small an! In!†“113160- Vote Monday JUNE " Guaranteed prices for all primary producers to - a permanent equitable distribution ot the national I-e-- a program which it Is estimated would mean an new trseeaseurresetst.rteeatopeod-admAtemthrtas twenty per cent. Maintain high Canadian demand tor all product: by a state guided and planned program of full employment. Maintain high foreign demand tor tarn- prodneta by aura- sively promoting the International exchange " cola-Iodide. ant! by progressively lowering the harden to international (Country Truck Prize) No. I grade ..Pmrm...rr._. 35: u (Delivered to Tomato). No. 1 grade m............. 39x u x--Plus Mt-cent subsidy. Creamery prints: .tire.oryd grtde ......_. cleared. Dealers report pine-n receipts are being placed with one. Undergradeo continue to drag, however. The odd car of Wanna butter was sold at Me tor imme- diate shipment. dn remained um. receipt: is. liému and demand continual good Country ship were - "llorsc"ll'r"'Fue'rUfJl2Pl'lt the some grade sold to the mtatt trade at " to 86e. Butter match Cream. solids, No. l " to M No. 2 81 to " Butter and Eggs InGoodDemanIl were Ne_w colored, new gamble. Third grade I......... Churning Cream Dairy Produce we nonhumanâ€, tatittem - 'f's'df"'sLl'lf,,uWll egg-now“ witttaavorablede-l M-n.- Annuals“ Musician-cl theviilageof hammo- edwthe Mankin‘latlnb- “51mm Tl't'h"e?h"ir','tu'l the“ v up. mnutmeem wmbohddh mohmll-nonh-ouu -iGial rihTii5iif,iicegi,gt,tg by u Marr that was Ve the, new. dark "id-Guia-r - __ mic a?) chew. up to in. wt d " to the when trite- at Bridgman its order that they may pay ctr account: when due when†ll present their "can†eHtyrrt1t tre 'rid_tnty11lttr. - _ 'retyst/1tito.ttt'top be mid- The Clerk was mm to m- uct Engineer Johnston Md mm" him to proceed with the WOOD. Drain either under the mm and Watercourse Art or under the Drainage Act _ Myrveff tttrv/m Monk-econ!“ Moved 'l?, Irvin “on, .eeoeMud py Wk new“ council Intim- l Potatoes were offered at SOe tor of experience and list of sales, you lt six-gum basket and turnips at can feel s.tistied your sale will be 5c a head. Sauerkraut cost toe La success Just phone 932. and I ‘pound or 35 for three. will arrange with you. l Me? prices â€33% the same}-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘-~â€"â€"â€"â€" as m owner wee . t sold to- day at " and 30c a pound. Pallets W. WP. Allah†cost Me a pound and mulling " Ptle St. 'metteg- "tei,"',' " I M 19 Emma Mtl, ggs ranged in rice from 334k] " ' " l . Pane- a dozen while cogked cheese ,iraisirurniture and household goods: ai- priced at Mc a pint, and cream " so 9 room duplex at 25 Clarence St., " Apple butter sold at 30c. 'otr Frederick St. on Lancaster. wan-loo Mark-t _:) May 20. Saturday, no Pan.-- Butter sold at as to 40c at ye-lf/e/ite sale of practically new terloo Market on Saturday. Eu. high-class furniture. ruff. etc., for brought an, M, as with specials Bel- Alexander Boll. lo enry St., ling at 39; potatoes $1.45 to $1.50 a Kitchener. 'tes.", a lattes /titf ss 102:0 a1 _-----------------"----- a , umlps . ca ower to mm. m 25 tgil cabbage 5 to 10 each. m-l ANGUS man“... 'da? 2': 't',is,dNritu'st3ggl i'e'tti'iei June s. Tuesday, at IE3b--Live- m to 20 hunch lettuce a to " I I stock. implements, feed and house- ket beet‘s 35 celery irtiiiiititairiii, hold v.tteets for Levi W. Gingerich. carrots 2 bunches " rhubarb 5 a 2li miles north. then 1 mile west bunch fresh Ports 'ma M, ot Elmira. t mite east of Floradale. smoked " blood â€We Mk I - June nth, Monday " ' a.m.-- met sausage " head cheese " Iinptemeetts, meste.k and pork liver Mt, beet liver At, but; articles, " the Steddlck Hotel, El- 'eg, f'gt'",tg,d, 38, lard It. dreamt, 'ee: - - _ - - - - - - - - - ra it ' youn broiler chicken: 49. milk fed 'l'oS'l2l','lf " to " M. & PM: tee'.":" pueons 15. Canadian cheese 32-84. . . I and old 40, cooked " to as a bowl. s,',,',','? It, Tuesday. t Pan.-Aeows. cream 23 a pint clover honey 4 sows. shoals. furniture, pounds 85, Spy qua? 40 to so a household goods, lk mile west of basket. Sweet; 40. Intoah 40 to Wellesley for Harold Home. 60, Snows 50. Runets " tomato. May M. Wednesday, " 1130 Dan. " a pint box, geranium: 3tHtr " . --Clearing auction sale of register- plant, tulips " a dozen, angel- ed and accredited Holstein cattle, wmgs " each, pandas 30 a bot. horses, implements and feed and sauerkraut 5 a dish. apple butter " cement contractor's ta,'it',t'gly 5 “a pint, Dutch set onions " a pint, miles west and l mi e north of ‘asparuus " a bunch and large cu- Hickson for Grenade Murray. numbers 20 to so. May a, Saturday, at 1.80 Ir.m--- F “cured by Irvin “on. second“ byum magi-“tint Council“ 'W. no cu pot I- terloo wwnship. mm the ro- sidesgiolbthf mun-hm madam tow p y- aw 0" running at large Fit',?h'ti,3/i' I tnd Qctober I will be Mrf .211- ti9it, fs,soo, arid tire gikiiffiiiaia me: apart " a Township School 'rea. The clerk was handed to prepare byJuu for the formation ‘of the said proposed Township School areas A motion was pulled to mike a gum of $25 to the Sick Children‘s capital at Toronto. Council agreed to purchase 8th Victory Loan Bonds to the may of "EMF“: .99 trf tloet_h PM-) A request from aim of chool Section Nos. 8, tr, tit, " St and M, asking that the aid action- be set apart as a township school In. and a request from the official: " the. tion: l, 2, ',T,88,S8,sndStaut, was prescnted my. Council 09 be The interest at t at the Saturday norm: 2etttt', centred on seedlings. not: and bulbs, including panics. lupin; forget-menus, daisies and other garden ftowees and vegetables such as tomatoes and onions. Rhubarb appeared in greater quantity this week, selling at se a bunch. Northern Spy maid at 85 and 50e a six-quart t Carrots costing 15c for two ST,.' boxes, radisha at Me a blue or two for Mi, spring onions at three bunches for no. watchmen at two tor " and Mm at we was: among the av 1e vegetables. Leaf lettuce aold " no, " and toe and cucumbels at 30 and lie Wicca __ - __ - that School Section No. " be ab. tached to and become part of School Area No. l of the Tomb of Waterloo. h Pid'r,'itt Township 00:11:: (- e we muting a Township which umâ€. I†12. Reeve Carl Ellis mottled. scho.o1.lnapeetor9 n Dtttteintt Presenw ,ieliiiiit "tieraEditiiiriii Breslan Residents Want Street Lights 'reed Eia%- WG-3 RW'W - AllweightsAgrade " won Plants and Bulbs In Great Demand Poultry and E†Patsy AiiGifeki, -iiiififr. Gii g.11 Inger harm and Bobby a! l Mt. and Kn Merle Coleman and dimmer. Rum wen recent vklton with Mr. and In. he“ Coleman It Gale Pte. Purim» Kaufman who has just returned ttom mu culled on Mr. and urn Alvin laud“ on My. Recent canal at the ham ne Mr. and lg: Merle Coleman wee: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Devin of Mannheim were recent visitor- with the letter: tether. . K. Bock. Rev. L. . Goodman ot Toronto visited at the home ot Rev. end My, H. Ct.it9tdy qn Elem-v- v, ‘Comtogo 1"ghf'fte, of Rev. and and Mn Home: _ Bur on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiederlein on Sunday were: Mr. and an Lloyd Gedckc and chu- a" Myriam at" trl o e or Mr, Pm of Margaux - Ith- ll“- dtg,',tg.1'e'g.u'ft'g?, Mr. and Mn Leighton Coleman. "I: Mabel Hoover and the “he. Arlene Roserthergecand Jean Hoo- ver of Kitchener visited with Mt. tnd Mm. Ell Rosertbemer on Sttrt- Mr. and In Orton Koch and gamers. Doreen and‘ _Enld of June 13. Wednesday at 1.30 pan. -Atretion ale of laminae and household about. it mile north of Seebach's unit for Wane Leh- May 20. Saturday, 1.30 pan.-- Auction sale of practically new high-class furniture. ruff. em. for Alexander Boll. no enry St., Kitchener. Elmira. on. June 5. Tuesday. at 1E3C--Live- stock. implements, feed and house- hold cfteets for Levi W. Gingerich. 2li miles north. then 1 mile west or Elmira. , mile cyst of Floradnle. gone s, Tuesday. at I 'un.-aut- He, hogs, “new. 2% miles north ot Gadshill. No. " highway. 16 mile eek {05_H_nrold Slantf June om. Worms-day at l .as-l. Cattle. hop. m, " mile. _ north of 0mm. No. " iruGaEl q .mile 9985M Harold Slat, For that auction sale you wish to have, whether it's form stock, im- plements or ttarttiture, I am pleased to handle it for you With my your: of experience and list of sales. you can feel s.tiatied your sale will be a sum Just phone 932. and I will arrange with you. Ma It, Tuesday. I Pan.-Aeows, [1:qu sows. shouts. furniture, household goods, lk mile west at Wellesley for Harold Home. May M. Wednesday, at 1130 Dan. --Clearing auction sale of register- ed and accredited Holstein cattle, horses. implements and feed and cement contractor's ta,'it',t'gly 5 miles west and t mile north of Hickson for Grenade Murray. - my Sit, Sawâ€. A!†ML:- gnaw; iind. Maven?“ My. $3561 kindly at t pm;- Community sale at Linwood Hotel Irf anything you wish_to disger at: June ll. Monday at " at.m.-- Community sale " Elmira Farm- ers' Shed ot livestock. implement. furniture. etc. Bring your: along and tum it into cash. June I. Friday at 1.30 pan.-Aue- tion ale of Intimate and house- hold goods at Hump-stead for Miss Marga-gt yang-en tstate. _ June t, Saturday at 1 Pat-val of furniture and household goods for Mr. Louis Doemer at ml- at " Park Ave., Elmira on June. street A good clean tot June t Saturday-Community we at the hotel in Linwood. Lil! your goods with Mr. Thompoon or with the puqtiotteer for adtrertisinq. i...."" His" Edie has been changed from 2nd to am June. 'tt,i"Ni,d! New train _ irdiirUk theute Schultz an». Gi"idi7Giiiit" Gt" St heel} - June 9, Saturday - Furniture. household cued: and garden tools tor Louis Km. " 'ohn St. I. Waterloo. Glad to hear of that ale ot but» hold Mteets you may be planning. Ale of your mullet lots noun-Ink! EDWARD emu. A“ a. “I - May M-Livestock, implements, teed. for Mr. Vomn. on the hm about t mite east of Glen Ann. Watch foe ade _ __ ii; in; finicky, at l pan.--; tion sale of farm gunk. implemenp. can. '" Wu will "II-ll w: - farm , miles west. of Elmin. Farm is sold. 7 - A o 9 room duplex at 25 Clarence St., I The following: .1: Frederick St. on Lancaster. Mo-ana) Percheron, u m; May 20, Saturday, lat Pan.-- Brown driver, " yrs; Buck mare. motion sale of practically new good driver, 8 yrs; Black man, 6 nigh-class furniture. ruff. em. fol" yrs.; Pair chestnut colts I and 2 \lexander Boll. lo enry St..‘yrs.. silver mane and tail. Kitchener. I Cattle-d Durham mm: Arr- ---.r---------------'--- 'shire 'iS'," fo',r,'2,'N',',',5, ANGUS B. mm. am Pus-- sow ue une; tt chunks: I " Hampshire; Elmira. Ont. , A full line of implements. also June 5. Tuesday. at IE3b--Live- some hu'nitum' and household tack. ttt"gi'1y f.,e'tl 3.36. hoggi- goods. told directs or Vi . We . TM“ on day ot sale ( ' . _ . l lig,e?tt, ",etyA',t,n, .1. Tk?,.,,',',','.','.'! I EDWARD am m~ Auction NEW DUNDEE LEW-Am WAgt “m0. / tgttiinait, WN., of t Monday with I". OIIOIIOL! .'""e"""'". m... "w“... a"... for Mr. Ed. Valuer: on tho In. t Growth a little more pronounced all. can of Gm than the previous week. APPLES 0- --moesorti development advanced THURSDAY. HAY M a lime. ",t,,',t"'s as weather can. " I M ditions permit " concluslve evl- The following: Idem et as to total from damage. Mo---Biaek Percheron. " m; s"k%iG'A'A'A"dld'llt was not Brown driver, " yrs.; Black mare, Iremoved too early and buds are on- good driver, 6 yrs.; Black mate, 6 l by now starting to form. No damage yrs.; Pair chestnut colts l and 2 so far is anticipated. POTATOES yrs., silver mane and tail. --Early potatoes planted in March Cattle-d Durham mm: Arr- are just showing through the shire cow; Durhlmbun. ground now. Table stock in stor- Ptqs--t sow due June; 0 chunks; ages is low and price to grower is: " “Immune; at ceiling levels. Preparing ground‘ A full line of implements. also for late crop has started in some sage turnitura' and household sections." TUR_N1PS - Slipping waived mm (mm Ch. owner to all by auction on “a t'aPttio1Uit'g'ast"Su1'lt _torhoerotrtederieitaun- eaater,on l “mt-A1106 \_ ___ nub}... The to0owintt goodi: Byotu was!!! that???“ at» electric table lamps; parlor table; tri-lite lamp; combination plun- phone and radio with records. 1940 model RCA Victor; tern stand; two tootstools; Barrymore m. 9 n. a I 9"; dark oak bullet; dining table; six chairs; studio coudl; Ila. china cabinet; two wall mirrors; 1- burner white enamel gas ante; six-piece white breakfast mite; hall tree; electric (an; electric Spartan gtitrg,'e%; electric vacuum clean- er; t ree-pieee Waterfall bedroom suite; bench; two iron panel end beds, complete; two ehitfoniers; foul drape. » a . 'lt',',',,',','."',',',,'; hot air heating with b ower and Stoker. air eottditioned. Gas heater for hot water in summer time; large garage attached. Luge enough for two can. council! drive; one apartment occupied. the six- roomed apartment, immediate poc- session; new roof, kow taxes, Also at the same time at the same place will be offered tor sate, nine mom duplex, with separate en- trance. private bathroom tur each apartment. upoqeng hitting: in ee.h Baum tapestry three. lace (it. terNId, nerr, tro end 'arf. ttyye AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 3 KM ttie Li Weekly Crop , Report trgg'A% abet tor susoo.Yiiriiiiit" 339g" LES - Practically no SATUIDAY. JUNE 2-! At t w. Again you have a chance to bring out your usetut articles. etc.. you may not need. Last sale was â€A7716: isl good things are already booked tor this sale ot June 2nd, but there is room tor more. Bring out your young 'set-Gi','.,,', wilt be arranged for them. is sale is becoming a real market pla_c;e. Pigs sell well. Get the cash. WATERLOO CoUNTYHWeett ending May a): More moderate Lemerptuts yith frequent mins, In In ‘Il-wut, . an v. um; --- _ dishes; pitchers; plates; may Ilene bowls, vases. eta; pietures, cloth- hag: mg garden too some Carpenter ca (coin; tool box; lawn mower. tad " my other ankles. A lot ot good hey, In Kitchener lute: Building. on “WAY. - In At " '3. Some real good furniture, in- cluding modem beds, several aging-tilled mum ables, etc; n GnitvtabuiotodrNdotd- time dishes; good lame plats; 1 tot ot (ham; tt lot ot (my Furniture, Dace, Glassware. A. B. snowman. AM. u. MCI. M an A. B. 'tattWACMER, Auctioneer. Bride’s-t, M q-0st& 40 At Maui: Woodwork Co., at St AUCTION SALE Please 'contact AUCTION SALE _,,,,_,, r , or sc he and small articles. RtA','S' "eetw-Couch: sink; 30 gal. kettle stove; Alladin lamp: Chesterfield; 2 beds; milk pails; child's wagon; apple boxes; wash stem); we kitchen utensils. and .."rot"tte-DrgP s ft, mow- er; "H. hoe drill with w seeder; also Fertilator; hay rake: land roller; bob sleigh; t cultiva- tors; l wagon; 3-section hon har, rows; " ft. hay rock; 2 single tseutt- hrs; tet good gravel flanks: tumip seeder; , News; hay brh. rope and pulleys; ' row potato sprayer; pump jack; 2 000 lb. Renftew scale; Detaval No. fi power cream separ- ator. in good shape; colony house a 110 11.: gas drum with tap; " tt. extension ladder; some cedar posts; 20 It.. " Pipe, eheins. forks, shovels, 'B---ream mm. " and " {29m 01115001! workers; t' gelding was o . KllWlll'a. Holstein cow bred Feb. 0th; Jersey cow milkiag; Jer. uy cow due time of ale: Main heiter cult , [nu cattle; Holstein heifer bred in January; , butcher cattle tf mlmvlomly mid. . m.. All ttry--" shouts: no Also set of breathing hunt“. Gmitb--as bus. oats; some mixed mingsome Store Tonic. At the tarm , miles out ot tttteh. eneruyLIyretsAut PMâ€: mt Pu- Stoek. [Wu Pod. 5.335;: Pu‘eed- I. be and to out! I Intro-thud Cantu In a. rum- II. Venom-I aod lit “In.“ CI CM. Pete, pug pl drawing up tyran- Farm is sold, HOBBS M. SNYDII. I A. I umcau. A: ED. FUCK. Cleft. tounsn- LODGE. . no f?,trrtoer spam and " - Termi/-klditt. No reserve, AUCTION SALE ' 1 aooo tarxmphy, F" ' Ct "6: "tp,refl','2t?lli WIN A 1003181'3' SEE}: 911.3“. In." In“!!! "v. " iI-is