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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 May 1945, p. 7

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H.513”! DOWNING, STERN and Ctr. FLORISTS John Bracken. the son of a farmer Ephraim Bracken and his wife, Allertu. was born in a log cabin m 1illlisville, Leell: County. Ontario, on the 22nd of June, 1m; Mere, Iwicfiy ulmmivlml, are the main events in the life of John Bracken: 1898 - Student, at f',roekville Collegiate, Ontario. 1902-5 Student 1:1 ll'm Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. “a “on four scholarships, t e Goveiwnoruhsnvrul's Medal, was top honours student and Class medalist. Here, too, he met Alice W.ilie lirurc. 1910 - as (In. St. W. Phone 04162 KMENER 3-1 In! ll you naval-d it u I bun-mu on a - lunch we Pothcr. m in." to.“ Policy (-115. tho-md. dull-u} ”with,” 5w you - I. an... on -rty today but n the - cl III. ”It. you had awed II. In" ol has... V" in». would be nut that .IO. sat Wt? John Bracken - Let's Tali " over EARL PUTNAM & ASSOCIATES “out: (”Tia WV "on. .400 All the other political arties, including the CCF. and Social Crerritors, threw in their fortunes with a great leader forming a wartime Coalition Manitoba government. The year of John Bracken’a great decision. John Bracken. the Pro resolve, accepted the nationfil leadership of a great {comment Saskatchewan. He took this firgt train to Guelph. l binario. married Alice Wylie Bruce. Four sum were hoim-three of whom are now on Active Service with the Navy, Army and Air Force. Already the author of two books on agri- culture. John Bracken became President' of the 1lunitolru Agricultural College. John Bracken accepted the leadership of the Progressive Farmer Government, was sworn in as Prim,. Minister. of Manitoba. Nun [new] tht. [ml/hull life of the mm! (nu/numm/x successful politi- ral [rm/u thc l-m/urr has produced in Hm 1cutur1. Srtrre that day-. front 1022 to 1942 -- [aim Buck”: /an urnr INT/l Jrfeated. The Liberals joined John Bracken’s farmer government. Young “nu'krn “wit to Winnipeg as repre- sentative of 1hr Scols Branch of the Domin- ion Departmvnt of Agriculture. In the noigzhlmlring Province of Saskatche- wan, John Bracken became Superintendent of Fairs :rnvl. l";u-nu-m' Institutes and Secre- tary of Hu- lTorincial Livestock Association. John [Nada-n was appointed Professor of Field HuJunulry at the new Umversxty of " I . , II . I ‘. I _ _ - Jeople’s party *- The ProkrGli% anjew; :tves. PnhH-h-J he who I'm-"uh"- Pom-Ina" Ann-vim» "It.-. " Twenty players and executive /memberd of the New lumbar; "Hockey Club attended the banquet held by the Stratlord District Mi- A . "utatg.u=., - I . The mug... Inn-1%" tta huh W - er than who the to and ,h the m ulna. It. Ivan J. 1-ehin- (illu- ston Mrenta tew day-umber of Mrs. Thomas. his m. dtarttsg the past week Mr J, M. McCall-nu at on.“ we!" a few days with " - Mrs, A.R.G.Sotithandreutt- at: "g,tt,',iotd m... e peop e cw n- Juiced exceed!!! by when void - received from than Becker that he had been ably relented tn- 1: prison camp in Germany and was sate in England. _ Mr and Mn o. H. Decker an spending several days in Londm t'ith. their daughter, Mn. A. " Mr George E, Cousins, who but been seriously ill for some time went through an operation It I Kitchener Hospital and is now u- ported to be improving. an my friends here hope he win soon be f_ully Tecoteeet Mr, John ("King worms of the Imperial Hotel here w o has condet.ed ttyr bushel “no. new ls retiring from business. He in disposing of the hotel to his In. Mr. Clayton Rumig of Elmira, who movcd here with his family last week. The transfer is to go into diet! on June Isl. Mr, Clayton Ru- mig was formerly with the Royal Bank and latterly was Mt' u bookkeeper in the office 0 t e .- mira Furniture Co. Ltd. Host” 'uneui. NEW HAMBURG _ I, In. Id. “In. [ (Chronicl- Cont-mu (Mother'. Day When. i Mr. and Mrs, Merritt Hogs and l children of Thamesford and Sgt, R. Ferguson and Mrs. Pergustmi and Hamily of Woodstock at the home 10:11.: and! Mn W. S. Ferguson. Hearty congratulations are being attended Mr. and Mrs. Berwyn Pe- ners of Washington, newlyweds. of Saturday, Mr, Peters is an An. Moyee ot the Canada Sand Co. (here and his wife the former Miss {Julia Jakab, was a former resident Jot Plattmriue. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rance and daughter Carolyn ot Kitchener visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rance. Friends of Mrs. Ralph Brown ne- tttet her indisposurc of the past week. Her "ttute"rert; Mrs. Cook of Anyplrce, Jsytt er bedside. Mr. GifiisTeHiiirGiir Jimmyi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Helm chyy.lesypt Arr, I Miss Betty Brown has accepted a position with the Canada Sand- paper Co, and commenced duties this week. The continuance of rainy weath- er is causing much concern. It was hoped with the coming of a new moon conditions might change. however so far that hope has been blasted. Potter of the Toronto teaching staff, were Sunday guests It the homes of their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Canon and son Gary of Gait are on a visit at the home of Mr. and Mis. Ed. Coxson, village. Douglas. who un- derwent an operation recently is recuperating and expects to take up futiest gain Lin June. Qu; Stewart Scott is having various improvements made in the proper- ty he purchased from Mr. William Daniels. He also intends having a furnace and bathroom installed. besides having the interior repla- tered. _ Many happy returns are extend- ed to Mrs. Annie Henderson who celebrated her birthday anniver- sary. Sunday, May 12th. Mrs. Cicero Gonon ','r',',','r,'tgl Mr. and Mrs. C. Bent an Mm. Olive Lapterurchlager of Woodstock to attend the funeral ot the litter: father-in-taw, which took place the past week at Kitchener. Mrs. Lloyd Perry and m. Miss Phyllis English of Brantford and Mrs. J. Eng ish In, and baby of Bright agent the week-end at the xhome of r, and Mrs J. B. En.- ish. Mr. A. Eckel of Zurich is on a visit at the home of his sister Mrs C. Stemier and renewing acquaint- anfes in the _v_illagg. Mrs. Ed. 77117731253; G%npanied friends from Bright to Woodstock otluesday, 7 Misses 'Clara Sipes, Thelma [ianewin,_Haret Randall and Jean Mr. Wm, Lachman of Hamilton. Pte. Glenn Brown of Camp Borden and Ronald Blackmore of Hunt]. ton were visitors over the wack- end at their Puncture home. tn town, l Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown and tamily of Paris and Mr. and Mrs Robt. Page and daggers ot Ayr at Also honle ot. Mry.d Jett 'own. Mr. and ieiisreiaringbout and daughter Pamella were Sunday visitors aytheir home here. Mr, and Mn Hunter and non Scott were Tuesdty evening via)- tors at Woodstock. Mitchell-l. 1f.tv'lQd,1Stllft1'lggi.rt, David-manila; . tr,,ui'tdur,'tutt winner-n. Ttmtato Ilia-am talcum. 'ho-ofthe-tuint; vice Force. Denna/me. out the weieodattheirt-tidr. Snowfall: wanna be. two days tart wash and ttte “in. “not Imp-ova mun-hum- ' . Ig,,., 1oeetttuteertsasmturnmt to her home here one: locum“ 'ometimeinDetmie Shawn-c- companiedby Mr.andMmEtmee machines. who are leaving - ly for timer Tens, when they will again take Wgtlt'r Pie. Albert an of Baden viMted friends hate on hand“ an; it 2PiPdiittifd -- "a; oven-lens in January 3nd has since been in hospital in Toronto recu- geralting from wounds received in att e. Mr. Ed. Deeton has made seven improvements to his home on Hu- Ion Street during the past month and Mr. Lichti of the some street isputting upon encased veranda: at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilhorn m- cently moved into town from their [arm which they sold to Mr. Rudy S. Roth. . The home of His: Hannah Smith was sold at auction on Saturday to John Woods of But Zorn. PLArrSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Will Newman and son Richard of Brown City. Mich., and Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Shana. Kitchener, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Schiodcl on Sun- ly. Pte. Delbert Brubacher is home from the cut coast on a 14-day fur- At the MEG. Church. the evan- gelist. Rev. Setters of Lockporl. spoke at both morning and evening services. Mlss Lorraine Carter of K B. School, Kitchener, sang at the morning service. Dr. C. H. and Mrs. Sander and son Jack of Shorkston were the E',ift. of Mr. and Mrs. Schicdel on onday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gingrich and sons Peter and Philip of art- May, Ont, are spending some time with Mrs. Ginsu-lows numb. It. and Mrs. Oscar Burkholder. , Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wanner and Mr. and Mm. Joe Widemm were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. o. Burkholder on Wednesday. Miss M. CresSman and Mrs. Lloyd Cress-mm attended the graduation of the nurses of St. Mary's Hospi- tal on Wednesday. Guests of the Misses Violet and Elsie Martin, members ot the class The Sunday service at the C. M. Church was conducted by the pas- tor, Rev. Oscar Burkholder. Hy Mn. a.” Srhkdrl 'car- Corn-mndom l BRESLAU Ingram: TRUTH? V -DAY means not a thing to this husky young rascal. Thc prospect ahead is no easy one . ' . Yet it cannot daunt unless it is his Daddy's coming home. This little citi;cn is the hardy stock of Canada W the men and women who happy any day so long as he's " ell fed and itching tine. carved this nation out of a wilderness, who through the years Yet he - above us all - is the one to shout for " today. have fought the good tight as each emergency arose __- down Is it not for him - and for millions of bright faces of “h tothe hst Victory Linn _ . down to the last Hind donation. generation - that men have hem willing, to sulfa and to No, the prospcct is hard, but a new spirit is abroad. '" lay aside their freedom - - bit by half so tho um- Jay thcy Canadians, like all our Allies who havc fought this fight might have it complete, secure? with us, have bet-n clustcncd by the ordcal, and we are V'DAY Even so-the fruits of Victory are not alone for those tun young to know the privations of war . . _ not alone for postemy. Here and now, men and women " our gamuunm scarred and wanted by long. grinduu: year-t of w." sl know the blessings of a Ilcw'hurn day. This new day is for the common m.m , _ . fur gum-r wcial justice, for broader opportunity to enjoy a when iullcr hfc. INothinking citizen here in Cahada.or In anyland touchcd 11m mange " published as an txfn‘tssmn of fall}: In the by war, would believe for a moment that am problems are future of Canada bv the Bank of Manual, which has been past. worksug wrth Canadians m all walks of life smce I817. f Mi l, Mr. Roy Marriott of Bun-lo. INN., spent a week's vacation with ‘his mother, Mm Parks and hm Alter. can Marion. Miss Vera Good, teacher at the Riverbank School, is may because of Illness Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosen. bergcr spent Mother's Day with Mrs. Rosenberger's mother, Mrs. Hint-ngssler. Pte. Wilbur Knack of Petawawa is home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mader spent Sunday with Mrs. Nader's parents. MtursitLMys it. Sheptz, Riverbank. Miss Rub} "fieiaiiG'iai iiiriiiit ly become a hugel- at the "House of Friendship". itchener. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Cressman. formerly of Preston. have recently moved to Riverbank Miss Ella Cressman spent Sun- day at Beaverdale the guest of Miss Emma Snyder. Miss Cress- man, who had been at home, on a Ieavemt absence, because of the ill- ness ot her mother, has resumed her duties as teacher at St. Jacobs public school. Jough. Mr. meacher and his mo- ther. Mrs. Allan Brubacher, are staying with Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Saudcr. Mrs. Fred Gutzki is a patient in St, Yarv's. HgspitaL - WEST MONTROSE B, In. B. 0. Wood. lCho-kll Guam-lulu cf1Bl an“! shall The VP. U. is preparing a lay and a varied prom": to be JW, if: lthigkchurch on y tsth ll eight cc oe . A community thanksgiving ser- vice sponsored by the VP. . was held In the United Church on May 8th at 8 o'clock. Rev. Cryderman of Elan was the [and speaker. The service throughout was one of praise and thanksgiving. Rev. Thompson, pastor of the Church. read the names of the young men from the community who serve. Mr. Jack Carey of Milgrovc spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Percy Woods. Injured In ra. Lloyd Han-wick had the misfor- tune to tall tram a horse's back and received rather serious head Injuries striking the road. Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Wintleid and family and Mrs. Olive Heibein were recent visitors with friends in Preston and Blair. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Miller and daughter Ruth of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods, Mrs. Cecil Uberig is spending some time with relatives in Hamil- ton recuperating from a nervous illness. Mi'ss Helen Green and Miss Jean Johnson spent the week-end with friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Beckett- dom spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Heckendorn at Basin. No, the prospect is hard, but a new spirit is abroad. '" Canadians, like all our Allies who have fought this fight with us, have bun chastcncd by the ordeal, and we an dctermined _ by the Alan of the individual citizen . . . by the effort of the community --- to bring a better, stronger. healthier world out of the raging stogm through which we have paved. This is a dar for cheering ttot simply for victory over dictatorship, but for thc Msunncc we have of the dawn of I hater day. H A BLOOD DONOR WHEEL? SAVE

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