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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 May 1945, p. 9

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The Wilmot Community Fireside meeting was held at the United Brethren Church on Sunday even- ing, with Harvey S Hallman pre- i'idiyesDo.nah) Hamachcr was song leader and Miss Elva Diofenbach- er was at the piano. The opening prayers were offered by Rev. H. Shane and Rev. L. Schmitt, Instru- mental numbers on the violin, ac- cordion and guitar were rendered by E. Hellman, Louis Holm and Cart Schiodol and a vocal solo was contributed .by Mrs, Emmerson Harper. A report of the ycar's activities of the Fireside was read by the secretary, Miss Mary Kaster and the lreasurer's report was given by Carl Schiedel Offerings received at the Fireside meetings since they commenced last October amounted to $15524 of which the sum of $75 will be paid to the Upper Canada Bible Society. The guest speaker for the evening was H. s. Sanders at Hamilton a colporteur of the Up- per Canada Bible Society for the past 32 years who gave a splendid address. Thc Wilmot Fireside Is sponsor- ing a week of special services com- 59c and 98e sizes. at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2-2127 0...: " William St. - Wnlorloo M 1-1361 Phone 2-4433 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT sumERuNn - scuumz J. c. manure ”GRINDER " - St. N. - Phone 6-0“! Kitchener Minding Books. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS , T H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis K. H Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy; . _ 19 kme St East, Good; called tor and delivered. Ital-c. Hymn and Prayerboolu I -unr. Add more books to your home “bury by "lea your favorite magazine boun into books. mulling Club Bans. Suitcases, t5iattttifled SM Advertisement NEW DUNDEE BOOKBINDINC WA%MtUNt ctmorucure BROCK, DAVIS & DUNN ELECTRICAL Bon -- I. an nth- Chm-ul- " - m hob and. In. or - on - “at u u. no“. DRUGGISTS By I|u Iltil- “than (Gimmick Correspondent) [HIT-00110” '0. W"'"" AOirmBMRN Btato duly nun can“: It- ‘v-uu-cu " ha “I. be. nun: noun“.- you CHIROPRACTIC In... Cut. a " "an mt In.” I. you nu lot .i. anomcron ENO'S FRUIT SALT Prk-I "lumi- ......lgnuu.. 'o....-........... ”ugmgygcgno-nu. -.iist, o: «It IOX AUDI-I- In not! “comply .1!" it - to 14.00. MOTORS New and saw-.- tre/ARE You . - Kitchener I The following omen: we" then elected: Hon. president, Mrs. tur- old Pom; president, Miss Sylvia "Yer, vice-president, Mrs. Roy ‘Gild Ter; secretary, Miss Greta [ Buck; assistant, Mus Gladys Buck; The M.B.C. Young People's So- ciety held a prayer service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schllchtcr last Thursday evening. Miss Violet Herber was in charge and gave the aevotioetet talk. Choruses were sung and a poem was read by Miss Eva Schlichtcr. Mrs. Gordon Lee was hostess to the Bee Happy Sewing Club " her home on Thursday evening: _ The annual meeting of the Bap- tist Women's Mission Circle was held at the church on Thursday evening with the president. Mia Sylvia Bock presiding. A respon- sive scripture lesson was read fol- lowed by the Lord’s Prayer. The members rosgonded to the roll call by giving a iblc verse. Mn Har- old Pom presented the annual 11- port of the treasurer which thawed that total racists for the yen: "mouned to $17 .35. Of this sum $129I0 was paid to Home and FOIOIEH Missions. TYPEWRITERS Btrrrt,nttg-gtEpantn DurtieatirqandaxMiMM_ 'tBrtgCatrineu,D-s._,ate. Dunno Ollie: outtittogBUA. ”QueenSt.s. - Flaunt-“M mencing at the Bethel M.B.C. Church this Monday evening with Rev. H, H. Chipehase of Guelph as the speietr, --_ A _ _ A WhqthermrYkKA3ete$e8tLtANeh. IF YOU want to get married. write Box 358, Juhaetta, Idaho. Sam} f D. A. mu , mama: Acme:- " Wilt M 'fun',',", 'tft W in _ i iss I um er; t) foe' need More Insurance . . . 1'fiih,,t'iati “um"? th‘nisnor, . iss utensc er; ower Call the Local Jtepresenmeire immune. Mrs L 2mm. m ‘Clayton Toman and In. Clarence ot . [Ruben-n; comfort committee. Mia. is a Dinger. ms. H. P. Sphade. Tl] " "' A'I‘DD'I M ‘1]qu "IMI' F., nigh-29d !m Rog tiitdner; PU LLY PROPEC'I'ED t THE WATERDOO M A FIRE INSURANC COMPANY A. K. CRESSMAN & SON WENA UR & SHANTZ stamp Limited Phone 'AH" - " Quota It TYPEWRITERS REAL ESTATE Situate m Peel Township. atscut 7 males north of Elmira Farm In excellent state ot cultivation, two never tailing wells. urge barn with straw shed. stables 60 head cattle. extra hay barn, large im- plement shed, 8 roamed white brick house. Hydro tttroughout build)“: with motor tor chopping. Your chance to get a good farm. Real Estate and Immune: 102 King St. South WATEBLOO amt-Ian “in A... C. BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISH GS AND ALL PERSON EFFECTS COBY MORE TO REPLACE M "It. la" '1 PY-te-y-Y" PERSONAL 150 ACRES In...“ tht -' ,,,,, V. h. w." _. V“ VT“--. .- -- - -..__ -.. - "_.. h to Eu. .. h in. Ito tut nun-dd u nut-com. be II.“ “VII. the m‘ M NI -.-.. " vital In“. the - 90: lie. "Incl. with "not. bu u not". a the It'll-Clo. I... ty_?rr1teea1toem.itomstttuitesor.su-esoet-ousote.t t."a'tatgNaa'ttp.eaetlet'.ht'e \kd-M.“ anludly " - a. M. m ml mun”, by mm a who“. “In”. or my. my. Invm I“ in. ttde III... h- tlo Ytt'e'.t h “MW-ukuliflmn-nhundnulmlh or "a m.~I.Ilh-nunnpmhmw«mmm 5*. a. - - mm the nub-nu, I». u. u but "a you.“ I. - In tho In a - or to bth a. nu eon-cud. " tin can my it " " .0 - by M or hard-co. M a. “was”: no non-ring "human-- -A ". Within tour an Utes the podium In at the “In. tudeviuhn “It: by the con-encor- u new“ in tank- Tt. any - .33.. u.- bu been m"erqd on A.) o! the all ”III-c mum-u... lin- In the MI and". my III with a. your clerk at 15- lulu-q Olen was.“ to. tho ”lung .mumon. I eom.Htrt that no" has been htehrded " the polling mud-bl ttat n con-plied by the .__. the I..- or u of wool-n who about” not he entered than“. and cool Ml It.“ bo wad will. m For. " and mill! at an: ID- mun- fot “uphill-u “I shall be "co-tti" hy n Ind-vi: ol tb. Ian-MM. For. " - the an. ml to Med with such Clerk of the m Ind-In. We" no. uter than In. .7" by W to: we 8mm:- " a. Bowl-In. Olen. " Vim" It. him. ot the “we..." " not. nude-Mod by an IAN-In. one... " him my bo m - my met; in the or": of IIINmy to nor-In In In". it“. the luv-out not. I. a. “In _ be "but It " " - to m lam-(nu on“: mm the mun-m lulu-(And: tbe a." " the “nu-0.! I. the Wham; In. ". and an the mus-M'- non-c than“ b. new In tho tue. or that the land-um! mt with he run-n- mould be an“. I. at.» - new...» by duh. We all -tuath"t. " (I. h the - ul on ”with. 0Com. tho nut-nu and. " II- ”than ht U. 'ttttt 0. not than on It. mug-n " “an“ I. M" u. no... luck“ . At g te “v. (I. ttrt nun-dd In mil-cud. be II.“ “vh- tho m‘ 04le " M. Oahu-do, "no It": by of Avril. MI ot Pol- " M 1".th " OBTAINED UPON APPLICATION To Ttth' WIN!!!) om ort 10 Till ohm or THE MUNtCtPALtTY M. A.) m null-IQ. in sly ”mn- duh-km Incl-Mod In the rout-union district. M II.- hd not to“: lulu“ or has been i-mmily lulu-dd by the out-envoy In the tut d wot-n for lunch "My subdivision. any - u the More " r-t.tro. u.- for the nil-muo- dunk! to have in III-e Included In the tint or to nun the 0-mi- “It! "has. “lb tobeerrrr- I1. Iva] uno- " applyln. It." liln In Caulk-“on. Form 29. III at“! .n [to m“.- I.“ " the a.“ hr- olnll be "Cu-Ia, we In. on). " the 1Pd.'ltturgte", or " I ”In“. 0.4" u a. anneal-VI nqlont, and 50hr: cud- no " any IIC. "Do. In the III: " - or solo" annual. and Int I. a. no. my - tin ”with. 0...: It." an." - that We mt Ind-muni- a. 0...! at tho "qtqqtm.to in a. unlit-Hon and It." be " nd“ to have N- un. “and“ in tho “at or to have a. "" eorrreted Durnuunl h In - - " x 11ttettt" PI}... ot Pe unlit-m I Clerk to Inviting Caner. MARGUERITE E, KRUEGER, WM, my 16th. 1945 - Thursday. my Wth, 1945 My, lily 18th, 1945 and Friday, by 251k. 1945 I‘l- 3 P.N. 40 5 EM. and Iron T PM. to ' In. each day. Registration and Revising OfBeer, JUDGE E. W. CLEMENT. Court Home. Kitchener The W may also be inspected at the once of the Clerk of the Municipality between the hours ot Ten in the foreman and Pour in the "tbeaoirn on and after Tuesdey the lat ttr, ot May I!» AND at the various Honing Places in the Polling an visions of the bu of Kitchener. no they are" in the Proclamation of the Returning 8lu'J. between the bout: 0 Ten in the foreman. and Pour in the afternoon on any lfe (by. shove mentioned following the publication of that SITTINGS will be held tor REGISTRATION and REVISION VOTERS LISTS for all POLLING SUBDIVISIONS of the u. an an“ chlvr m we Ion-noon. am: “we and Four in the after noon ot any judic'nl day between the ist and an of May, 1945. both day: Mauve, 1wuluriania, Miss GairiiuaT-' l Mrs. Hamid Pom gave the topic Hor the evening, "Foreign Missions 'a'penttts, from India as: Boli- via" an a reading was a given my Miss Greta Buck AND mm TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held by the Revising Others at the time and places set forth in the schedule herein, after set out. Any Kermit qualified to vote at the pending election to the Legislltive Assam Ir and whose name has been omitted trom. or in- correctly entered in, the enumemtom' list of voters is called upon to attend at the times and flaws hereunder mentioned tor the purpose ot hurt? their name euro led qun the Voters' Lists to be used: at the sold eetioo. Complaints whic have been properly tiled with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the ettumerators' lists will be heard at these sittings. . VOTERS LISTS for this Electoral District will be open tor public ingestion at the once of the Renaming:- located at ROOM 4. III A. "AMI'A r an" nun-u I. "an... . - _ __ "_-___ -V ...- "ya"... vmc. “aw-cu Wm s, BANK or MONTREAL BUILDING. Wanna. betweear: 31c hours at Ten'and twilye'ig "1: ttTyre. _atttt, Turf: Attd rye, in the, “can Public notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 81 ot The Voters' Lists Act of the revision of the Voters' Lists tor all polling subdivisions for the City of Kitchener. in the said Electoral District. FOR THE PROVINCIAL ELmTION IN CITIES AND SEPARATE!) TOWNS WITH A POPULATION or 10.000 OR OVER, AND IN TOWNSHIPS BORDERING ON CITIES HAVING A POPULATION OF 100.000 OR OVER. NOTICE or SW68 at the lavish; Ollcels In the Mal District at NORTH wnmmo Vilma]. . 1 At the morning , B. Church. Rev. 0 ers IS 5 le,r,...T.ts1ritii,', . m, (hum-in ou...-.' general answer, in Harold Nth; -t'esurrr, tor, the Bible Woman in In) that... In no nor-90.1“" " tbe iono- "Aa.G anew-tight - M “A A._AA. let .0 his - no a. wiirnunl. u... slit-no or Mum) of tho no" my wand I. In In nub can: In muon- a on" tbo I... on only... to h haw In. a: b - a. In! to be -d. "oi-..-- tf'Ppgatt sunny-Innuendo. “I! D. "In. hm, nun - no.“ in - Mon lb. 0) Hum-AI...” h... Pad; I.“ 'rdt_rair-tiAir-. PART " NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF VOTERS’ LISTS I.“ my“; may um I. I. No. I. ”It I‘ll-e New Dundee " r " a. in... a . Mum by Mod " Itnl-go at the "nun-bl. " -- .1 we: no b. «an. a In In... no. any be mu. a... i. tum-{on}; on THE COURT HOUSE ITY OF KITCHENER 'tE."8NOte Inc“ AND nouns My mm Stock We 'd" . ICHIDULE ONTARIO The village churches beautittttty decorated with spring Rowers were the scene of impressive Mother's Day services held on Sunday. The mothers presented special numbers at the morning service of the Bethe] M.B.C. Chumh. Mrs. H. Shana and Mrs. O. T. Coleman of- tered the opening prayers after which Mrs. Herbert Shana read Rev, E. Gingerich spent a few days on the Niagara Circuit where he was in charge ot the ttt,t Business Meeting tor t e U.B. Churches. Nahum Day Son-ins Alice Oswald mud the seitre ‘leuonundaphmmlo via-undu- ed by Kim Bernice 'uer. In keep- ing with cm Funny Want the topic, 1i2e,teett Begins at Home" was presumed y the load- er followed by a good ttine-ith. Readings were given by Stalin. Johansen and Miriam NHllbom The Mammary News has duo read by Miss Alice Oswald and the business period was conducted by the president, Miss Mary luster. 1t.W.CtaMtKT delmlnnl The v/pst',' has": 80 new met at home ot “than Wtlom pet 11mm; evening gm Jams" Liiiiii% -- tau-ch -_ 371%; day goals-1 in_ohl¢vpnu_ol Ag his_aer5i}qn. 5m " s-jn Awhgmicgvughddgclt Court House. Kitchener. “Inn“ III-1)“! my poems were read by Mir. Ila: were !Page and a piano duet was raider- her's!i,d by Audrey and Elaine Pieder- iid Morgan Hannah and Waton eel-1 ‘Sanms “voted with I ma] duet " ot entitled, "rt I Could Hear y Mo- B. H. zlhet pray again". Sgt James Crus- n of- ltryut gave a talk in which he told after of how United Mun Chum]: Mdeeople may be proud of the taet 'IR- "hat Genenl Dwight Eisenhower attended a United Brethren Sun- day School as a boy in his home town ot Abilene Inn-u, ad of how the Wright mothers-Witt- Yand Orville. known the world over 335 the inventors of the ttmt air- plane were the sons ot Bishop Mit- ton Wright of the United Brethren‘ Church. MI u-mnluu presenteu the my on the topic and the speakers were Orville Baer and Gordon Bean, A quartette composed ot the Misses Joanne Shanta and Emma has. Hugh [human and John Holst an; ' number. The roll all which was responded to with "scripture values on Joy" was in Me ot Wilbur a special Mother: 15., mice held by the Blenheim Mennonite Young People's Society at the church on Sunday evening. The topic was "Making Our Parents Happy" and the leader was Kenneth Shane. Miss Luella Holst read the scrip- ture lesson and a reading was given by Mervin Good. Miss" Ethel 911355an presented the my on B. Church. Rev. Albert Johnston of Toronto, a representative of the Ontario Temperance Federation was the guest speaker. The choir rendered an anthem entitled “Walk by_His Side". t AND Puma TAKE NOTICE" ttUte -1. 'lt"L"ct Mgrin writ“ m the Mitt, arm. a?“ m in M (in: m or left whim u hmu iiitiil'a'ig,1ti! OR WITHIDA'I'I: SHIN m RD COLUMN mm, OPPOSITE ma C PAUTY 0mm "oi TOWN OF wamwo TOWN tir AND mum TAKE NOTICE that my vent who dun-es to complun that his name or the nun. of my per-on entitled to be entered on the to“ tint has been calmed [mm the some, or tttat the - of any pal-Iona who are not entitled to be Man have been Mend theeeort, m3 apply complnin of nope-l to have his nan-w or the name of my other perm entered on, or nmov from the list mud (lib I“! H " Apt“. "" NAM who! " 99?"! " AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the H to be so M in Darts l and m of the Voter-r Um prepond for than "tu-tttes in an" "e. AND FURTHER TAKE Mmtnt that III ”mm Are hereby called upon to Namme the Venn“ Linn ind In that their mmu are comedy cw therein TOWNSHIP OF WOOLWIOI my!!!" " L. H. Camel. superintendent of the United Min-en Sunday School presided for a brief held on Sunday morning. %Wl DI, lot can. TAKE NOTICE that Sittings of the 1tBtrNtNG OFFICERS for the purpose of hearing comle or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lista to b5 and at the election of a Member of the Assembly pending for the Elam-u DUI-let of NORTH WATERLOO will be held " the times and places set forth in the Schedule hereinafter set out. theft Prayers". ",titPt,hiiehi'iiii mm as y - was followed tor the“ o! the service whim extetMated of ne~ sponsive 'tttttit,, mm” m. on and min hymns. At the main; service at the Bag?“ Church the atutr H. F. bade got: on of the Bible-ttu . aEntrggatt and Ill-y". A Ladieo' charm I”, "It I Could ‘Hear my Mother pray lulu”, A special service ot - um held in the evening in taming with the National Day of Pram. Rev. Mr. Schade spoke on “Conditions in Mr: and In. Harold Pom Pen, d a vocal solo. ( Voters' _illLi, _-_--" m... "a - I?l?,?tiftl?lif, We [it m "at“. all“ a- ff, 'tMr. “em spoke on the ALI“ Tor..tyintt s_ervice of the u. 'otere Lists Act Notice of Sittings if Revising Miner sixty pie attended hee'd Jr,' mice bald of Atiiiai V ir. 3 rxifo’fii. , an. a. o PM. ' PM. @135." , "I. a. . PM. ' mi. Gt ma. ' PM. to a PIE Fiiili'sr",'fcrri'k 373' -.q.'.el' " a "I. to; " , P.M. mu. I Pat. VI PI. , PM. to ' Par. MI- - ., on. and “our cl Lu! h In Pb:- " Sim-u ”a... "h. w Caries of tdroiiioyri __--- ma: Lee who came to tsurfttl you: Duritif -ihe3uaiF%Uot hour ttt the B enhejm M-tttlie Church chorister tor the Voters PleaSe Note If you are NOT on the Municipal Voters' List you will have to go to the Revising Mtieer. SEE PROCLAMA- TION FOR DAYS OF' REVISION. THIS APPLIES TO ALL MUNICIPALITIES EX- CEPT' THE CITIES OF KITCHENER AND GALT. DA'NIrrthis 9th day of May.'1946. ' The fact that Dominion Entmterators have called at your house and have left a notice does not mean that you are on the Voters' List for the Provincial Election. Roma’s 1hnd Glasses " Ontario Bt. South Look Emmi: in [in ONTARIO ELECTION SAFEGUARD YOUR VISION .0? TODAY SCHEDULE BrdCah- a Eye Neglect is Costly With thought for the future, the strain ot in work, (new home duties, and volumes work my be “feeding your eye- slght. . . . If you new 'reargi--..be sure they are giving you proper vital dd --all eyes chem with time. Vin". us for an neonate “Animation to determine your vim-l needs-tli- will be prescribed only if they are really noes-nary. OHTADIO c_noetHneeumt-ttrrttte Maw-Moo E. W. CLEMENT Chairman of the Election Board. ago gave an Intending talk on ‘Conditions in Spain". The pastor. Rev. Moses N. Bur delivered a sermon on the subject. “Bible Standards for Motherhood" at the morning crunch service. The devo- tions were led by Gilbert Bel-(q. It. ood3try. kg- Inn-Ii logy q. ., git-at. L.At. grungy m. I“. u 'kfrqtreas. out. "feel. w, gene-t. amnion _ bullet-both. Glut. Mum, Out. 'rtteteirer, out P. A. sud», Clerk. Mat. 3. llama-er lad-h. new and an!" . w, slant“. m, n Holt Shin. cm. 3.3. t, "I“ (iii a?

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