it _ i h " 'l t' h l dll! , i lk, ' ‘ " I t “5 I 'l' © " ' ' T I I ' K ~ , I ‘ , , , , . Ii, I?,? k l,] I Mit I t LM ' it /, p I , TODAY THF. l'NlTl-III NATIONS. PARTNERS IN ii FREEDOM. HAVE TRII'MI’HEI) OVER THE , “EAST or BERLIN AND ALL ms NAZI I TYRANTS. LET rs JOIN IN JOYOUS THANKS. , GIVING. PHAISINI: coh. THAT THROUGH Ills t WISDOM. JI'STICE AND FREEDOM HAVE I PREVAILBD. In“ Bue"sfneutrtrag Com-an! In“. I. on Kin. s, union. MARIO -..- m- A "I." method No one": M. lna - LIGHT man-Imam! magnum!» Int-Ilignt- Wan Gordon’s Good Glasses 49 Onlnno 31 Scum Don’t forget to Buy those 8th Bonds .UPTURED‘; h1g1.“ Lappuir:, mgurdhss of the cost to themselves. They have covered Canada's name mm a hlzur u! glory kcpt for us the liberty past gemlions strove to win and prracrh‘ They died mm the belwf 1n their fellow countrymen strong m their heart; knowing that we would carry on where they left oft. not letting them down for a second Hi King St. East The White Crosses, l 892 The sacrum: ot our men m war were made to bring their country peace and ; Miss Annie Jantzi of Toronto is pcnding a vagays at the home of ‘Mr and Mrs J mes Birmingham. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Jantai and daughter of Welland were recent union with relatives. Mr and Mrs. John Lather and c, Z. Ruth attended the tune“! ol Harvey llackbart In Heidelberg. Personals. d Reeve Huehn gave an . . ing rddrrss to the boys and aim. In Ins address he stressed their re- sponsibilities in the years to come. Win given by the teacher, Miss E. Ritter. Recessional was sung by Mary and Laura Brmmemaei. "God Save the King" closed the program. The pupils then marched but! to the school after which chase: Wet"c dismissed tor the day. The children took pert In th, ._--luhmuon m Linwood on Tues. The following program was pre- stunted; The opening 'ar. was 'Cornc Thou Almighty in". toi- imwd by respon, we heading, A pl‘ayt'r was then read b Barbara Ropu A reading “Go‘i’l World" Tm pupils with ttatts ttying marchL-d from the school to the Township Hall. The township council who were in session tor their May meeting greeted the pu- pils as they arrived. E31513 Or, the announcement ot Victory on Monday, word was sent to the "tshun', from the Post Office The tiag " us hoisted and the school Ucll rang out the good news. oy It. and Mrtaf, EC 00"" CROSSWLL My Mrs. Lot-o Ion-I- It hmnirle Con-spon‘ol" of War are Signposts to Peace Phone 24237 Miss Dorothy Ford ot Toronto is holding Cram-dot l'r,itr, each evening for two weeks " e Doon 'tall Goopel Ill-ion, Mn Frank Smith is a patient at the K-W Hospital, Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. C. Leonhnrdt and tomlly have moved their household Mia-ts to Mitchell. Miss Dorothy road of Toronto ie 'tfyet.ttthehtmteoi.idd ߠ-e_-..e -_-e.- __-- 7"“ in out on . Mr. unwanqu Penney mat Sunday It than home of the WI m Mr, and In. Y, ‘91-'90! Roam Mrs L. NIMMwuam- q',. vUttor in the VIII-(e on Baum 1 why Jam spent Sund- u _tArhttTiot.hf.t.yuMrd B. " terlnere of, Kiteheeser. l che. Tin-cl" "vii-1;?“ Pa Bor. den spent the weekend w th his Git and pun-ah Mr and In C Pte D Witt ot Chum Lam the wan-5:3.“ ttte hum of his pare-u Mr, and Mm. G. Wil- I not. an Grant an I but". visual- In Mu In“. Rev. H. G. custom of Pt was in charge of e service I Boon Presbyterian Church on day afternoon Mr. mm. Herb PM of Hamilton spent Sunduy at the home of Mr. and Mr: Charles Reeder. Mrs. Charles Halt was the guest ol_Mn. A. Hoff of Preston meant Mri. ehihiriiGiiG'w., with. “.0333 o.trFe.detiur, -- - Winter. u was decided to buy two new {has to be placed over the two honor malls in the mum Church. Donations and dues amounting to no Were received. The next business _l"ti'.'U."ll1, be held at the home of Mrs. . Kauk Pt June. 6. - The, _hostess served Rev. S, E. Ste ducted the sen United Church The president. Mis. Charles Tilt. had charge of the meeting which was opened with prayer. Mrs G. Winona. secretary, read her report also the treasurer's report. Mm. H. Perine thanked the members for their cards and new. In! W". she was visiting in Winnipeg this winter. " was gelded to buy two Mrs. H. Perine thanked the mem- hem for the cards and letter. that were written to her In Winnlure‘. The next business meeting wi be held at the home of the Misses Su- sie and Paulina Eshelmm on Thursday evening. May 24th. The ham served refreshments asht- ed by Mrs. Russel TuL evening havé enlisted ii, tfeiGrai"sarvGr, Se 'eort2tool./s P Ae bought. round a shipment of quilts, cloth- ng ot all kinds, games and books, were ready to be sent to Gait. Mrs. Mid Fisher rezoned wool on hand. r,h',,'gf, Ho bs, nearer Anthem-3 un . reported pen In penci wi It Peterf, tor two Igoys who " In. I. John "Jim-kl. Corn-noun" Mrs. Charles Tilt was hostess to members of the Doon Patriotic So- ciety at their month‘v business meeting. Miss Ethel Mon: had charge of the meeting in the ab- sence of the president, Mrs. G. Wil- long. Mrs. W. Kauk, secretary. read her report also letters of thanks Mrs. George Ayres, mas- urer. gave a satisfactori report. Donations were $16. Mrs. . Ctuthe, knitting. eight pair for socks. Mrs. R. Pnttrer,.byttdus, fer over-ea; t Rev. A. non iffiiG 2iaraGiirr".' Jack Drau- Ind (In all!» 18.ett 2! Eh. hon- at es' Aid of the Ptesbrteruin 1% hglf, " WWW†In: ee on with a good ttttendaneir. sident. Mrs. Charles Tilt. me of the meeting which med with prayer. Mrs G. may. read her report Walter} report. Mm. H. at]: tho le g! Blythe. Kitchener C tel the PM). , Mini serttiee ai-iird III '11IIL00 Sun. con- -"-2iCi_-_"'t-'--'"'"'-'------i----'----'-"----.-=.=----, ' fl“: ===-======a= , I it . . . , We carved not a line . . . we raised not a stone. but left him alon I , with his glory. I . a? _ ill 2 m.“ = " ' â€WEM.. . . ll a.“ . . w" ' 'fijiff.'.ief;'i2ULrj: , - :2; 2 i) ‘ a " . . , . I '?src),:,N . W a. â€n f 'iv?' iii' Pst, 'é.lt'sji' . - llllliIirallltl ‘ l V il _ , t l Pd, Ff,iariis, '1i)s.qllllt%l . I " “Xâ€: E ii} ‘ ' E ii 'i4 g 3.5?" h': 'fiisi2iiall1ll . 'ir L', a , . t W - '11: " - " tl, 'l T 'l 'cld MI ' t 'lil" III '/ il ' ‘ , '. Eg ' ' m , - ’ - . f E , Mg, ' - 2 . N a 2 . _ - Brlm . " ‘ f P", I 7:5 = .. tP3_te'; LN, p. 3’2 M 'Ear. I a 5:,',a, ll?al,Fii,fii,f,tii" t“ 'i':ifii'iisriCi"a _ . . l ‘ j I iii' 'till LN, Et q ' _ 1mg“? , . iii, ll', k , _ ' L rtts13 a q , A" :2;- $2 , -.I‘ Il", ii' i?svrfrv_iirtia1 u aâ€: $7322. v,' I on! 4:3» 9*“ rr _ ’ I'/.'" E' taEP'n" ' i, a: 7U"iiiiEigllM "'rialt - . x . lrMl e . ' ‘ _ [ltiiiiiiiGl= â€at It L.' 8" P, v = iil " il! 'ri"iiriil " r'. ' I“ . e, " , ' . w u, LI w. Trf2 Q - I In observance of the long-await, (ed V-E Day, special services of y'l‘hnnksgiwng were held in each of (the village churches on Monday evening A capacity audience at- tended St. James Lutheran Church ‘where the pastor. Rev. H. Schmie- (der chose as the text tor his ser- 'mon. Phil, 1:4-7. "The is n day of great happiness and Joy. I: day ot thanktuthiss and prayer. a day of great memories. a day of dedica- Ilion and consecration for the great mask that lies ahead." stated Rev. 'Schmiedcr. The choir sang the, ‘Netherlands hymn on Thanksgiv-‘ iintr. "We Gather together". and an Mrs, Ivan Sararas undepwcnt an operation at the K-W Hospital on; Friday, g SW va: Day Sonic... '; 2'fsfi,e,',ti'g ff, the Church met atSt. ames ut eran parsonagom Friday evening with the president, Donna Egerdw. Mcupying the chair. Thirty members responded to the roll call by giving the name of a Bible city. Rev. H. Behenied- told the story of, "A King who stole the vine-yard", Mrs B. Rain". and Mrs. Schmieder were in charge of the beginners class who studied the subject, "God's Creation". Mu. M. K. Toman spoke on the theme. "Great men and women who have served in the Bible", to the Junior Class while Rev, Mr. Sehmiedees, topic for the Confirmation class was. "The Formation of the Bible". Mrs. Roy Gildncr was hosteséw the Bee Happy Sewing Club at her home on Thursday evening. _ - mm... ...-....~ ed for the program and Leon Schlichter read the scripture les- son. Mrs, A. W Egordee rendered a vocal solo Coleman and Mn Leighton Rosen- berger; home service mince. In o. G. Stoltz. In Clarence "tosenheridr. Mm. Simeon Creo- ‘man, Mrs Abram Toman and “in 'Miriam Coleman; devotional com, mittee. Mm Claude Shun: and Mrs. Harold Shana; and Good Cheer firh','Ptti ygr,, E T. Cole- man an y e urn-n. L The annual report o the secre~ Mrs J, Luca: of Rosievxlle was the guest spea er at e re meeting of the gethd Igg- Young People's Soci ty which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs O. T. Coleman on Thursday even- ing. She spoke on the theme. "2he Marks of Christ". The vice-mes!~ dent, Miss Miriam Coleman presld, -4 3-- ALA --_-----, - -- (Shana was in charge ofthe elec- . Lion ot when winch resulted I Mounts: Hon. president. In. E Y. Coleman; president, In. HM glam; vice-Mal. In Rudd _ "7V __ --_.._ ....... The Red Cross sewin mean g was held at the home 01hr; I A. Potts on Wednesday when another quilt was quilted. sum ot $301.04 was mad during the year and that a 00m amount of clown. and he“; was made for relief purposes. hit and vegetables were also donated to the St. Thomas Mission. During the afternoon the membery tied t comforter and made a crib quilt. m . n44 n_A4, H _ - unn- IIu-elman; sewin commit- tee., Mrs “Waterman in o. T, mad the aeiisitGiieaGis7iiiiréG "ertyteed _by yrs._o. Be%Min A. W. Eterdee; mum. In Ar. §hur__|luaggh_rg_an; sewing commit- ttPt" FGuktiKéGrtsriGiirTe In 'll.' lei-uh on Wad-.- daynnamoon, WWI.“ mtur! ahqrtty..uttttrd-ott- thtAaytynl_-tiratatttr- 9113.6. Wyn“. We Join with all Cundluu In giving thanks to " our 'itthtintt' men who have once again made us all proud to be. Winn. WATERLOO, ONT. 'IMOP Noer, D m I OIICIIOLD Twin City Laundry ,,m__V_._, “aw-"u; rnme Minister Churehiu's format declar- ation of sun-under over the radio on Tuesday morning, the village church bells and the creamety whistle helped to announce the joyous news to local citimm v,-V,_._â€". --.._...o.q. ~11“!le held its service on 2'grhr an? lwilh the ' Rev. one. . Baer JllallN, the theme, “The Need he?! the Wotld-ThPe-ceus. he spe- emphasized at ts is a day of joy. Chainsaw“, retteetion and action. A praise and testimony service was also held. Gordon Shani: was chorister for the meet- mg. prayer was tieid it itieGriauarii of_tlte mice. "MIN the levies. At $65! Church. Rev. H. P. Schade on Palm 40.S, “is naked: Inn to - unto the e 18 the earth; be tteeUotts the bow andcutteththe-peuin sunder.he ourneth the chariot in the In." Hymns of praise werle mmby the congregation and vo un pray- er: were Mend. Rev. E Ginger'tch chose an the theme of his e "Deliverance and 'lillu'ed'2Teiie on Psalm Mt? at the United Brethren Church The Netherlands hymn of than†giving. "We Gather' Together" we- suutby the choir A: well u an an- Item . entitled, "A New Day etr/t,.sie9.atsropets_toani-iGJ-- iriF,TtlLhirlt'll'rl'lat'e"lL'lrt. 1gratg'tg,rgPEyriir,'?,iiii -terqebte yum: were nun: ---. ___-__... w... hm.“ - _i'iyR'2is'atitekriit!ci,t 9ttr,e_iaiEouiiiaTri'i'; 9‘9.“ “.900." yaypedietey ,. f.t.ttioyrms 7 Prime Pt _iiftiitiGun “imagine Church mun-u..- Id on he)! "ab- Cleaners and "very over the radio Rev, S. C. Moore of Toronto, a lg. the village tepresentative of the Ontario Tem- the creametylperartce Federation addressed the announce the ‘congregations of the Bethel Marc. local citizens. lChurch on Sunday morning and of we might live, The people of New Dundee are not unmindful of the fact that they have lost two of their sons in the struggle tor freedom. namely: Warrant Oftieer Rune] Yyt.z..trerry, R.CA,F. and Pte Bum kle Toma'n' Mingled with the ioy and glad- ness which the day ot victory brim theeeisalroGdn-atttre thought ot those who will not re- turn at some future day-those va- liant boys who teye their lives that Homes and places of business were ‘nlready decorated with has on Monday in time for Tuesday's otti, cial holiday The Union Jack new proudly from the town flag pole which had been freshl painted awaiting the big day, Mimi)“: of the New Dundee MS. Band gath- cred at the village square at l.30 pm, where they boarded a decor- .ted Creamery truck and wedded their way through the stints en route to seven surrounding title. towns and villages where they also presented short musical programs. BEE}! v ...r r “nun-“nu II W-vn . um Baptist Church m the -u. 'During his stay in the village In. iMoon' was the guest of Rev. and ‘Mrs. Herbert Shanta. l Mrs. M, H. Shanta and Gaul-n Shunt, spent the week-end " Clarence Centre. NY. "ION E was.“ alone