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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 May 1945, p. 10

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Thanksgiving Service. A ' n Jt', n) m "tltr tor thr possu- nun n! 11itr" itrttcitu'y In F.uropc was :1. In "I Km (‘rmsmam Mvnnumlc Cluotrh an Tursdriy morning at 1030 I:(‘lu(k “hr" the MBC Ll‘I-llp nmhwi mm thr, t' M group Lin-up umhwi with thr, C M 'troup m " (‘nmmumty thankcwvirtg ser- x'u-r Mr Hum-m Eur 1od tho sing- mg m " group of hymns of thanks .59r und Wlr. NIH. at (in ”.1er Drug: Slurr. 408 Kuus SUI-r! East. Kltrht'n- r. Plum:- 2%”? Mtee: M William St - Waterloo Phone I I”? Phone b4488 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT SUTHEiIIANIJ - SCHULTZ Kitchener - Guelph J. C. LEHMAN N BOOKBINDER " Queen St. N. - Phone “-0042 Kitchener Rehinding Books, Btldes. Hymn and Praycrhm-ln a specidty. T H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis , K. H. Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) l . - yLFine St. East 1 Goods calted for and dehvered Tnitialing Club lugs. Suitcases Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books thlty_tttifutll. Advertisements Friday. in! ll, PROFESSIONAL CARDS l BOOKBINDINC ' W Arnwo CHRONICLE v workman-mo Own-Mn. Buddy CI P',",,".",",','.,':,',',".',":":,','., Dan-"N,”Mn‘S,“ . "on but. Monitor but“ - a. - Magnum has... and................................ "oatmeal-mm". 'h-............................... "it" s_At.er'rrttitoTtt. ----- _Nblgien Soon" ”any, ELECTRIC MOT1tt,'y' ELECTRIC H BROCK. DAVIS & DUNN DRUGCIS’I‘Q BRESLAU CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTOR ICNO'S mu'n‘ SALT w................-.,...... 'G'"Gii"GGi,G'ai' Prie " VOIUODCIIIO Repaurs Re-winding New and tho-e' HM: S Il F Kitchener) l Pollowirut the radio rcpnrls on Mnndny forpnnnn of the uncondi- anal surrrnder of CormanyV Rev. {Oscar Burkhnhivr was invited to ' heal school to give a short talk 'to thc hay; and girls and otrrred " 'pmyr‘r of thanksgiving Harold Mader, who ty, In tho na- 'r, s2 1" home for a furlough ' Cpl Burkhuldrr of the Veterans' Guard al prvsont m tho Gravorr hursl dlstrhl was horiw nE‘Fihe woekmnd Thc funeral of James Killer was hum from thr, Ratz-Bcchtvl Funer- al Home. Kitchener nn Tuesday afternoon Rev V, K, Snyder of the M BC Church was in charge of the service [Moment was made In Inn Breslau cemetery ad- Joining the Crrssman Mennonite Church, The Joy hand of the C M. Church met for thvir May mating at lhv hump of Mrs, Hvrb Burkhart m Bridgeport on Tuesday evening. TYPFN. lil'l‘l‘IXS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Add)": Macy-mm Piling Cabinets. Desks. Safes an Ontario Offiee Outtitters Ltd. 58 queen St S - Phone “-6484 Kitchener l IF YOU want to get married. write I Box 358. Juliaetta, Idaho. Send stamp. 1-tt. Wham-r BUYING or SELLING a FARM _ Call the Local ttepreseroeive A RE YOU , FULL Y PROTECTED ? l rue " you need More Insurance . . . THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HESSENAUR & SHAN'I'Z A. K. CRESSMAN & SON Phum' 6-6455 - 24 Hum-n N TYPFN R ITI’ R u REAL ESTATE Situate in Peel Township. abcut 7 miles north of Elmira. Farm in excellent state of cultivation, two never failing wells, large barn with straw shed. stables 60 head cattle. extra hay barn. large im- plement shed. 8 rimmed white brick house, Hydro throughout buildings with motor for chopping, Your chance to get a good farm. Real Estate and Insurance INSURANCE AGENCIES Gnu-West Life A... Co. BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS cosy MORE TO REPLACE PERSONAL 150 ACRES IOP. King St. South WATERLOO INSURANCE KITCHEN EH Nu. In. Ila»? Limited OI Gi, Ct. Within Thur Jars "rter the [In tine up "r the r" g u-nunn-uulu-n u nruviulo-d Ill Section 13. any vrnon the hart my or the "mid pullinl “mam“...- nm in the cleric-r "ng. llrupl'r rink of Ilu- [ha-inn: 0mm" unpainted lur the p: l"Y" there huu her" inrtuded in the pulling subdivin was "mun-rum“. we 7mm: pr name»: of penmu who ghoul. ner- l "rrrh mum-I'm shall be var-areal u'rorllin. to Form " adav 'v-r romnllihinl Ind dull be nrrmnplnird by an and-wit Jt nu-l the ulna- .hnll tte Med with surly Clerk of the pro r o lh-n the in” day "would for the Sittinr! of the Rem "ge m...“ u: roan 26 and 27 MAY m: ownmm) up tes mvrrkmm; "Fr'rCF.R OR TO THF. rum: or Tin-1 DATED at Kitehener, Ontario, this 26th day of April. 1945. "my l'nploN "r FORM 26 ami 27 MAY HF. ONTAINEI) UPON APPLH‘ATNIN RITTI'RNING "Fr'rCF.R OR TO THE (‘I‘ERK OF Till-1 Il'NlCIFAlJTV. Ni Am Person rustle-u in my polling diviaiun iortudrd in the rettistrtatio whmv mum- hm um been inrlmI-d m hm been infnrrpl-Q)u mama“: A., an- - Clerk to Revising otticcr. MARGUERITE E, 3 FOR THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN CITIES AND SEPARATED )TOWNS WITH A POPULATION or 10,000 OR OVER. AND IN y'I‘OWNSHIPS BORDERING ON CITIES HAVING A POPULATION 0F 100,000 OR OVER. NOTICE or SITTING-S of the Revising one": in j the Electoral District of NORTH WATERLOO Rvpistr.ution and Revising Officer, JUDGE SIT’I‘INGS will he hcld for REGISTRATION and REVISION VOTERS LISTS for all POLLING SUBDIVISIONS of the Wednesday. May 16th. 1945, W Thumday, May rm. 194.3, Friday, May tttth, 1945 and Friday, May 250.. Mus! From 3 RM. to s EM. and from , RM. to 9 EM. each day. _ l The Lists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the' Municipality between the hours of Ten in the forenoon and Pour irt, the afternoon on and after Tuesday the lst day of May, 1945. AND; at the various Polling Places in the Polling subdivisions of the City of; Kitchener. as they appear in the Proclamation of the Returning Officer, between the hours of Ten in the forenoon, and Four in the afternoon on any of the days above mentioned following the publication of that Proclamation. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that !sittings will be held by the Revising Otticers at the time and places set forth in the schedule. herein- after set out. Any person qualified to vote at the pending election to the Legislative Assembly and whose name has been omitted from, or in- correctly entered in, the enumerators‘ list of voters is called upon to attend at the times and places hereunder mentioned for the purpose of having their name enrolled upon the Voters' Lists to be used at the said election. Complaints which have been properly flied with reference to names wrongfully entered upon the enumerators' lists will he heard at these sittings. VOTERS LISTS for this Electoral District will be open for public inspection at the onice of the Returning Ollieer located at ROOM 4, BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING. KITCHENER. between the hours of Ten and Twelve in the forenoon, and Two and Four in the after, noon of any judicial day between the Ist and 26th of May, 1945. both days inclusive. The news ot the total Hui sur- render was heartily welcomed by residents of this vicinity. To ex- press the joy of the ending of the grim and terrible cortirtet, and to show the gratitude and joy for the (long-awaited V-E Day, a pan? ot (automobiles led by Pte. J. C. en- nedy, who is now home on embar, Gil'a leave and furlough. passed Public notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 81 of The Voters' Lists Act of the revision of the Voters' Lists for all polling subdivisions for the City of Kitchener, in the said Electoral District. Voters' Lists Act Waco-no View Rm Sand: visuals at the lane at Mr. and M. Leo Diebolt were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dicbolt. Mr. Etnil :Diebolt. Miss swan. Diebolt of 'Kitchener; Mr. and In. Hal-hon Runstedler of Linwood; Miss Mar, tha Diebolt and Mr. Dave Diehoit, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kieswetter and family. Mrs. Edwin H. Arnold and daughter Miss Jean Arnold of Kit-, chener spent a week at the home' of Martin Kieswetter. _ .. . - - ___ - all a! {Pan and son 'u-" a 1titrtiiryltrlllt', 'IU' 'uattit, iMr and Emmy-(“and of t'd'fgigLt but: - it. Mb. 1tyhtr,p/,tie “finfigmmumm Mr. an rs - H ht with II I Ckgirr, Mr, “I‘m" has“; mum-1M. tulandJeanolw;hmwm~ - cobi. Mr. and “mm. oct-tto-tth-tattic-aus, sl',,r,,h"JH2yy,TetAtrteueli?,' tun-mam It andMn.HarryBuh.lr,nd-n.wwmy Pt " Emil Schneideg' and all can ad Linwood. The -Hirte t I. Arthur and IQMSODMBIIOI on M hi ta the “II”- . ft,retiteiueirs Betty Roth and Chad: in Lin-nod Mr. at: In een et %'i_____, __'.. rw . -. _.-. u... “a. - . -.. ue Forster. Allie a“ and Edgar Berg ot Kim; Ith- lls Wepgler. l_t. lg terr, h tgre'tM"tu'ttaTrhhr.t. mocha-autism - earE'ttttrneft?iet-- NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF VOTERS’ LISTS I: In. ' In“, Ian-Id- Guam” THE COURT HOUSE (M “at HESSON . ITY OF KITCHENER " umllvuu: ~hn|l nigh In upphrnlium Farm 29. in IIth I" the hr thr aid form dull he orMrieotty tttted in either by the m bs u Irvlvinn "mu-r I. the "mum-nu rum-MI. and heh-rr‘ , Inu- an?! my..." in the lest nr voters w hum-r rorrn-tinl writ} " ummiw. the Rrviwin. "Rtrer "tas" untidy hunt" "In tho _ the .No-ri or the dalpmvnu in nu- nppIIr-lion and that he h mum umludod in the liq or trw th' the "It "r'rreedrd Inn-nun! val watsnnog SCHEDULE , “Mt". the 1t-Qmonl- and. by “no lvplirnnl [ Ipp'iumt i, eettitted to have his _ inrludod led u rrsturid, he ”all ndviu the IWWIIIQ the rn~rm~ tor "ttrtt rrtonl. whit-h reg-tun- he NOTE PART " aimed lur the poll“;- ai,iirvTiia. I canal-int} pulling subdivision list " rompilod by the; "oo" who should not be on”!!! thrreUs. Ind! G.- ., “7A,, -.. . . .. _ ONTARIO u up " the pulling ohdiviqito, "i by "It- nny pun». um".- nun; harm hum "nerd on ' in my dermal didritl. may lilo with the 4-.-. . - A .._ _ u A . at E, W, CLEMENT Chairman of the Election Board l Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lineman Spent. Sunday with Mr. and In. Birmingham of Cmnhill. Among the guests of Sunday visitors with Mr. and In Jan. A. Kennedy were: Mr. and In John Dietrich and son Joe of Carthage, Mr. and Mes. Arthur Kiting? and son John of Maryhill, Mr. In. Cecil Kennedy and daughter Mary Ann of St. Agatha, Pte. J. C. Ken- or Tormito. 1dr.-dirii Time of Minbank. Miss Margaret “out of Waterloo. Mr. Clayton Stemmler has re- Lumed to Toronto alter a tew days ere. Mr. te, h',tdl,gt Stemmier spent Sun ay at ingham. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Linmn Mr. and Mrs. In A. Kennedy and me. J. C. Rating“. by days with friends a runny. in Winsdor and Detroit Mr. Patrick Doherty w: Mon- day, my: [fiends on the“ " Net. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr: Alex loser was: Mr. and In Waiter Allison and non Bill of 'Peyitao. Ilr._gnd yr; Ted {our gum jhiGuiclfaUi'rar its: page: um; EiGirar, ariiraa"l Indus-ch. new“. 't,TiPgLtrtntMtUau mm Ott-ttoi-tattire-ar" '.9 a». "was: o!!!- nun “and: gill-5&1..- a ‘d'dud-u’ "'T-m-IT. anirir. 1?.1itiyii',i/i!ytltg'?iiid'ii, . a. and -- d 'ifreuitt.it.tertty.etntuiiiiii' ‘mm " mud "tntl wt out the tenant ulna-m at the "napkin-M. Form 27. the Drobrr Rrvhinr (Mirn- ttot Inter the Ravi-in. (Hm-or. l tft'"" with ”numb-VII. ; '1; iiie up.“ a; the g... 1.. E, W. CLEMENT. Court House, Kitchener i KRUEGER. Court Housv. Kitchener rettistrstio,t diutrirt, To TH K of the t canon "ttat --.-u . u-‘nnuull 'c".'".."'"',"-", """ toe '" brcpareli for these municipalities in the your 1944 _ - W. ..._ mm mm“- uu " COLUMN HEREOF. OPPOSITE HIS "idi'i'r'chr/rr"v' Dated this 21.qt any of April, IMS AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to compla of any person entitled to be entered on the an! list has been omitted from of any persons who are not entitled to he voters have been entered there appeal to have his name or the name of nnv other mmn order-d m A. , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must he by notice m wrinn%m the prrscnbed form. “Fwd by thr mmplaimml In duplicate and given to the CLERK OF THE RE [SING OFFICER or left or him ttt hrs address as Mated above: ON OR BEFORE THE DATE SET IN THE THIRD Fn' "nu ”FEE“? nhmoimn 1"" I...‘..._ K .- ----- Mr. V eGri2- Kocher. Misses Georgina and Blanche Kochet of Kitchener spent the holiday at TOWN OF ELMIRA Med}: of Camp Borden, Mr. Innis ‘Kennedy of Breslau, Mr. Gerry Kennedy of Millbank. Mr. Srives ter Kraemer of Dorking, Mr. Don, Koebel of Linwood, Miss Ruler Kennedy and Miss Lydia Kuchski and Mr. Grant MacPherson of Kit- chener. Mr. Jos. Hanley, Mr. Russel 0913) of Linwood. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons are hereby called upon lo nvammr 1hr Voters' Lists and see that their names are correctly entered therein. TOWN OF WATERLOO the TOWNSHIP OF WATERLOO col-hm in the Electoral District of North Waterloo TOWNSHIP or WELLESLBY BM gm Part oi TOWNSIIIP ov WOOLWICII Municipal", In Cate-n TAKE NOTICE that Sittings of the REVISING OFFICERS for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the election of a Member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral District of NORTH WATERLOO will be held at the limes and places set forth in the Schedule hereinafter set out. Voters' Lists Act 270 ANr?ruy'HER TNtNOTTE that the list to Notice of Sittings of Revising (lifter Tread-y. May 8th Friday, my. 'N In: May qth ' EM. h 5 .M. , RM. to 9 EM. Sammy. May [an May ttth Monday, 'N Mth 3 PM. to s .M. T P.M. to ' P.M. Wednesday, May 23rd ' PM. to ' EM. T RM. " ' EM. Friday. Max "th, ”my. Yom, nan May 23rd t RM. to 5 Ell. ' RM. to 9 P.M. "magi. D-Ie ' "can " Sitting- Tuesday, my “I: Tuesday. May 22ml 3 RM. to 5 P.M. 7 RM. to 9 EH. Wednesday. _Myr Ith 2nd Cola-l no on me and III! has been omitted trim, the samr. or that (h "GG.), Nod to he voters have been entered thervon. may apply, romplatn or name of any other person entered on. or removed from the list, Mrk iGioid 35:15.; End Zim- dren spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mr. Leo -dadot of Waterloo spent V-E holiday with friends here, also Lomie Kocher of Kitch- ener. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Milne: spent Monday with friends at Kitchener. Mr. John Schiebel has purchased the property which formerly be- longed te, J. I. 83516 at Ewan. their home here. SCHEDULE May ith voter who desires to complain that hi: namr m- tho name II:-AL,,-. u, .A - Prldty. Township Hall William Clark. May 6th CROSSIIILL Revising mum. Imam. Ont. John Hell-bunch. Clerk. Linwood. ont. Friday. Township Hall May “II CONESTOGA Bed Cola-n Last In, In Flue cl Bettis... Fam. “NI ONTMOO The be so revised is Parts I and trr of the Trotcrs' List v like In“ wn'mmo autumn: “I! Cola-I our. THE DATE SET m mi. -iifiriii E W, CLEMENT. Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Waterloo Mrs. Joe drart"TUending some time at Toronto under the doctofs care. Mrs. Fred Dietrich. Mr. Fred Dietrich and Joe mn- ley attended the council meeting at Cry-sshil} on__Mo_n§ay. U BE A BLOOD DONOR -HELP SAVE A LIP! Judge E. W. Clement, Revising OMeer, Kitchener. mu. L. E. O'Neill. Clerk, Elmira. Ont. "feet W: flown-II. Revising one". Kitchener. Ont. R. G. Given. Clerk. Waterloo, Ont. G, Melt. "when". Revising one". Kitchener. Ont. P. A. Snider. Clerk. KR. 3. Kitchener Judge F.. W. Clement. Revising one". Kiteherter, Ont. Null Stroll. Clerk. Ill. 2. Waterloo sch cue-u. lelei-t OttVer and in cu"

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