59c and 98c sizes, an Geiger“: Drug Store, 408 King Street East. Kitchener. Phone 2-2127 GOVERNMENT Approved chick bargains for this week and next. Barred Rocks. New Hampshires. Black Australonw, New Hamp- shire x Barred Rocks non-sexed 10.95. pullets WS5, cockerols turs. White Leghorns non-sexnd 9.95. pallets 20.95, coNrerels 95c Assorted Heavy Breeds non- sexed 9.95. pullels 15,95. cockcrcls 6.95. Assorted medium cockorols 1.75. 2 week old add 6c per thick to above prices. Shipped COD. This advertisement must accom- pany your order. Top Notch Chickenâ€. Guelph. Ont. 6-FT. BINDER, 541. mower, disc, 13-tooth cultivator, 10%-inch grinder, two-furrow gang Flow Massey-Harris Shop. Water 00; NEW STOCK MCCORMICK- Dcertng tractor and implement parts; new and used cream sepa- rators, hand or electric, any size; one 13-sprintt tooth cultivator dearly new; power attachments; repair work done. International Shop, rear 40 Benton, Kitchener. Phone 2-1021 ~13 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 0...: " Wilhlm St. - Waterto, Phone 2-1357 Phone 2-4488 i PROFESSIONAL CARDS BROCK. DAVIS & DUNN T H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis K H Dunn J. C. LEHMANN lOOKBlNDER _ " Quota St. N. - Phone ti and Kitchener Rehinding Books. not... Hymn and Prayertrooio I sped-Ry. high)!†c, a. tyassifud Advertisements sumizLANn - SCHULTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees m Bankruptcy; _ A 39 King St East, Add mure books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books Initialing Club Bans. Suitcases Good. called for and dehveud wuuuoo cuuomcw INSURANCE BOOKBINDING V - V _II not. no 1...».- - W. - u - " “we. .0. “If... k can " he (bum-ch " - an: ELECTRICAL I - g. It“; Ono-nu A. cos- n- In. h: on) I. _ ELECTRIC MOTORS "i.o.hei8e'arreorta'ttetibres.t, CI Humanism “www.mvs,“ um km W M M " "w...†DRUGGIS’I‘S “UTIUCTIONI '0. BINUINL ADVIITIC‘IKNTS it.“ than .510 odetrrs. In. "vertigo-o II In: CHICK BARGAINS FOR SALE CHIROPRACTIC aau. " JGG Sumo-w Ono-ub- R. G. FRY momc'ron ENO'S FRUIT SA LT no Caros - " - but. .09 In "on It... In! an In in" "nun-My "o.....--........... .....uaAnt'.t,....'....-.... pH.†at nan “do 0! â€wt bow LVi-eou"" you BOE ADD-“l3 can “co-uh. - 4.0me! " 51;; = [ ARE You Rae-wind!“ New and SALE Katha)†17.8 -- THE WATERU90 MUTUAL b FIRE INSURANCE ; COMPANY TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Inching; mm; Cabinets. Dub. Sula. at. Ontario Ottiee Outftttem Ltd. " Queen St, S. - M m Mrs. Amos CCresaman, Irvin, Lester and Vera of [lamina spent Sands: wth Mr. and m mam-s S Rot A fire, believed to have started from embers of the hearth, burned a hole in the-roof of the farm house owned by Nick B. Roth. Mr. Edwin Roth, who was Insults by, new the smoked. an immedutelr lent m the alarm. A bucket Me was formed which soon had the are under control. Miss Olive Pat! and Mr. and In Jacob Snider, Myrtle Ind Eva und Mr Nathan Rata of near Baden opt-m Sunday with Mr. and In A. Ott? and faggily._ - - - - Mr, and Mrs Warren Bean, Ruth and Hilda of near New Dundee. Mrs, Gladys Cressman, Mary, Ruth and David of New Hamburg and Misses Ruth and Elsie Cm '4g,',",itt"r?2eg at St. Mary's Hospi irl, Kitchener, gent Sunday with Rev and Mrs. unis Clea- Burhet BM. Chock; Flam“. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Junta- and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Swartzentruber of the 10th line. Whether BUYING or SILLING I FARM IF YOU want. to gel married. write Box 35tt Juliaetta, Idaho Send ‘lalllp I-tf. tt you need "on Insurance . . GmbWut [ASIA-0.0; Fin - Automobile - M FULLY PROTECTED t A. K. CRESSMAN & SON HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Limited Phone 6-0455 - " Queen N KITCHENEB Call the Local Remurudive TYPEWRITERS INSURANCE AGING!†REAL ESTATE Sutuate m Peel Township, abrut T miles north of Elmira. Farm in excellent plate of cultivation. two never tailing wells. large barn with straw shed. stables 60 head cattle. extra hay barn. large im- plement shed. 8 roamed white btucik house, Hydro throughout buildings with motor for chopping. Your chance to get a good farm. Hval Estate and Insurance 102 King St. South WATERLOO EAST ZORRA BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE tcitri"iuu"du%iaaai "_"'" aa-dar, PERSONAL I}; up: Agni: Edy-1h l50 ACRES "tumour-m â€a. all tHad DATED at Kitchener. Ontario. thie aw. day of April, [0.6. . W. CtaMENT Chan-nun of an Ituetittet loud. " II I.) “a who gill-- to be entitled to Dav. ttin nun. lulu“ In It. an d voun or to -. tbe an." '.ttll'a to him Worth contend. h Inn-bk mun-ll; to - the rut-m6... and "via Hula... by "no" of nigh-on. duabmtr. or my. Cum". nuvoldnblo. “a hon M. “none. from the III-khan, In USA the nt.%'tt an. 0- Inch“ than . rel-Ute at such Mio- by btood or In“... or In tumor. In. I! to In . uullrlom lam-ltd" ot a. led- out but." the Iovl-hu tr II‘ col-um. tho unlkuhn, Form in, to have web per-en'- n-no Incl-I“ In “a tin of "Hm. or to h-vo the Mn rorneud, II "a .... may ho " " the "In!" br bbtod or hurl-go. M the vmplnyn m "pa-arm. nthIa-lhioa F-- 1.) the "In for the non-umrnnn " the mum imam-Manly mum-m“ to I. n W In for“: (I) the -- " a roUttotohip " Mood or mini-[o or the rrut$orotrh, M - - um; and 'SPP IO. M ht II Mn It any tte 4trtnir,r4 from gin Ron-mg one" or In. _v - e 7.‘~.V._“-_ ._‘ 0.“- m u" nun-mm“ "I III! Input-"on IN! "All he It out“)!!! to havr his nun. included In the lint or In in" the "It runs-ted Dunn-m to Me _ " 'hnuvvr the I‘ll'llll' ot the "when"! " not undrr-mml by the Revivalnl one", ul interpreter - be nworn um! may I"; in the â€mm a! mum!!!)- to wrun- nn inter- m. the nubile-M hill". tor the time being. be rel-nod. mo. tr." - to the led-in. one" can the some“: "nrterntV the elect or the llama-tn! I. the name-“on. Form 19. tad an tho â€guano. HIMQ Ihnld be Included In the “It. In thet no unaware"! more»! which he "am-h "srttr" to nude. Io mm em"! "cordially " “can. the «kl -tteatb"t. N. H. In tWe o.htton of the Ravi-h. one". the nun-nuns and. by the Input-m In his uplk-uo- do no! the: all the auntie-M h “and to have Mn nan: "tel-rad in the Mal. or no "re he tat Ina-dd II requested. he an." ulvho the mun-a. an ill mile-unv- I. Mud "atiq the nun-om for nun-h rem-at which rot-mu be In.†- on a. WWI "em. I11. nvuy "non no upplyln. “all liln Ill Input-Hon. Form 29. In which all tho Inlet-ulna rcqulrod by the uld form Ila-ll be mam-my and In. ulna" " a. gt"a"r.Tte', or by I Invinlng OfBerr It the Opplk'l'll'l roan-It. and Hon cumin. . $18tgg" of my met: baton 1n the tut of van" or More eon-tun. we. ttet, " It. can any "on“. th Howl-Inc one“ shall “cl-(y N..." that the tthe". and-numb tho ("at or the nun-um. in the qtp1teature, "a that he la " a-F---.,' ,,,,,4 ..t, _ _ 1.. thGGFiiGGGii" Clerk to AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings wilt be held try the Revising Oftteers at the time and places set forth in the schedule herein- after set out. Any person qualified to vote at the pending election to the Legislative Assembly and whose name has been omitted from, or in- correctly entered in, the enumerators' list of voters is called upon to attend at the times and places hereunder mentioned for the purpose of having their name euro led upon the Voters' Lists to be used at the said e eetion. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongfully entered upon tho enumerators' lists will be heard at these sittings. VOTERS LISTS for this Electoral District will be open for public ipar'g,' at the oftiee of the Returning one“ located at ROOM q, BA or MONTREAL BUILDING, KITCHENER, between the hours of Ten and Twelve in the forenoon. and Two and Four in the after- noon of any judicial day between tho tst and 26th of May. 1945. both days inclusive. The Lists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality between the hours of Ten in the torenoon and Four in the atternoon on and after Tuesday the tat day of May. 1945. AND at the various Polling Places in the Polling subdivisions of the City of Kitchener. as they appear in the Proclamation of the Returning Omcer. between the hours of Ten in the ton-noon. and Four in the afternoon on any of the days above mentioned following the publication of that â€Mn ..--a-. SITTINGS will be held for REGISTRATION and REVISION ot the VOTERS' LISTS for all POLLING SUBDIVISIONS of the Wednesday. my um. um. -. Thursday, May Wth, 1945 Friday, May 18th, 1945 and Friday. May 25th, 1945 From 3 P.lFto 5 EM. and tram 2 RM. to 9 EM. each day. Registration and Revising 0mm. JUDGE E. w. CLEMENT. Court House. Kitchener. Proclam' diiish G'. Voters' Lists Act FOR THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN CITIES AND SEPARATED mums WITH A POPULATION or 10.000 on OVER, AND IN; TOWNSHIPS BORDERING ON CITIES HAVING A POPULATION' or 100,000 on OVER. F Home: or swarms of the Devising one": in i the Electoral mum: of norm WATEILOO f Public notice is hereby given pursuant to Section Bl of The Voters' Lists Act of the revision of the Voters' Lists for all polling subdivisions for the City of Kitchener. in the said Electoral District. Mn. Evens was t recent visitor at Toronto and Mr. A, hens. her husband. returned to spend the week here. Recent visitors in Piattsviue were: Misses Clara Sines and Vel- ma Sangwin of Toronto at their re- specuve homes here; Mrs Lloyd Perry and sister Miss Phyllis Eng- lish of Brantford meat Sandal? EMS ttt.eiy pagans. . ad, Ills. . Blood Donors Clinic at Gait on M; were: Mia. Jeme' Demon, Earl “he. Bert Barnett, Jim an†and Hm (an: Remind of Canada Sand - am y and Mr. and Mrs John Huang]: Rem Warner, In A. Evens. Owen Showall. Jam Holstetter and Han {old Merarune. John Snyder is on the sick list Aii under the doctofs care. Hits friends with him a speedy recov- B. English iGiiiiG 'iait2'isiFii,ii. tvening with Mrs. . English Jr.. angina; Ktrneedr.at Bright. _ Inn-dub...“ let 'Ltr.mmTON “I†- II IA. HALL-AH - yam... NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF VOTERS’ LISTS PLA'I'I‘SVILLE I..." New" I... -» Jri. n a. fun "Dov-M to a. qu-llnnunn. name. “an" or mommy of no - I-n-dhhly -.. to hr u I015. he" an rank". to "mo Ibo III-O M M‘urm to P. Peee h: tV llâ€. or to may. the l" to Ye (mud, " in; sun on bd Set,eej'i 6TiiGGi'i,"irCG"LGi' G,GiCi"i77i tho m -qeBr can." Ind Impound in porn-n More II- Fred Ranauiis' 355:1: the Revising omen, MARGUERITE E, KRUEGER. THE COURT HOUSE ITY OF KITCHEN‘ER SCHEDULE PART IV ONYMIO [£881.00 _ After the opening hymn In. Chambers led in prayer and the scripture lesson was the Beatitudes read in unison. A busine- Period followed. Mrs. Thomson "ported Parsonage committee wet: pur- chasing a coal rinse and In eiee- trie ergngette. I",', the 'd'e'lflti'fi port on behal o committee that they had met with the board of the church and It was decided to instal a sink and water in the kitchen of the church. In. Don Currah and Mrs. E L Schnei- der. treasurer would be in charge of the Travelling Basket collections and also that the Ladies would take I.“ In .udiéii "if,“ W The Ladies' Aid Society at in United Uta-barb ot New bald their mon y meeting on 'ta-tttr afternoon in the Sun y School of the Church, Mrs. C. Harmer on My It Age where the yvirited Mr. and In (has Titling-u. C r. A. ttg,tN nut-d .- Saturday to Ninth y. In. In. drotsky and non: accompanied him to Kitchener when in not the weigh-gm! with gi.tive» View at the bone at Mr. and in. tJgtrt,Tdhlh2',".tri, inn-Wmâ€! with mum-um. ( 10.8mm In a vat-ad vuitoral'l‘u'onto. mac-awn.†surtrisi-ttheh-oeMr.aaatt MrsWm.Deetopytrhtmhstrtehpptd trg.tttptdett. : l a run. 2nr.tutipfatrltt which“. h my'klnbvmbcuh- tterattHtotte.ttmat-U-1is mg!“ Doug: “an.†Duh-o~ wary-db.“ we! place on Saturday It Vood- MrvandrIgChirH-uud Court House, Kitchener. charge of the Sunday School room Rev Kaiser announced the SS Mrs. Rex Harmer gavea piano solo. convention be held on May 22nd. Mm. Eldon Baer was the guestmuv. Kaiser closed with prayer. we! of the “moon. Her sub- ‘gLunch was served by Mrs. Elder, Ject yns "To Your Tents, Oh Mrs. Rex Harmer and Mrs. Jessie hrmel", using it as a challenge to'Pratt. the latter substituting for the people today as "Back to Your Miss Zoe Zinken . Fireside O' Christina". L Word was “waived hv mlnlimn AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires In romplam that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered an the said list has been Omitted from the same ur that the nuns of any persons who are not entitled to be voterg have bran onlorod thereon. mny apply, campl-ln or appeal to have his name or the name of any other pprsnn (mu-rod on or removed from Iho list AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such Appeals must hr hv nuhro m wrmn m the prescribed form. “fwd by the complainant m du hrate and guru to tho CLERK or THE 'llllVIG'G omen or left or him a! his addmss as ,4an above. ON OR mama]: THF nATr err m Tun mush 1'9!!!†or left for him at his addmss as stated above ON OR BEFORE THF, DATE SET IN THE THIRD COLUMN HEREOF. OPPOSITE ms MUNICfPALITY E W CLEMENT, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Waterloo mud Illa Old 14-. -0 A--ll In. h the am District at North Wat-Ila Dated thin 1M any ot April. I.“ TOWN OF WAN AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Inst N be so erm-d IS Parts t and Ill of the Voters' List prepared for the†municipalities in the your 1964 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons are herohv called upon to rmmnm- Iho Voters' Lists and no that their names are corrrctly watered therein gm 9.: rm cl TOWNS†" WOOLWIOI 32‘1"!!! or TAKE NOTICE that Sittings of the REVISING OFFICERS for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at tht clccuon of a Member pf the Assembly pending tor the Electoral District ot NORTH WATERLOO will bo held at the timvs and places tml forth in the Schedule hereinafter set out. "t Cat- Voters' Lists Act ,'ts'lkdfclerg lost-v bTai a '3'... Go Duns», tr, SPRUCE-UP SPECIALS OUR Low PRICES mam- ' us 550/11 I In - I 0.00 osom “on mono m " 010060 sous PRICED Accoaomcu Notice of Sittings of Revising Meer King and Water Streets Tyear, Jfar Ath. Monday. 'N Ill 3 P.M. (a ' I; , RM. to ' RM. Friday. May my. 27ttr Town [In]! Judge E. W. Cit-Dell. Saturday. May Mth Mtty " WATERLOO Revising 0M. Monday. May not Kitchener, Out. , PM. to g EM. n. G. Given. Clerk. 7 P.M. to ' PM. Waterloo. mu. Ma "" 3 'GI. to 5 P.M. , P.M. to 9 EM. Wednesdny. May 9th Wednesday. my an! 3 P.M. to ' PSE. , RM. to 9 EM. Wednesday, May 9th WM» Dale “J Hour " Shit-cu “may. May ttth Tuesday. my and 3 PM. to ' Pdtg. , EM. " ' III. " " " " " " "IE POI" Word was feceived by relatives $3.28 Whit. I - - I S C II E D U L E Trd Cola- qeb Col-.- “my lit, Friday, May tth Friday, May " Last day In Plus ot Dining. ruling - Friday. May tth ONT“! o . F. 6mm» mics aiTiiiaiii'i"i% . mu l \ l I aim The Inn ELMIIA Cottrt Hons: KWCM ENER Township Hall CONBSMA Townshai "all William Clark. (‘IIOSS ILL Revising one". Elmira. Ont. of Mr. and Mrs Frank Dceton. that their son. William, who raid- at Woodstock. had suffered a stoke. Mrs, cDetun and daughter I†visited the above over the week- end and although he had I“ somewhat, will be couitned to NI bed tor some weeks Kitchener Judge E. W. Ciel-cut. Revising Ollieâ€. Kitchener. Ont. -r., FNeitt. Clem. John "damn-II. Clerk. Linwood. Ont. Revising one". Kitchener. Ont. P. A. Snider, Cleft. RR, 3. Kltehe- [Milli-l on“: and III CM "I Column Judge E. W. Clement. Revising m. Kitchener. Ont. Noah Strata. cure. Rat, 2. Waterloo Elwin. mit. Waterloo. Ont. 12:17:71